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Graded [Sterlat Town] Storm's Dictation


Bringer of Change
Roleplay Availability
Welcome to this Isekai Hell, i ain't feeling too well so I'm going to do my whole spiel, instead join us on discord in the OOC link where the invite is at, thank you! Hope to see you there!


Stormbreaker would awake in the same chambers she would wake up in a couple days earlier. She was laying down in front of the same place she was previously hanging from, upon getting up her body would feel heavy, she felt a bit dizzy, her stomach churned and before she knew it, she vomited onto the floor in front of her. Tasting nastiness and almost nothing, she would be hungry now, she hadn't eaten in a couple of days at this point. It was doubtful there would be any food in the current torture chamber she was in, as it was a torture chamber, otherwise Stormbreaker would have to eat a dead body potentially. When Stormbreaker was able to garner her thoughts, she would realize she was still in the facility, while she would feel heavy but still somewhat rested. Looking upon the room there was some books on the table, papers scattered here and there. At the other side of the room, she would see a chained window that overlooked the prison block she was just in. Luckily for her, Stormbreaker, while in her stupor, had locked and barricaded the door, a large block of wood set on two steel openings on each side of the door, keeping her safe when she was unconscious.

She was safe for now but who know how long that would last. There was another minor quake that somewhat shook the facility, there was a faint and eerie roar somewhere deeper in the facility. There wasn't much she could really do; she could try to find the exit but was there any chance it was safe? Stormbreaker would find she no longer had the armor and weapon that she took from the guard she had defeated earlier. Luckily for her, she would find a spare guard's armor in the corner of the room along with a hooded robe like those strange men were wearing. Whatever Stormbreaker wanted to do was up to her.
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Stormbreaker woke up from her long sleep. Whatever happened she was confused about. Feeling like crap, she vomited, getting herself up. Her body felt heavy after all, like she had eaten something she disagreed with. She had glanced around the room, noticing some books. Getting up, she walked over to the table.

Something caught her eye as she did so. There was clothing near her. Sighing deeply as she noticed she didn't have clothing on, she walked over, putting the guards' armor on, she tore a bit of clothing off for the hood before wrapping it firmly around her arm that she had that cut on as a makeshift bandage. She then put the hooded robe on top of the armor she had on. Making sure she didn't have tail sticking out, by making sure it fit inside her pants to disguise herself fully.

Stormbreaker felt hungry. She felt that inside of her. She hadn't eaten in a while, but it looked like there was nothing nearby. Stormbreaker looked over as he noticed the books on the table as she went across and sat down on a nearby chair to read them. They may be useful for her to better understand.

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Stormbreaker as she sat down upon the desk, she would be in front of a window with bars in front of her that looked over the prison block she was just in, looking out she would see much blood on the floor, bodies littered the floor below, prisoners with their bodies split open, guards that had their heads torn from their bodies as they were stripped of everything they had on. There were a lot of dead down there, cell doors were blown open most likely by Dahak or they were ripped off their hinges. It was hard to tell up where Stormbreaker was at since she was so high up. The books in front of her were all in common and written neatly, while these humans were incredibly racist towards Draconic kind, their handwriting was very neat. Reading one passage she would see this, a passage from a few days ago:

We have managed to make a breakthrough it seems, The Emphut will be happy to know. Our discovery of draconic mutation has led to quite a few new paths we can branch out to. Our, unwilling, participant was forced to take on some blood from a prisoner that calls itself Lyvia. Her blood is one of a powerful being we have created, she used to have beautiful a face and skin. Of course, one of our own, who we have dispatched for her brashness and impulse, experimented on this Lyvia made her consume a vial of blackened blood that we had mixed between two other draconic subjects. Unfortunately for Lyvia, it would turn her face and fair skin into a monstrosity. Although this monstrosity was a new mutation thanks to the blood she was forced to digest. We could hear the screams during the night, the tears and ripping of flesh. It was a painful process. Screams. Emphut her own cellmate was scared by what they were witnessing.

The transformation seemed to have sent Lyvia in a frenzy as she then ended up tearing her own cellmate apart. Emphut the cell was covered... Although after this, the newly transformed Lyvia seemed to now feel apologetic for what she did, crying. Or maybe it was because of her newly transformed condition. Who can say, there was a shift of tone from her since then. Aggression, rage, amazing strength. One of our heavy guards got in too close and got his arm broken in one squeeze of the forearm. She was sedated and then had blood extracted from her. Lyvia's blood has amazing strength within it but at the cost of losing intelligence while increasing aggression. We do intend to send this blood to Emphut to see what he wants to do with it. Although there has been talks of potentially using this blood to inject into one of our recent catches. A large slumbering dragon that was excavated out of a shell of mud, we do not know yet if it is a true dragon. Although while we do not think this is a good idea at all, Nereva thinks otherwise. The mind on that one is obsessed with these dragons I think a bit too much. She may end up killing us all. Whoever gave her control of this facility should have their head separated from their body.

