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Indiscriminate Quest Taker
Prologue: Board Meeting
He could sense the hum of magic, feel it like a vibration beneath the skin, and he knew he was late to arrive. He adjusted his tie and cracked his neck before stepping out of the shadows that danced along the edges of the room and into the light.

Normally, only around five people were present for meetings, and the information discussed would be relayed to the rest; there simply was never the need to gather in one place. But right now the entire board of directors for Infernal Intervention were seated around that lacquered conference table and it made the Director uneasy. In the dim light of the room, macabre shadows danced across the faces of its members. Those faces, already masked in distrust, seemed twisted further in their wariness. Archmages and noted politicians at the table looked at gods with apprehension; the gods looked back at the mortals with the contempt and pity a millionaire would give a homeless man. A half-dragon, amber eyes one of the brightest sources of light in the room, broke the tense silence of the room with a contemptible huff of smoke from his slit nostrils and leaned back. The representative of the American Mythical Delegation looked at his contemporaries in England, Greece, Israel, China, and Russia, with eyes that scanned for intention, and they all were doing the same. There were only three truly calm members present: one, an imposing and firmly toned man with a slim face and shoulder-length russet hair, rubbing his chin in internal contemplation with a visibly mechanical hand of polished brass; the other, easily the tallest figure in the room with skin less white than chrome, with eyes of an ethereal blue and no visible pupils, who was looking on with almost bemused indifference; the last, a gnarled root of an old man, nary a speck of white or gray puff on his head, lined and wrinkled as if he had spent a thousand years immersed in water. This old man's eyes were white as if completely covered over by cataracts, but the eyes shifted and glared at the newcomer with an air of acceptance and peace.

And then, a few seconds after that first wizened representative noticed his arrival, all eyes were on the Director. He coughed and then said, "They received their dossiers and room assignments. They're getting acclimated while their test scenario is being set up."

A simple statement. Punctual. Factual. Trying very hard to avoid all the touchy subjects about the new team lineup. Unfortunately, all Hell broke loose anyways.

An elegant looking woman in a dress and shawl of black and red satin began the maelstrom. "My delegation would like to know why out of all the mage applicants you chose a wash-out evocator for your t-"

Her complaints were still being loudly sounded when a six-foot, blue-skinned brute of a man whose skin was a veritable array of white tattoos in circular patterns butted in with a guttural Germanic accent, "You allowed a notable proponent of monster discrimination onto this team! Regardless of any silvertongue representation, as a political move this is a step back-"

Yet another complaint from a woman with the head of a lioness, dark mane draping down in coiffed dreadlocks and adorned in simple white linens and gold, "Three members of this new team of yours are linked to an incident that took thousands of my followers, and now you expect me to accept them as task handlers-?"

Another board member, a woman in silver plate mail with long, braided hair like corn silk and blue eyes burning deep behind high cheekbones, slammed her ivory palm on the table and said, "Only two of these applicants had even a fucking day's worth of battlefield experience! Even the ones that look like they can put up a fight have a grand total of jack and shit in their files, how'm I supposed to trust that?"

Another one, the American delegate, said, "Given this lineup, we may need to renegotiate our portion of the funding for the next fiscal quarter." The other delegates looked to each other, and one or two nodded. More voices added on with chiding criticisms and claims of misplaced faith.

In the midst of this maelstrom, the gnarled old man raised a spindly, deeply tanned hand, and in that moment all chatter ceased. He didn't raise his voice or even speak but that simple gesture stopped the crowd of voices.

"Thank you, Chairman," said the director, bowing politely. He looked to the other two calm individuals, then at the rest of the convened council. "Your thoughts on the team, Sandalphon? Apollo?"

Apollo spoke first. The metallic fingers were drumming the table in front of him while the other was folded. "The Olympian Neonate had... no suitable applicants at this time. It is an odd lineup you and the Chairman have selected, but even if this little experiment of yours flounders in the water, there are still six other teams that have my confidence."

Sandalphon, the being with chrome skin and glowing blue eyes, spoke evenly, with little inflection in his voice. Every action and word was slow, calculated to remain as impartial and unbiased as the figure could. As the mouth of God, it was a rather important quality to have. "The Heavenly Host finds the lineup suitable. Penance is a fine crucible through which a true air of neutrality and justice can be born. Our pantheon would also like to offer our condolences to the tragedy that occurred in board member Sekhmet's territory, but emphasize the vast difference in administrations between the Knight Templar that perpetrated the event and the Knight Templar on the roster..."

