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Graded [Frontier] Second Breakfast Club

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell universe. Check the links above to learn more about it.

The RP will follow a fairly strict 48 hour posting time between rounds, starting directly after each narrator post. As it is mostly just Slice-of-Life, missing a few rounds shouldn't be too bad, you just might end up out of the loop in conversations or seeing me (narrator) RP with myself for a round (so please just post). You're welcome to join in later, just hit me up OOC to get you a nice introduction into the story.

The story takes place in Widersia, a steampunk country made up of The See's Fae dissenters and The Eastern Empire's Human dissenters, with only one major city, a smaller town and a few villages. It's in one of those small countryside villages that Victorique and company find themselves, after being invited by someone who claims to be interested in learning more about his fellow halflings living abroad. It'll be a slice of life with a focus on breakfast and talking politics.


All things considered, Victorique was rather surprised when, not long after catching the fastest thief, she'd gotten an invitation to come visit Widersia. She'd heard about the place before, considering it was pretty much the home-town for her kind, but she hadn't really considered visiting it. Still, her curiosity got the better of her and thus she set out to visit whomever had invited her. She ended up at the doorstep of a man called Edric, one of the better-off halflings in this area. His house might've looked hobbit-sized from the outside, but it was clear the inside was made to accommodate guests of varying sizes.


“Ah, you must be miss Sopheana...” He glossed over those in Victorique's company. “... and company. Welcome. I'm Edric, today's host.” He said, as he gestured them inside. The moment they stepped inside, the scent of all sorts of food would enter their nostrils.


“Please, hang your coats over there, wipe your shoes and take a seat. The rest should be here shortly.” Edric said, gesturing at the wardrobe and table in order. The chairs were very strategically 'mid' sized. A little (but not impossibly) large for halflings, yet a little small for larger characters. In particular those Orc-sized might be better off just sitting on the ground.

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique was straight to get to business. “So, why did you invite me here?”

“All in good time dear, all in good time. Have some appetizers first. Our other guests can arrive at any moment.”

With a sigh, Victorique resigned to waiting, looking around the room to see what she could learn from it.
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Tags: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario )

After helping Victorique with her job dealing with that Thief, Orchid would t mind relaxing a little. Things had been pretty intense since she got to Ryken and while action and danger was always good for business, as a mortal creature it was also important for Orchid to be able to just relax a little sometimes. Thus when Victorique finally came through with that offer to feast at some galfling village, Orchid was stoked to finally eat a halfling. Oh sure, Victorique might not like the idea of Orchid eating her kin, or sentients in general, but a deal was a deal. Orchid was promised a feast and she was going to get one!

But the finger curled on that monkey's paw. As Orchid arrived to the village, she began to realize that this wasn't, in fact, a clandestine meeting to find a criminal Halfling that no one would miss. This was a regular fancy dinner with some fancy Halfling. Orchid did her best to hide her disappointment. Food was food ag least. Though the fact the nearly seven-foot tall orc would need to figure out how to fit inside a hobbit house was going to be problematic in and of itself.

Though not the first to join, Orchid was still one of the earliest guest to arrive. She was still dressed in armor and armed with her halberd, but she at least removed the metal plate and helm. This way she looked less like a roaming executioner and more of a over-dressed guard. "Howdee all. Thanks for inviting me here for a feast. I'll just make myself comfortable over here."
"Are the bunnies truly sure that this would be the correct place? That this is where the intended recipient of this invitation letter and bag should be?"

They nodded faster. "Yesyesyes!!!"

Looking over the letter once more, she took a small whiff of the air, recognizing the several scents of food nearby.

"Lacie feels it is wrong to trust the bunnies' judgement." And so, she began to walk in the other direction.

The rabbits shook their heads immediately, attempting to pull her back to the entrance. "Nonono!!" they cried, "It's still the correct place!!" "But can't Lady Lacie let us eat all that delicious smelling food?!"

"No. Lacie will return the bag and then buy something for the rabbits to eat. I do not believe in benefiting from that which is not my own where it is possible."

"But doesn't the delicious smell of yummy food compel you?! Doesn't Lady Lacie want to stuff her stomach with lots of juicy, yummy food?!"

"Lacie will only go in to return the letter and bag."

"But doesn't this house seem super super important if people had to be invited right inside? And doesn't she want to appraise any unique items she hasn't gotten to see due to keeping her explorations outdoors rather than indoors?"


Entering through the door, the blue-dressed lass offered a small curtsy as her rabbits would cling onto her. "Hello, Lacie wishes to apologize if she is disturbing of any presence of peace. She had originally arrived to this lovely house in hopes of seeking for the original owner of this bag. It happened to be that they were the recipient of this invitation letter, but would it be possible for Lacie and her bunnies to join this lovely breakfast as fellow guests?"

And as Lacie would attempt to request in their place, the rabbits would gaze their eyes curiously all about the room for the many foodstuffs at play--too, making note of any potentially interesting guests or people of interest. They, after all, still promised to assist Lacie in her endeavors of understanding.
Mentions: Orchid Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher | Lacie Etymarchen Etymarchen


“Well look at that, an actual Orc.” The host said as he looked at Orchid. “Well, nice to have you.” He said, before turning towards what was most likely the kitchen. “Oi, Narine, you might want to double the portions! We've got sizeable company!”

“Come do it yourself you bastard!” A woman's voice, sounding human, replied from the kitchen.

“Ahum.” The host scoffed, before turning to his guests. “I'll be right back.” He said, as he hurried to the kitchen, leaving his guests unattended.

It was just Orchid and Victorique there when Lacie and her bunnies entered the building.

Victorique Sopheana

“I don't know, I'm not running the show here.” Victorique told her, looking up to the human and to all these rabbits. Detective instincts were quick to flare up, using [Ultimate Detective B] to gloss over the latest 'guests' and her companions. She was just some plain human, it seemed, which was a little disappointing. However, as she was doing so, another voice arose from behind them.


“If someone's foolish enough to lose their invitation, it's legally yours now. Welcome to the club miss.” A very tall halfling (almost a full 3' 5”!!) arrived. He carried a sword and backpack with all sorts of things. As he put down his backpack, he looked at Victorique and Orchid as well.

“You must all be today's guests, huh? I'm Roland, I'm one of the regulars here. Whenever I'm not out on expeditions to slay giants or dragons, at least.”

Victorique rose a questioning eyebrow at that statement, but after having just checked up on Lacie, she'd have to wait a bit to go full detective on someone again. She figured she'd just do the polite thing, for now. “I'm Victorique Sopheana, an investigator with the Ryken Adventurer's Guild.”

“Ryken?” Roland scoffed. He didn't seem to think highly of the place, but didn't go into further detail. “Well, let's get start. No need to wait, the rest is always late.” He said, as he gave an example by sitting down and pouring himself a royal glass of wine, offering one to the others as well. One thing that did stand out, for what it was worth, was that he kept his sword at arm's length at all time and never donned his armour.

Ultimate Detective – Appraisal C, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight D, Investigation D, Perception C, Law D, Energised B – Character combines all their applicable senses and knowledge to get to the bottom of a mysteries or to be on high alert for clues, dangers or hints. - Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown.
○ ♥ Lacie Liddell ♠ ○

As the small blonde creature, Victorique as she would come to introduce herself, looked up, Lacie looked down, staring back at the small girl barely half her size, though still taller than her rabbits. Curiously, she would [Appraise D] her back with her same expressionless stare.

