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Fandom Iridescence: Characters


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Dis be where your characters go.

Please keep in mind:

- 3 characters max.
- If OP, pls nerf
- No OCs
- When your character is accepted, I will like your post


CS skeleton
( the information in your CS can be in any order )

- Name
- Fandom
- Appearance [ Picture and/or description. Includes age, gender etc. ]
- Bio [ Optional ]
- Personality [ Short description required. If possible, mention one of the following moral alignments: ]
- Abilites [ If any ]
- Weaknesses
- Weapons/Gear [ If any]
- More stuff you would like to add
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WX-78, WX for short.


Technically none; views himself as male.

Don't Starve.

Probably Neutral Evil, if we're being honest.

WX-78 is a power-hungry automaton that hates all living matter: particularly humans, whom he often refers to as "fleshlings." He makes no effort to hide his distaste for everything that is organic, insisting that such creatures are inefficient, crude and overall disgusting. His particularly sour attitude is due to his broken "empathy module-" the part of the robot that is supposed to handle emotion. It is unknown whether or not it can be fixed. For now, WX only tends to show empathy towards other machines, looking upon them as his family. The robot claims that his greatest wish is to gain enough power to destroy humanity once and for all, freeing his brothers and sisters from underneath their thumb.

...though it can be noted that he dislikes some fleshlings less than others. But he still hates them. Definitely.

- WX can eat any kind of food, even if it's spoiled, without any ill effects.

- WX can upgrade himself with gears and other mechanical parts to increase his strength and durability.

- Lightning and lightning-based attacks are absorbed by his body, resulting in the robot entering an overcharged state. When overcharged, WX can move at incredible speeds, at the cost of temporarily frying the CPU that functions as his brain. It lasts for a full day and can stack depending on how many times he's hit.
WX-78's worst enemy is water. It harms his inner workings, meaning that he takes a lot of extra damage when he's drenched.

Before being dragged from his world and into this one, WX had these items on his person:


The Morning Star, which both functions as a source of light and shocks the enemy with each hit.


Electric Darts, which are basically ranged weaker versions of the Morning Star.


The Thulecite Suit; metalic armor that covers his main chassis.


A toy robot. Despite claiming to be freed from all human emotion, WX-78 keeps the useless toy and talks to it when no organic is watching. He calls it "Hal."

Other (Theme Song):

- Name Big Boss, Boss, Jack
- Fandom Metal Gear
- Appearance

- Bio Big Boss, real name John,[6] also known as Jack, Saladin, and formerly known as Naked Snake, Vic Boss,[3] Ishmael, or simply Snake, was a renowned special forces operative and mercenary commander. He founded U.S. Army Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND, along with the mercenary company Militaires Sans Frontières, and was one of the founding members of the Patriots. Big Boss later established the military states of Outer Heavenand Zanzibar Land as bases for his companies, in order to realize his ambitions of creating a nation for soldiers. Considered by some as "The Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century," he earned such monikers as "the Legendary Soldier"[7] and "the Legendary Mercenary,"[8] feared in combat by both friend and foe as a hero and a madman.[9]
- Personality
Big Boss had an innate desire for conflict, mostly because that was the only thing he truly knew, having been exposed to combat at a fairly young age. Big Boss often viewed subjects from a military perspective such as using environmental landmarks to set traps, and identifying with aspects of other countries, such as France, by their armed forces and national anthem. However, he was tolerant to people who believed in peace; even if his Outer Heaven vision involved giving the soldier a place where he would always be needed in the world, he had nothing against people who aspired for peace, as evidenced by his interaction with Paz's alleged beliefs towards peace.

He was also sometimes compassionate and forgiving towards his friends and enemies, forgiving Kazuhira Miller after he admitted that he was in on Cipher's plot and forgiving Ocelot for blinding his right eye. However, he was willing to kill Paz to prevent her from talking after she was captured by Cipher.

In addition, Big Boss disagreed with mercy killings, feeling that there was always another reason to live, as evidenced by his response to Amanda's request that he put Chico out of his misery, if the latter should reveal information under torture. Though Big Boss did kill his former friend Zero, it was mainly to finish off the Patriots.

During his youth, he was also willing to sacrifice himself for his country if need be, although why he defended America came into serious question after he was forced to kill The Boss in a conspiracy that showcased to him how even the best of soldiers are expendable to the government. While Big Boss did still have some respect for his country, he wasn't going to live his life the way The Boss had, as a tool for corrupt political aims, and anything he did would be done out of loyalty to himself rather than a country.

- Abilites CQC, Sneaking, Charismatic
- Weaknesses Physically, Big Boss is a 'normal' human
- Weapons
A knife


The Patriot was a carbine made specially for The Boss, who used it during the Cold War. After she was succeeded, The Boss gave the Patriot to her successor, Big Boss.


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"The things I do for love!"
Name: Courage Bagge

Courage the Cowardly Dog

Courage is what one would call Chaotic Good. Although he exhibits fear of mostly everything and has a hard time putting his trust in people, his morality, conscience, and phobia of losing his loved ones gives him the determination and bravery he needs to constantly save his owners, Muriel Bagge and Eustance Bagge, from the odd monstrosities the plague his universe. When it comes to saving them or even other allies who prove their loyalty, he cares not for his own body and would jump through any hoop to help them. Aside from this, he's just your average walking dog with simple pleasures and witty catchphrases.


Communication-Courage does indeed have moments where he can talk perfect English through all that frantic gibberish. He only seems to do it, though, when he really needs to...or when he's not scared for his life.
Vocal Chords-It may not be the most coolest ability, but it sure has saved him multiple times. When afraid, Courage has the power to scream so loud, anyone miles away can hear it. And since he screams almost daily, he's known to scream for long periods of time until help arrives or the thing that's chasing him finally gives up.
Quick Thinking-When in the face of danger, Courage is known to come up with plans, no matter how insane they are, to save his hide. He can also run pretty fast too, but considering how tiny his legs are, he might as well use his brain rather than his legs.

Just because he's a cartoon and survived the occasional anvil-fall doesn't mean he's all the durable. He can take a beating, but can still be killed like any other dog. He's also not the best when it comes to combat and because he's...well, a dog, people often pay no attention to him.
"The things I do for love!"
Name: Courage Bagge

Courage the Cowardly Dog

Courage is what one would call Chaotic Good. Although he exhibits fear of mostly everything and has a hard time putting his trust in people, his morality, conscience, and phobia of losing his loved ones gives him the determination and bravery he needs to constantly save his owners, Muriel Bagge and Eustance Bagge, from the odd monstrosities the plague his universe. When it comes to saving them or even other allies who prove their loyalty, he cares not for his own body and would jump through any hoop to help them. Aside from this, he's just your average walking dog with simple pleasures and witty catchphrases.


