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Interstellar Empires


ur lite fades awey
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Space. The boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction.

Galaxy. A gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter.

Interstellar. The physical space within a galaxy beyond the influence of each star on the plasma.

Empire. A political unit having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations and ruled by a single supreme authority.

What do you get when you put them into a blender and mix them all together? Well, most of the time, the answer would be a huge clusterfuck of various empires surviving in a hostile galaxy, either murdering each other, trading with each other, or isolating themselves in their own little sphere of existence, waiting for the inevitable end. It's all very scary.

But what if I told you that we have a front row seat as to what's happening in those very empires? See the inner workings of each one? How each survives in this dark and cruel universe? Well, we'll just have to look and see.


A game of politics, warfare, and galactic conquest.


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Greetings, the Proletariats and the Penals are unruly again. The time for action is coming soon. War is coming, the empires around the Imperium's border seem almost trigger happy to start a interstellar war. Heydros will be armed and ready for any war. Heydrian Diplomats will form secret alliances with as many Empires as possible. As for our overlord, our actions must be kept secret. The Hydrans will never know of this.

Commander Wilk was sitting down on the rock. He was breathing heavily and deeply, his eyes pointed daggers at the Penal across from him. The Penal soldier had a sack over his head, with the Empire's insigina stitched onto the sack. Commander Wilk got up, the end of this Penal soldier had arrived. The Penal soldier that was being executed had been a murderer during his civilian life. Wilk hated that, Wilk hates most penal soldiers. Wilk had been ordered to execute the penal soldier. Wilk grasps the executioner's axe, he forces the penal onto his knees so his head was on the chopping block. With a swift blow, the penal head was in a basket. No one else was around.
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    FROM: United Earth Government Colonial Military Committee Chairman Ernest Anders
    TO: Federal President of Earth and its Colonies Jeremiah Warner
    SUBJECT: Reactivation of the Ionic Hypercannon and Defunct Superweapon Projects

    August 7, 2864

    Dear President Warner,

    I cannot help but notice that a vast majority of these empires that we had come into contact following the end of the Vaskran War appear to have either an immense dislike or absolute hatred of humanity. This concerns me, as I am sure we do not want a repeat of the Vaskran War. It would surely be devastating to face another nine years of war or worse, with countless billions of human lives lost. Many of these empires are also perhaps millennia more advanced that what humanity could ever acheive.

    Routine passive observation and surveillance missions by cloaked probes and stealth vessels have confirmed that these empires possess massive fleets, some of which are even larger than the UEGNC's, including what it has in storage. Scans have shown that weapons are also much more powerful that what the UEGAF has. We have seen the differences in power during the Vaskran War, where it was proven that Vaskran Energy weapons do much more damage than kinetic projectiles.

    As Chairman of the Colonial Military Committee, I simply refuse to allow humanity to be put on the defensive once again. As such, I propose the reactivation of the Ionic Hypercannon and defunct superweapon projects such as Project Primrose and Project Green Flute. We must consider focusing our industry on war assets so as to boost the strength of our military. We must not be on the defensive ever again.

    Yours sincerely,
    Chairman Ernest Anders

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The Vaycanta Imperium
Tlur'kari a diplomat for the imperium was inside a beacon class frigate, the Valsurai, making his way to the United Earth Governments trade planet where there should be a few UEG representatives waiting for him. The rather large for its class frigate entered real space and was immediately contacted by the planets orbital defenses and ports, after a minute of talking and translating they were identified and cleared to enter the planets atmosphere. While being directed by their orbital command on where to land the Valsurai took scans and recordings of the UEGNC's ships, buildings and defenses. These were primarily for documentation however they would be useful for the military as well, knowing an allies military capabilities will benefit one another should conflict arise. As the Valsurai settled down on the planet in what was obviously a port of some kind Tlur'Kari got up from where he was laying and walked to the hanger bay.

He was accompanied by a squad (12) human soldiers and two Hydran soldiers, one of Tlur'Kari's heads looked back at them. "You two stay behind and guard the ship" He told the other Hydra "Your squad will accompany me in our meeting as bodyguards" He said to the human squad they looked at eachother slightly confused. "They will be more at ease with fellow humans" He explained to them. One of the hydra let out a snort but no comment came from him. The hanger door of the frigate started to open and Tlur'kari was met with the sight of the UEG's representatives and his respective bodyguards. From past experience Tlur knew that these humans were on edge, much more so than Heydro's peoples. "Greetings" He telepathically spoke to the humans, his voice would seem to becoming from everywhere but only the humans that were there only heard it. He made sure to sound friendly and happy to ease their minds.

Walking out of the frigate Tlur's massive body shined in the sunlight, he wore ornamental robes in the signature colors of imperium. At first he noticed the Architecture of the UEG's buildings and then spotted a few of the ships flying by. It wasnt much to look at but it was practical, just like them. "Your peoples Architecture never ceases to surprise me" He started out with the pleasantries and looked at the UEG humans with all eyes and heads.
Corrosion Corrosion
The Animunculi
Live int he empire of the Animunculi was peaceful as it had been for many years after the last group had tried to despoil their masters world and had been destroyed. they didn't pay much attention tot he galaxy outside of their sphere not needing to speak with them or trade with them they preferred to remain alone. Though of course there were a few of their world that had others visiting, a controlled experiment to understand those that inhabited the galaxy when they had everything catered to. There would be other issues as it seemed that now after all these years more empires than ever had sprung up, once the galaxy had been an empty place where the Animuculi could tend their worlds without ever contacting another race. They would remain as they always did uninvolved in empire outside their own they would execute their masters' will until their return that was their purpose.

the maintenance of the worlds was a task as they had to monitor Continental drift, evolution of species and making sure none of that happened. In fact on one of the worlds they were currently hunting several species of animals to extinction because they had evolved to much from their original breed meaning they needed to be reset. They had reset millions of species of animals and plants even entire worlds needed to be reoriginated and repopulated so that they could be perfect. They didn't like doing this as it was a waste of energy and remaking the entire surface took a long time which could have been used simply maintaining things.
(sorry for the none interactive post, just wanted to post to show i am active and a intro post, i will begin to interact and cause trouble soon enough...Hope everything is alright, if there is any errors or concerns please tell me, it was late and was rather in a short hurry so goodnight!)

Paradiso Resurface

"Beginning fragmentation"
Paradiso, the marble construction of the Cataphract, a planet wonder and crafted home of the Derelicts hidden away,fragmentating through space from one area to a other, evading detection and appearing in abandon pockets of space where no planet surface,avoiding being discovered. Like the flow of data, far from the galaxy center, in the less denser regions of the galaxy's outer section, Paradiso was begging to re-emerge. Like the anomalies that of worm holes or black holes produce, bending space around them began to gradually grow. From such the golden towers that protrude from the planets surface began to materialize first as each glow brightly, each beginning to form the planet. These towers are what give Paradiso its ability to vanish and appear in different locations, beside being capable of forming large Fragmentation gates for ships, they work as well to fragmentation the home world itself.
Once the planet has emerge completely a pulse ripples through the near space as the worm hole anomaly vanished. Paradiso has fully emerged, its golden towers dying of there light and being nothing but a planet hidden in the dark reaches of space with no sun.
"Fragmentation complete, all parts have successfully formed with Paradiso, all procedures can continue normally"
A disembodied voice echo through the metal planet as soon enough, The Living of every class began to appear as they took safety in the secure zones and soon enough, begin there duties once more, when fragmentation happens its advise for every personal to maintain still to prevent "Loss of body parts" or "dislocation or miss-formation of the body", but now it has ended and began to move.

Deep in the planets crust near where whats left of the former derelicts are being held, two individuals stood out from most of the Living inside what seem a center of command: Hope and Valor, the two main figures that lead the Cataphract's now. They are the two minds behind there operations now and it seems they have been more active then ever, "I want reports from War asset planet immediately, all reports must be accounted for and nothing must be left behind, i as well want to hear about our deconstruction probes from Memory, want to see what they have recovered" Valor spoke loudly through the center of command as both him and Hope stood on what seem a golden platform with there banner behind them as the large room had rows of consoles as Orokin class personal operated the consoles and walking around keeping maintenance. War was there most important planet, beside Paradiso, it is being monitored every minute that passes and Valor ask reports daily to ensure stocks are well kept and info is not lost. On the other hand, at the lost of the Memory system, Probes have been sent to recover what they can from the destroyed system, turning anything found of interest back to Paradiso and prevent it from falling in to different hands. But Beside such, many planets are being monitored especially the ones in slumber. The Banished planets are checked to prevent any intrudes as they might be abandoned and worn out but still hold Derelict Technology.

The large Orokin ,Valor, began to walk away as his body began to vanish slowly, parts of him being torn apart and soon enough vanish from the room, re-appearing in front of one of the small fragmentation gates that lead to different planets they own that have gates. Speaking in there native language as the gate would light up and he would walk through,being torn apart once again and vanish. Beginning his way towards Trinity, one of there most active planets, would take around half a hour or more as right now they have not calculated there distance accurately, all portals are connected but distance is not measured, not giving a estimated time of arrival.

