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Fandom Into the fire (1x1 MzHyde/Gallifrog)

"True, so utterly fucking true" Cal groaned in response to Kay's words. "And add in the fact that royals have insanely potent and powerful abilities and things just get even more complicated." Cliff nodded her agreement. "It doesn't help that powers are a massive deal on Attil. You'd be more likley to be discriminated against based on your powers than on something like gender or sexual orientation. Pyro and cryo-kinesis are considered pretty meh abilities, common enough, but have an impressive range of applications. But it's the potential of mutliple elements at once that really make it noteworthy. They'd put the two if us agaisnt each other in sparring at school to see how the elements interacted. As well as trying to see if we were driadic elementals." "Still can't believe that Cal manged to be utterly clueless for so many years." Rinaa smirked. "And she said I was the oblivious one." "In fairness you were preeeetty damn clueless." "But not for over twelve years!" Elliott protested to which Cal had the decency to blush at. "You got a point on that, I'll give you that much."

Matteo listened as Fia gave him more details on the intricacies of being what she was. His face scrunched in obvious disapproval at the blackmarkets and there was a glint of something like nager in his eyes at the thought. "The whole black market thing is just fucked up." He shook his head at the thought. "It's bad enough with animals being the commodity, that's way out of order, but people? Thats a whole fucking different level of wrong." The disgust in his tone was obvious. If he was having this conversation with family he would have spat at the ground to further convey his disapproval, but he had been warned to be on good behaviour after all. "At least you three know how to stay safe."

Matteo's face morphed into one of uter confusion at Fia's reference. "I'm guessing either your planet has dragons, which is damn awesome sounding, or it's a reference I'm really not getting, and probabaly won't ever get." He ran a hand through the horse's mane, scratching behind the ears before gesturing for Fia to have a go. "That's exactly what happens. It's the same with the eyes, although the colour change isn't as obvious. The gills also change shape as the neck elongate, they become sharper chevrons." He carefully traced a rough pattern on the side of the horses neck, making sure his fingers stayed a safe distance away from the gills, which were a sensitive spot, particularly for younger foals.
Kay nodded as Cal agreed with her before listening to the further chat and opinions coming out. She could only imagine how much more complicated it would be when you have a royal family or politicians with abilities or powers, which made her glad that the Earth royals and politicians weren't able of such things...or so they were aware. She knew damn well no one would disclose such information if any of them did. As far as most people were concerned this whole topic was purely fiction. She then chuckled when the topic drifted slightly more light hearted and how oblivious Cal and Elliott both could be. "You both got there in the end though" she smirked.

Fia listened to what Matteo said in reply, clearly hearing and seeing the utter disgust in his voice and face. She nodded sadly at it, agreeing wholeheartedly. "Yeah, with John being a warlock it helps. But it's still difficult at times. It's why Kay and John want me not venturing out too much incase I get taken or killed. Don't even have a school to go to, not that I blame them, but I do end up extremely sheltered" she told him with a sheepish smile.

Taking the foal's beauty, she slowly lifted her hand closer to the side of its head, stroking it when Matteo gestured for her to do the same, it making her smile genuinely. "Right...I forget you wouldn't know. It's an animated film about dragons and Vikings. It's pretty cool. There's this whole scene where Hiccup the young viking finds this young dragon Toothless and to gain his trust he holds his hand out toward him." She explained before listening to the information about her theory on it's mane and tail. "Interesting! Our wings just change colour as we get older. They get darker but not everyone's get exactly the same shade. There's always differences in the wings. Kinda like how a fingerprint is individual to everyone. No one's set of wings are always the same. Kay's are slightly darker than mine but they're pretty much the same shade as her hair. And well... You've seen how bright mine are" she said.
"Just about in his case." John smirked while Elliott rolled his eyes knowing this was a battle he couldn't win and that there was little point in trying. "Speaking of oblivious people, now seems like a good time to switch to the person with the 'damn amazing flirting skills and uncanny knack for finding people of the wrong orientation'." He gestured at Rinaa while perfectly imitating her voice."Im gonna regret saying that, no matter how true it is." She sighed as Chas continued to talk. "When's Moya coming?" "Later today, her shuttle won't reach the gate til half four and it'll probably be about......" Rinaa's eyebrows scrunched slightly as she made the calculations "sixish? by the time she gets here. Is it cool if I take a boat and pick her up?" "Are you a qualified pilot?" Charlie asked to which Rinaa pulled out a license and tossed it over. "Yep, I am." "Well it checks out, so go ahead, don't crash it or I'll put your ass in jail." Charlie replied tossing back the card after scrutinising it.

