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Realistic or Modern [Ink and Roses] / Poet and Truffle's RP

Willow looked at him and nodded. "Yeah. That would be great actually." She often forgot about the ointment part, but she knew it was a good idea. When he sat back down, she took the ointment from him and just held it in her hands. She could hear Vee continuously telling Danny to stop so she could have a break. She couldn't help but silently laugh. She let out a yawn, feeling tired. God what time was it? She shouldn't be this tired yet! Despite her internal protests, she rested her head on Blake's shoulder.

"Why am I so tired?" She let out another yawn and rolled her eyes at another protest from Vee.
"Willow you said it didn't hurt this bad!!" She cried. Willow laughed and rubbed her eyes.
"It doesn't if you're not a baby!" She called back with a laugh.

She sat quietly for a few moments, wondering if it would be acceptable to ask Blake to hang out tonight. She didn't want to do anything crazy, which surprised her. She would be perfectly happy just watching tv and hanging out with him. She wondered if she would ever meet his friends. Half of her wanted to, the other half of her knew she would be woefully out of place.
Blake smiled and got the small container of tattoo medicine. He sat down before he handed it to her and smiled again, looking through the room to where Vee was sitting squealing and such. Danny was trying hard not to laugh, Blake could tell. He turned back to Willow as she yawned and startled a bit when she suddenly laid her head on his shoulder. He relaxed though, moving slightly so his shoulder would be more comfortable for her. He felt his stomach flip at her contact, and fidgeted with the chair, fighting the urge to touch her hand or something. He was still mentally fighting himself, trying to figure out if he should ask if everything was okay or not.

He moved slightly as Vee and Willow had a shouted conversation across the parlor and he chuckled a bit, laughing at Danny who had scooted back with the tattoo gun in hand. Vee's tattoo was almost finished it seemed, and Danny was changing the ink or something. His bulky figure crouched on a swivel stool next to Vee's pink haired entity was an amusing contrast. At that thought Blake looked at Willow, seeing her hair and the barest profile of her face as he turned. The irony of she and him together was even more poignant. She was covered in tattoos and drank and partied and Blake was uptight and shy and quiet and nothing like her. But he wanted to be, not like her but be with her. He enjoyed her company. He also enjoyed her head on his shoulder. It made him feel good, just like when she had held his hand.
Willow closed her eyes, enjoying the small contact they had. The warmth of his shoulder on her cheek was comforting. The smell of his cologne was to die for. She opened her eyes and began to giggle at that thought. Since when was how someone smelled attractive? She stifled her giggles, not wanting to explain why she was laughing but she knew it was too late. She coughed and was quiet for a few moments, knowing he was waiting for an explanation. "You smell good." She said in a small voice, trying not to laugh again. "And then I thought about how you smell attractive. Then I thought about how in the world could someone smell attractive and it's just funny." She put her face in her palm. "I promise I'm not on drugs or anything."

Though she probably would be tonight. She knew Vee would suggest the Voo and Willow would accept. They would go, get drunk and she would probably get high on one thing or another. She might leave with a guy, she would probably call a taxi to get home. She sighed, knowing how her night would end. She could see it coming and yet couldn't avoid it. Some would call it a spiral, she just called it life.

Vee's tattoo was finally done and she came walking out to the front with a grin, despite the tears in her eyes. "I did it, Wills!" She threw her hands up and did a little dance. Willow grinned at her, but didn't move from Blake's shoulder. Vee showed them the small tattoo.
"It's beautiful, Vee. I love it." She spoke softly with a smile.
Blake smiled to himself and kept extremely still. It was hard to stay relaxed but also still he realized as he fought to keep Willow where she was, curled up against his shoulder. That unexplainable thrill was zipping through every nerve in his body like electricity and he squeezed his eyes shut, savoring the moment. His reveling was cut short when he heard Willow giggling into his chest. He turned his head to look down at her with a confused look. He looked patiently at her as she controlled herself and then explained. He blushed as he laughed, looking at her in amusement as he shook his head.

"Um....Thank you?" He asked, giving her a curious smile. He was enamored by her giggles, the sound still ringing pleasantly in his ears. He smiled at her again, wondering if she could tell how happy he was that she was so close to him.