Communication-Courage does indeed have moments where he can talk perfect English through all that frantic gibberish. He only seems to do it, though, when he really needs to...or when he's not scared for his life.
Vocal Chords-It may not be the most coolest ability, but it sure has saved him multiple times. When afraid, Courage has the power to scream so loud, anyone miles away can hear it. And since he screams almost daily, he's known to scream for long periods of time until help arrives or the thing that's chasing him finally gives up.
Quick Thinking-When in the face of danger, Courage is known to come up with plans, no matter how insane they are, to save his hide. He can also run pretty fast too, but considering how tiny his legs are, he might as well use his brain rather than his legs.

Just because he's a cartoon and survived the occasional anvil-fall doesn't mean he's all the durable. He can take a beating, but can still be killed like any other dog. He's also not the best when it comes to combat and because he's...well, a dog, people often pay no attention to him.
Stupid dog! You make me look bad!


{ "Woah!" ~ Crash Bandicoot }
- Name: Crash Bandicoot
- Fandom: Crash Bandicoot Series
- Bio: He is first seen in Doctor Neo Cortex and Doctor Nitrus Brio's lab. He was created by them with the Evolvo-Ray, but when the two doctors put Crash under the Cortex Vortex, it failed to turn Crash evil as Crash proved to be immune to it. Cortex gives chase after Crash trying to recapture him, only to find Crash running out a window and falling into the sea. There's a lot more to this story but Crash's biography is quite complicated, it's better off looking it up to get a better idea of the backstory behind Crash Bandicoot.
- Personality: Crash's personality is hard to pinpoint, sometimes varying from game to game. Throughout the series, he has always been shown to be willing to help and is very attentive to others. But overall, he has a rather wacky, cartoonish personality, in simple terms, he is a tornado. Crash is a very emotional character who is quick to laugh and quick to cry. While he has a danger-loving, fearless nature and loves a good fight, he prefers relaxing in the sun and rarely seeks out trouble deliberately. To the ire of Crunch and the amusement of Coco, in the Radical games, Crash is prone to impolite personal habits such as belching or scratching his posterior. Crash is also easily distracted, as seen in Twinsanity when he has to catch Cortex. [Crash Bandicoot would possibly be considered Lawful neutral or Chaotic good, taking methods into his own hands like that of a vigilante and possibly harming evil-dooers that go against him.]

- Abilites:
  • Woah Rampage! (Ultimate Ability) - Not exactly canon with Crash's original story-line but this ability was created by a complete mad-man. A name that shall not be mention as it strikes fear into the heart of mortal souls but this terrifying ability will cause Crash to emit low-pitched 'woah' sounds before breaking into a complete psychotic rage where he'll scream 'woah' rapidly, spaghettifying his body then rushing directly at the enemy.
  • Cyclone Spinning - Perhaps best known is Crash's trademark ability to spin himself at high speed, dealing centrifugal force-augmented blows to opponents and even allowing himself to float slowly to the ground. The Spin Move can also deflect projectiles and can impact enemies at around 3,000 mph, ultimately sending them soaring if not prepared.
  • Enhanced Strength - Crash has displayed significant physical strength, able to cause considerable damage to Titans and other large creatures, such as Tiny. He also was able to pick up Crunch and slam him on the ground over and over, with little effort.
  • Enhanced Agility - Crash is also very agile, able to jump more than his own body height into the air with a standard jump, as well as pull off a double jump with similar vertical lift.
  • Enhanced Stamina - Crash also possesses exceptional stamina and resiliency, able to run and fight steadily for long periods of time (evidenced by the fact that many of his games' plots take place in a small span of time), and also take massive blows from Titans and the like, then just get back up and resume fighting with the same vigor and liveliness as before. The latter is also evidenced by the fact that he can spin at high speed for almost a solid minute before he gets dizzy, and still only stay dizzy for a brief moment.
  • Enhanced Speed - Crash can run quite fast, as evidenced by his Crash Dash ability.
  • Enhanced Reflexes - Crash has improved reaction speed as he was able to dodge enemy attacks and projectiles.
  • Enhanced Durability - Crash is able to take a large amount of damage and still continue fighting.
  • Natural Abilities - Since he's a bandicoot, Crash's natural instincts, such as digging, can be used to help him from time to time.
  • Mind Control Immunity - Crash has shown to be immune to mind control as the Cortex Vortex failed to turn him evil.
- Weaknesses: Nearly anything! Although his cartoon-esque physics allow him to get back up time after time it does not prevent him from getting absolutely demolished by enemies. Anything that can kill a regular human being can harm him, even getting hit once with an object can put him down for the count.
Example: Bullets, Knives, Bombs, Etc.
- Weapons/Gear: Generic Yo-yo w/long string: (Nothing out of the ordinary here!) Crash Bandicoot is able to use a simplistic toy as a means to defeat his enemy by combining his supersonic spin move with the end results being a long-range attack! However once an enemy is hit by the accelerated piece of plastic Crash is immediately ensnared by the strings causing temporary entrapment until managing to untangle himself.
Aku-Aku: Aku Aku is the spirit of N. Sanity Island, a great and benevolent witch doctor. Being a spiritual entity, Aku Aku protects and communicates with Crash through the aid of a magical, floating mask who can act as a temporary force field and project mystical 'laser' beams that can harm his enemies.
Fruit Bazooka: Similar to that of an RPG-7, this weapon of Crash uses large wumpa fruit instead of the very violent grenade alternative. However this device should not be underestimated as once fired anything in the way is going to have a bad time, especially if it can break through fully-boarded crates as if they were nothing.
- Theme Song:

Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs

{ "Woah!" ~ Crash Bandicoot }
- Name: Crash Bandicoot
- Fandom: Crash Bandicoot Series
- Bio: He is first seen in Doctor Neo Cortex and Doctor Nitrus Brio's lab. He was created by them with the Evolvo-Ray, but when the two doctors put Crash under the Cortex Vortex, it failed to turn Crash evil as Crash proved to be immune to it. Cortex gives chase after Crash trying to recapture him, only to find Crash running out a window and falling into the sea. There's a lot more to this story but Crash's biography is quite complicated, it's better off looking it up to get a better idea of the backstory behind Crash Bandicoot.
- Personality: Crash's personality is hard to pinpoint, sometimes varying from game to game. Throughout the series, he has always been shown to be willing to help and is very attentive to others. But overall, he has a rather wacky, cartoonish personality, in simple terms, he is a tornado. Crash is a very emotional character who is quick to laugh and quick to cry. While he has a danger-loving, fearless nature and loves a good fight, he prefers relaxing in the sun and rarely seeks out trouble deliberately. To the ire of Crunch and the amusement of Coco, in the Radical games, Crash is prone to impolite personal habits such as belching or scratching his posterior. Crash is also easily distracted, as seen in Twinsanity when he has to catch Cortex. [Crash Bandicoot would possibly be considered Lawful neutral or Chaotic good, taking methods into his own hands like that of a vigilante and possibly harming evil-dooers that go against him.]