Recovery of Memory
Memory, a once beautiful system that hold 5 planets, now torn to planetary chunks and ashes because of greed, seeking to harness the energy of the sun only for it to go horribly wrong and cause the "death" of 50 thousand living that worked on the project and those in the planet that has been taken temporarily. Most manage to escape before it all happen but those who could not are nothing but memories. The system itself still has intact pieces of technology belonging to the Cataphract and as such probes have been sent after the destruction 12 year ago to recover as much technology as possible and prohibit it from falling in different hands, leaving the scraps for the taking. Still to this day not all has been recovered and there are still bits out there and the probes have been working hard and quick to recover. Probes take recovered technology and house it in a large lightly defended container where few fighters and turrets guard it as each month a Cargo ship will come and pick them up, leaving a empty container to be filled and the cycle has been repeated for the 12 years.
Where the sun once was, now lays a white dwarf star, large metal structures torn apart scatter near it, one once used to contain the orange star that lay here before the event. Now all is left is a metal space junkyard and chunks of rock fused with structures thrown about telling the history of the Cataphract that began to built and borrow in the planet to make there home.​

  • UEG Colony World Tribute
    Beacon Spaceport, Beacon City, Devana
    Planetary Governor Eric Gardner adjusted his tie for the final time, standing in his polished black dress shoes as he anxiously tapped the ground. He was wearing a crisp black suit, a perfectly straight red tie in an Eldredge knot around his head. He quickly slicked his black hair to the right, even though it had already been expertly-combed hours ago. He glanced around the area.

    His bodyguards, six Marines in full grey power armour and two FENCER Autonomous Ground Combat Units, were all standing straight around him, ACARs gripped tightly in hand. Every now and then, the Marines would make slight gestures with their heads or glance at each other, and it was clear they were talking to each other from behind their helmets, using their squad COMMs instead of external speakers. While Gardner had an earpiece that allowed him to connect to their frequency and hear whatever they were saying, he turned it off after a while since he found them too chatty, laughing at poorly-timed jokes and childish insults. The AGCUs, meanwhile, stood completely motionless, their red optics staring straight into the air in front.

    Of course, that wasn't the only security detail he had. Snipers were posted in surrounding buildings, along with gunships orbiting the area. Fighters in a nearby military base were ready to scramble at a minute's notice, and drones hovered up above. Hell, there was even a Cardinal-class heavy frigate hovering nearby, its imposing, five hundred and eighty metre silhouette hiding in the clouds a sight to behold. Even Gardner himself was equipped with a G138 pistol. He knew that maybe this amount of security was probably unnecessary, but he also knew that the UEG wouldn't take any chances since important figures in the UEG had been assassinated during the Vaskran War, and with these new aliens, the UEG was being doubly paranoid.

    A large shape coming into view caught his attention, along with those of the Marines around him, as they each stopped talking and stared up into the sky. The FENCERs continued to stare blankly ahead, lacking the emotional and thought precessors humans had. The craft was oddly smooth, purple light emanating from light sources. It swooped down and docked at one of the bridges. A Beacon-class frigate, if Gardner recalled correctly. A ship able to match or even outmatch UEGNC heavy frigates like the Cardinal up above. The hangar bay doors opened, and the imposing figure of a multi-headed Hydra stepped through, accompanied by several human guards.

    Yes, Gardner still found it hard to believe that there were more humans in the galaxy even after all these years.

    The Marines all stood up straight, as did Gardner. The Hydra then greeted them, which is to say, reach into their minds and talk to them without open its mouths. The Hydra complimented the UEG's architecture, and Gardner couldn't help but smile. "Well, they're built to last." He said, before stepping fowards and placing his arms behind his back. "Ambassador Tlur'kari. It's good to finally meet you in person."

    Petroshka Petroshka

Diplomacy with UEG
Beacon Spaceport, Beacon City, Devana

"Governor Eric Garner" Tlur'kari bowed with his middle head. "Like wise, shall we depart to a more secure location? these are, unstable times." He said only to Garner. The Two Hydran soldiers behind him stayed inside until he left with the governor and the Heydrian guards were at his sides standing at attention.
Corrosion Corrosion
War room talks
First Strategos Heva'Latre was busy making contingency plans for if the imperium was attacked, with their Vassal the arguably least imperial empire within the imperium. However they have taken the responsibility of being the main industrial provider and security for the peoples of the imperium and with their large numbers it was only naturally so. "We have a idea of what the United Earth Government is capable of so we are in the process of improving our relationships with them as we speak." He said to the ones in the war room. Most were humans but there were representatives of the other major empires there too. "We know that there are Xenophobic empires all around us so war with them is likely but trade with them may make them warm up to us and hopefully convert them." he looked around seeing nods from everyone. Then he looked at the Lord Executor Michal Cwalina. "Seeing how you have the largest military out of us what do you think?"
doodleSM doodleSM
Wilk's Discovery
Wilk had sent the message without orders. He sent the signal to the two xenophobic empires. Wilk had even gone off and formed a new regiment. Wilk desired revenge out of all things, his body was no longer flesh, it was made of alloy and iron. He had a secret base, somewhere in the southern parts of the galaxy, far away from Imperium space. A base not even known to the highest of authority, because this base was built without authority.

Wilk had sent out a task squadron of scouts to survey the local planet. The planet itself was a large swamp and rain forest. The task squadron had returned hours later, with a strange device. Foreign to anything in they had known about other races.

"Where did ... you find it?" Wilk said, his respirator making his voice sound heavy and large, his respirator makes his voice choppy and broken occassionally.

"We found it in a cave, with some other stuff. Our scanners broke when we tried to read the energy that was coming off the units. These objects were unusually heavy for their size, we could only bring the small device." The Scout reports, his Heydrian accent was thick, Wilk had lost that accent after his transformation.

"It looks ... so ... different than everything ... else. Take it ... to the labs." Wilk continued to make his breaths between sentences

"Yes, sir." The scout leaves the room. Wilk was alone.
Michal's Response
Michal Cwalina looked up at Heva'Latre. "A war now would cripple Heydro's army, to simply put it. Our armies are under supplied. STAVKA's are probably one of the weakest model of laser weaponry in the entire galaxy." He smiles after the sentence, a faint hope in his heart perhaps.

"What we lack in quality, makes up for in quantity."

Michal adjusts his dress uniform and says
"It seems like Zixmir has guided one of my greatest commanders, Wilk. Although Wilk isn't too happy with Heydrian High Command -- Oh yes, indeed an act of aggression towards Xenophobic empires would cripple the Heydrian standing army. However, if we were to go on a crusade; the Imperium would have a high chance of victory. Allow Commander Wilk to lead these armies in future wars. The Heydrian people strongly advocate for a holy war, either offensively or defensively."

Petroshka Petroshka
Karcen Karcen
Planet Norga
Sector B-221
Southern Border
Exact location: The Illarion capital

The thick burning smoke filled the air as the 223rd Infantry Corp made progress of the total destruction of the capital city. For weeks the Illarion race had put up a respectful amount of resistance to the empire, but soon they had quavered under the might of the Creigonian's power. General Bukannin stood near the edge of a landing pad that was connected to the capital building. Behind him were littered corpses of what appeared to be lizard species who desperately put up a fight to allow their Queen to escape. Her escape however was put to an end with a swarm of bullets and explosives. Bukannin continues to stare at the carnage with his arms behind his back. Suddenly a soldier walks to his side and salutes to him before addressing his message, "Sir our capital ship has detected an unknown decryption within the solar system." Bukannin raises an eyebrow and turns his head to the trooper, "Is it a Illarion distress call? If not then your wasting my time, I'm in a middle of overseeing the destruction of this planet you see." He turns his attention back to the city in front of him, but the trooper is hesitant to get him to listen. "Sir with all do respect, I highly recommend at least hearing the decryption. It will only take you a few seconds." The general gives an annoyed looking face and sighs, he reaches out his hand to the trooper and motions him to give him the so called message. The trooper pulls out a oval looking device and hands it to the general. He listens to the short and quick message and is very confused. When it ends he turns to the trooper with an angered face. "THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED ME TO HEAR?! A BUNCH OF NONSENSE!!!.......You have proximately 20 seconds to relieve of yourself from my presence before I execute you myself!" The trooper quickly takes the message back, salutes the general and jogs out of the generals sight. Clearly this message is some sort of prank or some SOS crap. He pulls out a infrabinocular which allowed him to see the urban terrain with some ease. He see's a large amount of heat signatures within the market area and begins to contact the nearest platoon to take care of the specific area.
The Animunculi empire
The artifact that was found by the other races had started sending out signals and ancient sensors locked onto this cry for help, another unworthy had found their master's devices. The animunculi needed no time to think or to organize a response for they knew all to well what this meant they mobilized. they would not spare any amount of force for often if they just showed up in overwhelming numbers their demands were met and they could leave as fast as possible with what they wanted. they would bring with them one of the world ships as that tended to strike fear in all who looked upon the artificial world that had its sights aimed right at them.

the transition woudl take about an hour at the max speed as they could in theory move across the galaxy in a single 24 hour period, though often it took 2 or more to actually get that distance. The ships would arrive in orbit around the planet the artificial world bolting out their sun and likely wreaking havoc upon the planet below as gravity was fucked with thanks to the sudden change in the solar system. when it appeared all devices that were capable of receiving a signal woudl receive one message on repeat.