Listening to Fia talk it became apparent to Matteo just how different their lives had been. He was the youngest sibling, but that meant he'd in no way been babied, learning to stand on his own two feet had been a skill acquired early in life. "I can see their point and their intentions, they clearly mean well, but at some point things will have to change. Maybe I'm just biased from having a lot of freedom as a kid." He gestured at the island around him. "But that came with a fuck tonne of responsibilities, my parents are big believers in raising terrifyingly capable and independent kids. A sheltered childhood isn't a thing in this island, you've seen just one of the predators on it. Not an easy way of life, but I enjoy it."

As Fia explained he nodded, understanding that vikings were some kind of tribal group and inferring that dragons were a thing, but were part of the mythical world as opposed to the normal one. "It works pretty universally for animals really, the hand trick. Though it's not always successful. Tried it with a wildcat once and got this." He held up his palm to show that there were three parallel scar lines running across it- claw scars. "Yeah, I have, and that makes perfect sensee, just like how hair in general gets darker with age. Like how my hair is the lighters of all the siblings and Benji's is the darkest in its natural state, Cliff going purple doesn't count. So weird question but do you classify as an animal or a humanoid? Or is there a completly separate class system altogether?"
Kay smirked at John's little jibe at Elliott, and how he reacted to it. She was damn sure Elliott would never live this down as long as John was alive. Yet it was also obvious to her that Elliott knew it all too well. As the topic turned onto Rinaa, she looked across in turn listening to when Moya would arrive, seeing her do the calculations in her head intently. She also took note of how Charlie was when it came to the borrowing of a boat to go pick her up. With what Charlie said and how she said it, Kay thought Charlie really go through her threat given half the chance.

Fia listened to Matteo's opinions on what she said, something she actually welcomed as they did echo her own. "That's what I've been trying to convey. I'm just thankful I do A LOT of training inside and outside so I can hold my own in a fight or any other kind of trouble. Or why I sneak out when I can and have a secret dog. It's one reason I rebelled against my phoenix heritage for so long and learned magic instead." she explained chuckling at the last bit she said.

She also listened to the whole hand notion reply, finding it cool that it was in fact accurate to real life. She looked at the claw mark scars on Matteo's hand and pulled a face that clearly said 'yeesh!'. She couldn't help but chuckle when he asked if she classified as animal or humanoid, before shrugging. "I've never truly figured that out myself. I mean...our kind come in both forms. An actual bird and.. like myself but we're all the same species. Or so our history books state. So I guess I'm closer to humanoid, though I've read stories about phoenix's like myself being able to actually turn into their full bird form though I'm not sure if that's fully true" She explained.
Rinaa laughed at the reply, it was such a typical Charlie reply. "Don't worry, I won't." "Good, I'd do it too, regardless of the fact that it is the wedding of my favourite sister." "There's already some jailbirds in my family, don't need any more to add to the list." "Well that's that sorted." Cliff sighed. "So anything particular on the agenda for the rest of the day?" "Well the stables need mucking out, the tent for the buffet...banquet... whatever we're calling it needs to be set up along with the various tables, the stage and the dance floor and lights. There's also a matter of setting up some kind of landing zone for the ships, marking out the fields to give a proper indication of where people are to go. Plus giving island tours to the guests and there was mention of waterskiing." Benji listed. "I'm up for grunt work, and Artemis is doing hair on the day." "I'd be willing to help set shit up." "Same here." "Put me down for stages or anything with slightly more complex engineering, might as well make use of my uni education." "Sounds like you've got enough already but I'd pitch in too." "Same here."

