Inir Warden - Tenebrae ( W.I.P )


One Thousand Club
Full Name: Inir Warden

Nickname(s): Tenebrae

Birth date: 2015

Birth place: Nevereign

Age: 34

Social Class: Mid-Low class

Gender: Male

Height:  6ft ( Proximity )

Weight: 189

Body type: Muscular.

Race: Human.

Eye color: Green and yellow.

Hair color and Style: Bald.

Skin tone: Dark grey.

Glasses/Contacts: <None>

Accessories and cybernetics:

Cybernetics implants on the brain to stimulate the synapse. It would control needs such as food, breath. Pain and discomfort in order to complete it's duty without inner obstacles. 


Tattered clothes with nothing in particular, as long as it was dirty or old. Armored chest and right shoulder, empowered with a small personal shield generator.

Personal weapons:

Rechargeable laser pistol: Unique fire capable to either shutdown cybernetics ( EMP ) or produce enough heat to cut steel. 

Mind energy-waves improvement - Prototype: Capable to give the brain energy enough to achieve telekinesis.

Short carbonate sword with no sharp edge: Retractable blade to deliver blunt direct hits to crush his foes or pierce people with the tip.

Personal vehicles:

Other items: A helmet he wear only when he choose to not be identified.

Tattoos: <None>

Occupation: Private investigator.

Housing: Shared department.


Inir - Reading, poetry, mysteries to be solve, his normal life.

Tenebrae - Street fights, manipulation, mysteries to be solve, become a god.


Inir - To be manipulated by Tenebrae, forget people's names, the past.

Tenebrae - To not satisfied his addiction, pretenders who claim to be above him.


Both - That people discover his mental sickness. To fail his purpose.


Inir - Help those in need, helping the justice.

Tenebrae - Seize justice, self-righteous omnipotent power. And with both, become like-god.


Inir - Kind but reserve. A rare kind of gentlemen whenever he is so required. Practical, calculating mind.

Tenebrae - Condescending, mad-man. Sociopath, psychopath. Both passionate and impractical.

Character Flaws:

Both -  Post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotic disorders that develop a second personality and entity.

Family Members, and relationship with each:



Inir was never a normal human by the start. Created in an artificial induction on experimental / Illegal labs under the sewers, hidden behind ancient buildings. Like a lab-rat, he remained floating on a giant pad with everything he needed to survive. The scientific would take the little baby out from time to time to start measuring the cybernetic implants.

When it reached the age to learn how to walk, speak. The creators began the injection of the first implants so the child could learn faster. This way, Inir learned how to speak, how to walk with an impressive speed; yet the implant itself overwhelmed forcing the creators to take it away once the job was done. The event caused him to lose, for a very short period of time, self-awareness.

At more advanced age, Inir began to show two different personalities. Test experienced that the brain was in constant 'conversation' between the neurons, trading information at high speed. This allowed the child to experience greater advancement in other expertise, such as martial combat, acrobatics; and mental improvements that was out of speculation, such as empathy, psychology, even a sense of justice and morality.

At adult life, even with all this improvements, it's mind lived in a living fairy-tale. It had the innocence of a child that was still looking for a purpose of existence. Once the body reached it final limits of growth, Inir's body began to be restructure with metal, wires; cybernetics. The idea of a cyborg was not what they wished to achieve but a more corrupted idea, to eradicate / terminate with it's free-will and separate him from the rest of mankind.

Inir managed to ask for one single thing before his final operations began. He requested that the best engineers created a helmet he designed. The helmet-idea seemed harmless at starts, although it surprised the creators the fact that Inir was capable to have imagination or creativity.

When the last operations had been made, Inir looked himself at the mirror and saw the helmet. He was not capable to see anything but the helmet, rejecting his self-awareness, his body, his very entity. The moment he gained the helmet, the slaughter began. He no longer responded to his chosen name, calling himself "Tenebrae" as he killed every last scientific with his bare hands.

"I killed them. Every -last- one of them." "It was not on purpose..." "You did it." "-We- did it, Inir." "Tenebrae... the price of freedom... it's too high." "And they paid it, Inir. Stand up." "I am alone now. There is no one left." "We don't need anyone, we have each other." "What now? What should we do with this... power?" "We can be anything we want... We can do anything we desire!" "I want to help people." "A hero..." "Yes." "And beat up the bad-people. Like Mr Jacob over here, the one that hated you." "Yes... like him. We must... stop them from hurting people." "We shall hurt them, instead." "No..." "Think about it, Inir, think about how much PAIN we will make them pass through, all the power we harness..." "No, wait. We must- We first must get out of here, Tenebrae. Please, Tenebrae... show me the way."

Now he uses this old ancient place as a hideout and lives out there, searching for a purpose. He became a private investigator thanks to Tenebrae. But the relationship he had once with his other half is now shaky for the moral difference the both stand by. Thus far none has gained enough willpower to act as one.
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While we appreciate the work you've done to create a character for yourself... Your character raises some very negative questions.

We are looking for roleplayers that are very detail oriented and able to put a good amount of effort into their characters, posts, and development. Don't take this the wrong way when I say it but there is a lot of broken sentences that just don't feel like they were put together with much thought. Perhaps this is due to a language barrier or potentially rushed writing but I would like to see more precise detail about the history. As for the telekinesis implant... there is no such thing at this time. While this roleplay is classified as futuristic it is also in the realms of possibility and modern. Telekinesis does not fit in with the style the roleplay was intended and would be too detrimental to the main story that we cannot allow it.

I understand that the character has two personalities... however a berserker such as this makes developing interesting scenarios for your character very difficult and we feel that we cannot incorporate such a personality into the story. Overall there is not much detail to the character either I would strongly recommend a re-work of this character or a different one if you have. I will leave this open for discussion if you choose to. Please don't take what I've said the wrong way, I don't mean to make you feel unwelcome; these are just our concerns.

-Nevereign Staff
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