When Vee walked over to show off her new tattoo Danny gave Blake a look and the younger brother stuck out his tongue at him. Looking back at Vee as Willow complimented her quietly, Blake smiled at her nodding his own agreement. The tattoo was good, one that Blake had nothing to do with, it was all Danny's and it suited Vee well. Especially for a first tattoo. He looked from Vee then back to Willow who seemed content on his arm, she didn't seem to be making any movement and he was extremely pleased by that.

"So...any plans tonight?" He asked, really just out of curiosity but realized he might have sounded a little too curious for the wrong reasons. "Any more wild parties?" He added, trying to make it seem like an innocent question.
Vee stood in conversation with Danny about whatever came to mind. Willow knew she would have to rescue him eventually. Vee could talk anyone's ear off. But, Willow wasn't ready to abandon her spot on Blake's shoulder. She looked up at him when he asked about her plans and wondered if he could read her mind. "Oh. I dunno. Might go to the Voo." She knew that's what Vee would want to do. They would pick up Vee's massive tattooed boyfriend and go. She wondered if Blake had ever heard of the Voo. It was one of larger clubs, but also known for being a little rough.

"But I guess that's if nothing better comes up." She added on, "I already know how my night will end if I go there." She said with a slight giggle to mask her spite at it. "Can't really help that..." She said quietly. Willow couldn't just sit at home by herself but she also couldn't control herself when they all went out. It was definitely a problem.

She looked up at Vee, who was talking Danny's ear off. "Should we rescue him or let this go on for another few minutes?" She smirked.
Blake grinned at his older brother who was busy engaged in conversation with Vee. He looked at Willow with amusement and then furrowed his brow at her answer. He had heard of the Voo from Danny and his usual crowd. He knew a bit of it's reputation but he had never been near the area. He tended to stay away from clubs and the like. He looked from her to Vee. He raised an eyebrow at her giggle, feeling like it was a little counteractive to her words. He looked back to her and smiled slightly. He wanted to say something but she was already moving on to Danny and Vee.

"Oh I don't know. Danny looks like he's enjoying himself." The comment was not far from the truth. Danny was not an unlikable guy and could often talk for hours just like some little boy they knew. In fact, as Blake considered this, he realized that he hadn't seen Thomas in a while and looked around in familiar alarm. It was not that uncommon for the boy to disappear and cause his family a mini heart attack. He let the concern for his nephew go though, turning his attention back to Willow. He didn't want to move from this spot. her head on his shoulder was too nice to ruin the moment.

"So the Voo huh? Is that a usual haunt for you guys?" Blake looked at Willow with a slightly covered expression. He wanted to be curious about it but he as also concerned, he didn't want anything to happen to her and he had heard about the reputation of that place. And also, he had seen how she got when drunk or high and perhaps a bit of him was upset at the idea that she might use some other guy as a pillow or something. He shied from that jealous flit of thought, fighting the urge to wrap an arm around her. That was definitely not like him. He surely shouldn't me jealous or anything either, they weren't even together. She could do as she liked, they were only friends and really only just that. But the door was open and a foot was in it. He studied Willow to try and ignore it, mentally fighting to slam the door back shut.
Willow grinned when Blake said Danny was enjoying it. She shrugged. At least someone was listening to Vee babble on. She looked up at Blake when he asked about the Voo. She saw a flit of concern and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on. She looked away, her smile fading from her face as she thought about how to answer that.

She took a breath in. "You know it kind of is." She said softly. Most of the time it was just for fun. Other times it was an escape from life. They all had some pretty shitty cards dealt to them and the drugs dealt there could often help you escape for a night. She glanced at Vee. Vee's brother and father had killed themselves together. Her mother had gone into shock and left her alone.

Willow looked down at her lap. "We don't really have anything else to do I suppose. Some of us need an escape from life." She shrugged, trying to make it seem not as shitty as it really was. She would give anything for a little bit of stability or calmness in her life, something she could do other than drink and forget.
Blake watched Willow carefully, using his free side to adjust his glasses a bit. He did it far too much when he was with Willow he had started to notice but it was a habit he wasn't willing to break. His hands stayed discontentedly in his lap, and touching his glasses was the only respite they had to keep them from traveling to the woman leaning against him. He would wrap his arm around her to keep her against his shoulder and he still longed for the feeling of her fingers twined with his. His glasses barked against the bridge of his nose and his face contorted as he balled his hands into fists in his lap.