Matteo chuckled at her reaction to his scars. "I'll admit it wasn't one of my finer moments, Má and Pá were less than happy, but it could have been a lot worse. Plus it was my own fault for thinking that I could do the whole 'animal whisperer' thing. Didn't stop me from loving animals as you can see. I'm considering vet as a future career or horse trainer." He reached out and ran his hand along the horse's flanks who whinnied with happiness. "Well I can't speak for either of them or your parents who adopted a similar method. But at least it shows they care. And you're hear now, and nothing bad has happened, so that's gotta count for something, right?"

Matteo knew he hadn't phrased his question in the most elegant way, but he was genuinely curious about that, and Fia had said it was okay to ask the questions on his mind. "Hmmmmm, interesting. If I had to make an educated guess there'd be three answers. Avian for purely birds. If the whole turning into a bird thing is bullshit, then you'd be humanoid. If it's not then I'd say avian-metamorph would be an appropriate term."
Kay had to admit to herself that she too was curious what was on the agenda for the day as they hadn't discussed it until now. She listened to the long list Benji was saying and came to the conclusion they had a lot to do. "Like the others I'll gladly help where I can, whilst I can" she told them, wanting to be of use in some manner if she could. She wasn't used to being the type.of woman who just sat back and had everything done for her, even though she knew if this pregnancy kept excelerating at the pace it was, if wouldn't be long before she would be forced to not doing anything for safety reasons.

Fia listened to the story about how his parents reacted when they found out, chuckling thinking it was such a typical parental thing to do. She knew future Kay was very much like that if not worse when she got her first injury and her healing power hadn't manifested yet. She was pretty sure if Kay could have wrapped her in bubble wrap that day, she would have done. "Veterinary would be cool to do. But so would being a horse trainer" she agreed. She smiled as the foal showed happiness at Matteo's fuss he was giving it, as she continued to stroke it's mane. She nodded when he mentioned about her parents methods for keeping her safe, "very true." She said simply, knowing she could never tell him that Kay and John were her parents.

As for the other side conversation she thought about his theories and guesses to what she would technically be labelled under and just smirked at them, finding they were pretty good guesses. "They seem like pretty good guesses to me. I guess I won't ever know unless serving ever happens that makes myself or Kay possible morph into a bird." Fia replied.
"Looks like we've got the whole island helping out" Charlie smirked as Kay gave her confirmation that she'd help. She didn't need to add the part about 'where she could whilst she could' it was a given fact at this stage. "Takes an island to organise a wedding huh?" "I'd be damn insulted if you didn't let us get involved in every aspect of the wedding procedures." Benji told Cliff, raking a hand through his shaggy hair. "Benji, you guys wouldn't have given me a choice on the matter anyway." "Damn straight we wouldn't." Nat smiled. "And once one of us" Rinaa gestured at herself, Jay, Elliott, John, Chas and Kay "volunteer to do something or to help out, the rest usually follow not wanting to look like complete assholes in front of new people." "Not to mention that it usually turns into a competition." "You're basically describing our family too" Charlie smiled approvingly as she spoke.

"Yeah, they both sound right up my alley, what I really want is a job that let's me be with animals and spend a large portion of my time outside. I'd go bloody nuts stuck in an office building. And I sometimes go a little stir crazy in school for the same reasons." The foal turned away from the two having lost interest and ran over to the rest of the group who were making their way down towards the sea. "They are herd animals, you can't have just one of these horses. They need social interaction to survive otherwise they kind of just waste away and lose the will to live. Hence why we usually have at least five around." Matteo explained, turning away from the paddock and heading towards the house.

"Well if it is possible, I'd put my money on intense stress, intense gera or intense anger being the trigger. That's how it is with other morphs I know. And that's how it works with split souls too." As he made his way back toward the house his stomach growled loudly. "I could eat a bloody whale, there'd better still be some bacon lying around." He yelled entering into the kitchen.
Kay figured that she probably didn't have to add the last bit of her willingness not help, but it just seemed like the thing to say to finish her sentence. She smirked at the whole conversation going on, it all reminding her of the whole saying 'it takes a village to raise a child'. She looked at Rinaa when she started gesturing at all of them to say what she did, she nodded knowing it was indeed true. There was never a time when one or more wouldn't volunteer to pitch in to help if one of them already had done. They all might have their traits of being an asshole but they all would gladly help someone if it came to it.