On the other hand, rabbits would cheer and hop cheerily at Roland's seeming 'okay' for their presence. Contrasting greatly with Lacie's calm demeanor, they began to scurry about the room, scanning their prying eyes all about the table as they would quickly retrieve their . Typically, it would have been that Lacie would have called out to them to calm themselves, yet her attention was pulled instead to the self-introductions at play.

Nodding her head for a brief moment, Lacie would, once again, produce a short curtsy. "The name of this vessel is Lacie Liddell." In spite of her lack of need to do so, she introduced herself in her third person monotony. "She is but a seeker of comfort, and comfort presents herself in the form of answers and acknowledgement of more. Her bunnies are much less the same, though perhaps less restrained for their own goals. Their names are Mister Hoppers, Laplace, and Snuggles. Lacie asks that you all excuse their eccentric strangeness should they cause any trouble."

Her gaze would pointedly shift between the warrior-apparent, then that to Victorique, head tilting a smidgen as she brought her index to her chin, observing their features and considering her statements as she would soon seat herself down--scooting out the chair with a silent stare as her rabbits would eventually settle themselves about her feet with plates full of salads and fruits. Lacie, on the other hand, would keep her own plate reasonably humble—some bread, a fair share of meats, onions, tomato, followed by a shake of her head at the offer of wine.

And as her rabbits would treat themselves to their food, Lacie would, in curiosity of those around her, choose to initiate first regarding the individuals around her.

"Mister Roland, Sir," she addressed the man before the feast. "Lacie is quite curious. Has he truly slain giants or dragons? Would he able to elaborate on his tales of conquest? Lacie always enjoys hearing of such tales."

Her eyes would eventually draw toward Victorique.

"And to address Lacie's curiosities on Miss Victorique, wherefore would it be that she would manage to garner such lovely dress? Do her dresses not get so easily torn with her role as an adventurer? And could it be that Miss Victorique would be a living doll of sorts?"
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Mentions: Lacie Etymarchen Etymarchen

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique raised an eyebrow. “Why in the world are you talking in third person?” She figures she might as well be direct about it. Besides, for someone who just showed up to be 'Human' she was being awfully strange. Upon appraisal Lacie herself wouldn't see anything other than Victorique's name indeed being Victorique Sopheana (C Grade character vs. D grade appraisal). Then again she couldn't help but smile at those bunny names. “Cute names.” She commented.

She was a bit surprised by the question regarding her dress. This might be the first time someone that wasn't a perverted half-giant bunny complimented her choice of clothing in this world. “I ehhh... had it remade by a Fae artisan in Ryken. I think her name was... Sophia.” She replied. “It's been made to withstand a lot more than you'd expect by looks alone.” The last question, however, took her be even more surprise. “What? No. Of course not. You're the one that's talking in third person here! Aren't you the one trying to act as living doll?” She was both a little frustrated and confused at the same time at that sudden and odd question.


Roland scoffed at the question if he'd truly slain giants or dragons. “Of course I did!” As he was asked to elaborate, he had to finally back-paddle a little. “Well... I guess I didn't do it on my own... If you're up against something as dangerous and large as a giant or dragon, you'll want to work with a professional team. My job's normally to sneak through and hit the beasts with a dagger that weakens them, so that the rest can bring 'em down. However, there was this one time...”


“Oi, what's going on here? We having guests?” A girl approached them as she headed inside. She was quick to spot the bunnies. “Why the hell's our food eating our food?” She said. “Oi, Narine, at least kill, butcher and cook your bushmeat before you serve it!”

“They're not mine, they're probably with one of the new guests!” An annoyed voice shouted back from the kitchen.


Short after, the owner of this place came rushing back out of the kitchen. “Ah, sorry for that, please, have a seat. Kelsey, these our today's guests. Let's not pick fights with them or their choice of pets, alright?”

She scoffed. “Pfft. Fine. Name's Kelsey, by the way. What about al of you?” She said, glossing over Orchid, Victorique and Lacie.


Footsteps padded into a small town that ran off of steam, a very intelligent thing to see. Kesh, the Ratkin who used to be crazed on drugs, held a small invitation. Having "acquired" it from a fellow traveler on the road. Kesh had gotten better with her thieving skills. The Ratkin held her head up as she stared at where to go. She had just arrived from the Dark Continent, after being stuck there for a very long time. Many months had passed. She remembered that day like it happened yesterday. She was with a small group that had killed a massive tree called an Ent. They were searching for some sort of old hag. But Kesh had gotten injured on her own accord, burning herself to go after a fruit that did not exist, all for her friend, Cayde. Who she dearly missed... Kesh was pretty injured after that but had disappeared not long afterwards. Those many months, shivers ran down her spine, they were still scarring. Her escaping was a matter of luck. While she hated what happened to her during that, she appreciated it. She felt like she got a real taste for the world now. Instead of being the wacky Ratkin who got herself into trouble, she had matured a lot... Kinda. Kesh still did random things that would get her into trouble.

The Ratkin made her way into town, holding the invitation in both hands still as she made her way around the town, looking for this Edric. The Ratkin would eventually come to a place with Halflings within, an orc, a human and a whole bunch of bunnies. The Ratkin stood in the doorway with a smile that looked sorta like a snarl. " Hello there, halfling. " Kesh stated to the first Halfing, giving her invitation to whoever was first to greet her before making her way to the first available seat. Kesh would take her seat staring at everyone at the table. The Ratkin stared at all the bunnies and raised a brow, what a very strange sight. Why were there so many bunnies in here. Kesh's eyes looked up over at the orc who was with another halfling, Kesh smirked. The halfling looked like a perfect person to steal from. She would just need to get close enough. Kesh's eyes moved over to the large orc; Kesh wasn't so sure about that one. She was reminded of scary blue lady (Hildegard), the day she met Cayde. Probably wasn't a wise idea to try and steal from her if Kesh valued her head. Continuing down the table, Kesh looked at the only human here from those that caught her attention, a very... Weird type of talking that one did. Kesh would never do that. She seemed to be the leader of this band of rabbits. Perhaps she had some valuable things to steal too? The Ratkin wasn't sure, it may be a waste of time.

Kesh was sitting near the halfling, the orc and the human. " Hello there, lovelies. My name is Kesh. " Kesh still wasn't sure how to talk to people normally, she always had difficulties starting conversations. But steering them or mainly derailing them were within her ballpark. Kesh eyed the halfling, " You, little-tiny, cutie are cute. " Kesh complimented, although it was also a form of insult, Kesh wanted to see the type of people she was dealing with. " Kesh doesn't talk like the human-thing does. " Kesh stated, smiling at Lacie, eyeing her bunny companions, seeing if maybe they had something she could steal from them later on.

Tags: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario )

Orchid supposed that halflings would be gregarious folks. Truth be told outside of a job, Orchid wasn't all that social. Certainly nice enough, and if there was a topic that interest he she could go on and on about it, but in general she wasn't really the type of person who just goes up to talk to people. Not shy, just not social. She simply observed the other diners and guests, taking note of the strange young girl with the rabbits. She immediately alerted Orchid to the fact she was obviously a strange character, like one of those crazy girls in anime that carries around a doll with her everywhere but has extreme psychic powers. She also spoke in third person, unless she was a special sort of crazy that acts as the voice piece of one of her rabbit companions. Either way, Lacie joins the party.

