Story Insulting Bunny Story Time: The time I met Gordon Ramsay


Princess of Rude. Let me insult you?
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I figured since I now have extra time on my hands I might as well work on some random works.

Who does not like stories? From being little to being a grown human; I have always enjoyed reading and imagining stories play out in my head.

So thus; my story time threads shall be created. I will try to put out a story once a week; although there will be no promises.
Every story is and will always be completely true as it is my life.

Bear with me.

How I met Gordon Ramsay

Let this be known; He has and always will be my ultimate celebrity crush. You must be thinking though that I am crazy and that he is married with kids; while that may be true, the dude is one of the most angry voices I've every come across and who doesn't adore an accent.

This story begins when I was on vacation in Vegas and I of course was up for spending 600 on a meal just to get to see Gordon; like the stalker personality that I claim to be. Being the gracious host of a man that Gordon is; he personally takes the time to greet and chat with every table. That only put one notion into my head as I peaked around and watched him take a picture with the other diners in the place.

The food wasn't the only scrumptious thing in the dining room that night; but that is me being me.

(Also; my god it took so long to reserve a table and it had to be almost a year in advance.)
(So worth it though. One of my best and most embarrassing memories.)

So me being myself I wondered; "What does Gordon Ramsay smell like?".
You might be already shaking your head thinking "No she didn't."
Im full of surprises.

So as we finished our meal; he came around to my table that I am at with my siblings.
Having a secret melt down on the inside I still was wondering what he smelled like. That is when the plan hatched; I would try to sniff him when he got close!

Gordon asked how our meals were and of course we gave him the utmost praise, because oh my god, oh my god, oh my god; the flavors!

Then it was my siblings that asked for a picture and then a group picture so we could show our parents later as they are more elderly and can not travel; he happily obliged and like a giddy school girl I held back squeal as I awaited to get my picture taken with Gordon Ramsay; secretly hoping I can make him switch from his wife's side and jump on my horrible train.

Well it finally came to my turn and I could have peed myself; being as Gordon Ramsay was actually going to touch me. (So school girlish of me; I know RPN.) I still had the idea to smell him in my mind and I was egging myself on to just sniff him, real quickly! I stood up and turned away from the table and then it happened; he put his arm slightly around my shoulder gently and squeezed and told me to smile.

Okay so here is where it gets worse; I wanted to see what Gordon Ramsay smelled like, so I leaned my head slightly to the side and took a deep inhale of his neck.

I swear to god he noticed, you may ask me how I know he noticed?

In the group picture he stood as far away from me as he could and didn't make eye contact with me the rest of the time.

So my dear RPN; that is how I nose dived and failed in meeting Gordon Ramsay. It wasn't all a fail though because he did smell like citrus.

10/10 would sniff again.

- InsultingBunny 2019
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