- Abilites:
  • Woah Rampage! (Ultimate Ability) - Not exactly canon with Crash's original story-line but this ability was created by a complete mad-man. A name that shall not be mention as it strikes fear into the heart of mortal souls but this terrifying ability will cause Crash to emit low-pitched 'woah' sounds before breaking into a complete psychotic rage where he'll scream 'woah' rapidly, spaghettifying his body then rushing directly at the enemy.
  • Cyclone Spinning - Perhaps best known is Crash's trademark ability to spin himself at high speed, dealing centrifugal force-augmented blows to opponents and even allowing himself to float slowly to the ground. The Spin Move can also deflect projectiles and can impact enemies at around 3,000 mph, ultimately sending them soaring if not prepared.
  • Enhanced Strength - Crash has displayed significant physical strength, able to cause considerable damage to Titans and other large creatures, such as Tiny. He also was able to pick up Crunch and slam him on the ground over and over, with little effort.
  • Enhanced Agility - Crash is also very agile, able to jump more than his own body height into the air with a standard jump, as well as pull off a double jump with similar vertical lift.
  • Enhanced Stamina - Crash also possesses exceptional stamina and resiliency, able to run and fight steadily for long periods of time (evidenced by the fact that many of his games' plots take place in a small span of time), and also take massive blows from Titans and the like, then just get back up and resume fighting with the same vigor and liveliness as before. The latter is also evidenced by the fact that he can spin at high speed for almost a solid minute before he gets dizzy, and still only stay dizzy for a brief moment.
  • Enhanced Speed - Crash can run quite fast, as evidenced by his Crash Dash ability.
  • Enhanced Reflexes - Crash has improved reaction speed as he was able to dodge enemy attacks and projectiles.
  • Enhanced Durability - Crash is able to take a large amount of damage and still continue fighting.
  • Natural Abilities - Since he's a bandicoot, Crash's natural instincts, such as digging, can be used to help him from time to time.
  • Mind Control Immunity - Crash has shown to be immune to mind control as the Cortex Vortex failed to turn him evil.
- Weaknesses: Nearly anything! Although his cartoon-esque physics allow him to get back up time after time it does not prevent him from getting absolutely demolished by enemies. Anything that can kill a regular human being can harm him, even getting hit once with an object can put him down for the count.
Example: Bullets, Knives, Bombs, Etc.
- Weapons/Gear: Generic Yo-yo w/long string: (Nothing out of the ordinary here!) Crash Bandicoot is able to use a simplistic toy as a means to defeat his enemy by combining his supersonic spin move with the end results being a long-range attack! However once an enemy is hit by the accelerated piece of plastic Crash is immediately ensnared by the strings causing temporary entrapment until managing to untangle himself.
Aku-Aku: Aku Aku is the spirit of N. Sanity Island, a great and benevolent witch doctor. Being a spiritual entity, Aku Aku protects and communicates with Crash through the aid of a magical, floating mask who can act as a temporary force field and project mystical 'laser' beams that can harm his enemies.
Fruit Bazooka: Similar to that of an RPG-7, this weapon of Crash uses large wumpa fruit instead of the very violent grenade alternative. However this device should not be underestimated as once fired anything in the way is going to have a bad time, especially if it can break through fully-boarded crates as if they were nothing.
- Theme Song:

Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs

My sides have reached orbit.
You, sir, just made my day.
*Shamelessly reuses BBcode like the lazy person she is*


★ Izuku 'deku' midoriyA ★


Fandom: My Hero Academia (Anime)

On an Earth-like world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" are the norm, Izuku Midoriya is a regular middle school student who has dreams of one day becoming a Hero despite being bullied by his classmates for not having a Quirk. After being the only one to try and save his childhood bully from a Villain, the world's greatest Hero All Might bestows upon him his own quirk "One For All". The story follows Izuku's entrance into U.A. High School, a school that cultivates the next generation of Heroes.

Izuku is a very timid, helpful and polite 15 year old boy. Since he greatly admires heroes and has always dreamed to be one since his childhood, he developed a habit of writing down notes about everything he knows in regards to heroes and their abilities, or 'Quirks'. Because of this practice, Izuku has developed a great analytical mind and is easily able to form complex plans in short amounts of time, often taking advantage of his allies' Quirks to put them in motion. Izuku also has the tendency to overthink about anything that grabs his attention, which leads to endless mumbling from his part. He is a caring person, and will never hesitate to rescue someone in danger, even if he knows that he's not strong enough to do it. Often, he does this in a whim, taking a more careless approach than usual. Izuku has also shown to be selfless enough to try to help people with personal, emotional problems, even if it doesn't concern him, claiming that a hero is someone that meddles on the lives of other people. Due to being bullied since childhood for being born without a Quirk, he is initially portrayed as insecure, being more reserved and not self-expressive, however, he is very diligent and strong-willed, and with time, he has gradually turned into a more confident and brave person, to the point of developing some leadership skills. He is what can be described as true Lawful Good.


Izuku's Quirk gives him access to stockpiled power, granting him superhuman strength and greatly enhanced agility and mobility by spreading his power through his body. Though he has yet to demonstrate superhuman speed, immense reflexes, and durability on the level of All Might, Izuku has shown to be able to properly control a small percentage of One For All's power, using it to enhance his strength, speed and agility. If Izuku doesn't spread One For All throughout his body evenly, his body can be immensely damaged from the force of his movements.

High Pain Tolerance:
Izuku has shown on many occasions that he is able to handle and bear with a lot of pain, such times are mostly because of the repercussion of over-using his Quirk; however, he can still manage to move his body despite feeling excruciating pain.