There was an undead that was picked up and some half-breed we ended up trapping. Although a recent discovery has been unveiled with that half breed. She is a full-blooded dragon! We managed to find one! Nereva is obsessed with this one, then with this discovery she ended up getting more and more talkative about her. I'm not sure what is going through her head, but we need a better Head here. She keeps on talking about mixing Lyvia's blood and Stormbreaker's. We still don't even know what's within Stormbreaker's. What a ridiculous name. Anyways besides that-

From there it would cut off with a blood splatter, like a head was splattered where it hit. There was dry brain bits and matter on the page, some skull pieces. As Stormbreaker looked through the books, they were just more and more records about other dragon prisoners inside the facility. There was a sudden jiggle of the door then talking outside, then the door was being slammed on. " Hey! Open up in there! Who barricaded the door! " A male's voice was yelling. When Stormbreaker looked under the table to in case hide, she would see the body of the scribe that was hitting the writing, his head was split open with his eyes removed. The front of his head broken. The window luckily for her looked loose to where she could jump down, there was bodies where she could land on. The door then had an axe begin to splinter through and break. Whatever she wanted to do was up to her.

Stormbreaker looked across at the window as she was going to read her book. It was interesting‌. A Lot of dead bodies, probably because of that undead causing trouble. Should have killed him and been done with it. I hate the undead. That's if you can kill undead.

She read the book slowly, getting more and more concerned as she did so. Draconic experiments. What the actual fuck is this bullshit? Why is it.... She looked in shock as she read onwards? What the actual fuck is this.... She continued reading it. Wait, hold on, was she a dragon or a human beforehand and she killed her cellmate as a result?

Stormbreaker thought to herself as she read the bit about the slumbering dragon.... that explains the roars she heard earlier. Those damn idiots. Did they wake up that dragon? They are going to so die...including me.

Stormbreaker seemed annoyed as she read the last paragraph. Her blood and my blood will be important...what if I take her blood for myself? What if I end up killing her instead? I'm stronger than her, clearly. What a ridiculous name?! Bloody idiots.

She looked through the other records, trying to find info about herself. I'll show the lot of them- was her thought process until somebody banging at the door interrupted her.

Oh lovely. Stormbreaker thought. She said nothing, but she went to grab the books and climb up to the window. Stormbreaker glanced around, noticing the dead body under the table, but made her way up to the window, breaking it and climbing down, hoping she wouldn't be noticed. She didn't want to fight a guard right now.

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As Stormbreaker made her escape, kicking the barred window out and jumping out of the window, she would land on a dead body of a guard, she would hear the crack and popping of bones from the corpse she just landed on top of. She then would hear the door above her break open along with the sound of soldiers yelling around. Ahead of her was only carnage, bodies of both the prisoners and guards all around her. Broken corpses. Blood everywhere. Detached limbs. Eyes staring into nothingness. Lifeless. This place was a tomb for the oppressed and the oppressors. Stormbreaker's only option was to take the way the prisoners did, at this point it was do or die. She would have no way to run this time. As she made her way through the prisoner block, she would see more and more corpses of humans with their bodies stripped of weapons and armor. She would see a prisoner leaning against the wall with a sword through his stomach, he was dying. Around him was about three guards, he looked up hearing Stormbreaker coming. " H-Hey! Help me... " They called weakly, holding a hand up towards her.

Ahead of her was a hallway that had the door blown open that lead to another hallway, there were more bodies, some were blown apart and others were cut down or ripped apart. The roaring occurred again along with the minor tremors. " Please... Help me. " The man called to Stormbreaker.
Stormbreaker went to look around as she jumped down onto the guard. It was gross. She noticed dead bodies near her, a sign of a struggle. It was terrifying. It reminded her of seeing so much dead bodies as the result of a villain attack. When she first saw them, she couldn't do anything but vomit. The fear of it all burned into her mind...then her memories of her father dying in that one "workplace accident" came back to her at that moment.

She walked down the hallways of the block, noticing the half-alive prisoner as she walked past. Stormbreaker looked sad from under her borrowed helmet as she noticed him. "I can't help you," Stormbreaker said truthfully to him. "I don't have magic that can heal you. I can't save you from this. Which direction did Lyvia go?" Stormbreaker paused. "I'm sorry. I can't save you, but the least I can do is grant you the mercy you need. I'm nothing more than a prisoner like you. May you rest easy in the afterlife." Stormbreaker apologised as she pulled the sword out of his stomach, not before stabbing him in the chest where his heart was to give him a quick death. Stormbreaker pulled the sword back out again, shaking the blood off and continuing on her path to find a way out.