Soon another halfling arrived. An adventurous looking sort, not geared up as well as Orchid but he seemed competent enough. Or at least knew how to look the part. Though the fact he immediately calls himself a slayer of giants and dragons made Orchid think he was all pomp and no bite. Oh sure, he may have been a part of the hunts, but she doubts he personally took part in much of the fighting, or at the least served an auxiliary roll. In which case Orchid has slain giants too, given that she certainly has been part of caravans that have killed giants, even if all she did was help move cannon balls around. Either way wine was passed around and Orchid wasn't one to pass up a free drink, so she took a glass. "Cheers to wine. Always a nice way to start a conversation."

Lacie would begin to talk a bit more about herself, giving a full name and introducing her rabbits. Orchid noted that one was called Laplace, like the philosophical demon. Either this girl was just chuuni like that, or maybe that rabbit (or possibly any of them) had more sway than mere beast. Possibly both, you can never really tell with folks like these. Either way Lacie seemed more interested in talking to Roland and Victorique, so Orchid kept to herself and drank more wine. She was mindful of the rabbits, not really sure if they were the type to appreciate being petted, and frankly Orchid didn't want to test the theory that one of these rabbits may or may not be some vorpal hare of some sort.

Another halfling showed up, a woman missing her hand. Or just wearing a cap over it for some reason. She had the sort of "I've fucked up and survived" demeanor that told Orchid she probably has seen a lot more serious action than Roland, or at the very least was a survivor. Orchid could respect that, though she kept her thoughts to herself. Still Orchid felt that this was a good chance as any to make proper introductions. "Name's Orchid, mercenary by trade. I've been working with Victorique on a few jobs as of late, such as fighting cults and eagles in Ryken and chasing thieves all over the continent. She promised me a nice dinner, and thus here I am." A humble introduction perhaps, but Orchid intends to add more interesting titles to it one day. Just a matter of patience is all.

Soon however a new guest arrived. Her arrival really got Orchid's attention. Frankly speaking, Orchid hasn't met many ratfolks at all, and the last one was torn apart by zombies before she could ever truly thank them. So seeing another show up almost made Orchid call out to them, thinking it was Dirv, but Orchid managed to stop the words from leaving her mouth. Firstly, Dirv was dressed in heavy robes. Also Orchid was pretty certain Dirv was an old man. Even if she wasn't too privy about the anatomy of ratkins, this one was obviously female, and wore a lot less. She introduced herself as Kesh, and began talking to Lacie. Though she did eye Victorique, which made Orchid feel a bit defensive. Mainly because she gave Victorique the sort of eyes Orchid has seen drunk thugs gives to lonely women at bars, with the intent to cause trouble. Orchid not-so-subtly moved to sit next to her client, deciding to start a conversation.

"You know boss, you never did tell me what exactly happened with the Underbelly Champion. All I know for certain was that you some how got him under your thumb, and the whole situation is still a mess to me, so while we're here wining and dining, mind giving me the run down?"
The rabbits would continue to munch and munch on the food which they had taken from the tables, hungry and gluttonous as they were--before their eyes would all fall on the Orc woman--who seemed to be busying herself with the wine. That, of course made the bunnies curious to try this strange concoction--though Lacie's stare would quickly convince them otherwise.

○ ♥ Lacie Liddell ♠ ○

Ah...so the lass wasn't a doll? At least, by her own words.. Curiously, she would poke Victorique on the forehead, attempting to assess if her head was just as hard as her straightforward nature seemed to imply. Perhaps she was one of those dolls that claimed not to be dolls, after all--made up not of fleshy human flesh and bone, but instead smooth, smooth porcelain. There were plenty of tales that discussed such possibilities, after all, and this world was still full of many strange and mysterious circumstances.

"It is good practice for a narrator to regard the thoughts and feelings of another through first denoting said possessors," she stated, seemingly in response to Victorique's query regarding her means of speech. "Hmm...but might this Sophia individual happen to be able to make small hats and suits as well? Would Miss Victorique Who Claims Not to Be a Living Doll be willing to offer Lacie the directions to meet this artisan?"

Soon, Lacie's attention would turn to a larger than average anthropomorphic rat's arrival, greeting her and the rest of the individuals in the room.

"Indeed, Lacie wishes to greet Kesh and--"

Finally, the elephant in the room of her rabbits' acts would be addressed by those around them. Still looking down (as much of the guests were below her height), she recognized the crime in which the rabbits had caught themselves upon, a blank stare towards them as the rabbits would squeak in terror.

"...Apologize." The girl stared at her rabbits with a certain blankness...

...A blankness that was more than enough for the rabbits to suddenly begin prostrating themselves--bowing towards the guests in apology over and over and over again, bumping their heads into the floor several times on end...

"The rabbits belong to Lacie. Please forgive their gluttony. They were very hungry when they had arrived and begged Lacie to let them eat sooner. They will be expected to behave more properly from this point forward." She continued to stare at her bunnies. "Lacie correct in that the her bunnies do not desire to suffer a terrible and painful execution that involves being butchered up and served as Magical Bunny Stew, is that correct?"

The three bunnies, in response, would begin shaking their heads in fear and anticipation as they grabbed onto each other, fearing for dear life.

"Good. Now, Miss Orchid..."

The girl paused in her speech once she realized the woman's green skin and large teeth, staring blankly at the woman as she would speak.

"Lacie is happy to meet her," she stated, looking away towards the other guests. "The same goes for Miss Kesh and Miss Kelsey. Once again, Lacie apologizes for her bunnies' behavior. Now, might Mister Roland continue on with his story about his triumphs?"
Mentions: Kesh Skyhunter Skyhunter | Orchid Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher | Lacie Etymarchen Etymarchen


Before Kelsey could get introductions from anyone, Kesh arrived on the scene. Being closest to the door Kelsey had the honour of being handed the invitation. “Who the hell are you then?” She asked the rat, but got ignored as the rat headed for the table instead. “Wait... this invitation was for Albert!” She said, as she checked the name on it. Then she burst out in laughing. “I don't know how you got your hands on it, but I like you already.” She didn't like the pompous merchant that was trying to become a regular in their club. This random rat was way more interesting.


Edric sighed at the sight of more unexpected guests. Still, he had to agree with Kelsey. “If he's foolish enough to lose his invitation, we shouldn't have given him one to begin with.” However, just to be safe, he took out a black orb and used it to check the rat. Wouldn't want to let in a potential murderer, after all, but after confirming she was clean of such crimes, he sighed. “Well, welcome to the Second Breakfast Club, miss Kesh. I'm Edric, today's host. You're free to help yourself to anything on the table, but please do refrain from taking anything else.” He knew letting a thief into his house wasn't the greatest move, but he had a reputation of hosting for interesting guests to uphold and this one might fit that bill.

Victorique Sopheana

Although the room was full of halflings, for some reason, Victorique felt singled out by the rat's gaze. “I'm Victorique Sopheana and I'm a perfectly average height for my race.” She said, not liking her size to be emphasized so much.


Kelsey perked up when Orchid mentioned being a mercenary. “What company do you work for? Are they for hire at the moment?” There was a clear eagerness in her voice. For some reason, she was very eager to hire mercenaries.