Fia nodded definitely seeing him in either job easily. She could see how comfortable he was when outdoors. She watched the foal walk away and smiled before turning her attention back to Matteo as she followed him back to the house. "Makes sense that they'd herd animals. Very similar to earth horses in a way. Their much happier when they have others nearby" she replied. She heard his theories on what the triggers could be and found them to be very plausible, "sounds plausible enough. I know Kay for a while had a split soul..or so I've been told" she said. She chuckled when his stomach growled loudly following him into the kitchen.
Cliff rolled her eyes at her youngest brothers declaration. "And hello to you too Matteo. There's plenty of bacon there don't worry and don't even think about murdering whales, it is illegal in these parts and Charlie's full well capable of showing you in prison." "Ya, ya, ya, heard it aaaaaall before." Matteo called, before rooting through the fridge and pulling out the bacon. He gestured for Fia to take whatever she wanted. He gave a sigh of deep annoyance as he pulled the frying pan out from under a pile of unwashed dishes. "Nobody washed the frying pan I see." He stuck his head in the door of the living room, brandishing the dirty frying pan. "Waving it around isn't gonna change anything, none us have the secret ability to just point at dishes to make them self clean." "I'll clean the bloody pan then and even do up extra bacon if anybody's interested, but somebody else has to do the stables."

"I can do that stables"
Rinaa replied with a shrug. "I don't mind" "You sure on that Tem?" Jay asked, using the nickname form of her alias (which was also the nickname used by her friends at work). "Yeah, I'm sure. I've done it before and besides I'll be gone for a good chunk of the evening so it makes sense that I do something that needs immediate attention." "I'll do it with you" Charlie replied. "I spend a good chunk of my day in general wading through horseshit anyway." "Your partner and that DI would be so thrilled to hear that." Cliff smirked. "Says the one who bitches about form filling, lack of funding and horrible hours as much as I do." Benji let out a groan accompanied by a face that quite clearly said 'smite me out of existance now before these two get started'.
Fia just sniggered at the whole banter, finding it highly amusing as the only time anything like this subject that ever got brought up was if she didn't bring out her plates or mugs from her room for a while, other than that the washing-up was always seemingly done. She looked in the fridge and pulled out a couple of eggs to make them scrambled with the bacon. She overheard Rinaa say that she'd do the stables before listening to Charlie remark about helping and sniggered once more at the comment about her comrades.

Kay watched with amusement as the banter kept going on but not seeing the same similarities as Fia did for obvious reasons to only her and her group. She did note how the tone was still very much positive with Matteo so she could only imagine that everything was going well between him and Fia, which she was incredibly happy about.
Once Matteo had fried up an excessive quantity of bacon he sat himself down on the arm of the couch his siblings (and future sister-in-law had taken over). The banter drifted around aimlessly once Nat had pulled his sisters away from the topic of competitively complaining about their jobs. Cliff headed off to do the wash-up before sticking a hand out of the kitchen brandishing the kettle (which unlike her's worked). "Look Cal! An actual working kettle, send a picture of it to Deke." Cal took the selfie of the two of them with the kettle, captioning it 'It's a working kettle! The one thing we love almost as much as each other!' She also sent a photo to the text group they'd created with John, Chas, Elliott, Jay, Rinaa, Kay, Fia, themselves and Dan.

"Who's up for doing some work now while it's relatively cold, so we can throw ourselves into the sea later?' Benji asked, getting out of his position on the couch. Rinaa and Charlie looked at each other and nodded their agreement to each other. "We're up for doing the horses. They're out in the paddocks right now yeah?" Charlie asked to which Matteo nodded. "I'll take Chas and the girls for seating planning if that's cool?" Dan asked. "Yep, that's cool, we've got the masterlist of who is coming and what vehicles are coming. So basically Benji I get to be 'that bitch with a wedding' and boss you around to do my every whim."
Fia made up a load of scrambled egg and put it onto a plate for herself, she found some chili flakes which she topped it all with, and grabbed a fork. She managed to find herself a place to sit on the arm of the seat that Kay was on so not to crowd up the couch, otherwise she would have gladly sat on the arm next to John. Fia and Kay both chuckled when Cliff pointed out the working kettle when all the washing up was due to be made, knowing that whole joke was never going to end. When the picture got sent to their group chat, Kay opened it up and then closed it again so it didn't stay flashing on her phone as a notification.