" Return what you have stolen or face reorigination" it said over and over with no directions on how to return what was stolen or exactly what it was that was stolen.
The Imperial Automation

. . .

Connecting To The Great Network
(Science Subsection Server 01)

. . .

Encrypting Private Communications Link

. . .

. . .

Establishing Host Connection

. . .

Connection Successful

. . .

The Great Network
All Research Relays, Gather Report Data.

. . .

Research Command Relay, System 009, Report Findings.

Research Command Relay, System 009
Patching Through Report Details, Standby.

. . .

Research Report: The Study of
Xeno Organics 002

Species Name: Human
Subject Acquisition: Human Colony Found

by a Horizon scout
Chemical Make-up: Carbon-based lifeforms
Intelligence Level: Full Sentience, Average
Physical Capabilities:
Strength - 25% of an Automaton Civilian
Agility - 80% of an Automaton Civilian
Durability - 35% of an Automaton Civilian
Habitability Versatility - 5% of an Automaton
Reproductive Capability - No Comparative
Data, Base Value set to 100%

Notable Features:
It has been observed that the 'human' is a
territorial organic, protecting what it believes
to be its home. Often balancing between
logical reason, morality and emotional
influences, the species can often be very
divided in its goals. It is sometimes
impossible for a human to agree with
if their interests conflict, the two resorting to
violence or other means of aggression
rather than finding a way to compromise
and resolve the situation. In these
situations, morality and logic appear to

The human is also incredibly versatile,
studies have concluded. Faced with
conflict, each party employs a rather
interesting and independent set of tactics
to ensure their victory. The most interesting
finding here is that each party decided
upon a different tactic respectively. Despite
there being more effective strategies being
available to them, they seemingly chose
their actions randomly, or based upon
emotions or morals. This differs from our

species, where each party would both
choose the same, and most effective,
tactic available to them. This proves the
human race to be a rather unpredictable
race in some respects, yet it also presents
plenty of opportunities to exploit them
when predictable behaviours does present

End of report


The Great Network
Research Command Relay, System 009, Report Acknowledged.

Research Command Relay, System 036, Report Findings.

Research Command Relay, System 036

Patching Through Report Details, Standby.

. . .

Research Report: Development
of the 'Dark Harvester' 017

Predicted Research Progress: 32%
Remaining Time Left: Unknown

Notable Features:

Whilst progress on the Dark Harvester has

been progressing at a very efficient rate, we
do not have the facilities to predict the
remaining time until the project is complete.

We would request that The Great Network
dedicates some of its processing capabilities
into calculating it.

In terms of the actual project, it has been
following our projections as expected. We
have achieved perfect stabilisation of the
anti-gravitational field and the station itself

no longer suffers from rips in the hull. Due to
this, we have been able to extend the

station's compartments further towards the
black hole so that readings and further
experimentation can occur at a faster rate.

Our first experimentational attempts at
interacting with the fallen star was met with
rather destructive results. Subsequent
attempts have been more successful but we
are running out of materials to continue.
Repairs of the station have taxed our local
supplies considerably. The power

core has been performing as expected and
has been producing energy reliantly.

End of report

The Great Network
Research Command Relay, System 036, Report Acknowledged.
Processing Clearance Granted, Standby For Response.
Mineral Supply Clearance Granted, Standby For Transport.
Research Command Relay, System 001, Report Findings.​

Research Command Relay, System 001
Patching Through Report Details, Standby.

. . .

Research Report: Development

of the 'Ancient Rebuke' 057

Predicted Research Progress: 16%
Remaining Time Left: 100~200 Years with
Current Technology

Notable Features:

Efforts to recreate the "Helios' Wrath" on a
grander scale
have proved more difficult than
originally anticipated. More materials from the
will be needed to continue our efforts as we
have completely run out of local supplies.
Otherwise, all has progressed as expected.

End of report
The Great Network
Research Command Relay, System 001, Report Acknowledged.
Mineral Supply Clearance Granted, Standby For Transport.

All Research Relays, Continue Research Projects Until Further Notice.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Disconnecting from The Great Network

. . .

Disconnection Successful

. . .
Imperium Vassal KenKurai, Hinterskee
Research facility, Juvar
After years upon years of psiconic research DeiRes, an ReiConess scientist, has an idea on the subject more so than a few others. She had been trying to find out a way to amplify psionics with the use of technology, merging both worlds into one. However she was met with failure after failure only finding snippets of what works each time an experiment fails, the only things she had been successful with so far were the psiconic warp drives widely used. Of course that invention got her the attention of the imperium and it got her to where she was now with a sigh she slouched over on her desk. "Irus bring your blessings upon me" She was tired and felt like she barely got to the surface of her current experiment. Psiconic shielding.
War room talks
Heva'Latre sighed heavily at the information put forth by the commander, many troubling thoughts and outcomes came to his mind but he shrugged them off with a small prayer. "A crusade protocol is not to be taken lightly and not used until times of absolute despair commander. We can not simply initiate a crusade whenever we want. the people would need a reason and a good one." Shaking his heads he wished the Heydros people followed more in suit with the imperium's philosophies he had been in one of their cities and it was, uncomfortable at best. "We will send a few Anon workers to improve your manufacturing centers and maybe your Stavka's performance will increase. treat them will, and perhaps you may research improvements on those lazers of yours. we have sent a blueprint for a Hydran personal shield as well, however i am certain they will be too large and heavy for your soldiers so re-engineering them to simply be portable will be good enough." That should give the commander some incentive to increase the efficiency of those factories. Aemis knows the situtation on Unari couldnt get any worse. "However i'd like you to focus on your navies, by the way, where is commander Wilk?" indeed it was unusal for someone to pitch a commander without bring the commander with them.
doodleSM doodleSM (a post before work!)
"Another Day in the Office"Preventing Disaster by Pirate Hands, Reaching out in the Void.

"Cinders to ascend."
There will be chosen in all races, who will accept their darkness, see the blinding light as Humanity. See greed and disfigured judgment as the burn of the flame.
Hunhow, Prophecy of Regency

Location: The Spire of Lasting Shadow, Oberzrix. Harrow System

Characters: Daerys Nevearts, The Umbra; Hunhow, Shade; Icarus, Human Chosen. @'s: Kloudy Kloudy
~Unless otherwise stated, quotes are in Umbronik as translations.~
A soft hum of the energy lanes laid sparkling in the background. Their ghastly reflection channeling up and down the large chamber. Crackles of dark fire echoed over the spire as the Umbra lingered over the crystal consoles. Strange behavior to outsiders, how a mechanical race would have interfaces when their own language would serve as code. Couldn't they simply control mentally? The consoles give luxury and feeling to the dark chamber. And such luxury gave the currently barren throne of the Umbra a spark of energy to loathe about. Crystals hovered gently over and over as the Umbra batted his wings, pronged with horns and spikes at every metal joint. Numbers, images, news, and maps would pop in and out as the Umbra organized the blast of material. Solitary and meticulous, Daerys lifted his head as a spark of light entered through the crystal seal above. He smoked the dark fire, quickly it vanished. Draining the light, feeding upon its helpless self. Voices echoed throughout the chamber, above laid clearings in the ancient and intricate design of Methynlos. The voices of the best rang in softly, growing louder down the chamber. One by two and three by four. Pitches stroked the energy of the argon air.

An electrified pitch crept behind the Umbra's tail, a mirror touched down just before the floor. Four crescent blades danced as orbiting planets, gracefully growing darker into the chamber's sky. On cue, a humanoid Servyus hallowed the floor with his dark touch. Mists of Umhron left the trace of his crystalline feet. On his shoulders laid pyramids of ancient names, his face of square mist and green screen. With sight, Daerys ascended to flight, coursing his body to face the visitor. His head of nightmares opened the purple of hex, eyes of amusement and umbra. He set forth a glass of volcanic blood to his visitor. The chamber hummed as energy stemmed into the halls, the Umbra lifted his ears as pitched to the voices. Panels seceded from the facades, rising then melding into a display of Gea, the destination of power and authority. The capital of the Republic. Channeling from the floor, a seat of gilded thorns awaited the visitor. The visitor bowed, draping himself in liquid darkness before adjusting the seat. He relaxed, facing the Umbra with determination and joy. Responding as such, Daerys raised his head to the crystal seal, forcing glow from his eyes into the pages of the crystal. A rain of darkness plunged into the pair, suddenly stopping as the visitor raised his hand in sign.