Part of her felt upset and hurt inside to do that. To take another's life...never a simple task. Granting them mercy is always a better option. Never something she wanted to do. In her whole time as a hero, there were people she couldn't save. People died, no matter how much she tried to help them. Even some villains were far too gone before she had the chance to save them. This world was just as cruel, if not worse.

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Edit: Grammar, added colors + title.
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The injured man looked confused, " Lyvia? ugh, she went that way... " He pointed ahead to the hallway with a door that had been busted down, " They were talking of releasing a dragon that could save them. " The man hissed in pain holding his wound, despite the sword being lodged in his stomach. " That weird undead was talking like he knew of what they were talking about or up to here. " The man explained with a shake of his head. " He's a strange one. Be careful up ahead, there was a lot of fighting happening up there, along with a lot of yelling, roaring and those damn tremors that make this damn sword hurt more. " The prisoner complained, more blood was leaving his body as it seeped out of him like water out of a broken bucket, it was surprising that he was able to live this long with this type of injury.

When Stormbreaker attempted to take the sword out, the prisoner had a look of fear on his face and tried to hold the blade, but Stormbreaker was stronger, his voice full of fear and desperation. " Waitwaitwaitwait- Please don't- " But it was too late, Stormbreaker already had ripped the sword out of the body of the prisoner, his eyes were wide with shock as the life left his eyes and he slumped over quietly. Stormbreaker would hear more fighting ahead and yelling, not that far from where she was at, the hallway ahead was full of bodies and blood and weapons.

Stormbreaker nodded as she listened along to what the man was saying. It was very interesting. She sighed as she heard him talk about Dahak. Something was not right with that guy. She needed to find out what exactly. Stormbreaker said nothing, but nod along in silence. After he fells over from his injuries dead, Stormbreaker looked at the sword, shaking the blood off of it. She didn't want to do this, but she had no choice. This was the only way to survive.

Sighing, she passed the bodies, looking for anything that could be useful. Healing potions, including other weapons, including bows and arrows and knives as she continued forward. A backup weapon would be useful in this situation, as she needed it. She got closer to where the fighting was, opting to hide hopefully to avoid anybody seeing her. She hoped whoever that was fighting would just take care of the business and leave her alone.

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As Stormbreaker moved through the facility she would come to a very nicely decorated hallway, there was a few bodies that littered on the ground, recent kills. Making her way down the end of the hallway, she would see more and more bodies stack up. Eventually she would see prisoners fighting back against some guards, it was an even fight, there was an injured man sitting against the wall, holding their chest where they had a deep slash, " Oi... Lady... " The prisoner called a bit weakly, " Please help us. You look like you're one of us, we need to fight back. " The prisoner tried standing up but ended up falling back down against the wall. There was a couple of hallways that were connected to other hallways, there was more fighting happening in these hallways as well. Eventually, " Ah fuck... " The downed prisoner growled, " Hey, lady. We know where the exit is at, it's that way. " He pointed straight ahead, " Get that way and help us clear a way. I'm not sure where Lyvia and that undead are at. " He explained while ahead of her, the prisoners and guards were both looking tired, there was about four prisoners and four guards, each of the guards were sweating from wearing their armor. The Prisoners tired from not getting enough exercise, food and water. She could go any way she wanted but she would know the way to the exit.

Stormbreaker walked through the hallway, noticing the dead bodies on the ground. It was disgusting and gross to see so many dead bodies lying around yet, there was nothing she could do about it. She felt sick upon seeing it. Noticing there was a man calling for help, she listened, although said nothing to him. She only walked forward with the borrowed sword in hand, going to attack one guard from behind with the sword.

This might be a good idea, they'll may fight each other instead, she thought to herself.

Or...it might end up in me dying. Who knows?

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As Stormbreaker decided her hand in deception, she took the sword and made her way through the fighting, getting behind the guards but not without behind slashed in her back by one of the prisoners thinking her a guard, the slash went pretty deep, almost like she was struck with the sword rather than slashed, but the sword was sharp to rip through armor and flesh, she would feel hot liquid run down her back and her strength suddenly leave her, falling onto the ground before her. The prisoner was quickly executed by a guard before she was then helped up by one of the guards, " Come on! We have to contain this filth! " The guard had malice in his voice before turning to fend off one of the prisoners, the guard was quick in his movements. As Stormbreaker got back to her feet and turned to face the still fighting crowd, she would attack the guard that just helped her up, using her sword to stab through the guard's back and then through their chest. The guard let out a heavy breath dropping their sword as they quickly straightened up, falling onto their knees looking down at the sword in their chest then falling straight forward. All fighting ceased as they saw the scene of a guard betray another. The guards looked up at Stormbreaker with fear and anger in their eyes along with confusion. " What... Why... " One of them whispered before they growled then rushed at Stormbreaker, " YOU COWARD! " They roared, with their raised sword in the air, guard blood has been spilled this day.