As Dan offered up his, Chas' and their services for seating planning, both girls were absolutely fine with it. Kay knew that'd be about the only sort of thing she'd be able or decorating tables when it was needed, whilst Fia was fine with doing it after the practical work out and fun she had earlier. She was glad that her clothing had finally dried off properly, even if her hair was slightly damp still. "what the rest of you gonna do?" Fia asked, realising that it only left Elliott, Jay, Cal and John out of their group to do something.
"What's there that we could do?" Elliott asked, directing the question at Benji who was clearly the one in charge. His question didn't come off as blunt as it sounded. "We were thinking two groups, one to grunt work of hauling tables and setting the big structures up. We can't do the decorating, lighting, general aesthetics and mock layout for food until those baisc structures are up, so grunt work needs to be done first. The second group will be going across the island to the plains are that is serving as the landing site for the day. Essentially we need to mark out the whole place either with spray paint lines or tape and an oberhead veiw would be pretty damn useful. We were going to have somebody in a ship watching and photographing and checking it from above, but since we have the unexpected bonus of people who aren't Cliff that can fly, maybe you guys could help there?"

John, Jay and Elliott nodded their agreement at doing the grunt work. "I'm game for either once the stables are done, decorating isn't my thing, but I'll probabaly be gone by then, but if I can learn plumbing in less than an hour, I can figure out a lighting rig." Rinaa replied with a casual shrug. "I'll vouch for her on that Benji, she made a motorbike almost totally from scratch within a week, plus she's doing a dual honours course."
As comments on what they could do were mentioned, both Fia and Kay listened to Benji, knowing that John, Jay and Elliott wouldnt have ant issues with doing the grunt work. "Depending on how much we get done, I may not know how to fly a ship, I could easily give a bird's eye view of the landing site set up later on or something?" Fia suggested. She knew how much deep down Kay was wanting to stretch her wings, even if she wouldn't ever admit it to everyone but she also knew Kay wouldn't dare do it pregnant, she also had a feeling that John wouldn't be particularly happy with it either.

Kay smirked to herself, thinking that Fia would do anything to fly, even though she would normally rebel against her phoenix side, it seemed coming back to this timeline was slowly changing Fia's mind about it. Or so Kay hoped would be the case, as it did sadden her when she found out Fia actively rebelled against her bloodline. She never envied the fact she took after John greatly as she found it incredible that Fia was capable of magic, she just hoped she would have accepted her phoenix side more. Fia however, though finding the benefits of her bloodline useful, she still preferred her mage side, that didn't mean in her eyes that she wouldn't jump at the chance to fly when she could. It was the rush of being in the air that made being what she was tolerable.
John was completly fine with either of them flying in this planet. There was no laws against magic and no demons that would be trying to capture them. In addition to that there was so many people capable of reacting calmly and professionally if something went wrong. He also knew instinctively that flying was like breathing for the two of them. It was something that they had to do, it kept them happy and it hadn't ecsaped his attention that Kay got an insane amount of enjoyment out of flying (and he had no doubt that Fia did too). And this way she was also doing something useful and helping our Cliff's family, which was an unwritten unposken rule about then being allowed to stay on the planet.