His annoyance was forgotten as Willow's demeanor shifted and he looked at her with open concern. He had no real idea of what her life was truly like, he knew that, but he didn't need any help discerning that it was not the best. She looked so vulnerable when she spoke of her past and he saw the same kind of delicate side now as he watched her. He could feel his heart beating in his ears as his glasses framed her in his vision. He had shifted so she wasn't as tucked against him as she was and part of him regretted it but the majority of him of was too filled with concern to truly care.

"You don't really like all of it, do you? The drinks and the drugs and stuff?" His voice was just as quiet as hers, timid and caring. He spoke as if he was afraid he was wrong to speak, phrasing it as a question. By doing so it also meant she had the opportunity to expound. He wanted to know what her life was like even though he knew now that he had spent a night at one of her parties that it was not one he would care for completely. However, it was her life and that made it matter to him. She was wearing his moon and stars on her shoulder now, if he hadn't felt connected to her before he surely did now. And if was more than that. He knew he couldn't save her or make her life all better but if he could give her an escape that wasn't drugs or drinking of some other awful thing then he wanted to. He knew by now that he really cared about her, even if it was only as a friend he cared.
Willow sighed when he asked the question. She was silent for a few seconds. "I love the energy of parties. I love energy." She paused, glancing to Vee and Danny, still deep in conversation. She looked back to Blake. "Drinking and drugs reminds me of my parents." She spoke softly, not believing that she was opening up to him like this. "I mean a drink now and then is alright, don't get me wrong. But it's hard not to use them as an escape from real life." She sighed again. "We're all guilty of it."

It was true. Most of her friends had hard lives. She looked at Blake, seeing the concern in his face. " You don't have to feel bad for me. It's just life. It happens." She shrugged it off. She glanced down at his hands sitting awkwardly in his lap. She reached over and grabbed on, wanting to feel what they felt earlier that day.
Blake gladly let her grab his hand, his fingers unfurling so she could intertwine their fingers again. He kept still for a moment, then let his hand close around hers, squeezing slightly as she reassured him. He couldn't help but shake his head, his mouth pulling into a disgruntled frown. His honey colored eyes darkened as he looked at her, his eyebrows creasing, pulling his glasses down his nose as he made a face.

He wanted to talk and opened his mouth slightly before looking defeated for a second, at a loss. After the pause he started again. He didn't agree with her, yet again. It seemed they wouldn't find common ground concerning this topic. But he was okay with that, he just wanted her to know she had choices and that life didn't have to be like this. Surely it wasn't a good life, living like she did. "I'm sorry Willow." He bit his tongue before those words could be said, he knew her enough to know that an apology would be brushed off. She would say it was okay, just like she just had. "Life can change you know. You can make it change." He whispered instead, trying to put as much emphasis in his words as possible. He wanted to show her that. He didn't want to see her throw her life away like he had seen so many others do. He couldn't stand it if something awful happened to her.
Willow shrugged and stared at their fingers. "I've never been given the chance to change it." That was a lie. Julie had given her the chance. Julie had picked her up off the street and given her a bed and warm meals and unwavering love. She frowned when she thought about it. Even her own friends had tried to help her, but at the same time they had their own problems to deal with.

She sighed. "What are you doing tonight?" She bit her lip, hoping he wasn't busy. She had brought him into her life and her friends and part of her wanted to see his life and his friends. She found herself holding her breath waiting for his answer.

(Gah I'm sorry my replies are so super short, I promise they'll get better)
//It's fine no worries!

Blake watched her silently for a moment, his mouth dry of words to say. He wanted to keep pushing but he didn't, he didn't want her to close up, it was obviously not easy for her to open up about that. He thought what she said was a line of total bull though. But Blake didn't say that, instead he tucked it away and simply frowned. His fingers slid along her hand and he looked closely at her before shaking his head. He knew now wasn't the time to have this talk, and she was already asking him about his plans for the night.