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique was surprised when Orchid suddenly asked her to talk about the Underbelly Champion. However, the mention of that topic clearly got the attention from Edric, Roland and Kelsey as well. She remained silent for a short moment, debating what to say and how to say it. Then she spoke up. “It's a bit hazy, as I was bleeding out most of the time, but well... I managed to enter the amulet, which contained a castle in some Pocket Dimension much bigger than my own. In it, I spotted Duke Vegron trapped in some sort of cage. He tried to get me to free him, but the situation was shady as all hell, so I decided to question him first. Sadly enough, the Bloodwraith came in and threatened to kill me first, so I crashed through the cage at full speed to break him out and got cut in the process. He said we could defend ourselves against the Bloodwraith by freeing this really shady guy called Ryke, like the country. The fucker tried to trick me into making some sort of pact with him, but I managed to avoid the worst of it. After a lot of back and fourths though, we ended up in a stalemate. It was pretty clear that giving Ryke full control would set him out on a course to ruin all of Ryke and resurrect his fallen empire. Giving control back to Duke Vegron would allow him to control the Champion again and would just keep everything the same. Giving control back to Lykra would cripple the champion again and allow the knights to keep laying waste to the Underbelly. What's worse, I feared the cultists already had a means of getting to Ryke, as the bastard was really confident. I figured the fourth option, trying to get Arthur to take over, was the only sensible one. I managed to convince Lykra to fetch him by threatening to put Ryke in charge if she didn't. That's also why she cooperated with her blood magic. I'm not sure what happened after that, as I got out before the deal was finished. I did warn Arthur not to make any deals with Ryke and Vegron was a weakling whilst Lykra was at least too concerned of Ryke getting freedom to do something stupid, so thing should've turned out alright.” She finished her story, before sighing. “I need a smoke after all that...” She said, taking out her pipe and starting to put in tobacco.

Her attention got taken away from that task by a poke on the head. “Hey!” She yelled at the girl. “Keep your fingers to yourself.” She didn't like being poked at random. Her explanation for talking in third person had Victorique puzzled. “You're narrating your own life? And you're saying I'm the supposed doll?” She said, not able to come to terms with the amount of irony in that sentence. As for Sophia, Victorique shrugged. “Probably. Last time I checked, she worked through the Ryken Adventurer's Guild. It's been a while though.” She said, not really knowing what the Fae had been up to and not bothering to explain more.


Edric stared in surprise when the rabbits, who'd been going through his supply of salads at record pace, suddenly were prostrating themselves after just some words from their owner. “Well look at that... I don't think I've ever seen such well-trained rabbits. How'd you get them to listen to you like that?” He was fairly impressed. He sighed when it was about the bunnies ending up being dinner. “Don't worry. Kelsey was just kidding. We don't normally butcher our guests pets, although I'll admit we don't really sit them at the table normally either.”


Roland, having decided to just start eating whilst everyone else was talking, looked up when he was suddenly mentioned again. “Story...?” He'd completely forgotten what he was about to talk about. “I forgot... although I could tell you about that one time I managed to cut off a dragon's ball-sack!” The sentiment got him a glare from Edric, so he shrugged and went back to eating instead.

Kesh smiled as she heard the words that this handless Halfling liked her, the Ratkin found that a bit funny, turning around and winking at the halfling. Kesh knew men got lonely along the road, at least she did now. And one thing she very much liked doing was drugging people, seeing their reactions and mood change after realizing it. It was how Kesh managed to get the invitation. The rat Ratkin was a pretty devious one now, especially with her time in the Dark Continent. " Why thank you, I like your rather rough-jaggy attitude. I can see you are not one to be trifled with. " The Ratkin complimented back, she saw that one of the many halflings in the room by the name of Edric. also dogpiling on this Albert. Kesh was hoping he'd show up, she'd like to further embarrass him here, hopefully it'd get her into cahoots better with the people here. " Of course, sir. I am too hungry to try and cause some... Mishap-issue. " Kesh bowed her head, she was a bit too hungry at the moment to really cause trouble.

Then the next halfling calling herself Victorique and was trying to justify her height with a half assed reply. They honestly all looked the same. Unlike Ratkin where they were easily recognizable. Kesh giggled at the response. " Of course, darling. Whatever you say. " Kesh placed a hand over her muzzle to cover up her laugh. " Victorique Sopheana... That's a very memorable name. " The ratkin stated with a wink the halfling. Kesh immediately began to grab food on the table before placing them on her plate. The Ratkin was practically drooling, she hadn't had any real food in a few months really. She's had to survive off of scraps or terrible food. So cooked and prepped food was looking very good. Taking biscuit rolls, a spoonful of cooked rice, and other things Kesh has never seen before. She was basically ratatouilleing it up. The Ratkin was in heaven, letting out a heavy breath after her first bite. It felt good to be back in real civilization. But then the halfling Victorique began to talk about some sort of Underbelly. It sounded rather familiar to her. She wore Grandpappy Dirv spoke of something like that a long time ago.

Kesh looked down at the table for a moment before looking back up at the halfling and her protective Orc. " The Underbelly? Sounds like a very rough-jaggy place... " Then Kesh decided to sit back with her hands behind her head staring at the two. " But sounds nothing more than high-tall tales from a halfing. " Kesh stated out loud, bringing her hand down to stare at her nails that were claws. The Ratkin making sure they were still sharp as she then wore a smirk on her face. But then the quiet Halfling Roland spoke up about cutting a dragon's balls-gonads off. Which did catch the Ratkin's attention. " Oh? Is that so? You've intrigued me. " Kesh stated as she leaned forward now with her elbows on the table. " Do tell more of this... Neuter-castration. " Keshy Kesh was rather interested in hearing this either fake tall tale, or perhaps something very interesting.
○ ♥ Lacie Liddell ♠ ○

As Victorique would shout back at Lacie in protest, Lacie would stare at the non-doll, having managed to successfully confirm not only that she wasn't a doll going off of the soft texture of her forehead...but also...

"Indeed. Beyond being squishy like a human and having a very hard-headed personality, Victorique relies too much on substance abuse to be a good doll,"
she observed out loud. "So what would Miss Victorique be if not a doll? A dwarf?" The girl tilted her head to the side as she made her hquestions.

Questioned on how it was had managed to bring the bunnies to remain obedient to her command, Lacie would stare out for a brief moment, blinking as she would consider how to answer his question.

"...Lacie is unsure," she finally answered. "They were always there and loyal to Lacie since she had first awoken, but Lacie has yet to understand why it is that they listen to her. Sit."

The bunnies would sit up at her request, all ears--quiet and obedient like good little children--unlike how rackety it was they had portrayed themselves previously, not touching their food.

"The bunnies have already been eaten before, so butchering likely would not be so terrible a fate regardless," she noted. "There is always more of them for whatever reason. Lacie can barely think of them as pets, though she cannot help but care for them regardless," she admitted.

She, of course, would continue to stare blankly towards Roland, expressionless as usual as she considered his statements regarding his ballsack cutting.

Instead of asking him to continue, however, she instead ignored him and began to poke at her food, beginning to eat from the food on her plate.

"Sir Edric, Lacie would be curious--what sort of company is expected to arrive to this little meeting? Lacie cannot help but feel that this little club expresses itself as quite an important one considering its policies on its invitations."
Mentions: Kesh Skyhunter Skyhunter | Orchid Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher | Lacie Etymarchen Etymarchen


“Oh, and you're a clever gal as well!” Kelsey laughed at being given the description of 'rough-jaggy', liking this rat lady already. There was one thing she wondered about. “So how does a lass like you get around? Can't be easy having to dodge guards left and right. I'm surprised you managed to even make it all the way to a place like Widersia.”