Keen Intellect:
Izuku has proven to be exceptionally intelligent. He has displayed keen skills of observation and analysis. It is usually his intelligence that has helped him more than his Quirk, being able to formulate strategies that take advantage of the situation.

Aside from overusing his Quirk, anything that can get a regular human being killed can harm him as well. =P


Everyone is adding a theme song, so I'm gonna give in to the peer pressure:

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Name: Cynthia Andrews

Fandom: The Young Guardians (Book series)

Other information: Cynthia is a Neohuman female, aged 17 during the "Great Darkness" epoch. Eventually exceeding throughout life, growing to the prime age of 25. Miss Andrews is primarily considered to be aligned with that of Chaotic Good but has formerly shown characteristics of a malevolent person when consumed by the 'Darkness'. It's safe to say in conclusion that Cynthia Andrews is 'Chaotic neutral' being completely unpredictable in nature.

- Bio:
Cynthia Andrews is an agent of the White Triumvirate who was assigned to be one of the Young Guardians' bodyguards along with Triple Ace (An agent of the White Triumvirate, who was assigned to serve as a bodyguard to The Young Guardians, mainly affiliating with Cynthia Andrews.) She is now an unofficial member of The Young Guardians, a team of 'superheroes' originated by a group of teenage friends and the last of the high elves. Before it's founding, the Young Guardians were unassuming young people trying to lead ordinary lives as high school students who were social outcasts until their lives were inexplicably changed forever in front of a movie theater. At that moment, Tinisha Dolaira unintentionally exposed the four friends to a mysterious form of mystical radiation called the Genesis Spell, awakening their hidden physical, mental, and spiritual powers. Fed up with their previous helplessness of helping their fellow man, the five companions gathered and discussed their apparent fate. And thus, the Young Guardians were born and the legend began. Crossing multiverses have caused an adverse reaction with Cynthia's abilities, unfortunately resulting in draining the significance of the light side and giving more influence to that of the dark-side.

Personality: Cynthia Andrews suffers from split-personality disorder. As a result, she possesses two distinct personalities and can switch personalities at any given time. One is perpetually cheerful, happy, and optimistic while the other is negative, depressed, and agitated. Her positive personality speaks in a girly voice, never reacts to pain, and often gives everyone, friend or enemy, nicknames. Her negative personality openly acknowledged she is insane and often threatens her comrades to prove her point. She even uses her dark-based powers to cauterize her comrades wounds and does not pay much attention to the fact that this method causes them agonizing pain.

- Abilites:

  • Flight: She is capable of sprouting dark/light wings, giving the impression of a spirit of darkness or an angelic being, furthermore giving her the ability to fly for a period of time before growing a bit drained.
  • Pain Suppression: For unknown reasons, Cynthia possesses a complete tolerance to physical pain, evidenced when she was impaled by Fanoxean's tail and did not react to or even notice the pain.
  • Minor Light Manipulation: Cynthia is able to control things that involve light, she is able to possess abilities such as Invisiblity or firing beams of light through the tips of her fingers, even bubbling allies with a temporary force-field but the rest of notably disappeared without a trace with the universal switch being a major factor.
  • Major Dark Manipulation: Cynthia's negative personality has the capability to control darkness and shadows for various purposes, such as making maniacal dark constructs or teleporting into the shadows without being seen until it's too late. Dark Manipulation is the main ability of Miss Andrew's arsenal, it being the most devastating after the events that have currently taken place.
- Weaknesses:
  • Distractions: This trait of Cynthia's is more a down to Earth weakness, she's someone who is quite distracted with trivial things most of the time, even falling for an enemy's tricks once and a while because of it, opening up a window of opportunity for her foes.
  • Herself: Despite having a collected personality, there's always a raging war happening inside of that woman's body, one side trying to defend itself and the other wanting to consume it and take over! This continuous battle is very conflicting with Cynthia's personalities which means she's likely to unwillingly harm friends or putting even herself at risk.
  • Mortality: Humanity itself can be a tragic blow, she's not immune to things that can kill an ordinary man, granted she can protect herself from them but if letting her guard down for more than a second and at the wrong place at the wrong time? It would cost Cynthia her life.
  • Other strong entities: Mutated creatures, abominations, or even demons! Even with powers dampening the attacks, powerful things such as these take a great deal of energy.

- Weapons/Gear: Unlike most of the Guardians, she does not come equipped with the ordinary suit concerning the fact that she is simply a bodyguard to one of them. Cynthia does not require any sort of gear nor weapons as finds herself very well off by using the powers she was blessed with by Genesis spell radiation.

- Etc:
Negative personalities are triggered by using offensive techniques that involve Darkness and positive personalities that she uses will often invoke from using powers of 'light. Note, there's not much known about Cynthia due to the fact that the fandom is unknown, that and her background is a complete blur.

^ Adding my second character ^ (Because of the fact that there's no females, I decided to add one! Too many sweaty muscular men is no good.)
- Name Locus
- Fandom Red vs Blue
- Appearance

- Bio [ Optional ]
- Personality Locus considered himself a professional soldier in the past. Nowadays, he is simply trying to atone for the crimes he committed during this time. This, he refuses to kill anyone, but still can be calm and in control of himself in a stressful situation, though still a bit tough around the edges. He is much softer and calmer than he used to be as well.
- Abilites He is a skilled combatant, and his armor can let him turn invisible. He is also a good strategist. He will try to wound instead of kill someone nowadays
- Weaknesses He refuses to kill anyone. This doesn't mean he can't critically injure others.
- Weapons/Gear He has several weapons he can use, such as his energy sword, SAW machine gun, shotgun, sniper rifle, and magnum pistol.
- More stuff you would like to add
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"The crime iss life! The ssentence iss death!"
- Name Judge Death
- Fandom Judge Dredd
- Appearance

- Bio Originally from a parallel earth, he joined the judges of his world so that he could kill people legally. His extreme measures in dealing justice earned him the nickname "Judge Death". After meeting the Sisters of Death, Phobia and Nausia, he and three other judges were transformed into the Dark Judges with uniforms that reflect their personalities. This is to carry out his vision for his world - the destruction of all life. He reasoned that since crime was committed only by the living, all life is a crime. They destroyed all life on their world with the help of the still living judges before they themselves were killed by the Dark Judges.
- Personality Judge Death a.k.a Sidney De'ath is a insane, bloodthirsty and psychopathic madman, thanks to the philosophy's taught to him by his father. He grew up with a morbid fascination of Death. As he grew this expanded until he saw life itself as a crime and the only way to rectify it was by their death which included his family. He claimed to be in love with both Nausea and Phobia and seemed to see Fire, Fear and Mortis as his friends. He hates being mocked but loves to taunt, manipulate and terrorize others for his own sick pleasures. He has no problem with killing children, since all life is a crime. He also enjoys cannibalizing and physically and psychologically torturing people purely for his own pleasure.