Sekhmet visibly bristled, face curled up in a snarl of outrage. "The 'Templar on the roster', Archangel? You mean the oh-so-infamous Wrathful Saint? With a defense like that, our pantheon would like to offer advice on where you and your God can shove their condolences-"

The first words to come from the Chairman turned the heat of Sekhmet's anger into a deathly chill.

"Yes, Chairman." Sekhmet sat back down.

"Your thoughts, Chairman?" the Director asked. Physically, he was sure of his safety, but having the hot lamp of scrutiny shoved into your face was never pleasant.

The Chairman closed his eyes, broke his leathery face with a smile, and he began to speak slowly and creakily. "I cannot give my thoughts free of bias. I chose every member of this new team myself; the man who you are deriding gave many of the same criticisms that you have now. These names and other names are intertwined in destiny; all their secrets and their loyalties will converge in one spot, and the outcome of that convergence will spell out salvation or our damnation."

From their faces, the general consensus of the rest of the board was confusion, slowly giving way to grimaces of resignation. The man spoke in such prophetic tongues that even the gods, who average in the tens of thousands of years old and know their way around a prophecy or two, found it hard to keep up with him. But he was Zarathustra, first human mage and high commander against the demons during their first uprising; Zarathustra, who stared directly into the stream of linear time and gained rudimentary knowledge of every event that has been or will be, could be trusted implicitly. So, thus sprach Zarathustra, the Council accepted it.

The Director's phone buzzed. He pulled it from his pockets, turned it on, read the notification and had it back off and in his pocket in a second. "Their training simulation is ready. Would any of the board's members like to see how they fare in this little exercise?"

Apollo shrugged. "It'll be amusing at the very least," he muttered as he got up from his chair- then hunched over the desk in pain for a few seconds, before straightening himself up and going towards the boardroom doors.

Sandalphon nodded. "I would like to speak with some of the members of this new team."

Sekhmet shut her eyes for a second, then got up and headed in the same direction as Apollo. Her words were cool and level, but there was an undertone of steel betraying the anger beneath. "I would like some words with the djinn and the saint, as well."

The woman in plate mail with silk hair asked, "What mission is being simulated?"

The Director cocked an eyebrow and looked towards the woman. "The Deimos Insurrection of 2068. Board member Freya?"

Freya beamed. "I'd like to test their fighters. Could I fill in for whichever underpaid and underwhelming intern you have playing Deimos?"

The Director sighed. "I... fine, I don't see why not. Warp yourself to the room and take a look at the schematics. Just don't- don't go cutting any of our new recruits' limbs off."

Freya tutted. "Hey, I'm not Thor, you spear throwing ass. I hope you're not going to object if they get some cuts and bruises though. Pain is the best teaching tool there is, after all." With that and another grin, she snapped her fingers and vanished from the room.

CHARACTERS: Director Pallas, Chairman Zarathustra, Board-Member Apollo, Board-Member Freya, Board-Member Sekhmet, Board-Member Sandalphon, Board-Member Athugg-Mogg, Board-Member Saiorse ap Amwrest, Board-Member Michael Huntley

Infernal Intervention Headquarters: Living Quarters
The octagonal living quarters that were assigned to the brand new recruits of Team Ezec felt kind of like a hospital ward crossed with a college dorm. The Director, who handed them each a dossier and told them the rules of their living arrangements, said that they could customize the common room and sleeping quarters to their liking provided they didn't start knocking down walls; right now, though, everything felt sparse and sterile. There were wall hangings, potted plants, comfy couches and chairs, a mini-fridge with a decent number of snacks and drinks, a pinball machine and a wall-mounted TV which, if they checked, they would find were not working at the moment. The dormitories that connected to the common room had two beds, two dressers, and two nightstands on either side of the door; in an even-numbered team, everyone would have a roommate.

The Director hurried off to what he had called an "important board meeting", and after some vague rambling about how they'd be called to an "initiation" in about ten minutes, the team was left to their own devices. After unpacking their stuff in their assigned rooms, only thing the teammates could do, save admire wall art or gorge themselves on tangelos before the team was called, was talk to each other. Since they were going to be seeing a lot more on each other, and possibly relying on each other for their continued survival, it seemed the advantageous thing to do.