The guard had their weapon raised then proceeded to chop down at Stormbreaker at her head. The other guard rushed Stormbreaker as well, looking to swipe at her side. The two prisoners looked at each then backed off and helped their fellow man up and began to move down one of the other hallways. Leaving Stormbreaker to deal with the two angry guards alone.
Abilities used at the end of the post in spoiler tag, in order of which one is used first.


Stormbreaker gritted her teeth as she stood over the dead guard that she has just killed. There was blood dripping down her back now, and she gritted her teeth throughout it all. It was painful, but nothing like the pain she felt like she was fighting for her life before she died. "Is that it? Shameful. You chose not to kill the spy that was going to betray you? The higher ups will be ashamed of your abilities." Stormbreaker growled as she spoke in a deeper voice to throw them off.

As they both attempted to attack her, Stormbreaker dodged to the side out of both of their attacks using [Draconic Speed]. Using that free moment to adjust herself out of the way, Stormbreaker then used another ability, [Hit and Run] to stab the guard closest to her in the neck, before pulling out her sword and running away at 24mph.

  • Draconic Speed | [Fast F] | F Grade | 0 Post Cooldown
    • Allows the user to dodge critical damage.
  • Hit and Run | [Fast E] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • Using her speed, Stormbreaker launches an attack towards her foe before running away at 24mph.

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Stormbreaker's attempt to goad the two remaining guards did not help with her situation, they had ignored her goading and were still trying to attack her with their rage, already goaded with her actions. Strormbreaker would dodge the first downward slash, but the side swipe would get her, although the sword didn't cut deep enough to penetrate the armor and skin, but she did feel it hit like a club that barely nicked her. Stormbreaker would regain her footing and be able to retaliate, she rushed forward at the closest recovering knight and struck at her target, her sword managed to strike one of the guards in their neck, slicing a artery causing them to drop their sword and stumble backwards in shock as they held their spurting throat. Falling the ground as they could only hold their neck while they lost massive amounts of blood. In this one attack, the second guard came in and thrusted Stormbreaker with their sword. She would feel her strength deplete as a sharp pain rang through her stomach, hot blood flowed from her stomach where she would see that the guard had managed to stab Stormbreaker through her abdomen. The guard laughed and grabbed the dragon by her shoulder and pulled the blade out, pushing her down onto the ground.

As she bled out on the ground, she would see the guard getting ready to lift their blade up into the air. Although a purple aura would envelope the guard as they cried out in pain, Stormbreaker would see strings of essence leaving the guard and move into Stormbreaker, the man would begin to decay as her wound began to heal before the guard crumbled into dust. Then behind where the guard stood there would be Dahak with his hand held out, his hand glowed purple as he let it down, the undead looked down at Stormbreaker, the skin and flesh on his chest fully removed now, leaving his rib cage and decayed insides to be seen. Stormbreaker would be able to move freely now, regaining her strength. Dahak walked forward towards the downed dragon letting out a chuckle. " So good to see you finally join the prison break. And I even got to save you. " The necromancer placed his hands behind his back. " Did the whelp finally decide to become a dragon and help her own kind? "

Stormbreaker's attempt to fully dodge backfired on her as she struck. As she landed the secondary attack, she was hit in the stomach, and grabbed, being pushed down on the ground. She was dying. She would die here too because of her stupidity. As she braced towards the fact she would end up dying, as she looked up on the guard, she noticed them acting weird and the purple aura enveloped them.

She seemed confused at the fact, not knowing what was going on, as she had their essence move towards her, confusing the poor dragon further. Her wounds healed even as she looked down at her stomach wound, noticing it healing. Stormbreaker looked up at the undead. Not like they could see her expression on her face through the helmet.

"...What the hell...?" she asked. "What did you do-" She glared at him deeply, sighing. Noticing how he looked slightly different. "Saving me, huh?" She paused for a second. She never enjoyed having to be saved. "...I hate that word. I hate it completely. Not that I enjoy being saved, it just annoys me to no extent. I'm the one usually doing the saving. After all, I was the one that was a hero."