"I don't have anything really planned." He admitted then gave a smile. "Thought about doing some moon chasing." He added wanting to see her smile again. He had actually, he wanted to use his camera a bit as he hadn't in a while. And the forecast for tonight was supposed to be good and he wanted some new pictures. If she was planning on asking him to do something again he wanted to say yes. Blake cast a glance at Vee who was still talking with Danny and looked back at Willow. He wondered at the fact that she had mentioned the Voo and going there tonight. Would she change plans tonight to hang out with him or would she ask him to go with her. Blake really hoped not he didn't want to go to a place like that even with Willow. But he did like the idea of spending time with her.

//Mine are a bit short too so I'm sorry too haha
(I think Willow should be invited to hang out with Blake and his group of friends because she would be the odd one out. I think it would be interesting XD)

Willow thought for a moment, staring at their hands. "Can I join you?" She normally never changed plans for a guy, but she was drawn to him and his world. It was so different from her own that joining him was almost like an adventure in itself. She wanted to spend time with him and know him better. She looked at Vee, who had turned to look at her. Her face broke into a grin when she saw them holding hands and she waggled her eyebrows at Willow. Willow let go of his hand and stuck her tongue out at the girl.

She stood up and walked over to Vee who was paying for her tattoo. Willow had to do the same. Once that was done, she followed Vee outside, grabbing Blake's arm and towing him behind her. She waved bye to Danny as they walked out the door.

Vee turned to Willow. "So any plans tonight? The Voo? or hanging out with boo?" She smirked at Blake before looking back to Willow.
Willow rolled her eyes at the girl. "Yeah I was thinking about hanging out with him."
Vee grinned. "Good. I wanted some alone time with John." She winked at Willow then grinned. Willow just shook her head and grinned.
//Ooh I like that Idea! I'll see what I can do : )

Blake smiled bashfully at her brazen question, slightly relieved that she hadn't asked him to join her. He thought for a second before nodding and breaking into a smile. He was trying to think about what exactly he would be doing tonight. Usually when he went out wandering he would sometimes stop by and visit a few of his friends for a bit. Maybe they would like to meet Willow tonight. More importantly maybe Willow would like to meet them. She had already introduced him to her friends. He wasn't sure how she would take his friends though, they weren't exactly like him but they were nothing like the crowd she hung around with.

"Yeah..." Blake almost couldn't hear himself but he cleared his throat and spoke again. "Yeah, I'd like that." He said, nodding as he looked from Willow to Vee as her attention was drawn to her friend.

As Willow let go of him, Blake took his still warm hand and put his fist in his open hand, disappointed by the sudden disconnection. He didn't have long to feel the remorse because Willow was up and paying at the counter and then dragging him outside. He stood awkwardly as Vee made comments to Willow, trying not to act like he noticed them, though he felt blood rush to his face. He cleared his throat as Vee finished and looked up from the sidewalk to Willow. He had sent a text to his closest buddy and asked if he wanted to meet Willow, Blake might have spent some time telling him about her the other night.
Willow hugged Vee goodbye once she declared she was heading over to her boyfriend's house. She turned to Blake and grinned excitedly at him. "Ok. I'm all yours." She gave him a mischievous look and started walking down the sidewalk. "What are we doin? Whats the jam? What's the groove, man?" She shot him a grin and continued walking. "Can we at least stop at my place so I can change out of work clothes?" She gestured to the tshirt she wore to the flower shop.

She grabbed his hand and began walking towards her own apartment. Within minutes, they had made it to her apartment. She trotted up the stairs and let herself in. She walked across the living room towards her room, already taking off her shirt before she made it. She closed the door behind her and changed into denim shorts and purple v-neck. She looked in the mirror, fluffed her hair, adjusted her bra and walked back out.
Blake grinned back at Willow and shook his head with a chuckle at her antics. He had not missed her mischievous grin and that alone made him smile all the more. He liked the sound of that honestly, having her all to himself. He started walking to keep up with her and smiled as he looked around, feeling her take his hand. He swung his arm a little bit, looking shyly over at her as the two headed to her apartment.

When they reached her place Blake waited outside her door. His friend had texted him back while he stood leaning against the wall next to the door frame. He said he had had plans to hang out at his house with one or two of their mutual friends for the evening. He thought it would be great if Blake brought his new "girlfriend" by. Blake pointedly ignored the jab and gave his friend an affirmative. It would be a nice long walk to his peer's house and that was a nice excuse to spend some time with Willow before she met his kind of people. He was a little nervous, hoping she would like them and worried she might not. He wasn't embarrassed by his friends but he didn't want her to think less of him or something. The worry wasn't rational anyway he tried to convince himself, alarmed from his thoughts as Willow walked out.