Ghastly azure orbs of energy tickled into markings of Umbronik, resting all space in the chamber as the Umbra gazed at each formation of markings. Evolving into purple, one formation puffed and screamed in a banshee's laugh. The energy fizzled into the facades, as voices sang again.

"Erys vhaly Tosihy (Darkness be Rited), Hunhow. The Spire shadows for burdens of thy. Bringth what thy recognize to Shadow's ever vigilant postulant. Show of Umhron be delighted by "

"Beloved friend, my power wilted by demands of blossoming fruit. Overwhelming seeker of darkness thou shown me, now I bear news respecting the void. Thy power be a panacea to my disturbances."

Wings fluffed as ocean waves, darkening mist spiraled around the Spire, inside and outside. Thrusting into the crimson sky, pieces of crystal traveled from all directions of Gae to assemble in circumference around machines of Faer. Glowing of nightshade, the light remaining in Gae ceased by these devices. Known as Kaelis generators. As the Umbronik plane gave gift to the city, Gae vanished from sight. The sounds of the city silenced as if nothing ever danced on those volcanic soils.

"Speak, the darkness shields us from prying eyes, highest being Human ones." The Umbra lowered his head to his friend, resting on obsidian and fire.

"Thou knoweth of our ceaseless work of Void bypass travel, I petition thy to address our incidental findings. Beings self-named the Choysi harbor planetoids inside our beloved Void. My philosophy on the circumstance is confident that they seek the darkness of thy and our Republic. Identical first breaths of life, sundering our path to darkness as destined in our pauper world. The Void calleth to me, however, thou shall see how the Choysi failed to be perfect for our regard. They are separatists as the fetched humans, arbitrary I sincerely prophesize to the arching Shadow of the Republic. Their sciences lay behind us on our trail, whispering to leaves in question of the tree. Headstrong as rock on rock on rock, even Reqykin bowed to their superior absurdity in that regard. That be resolute in thy mind."

"Reqykin never surrendered, arching his children with goblets of Light's false truth. Or venom in thy teachings Hunhow, he flew distance and height, but he sank and plumped in his soul and heart. On the battle of Ordgenic, he ordered sacrifice of Oreg to his brother Kryk. When Shadow made mercy to him, Kryk pleaded for Oreg's blood be saved. Living for the Shadow saves by its proselyte's antidote and ever loud voice. Kryk and Oreg spared by the ever holy Joesin and his admirable daughter, Orelis. Orelis married Kryk and Oreg by the Savior's tradition. Showing us now that even the blinding light of Humanity can be reasoned if conditions be right."

"Excellent my Umbra, thy mind is braced with my teachings." Hunhow held out his arms, crossing before returning to his side, "Now I bid thee, seek preparations to bring them into the black of our Shadow. Their land, their numbers, and their strength in industry shall reap a thousand harvests for two. Come! Let the Volum debate and carve a path by your approval. My Umbra, the humans have much to distaste us. Icarus speaks so, the boy is valuable. While he may be human himself, his Servyus brother, Yagdra, loves him as no other. Humanity at the heart is poisoned, some are lost. But Icarus is chosen, he will give redemption to his kin.... But we must prepare for their arrival. Their thoughts, their eyes seek to know our secrets. Fear riddles me with possibilities. We must go, leave our isolationist time behind. The Choysi can be our goal as we find others to seek under our Shadow."

The Umbra smiled, puffing fire from his nose, "How many planetoids great Shade? The Volum sendeth a resolution to expand east of our borders. With this colonization, I vision as preparations, this venture in the Void provideth?"

"One thousand worlds exist in the Void. The Choysi giveth travel to these worlds by the portals it cycles by cherished play." Hunhow tapped the chair, drumming with the voices above. "Resources and little worry of outsiders, the Void is hostile to them. They must learn to survive its giggling wraith."

"Security... with concerns of Xenos upon me, I ordereth all of our constructors to encamp our space in bastions of Shadow. Now, I see that resources be selected into our coffers, whereth the Void never denies being rich. Surely, more planetoids will ascend into the beloved Void?"

"Vyrius (Yes), my Umbra."

The Umbra gazes on Hunhow, cocking his head to the right. His wings raised as Servyus stepped through mirrors or portals. Distress yet calm emitted from them.

"Barge in my quarters! Thee! What is distressing the Shadow! By our coded network, what skulks in the unknown?" The Umbra smoked, snarling almost.

"My Umbra, raiders are viking our rim world of Zinyix! Local forces have disabled coded communication to prevent surges in rage and interrupting your quarters(Among other reasons). Reinforcements requested."

The Umbra snarled, snapping his human sized teeth. Rising on two feet, Daerys expunged fire, darker than imagination could provide. He thrashed, in calm yet elegant dance. "By the Shadow, let the fleets and all know! Thank you, my seeker. Tell me of their hailing."
The frontrunner stroked her head, catching energy before slinging it to her Umbra. Daerys closed his eyes, humming in scare and mare. "Send the Kaiju fleet. Leave nothing alive." The frontrunner bowed before stepping back through the mirror. Silence fell before peace resumed like the machines the Servyus were.

Hunhow stood, "Musteth be the Moon Scythes once more? My Umbra, I bring more pressing news. Unsettling yet prime for our gain. I believe the Moon Scythes created this attack to draw attention from reported missile silos on nearby asteroids."

The Umbra nodded, "You speak of the report on which was almost read by my mind. With our name drawn for execution, we must deliver Death to those at the silos. However, you speak of something else?"

"Let them hit some of ours. Call it an act of war, for the report shows the Kefalon Empire sheltering these barbarians. Strike them down my Umbra, then we shall have much to reap. Possibly the old Gas planet station? One that seems in use yet not?"

The Umbra nodded, standing and breaching a portal to the city. "Your words spark drive witheth me. Go to your research, I will speak to King Darius and giveth him two weighted hands of cards. The Choysi I shall not forgetteth, my mind has plans for them. Tell the Volum of my intentions as I have in the Code. And theneth, do you not seek travel to the east? Tell me of your travels when we meet again! Surely, you will enjoy being my newest advisor."

Hunhow bowed, "An honor." The Umbra flew out of the Spire, screeching above the city. Rallying the haunted glow as escorted to the Havyortict file above him. All pieced together as any machine would design. Hunhow exited onto his craft as Shade, head ambassador for the Republic. The Tyruin File was designed for such expeditions. Armored as a battlecruiser, as it was when not for diplomacy. Yet the craft looks perfectly harmless. Darting off into orbit before entering Chillspace, the Faer (Like USS) Ascolyt appeared as sign of the city to all eyes watching. Hunhow gazed out the window as the ship gelled, thinking of the centuries gone by.


More Below

An Expedition to Find Others

[Edge of Republic Space > The Right of the Galaxy]

"My Shade, we have reached the end of our space. Shall we proceed?" The pilot looked back, seeing Hunhow meditating beside no other than Icarus. Hunhow raised his head, leaving Icarus on the crystal.

"Yes... moveth. We must find others. Full escort." The Pilot nodded his two heads. Hunhow returned to Icarus. He sat beside him. The ship's bridge was large as tradition requires. Icarus grunted before stretching and leaving the bridge. It would clearly be something before they hit something. Maybe.

~In Faction Plotlines to continue next post~
{Sorry for taking rather long! I hope this is alright! if you wish to not read to much there will be a short resume! and sorry i could not add any fancy stuff like spoilers or tabs, the BBcode is messing up so sorry, i know it can be a mess tried my best separating, if there anything i miss or problem or something that bothers you don't be afraid to tell me people!)

The blind leap

Trinity, the beautiful green wonder that the Cataphract have conquered and made there home, compared to other of there planets, trinity was left untouched in nature,letting it blossom and thrive, while under its crust The Cataphract lived. It was the most active planet in there control acting as a main hub for any trades,diplomacy and intergalactic affairs. One would say Paradiso would have been there choice but with the ongoing crisis they disprove any other race beside themselves coming in close proximity with Paradiso and such they had to name a different planet there "Home World". There mission, is to find technology they do not posses and to find a way to prevent the extinction of there former creators. Going far and wide where none of them have ever gone to find the unknown and discover what has to be known in hopes to find the miracle to save The Derelicts from vanishing and hey will take whatever they need to preform such, be it trade or war.