Stormbreaker took a moment to get herself up off the ground. She exhaled. "I am only helping them to get out of here. I'm human, I'm not a dragon. I never will be." She seemed a bit annoyed at that statement. She looked up at Dahak at that moment. "That reminds me." She pulled out the book that had info about the experiments and walked towards him, handing it to him. "You may be interested in this. They're the ones that made that human turn into a dragon. That Lyvia person I mean. They were gonna use mine and that dragon halfbreed's blood to awaken that dragon. That could be why I'm hearing that noise. They keep talking about mixing my blood together with that halfbreed's though...I'm actually curious myself on what'd happen." Stormbreaker crossed her arms, not before putting her sword away. She then muttered under her breath. "Not to mention they made fun of my name..."

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Dahak stared down at the dragon as she came to realization as to what was happening, which amused the necromancer when she asked what had just happened. " I saved you, that's what. Of course, at the sacrifice of another. But not like you care about him; he had killed you if I hadn't stepped in. " Dahak chuckled until she explained that she hated that word, " Yet you did it for a living, right? Being a hero and all. " The undead necromancer asked with crossed arms, " Happens to the best of us. " His voice sounded like he was mocking her as he overlooked the dead guards that she had dispatched, " Fine corpses these are. They'll make a great disguise. " Dahak moved over to one of them, removing their helm he looked down at their face and saw how young they were. " This one is barely a man at all. " Dahak's hand moved over the face of the man as he stood up, turning to face Stormbreaker now disguised as one of the dead guards, the corpse's face had been ripped off exposing the flesh beneath, but Dahak had his face, body, an illusion it seemed. Although he stood before Stormbreaker naked, he began to take the dead man's armor and weapons, Dahak chuckled, " See something you like? " He flirted with a mischevious chuckle.

When Stormbreaker finally got up and Dahak dressed himself, she explained she wasn't a dragon, Dahak shook his head like she was stupid. But the next thing surprised Dahak as she gave a book to Dahak, he at first looked confused but read through it as Stormbreaker explained the experiments they were doing to people here. But his stolen face looked surprised as he read it over and listened to Stormbreaker. " Interesting... " Dahak stated quietly while he nodded his head smiling " I'm getting a couple ideas now. " Dahak gave the book back to the dragon, " And they are right about the name. " Dahak joked as he smirked at the dragon. " Now then, for my idea. Since I am disguised as a guard, I could take you straight to Nereva where we can take her down. I have a feeling she is the main reason this is happening. Or we can meet up with the other dragons that you oh so hate. " Dahak stated with an unamused look on his face.

Stormbreaker didn't look too impressed when Dahak said he had saved her at the cost of her another. More like sad every so slightly by her tone of voice. "...Killing to save another. That is one way to win, I suppose. If only I thought of that instead of holding back." She said, looking at him. "I did it because it was morally the right thing to do. Not everybody can defend themselves like I can. I'm not afraid of anybody, really. These cultists don't scare me. Unlikely they ever will."

Stormbreaker saw nothing about the corpses, as he looked at them and did something really weird. She then stared for a second as he was suddenly naked, her being flustered from underneath her helmet. "P-put some damn clothes on! Have some goddamn decency as well! It's not usual I see....a guy naked out of all things!" While he couldn't see her face, Stormbreaker spoke as she looked at him. She seemed surprised to see this. More like she was blushing under that helmet intensely. "Why is he so cute....?" she questioned herself as she looked at him.

Stormbreaker seemed too lost in thought after what had just happened, her losing focus for that brief second, which was unusual for the former Number 4 hero. Stormbreaker took the book back and then he commented about her name. "...It's not stupid. My name isn't stupid. Originally, it meant breaking the norms of society...but I doubt it means much anymore. I was the storm that was gonna do that...at least. That's what I believed when I picked the name. Not like I enjoy my real name as much." She sighed.

Stormbreaker listened as he spoke about the idea. "...What you gonna do? Capture me and take me to her? That seems like the logical way to do things? Catch her off guard that way. I don't want to kill people if possible, only exceptions were that guards there, they were doing their jobs after all. You could go up to her with these disguises instead. I don't really mind either way."

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Dahak's face

" Morality is a limit on yourself. A restriction. Nothing more. " Dahak sounded like he had more than enough times passed that line, his voice was different too, from that raspy and rough voice to a more young and serious sounding man. The necromancer's purple eyes were replaced with a silver look instead, as he was gathering his clothes and armor, he heard Stormbreaker sound flustered and stammer over her words. Dahak smirked a bit, an obvious one. " I guess you do see something you like. " His tone was playful and flirty as he would now slowly cover himself to tease the former hero, " Well I'm here if you want to see more, you only need to ask. " The Necromancer winked at her as he was finally fully dressed.