Characters: None | Location: IIHQ Common Area | Action: None (Currently) | Other Notes: None (Currently)
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Melchizedek Mochizuki
'Mel' - 'Dozer' - 'The Tank'
Location: Team Ezec living quarters
With: No one yet
Currently: Eating snacks, sitting on the couch, waiting
Carrying: Nothing atm except for food

Melchizedek looked around the space that was to be his new home, delighted. Of course, he had been in far fancier spaces before (in this new age, his father had taken quite a liking to human luxuries- to the point of utter decadence and, in his son's opinion, utter accompanying lack of taste), but he had always been alone in them, or accompanied by demons, humans, or other creatures in his father's employ.

Now, for the first time in his life, he would be living with people he was on a team with because he had chosen to be. Mel had wasted no time in unpacking his stuff, decorating his room as best he could with the few objects he held dear- a couple random posters and wall hangings, an antiquity or two, and a worn demon teddy bear (the only gift from his father he had ever really liked).

After this, he had explored the common area, trying the TV and the pinball machine, disappointed to realize they appeared to only be there for decoration. He looked at the wall hangings, inspected the plants, sat down in every chair and couch in the space to pick his favorite. Having decided on a small couch in the corner, he raided the fridge and then settled himself down comfortably.

As he chowed his way through candy bars, tangellos, and a soda or two while waiting for the others to join him, he wondered with eager anticipation what they would be like. Would they get along? Would they become best friends? Would he be able to bravely save their lives when the time came? He looked around expectantly, resembling a kid on Christmas morning, his excitement betrayed by his flapping wings and the twitching of his devil's tail.
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Aziza looks around curiously, seeing the place she and her team are meant to stay. This is… interesting. She’s being given intentional leisure and social time outside of her lamp. She hasn't been treated this well in… a very long time.

She hums, looking around for the other people who should be here. Teammates is a very new concept to her. Normally having mortals on tasks she’s applied to is just unnecessary, but these ones seem interesting.

Only one seems to be done setting up his room so she sits down on the couch next to him, conjuring a bottle of Moscato wine and enough glasses for everyone, and proceeding to pour herself a drink. “Anyone want to have a drink before we get summoned?” She asks casually, leaning back on the couch and taking a long, satisfying sip. She does love a sweet wine.
CHARACTERS: Entire task force LOCATION: Common area ACTION: Chilling out on couch and offering wine to everybody.
[class name="emain"] box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0 auto 50px; padding: 20px; width: calc(100% - 40px); max-width: 600px; font-size: initial; background: #fdfdfd; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; [/class] [class name="ewrap"] display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; margin-left: -20px; width: calc(100% + 20px); [/class] [class name="eicon"] flex: 1 0 150px; margin-left: 20px; width: 100%; max-width: 150px; background: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6y45o6wdebuq8qe/EmmaIcon.jpg') top left/150px 225px no-repeat; [/class] [class name="edescription"] flex: 5 0 200px; margin-left: 20px; max-width: 400px; [/class] [class name="esubheader"] font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; font-size: 1.0em; color: #777777; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class name="etext"] margin-top: 10px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 0.9em; color: #777777; line-height: 135%; text-align: justify; [/class] [class name="etags"] margin-top: 10px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 125%; color: #777777; text-align: justify; [/class] [div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://cdn140.picsart.com/247864493017202.jpg?r1024x1024') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="JP" style="margin-top: 25px;"] rachel valac [/div] [div class="EN"] wash-out evocator [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] common area
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] [/div] [div class="bodytext"] Gods, this place is depressing. It looks like a hotel room. The only decorations are generic paintings and a... pinball machine? Weird. Either way, she'll definitely have to redecorate when the time comes. On her side of her room, she hung up a RATM poster and unpacked all of her clothes into her dresser. Her family's home was decorated in an almost opposite way. There was always just more. More soulless art, more furniture (a lot of which was just for show, not for sitting), more useless knick-knacks that her father won in an auction somewhere. A very depressing, uptight atmosphere. A house for display, not for living.