Blake smiled slightly, looking at her carefully as he pushed himself off of the wall. She looked amazing and he stuttered to tell her so. The newest addition to her collection of body art peered out from the collar of the shirt and he smiled broadly, feeling ridiculous standing there gawking at her. He must have looked like he had never seen her before and quickly cleared his throat, readjusting his glasses and looking away.

"I...Uh." He looked around for a second and looked back to Willow, blinking. "I have a few friends hanging out across town, they said they'd love for us to stop by. If you don't mind meeting my friends?" He asked hesitantly, then shrugged. "I mean, unless you want to do something else..." He trailed off, looking at her timidly again, his neck warm with embarrassment.
Willow watched as he stared at her outfit for a couple seconds before shyly looking away. She looked down at herself then up to him with a smirk. "What? Do I look good or something?" She gave him a wink and a small laugh. She walked over to him and listened to his nervous suggestion. She grinned. "Of course. Sounds like a blast." She was already walking towards the door. "You met my group of psychos," She let out a laugh, opening to door for him and following him out.

She had to admit, her stomach felt a little nervousness at the idea of meeting his friends. Sure, her friends were unique, crazy and strange, but what if his friends didn't like her? What if they sensed the trouble on her and immediately pushed her away? She swallowed as she locked the door. Maybe going to the Voo was a better idea. At least she fit in there. At least her group was known and accepted there.

She looked to Blake and opened her mouth to say something. She closed it again and thought for a moment. She looked at him again. "Do you think they'll like me?" She was lucky he liked her. That wasn't a guarantee for people he hung out with. Her phone buzzed from a text from Vee.
Last call on the Voo!
Willow quickly texted back. Maybe later depending on how meeting Blake's friends goes... She hit send and shoved her phone back into her back pocket.
Blake blushed harder at that reaction and stared intently at his shoes, clearing his throat before forcing his gaze upwards with an abashed expression. Meekly he smiled and nodded, forcing out a small "yeah". He tried to get rid of the heat spreading from his cheeks and neck as Willow stepped a little closer and then turned to walk out the door. He followed silently, turning to look at her once he was through the door way and waiting as she locked the door. When she turned back and they started walking Blake tried not to look so conspicuous with his glances and spent a moment studying the streets and houses around them.

He looked at her sharply when she timidly asked. He blinked, looking confused, like he couldn't believe she had asked such a thing. He continued to watch her for a moment, thinking over his answer and options as she pulled out her phone to respond to the text. When she put her phone away Blake cautiously reached over, steering himself over closer to her. He reached out with his right hand, his fingers brushing down the inside of her wrist as he slid his hand into hers and tried to smile confidently at her. His face had brightened with a blush.

"I like you. That'll be enough." He said, trying to sound nonchalant. He didn't feel so though, nervousness spreading through him as he felt his hand close around hers. He hoped she didn't mind, hoped he wasn't being too brazen. But then again, she had grabbed his hands twice before and laid her head on his shoulder. Still, he was so nervous about doing that small thing he almost showed how surprised he was when their hands connected. It took a lot to keep his eyes from widening in shock as his fingers touched her skin.
Willow smiled a little when he reassured her. Reassurance was what she needed to gain her confidence back. She was also shocked when he grabbed her hand gently, running his fingers down the inside of her wrists. She was surprised that he had initiated it. She had learned that his shyness often meant she initiated stuff, but she was pleasantly surprised to know he was becoming more comfortable with her. She intertwined their fingers and gave his hand a light squeeze before turning and continuing to walk.

She wondered what they were, what they were going to be. Friends held hands right? That was a friend thing? Did she want to be tied down so quickly after her last relationship? Questions bounced around in her head as they walked, and for once she was quiet.