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique, on the other hand, did not like the rat all that much. From being belittled by the animal to the weird comment regarding her name, she was in no way amused. She even wondered why everyone was okay with having a criminal at their table like this. Were they that desperate for entertainment here? She couldn't tell. However, when her experience in the Underbelly got written off as mere high-tall tales, she scoffed. “Oh, believe me, all if it is true. I've seen my share of gore and debauchery there.” She said, staring directly into Kesh's eyes. Oddly enough, Kesh could swear she heard some weird laughtered in the background as the halfling said it [Bulvark's Touch].

Bulvark's Touch - Due to your interaction with the First Tyrant, Ryke Bulvark, you emit an aura of dominance to any that you talk to. Whoever you interact with will feel like they are talking to a giant, to an intimidating figure. Echoes of Bulvark's twisted laugh can be heard by the character and those speaking to the character. Great for interactions.


Roland smiled when he was given another chance to talk again. “Well!” He said, smiling ear to ear. “Normally, I take this magic dagger, then when our warriors draw the attention of a dragon, I rush below it and pierce it into its stomach, where it's skin is the thinnest. The dagger than weakens the dragon for my allies to finish off. However, this one time, I do exactly that and the dagger does absolutely nothing! So there I am, directly below a giant dragon ready to crush me and eat my allies. Figured I'd had to do something to try to weaken it, but I had no clue what. Yet there I see them. Some giant balls just dangling a few feet away from me. Normally, dragons seem to keep them internally, so I've got no clue if this one was a freak of nature with a genetic defect or some horn-dog, but I figured that if I was to weaken it, that'd be a great point to strike. Now, can't say I had ever attack dragon balls before, so I figured I'd just go all-out in case the scales there were tougher than imagined. They weren't. Cut that stuff clean off and had that dragon going pretty darn mad as a result. Had to run for my dear life, but it was enough for my allies to bring it down afterwards.”

Victorique Sopheana

Meanwhile, Victorique was tormented by the next person. “What...” This girl was getting on her nerves. “My smoking is my own business and I'm not a bloody dwarf. I'm a halfling, like most others here. How in the world did you end up in Widersia without even knowing what a halfling is?” The girl herself was already enough of a headache, so Victorique decided not to further debate her relation to the rabbits.


Edric looked up when he was suddenly addressed. “Well, I doubt Albert will dare show up without an invitation. I'm nots sure who's invitation you found, but it's probably been one for the non-regulars, so we're only expecting the last of us regulars, Wulfrun, to show up. The latter's always late for some reason.”

He did laugh at the mention of the club being important. “We're just some halflings that like eating and socialising. Perhaps share some news and gossip while at it and meet some fun and interesting guests. That's all dear.” He said, although he sounded a little dismissive. Besides, there was a bit of unease in the air, especially between Kelsey and Roland. It was clear there was a bit more to it, yet they didn't want to talk about it.


As they were talking, a woman walked out from the kitchen, carrying a whole roasted pig and putting it on one of the few unused spots on the table. “Well then, most of the food is done...” She looked around the guests. “Let's hope these folk you invited actually know how to appreciate it.”

“I'm sure they will, Narine, why don't you just introduce yourself?” Edric said, trying to get her to be a bit more social.

“You just gave them my name and they should know my profession if they've got any brains. I've got nothing left to add.” She shrugged. Then she looked at Orchid and Kesh. “I do wonder where the hell you got the ratkin and orc from.”

Kesh chuckled seeing Kelsey laugh, she was in. " Thank you, Kelsey. Some events make you more aware of the world. " The Ratkin stated leaning in her chair. " Oh, I am able to use fairly trivial magics to magical disappear. " Kesh stated as she waved her hands in front of her face like a magician. " Invisibility and such. Great tool. Allows me to hop-sneak into carriages without people knowing. But another thing that also helps me is, like with Albert, tempt men into... Doing certain acts. Then drugging them just beforehand. Poor Albert. Left with his pants down on the side of the road and his invitation gone. The mind of a man is fairly simple. " Kesh shook her head with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. " So, miss cutie. You mind me asking something a bit personal? " Kesh referred to her hand by staring at it. " I am a bit curious about that. "

Kesh scoffed at Victorique's claim, " Lady, I fought and freed a God-Deity. A dark-sad time it was for Aegrizora. " Kesh stated using her [Hero of Aegrizora] title as she used her thumb to point at herself. " Not linger in some Undercity with a whole bunch of criminals. " Although strangely enough, Kesh thought she heard a voice, a very... Evil voice. Similar to her captors. Kesh even looked behind her on both sides, looking back to Victorique with a questioning look. But before the Halfling could speak, Kesh put a hand up. " Before you start enjoying the sound-noise of your voice again, I believe you now. Some weird-strangeness that was. " Kesh shook her head, then her eyes looked to Roland, listening to the story, the Ratkin laughed at the sound of it. She ended up taking up a drink, somehow. " A great story that is, Roland. Dare I ask, you end up taking those oversized lizard's balls? " Kesh asked with a chuckle, " As one says, seeing is believing. " Kesh was very tempted. She was quite curious as to what a dragon's testicles were. But she also wanted to see if Roland would keep or hold a dragon's testicles.

Kesh then overhead Edric speak about Albert, saying he most likely wouldn't show up. Which disappointed the Ratkin. " Aww... Are you sure? I was hoping to see his face again. The embarrassment as well. " Kesh giggled as she held a hand over her muzzle. Kesh would then notice a woman carrying roasted pig into the room. She seemed... Very nice. Actually, she seemed rather rude. Kesh raised her brows at this Narine. What kind of name was that anyways? Although Kesh would have paid her no mind if she didn't mention where Kesh and Orchid came from. In which Kesh sat back in her chair. " I smelled the cheese and came running this way. Why? Afraid-scared you'll catch something from me, baby? " The Ratkin smiled at Narine. " You are rather attractive, honey. And you make good food. Although I still smell cheese... " Kesh stated as she gently tapped her chin looking at Narine, she then sniffed the air which then ended up with Kesh sniffing towards her before pointing at Narine's lower body. " Oh! There's the smell! Don't worry, I like cheese. " Kesh said smiling as she gave a wink to Narine before quietly chuckling, insinuating that Narine doesn't clean herself. " But this roasted pig smells rather great-good! Roland, pass me some, buddy-pal! I'm excited to taste light meat. " Kesh winked again at Narine now.
Mentions: Kesh Skyhunter Skyhunter | Orchid Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher | Lacie Etymarchen Etymarchen


Kelsey raised an eyebrow when Kesh claimed to have 'tempted' Albert. “I don't know how much drugs you fed him, but the guy is quite the Fae supremacist. He'd never even consider doing anything with beast in any normal circumstance.” Her tone got a bit more serious. “Also, I've got to give you a fair warning. We halflings might be a fairly relaxed bunch, but don't cause too much trouble here. Our country already has enough to suffer from both The See and the Eastern Empire. If you go around drugging and robbing folk, sooner or later you'll be killed on the spot by someone less lenient towards those with criminal titles.” She hoped the rat would take her warning to heart, otherwise she might be forced to kick the beast out, perhaps even out of the country altogether, which would be a bit of a shame. “The missing hand? It got bitten off in a fight. I'm waiting a mechanical replacement I use to be fixed up in the capital.” That's all she seemed to be wanting to share for the moment.