From one of the many personal gates, through it Valor, the one king of there race walked through, standing 10 feet in height with his four arms behind his back as he materialized through the gate. A cape made of transparent threads formed bearing the flag that represented them right behind him as it dragged across the marble hall. Former Orokin class Living immediately bow at his presences as he walked through the hall making his way to be part of the soon departure of there three great fleets that will jump to the unknown. He wont participate in the departure but he will be the one to give the order and say the last words before they vanish in to the dark abyss beyond. Golden and marble set of doors are pushed open by Valor getting full attention to those in what seem a control room, they all say his name and bow in respect as he stood on a golden platform beside one of the council members that had order and power over trinity. "You have made it in time Valor, its of great honor to have you here", the council members voiced echoed through the silent room as the great king would speak "Indeed it is as well to me, are all preparations complete for the first departing fleet?" He asked starring at the large holographic screen showing the fleet composed of 2 small orokin class corvette and one orokin class battleship, with multiple smaller exploration ships beside the small fleet. "Yes my king, all are prepared with 10 thousand brave and honored orokin rank endeavors to explore the unknown...and if i am aware, Hate will be in charge of the fleet" Valor looked down at his council member and would ask "Hate? why was i not informed he would be part of this?" He asked rather alarmed and impressed tone knowing one of there Ova members of the gustrag three will be leading the force, "It was last minute decisions, he wished to participate, being as well a high council i cannot judge his word without the consolation of higher ranks" With that, Valor dint respond and accepted the unwanted change, soon the screen would appear beside the live footage of the fleet, it was Hate himself "I am aware...My king this is rather...Unwanted but i wish to go...With the fleet and such have co-"
"Enough, i will allow it this once but i hope next departure i am INFORMED directly of any sort of change understood?" Silence enveloped the room as Hate would close communications but the silence was broken when a small orokin rank researcher approached Valor "May i be of free speech?"
"My King, i suggest to prevent this adventure, this is pass the limits our fragmentation drives can reach, if we send these ships like this they will surely damage there drives, with no point of returning back! The risk is to great i suggest you change strategy jumping one short leap after another Instead of the whole fleet at once without thinking of the risk of such long travel!"
Valor stared down at the small orokin and said in a rather menacing tone
"I know the risk, they know it as well, time is short and so is the one of the Derelicts, we cannot waste more time. Would you risk the lives of former brothers and sisters who ACCEPTED! to go with this...or risk the live of the four hundred left Derelicts?"
There was no response as the small orokin backed off and bow, Valor looked towards the hologram and in native language ordered to begin the fragmentation gate.

A set of four spike like structures floated in front of the fleet, they are very similar to the ones on Paradiso. They began to spin as each tip pointed towards the fleet, slowly and increasing is speed as minutes pass till it was just a blur to the eye of any. "This is Valor to fleet, you are aware there is little chance of coming back home...its a risk we must take in order to ensure both the discovery of new wonders and to find the recipe needed to ensure the survival of our fathers and mothers, i wish you best of luck out there, you are the first to go this far and more to follow, May the Derelict bless you"
"With honor and bravery, we travel, Onward!"
The ships power there engines only for a bright of light to come from the rotating gate, blasting the fleet as it has vanished from near trinity, engaging in fragmentation to the unknown as far they could reach. Valor stared at the horizon where they have vanished, many began to monitor the movement of the fleet as they have been sling across the empty space but the further they went the harder it was to monitor till a moment later, they have been lost from there range.
"We have lost contact with the fleet, they have began there adventures..."
"May by the name of the Derelicts they come home..."
"And lets hope they don't cause trouble, last thing we would want is a race we do not know venturing far to hunt us down"
"Do not worry, if such happens we will be ready..."
Valor sigh audibly as he soon began to vaporize and appear near the massive window that allowed light to penetrate the control room, he stared out at the green land as life flourished with his hands all this time behind his back. The council member walked and stood beside Valor and spoke.
"Risk have to be taken, we will find a way"

A fleet of 3 ships composed of 2 small corvettes and one large battle ship have formed not far Zinyix. One corvett is operational and working rather well but still recovering, the other was torn perfectly in half because of the emergency halt they had to go through and it has come in contact with the battle ship as it began to drift, the large battle ship is in perfect condition (was, thanks to the corvette) but its Fragmentation drive has been torn apart and needs to be put in stasis before they can regain power.
Working corvette is keeping eyes out and monitoring as best it can as it tries to contact there fleet and detect anything approaching there still recovering fleet to be prepared. Facing the opposite side, not being able to see the planet.

Torn corvette is no use, now halted beside the battleship once it crashed, crew members are doing best to prevent any further sort of damage

Batteship is in shut don till stasis has been placed and it will be rather soon. facing the correct side and planet Zinyix is in view.

Important characters in the fleet:
Hate- one of the council members and in charge of the fleet.

The Risk, The unfortunate

Time has passed, the fleet still fragmented and traveling to space, unknown to where they will land. But the ships drives are unable to hold for so long as this is by far the farthest one Orokin class ship has ever traveled.
"WARNING!: Imminent overcharge! Fragmentation will begin detention shortly- ERROR! ERROR! PARTICLE TRANSMUTATION! EMERGENCY FORMATION STARTING!"
The fragmentation drive has reached its peak, it could not hold the fleet anymore in this state, it had to form the fleet before they are torn apart from atoms and mater, there particles to be thrown the endless space, literally being torn atom by atom, erasing them from existence and just particles and atoms.

Solar system: UNKNOWN
Sector location: UNKNOWN

Soon after a long travel, a small anomaly began to come to life similar to that of wormholes somewhere...the ships would suddenly appear leading a flash of light at there arrival, they all seem fine except one of the corvettes was half of its original length as it seems it was cleanly cut in half, missing half of the ship as it began to drift slightly as engines where none existence. The two others seem to be unharmed except the large warship, white smoke ejected from the back of its engines as its fragmentation drive completely gave up and began to dematerialize. The only unharmed ship, one of the two corvettes, began to come to life as it regain power. The other two ships where down and with no response but even still, they dint know where was "Here" or communicate each other.

First contact with Solvarous Tezxis Kollam

The last
The corvette that had power and was in one whole and complete ship, its crew slowly regaining conciseness from the sudden materialization, the captain of the corvette stood up and looked around as the crew began to get in work immediately and try to contact the other two ships
"Lead ship is out of the grid we cant contact them! brother corvette is-..Captain"
The screw stared out of the glass, seeing the half of the corvette drift in front of them, from the sight crew men can be seen standing on the the edge of where the corvette was sliced in half, looking at the blank space and soon at them as it drifted in front, some seemed to begin locking airlocks leading to the vacuum of space to prevent any more drifting or more personal accidentally being shot out. The half cut ship was slowly going on a collision course against the larger lead battleship,scraping the side of it for a short time and coming to a full stop as it came in direct contact, causing metal and hull damage to both.
"Captain we are unable to contact both ships, we are in the dark"
"They can handle a bit, question is where ARE we"

The crew began to do short scans detecting a large celestial body not far from there current position, the star in the area was a standard class as well,seem to be behind them this large stellar body surely a planet, it was hard to tell as they where facing the opposite way of it and with systems rather jammed, but that was not the problem where they are, its better to ask WHAT is here.
"Captain we are detecting numerous amounts of activity near the planet, we are still in the dark, all functions not responding well"
The fleet was in the dark and with the only active ship being the corvette that manage not to be effected by the travel, there systems where rather depend and still recovering but they can tell there is a planet and there is high amounts of activity leading to speculate there is a conflict going on.

The warship of Hate

"Systems are not responding, the drive is preventing any energy retribution, it must be placed in stasis"
"Then...why are we waiting for....Begin stasis!...we have come this far....we are not failing this time!"
Hate, one of the great councils member, captain of the fleet and the battleship under his claws, was dealing with serious problems with there fragmentation drive as it gave up, they could not send,receive or do anything till the drive was placed in stasis and under control, all they could see was a planet not far from them, there seem to be activity judging by the small glints of light that spark and vanish. they where in the dark and little did they know one of there fleet ships was still active and the other about to crash in to them.
Soon the massive warship shook violently as the torn corvette impacted them without warning but they could not tell what it was as they are in the dark.
"What...was that!?"
"We cant tell sir! large object crash in to us! its size might predict it be a meteor"
"Impossible...There are no meters....near by, get the....drive in to stasis! we are....not alone here! we must communicate...with the rest of the fleet!"
"We are working as fast as we can! power should be restored shortly!"

They where in the dark, every ship was, once all systems have been restored they could properly take care of the situation and hope to prevent any angry civilization seeing them as a hostile threat for appearing in there territory out of no where. They dint know where they are but there was surely...some one who did.​

Zaltusinel Zaltusinel
Michal's Realization
The sentence was burned into Michal's brain. Where the HELL is Wilk. Wilk hadn't reported in anywhere for several cycles. Now with Heva'Latre asking him the location of Wilk, Michal came to the realization, Wilk wasn't... anywhere. Michal gets up from his seat. "I have a call to make. Aemis prays that Wilk won't get slaughtered for this." An audible profanity that was in a thick Heydrian accent and in Heydrian tongue was heard.
Wilk's Retreat
Wilk told the scouts to drop it off back at the cave, hopefully that'll calm down the huge... ship. Wilk ran off towards the small frigate. His forces were ready to leave the base and the planet.