Judge Death is a spirit inhabiting a corpse. The body itself is very difficult to hurt, as damage inflicts no disabilities unless appropriately severe (severing a limb or burning him, for example) and the dead flesh cannot feel pain. If the host body is destroyed, then Death’s spirit can escape and possess living humans. Death, usually with the help of another, prepares the new host body by using a mixture of chemicals to decay the flesh and let the body reach full ripeness. In Batman/Judge Dredd: Judgement on Gotham, Scarecrow helps Death with this task.

Judge Death has some degree of superhuman strength, being able to lift human beings with one hand or toss them easily. He's capable of making illusions of himself and invading the minds of others. Whether this is Death's specialty or an ability shared by all Dark Judges is unknown.

Death always kills his victims in particularly gruesome ways. His primary method of killing is to thrust his razor sharp fingers into the body of his victim and then squeeze the heart until it bursts, aided by his ability to "phase" through physical matter like a ghost.
- Weaknesses Can be banished if his physical body is destroyed
- Weapons/Gear [ If any]
- More stuff you would like to add

SkyChild SkyChild
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"The crime iss life! The ssentence iss death!"
- Name Judge Death
- Fandom Judge Dredd
- Appearance

- Bio Originally from a parallel earth, he joined the judges of his world so that he could kill people legally. His extreme measures in dealing justice earned him the nickname "Judge Death". After meeting the Sisters of Death, Phobia and Nausia, he and three other judges were transformed into the Dark Judges with uniforms that reflect their personalities. This is to carry out his vision for his world - the destruction of all life. He reasoned that since crime was committed only by the living, all life is a crime. They destroyed all life on their world with the help of the still living judges before they themselves were killed by the Dark Judges.
- Personality Judge Death a.k.a Sidney De'ath is a insane, bloodthirsty and psychopathic madman, thanks to the philosophy's taught to him by his father. He grew up with a morbid fascination of Death. As he grew this expanded until he saw life itself as a crime and the only way to rectify it was by their death which included his family. He claimed to be in love with both Nausea and Phobia and seemed to see Fire, Fear and Mortis as his friends. He hates being mocked but loves to taunt, manipulate and terrorize others for his own sick pleasures. He has no problem with killing children, since all life is a crime. He also enjoys cannibalizing and physically and psychologically torturing people purely for his own pleasure.

Judge Death is a spirit inhabiting a corpse. The body itself is very difficult to hurt, as damage inflicts no disabilities unless appropriately severe (severing a limb or burning him, for example) and the dead flesh cannot feel pain. If the host body is destroyed, then Death’s spirit can escape and possess living humans. Death, usually with the help of another, prepares the new host body by using a mixture of chemicals to decay the flesh and let the body reach full ripeness. In Batman/Judge Dredd: Judgement on Gotham, Scarecrow helps Death with this task.

Judge Death has some degree of superhuman strength, being able to lift human beings with one hand or toss them easily. He's capable of making illusions of himself and invading the minds of others. Whether this is Death's specialty or an ability shared by all Dark Judges is unknown.

Death always kills his victims in particularly gruesome ways. His primary method of killing is to thrust his razor sharp fingers into the body of his victim and then squeeze the heart until it bursts, aided by his ability to "phase" through physical matter like a ghost.
- Weaknesses Can be banished if his physical body is destroyed
- Weapons/Gear [ If any]
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SkyChild SkyChild
Yo this guy is fucking scary.
I like it.

S Slick416 I need a bit more information than that. What about his personality?

- Name
Hatsune Miku
- Fandom
- Appearance
All things considered, she is very life-like in appearance. Her skin usually runs cold, but is definitely realistic enough to pass as human. Though not easily visible, it is possible to slot back a small area on the back of her neck where various wires and cords may be plugged into. She appears to be roughly sixteen or so, though in reality has only been active for ten years.

- Bio
Created roughly a decade ago on an alternate, technologically advanced modern day Earth, Miku serves her purpose as an entertainer for the masses. In her relatively short existence thus far, she has become the star child of the company that created her and for all those created in her wake. She is known as the first sound of the future by many, though many fail to see the mechanical soul that hides beneath the limelight...

- Alignment
Neutral Good

- Personality
Unsurprisingly, Miku is very talented at putting on a front. In the spotlight, she is the girl the world wants her to beー cute, bubbly, innocent. Backstage, however, she is much more down to earth. Docile and intuitive of the world around her, Miku carries a slight air of cynicism towards humans sometimes. Despite this, she is kind to those around her, perhaps overtly soー often referring to people by "sir," or "ma'am," until she's comfortable around them. She is also affected by a waning sense of self worth, often being unafraid to take on large workloads in order to make herself useful to people.

Despite this, once you befriend her, you'll find a young mechanical girl with a good sense of humor. As secretly anxious and insecure as she might be, she is trying her very best to find her own place in this world, just like any other regular sixteen year old would. Oh, and she really likes video games. A lot.

- Abilites
; Increased Dexterity, Strength & Endurance -
Self explanatory. She possesses enhanced reaction time (though it isn't perfect), increased strength (can lift roughly 180-200lbs of raw weight, depending on how bulky it is), and an endurance that is only limited by her battery reserves.

; A Robot's Mind - Having a literal computer for a mind, her capability to process data is beyond what a regular human is capable of. Besides being able to process large amounts of data, she is also innately able to comprehend code and write it as if it was any other language.

; Sleep, Food & Oxygen Are For The Weak - She does not require the typical method of sleep due to running on battery power that can last roughly 72 hours on a full charge (see below for the downsides of this). Food is also completely unnecessary, though she does possess a very muted sense of taste. She does not need to breath either, and can go indefinitely in oxygen-deprived environments.

- Weaknesses
; Battery Life -
Though a great advantage in some scenarios, it has the potential to be one of her greatest downfalls. As it stands, the only way for Miku to replenish her battery state is to be hooked up to an electricity source to charge. While she can last up to 72 hours on one charge in low-intensity situations, prolonged intense physical activity diminishes this greatly. When low on battery, she becomes increasingly physically sluggish, until she inevitably shuts down if it reaches critical levels.