Tearing her thoughts away from that, she exited from her room, finding there were two already in the common area. They seemed interesting characters. A demon and a genie. She didn't think there were any of the second left, that they had all ran away. Shows what she knows. And she has a drink, she already liked her. "Don't mind if I do." she muttered, pouring a glass and sitting next to the demon. "So, I'm Rachel. Nice to meet y'all." she said, taking a sip. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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Divan Naude
Common Area

Divan watched from a small wooden bead-chair, the bumpy texture of it left him sore in the back, but there was a strange comfort to it. He listened to the others converse for a few minutes before piping up at the Genie's question with a quick: "I don't drink, sorry.".

Divan fiddled with his top button, letting off an awkward wheezing cough before continuing with it. He rolled the little button in his index and thumb, being gentle so as not to ruin his collar, but still satisfying his need to fidget.

The Silvertongue looked around the room, sighting a particular woman with an interesting appearance, her noticeably green hair left her a neon light in the gray of the commons area. Staving off his craving felt monumentous, Divan placed a hand against his mouth and breathed through it, simulating a cigarette. He didn't want to upset someone who could have asthma, or just use one indoors.

Divan stared around the room for a moment, head on a swivel as he realized he needed something to do. The man looked down at his duffle and opened it up, the first thing he was greeted by was a Georgia state flag, she was tattered, but it had followed him everywhere. Divan zipped the bag back up, picking it up and walking towards the room marked '3' brass lettering.

He stopped at the door realizing he needed a roommate. Divan sighted neon-girl and uttered a single: "Hey." To her. He continued, "Need a dorm partner?".
1854e8e09e1ba8cabbffa435e9b9ffb5--robot-art-robots.jpgJohan was more than excited when he found out he was chosen to be part of the Infernal Intervention. Just imagining how diverse his team would be just ate at him. All his work, working with Gods and inter-dimensional beings had brought him to where he is now, a wide smile running across his face as he made his way into the IIHQ. 'Team Ezec' that was gonna be his new family... maybe. Academics, warriors, and mages working together was pretty cool in all honesty.

Suddenly the smile on his face slowly turned into a face of disappointment. The common area looked like a hotel lobby in a cheap hotel. A billion dollar industry and this is what they give their agents? Also who were these people sitting around him.
Oh god please say they aren't my teammates Johan said to himself. They all looked like they were dressed like they were on summer holiday Johan felt like a fool wearing his buttoned shirt and slacks. He even wore a tie for christ's sake. Afterwards he looked to the genie who was offering drinks, well she seemed a bit dignified to say the least. "Vodka if you please." He leaned against the wall as he took one exasperated sigh. 10 years of archaeological study and working with Gods and I find myself in a 2 star lodge. He then looked across the room to see a literal demon child beside him. He was probably a prince or something but he didn't seem too intimidating. Might as well start talking to him since he was right beside him. "Nice wings."

That was good right? Since it was a casual setting might as well be casual. He hasn't socialized in this setting since uni it felt weird. He pulled out his flask full of lingonberry juice. His new teammates probably thought he was an alcoholic or not. But flasks were really convenient. He then looked at the human girl as he introduced herself. "Johan." He said in her general direction.

Tags: GumGumChomp GumGumChomp Ayama Ayama Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
[class=bg] background-color: #fffeea; margin: 20px 60px; padding: 15px; border: 4px solid #271A2A; border-radius: 10px; position: relative; height: 600px; width: auto; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=info1] border: 3px double #271A2A; border-radius: 10px; background-color: #A393A2; width: 200px; height: 200px; position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 40px; color: #814B60; font-family: Kalam; font-size: 20px; [/class] [class=img] border: 3px double #271A2A; border-radius: 20px; width: 275px; height: 200px; background: url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/480587605377941507/665645355815272478/Amelia.jpg); box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 375px; [/class] [class=info2] border: 3px double #271A2A; border-radius: 10px; background-color: #A393A2; width: 200px; height: 200px; position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 800px; color: #814B60; font-family: Kalam; font-size: 16px; [/class] [class=container] box-sizing: border-box; width: 950px; height: 340px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name=scroll] box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 340px; position: absolute; top: 250px; overflow-Y: scroll; overflow-X: hidden; [/class] [class=post] color: #271A2A; font-family: Dosis; text-align: justify; padding-right: 70px; padding-left: 50px; [/class] [div class=bg] [div class=img][/div] [div class=info1] Amelia Quinton
“Eyes are useless when the mind is blind. Ps, the heart's a misleading bitch." [/div][div class=info2]Location:: I.I. Base, Common Area
Interacting:: all above chars
Items:: suitcases and brace-flask
Actions:: getting settled [/div]
[div class=scroll][div class=post] After the Director had given her a dossier, Amelia stepped into the adjacent halls. Her cell had been going off like crazy, but luckily she had enough sense to set it on vibrate. Sighing at all the texts from her cousin Tristan, terribly concerned that everything was going fine, that she made it, that she was good. She called him right then and before he fully answered, she berated, "Are you such a motherless cock that you need to 'copter me? C'mon!" With that, she had to listen to him spew concern over what seemed like everything under the sun. "Yes, thank you for helping me with this but I don't need you dangling in my nethers while I'm trying to get settled and started. Go crush some starlet with all your tending. Catch ya." Hanging up before he could protest further, Amelia shook her head of long wavy emerald tresses in exasperation. Some people don't change.