Petroshka Petroshka
Karcen Karcen


    FROM: Federal President of Earth and its Colonies Jeremiah Warner
    TO: United Earth Government Colonial Military Committee Chairman Ernest Anders
    SUBJECT: RE: Reactivation of the Ionic Hypercannon and Defunct Superweapon Projects

    August 7, 2864

    Dear Chairman Anders,

    Thank you for the message. I understand the paranoia that you have with these empires. In fact, I am sure that all of us share that same feeling. Most of us are old enough to remember the Vaskran War, and we all remember the amount of death and destruction caused. Many of us have lost family and friends during the war, and I know you lost your wife during the Battle of Uplift, and you have my sincerest condolences.

    However, I cannot allow the reactivation of the Ionic Hypercannon. The Ionic Hypercannon was already a weapon that caused not just fear in the Vaskrans, but our own people too. It for that reason we signed an agreement to never use the weapon again unless in dire curcumstances. Reactivating the weapon will surely cause more tensions with neighbouring empires. They will not be happy with us possessing a working weapon capable of reducing entire planets to molten slag with a single shot.

    On the other hand, I will consider the reactivation of our secret superweapon projects. These projects were much more covert during the Vaskran War, and I doubt anyone will discover our work.

    For now, however, you have my permission to authorise the activation of Military Weapons Project Freelancer. I understand that it has been waiting for authorisation for a very long time, and I know that Dr. Leonard Church is a very capable man who will surely advance our understanding of artificial intelligence.

    Yours sincerely,
    President Jeremiah Warner

Diplomacy with UEG
Beacon Spaceport, Beacon City, Devana

Tlur nodded to the governors words as they walked over to a decorative transport that was rather, tight. "dont worry, i dont mind, nor do i blame you." He converged his heads and neck together and curled into the transport. The Heydrian soldiers looked at each other and back at Tlur then started to follow inside. As the transport started to fly and and crossed some terrain, Tlur watched the landscapes of the world pass by and the small buildings seemingly everywhere. it reminded him of Apocrypha's light but with natural landscapes, but much smaller buildings and less light from below, and of course the lack of ships covering the skies. "Thank you for accepting me into your planet govenor, your world definitely has its beauty. Aemis smiles upon it." with a pause he included. "i dont believe your people experienced another contact with a different species for a long time or am i wrong?"
Corrosion Corrosion

Apocrypha's Light.
War room talks

"Do not be too hasty Commander, shouldn't you have an idea where your commander is?" This was fairly odd especially to a society as militaristic as the Heydros could Wilk be going renegade? Or was he simply late to the meeting? One of Heva'Latre's heads leaned down to the Heydrian commander. "We cannot afford misdemeanors from our military experts especially during these times" he only told this to the Heydros commander alone, then his head leaned back up. "GalKon" He spoke to the Reiconess representative and the current president of the KenKurai Republic. "How goes our little friend DeiRes with her research?" "She is making progress, however slowly. She has the resources pray to Irus that she does not loose her mind" Nodding Heva looked at the others and started talking about ship designs to the other representatives and leaders while waiting for a response from the Heydros executor.
doodleSM doodleSM
Animunculi empire
The ships detected the fleeing target and after a quick scan it was revealed they were not carrying any more of their masters technology. This was good they were smart enough to know when they should just do what they were told so many of these young races always thought they were the apex and refused to give up anything. The captain of the world ship had a call to make and made it quickly the ones that had fled could be left alone they woudl be allowed to flee and thanked for their compliance. Still even as smaller ships left the world ship it almost felt like a waste to come all this way and only to come back with just an artifact.

Thous outside perhaps watching the world ship from their own would see the massive artificial world turn not to look at them but instead its mouth like orifice moved to face the planets moon. The horns along the mouth started to glow and the moon seemed to stop as if caught and then suddenly there woudl be a blinding flash likely burning out a few or rather a lot of the other ships sensors due to the massive energy release. when the flash ended there was no moon it was gone.

On the ship the captain was pleased as the artifacts were confirmed to be reclaimed and they had taken on board a large haul that could be used to make more ships latter, the moon had been turned into energy in an instant. This energy woudl latter be turned into new materials to make more ships.

Meanwhile the other ships woudl get several messages assuming they still had comms " We thank you for your compliance " along with what appeared to be a map with an area marked out an outline of the territory claimed by whatever made the planet eaters.

Michal, the Lord Executor
The Lord Executor is the supreme commander of all Heydrian forces, they have ultimate authority over all Proletariats and Penals. The middle class fear the Executor, and the Boyars respect the Executor as a position of high importance.

The Executor sighs. "I don't know where Wilk is." Michal looks at the datapad. "Do you want to talk about anyth--- Wilk just sent me... a map? He sent me a message." Michal reads over the message


Don't head down south of our territory. We came across some... interesting... ships and they gave the location of the systems we should avoid. And interesting technology, but we lost it. Apparently there is another Empire near us, with two open planets.

Bravely, Commander Wilk.

"This map represents.. another Empire's territory? He lost some form of technology?" Michal sounds baffled by Wilk's actions.

Wilk, the Commander
A commander in the Heydrian Army is a great honor, many generations Commanders have led the Heydrian Army to great success and defended the borders of the Imperium. They tend to be regarded as humble, brave, and noble.

In the ship, they send the message to the Lord Executor after exiting the System.

"The Executor's hour has come. For he and the Heydrian Command will pay... They will pay for what they've done to me." Wilk states, looking at his synthetic hands. Wilk was sitting in a room, a woman was next to him. The woman was clad in an officer uniform.

Her name was Natasha Vyacheslavovna, she was a officer for Wilk during many Great Wars. Her uniform that she bears girds many medals of honor, and medals of dedication to their gods. Symbols of each of the Imperium's god is a medal on her uniform.

"Hush, hush. It's fine, you'll be fine. There's no need for revenge."
She tries.

"They killed her... They took away my body and my reason for life."
He ignores her.

"Please, get over it... Your wife is a thing of the past... Shes with Aemis..."
She begs.

Wilk gets up, his voice trembles as he yells "No! I will not! Not until she and I have salvation! Then I can die!"

Wilk smiles. He gets onto the radio, calling into the helmsmen "FTL us to Apocrypha's light, we got a Executor to talk to."

Within moments, the Andros-class ship blasts off into slipspace towards Apocrypha's light.

Petroshka Petroshka
Karcen Karcen
Last edited:
"Another Day in the Office"Kicking Ass and Taking Names, Not Necessarily in that Order.

[Zinyix, Monn Scythes Assult. Kaiju fleet in position, initiating. Proceed Harvortict Files.]

{Gravitial Lances steadied, Gyroscopes engaged for max spin. Faeryie Gesalt awakened and uplinked to command. Umbra Daerys secured on the Eluditict Pylon.}

[Faeryie: Status! Commence overlay and analysis.]

....[Tactical overlay sequenced, hailing fleet with data now]...
~Zinyix Defense Status~

Enemy Fleet
Planet reports fleet at 1% Original Size. Patroling Defense Fleet Engaged
Thirteen Corvettes; Detected Lober and Haste Classes. Heavy fire, low armor. Suggested focus fire.Titan Volstrum Mark 7V, Laser based weaponry. 75% effectiveness against Noetirj Four Layer Shielding on Jamis mode. Suggested mode: Oberin. Estimated effectiveness: 35%. Sensors ready to commence data gathering.

Five Frigates; Detected Noise and Wind Classes; Uliity minded with little direct firepower. Hatruoin Biles (Bombers) commence strategies to prevent counter attacking measures with dark-anti matter payloads. Layer with void energy for best results. Frigates contain small guass weapons with little effectiveness. Effectiveness: 15% with Oberin Setting.

One Dreadnought: Approach with extreme caution, text on ship reads Harbinger Class. Moon Scythes first use of Class, suggested disabling tactics to study and assimilate appropriate measures. Lazers, rockets, plasma, and possible anti-matter on board. Focus fire on side targeting systems, initial scans indicate that overall accuracy will be reduced due to weapon placement on the back of the ship. Jovlock Bastions(Frigates), focus on ship immobility. Gesalt File, target targeting systems.

-End of Enemy Fleet-

Defense Forces

Five Dyirus Osos(Corvettes); Active and Defending. Overall status 76%. Weaponry effectiveness... 78%. Required Fire power accepted in Kaiju Fleet, With additional firepower Effectiveness 95%. Five Dyrius Osos perished. Crew Echoed before failure. Casualties: 21

Hyrtizzica Pylon(Mega Captial ship): Active Overall Status 95%. Weaponry effectiveness... 88%. Pressure required for 92% Effectiveness, Hyrtizzica holds 800 Hatruoin Biles, three Uresin Bastions, twenty Geisui Bastions, 1400 Kindrew Liticas(Fighters), and one Megavolt Animate Crystal. Sub fleet status: 78%. 100 Biles, 150 Liticas and one Uresin Bastion have fallen. Crew status unknown, assumed dead until found. Overall Casualties: 1800.

~End of Defense Forces~

Planetary Defense Systems

Planetary Shield Active
Condition 25%
Heavy Damage taken, eliminate enemy fleet quickly!

