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Fandom Infinite Stratos (Harem and Action)

So guys I won't have the time to make the thread til later tonight, so I'll post the CS now.


@Hope Robinson






Personality: (Details, paragraph at least. Be original.)

Extra Appearance Details: (Tattoos, scars, etc.)

Grade Level:

IS Appearance:

IS Range: (short, medium, and/or long. You can't cover all the bases.)

IS Weaponry:

IS Shield Levels: (Note; if you put a lot in shield then don't expect the most power points.)

IS Power Levels: (^^^^^^)

((This is where you decide speed (how fast), durability (how many hits can it take, after shield, but I do want them to correlate), hitting power (how much damage does it deal per hit, in average), accuracy (does it hit often), and perception (will it be able to keep track of enemies. If you played any RPG's then you've dealt with putting points into things and taking them out of others, this is the same thing. So each skill will start at a level 3 out of 5, then spend the 3 extra points you get. You can remove points from other skills and put them in different ones, so as at the least they remain at 1 and only two become 5, but that's frowned upon. At 1 they will be minimal, meaning you will be lower then any IS you meet. At 2 you'll be enough to keep up with training IS's. At 3 you're competent, a personal IS before shift one. At 4 you will be adept in it, versed in it. At 5 you shall be better then any other IS's.

Speed: 3

Durability: 3

Hitting Power: 3

Accuracy: 3

Perception: 3

Extra Points: 3

Feel free to add more if you want, as this is just a rough draft to get your CS juices flowing.
Alright ya little turds, I'll post my CS first. Gosh!

But in all seriousness, I'll post mine here in a sec.
sorry, got caught up in drawing and stuff xD , but I think you posting first will give us a idea on how to base our character.
I, in all seriousness, forgot to post xDDD I got caught up elsewhere lol

*cue laughter from my rpers*
Yeah yeah yeah, lughead. Ahh...good times, good times. xDD

I've actually taken that story of the RP and started writing it as a book lol All characters changed and tweaked, of course. To avoid copyright ad make them all my own lol
Luke is still a hunk of a man though? And y'all might be mad for my IS choice, but I want it so bite me.
*bites ahead of time*

And he is, don't worry xD Just his name isn't Luke anymore, and he may/may not have a crazy ex-girlfriend who keeps showing up and causing the groups stress xp

Tsubaki Namoru







(Might change, but I'll alert if it does.) Tsubaki was originally raised as a gentleman, believing in loyalty and honor in everything he did. This meant that he was also very calm and collected, not very talkative unless asked to be. After moving to the U.S. he was placed in a boarding school where learning the ropes of legitimate social activity was a problem. Now at the academy; Tsubaki has gone through changes in residence, puberty, and growing, so his personality as of now is still calm and reserved, but taking time to know him will turn him into a kind and caring guy, one who isn't afraid to flirt if the person fits.


Japanese, but was raised a majority in the US; which is why he has a US IS.

Grade Level:



Silver Gospel!

IS Range:

Medium and Long

IS Weaponry:

Ion Blasters: Both wings are capable of gathering energy into large projectiles with high damage. This can be focused into one point, making those blast of any degree depending on the charge time. And lastly the projectiles can be shot within any direction with still very damaging capabilities.

IS Shield Levels: (Forgot to mention this, but I believe the average shield level was 400.)


IS Power Levels: (Again I believe the average was 400, but each weapon and attack varies on how much it uses or if it uses it at all.)


Speed: 4

Durability: 5

Hitting Power: 4

Accuracy: 3

Perception: 2

After thinking about it; I'd like everyone to explain why each point was placed how it is. I'll demonstrate here:

The Speed of Silver Gospel can his subsonic and supersonic speeds, show in it's chase from other personal IS's.

The Durability is renowned, Silver Gospel able to take many blows and withstand amazing amounts of damage.

Hitting Power is above average, but due to Silver Gospel's lack of a short range weapon, he makes up for it in power of the blast.

Accuracy is average, but this goes for bombardment and single shot functions. Silver Gospel usually hits it's target, but if not the first time then the next.

And Perception is lowered due to Tsubaki's own nature with Silver Gospel, the AI being used in a different way then it's original nature.
First off: hoy hoy hoy Pen. Didn't know you were an anime / IS guy. But you know... all the more power to ya.

Second. Are slots still open?

And third; if so, would a lab tech/maintenance crew member be a possiblity?

If not and a slots still avalible I'm cool with that to.
First: Pen's a weird person, so I don't put it past him to be into this.

Second: Slots are still open!

Third: Two Instructors are open, but besides that and students, no.
Well shucks *snaps fingers*

Was hoping to not have to make an IS... being lazy for the win.

Yeah anyway this sounds pretty interesting, this is actually one of the anime I thought had the most potential in its back story but never really did anything with.

If you'd have me I'd love to join.
I would love for you to join. Note this doesn't have much of a plot as of now, but I'm a creative person so we'll have many directions to go in. Also the title implies a harem, but that won't be the main focus. You can make an instructor and not have an IS, that's acceptable.
Meh we'll see. Honestly I don't know about making an instructor, I'll get back to you on that. I'll probably just grin and bear it. Make myself an IS and live on.

I'm fine with minimal plot by the way character interaction is just as fun.
I'll be making an Instructor to direct whatever plot there is, so it ain't necessary.

You know, just because it's late at night, get back to me after I've slept and I might allow the maintenance worker. That and you
Wow.... being lazy works xD . Well either way someone has to fix the IS and stuff right? So I assume there are some kids who go to learn to do just that. So they could still be a student

Just a different type. Where better to learn how to fix an IS then IS Acedemy
I'm spitballing ideas for my character in my head at the moment, and I have tomorrow off from school so hopefully I can be constructive on here. G'night!

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