Benji nodded "That's what I was thinking, Cliff's ice flying is damn cool, but she has other things to do, so having a second flier is a relief." Cliff could use her ice powers to fly, by either standing on a piece of ice she was levitating or shooting jets of ice steam out of her hands to proper her forwards. The second method was more energy consuming, but was far faster. Cal had never mastered pyro flying as it had an unfortunate habit of setting the surroundings on fire. "If you could spray lines while flying that'd be damn useful too." He added, as the rest of them began standing up, Nat heading to the kitchen to address the massive pile of dishes while the rest of the group split into their sub teams.
Fia nodded at Benji's words, being perfectly okay with being the eyes in the sky. "I can help too if I've got the energy to do so" Kay spoke up, knowing it would depend on how she was feeling after doing the other things with Chas and Dan for a bit. She mostly hoped that unborn Fia wouldn't be so active today so she could focus on being useful and feeling she was being helpful in the process, whilst being cautious to over do it. "So that would make three of us" she added. Fia was surprised to hear Kay would do it as well but accepted it.

"I'm sure I could manage that, I'm good at multitasking" Fia smirked, knowing that between playing violin and dancing, and multi tasking on other things on her mage side, she was convinced painting some lines whilst flying wouldn't be any trouble. Both Kay and Fia then both stood up with the others and went off for their first task of the day with the sub group. Fia tied her hair up, ready for the work, whereas Kay just left it down for the time being. She'd probably only bother tying it up when it came to being in the air, something she was so desperate to do.
Charlie and Rinaa headed off to get changed before heading to the stables,tying their hair up as they went. Charlie's hair was the longer of the two and tying it into a pony tail was second nature by now. Benji took the group who'd volunteered themselves for the so called grunt work with their first order of business being to set up the large tent-like structure where the food tables were going to be located. Cal and Cliff had cleared the central table in the living room so that the could spread out various potential guest layouts, lists of guests, lists of their craft and where people were planning. It was quite clear that the were going to make their masterplan and wouldn't stop until it was perfect. There was even a map of the island ready for them to mark out.

"Matteo, Nat, you're going to need a copy of this list" Cliff held out the page over her shoulder along with a folder containing blown up maps of certain parts of the island. "And the folder marked parking arrangements. Feel free to change things around if you don't think it'll work. Send some photos along when you guys are finished." "Should we do the off shore docking too? We got enough pontoon structures to be able to do it today and there is quite a bit of building to it since we have to make a walkway to the island."Nat asked, to which Cliff furrowed her brow in thought. "I'd leave it til later, let's get the island all laid out and set up first, see how tired we are, then take it from there." "Sounds like a plan."

On the way out Matteo and Nat each grabbed a bag filled with spray cans and various colours of rope. Everything had been bought pre-emptively, emphaising just how much thought had gone into the whole thing. For safety reasons the landing site was a decent distance away from their house, so the brothers decided to commandeer a vehicle that looked something like an off-road jeep to get their. Being older Nat drove, even though Matteo was perfectly capable of doing so. Matteo didn't bother with sitting down or strapping himself, instead choosing to hang off the side. "I'd advise not copying my brother, he's an idiot" was all Nat said before he got the truck into gear. The landing site was about a ten minute drive away. It wasn't anything special to look at, just a flat expanse of scrubby, slightly burnt looking land. Nat unfolded the plans, revealing that there were two possible layouts. They were labelled in Cliff's native language. "Whatever you guys are using to translate doesn't work on writing does it?" He asked.
It was clear to Kay that they had everything under control here so she decided with Fia to just go with Nat and Matteo straight away. With the copies of the parking layouts and the list being handed to Matteo, both of them headed out to the Jeep as the boys grabbed the bags of spray cans and anything else. Getting into the jeep, Kay sat down and buckled up, not being reckless like Matteo. Though she trusted that Matteo knew what he was doing, and it certainly wasn't her place to say anything. Fia sat down and chuckled at Nat's comment, strapping in. "Wouldn't dream of it" Kay spoke up before Fia could.

With the drive, Kay and Fia just pretty much remained quiet, taking in the route and noting how long it took to get to the area needed. Fia looked up when Nat asked his question about reading text of a different language, "not had the chance to test it to be honest. I don't think Kay's rune will as i know John used a second one on Chas for being able to read other languages. But mine is slightly different" she explained as she looked over Nat's shoulder at the text and frowned, "nope..sorry. Seems it just purely verbal communication " she clarified, wondering if she could remember the design of the rune John used on Chas to do on herself or not. She came to the conclusion she couldn't remember it well enough to risk it, so she decided against it.
Matteo practically never sat down when riding across the island. He liked the freedom and the surge of adrenaline that came with hanging off the side of the truck. They weren't going along at great speed, but it felt to him like they were going much faster than they actually were. Along this particular route the way was smooth with very little numbs, but further into the islands interior the landscape became hilly and in some cases impassible by truck. That was where the bikes came in handy. There were a few tree branches that Matteo had to duck to avoid, but for the most part, the path was clear and took them roughly parallel to the coastline.