Planetary Weaponry:

12000 Voalina Burst Tachyon Guass blasters
1200 Void Bomb Launchers
Effectiveness: 70%. Bring Enemy closer to the planet. Havyortict files, push the enemy to the planet with Gravitational energy lances.

~End of Planetary Defense Systems~

Kaiju Fleet

Total ships:





Victory Condition as Painted by the Umbra:
Death to the Enemy. Leave no crew alive. Save ships if possible.


Havyortict files disorient and spread enemy fleet, use planetary weapons as cover. Other Files, activate Oneway containment shield to prevent escape. Noviror Files, activate Anti-FTL procedures. Loco Files, focus fire on designated targets then activate disabling armaments on Harbinger Class ship.

Bastions and Osos: Encircle and isolate each ship, cover Biles and Litcas.

Biles and Litcas: Make way for boarding parties to capture and eliminate enemy crew. No captives.

Boarding Parties: Prepare for boarding, hack into enemy systems and await further instructions.

~~End of Tactical Data Transfer~~

~Materializing Battle Map~
Greetings Faeryie


On the Bridge of the Flagship, the Faer Isonmetyiks, Havradi file, Faeryie Gesalt looked out on Ziniyx. The planet was still pristine. He sighed in relief. His eight arms glitter on the volcanic web made for him. A chair most empires would equate to. The Kaiju fleet positioned quickly as the Havyortict files made work with the Moon Scythe's remaining fleet. Some of the bridge crew exploded in laughter as corvettes tumbled as weeds in the American West. Gesalt giggled as well. The Umbra's methodology kept even him on his toes, but from Daerys, nothing else could be asked. Gesalt never questioned Daerys's commands as a mastermind's plan shrouded around them. Gesalt drank of Volcanic blood, seeing that the Osos isolated the ships. The glimmering, smooth crystal hulls haunted space. Crystal pods of boarding parties, Voyids from the Walks of Umbrona committed to serving. Gesalt laid back.

"The life of the army been mine, now I command fleets. He, what would you think now, Gosiwin? Miss the raging fire that energized my soul. Nothing to the display of darkness in the space." Gesalt drank, "Status on the planetary shield!"

An energy cube materialized, "Fourteen percent." Gesalt nodded.

"Take it slow. Once the Harbinger is disabled, let the crystals fly." The bridge of webs, lava, and haunting energy fired up. Constant hums and energized chorus accompanied the action.

Rains of fire collided against ships as they refused to surrender. To the Orokin near the system, their systems would go off constant as matrixes of energy exploded against shields and hull. The Human pilots couldn't see anything over the layers of fire. Panicking and crashing into each other. The Defense fleet joined suit, punishing the invaders with fire. The fleet conjoined their fire into a shadow, darkening the space inside the battlefield. The Human ships struggled to see, turning their remaining lights on while pumping too much power into their FTLs. Crystal jammed into their hulls, seeing that no ship fired upon them directly. Some Humans reached for their guns as their sensors yammered on the foregin crew on board.

Inside the Harbinger Class

The Crystal jammed into the hull, creating a power field for Echo procedures. Twenty Servyui per Crystal, eighteen crystals. Fireteams assembled and pushed the main pathways through the ship. Quiet, still... flickering lights as the ship desperately banged on the "bars" that imprisoned it. English overhead, red lights flashing. The sounds of human rally cries could be heard as the Servyus teams moved through the ship. Rattles of gears as they turned the fusion reactor over and over again. In the main concourse of the ship, there were scattered boxes of personal belongings. One had scattered pictures, thrown all around the container. The team observed the pictures until Yagdra lifted one. His bulky hands gently raised it to his head. Scanning the faces in the picture, he began to think. His body relaxed as his eyes closed. Others looked at him, confused.

The fireteam leader approached him, "What's the matter?" Yagdra laid his webbed hand on the leader's shoulder. Quickly, Yagdra stored the picture in his back film. He walked to one of the doors, leading to other areas of the main concourse.

"Icarus's father could be on the ship. Maybe we'll find him." Yagdra jumped onto the second floor, scanning the room before leaping across it in a bullet jump. He pressed himself against the wall by a large motorized door. The rest of the fireteam followed suit. Barging in, Yagdra activated his wrist shield. Walking into some sort of sleeping quarters, no human was armed. Yagdra scanned the individuals before executing them. Sending the data needed for a match, the others followed in line. No one matched. Disappointed, Yagdra continued to the security line. Multiple Human soldiers at the end of the hallway tossed fire. Taking cover, Yagdra launched a crystal forward, blinking in purple shadow. Unknowing of the new device, the crystal opened up in a hundred tentacles, crashing the first three into oblivion. One of the fireteam shot through a soldier's cover, bolting multiple together. Screams of their deaths rang in the air, the opposition panicked. Yet they were too late, the fireteam leader dashed across the walls swiping the remaining with his sharp hull. Cutting them in half as apples.

Continuing through the hallway, the Servyus approached the bridge of the ship. Comms blasted as the other fireteams exterminated the other crew. Yagdra hanged his head, in hope Icarus's father be in the bridge. The bridge door laid up two flight of stairs with bolts on every corner. The heavy Servyus made through the fireteam to the door, using her energized eyes to laser the door open. Holding up on both sides of the wall and using crates and human bodies as cover in the middle. As the door crashed on the ground the bridge crew of the ship held up their hands. For some reason, they had no weapons. Yagdra scanned the fellows, almost in pain until the final one.

A match. Instantly, Yagdra picked up the older male. "What is your name?" The human stared at him, confused. A Servyus has always been brutal and fatal to those in his service. Gulping, the man rallied his courage.

"Tiberius. Tiberius Edwards." His voice raspy and scared. Yagdra smiled, hugging him. His comrades rolled their eyes.

"Good to meet you, would you like to see Icarus?" Tiberius shivered, yet he nodded. Yagdra released him gently and guided him through echo directly to the Eluditict Pylon. As the ship was cleared, the Kaiju fleet periodically scanned. Once cleared, the combat stopped. Suddenly and quietly. The fleet reassembled into the standard "Cloak" formation.
Return to Gesalt and Fleet Command
Gesalt clapped as the fleet overwhelmed the enemy, finishing the stragglers. However, he was concerned. A human was spared... that troubled him. However, a direct echo to the Eluditict laid in Daerys's wings, and Gesalt hardly questioned the Umbra's judgment. As he was about to disconnect from command, the alarms went full spree.

An energy cube appeared, "Faeryie! During the battle, a fleet of two corvettes and a capital ship entered Zinyix space. One is in half, one unpowered, and the other is normal. Our databases are clueless of the origins of these crafts. Your command?"

Gesalt cocked his head to the left, "Any humans?"

"No, it appears some hybrid organic-robotic being. We should approach cautiously." Gesalt nodded.

"Tell Daerys that we've contact with new Xenos. He will discuss with them. I know no one speaks for him unless he says so. I haven't heard the word." Gesalt laid back on his web. The cube vanished.
The Eluditict Pylon

Yagdra stopped by the large statue of mountains, beside Tiberius. Tiberius stayed calm, stretching to keep the endless dark off his mind. The mists, the dark fire, the endless display of cities across the Republic daunted him. The large galactic image above brought perspective to the room. Some stars were shown in black, instead of the traditional white. All in Solvarous Tezxis Kollam territory. Tiberius looked behind him, seeing animated dark mist following him. He shivered and walked faster until he bumped into the Umbra himself.

Daerys snickered, in a good way. His wings wrapped Yagdra and Tiberius loosely, hiding their conversation, "So you must be Tiberius. Welcome to my chambers here on this ship. My grandson musteth told you of Icarus's involvement with us? Yes, he is alive. Yagdra happens to be his adopted brother in your terms. Through his thoughtfulness, he has brought you to me."

"How did Icarus get to you people?" Tiberius screamed nervously, sweating. Daerys blew cool air around Tiberius calming him somewhat.

"He traveled back with us when we freed him from the Moon Scythes. His dark powers attracted us. He was the only prisoner alive. Mr. Edwards, do not be afraid of us. We will not harm you, as the Umbra said. We are here to give you sanctuary from your previous employment." Tiberius looked Yagdra in the eyes. His old age left him coughing at times.

"Where is he? And I suppose I must thank you for your hospitality."

The Umbra laid a cup of water by Tiberius's feet, "Here, drink. Currently, he is working with our diplomats in foreign relations. We expect him back in an Earth week. In the while, you can live with Yagdra on Isoni. However, I must be off. Nice to meet you, Tiberius."

The Umbra swiped his left wing, guiding darkness to pass over them as Echo found them out. The Umbra softly looked up at the ancient crystal above him. It haunted the room as a thousand banshees. Gesalt entered.

"Thank you for your leadership Gesalt. Now I must perform my duties for the Republic. The fleet will return to Oberzirx. The Eluditict pylon shalleth be my vessel to speak." Gesalt bowed as he exited.