After minutes of silence, she finally spoke up, her voice a little excited now that she had found her confidence again. "What are they like? Are they nice? I can't imagine you being friends with mean people..." She trailed off, laughing a little at herself. She knew they wouldn't be like her friends, that was for sure.
Blake felt a little better about his nervousness as Willow took his hand, squeezing it. He smiled at her and checked that they were still on the right track to his friend's house. He still had a few blocks to go before he would have to turn another direction so he turned his attention back to Willow. She had become awfully quiet and he was sure that Willow being anything less than exuberant and outspoken was something to be concerned about. She didn't seem upset though, just thinking so Blake kept quiet, not sure what sort of conversation to initiate and not feeling brave enough to try. His reserve of bravery had been used up taking her hand. Which Blake was still shocked that he had done. He was not an initiator.

He turned his head slightly, looking from the trees lining the street back to Willow. He had not expected that question. Her comment made him chuckle and he shook his head. He took a moment to consider her question and how to answer it, his hand twitching to his glasses, nudging them up onto his nose again.

"They're good people. Like your friends." He started, stating it as if it was a textbook answer, plain and simple. Then he grinned at her and shrugged. "Well, there's me. And you already know what I'm like." He gave her another smile and tapped his finger against his lips, trying to think of how to describe his small friend group to her. "Okay, then there's Boyd. He plays baseball and is a bit of a reckless mess. We keep him in line...." Blake spent a few minutes giving her a brief overview of his group. After Boyd he listed off Glen, Jake, and Grace. He gave her a few descriptive things about them but eventually he frowned and shrugged. How did he make them seem like cool enough people when the majority of the time they were together they did a bunch of nerdy, geeky, "uncool" stuff? "I guess you're gonna have to be surprised. But I think they'll like you." He said, reassuring her again. He wondered if she was asking about his friends not just out of curiosity but also because she was nervous. He was nervous about her meeting them too, not sure that his friends would find it easy to mesh with a girl like her. But, he had done well with her friends he reminded himself. He looked down at their hands for a moment, deciding that he knew and trusted his friends enough and he had already told them a bit about her.
Willow listened, watching the sidewalk in front of them. She smirked at the description of Boyd and wondered what his definition of a reckless mess was. Her entire life seemed to be a reckless mess. "It's funny you think my friends are good people." They had their share of vandalism, theft, bar fights and enemies. She continued to listen as he described the others. They sounded...normal. Which sounded refreshing to Willow, but also weird. What if they looked at her as a slum girl, which is what she was before Julie?

She turned a corner with Blake and gave his hand another squeeze. She liked doing that. She liked holding his hand and being with him. She wasn't used to something so...innocent. Soon, they were walking up to a house and Willow felt incredibly nervous, something not common for her. She bit her lip and looked up at Blake.
Blake gave her a skeptical look, almost stopping. Did she not think her friends were good people? What did she think that for? He pursed his lips, his eyebrows drawing together in a concentrated look of disbelief. At least in this moment, that was his standard look of thought, confusion, irritation, and really any other emotion.

"Of course I think your friends are good people. Just like I think you're a good person." He stated, his soft voice turning a little intense as he looked at Willow closely. He thought she was a wonderful person and he didn't even know her well yet. And sure he didn't doubt that she had made mistakes or done wrong things or that any of her friends hadn't done the same. But he still thought they were good people.

He glanced around after he finished studying her for a moment, seeing Boyd's house a few houses down. When they reached the door and Willow looked up at him he gave her hand a squeeze, she seemed to like doing that and he didn't want to say anything because even if he had the door was already opening.

A boy around Blake's age, maybe a few years older, stood inside the house. He had bright green eyes and messy blonde hair that spiked up in odd directions. The boy saw Blake and broke into a grin, stepping out to pull him into a brotherly hug, driving his fist into Blake's curly hair before taking notice of Willow. His exuberant grin grew even bigger and he turned back inside.

"Hey guys! Blake's here with his new friend!" He hollered, waving the two inside. Blake kept a hold of Willow's hand, keeping her close as they walked into the living room where the rest of the group was. Blake smiled and greeted his friends eagerly and then turned to Willow, stepping back so they were standing next to each other.