Dahak chuckled as Stormbreaker got defensive about her name, " I'm teasing. Don't be so serious sometimes. You need to let loose. Besides what is your real name? " Dahak asked, " There's dumber names out there than yours. " The necromancer looked ahead of where the prisoners went, " We should probably go back the way I came. Avoid the prisoners. Lyvia is leading them through the guards in a wild fight. We can get through the guards and try to confront Nereva while the dragons continue to fight their way through. " Dahak suggested,

"When you put it that way...I guess." Stormbreaker shrugged. "I wasn't allowed to kill people with the power I had. Against the laws. Despite them killing people to begin with." Stormbreaker sighed. She looked over at Dahak while she was flustered. Not really saying much about what was said before.

"...My name. It's Arashi Sato. I hate it. I don't like my real name anymore, after taking up my hero name...which is Stormbreaker. It's the name I prefer to be called anyway." She paused. "My real name is what I called my daughter, too. Poor kid. She's dead because of me."

If only things were different. Then maybe I could have changed everything. Maybe I'd be friends with you instead. Maybe, us three would have been enough to change things for the better. Maybe in some other timeline, we are talking and you gave me a second chance. Both of you did. I never meant for this to end up this way.

She said little to the other statement. "Let's go then. I just wanna beat this little shit and make her tell us everything she knows. I'd rather not come into contact with this dragon, of all things." Stormbreaker said, as she was walking off back in the direction she came from. "Don't just stand there. She might get away, then we're back to square one."

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Dahak smirked at the mention of her no killing rules, " Well there is no such rules, besides those that placed them who can't come to the grip of reality. " The disguised necromancer stated then quieted down listening to Stormbreaker explain a little bit more about herself and her name then about her own daughter was dead in which Dahak didn't say anything negative or laugh like he usually would have. He instead gently placed a hand on her upper back and gently patted her, " I'm sorry to hear that. " Dahak stated gently, he sounded sincere. " I never had a child, but I was taken from my own parents at around five years old. " Dahak gently placed a hand upon her shoulder before he released her and took a few steps forward, but Stormbreaker was already going, she sounded a lot more determined in which made the necromancer smile seeing that she was finally acting more like a dragon.

Dahak chuckled while he followed after Stormbreaker. " Yes, ma'am. " As the two ventured further and further into the prison, they come across both human corpses and prisoner corpses. One of the humans had their entire chest torn open with their insides pulled out on the ground before them, another prisoner's arms cut off before having a broken sword impaled through their chest. The scene was a gruesome one and it kept on going, more bodies, more blood, more gore. It was a literal hall of death everywhere. Moving further down the hall, the two would come into a large room where there was fighting going on, this room looked like a flaying station with prisoners that had very draconic features strapped to these steel-based bars with their arms and feet chained and spread eagle in the air, there was multiple like this with each of them chained and locked up, they were all still alive and were roaring, yelling at the prisoners to kill the guards and free them. Lyvia was there, she had snatched up two guards with her hands by their heads and lifted them up, crushing their heads like grapes before tossing their bodies behind her. The guards were terrified and a slaughter would follow.

More guards would be torn asunder by the large female. Dahak and Stormbreaker would see there wasn't many guards left, maybe only 15 and there were many more prisoners, most of them were trying to release the chained dragons.

"...No, they have a point. A hero shouldn't kill unless they feel threatened." Stormbreaker replied. "Reality may be like this, but have you ever thought why there are rules like that? Humans are a ruthless species. Granted everybody back where I was from, was human regardless of what they looked like. We were all equals. There was no race divide, only divide because of what your superpower was, nothing more. Some were born looking like me, some were born with heads shaped like skeletons, vice versa. You get my point. Not everybody was lucky. I was fortunate to have something so powerful, I could have ended an entire nation because of my power, but I used it to protect people."

I was a hero among the people, regardless of how I was viewed. I stopped criminals. Protected everybody. Regardless of who it was. Innocents...other heroes, even ended up recruiting a criminal.

"Thank you. I ended up ending my entire world because of my actions..." Actions that led me to end up here. What a fool aren't I? "You were taken from your parents? Why? What for?" Stormbreaker asked as she charged on.

She walked past the corpses, knowing she couldn't do anything to save them. Something she deeply regretted. She came into the next room, only to see Lyvia destroying the guards. Stormbreaker went to go grab Lyvia's arm and whisper. "Don't go after that dragon. They're using our blood in it. I don't know what it does, but I don't recommend it unless you want death. Me and Dahak are going over the big bad. Get out of here while you can with everybody else." Stormbreaker said, before turning her attention to Dahak and walking over further down the hallway to dodge the fight with the guards to find Nereva.