Alone in his chambers, Daerys moved the titanic vessel over to the alien fleet. Slowly, he melded the crystal circuits of the walls into the screen behind him. After quick scans of the ship's communications systems, the Umbra ordered hail to the ships.

Yonsisac Yonsisac

  • UEG Colony World Tribute
    Beacon City, Devana

    Gardner nodded. "That is correct." He said. "Humanity, or our humanity, for that matter, hasn't had contact with intelligent alien life up until the mid-twenty-ninth century." He explained. "When we first travelled to space in the year 1961, we became curious about what lies above. We spent years of research and billions trying to find out if we were really alone in the universe, setting up whole scientific searches like the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence for that very purpose. Yet decades of endlessly sending out greetings, calls that we were here turned out to be in vain."

    "Eventually, in the early twenty-third century, humanity discovered its solution to the limitations of sublight travel in the form of the Relative Intra-dimensional Field Transit, or RIFT, which allowed us to leave our solar system and spread to the stars. However, he never gave up on trying, hopping from system to system in hopes that we would at least find a clue of existence. All we found were feral alien species no better than animals on Earth and extraterrestrial plant life, but it still gave us hope. As the years turned into decades, and the decades into centuries, we began to give up, realisation slowly dawning on is that we are alone, after all."

    He sighed as he remembered humanity's destructive first contact. "Then, in the year 2843, we finally found what we were looking for after almost nine hunred years: intelligent alien life. Only, they weren't friendly. The Vaskran Hierarchy was far from friendly. It started off as a simple misunderstanding, with a human mining ship unknowingly dropping out of a RIFT tunnel into the edge of Vaskran space. Vaskran patrol ships instantly opened fire on it. The ship acted in self-defence, but it wasn't enough. After distracting its attackers with its complement of seismic charges, it escaped to the nearest UEG colony: Cascade."

    "The Vaskran ships followed it, but all but one were destroyed by the Cascade Defence Fleet. The surviving ship escaped back to Vaskran territory. The Vaskrans returned three days later with an invasion fleet, and that's pretty much how this who thing started. Nine years of war and billions dead on both sides." He turned to stare out the window at the city down below. "Sixteen years ago, this place was a war-torn wasteland. Now, it's thriving. It's a miracle how quickly we can rebuild after the most devastating conflicts."

    He turned back to the Hydran ambassador. "Three years after the war, when the UEG was still in its rebuilding process with the help of our newfound Vaskran allies, we came into a plentora of alien races and empires we didn't eve know existed." He motioned towards Tlur. "And that's how we came into contact with your kind. The Vaycanta Imperium as a whole."

    He finished his explanation with a smile. "I think that's enough for my little history lesson. Please, tell me more about the Vaycanta Imperium."

    Petroshka Petroshka

Diplomacy with UEG
Beacon Spaceport, Beacon City, Devana
(gonna go ahead and do some retconing then adding it to the CS later <3)

"ah, yes, the imperium." Tlur Braced himself remembering the vast history of the imperium, with a soft sigh he closed his eyes and prayed to Irus. "The imperium's history spans several millennia, The Reverend mother, Valis'Tura, was there." Opening his eyes and looking at the Governor. "Before we were even space born Apocrypha's light was divided into various nations, it took a century of conflict both bloody and bitter until we all were under the same banner, but after that we thrived and continued on, we called these troubling times. The First Crusade. A few more years after that we started looking at the stars to find more life and peoples. We had not developed Faster Than Light Travel yet, and without the gracious ReiConess we never would have." He paused. "The ReiConess was our first contact with a species other than ourselves, fortunately for us they weren't this 'Vaskran Hierarchy' of yours. we met with one of our exploratory vessels attempting to make Hydran history of going to another system. As you can tell we haven't developed FTL and we've never actually invented our own so this exploratory vessel was travelling at sublight speeds. the ReiConess made contact with the vessel and awoke the Hydran there. the two peoples spoke to each other and developed a friendship. In return the ReiConess gave us their Faster Than Light technology. Wormhole generators. They are cost efficient at bringing through multiple ships and travelling long distances, but are slow to begin with."

"After that first encounter the ReiConess and us Hydra made a trade agreement and over time they were enlightened by our religion and joined our empire. Then two centuries of expansion and prosperity followed we met many Civilizations and races, who in time joined the imperium. This Period of Expansion is aptly named. The Second Crusade." Taking a quick break Tlur continued. "That ended when we made contact with another race, an aggressive one. our Vaskran Hierarchy." His tone lowered as if he had strong feelings about this part. "We attempted to make contact like so many other races before but they simply ignored it and started attacking without reason. The first of our planets to be met with them fell quickly, and." Tlur looked out the window as if remembering a dark past. "It did not end well for those that lived there. The imperium responded with our fleet but we had not had ship to ship warfare until this moment and our ships were simply civilian ships with guns attached to them." he looked at Garner with all heads.

"That fleet was wiped out without effort. Soon enough The reverend mother declared a Third Crusade, everyone answered the call if not in their own way. As this alien race continued to conquer more of our worlds we fought back voraciously if only to delay them. Apocrypha's light and all other planets were soon covered in factories and started to produce ships in a streamlined manor. However this was for naught as the enemy ships kept coming and coming as though there were no end. Was it not for the Reverend Mothers Psionic abilities the imperium would have been destroyed and you may have had to face another more unrelenting foe." Taking in a deep breath Tlur's eyes looked upward. "The Blessed Reverend Mother most powerful of all the Psionics and holyest of us all, commandeered a ship and went to face the enemy with our largest fleet. Meeting head to head with the enemy fleet the battle lasted days of constant ship to ship warfare. The reverend mother in all her glory lead us to victory." Tlur was hesitant and thoughtful enough to leave how she affected the battle out of the explanation. Looking back at the Governor he added "And in revenge of our fallen we destroyed the enemy and wiped them off the galactic map, we do not know of they still exist. Only that we should never let our guard down again."

"But that is not the end to the long tale that is the Imperiums beginnings, we continued to expand albeit more cautiously, Then we made contact with the Empire of Heydros." Tlur looked over at the soldiers and his tone became more lighter. "At first we simply traded, this happened for decades until they joined the imperium, becoming one of the most valuable additions with their ingenuity and militaristic culture. they now provide most of the imperiums security." Hearing this the Heydrian soldiers gestured a little as if feeling immense pride, looking back at Garner Tlur 'smiled' "and now Ewther guided us to you."

Corrosion Corrosion
Apocrypha's Light.
War room talks

Heva'Latre watched the Heydrian commander, leader of the main Imperial forces look frustrated and confused. "What is it Executor? What lost technology?" He wasnt too worried about immediate danger but he was worried about what the Executor knows that He, Heva'Latre, First Strategos of all the Imperium second only to the blessed Reverend Mother, didnt know. Heva was slightly angry at the secretive commander but kept his tone somber.​
doodleSM doodleSM
(hope ya'll love walls of exposition without pictures or fancy bbcode)
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Wilk's Plan
"See this one? How he smiles in the light..." Wilk was holding on an long barrel STAVKA rifle
The barrel was gleaming in the light of the ceiling in the Frigate's armory. Wilk gently places the STAVKA back onto its container. Wilk turns his head, seeing the chainaxe that his great grandfather had used many years ago against the corrupted Lord Executor that commanded the Heydrian Army. An enemy to the people of Heydros.

He grabs the handle of the chain axe, he then lifts it in the air. Natasha flinches as the movement was made, but Wilk wasn't intending on killing her. "There is one last artifact of the Wilk Dynasty that I must find..."

Wilk put the chain axe back into the container.

Natasha asks, like a quiet mouse. "What would that artifact be?"

Wilk turns his head to face Natasha, his cybernetic turns then to face her. "It's the Pride of Heydros." The Pride of Heydros was a Pride-class Super Carrier class, thats been in construction since Heydros lost connection to the UEG and Earth

Natasha stares at Wilk for a brief moment "You're going to... steal the biggest ship in the Empire?"

Wilk nods his head, his neck creaks as the metal moves.

Natasha looks at him. "Well, you're going to need help... I might as well help you."

Wilk nods again. Natasha paces around for a moment "Do we have any idea where this ship is being located? It was finished this year, so it's crew is still being loaded onto the massive ship. Do we have a crew that can man that size of a ship?"

Wilk nods again. Natasha seems angry. "Who?" Wilk looks down at her. "This crew, we don't necessary need Heydrians to man this ship. The ship is currently being constructed at Zanos, the only Forgeworld strong enoug to produce that ship."

"I'm alive at last..." Wilk walks out of the armory, it was time to make the announcement of his plan, and it was time to gather enough support to join his crew.
The Executor's Final Straw
Michal says "He doesn't explain anything... His cloak and dagger actions have gone on for long enough. I am stripping him of command and military status." Within moments, several Heydrian commanders give their nods of approval towards the Executor. "Anyways, do we have anything else to discuss here? I've already lost one great commander."

Petroshka Petroshka
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