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique didn't have a clue who or what Aegrizora was, so she didn't really buy into the rat's claim. Far all she know, it was just the average plebeian. They were far from a place of city in Aegrizora's realm of influence, after all and Victorique had never went there nor did she know anything about religion. She wanted to reply, but the rat told her to shut up then admitted she believed her. Fine. That'd do. She'd rather not waste words on that rat anymore.


Roland laughed at the idea of bringing the dragon balls. “I'm sorry, but no. I wasn't out there to collect dragon balls. I'm afraid I'll have to leave you in disbelief.” The thought alone of wandering around with dragon balls was absurd, even for the practical reason that they'd likely start to rot sooner rather than later. Could you even use taxidermy on dragon balls? He doubted it and figured he'd best not think about it for too long.


Narine wasn't pleased by the rat's attitude. Where she'd just been a bit rude before, she was outright hostile now. “The one thing I miss from back in the Empire, is that I could've whipped you and your entire lineage for that.” The burning hatred in her eyes showed that wasn't just a hollow threat. The main reason she seemed to be holding back, was that she didn't want to make a mess of the host's house and ruin this 'party' they'd got going. However, someone else was about to do it for her.


Another halfling entered, scanning the room directly after entering. His eyes fell upon the newcomers. “Alright, which of you bastards drugged Albert and took his invitation? I had to drag him to a healer to get all the filth out of his system. He might not be the most pleasant person to deal with, but he's one of our own.”
Mentions: Kesh Skyhunter Skyhunter | Orchid Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher | Lacie Etymarchen Etymarchen

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique sighed deeply as she saw the situation, with tensions rising between her hosts and the (unexpected) guest. She didn't like that rat, so she felt no need to side with her. Then again, she didn't feel the need to go against her either. It's why she figured she might as well see if anyone was willing to ignore this whole thing alongside her. Luckily enough, there was. Roland didn't seem all that interested in the ongoing drama, as he casually continued eating even though the others were all on edge thanks to the ratkin's actions. “So, Roland, do you know why I've been invited here to begin with. Truth be told, I was expecting something more organised...”


Taking a break from eating, Roland looked up at Victorique. “We normally are. A bit, at least. That said, we don't have too much of an official goal. We just figured that, as halflings, we might want to meet up, enjoy some food and share the latest news with each-other every so often.”

“So... you're basically just gossiping?” Victorique replied, feeling rather disappointed.

“What? No. Well, sometimes. However, we do try to keep track of certain things. Like on halflings growing considerably powerful. We've heard of a halfling investigator working from Ryken catching a famous thief of our kind, hence we figured we'd invite you over to get to know you.”

“So, you care just because I'm another halfling?” Victorique asked, not sure if she liked their motives.

“Sort-off. We know there's other interesting folk out there, hence we allow other people to wander in from time to time, but you have to admit. Being a halfling gives you a more unique take on the world. As much as we disagree about things, we at least share the genetic heritage, right?”

“Sure...” Victorique wasn't too sure about it. Perhaps she'd learn more from the big boss himself, but Edric was a little too preoccupied keeping close track of the ratkin and the drama she spurred.
○ ♥ Lacie Liddell ♠ ○

How did she end up in Widersia without knowing what a halfling was? A great question indeed—one she would answer after swallowing down her food, of course--and the grand answer, of course--

“Lacie has no clue."

She maintained her concentration on the food, making note of its taste and texture. It tasted good, though perhaps not extravagant, but she was not one to care so much. Any expression of its quality better came from the rabbits instead.

"She simply walked through several lands and eventually found herself here," she claimed to Victorique, blinking. "The most she can acclaim to be aware of is various tales-apparent of which derived from some of the beauteous lands she had explored along the way--though perhaps those of the table could provide exposition to Lacie regarding the relationship between Widersia and Halflings."

She pulled out a book and a quill, eyes almost sparkling.

"Lacie is very happy with listening."

Eventually, Edric would turn the topic of conversation towards the silver-haired cook--Narine, as she would be referred to, followed by various other characters making due discussion with regards to their experiences and interests brought on to the table at hand. Her gaze remained prudent as she listened closely to Roland's tale, seemingly jotting down notes as she would continue to listen to the discussion. Throughout the coming and going of events, tales, and confessions of potentially criminal acts, she remained rather quiet, blinking, eating, and continually writing out notes whilst her rabbits would do the majority of reactions in her place--various shocked and terrified expressions in tandem with their (more behaved and lesser problematic) fulfillment of their stomachs.

It sooner seemed that the tensions of the table would come to a peak with the ratkin's discussion of her troublemaking. Lacie's eyes would remain fixed on the food and her notes as she would wait for any tensed dialogue to come to a halt.

"Pardon, Sir, but Lacie had some difficulty reading the name from this bag and invitation she had picked up. Is it possible that these might belong to the Albert individual?" she asked, raising the bag and invitation that she had found. "While she was not the one to have done all these acts, Lacie apologizes for the troubles that have come in The Albert Individual's way. Would it still be possible, however, for the guest to seat himself? Perhaps it may be possible to deduce the details regarding this 'bastard' if the details of his assault are discussed calmly and with reason. Furthermore, Lacie does not believe that Albert would want Miss Narine's wonderful cooking to go to waste over his circumstances, nor for the rest of his fellow guests and halflings to be burdened by his suffering at this moment."

Tags: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ), Kesh Skyhunter Skyhunter

Orchid drank, and listened. She still felt very out of place here, though weirdly enough with the ratkin drawing most of the vitriol towards herself, Orchid felt a bit more comfortable. Mostly because the ratkin made for a convenient target for any more... Inhospitable feelings towards. Which meant Orchid had a vested interest to keep her around, in the event that she needs someone to deflect blame onto. To begin with, she needed to figure out how to get these halflings to not string up the ratkin for her personality. Orchid figured this would be a good time to show some solidarity. "Hah! While it may not be honorable, there's merit in someone who can at least gain what they want without a handful of steel nor a drop of blood. Strength makes as many enemies as it does friends, but cunning and wit will open many doors indeed." Orchid figured these halflings would like someone who could appreciate someone who respected being smart and faster than just straight up strong, like most orcs are. Orchid then turns to Kesh with a sympathetic look. "Skills like that aren't earned living a life of comfort and rest. Being able to use your head to into and out of danger, to be able to defeat your enemies without harming them, or simply understanding who your opponent is and how they think, those are very under appreciated skills. True strength isn't just about how well you kill your enemies after all, but mastering yourself and your unique talents." Orchid says to some of the halflings. She was trying to convey a sense of solidarity between the ratkin and the halflings, in a sense that while Kesh may be something of a thief and uncouth, she at least didn't just straight up rob and murder a random halfling. And based off what some of the folks say about Albert, it wasn't as if everyone here were without their faults.