With that, she made her way back to the common area with two suitcases in tow. Taking a moment to gaze around the room with a growing number of people, she noticed that some weren't human. Interesting. She had no issues with nonhumans, so it wouldn't bother her in the least so long as no one interrupted her meditations. At the mention of drinks, she smiled as she left her things briefly by a poorly adorned wall to take part of the invitation and growing group as a man, Johan as he introduced himself, joined in.. "Thank you. Amelia Quinton," she gestured to herself as introductions were getting started. She wasn't one to be idle, not with things to do, so she poured a glass, proceeded to down it, bobbed her head to excuse herself with, "I'll be back with the speed of the king's men."

Just as she grabbed the handles of her luggage, she felt herself being addressed. Turning toward the source to see a man who seemed to be jonesing terribly holding a flag on its last limbs, she arched a brow. Glancing at the rooms, numbered only one through five and with the anticipated arrival of others, she said happily, "Absolutely."

Taking the initiative to open the door he stood by, noting the heavy scent of tobacco, Amelia motioned for him to head on in. "Feel free to do anything as you normally do." Once he was inside, she'd set her cases by one of the beds. There just seemed to be the basics in the room. She would have her work cut out for her to get the zen of her portion of the dorm right. Shopping wasn't any kind of issue, not with the money her surname could pull when the family needed to. Still, she quickly sorted the small round of suits and dresses and where they would go from her luggage, previously deciding that clothes was the priority in order. Except for the last item she pulled - a rather thick bracelet that was less fashionable than functional, being that it was in fact a wearable flask and contained a drug known on the streets as Third Eye. She slipped it over her wrist as though it wasn't a debatable legality, depending on what country one was in, anyway. [/div][/div] [/div]

Forgive my shit coding and artwork. Been practicing a lot at the former and have gotten rusty at the latter.

Amelia Quinton

“Eyes are useless when the mind is blind. Ps, the heart's a misleading bitch."

Location:: I.I. Base, Common Area
Interacting:: all above chars
Items:: suitcases and brace-flask
Actions:: getting settled

After the Director had given her a dossier, Amelia stepped into the adjacent halls. Her cell had been going off like crazy, but luckily she had enough sense to set it on vibrate. Sighing at all the texts from her cousin Tristan, terribly concerned that everything was going fine, that she made it, that she was good. She called him right then and before he fully answered, she berated, "Are you such a motherless cock that you need to 'copter me? C'mon!" With that, she had to listen to him spew concern over what seemed like everything under the sun. "Yes, thank you for helping me with this but I don't need you dangling in my nethers while I'm trying to get settled and started. Go crush some starlet with all your tending. Catch ya." Hanging up before he could protest further, Amelia shook her head of long wavy emerald tresses in exasperation. Some people don't change.

With that, she made her way back to the common area with two suitcases in tow. Taking a moment to gaze around the room with a growing number of people, she noticed that some weren't human. Interesting. She had no issues with nonhumans, so it wouldn't bother her in the least so long as no one interrupted her meditations. At the mention of drinks, she smiled as she left her things briefly by a poorly adorned wall to take part of the invitation and growing group as a man, Johan as he introduced himself, joined in. "Thank you. Amelia Quinton," she gestured to herself as introductions were getting started. She wasn't one to be idle, not with things to do, so she poured a glass, proceeded to down it, bobbed her head to excuse herself with, "I'll be back with the speed of the king's men."