"Uh guys this is Willow. Willow, this is," Blake pointed to each of the group in turn pointing to the boy who opened the door first, then a hispanic boy with pierced ears and buzzed hair, and then a lanky boy with dark red hair, he ended by nodding to a girl curled up on the couch with a laptop. "Boyd, Jake, Glen and Grace." Glen and Grace were brother and sister though they didn't look it. They certainly acted like it though. After the introductions the group offered them a seat. The tv was on some show but they weren't really paying attention to it. Blake still hadn't let go of Willow's hand, and tilted his head towards an empty space on the couch.

"Let's get comfortable. The party's just starting." He gave her a slightly nervous smile, trying to joke. The introduction had gone well and no one seemed to care much about Willow's appearance. Not many of the group were the kind to get tattoos or anything like that. Jake was a little different, but he claimed he didn't have any; just the piercings. Boyd took a moment staring at her of course before complimenting the tattoos on her arm. Blake overall was relieved, the group would open up quite easily they weren't so much like him, especially when they were all together. In a bit it would be like Willow had always been a part of the group, just like he had felt with her friends. Of course, they were fundamentally a vastly different group. Like for example, the drinks were all coke or mountain dew.

"I told you they'd like you." Blake leaned close to whisper into Willow's ear, ignoring Grace's reaction to seeing the shyest, most awkward of the group holding hands with a strange girl. He drew back with a more honest smile, letting his hand slip from hers and beckon her over to the couch, offering her a seat next to him.
Willow raised her brows when the blonde guy at the door turned and yelled inside that Blake had brought his new friend. She couldn't help but smirk a little as she followed Blake inside. She stopped next to him, looking at a group of people in the living room. She gave them one her usual grins that was unintentionally laced with mischief and nodded to them as they were introduced. "Its nice to meet you all." She told them.

She followed Blake into the living room completely and sat down next to him on the couch. She watched as Boyd admired and complimented her tattooes. She looked down at them with a smile then back to him, thanking him and telling him they all had stories.

She leaned back on the couch and pulled her legs up underneath her. Someone offered her a cup of coke and she gladly took it. She took a sip and couldn't remember the last time she had drank coke that didn't have anything intoxicating mixed with it.

She watched Grace's reaction to Blake with a girl and smirked. She supposed it wasn't a normal thing. When Blake whispered something in her ear, she rolled her eyes and playfully smacked his arm. "Of course they like me. I knew they would." She snickered, slowly gaining her confidence and crazy personality back.
Blake smiled and fell to the side a bit as Willow smacked him. He let out a chuckle and returned to his earlier position, leaning a little closer to playfully squish Willow before edging away a bit. He wiped the goofy look off his face as he caught Grace smirking at him and stuck his tongue out at her. Grace laughed openly and turned to say something to her rusty haired brother. Boyd was arguing about which video game the group should play tonight with Jake, who was muttering in Spanish at Boyd whenever he turned his back to plug the consoles in.

Blake looked back at Willow with an uncertain smile, he had set his own glass aside, thanking Glen for it and giving his friend a high five as he went back to his seat. Blake caught himself studying Willow a little too intently and shook himself out of it, nodding to the two boys crouched by the TV stand and nearly shouting at each other.

"For the record," He said, looking sadly at her. "it is mostly always like this." He grinned then, happy to see that she was starting to seem more comfortable. He was also glad that his friends were being so inclusive. They weren't a bad group at all, they made friends easily, considering that Boyd had forced him into the group in the first place. It wasn't hard to feel welcome with such a commandeering personality.
Willow giggled when he squished into her. She sat, curled up on the couch and watched the friends debate over video games and eventually set up consoles. She hadn't ever been much of a video game person. Her temper was way too short and as it turns out, she has a good arm when throwing controllers. She looked at Blake, suddenly alarmed by his sad face. When he said it was always like this, she let out a laugh. The boys had finally got a game started up and were starting it.

She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Its actually charming. Relaxing." She felt like she could sit there with her head on his shoulder watching video games for hours. It was a nice contrast to her friend hangouts with copious amounts of alcohol, horrible decisions and loud music.

Part of her still wanted to be with Vee at the Voo. The crazy energy. But the warmth of Blake's shoulder and the video games on the screen gave her a sense of peace. She grabbed a blanket and covered herself and part of Blake with it. The warmth made her feel even better. She snuggled a little closer to him and let out a relaxed sigh. His friends were chill. She looked at Grace's face and nearly bust out laughing. She gave her a questioning look.

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