That being said, Orchid said her piece of Kesh. Time to butter up Victorique and make her look better in front of these halflings. Orchid had figured that this meeting was meant for halflings to basically show off, and what's a better way than to have a big scary orc sing you praise about some of your exploits? Granted Orchid didn't know Victorique very well, but she knew a thing or two at least. "Skills that folks like miss Victorique has shown time and again. In fact, I remember working a job with her recently that I, frankly, don't really feel I was all too needed for. For better or for worse you know, I'm a mercenary and my job is to fight. But if we can win some battles without me lifting a finger, all the better I'd say." Orchid took out a [Memento] from the time Orchid and Victorique went to Mirran. It was a tiny crystal, barely bigger than a toothpick, that shined brightly like a torch. There was subtle divine magics coming from it.

"We received an invitation to the land of Mirran, the Kingdom of Brilliance. A land once full of demons and monsters, before their saint Lucilia had put them to the blade and made the land safe for it's people. We were tasked to find a missing artifact, and a missing princess. What followed was a quick but at the same time complex mystery of conspiracy and long forgotten history. Truth be told, I don't understand half of what had happened, but I know for a fact that had I not been with Miss Victorique, I'd be up to my elbows fighting all matters of demons, traitorous knights, and possibly vampires of all things. A battle that I'd no doubt win, but thanks to Victorique's speed and cunning, we avoided nearly all of that and managed to secure the artifact and the princess in one fell swoop."

Helping herself to an actual meal now, Orchid decided to eat some roasted pig. It was quite delicious. "Mhmm! Delicious cooking by the way Lady Narine. Not many can appreciate a properly braised-and-roast pig. I'm not gourmet, but I swear far too many people settle with salted meat thrown onto a fire until it's fried dry. I understand a plebeian may be fearful of under cooked pork, but they miss out on the taste of tender pork that melts off the meat instead of being seared to it. Not to mention the sweet, sweet bone marrow within." Orchid demonstrated both her strength and refined tastes by taking bone from the leg of boar she was eating, and easily breaking it in half length wise, as if it was a peanut. She then scooped some of the marrow out with an appropriately small sized spoon and spread the meat butter onto a crisp piece of bread.

" I didn't feed him that much. Just enough to get him ole hot and bothered type thing. It's quite funny, it's like a love potion of sorts although makes the victim incredibly sleepy. " Kesh chuckled, " He will be fine, I didn't feed him enough to cause too much damage. " She hoped, although the warning that Kelsey gave next, Kesh nodded. " I understand, thank you kindly, dear. " Kesh winked at the halfling with a smirk on her face. Kesh stared at where her hand was at, the answer she got seemed to be one shrouded in mystery, which Kesh took as she didn't want to talk about it. " Ah, I understand. I have some Tinkerer skills, although I hope to learn more to create something like new hands. But I think it's just a fever dream at this point. " Kesh stated with a sigh.

Although with Narine's next line, Kesh rolled her eyes with a sigh. " Honey. Or rather cheese, I suppose. I've endured enough of that back at the Dark Continent. Learn to take a joke and then I can see you having a mate maybe. Would you feel less self-conscious if I said your cooking was passable? " Kesh giggled at her own joke. Jeez, these people were no fun. Although the next thing that happened had Kesh reconsider her actions... For barely a moment as she looked at the ceiling and then sighed. " He'll be fine. He will just be having Stomachrot for a little while. He'll live. Give him some Grassy Paste and he'll get through the Stomachrot faster. " Kesh called to the weird looking halfling that entered the room. She forgot; most people weren't used to Ratkin drugs. Crazy stuff that was to have in your system.

Kesh listened to the Orc Orchid, funny name that was for an orc, speak to her. Kesh smiled listening to her speak, she was smart. And seemed like she could take a joke, " Well, interesting take, uh Orchid I think I heard your name be said. Anyways, I like how you think. Although skill in battle isn't always necessary. As long as you know how to trick and steal, you can get by. Like my people have for all this time. Yet we are a very happy-blissful people. Because we don't have to fight unless we have to. " Kesh spoke leaning in her chair. " It seems like you have a lot of experience in this world, Orchid. And aren't too uptight about everything around you. I like you. " The ratkin gave a kind smile. That memento was worth stealing it looked like...
Mentions: Kesh Skyhunter Skyhunter | Orchid Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher | Lacie Etymarchen Etymarchen

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique wondered how Lacie had survived, even though she had such a clear lack of braincells. “Widersia is the country of origin for most of us.” Even Victorique knew that much. When Lacie pulled out a book and quill, Victorique raised an eyebrow. She didn't have much to add to the story, no matter how eager the girl was to listen to more. Mostly due to Victorique herself not really knowing either.


Edric took over the invitation from Lacie, giving it a quick look-over. It was easy to see why she couldn't read it. “That's in Sylvan. It was an invitation to someone from The See, an up and coming painter. Truth be told, we weren't sure they'd show up to begin with, so you might've just stumbled upon it after it had been thrown out by them.” He sighed when she mentioned Albert again. “If he's been brought to healer, I doubt he's able or willing to still join us. He'd either be too sick or too embarrassed. Perhaps he'll join us on the next meeting, or perhaps this will convince him he wasn't fit for the club. Either way, it's nothing for you to worry about miss.” As he spoke, it was clear he'd started to grow and dislike the situation. A simple theft of an invitation for someone nobody really like the most was easy to write off, but the drugging and assault were suddenly getting things a lot more serious and this lady's concern over Albert was only adding fuel to that fire.


Wulfrun glared at the Orc who'd suddenly sided with the Ratkin. “Drugging and assaulting someone isn't something worth praise, nor should it be considered wit or cunning. It's the actions of lowlife scum.”

Orchid did succeed in getting a few more glances in Victorique's direction, before the attention was drawn to her story. It was even enough to temporary get some of the angry glares towards Kesh to soften up a tad bit, although it as clear most of the folks present remained on guard.


Even Narine chilled out, a bit at least, once her cooking was complimented. “Glad to see you've got great taste.” She said, managing to compliment the Orc and her own cooking in one sentence. “Exactly! You've got to ensure you keep those juices where they belong.”

Sadly enough, the Orc's attempts didn't manage to ease the tension for long, as the ratkin soon drew attention to herself all over again.


“So you admit to feeding him drugs against his consent?” Wulfrun didn't easily accept the nuance. It was clear he was still wanting for the Rat to be arrested, or at the very least, kicked out. He was merely waiting to see how to tactfully do so.


Kelsey, meanwhile, was a bit more lenient and relaxed. “Just so you know, even if it's effects aren't too bad, feeding him something like that against his will and stealing from him still makes you a wanted criminal. Also, I'd suggest creating gloves or something instead. Losing your hands isn't pretty.”


The ratkin wasn't done picking fights, however. “I'm not in the business of taking jokes from rats. Although I was in the business of slaying them. “ She said, with an ominous threat left in the air.

Eventually, after a deep sigh, the boss man spoke up.


“Right. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave, miss Kesh. At this point, that's the most positive outcome, before some of us may feel forced to act on their inclination to arrest you.” It was clear his request wasn't as much a request as that it was a request to the others to let Kesh leave instead of starting up something inside his house.
○ ♥ Lacie Liddell ♠ ○

Hmm…a person from The See? Interesting.

It seemed the tensions of the room were far too great for her to extract more information than furthering the recognition of the gravity of the ratkin’s actions, after all. Still, the moment was to be written down. Even if it were not so important to anybody else, it was still important for her to write out what it was that she would witness.

Recognizing the bunnies to finally be filled in their stomachs, Lacie would simply conclude it unnecessary to stay longer, standing up from her seat as she would prepare and beckon for her rabbits to follow after her.