Just as she grabbed the handles of her luggage, she felt herself being addressed. Turning toward the source to see a man who seemed to be jonesing terribly holding a flag on its last limbs, she arched a brow. Glancing at the rooms, numbered only one through five and with the anticipated arrival of others, she said happily, "Absolutely."

Taking the initiative to open the door he stood by, noting the heavy scent of tobacco, Amelia motioned for him to head on in. "Feel free to do anything as you normally do." Once he was inside, she'd set her cases by one of the beds. There just seemed to be the basics in the room. She would have her work cut out for her to get the zen of her portion of the dorm right. Shopping wasn't any kind of issue, not with the money her surname could pull when the family needed to. Still, she quickly sorted the small round of suits and dresses and where they would go from her luggage, previously deciding that clothes was the priority in order. Except for the last item she pulled - a rather thick bracelet that was less fashionable than functional, being that it was in fact a wearable flask and contained a drug known on the streets as Third Eye. She slipped it over her wrist as though it wasn't a debatable legality, depending on what country one was in, anyway.
Characters: Sylvio Sylvio Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Ayama Ayama GumGumChomp GumGumChomp
Location: IV HQ, Ezec's common room

There's a slight clattering from one of the rooms as Crowfather sets down the last of his bird-cages. They were unfilled at the moment, but he planned to gather up a good number of birds soon; it paid to be prepared. Perhaps, with Infernal Intervention's resources, he could even acquire a condor, or even something even more exotic?

Straightening, he puts the matter out of his mind, focusing . This shall be a rather novel experience, he thinks. After all, he's never had a place of residence to return to at the end of each day, nor has he ever been part of an actual team. Nearly as long as he had existed, he'd just been a wanderer, always drifting from one calamity to another. This will be a positive change of pace, he feels, but it'll still take some getting used to.

Turning his back on the cages, he heads out into the common room, talons clicking softly on the floor. Hopefully, the rest of the team will be amicable to his admittedly ominous presence. Immediately, his eye is drawn to the growing group of people around the couch, their faces for the most part new - though, one is familiar. Quietly, he drifts into the group's midst.

"Good day to you all," he says, head slightly bowed, "It is a pleasure to meet you, my future colleagues." He then looks to the wine-pouring genie, head bobbing in a less formal greeting. "And Aziza, it is good to meet you again, under less... hectic circumstances."
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St Jacob had been rather embarrassed by the sheer amount of stuff he had been asked to carry with him. Usually as a Franciscan his life was a life lived in abject poverty. His vows only enabled his enough money for the basic necessary of food, which most of the time he cooked himself. Everything else of the quite honestly massive amount of pay was directly liquidated and sent to the Heavenly Host as a tithe. Nonetheless he had two large suit cases that held the single brown habits he would wear everyday, as well as some modern add ins that changed the ancient religious garb from a mildly uncomfortable dress to some actual body armor that had saved his life more than once on the battlefield. Along with his normal wear and battle gear he had a brother monk behind him carrying the symbols of his spiritual office as a religious father and saint of the Heavenly Host. These were his liturgical clothing he used to celebrate the Mass of Shaddai in remembrance of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. While they offered no physical protection the liturgical gear were literal weapons and armor of faith that greatly increased his connection with Shaddai. Lastly there were several crates of blessed objects used in the rituals to call on the power of Shaddai. These components would serve as much needed ammo in the good fight to keep the balance the Lord wants in the world. Speaking of balance he hadn’t gotten the chance to look over the list of Dossiers describing his fellow team members. He was focusing on his room number so he could quickly drop things off and send his brothers off as quickly as possible.
He had been told it was a very diverse grouping however the wrathful saint hadn’t expected to have his recent morals tested to such an extent so quickly. As soon as he opened the door to the common area and walked through to his designated living area. As he quickly made his way through, leading his brothers inside he remarked for his team members to hear, “ Well this is certainly more than I thought we were going to get.” The Saint’s intentionally simple life style coupled with weeks to months spent on the Battlefield this was the best he had lived in a long time. After setting down all his stuff he showed his brothers to the door and began to set up his area.