Nat listened to Fia's answer, having suspected as much. He nodded once she confirmed that she couldn't read a thing. "It's okay, I suspected that might be the case. Luckily reading isn't really important here, the majority of this writing" he gstuerd at the neat lines "is simply a list of spaceship types and watercraft types. What you actually need to know about is the measuring system we use which is luckily almost identical to the decimal system on Earth, I had Cliff check that for me." He pointed at the plan for how to divide up the landing site where the measurements had been written in two different inks and two different handwritings. "Take a look and see if the calculations look about right to you guys."
Fia and Kay listened to what Nat was explaining about what was written on the papers and what it all meant, glad that it wasn't massively important for them to know. Fia was much more intelligent when it came to anything maths based than Kay was because luckily for Fia's upbringing, Sam was naturally good at mathematics so future Kay was always glad that someone could teach her correctly on the subject. Both looked at the plan and how it was divided up whilst Fia went through the calculations in her head. "seems about right to me" she confirmed. "I'm trusting you both on that as maths is not my strong point." Kay admitted. She was unsurprisingly to most, more the arty guage things by eye type. Only time she was good at anything remote maths was when she was baking or cooking and using measurements to get things perfect.

Fia would have said 'thats why Sam always was my teacher and not you' but she told herself not to give away that spoiler to Kay and leave it as a surprise. "Fair enough!" She resorted to saying instead. "So...how did you want to do this? Us guide both of you at the right spacing and you follow our placement whilst on the ground or...?" Kay suggested.
"Cliff did the converting with the help of Artemis, and I trust my sister's judgement" Nat told them as Fia gave the figures a once over. He didn't say whether he trusted Rinaa or not, he knew she had engineering qualifications and was well versed in Earth measurements, but he hadn't had a chance to find out more about her as a person. At Kay's plan Nat nodded "that's what I was thinking. We'll mark out the basic spacing on the ground, while you guys direct us from above to make sure it matches the overall pattern is correct and that we've got enough spaces. I think we'll string out out with rope first, then do the paint later, allows us to fix any errors beforehand. That sound okay to you Matteo?"

Nat directed his question at his younger brother who had been unloading the spools of rope and laying them out by size and colour on the ground. "Sounds like a plan." He came over to look at the plans, turning them around and indicating a point on the map. "Thats where we are. North is to the left" He pointed both on the map and in reality "and this area" he indicated a red shaded area on the map "is the bog land over there, I wouldn't recommend trying to land there as a humaoid, let alone a ship, its pretty damn marshy, so we need to make sure there is at least an eight metres clearance from it." He then leant back against the truck, "any questions or should I shut up and let you guys get your bearings from above?"
Kay and Fia also trusted Cliff's judgment. Fia would trust Rinaa's judgment on the calculations also, having seen for herself how good she was when it came to making the bike, as for being a person even she couldn't fully say whether she trusted her or not. But for work related things, she definitely could. "Same here, and I trust Rinaa's judgement. I've seen for myself how good she is" Fia replied. Both of them listened to Nat agreeing to Kay's plan, whilst expanding on it. They both nodded in agreement, finding it made sense to mark it out with rope first so not to find it difficult to correct any mistakes that may occur.