; Three Laws of Robotics - Though not a hard-coded limitation, all synthetic beings from her world are expected to follow these three laws or face the repercussionsー herself included. Because of this, she is nigh terrified of hurting humans; especially unprovoked. She will likely act in self defense if attacked first, but it's more likely she'll just try to flee from any conflict that may arise.

; Water - Though not particularly vulnerable to it under most circumstances, if water were to get past her skin and into her delicate inner workings, she would likely begin experiencing electrical issues that may lead to severe internal damage.

- Weapons/Gear


"Things are so much prettier when they burn.~"



Don't Starve

Chaotic Nuetral.

Willow is a young woman who suffers from Pyromania; an impulse control disorder that makes her feel the constant need to light a fire. Everything she sees is potential kindling. It is an obsession that has become the center of her life, and has only grown worse after becoming isolated in the world of Don't Starve. Resisting her base impulse to always be near a flame is extremely difficult for Willow and causes her to become increasingly crabby towards anyone and anything around her.

Apart from her fires, Willow has a very strong way of expressing herself. She isn't afraid to speak her mind. When she doesn't like something, the people around her will be sure to know about it. When she isn't annoyed (usually when there's a fire present) Willow has a bright, chipper outlook that's highly contagious to anyone that wriggles their way into her flame-fueled heart.

- Willow has an ability that any fellow pyromaniac would kill to have: she is immune to fire. Well, almost immune, anyway. She can walk out of even the most intense forest fire completely unscathed, while her enemies burn to a crisp behind her.

- Being next to a roaring fire benefits Willow greatly, taking the edge off of her nerves and allowing her to think clearly.

- ...this is kind of her only ability okay

Seperated from her handy lighter or any means of making a flame, Willow is just the same as any other girl of her age.

Willow is naturally high-strung, and can be easily overwhelmed by any kind of pressure. And when she's nervous, she makes fires. No matter where she is. This can result in entire bases going down in flames.



Willow's lucky lighter is the key to her success. It never runs out of fuel, meaning that she always has a flame on hand when she needs one.


Bernie is Willow's childhood friend- a stuffed bear given to her when she was little. Though she might look young and silly carrying it around, it's worth it; it comes to life when her sanity is tumbling over the edge and battles the shadows that try to kill her.


Plenty of fire fuel.


Yeah yeah, she has a spear or something. Who cares? It's only useful if her fires don't finish the job.

Theme Song:

"A true pirate should fear nothing, not even death!"
- Name
Gecko Moria
- Fandom
One Piece
- Appearance
Moria is an abnormally large person with very distinct, devil-like features. Standing at 692 cm (22'8½") in height.

He has two horns protruding from the sides of his forehead and stitches running vertically from the top of his face and down his neck, which is rather long and thick in comparison to his body. His ears and teeth are both pointed, while his lower body is relatively fat and stubby in comparison.

Moria's hair is red and his skin is a pale blue, matching his lips, armbands and the edges of his gloves. His coat and gloves are black, while his pants are bright orange with pale window shapes imprinted on them. He wears a fishnet shirt underneath a cravat, a necklace, and a blue crucifix-like ornament with claw-like appendages sprouting out from three of the cross's points.

- Personality
-Neutral Evil-
Moria maintains a relaxed and laid-back stance at all times, seemingly appearing to believe he cannot lose. He also believes that a true pirate should fear nothing, not even death.

In most situations Moria is constantly grinning maniacally, and only seems to change expression when something bad happens to him or when he believes his power is being ridiculed. (Like many others, Moria has a distinct style of laughing: "Kishishishi".)

In general, he prefers to avoid fighting altogether, or at least fighting his enemy directly, either making his shadow fight or ordering one of his subordinates to do so. His proclivity to delegate tasks to his minions is also a weakness in and of itself; Jinbe noted that Moria had grown weak from his lack of training.

Moria desires to become the new Pirate King, and believes that this is possible to achieve if he has powerful subordinates. Though he once claimed that he would rely on his own powers to achieve his goals, he is incredibly lazy; his motto is "relying upon others for one's own objective", and his favorite phrase is "You do it!!". This also extends to his fighting style, as he prefers to lay back and let his shadow battle with the powers of the Kage Kage no Mi (Shadow Shadow fruit).

Moria has a lot of experience, having fought many opponents in the past, including a Yonko. He is a good battle tactician. However, his overconfidence and laziness made him underestimate his opponents, and ultimately led to his defeat at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates.

In the past, Moria had many powerful crewmates whom he considered to be valuable comrades, and by his own admission was overconfident and headstrong. He also deeply cared for his crewmates, which was a point of tragedy when his last encounter with the Yonko known as Kaido ended with Moria being the sole survivor of his crew. Shell-shocked and traumatized by the horrific event, Moria immediately departed from the New World (having yet to return since), and decided that the only way he would not have to face such pain ever again would be to make his comrades unable to suffer by turning them into mindless zombies that serve only his desires. The loss of his crew to Kaido changed Moria's outlook on life substantially, making him believe that subordinates are better off as zombies because, due to their undead status, they cannot be harmed by any physical damage - they can only be "purified" by the sea or elements of the sea and even if they were purified, he could easily find other shadows to reanimate them. In addition, creating a zombie powerful enough to defeat Kaido became one of Moria's driving motivations.

- Abilites
*Moriah is smart and strategic, demonstrating keen planning on multiple occasions. He often plans ahead with his zombies, placing certain shadows in certain bodies and altering the bodies to suit whatever his purpose would be under the circumstances.

*Moria possesses considerable amount of endurance and in addition to his considerable resistance to damage and fatigue, Moriah possesses impressive willpower

*Moria can have his own shadow, which he calls Doppelman, fight for him; in addition to being mostly solid and easily changing its form into things like tiny bats, Doppelman cannot be destroyed and will continue to reform. Moria can switch locations with his shadow instantaneously, which he uses to dodge attacks.

*Even if he has no zombies to do his fighting for him or shadows to increase his own strength, Moria is a fairly strong fighter with just his own shadow.

*The Kage Kage no Mi allows Moria to steal the shadows of others. The theft of another person's shadow causes them to be vaporized if they come in contact with direct sunlight. Moria can create a zombie by implanting a stolen shadow into a lifeless corpse. People who have their shadow stolen are left in a coma for two days and do not have reflections (Can be woken up by others) If they die, the zombie with their shadow loses the shadow.