“Thank you for this wonderful breakfast, Sir Edric and Miss Narine. Lacie hopes to be able to return with stories she can tell rather than simply to listen.”

With that, the girl and her rabbits would leave through the door…

And leave into an opened rift, Entering a Dream F and leaving from the scene.

Kesh rolled her eyes as she threw her head back with a sigh, these people were boring. The Ratkin listened to each of them talk, in which Kesh began to look inward. Had she changed that much? She knew she wasn't like her old self, although she imagined if she was a lot naiver and more innocent it probably wouldn't have escalated this much. She probably shouldn't have opened her mouth as much; she was a fool. " Well drugging can be seen as witting and cunning if used in the right context, right? Or used against someone considered an enemy. Or depending on your line of work. But you know, it's all on perspective-view. " Kesh stated towards Wulfrun as Kesh began to eat some more, when he asked if she admitted, which Kesh closed her eyes and sighed. " Honestly, yes. Dishonestly, no. " Kesh obviously wasn't taking this seriously.

Kesh heard Kelsey's warning in which Kesh smiled as she ate the roasted pig, " You are probably right, maybe some new hands just in case. I already had my tail ripped off. Luckily, I was given a potion to grow a new one. " Kesh called as she raised the roasted pig. But then Narine spoke again, threating Kesh again. The Ratkin looked to the human as she continued eating. " Ooooooh, very scary. " The Ratkin stated, " Yes yes, I am sure you were very virtuous in slaying my drugged kin, when they couldn't do anything. " Kesh lowered her head in a bow, " I guess I'll commend you for that. " There was a hint of sarcasm in Kesh's voice, but then Edric would speak up. Basically kicking Kesh out, the Ratkin stared at him for a moment before she finished her bite. " Of course, mister Edric. " The Ratkin stated as she placed her food down then slowly stood up. " I understand. Thank you for having me for the three minutes I was here. " Kesh gave a legitimate bow to the halfling, " I appreciate the amazing food and somewhat adequate service. " Of course, she meant Narine being rude with her first. " Otherwise, I had a great time. " Kesh looked to Orchid and Victorique, " Now then, perhaps we'll meet in the future. I do hope so. " The Ratkin mainly said to Orchid. " Roland, hopefully we can meet again and share more stories with one another. Kelsey, I hope your new hand works in the future. Cheese crotch, you probably should work on your attitude. Goodbye weird rabbits and Lacie. "

" Now then, I hope you understand what I am about to do next is for my own safety. " Kesh said to Edric. " I mean no disrespect, but I do not trust-believe cheese crotch here or the Doorman over yonder to not try and apprehend-catch me. Goodbye for now, I suppose. " Kesh held her hand over where her heart was at, her ring glow for a moment and Kesh immediately disappeared from sight [Conceal-Hide Away! E]. Kesh then made sure, just in case they could see her, she bolted for a window and used a combination of [Fast F] and [Acrobatics D] to quickly open and climb through before touching the ground and lightly jogging off. She did not trust those two to not try and grab her. She would be a fool to allow such a thing.

  • Conceal-Hide Away! - E - Magic Affinity E, Undetected F, Magic Duration F: Kesh uses her abilities to hide away from both people's sight and having the ability to suppress her sound as well. This effect lasts for 1 minute. (1 Post Cooldown)
Kesh chuckled as she eventually ran off, off to find her next adventure. It was good to be back in the mainland!
Mentions: Kesh Skyhunter Skyhunter | Orchid Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher | Lacie Etymarchen Etymarchen


“You're welcome.” Edric told Lacie, as he watched the young lady leave in a rather flashy fashion. It's a shame she was at her most interesting on her leave, as he and some of the others present were definitely garnering sudden interest into the girl portal-ling into another dimension all of a sudden.

The rat, on the other hand, was better to see leave than see arrive at this rate. The glares got showed that they honestly didn't agree with the thought that drugging someone was witty or cunning. In fact, Narina was already grabbing for the cleaver on her back with a death cold stare, not at Kesh, but at Edrics way, suggesting his approval was the only thing she was waiting on to murder a rat. Alas, Edric, not wanting to get his dinner ruined and house messy, decided to wait for the rat to flee on her own accord.


“You're dead the next time I see you!” Narine yelled after the rat, having lost both her appetite and sense of accomplishment after that rat had been all over her preciously cooked food.


Wulfrun scoffed. “I'll go inform the authorities we've got a rat on the loose. Try to get some decent guests next time around.” He left, having not even entered the house.


“Well, that's a bummer.” Kelsey casually commented, not really helping the situation. “That rat might've made a good scout against Empire or See forces, if someone were to capture and train her. Could be fun.” She actually sounded fairly serious about that part.

That said, the mood had been soured. Although the informal gathering hadn't ended, it didn't last for long afterwards. Still, Victorique had managed to get some of what she wanted out of it. She'd met with some other more notable halflings and had traversed to the place supposed to be her country of origin. Whether either would prove to have been a worthy endeavour in the long run would have yet to be seen.

It didn't take long for some search-warrants to be out for Victorique. Either Wulfrun or Albert, potentially both, had reported her. The Second Breakfast Club, already known for sometimes inviting 'peculiar' members, was now also known for a lack of distinguishing tasteful guests from vermin. Whilst the regulars would likely keep coming out of habit, Edric would probably need to spent some time and effort to brush his reputation back up after this failure.

The End
Isekai Hell RP Grade

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Etymarchen Etymarchen Skyhunter Skyhunter

What a nice dinner party, for the first 2 minutes. Thefts, poisonings, dragon balls, Cheese cooch and more. Bet the food never tasted better. An amusing read and its about time someone got some answers as to why lacie is such an odd duck. XD Feels like it coulda been a show. like a weekly sit down for breakfast with the random guest or stumbler-inner that appears. I appreciate the npc flow.

The widersia village and surrounding area of the breakfast would be alerted to the presence of a female ratkin wanted for crimes. Crime was not particularly high among the natives, so the reaction to the charges was exaggerated by the populace but was underwhelming when it came to the actual law enforcement response. There was more likely to be 'pioneer' justice done rather than Kesh actually encountering proper law enforcement or even trained bounty hunters. The Adventurer's Guild would be even slower to respond despite having superior criminal apprehending ability. Various mug shots would be posted around on boards. As of yet, few of turned up credible leads.



Victorique - 25 points (narration bonus included)
  • optional title acquired [Doll] - character was so cute and small, they were suspected of being an inanimate doll rather than a person. While the valley between perfection and close enough is hard to determine, the character will have an easier time being mistaken as a toy. Real toys will not be fooled by such an impersonation.
Orchid - 34 points (attentive student bonus included)
  • optional title acquired [Gregarious] - whether the character is among enemies or allies, they seem to know what to say or do that lets them thrive in the situation. A story or apt compliment, the character can make a good situation more fun or a bad situation more agreeable.
Lacie - 17 points
  • optional title acquired [Recorder] - character takes notes. maybe the like to, but they will take them regardless. Actively taking moments to reflect on the opinions and facts of various things, the character is more likely to have a rounded out view of their world.
Kesh - 17 points
  • Mandatory title acquired [Abuser E] - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
  • Mandatory title acquired [Thief F] - character has taken possessions from another creature that is neither a criminal nor monster. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
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