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Dahak didn't agree with Stormbreaker about killing others, if you had the power use it for any means necessary. No one else will, you may if you had the power to seize your desires. But he figured they were both from different worlds with different rules. He grew up normally in his last world but here, this was the world that taught him he could do what he wanted if he had the means, growing up as a slave to a death incarnate opened his eyes then to break out with knowledge of the afterlife just to be enslaved once more for hundreds of years. This was one of the only times he's had freedom, despite being enslaved once more in a prison.

But now was not the time to think about that, with the fight between both prisoners and guards, Lyvia was leading the charge, literally tearing people apart and disemboweling them on the spot. When Stormbreaker appeared, the dragon glared at her, " COWARD! " Lyvia grabbed Stormbreaker by her shoulder, cutting her off from finishing her sentence. The large half dragon breed threw Stormbreaker behind her at the wall but luckily for her Dahak was there to catch her. Catching the flying dragon in both his arms. He caught her and slid backwards, causing his boots to shorten with the amount of force she was thrown. Dahak stopped and set his partner down, " Maybe I should have mentioned she was sore when you left us all. " Dahak stated.

Lyvia turned to face Stormbreaker and Dahak with a angry face, " The coward and the traitor! " Lyvia growled with wide eyes full of rage, she was clenching her fists that caused her arms to tense up noticably, showing her muscle and how powerful she was. " You come back! After you abandoned us! Your family. After how many of us died, you come waddling in, acting as if nothing happened. More of us could have survived yet you hid away. " Lyvia's eye twitched, her anger was noticable now as she closed in on the two, she was about twenty five feet away. " And you! You betrayed us! Released us then allowed us to fight before you took off and tried to kill us by locking us out to the guards. " Lyvia stared at Dahak who didn't looked surprised. " Ah. You can see through my disguise. " Dahak sounded disappointed with a look of annoyance on his face. " I'm going to rip you two apart! Limb from limb! " Lyvia took a few steps forward as she roared at the two.

Stormbreaker only sighed when Lyvia grabbed her by the shoulder and threw her against the wall. She was lucky Dahak grabbed her and stopped her from crashing against the wall. Nobody could see her anger from under the helmet and hood. She couldn't let her anger consume her for good. Not like it had done to Lyvia. Anger was one thing. Letting it consume you was another. Stormbreaker got up from the throw she was just given after Dahak had placed her down gently.

"....My family? Lyvia. You can speak. You are human just like I am. Did you forget that their your family too? Regardless of that, you think getting revenge on me is a way of payback against them? Against the ones that made you into what you are? We're on the same damn side, are we not? Pick a goddamn side, Lyvia. You are with the Cult or against them. If you are with them, I will subdue you with force. Unlike you, I found out what the hell happened here! To you, and everybody else that has suffered! Your path will only kill us! You will only kill everybody you want to protect by going after that dragon! You think anybody wants to fight a being empowered with both of our blood?!"

Stormbreaker growled in anger. "Go ahead. Tear me apart. It won't help you, Lyvia. They will kill you, once you killed their most important asset. You either help me get out of here and attempt to cure you, cause there probably is a cure of some sort or end up on a warpath that will kill us all! I know you don't want to be like this! I know what those humans did and what those humans are going to do to our blood if we don't do something about it! Do you want to end up dead, Lyvia? Do you wanna end up enslaved again? Cause I sure as hell don't want to end up in a future I don't have control over and neither should you or anybody else for that goddamn matter!"

Nobody will perish if I can help it. I'll destroy everything that stands in our way to protect that future.

Stormbreaker said in a lower voice to Dahak. "If this goes south, can you subdue her at the very least? I want her to listen to reason for once. Please."Stormbreaker asked politely.

Skyhunter Skyhunter



" Shut it, little coward whelp! " Lyvia roared as she stepped forward with clenched fists, her were full of rage, one of the prisoners stepped forward with Lyvia smirking while holding one of the guard's swords, they spoke something out of term and Lyvia swung her arm to her side, her hand would slash through skin as blood spew out and a head fell to the ground, the prisoner's body dropped and Lyvia stepped forward while her hand dripped with prisoner blood.

" I will save us. You have no room to speak when you abandon us, and your traitorous friend traps us. " Lyvia snarled as she stepped forward a few more steps. " I am done talking. " Lyvia's hand extended out into a massive claw as she then got low and rushed at the two of them, the prisoners behind her began roaring and laughing. Dahak sighed and looked to Stormbreaker, his hand touching her back as he stepped forward with his hands out to his sides, purple energy coming off his hands, Lyvia rushed them down quickly to raise her hand about to bring it down on the Necromancer. Purple aura surrounded Lyvia as she was stopped in her place, Dahak laughed evilly as he lifted the half dragon up in the air.