St Jacob set his clothing in the dresser, taking special care to put his liturgical gear in the closet. After his clothing was settled it was the hard part of setting up different blessed objects around the room and sanctifying his new room that took an extra few minutes. By the end of it he had a number of different posters and artifacts of Shaddai on his walls. Finally all settled in St Jacob walked out out his room and smiled at his diverse group of battle buddies he would soon be working with. The pagan god didn’t seem to have any ill will, despite how it’s appearance would suggest, the Djinn seemed rather hospitable as well all things considered. He was doing his best to ignore the part of his mind that reminded him that these beings would have been enemies if they had meet earlier in life. He reminded himself of the Lord’s love and compassion for all those who strive for goodness and holiness. Yesterday’s enemies can be today’s friends after all. Jacob could tell the academic Johan was going to be quite the lively debate partner. He looked forward to the discussions they would no doubt engage in.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Stikes Stikes Nastarial Nastarial Sylvio Sylvio adrian_ adrian_ GumGumChomp GumGumChomp Ayama Ayama ZacksQuest ZacksQuest

Location: Team Ezec Living Quarters
Tags: Open
Action: Relaxing
Carrying: Nothing


Leo had stood outside the communal area watching everyone enter while he casually drew in smoke from his cigarette. It was something he could often be found doing with no real care about the potential health problems, as the world was now someone could be snapped out of existence so what was a few smokes a day? Wherever he had been up to this point he made no attempt to hide his dislike of all things not human but this had to be different. This organisation was all about being a team and ultimately he had to bury whatever feelings he had, at the very least until he got what he wanted. That being said, a few drinks here and there might loosen his tongue but that was tomorrow's problem.

By time he had entered there was group forming and what quickly became apparent was the amount of non-humans. His eyes immediately locked onto a human and demon hybrid. What self respecting person would get into bed with a demon? It made Leo feel sick just thinking about it. Irrelevant of whether the person was kind or a good hearted individual, all Leo saw in them was a demon and someone that he would be keeping his eyes firmly on. He didn't like to make preconceptions of people based on their appearance, but to him that wasn't a person. Either way, he eyeballed him as the crossed the room, flicking his cigarette butt into the bin over the hybrids shoulder.

In a few steps he found himself entering an unoccupied room. It was fairly basic but spacious and most importantly it came with air conditioning. Leo operated hot at all times, the kind of person who is happy to wear shorts in the middle of december and so he immediately set about lowering the room temperature to something far more comfortable for him. He dropped his bag from his shoulder onto the bed that sat to the left side of the window. He undid the zip and from within pulled out an extremely large bottle of clear liquid, his face filling with glee. Carefully unscrewing the top he took a deep breath of the contents, the smell tickling the back of his throat. He craned his head back and took several mouthfuls as a welcoming warmth washed over his body. Lowering the bottle away from his mouth he let out a satisfied sigh.

He looked over his shoulder at the communal area and groaned to himself. He could quite happily sit in the room listening to music and getting drunk all by himself, he had never needed company before. However the whole 'be a team player' mentality that the organisation wanted to instill in everyone meant he had to make an effort. He looked down at the unmarked bottle, the home made liquor within able to double as paint stripper could knock a rhino out after a mouthful. With a mischievous smile on his face strolled back into the common area.

He spotted a very attractive woman pouring drinks, although he had a sneaky suspiscion she wasn't human...no human women looked that perfect. She had a bottle of what looked like wine in her hand and Leo decided to interject.

"Hey there. My name is Leo." He looked around the room to try and make eye contact with everyone, even the half breed. "I see you are all having a drink. Would anyone be interested in trying my homebrew?"
Aziza smiles, watching everyone. She dips her head to Crowfather, still very grateful to him. She knows he was just doing his job, but to her it meant freedom. She looks at the well dressed Johan as he walks in, summoning a small bottle of his spirit of choice, blowing on it to chill it before tossing it so it ends up floating about a foot from his right shoulder.

“I’m Aziza.” She says with a grin. “No surname, though. Just Aziza.” She doubts her name was made public after the affair that brought her here, but it might have been. Either way, her teammates are going to learn what happened eventually.