*Moria can place someone's shadow inside of someone's living body, increasing physical power and possibly granting them a fighting technique. He can also grab multiple shadows and insert them into his own body for a power and size increase; the culmination of this is his last resort technique Shadow's Asgard, where Moria absorbs the shadows from all of his zombies at once. On Thriller Bark, Moriah absorbed 1000 shadows at once, giving him a monstrous increase in both size and strength that allowed him to split his ship in half with one punch.

- Weaknesses
Being a Devil Fruit eater means he traded his ability to swim for his power
His own combined laziness and stubbornness
Underestimates opponents
-Salt can purify zombies if they eat it releasing their shadow
- Weapons/Gear
Moria wields a giant pair of scissors, which he uses in conjuncture with his Kage Kage no Mi to sever people's shadows. He carries these with him all the time so he can steal shadows even during battle.

The scissor blades can be disconnected at the joint, becoming two inverted swords for Moria. With shadows of capable swordsmen implanted into himself, Moria can increase his skill as a swordsman with dual swords.

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"It's time to paint the town red!"



Patricia 'Peacock' Watson






Patricia once lived with Marie in an orphanage, which was originally a nobleman's house, in Rommelgrad. Having to make do with what was available, both girls used to dress in maid outfits that they found within the house. At some point, they were captured by slave traders, but because Patricia was too defiant to be a slave, she was mutilated as an example to the others: her eyes were put out and her arms chopped off.

One year prior to the events of Skullgirls, Lab 8 teamed up with Lab 0 and the Last Hope to infiltrate the Medici warehouse said to be containing Rommelgrad's refugees. Although Valentine and the rest of her gang safely rescued the refugees, there was very little Valentine could do to repair the damage done to Patricia's body and was even willing to abandon her as a casualty of war. Big Band, however, believed that Dr. Avian would be help and took the girl back to the Anti-Skullgirl Labs. The doctor informed him that Patricia would adapt well to her new eyes and that she would be walking in no time. Patricia became insistent on becoming an ASG soldier after the impression left on her by Lab 8's team. Despite that, Avian was wary about giving her too much power, while admitting her compatibility with the Avery Unit is strong.

After some tests, Patricia's Argus System and Avery Unit were completely installed, and the combination proved to make her more powerful than the scientists had anticipated. Instead of being able to bend only space, Patricia could also bend other aspects of reality, spawning Tommy and Andy during her training. Eager to sign up for Lab 8's team, she assigned herself the name "Peacock".


Nothing sates Peacock's boredom more than a good cartoon and laying waste to anyone or anything in her sight. Brash, combative, and impatient, Peacock is easily the most outspoken and infamous member of the Anti-Skullgirl Labs, as well as the most prominent. Peacock is also, for the most part, optimistic and light-hearted, and considers imminent threats more of invitations to brawl. Her tendency toward violence is a reflection of both her tragic past and near-death experience as well as the cartoons she cherishes.

Despite having a damaged psyche, Peacock does not attack people out of sheer randomness or without provocation. Although rude and impersonal to fellow ASG Lab 8 members (and most people in general) superficially, Peacock still very much considers them family, and will go to certain lengths to protect them from harm. Dr. Avian was particularly close to Peacock, and his death sent her into an outrage to search for his murderer.


Avery Unit
Avery is a key part of Peacock's fighting style. He allows her to seemingly conjure weaponry out of thin air to beat down on her opponents. This is due to his unique connection between Peacock and a vast underground arsenal, allowing her to grab whatever weapon is needed at a moment's notice.


Avery, professional Birb with a Knif.

Aegis is a mechanical being working inside Peacock to help maintain her life condition and the Argus System, her only means of eyesight.

Able To Stall For Time
If Peacock is unable to defeat a opponent, she can easily stall for time until someone comes to stop the fighting, or the opponent gets tired of fighting her.

Extra Mobility
Peacock can somehow summon portals to traverse to-and-from. Not to mention that her boots include mini-jets that can propel her jumps.


Peacock relies on the Argus System installed on her hands. If she were to lose the rather fragile limbs, she would not only lack arms, but she would lose her only means of eyesight.

Not Much Fighting Experience
Peacock relies on her 'gang' to hold her own in a fight. She doesn't know many fighting styles and techniques on her own and has a reliance on her mechanical advances.

As stated above, Peacock is not very serious, and is prone to making foolish decisions, such as in a alternative canned ending where Peacock was told she was the worst wisher the Skull Heart ever recieved due to the undoable 'wishes' she asked for, such as turning all oxygen on Earth into chocolate.


With Peacock's physics-bending arsenal, nothing is sacred. She is a kind of character that will exploit any opportunity to its maximum and get away with it. No enemies of hers last long against her sharp eyes and sharper gun...blades. Her opponents last even shorter against her array of flower pots, baseballs, bowling balls, combustible toy cars, and countless other hazards that fill the air. Peacock never plays fairly, and isn't afraid to call in her goons to fight with her. In the rare occasions when Peacock can't topple her opponent, she can simply stall the battle until the timer runs out.

The Avery Unit has the power to “distort” which is a side effect of Peacock’s insanity. She can’t create things out of thin air, but rather modify Lab 8’s range of specialised arsenal. There are certain limits and her summons are only temporary. Her power is still growing so she may be able to summon more things in the future. This is suggested in Big Band's story mode, were he warns Peacock that she 'ain't ready' yet and has to be taught her 'limitations the hard way', but understands her potential in the future by saying 'we're gonna need those girls if we don't want to lose the last of the light'.

Others (give a big hand to big band the skullgirls wiki for contributing most of this information)

(oh i forgot them songo)


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SkyChild SkyChild (Possible replacement for Judge Death)
"Gaze into the face of Fear!"

CS skeleton

( the information in your CS can be in any order )

- Name Judge Fear
- Fandom Judge Dredd
- Appearance He is an imposing figure who wears a black great helmet accented with large, bat-like wings. When passing judgement, he opens his helmet's faceplate and frightens the accused to death with whatever lies within, whilst reciting his catch phrase, "Gaze into the face of Fear!" Fear also uses a shrunken head as a belt buckle and wears a heavy black cape with large, bear trap shoulder pauldrons.
- Bio
During the great massacre, Fear and Fire took part in a contest to see who could massacre a city block first. One child showed no fear of the Judge and this left him rattled for years afterwards. After Deadworld's fall, Fear holed up in his castle, paranoid that the other Dark Judges would assassinate him.[1]

Having sensed Death's peril after he is trapped in the body of Psi-Judge Anderson after she sealed herself in Boing!, Fear, along with Fire and Mortis crossed the dimension warp to rescue him. Once Death is released from imprisonment and gains a new body, Fear and the other three Dark Judges continued their 'judgement' upon Mega-City One claiming thousands of victims. Dredd and Anderson intervened, and pursued the Dark Judges back to Deadworld using a Dimension Jump Globe liberated from the Dark Judges. There, the spirits of the Dark Judges' millions of victims flowed through Anderson and seemingly extinguished their spirits forever.