As Matteo showed them where they were on the map and around them, they each looked intently computing it securely in their minds. "Right, got it" Kay replied as he continued to explain about the marshland. "No questions from me. I'm good to get started." "Likewise" each of them said in response to Matteo's question. Fia and Kay stepped back a few steps and stood away from each other a good 2metres to allow for wing span appearance. Fia mentally activated hers through her wing rune birth mark on her back (just like Kay had) first. She then outstretched her wings and took herself upwards. Kay felt a sense of pride watching her kid fly up into the air, before she closed her eyes to seek permission from Fee to get control of her own wings. With Kay, there was a short sharp burst of light as her own wing birth mark glowed, her wings rapidly appearing behind her. Her wings were much larger than Fia's because of age, and it would be now that Matteo would see what Fia meant by Kay's wings being darker in shade. Her wings going from dark red to a bright golden orange on the tips of each feather. Reopening her eyes, she glanced upwards, and with one strong flap of her wings she took off up into the sky, a smile spreading across her face.
Nat and Matteo stood a decent distance back from the two, knowing that it was better for their safety. They watched as Fia flew off, both having missed her launching herself from the ground during the horse race. Matteo had seen the wings before, but that didn't mean they were any less impressive the second time around. It was Nat's first time seeing the wings and he was damn impressed. There was an otherworldly beauty to them he thought, before mentally slapping groaning at the unintentional double meaning to what he was saying. "Cal's gotta be sooo jealous of these two." He smirked to Matteo, both knowing full well about how even with her extensive control of her pyrokinesis, Cal hadn't mastered fire wings that worked without setting everywhere on fire and managed to look aesthetically beautiful. "I'll have to ask her, maybe she can take reference shots or something?"

As soon as Kay's wings opened Matteo could see exactly what Fia had meant by her earlier words. Kay's wings were richer and darker tones, but none the less beautiful. "We totally got the short end of the straw with the gills and water repellant skin huh?" he smirked over at Nat. "Clearly." The other male sighed, then picked up some coils of rope and a set of marking poles, keeping on eye of the two women swooping through the air. He could sense the joy radiating off them from the ground. Matteo copied his brother, grabbing the gear neccesary to start marking out the spaces. "Ready when you guys are. We're going to work north to south!" He called up once they had go into position.
Before Kay took off, she could see how impressed both the guys were at Fia's take off and wings, especially as it was Nat's first time seeing such a thing. Kay was aware that Cal hadn't mastered the art of fire wings and flying, she remembered Cal saying as much a while ago. Though it was the last thing on her mind at this moment. Being in the air again brought Kay a sense of relief and freedom, and knowing she could do it without Fee taking over her completely just made it all the more freeing. She also found herself easily able to accommodate the balance of flying whilst being pregnant, something she wasn't entirely sure how well it would go. "Damn this feels good to be in the air again" Kay remarked, earning a chuckle from Fia. "It's been a while for you huh?" Fia guessed, speaking in English just to make sure. "Yeah it has. Not exactly had the time or safety to do it" Kay replied.

Even from the height they were at, she could see Matteo and Nat talking about their ability, and she just knew it was out of admiration, something that was a nice change for her. Both girls watched as the boys picked up the coils of rope and let them get ready, as they hovered in the sky. "Got it! We're good to go!" Kay called back down to them both. They then flew to the North, making sure they didn't go too ahead of the boys on the ground.
Nat and Matteo worked smoothly as a team, constantly referring to the map for measurement checks and refferring to Kay and Fia above for visual checks. The pattern wasn't particularly complicated, it consisted of various sizes of boxes arranged in a grid formation (a bit like in a car park), but it was a large pattern and an extremely large area, at least six football fields in size so there was a lot of ground to get cover. Slowly but surely the pattern began to shape below Kay and Fia marked out with various ropes and poles. At first Nat and Matteo found themselves getting distracted by Kay and Fia's flight above and the mesmerising nature nature of their wings, but they forced each other to get on with it.

With the whole pattern complete Matteo and Nat stopped for a drink and a snack. "You guys might as well come down were taking a well earned break and are probabaly going to drink about six litres of water between us." Matteo called up, sitting down on the ground near the jeep, leaning his back against the side while downing about a third of the bottle in one go. It wasn't a scorching day, but the skies were relatively clear and the area was pretty exposed. They'd also been doing a hell of a lot of walking and both had noticeable sweat patches. Nat had still kept his lightweight hoodie on the whole time. "It's looking good from here, the eyes above are really appreciated.

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