" We choose the path we want, Stormbreaker. My path is the one that will save us. Talking will do us no good. " Dahak growled just as he pushed his hands out and caused the large dragon woman to fly to the other side of the room and slam into the wall, cracking it as she fell to the ground. Dahak had a smile on his face as the other prisoners all looked surprised but growled and charged forward, Dahak waved his hand in front of him just as a purple mist came out and the prisoners coming ran through the mist about to attack the necromancer but before they could raise their weapons, they would fall over and begin to cough and hack up blood. Before their skin would change and decay as they died, but soon they each would groan and begin to get up, eyes purple and full of death, lumbering towards the prisoners. A forced transformation into the undead as the prisoners began to defend themselves and even attack the large, chained prisoners, getting bit by the undead Dahak had forced. He smirked seeing his work.

Turning his head to Stormbreaker with a smile on his face, his eyes were glowing a faint purple as he observed her body then looked back up to her face. " Come on beautiful. Don't you have business to attend to? Unless you want to end Lyvia and take her blood. Kill her and be done with it. She will slow you down and try to stop us. As you said. she will only kill everyone she wants to protect. "

Dahak turned back to the rising dragon just as more of the prisoners turned to undead and their screams were finally subsided. Dahak had created his own undead army within less of a minute. " Make your choice, Stormbreaker. We have bigger things to do like surviving and escaping. " The necromancer commented having his back turned to her.

"You're a monster. You killed one of your own! And what for!" Stormbreaker growled from under her breath. That's brute strength alright. In the hands of a villain. One that can't be reasoned with.

She was ready to defend herself when Dahak went into action, as he surrounded purple energy around Lyvia and lifted her into the air. One extremely fast reaction that not even she could counter. If only she was faster and stronger... She seemed surprised by this as she thought.

Telekinesis quirk...? Or magic? One of the two, that's helpful in this situation against a charging foe. Good call, Dahak.

"How on earth did you do that? Holy fuck! " Stormbreaker exclaimed as she looked at Dahak. "Now, I'm fairly impressed by this..." She exclaimed as she watched Dahak do his work.

She just looked on in shock at what happened next, more freaked out than anything as she saw him create an army....made of the prisoner's corpses. Stormbreaker got up. "...Fine, I'll kill her. Just know I'm not happy about this. I hate all of this." Stormbreaker said as she walked over to Lyvia, pulled out her sword and stabbed her through the chest with said sword. Stormbreaker said, looking over at the now dead dragon.

"I'm going to regret doing this...." She pulled off her helmet and did whatever needed to be done to drink the blood, although it tasted like shit. Not ideal.

Skyhunter Skyhunter


Dahak was smiling as he had turned effectively Lyvia's group into his own slaves, it wasn't that difficult to do in the first place, while they were prisoners, they were still living prisoners. Turning undead with his magic and spreading a disease upon his will wasn't difficult either. Dahak then had a room full of undead ready to go about his will, from small infantry undead or just fodder to the larger barely transformed half dragons now turned undead. Dahak heard Stormbreaker speak on about his powers, " Well, it took a long time before I was able to do anything like that. But I am glad it's paid off. " The necromancer watched Stormbreaker approach the still recovering Lyvia.

" What the fuck just happened... Ow... " Lyvia groaned as she attempted to stand up, holding her head, but she would feel a sword stab through her chest, the larger half dragon held the blade that just stabbed through her, Lyvia vomited blood looking at Stormbreaker, the dragon had both anger and fear within her eyes as she fell over onto her side, her breathing becoming shallow as she was trying to speak but she had too much blood in her mouth and it became gurgling as she was beginning to drown in her own blood. She eventually stopped moving as Stormbreaker moved in attempting to try and drink her blood. Then Lyvia woke back up and began to struggle, trying to fight off Stormbreaker with her weak strength, the two getting into a fight again, but as they continued their struggle, a little bit of blood got into Stormbreaker's mouth as she would suddenly feel anger rise through her.

In her fit of rage, her vision would turn red as she attacked and bit into Lyvia like a wild animal, tearing into her flesh like a monster. Biting into her neck, more blood splashed into Stormbreaker's mouth as Lyvia was trying to push her off, but this was a feeble attempt. Stormbreaker would hear ringing in her ears that was deafening as she only saw blood be spilled. Eventually Stormbreaker's vision would darken for a few moments, but she would feel a hand shaking her on her shoulder, looking it was Dahak.

" You feel better? " He asked her with a smile, when she looked at Lyvia, she would see that Lyvia was literally torn limb from limb and that she herself was covered in blood.

Effects of Blood Rage:

+1 Grade to Strength
+1 Grade to Vitality
+2 grade to speed
-3 grade to intelligence
Uncontrollable actions of taken in a large quantity.
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