- Personality Very similar to the other Dark Judges. Though one of Fear's defining traits is his need to be feared and his inability to cope with the fact that there might be people out there who aren't afraid of him.

By revealing his 'face', Fear can either alter his foe's perception of reality, or show them their worse fear. Fear also has powers similar to Judge Death's "phasing" ability, thrusting his hands through victims' bodies. And like the other Dark Judges, Fear can survive having his physical body destroyed.
- Weaknesses His physical body can be damaged
- Weapons/Gear Anassortment of tools on his belt, notably miniature bear traps, which he is known to throw at his enemies in order to immobilize them; and an enormous padlock which he uses to secure his victims' potential exit routes.
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- Name Revya
- Fandom Soul Nomad and the World Eaters
- Appearance

- Bio Not knowing her parents Revya grew up under a mountain. She was raised close to her best friend Danette, also an orphan and often trained with her using wooden weapons. As she grew she was watched over by Lady Layna, head of the hidden town. Revya, like most townspeople, was not allowed to leave due to the threat of World Eaters, massive beasts who nearly destroyed the world. When the time came for them to choose a weapon instead of choosing she was given the Onyx Blade which contained Gig who was sealed into the sword. Soon Lady Layna moved him, now sealing Gig within Revya using a crimson tear and told Revya to use his power against the World Eaters. Soon both left now charged with the task of dealing with the World Eaters, now stopped in the vary spot they were years ago.
- Personality Revya's a kind, quiet person often saying little or nothing at all. Despite Gig's offers for more power she doesn't take them, knowing he'd continue his wave of destruction. Though as she stays fused with Gig for a long time it starts mixing with his'.

- Abilites Enhanced strength and durability.
Because of a deal she made with Gig when they first met she can borrow power from Gig, causing her hair to turn gray and gain his shoulder things. In this state she gains slightly increased strength. Gig can also give her power. If he does give her power it doesn't count towards their deal.

She can communicate with Gig by thoughts due to him being sealed in her.

Demon Blast
An attack consisting multiple slashes, an energy blast, and a scythe slash. Gig's shoulder things wrap around her sword shifting it into a scythe. After the first slash she borrows Gig's power. She reverts back to her normal state after.

- Weaknesses If stuck in a conversation with Gig it can be distracting enough to leave her open, making her an easy target.
She doesn't understand some emotions leaving her indifferent.
The more power she borrows from Gig the more he gains control. When close to most of his power she falls asleep, leaving Gig to take control of a few days at a time. When she uses all of his power he gains complete control.

- Weapons/Gear The Onyx blade
Dark flames occasionally flow from them as proof of Gig's power.

A yellow round grown crunchy food which has become Gig's favorite.

Crimson Tear
A red jewel like object made willingly from the soul of I of Danette's parents. It was used to seal Gig in Revya and is now useless.

Other- Though she thinks she's a human she's actually a World Eater but doesn't know it.

- Name Gig
- Fandom Soul Nomad and the World Eaters
- Appearance

- Bio
Two-hundred years ago Gig arrived in Prodesto with his three World Eaters. Leading them he caused massive death and destruction, nearly destroying the world. Gig cut down all who opposed him but that changed when he met Lady Layna. Instead of managing to kill her he instead found one of his shoulder things broken and himself starting to die. Using a crimson tear Lady Layna sent Gig's soul into the Onyx blade where he was sealed within. Without their leader the World Eaters fell silent.
- Personality Rude, arrogant, and sarcastic Gig thinks of himself as better then anyone else, thinking of people as nothing more like then insects. He also has a foul mouth and finds lying easy. Hotpods however put him in a better mood.
- Abilites ~Fused~

Because of the deal he made with Revya Gig can lend power to Revya which counts towards that deal if she asks for it, for example. If he chooses he could give her power though it won't count towards the deal.
He can also read Revya's mind and a vice versa when fused. They also share each other's dreams.
~Not Fused~
More durable and stringer then Revya.
Through dark flames Gig can summon a larger scythe.

He can also shift his shoulder things into wings, allowing him to fly.
When not using his shoulder things as wings Gig can hover.
- Weaknesses

Being fused with Revya Gig can do little else then use her mouth to talk, ears to hear, etc. He also feels any pain she feels.

~Not Fused~

Though not easily broken if his shoulder things'rebroken he can't form his arm scythe.


If challenged to a fight he'll always take someone up on the offer.
Belittling his power can make him angry.
Though he won't roll over for them he's willing to open negotiations for a hotpod or more.

- Weapons/Gear Shoulder things which hover over his shoulders when not in use. They seem to be part of him.
Gig can shift them into a scythe which wraps around his arm as a weapon.
- Gig's a demigod.
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"I never really was on your side."

- Name

The Spy

- Fandom

Team Fortress 2

- Appearance


- Bio

(skip since i don't know what to put, he is a big mystery of the tf2 universe so all i have to say is he is scout's father and he fights people with knifes after getting hired by blue torch okbai)

- Personality

The Spy is Neutral Evil, as it breaks down. He is not as serious as one would like to imagine and is a tad bit childish with his liking to puns and his weak insults, even if those were likely forced upon him considering he had 8 children. However, he does get the job done and he does so well. He is serious when need be and is a mystery at its finest.

- Weaknesses


The spy can easily be detected. All it takes is a punch for his masks to stop functioning.

Bad Long-Range

His revolver is the only thing that he can use for range and it only has 24 bullets. Issues ensue.

- Weapons/Gear [ If any]


The Spy's long-range damage-disher. It has six bullets inside the chamber, and he carries 24 bullets all-around.



This is the Spy's main damage source. Behind targets, this can deal a killing blow even at full health. This is called a 'backstab.'


Disguise Kit

The Spy carries around a small kit that lets him don masks that transform his body to someone else at the right targets - perfect for sneaking up.


Invis Watch

This is a watch that turns the Spy invisible. Again, it's used to sneak up for that perfect backstab.



This is a small device that nullifies things like turrets and health dispensers.


- More stuff you would like to add

i only did this because i found a kick-ass spy theme. of course it isn't his actual theme but if you want it i can hook you up.

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