She smirks at Leo, hearing his offer. “What are we talking? I normally prefer wine and ciders, but if this is a challenge, I’m in.” Man, having the choice to do stupid, juvenile things is one of the best things for her. Besides, she can absolutely just wish the alcohol out of her metabolism before their training exercise starts if she needs to.
CHARACTERS: Entire task force LOCATION: Common area ACTION: Giving Johan vodka, greeting everybody, and accepting Leo’s challenge.
St. Jacob silently watched the ground interact. He couldn’t stifle a chuckle when he saw the beginning of a drinking challenge between members of the team. “Count me in on this.” St Jacob went back into his room and reappeared with not only a shot glass but a hand full of small metal objects known as Miraculous Metals. They were about the size of a quarter and had a small depiction of his own likeness on them. As one of the few living saints on Earth there are a lot of things that bear his likeness in the Heavenly Host’s areas of control.
Saint Jacob Stewart, a pleasure to meet the lot of you. Keep these on you please. They’ll add an extra layer of protection on the battlefield. I am the Patron Saint of Holy War Tactics.” St Jacob was intentionally holding back information as he spoke. He was very careful in saying his official title, given to him by Archangel Sandolphon himself, and not the title that he has been colloquially known as: the Wrathful Saint of Slaughter. “These metals act as beacons for Shaddai’s power. With them on I can protect you no matter how far away from me you are. They only survive one use unfortunately.” The Saint explained as he handed out the metals and went back to his seat with a glass of wine from Aziza. There was a slight glow of divine power in St Jacob’s eyes. Any on the team that was sensitive to Aether would feel the power in the metals.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood CaptainSully CaptainSully Stikes Stikes Nastarial Nastarial Sylvio Sylvio adrian_ adrian_ GumGumChomp GumGumChomp Ayama Ayama

Melchizedek Mochizuki
'Mel' - 'Dozer' - 'The Tank'
Location: Team Ezec living quarters
With: Aziza, Rachel, Divan, Johan, Amelia, Crowfather, Jacob, Leo
Currently: In pain
Carrying: Nothing

Mel watched in fascination as first a djinn, then a human mage, a silvertongue, a businessman, a woman with green hair, a crow deity, a living saint and another man came in one after the other. His wings flapped faster behind him as he took it all in. He had not expected his teammates to be so varied- he'd thought it would be a bunch of supernaturally-charged soldiers, but apparently Infernal Intervention went in for more variety in their recruits than he'd realized.

He politely declined the various offers of alcohol, making note of names as they were given out. Rachel, Johan, Amelia, Leo. When Johan complimented his wings, they fluttered even faster as Mel blushed- no one had ever said that to him before.

"Th- thank you," he replied, smiling.

When Leo entered the room, however, his eyes locked onto Mel's and he felt a chill run down his spine, wings fluttering in agitation now as his tail twitched nervously. The man walked towards him, never breaking eye contact and clearly glaring at him. Mel felt himself shrink as Leo approached him and, with a contemptuous flick, tossed his cigarette butt over his shoulder. All elation from the previous moment gone, Mel had a feeling of intense foreboding...

He hates me, he thought miserably, just for being a demon.

He wasn't judging Leo for it- he suspected that he'd probably dealt with horrible demons before, and it was natural to feel this way, but it still made him feel terrible. He tried to take his mind off of it and follow the ongoing conversation, just as the Saint introduced himself and tossed out protection coins to everyone in the room.

Mel's elation returned under the fact that an actual Saint not only viewed him as one of his teammates, but wanted to protect him as well. He reached out to snatch his coin from the air with a happy smile, which instantly turned to a grimace of pain as the holy metal burned his skin.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed, wincing and dropping the coin.
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[class name="emain"] box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0 auto 50px; padding: 20px; width: calc(100% - 40px); max-width: 600px; font-size: initial; background: #fdfdfd; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; [/class] [class name="ewrap"] display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; margin-left: -20px; width: calc(100% + 20px); [/class] [class name="eicon"] flex: 1 0 150px; margin-left: 20px; width: 100%; max-width: 150px; background: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6y45o6wdebuq8qe/EmmaIcon.jpg') top left/150px 225px no-repeat; [/class] [class name="edescription"] flex: 5 0 200px; margin-left: 20px; max-width: 400px; [/class] [class name="esubheader"] font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; font-size: 1.0em; color: #777777; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class name="etext"] margin-top: 10px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 0.9em; color: #777777; line-height: 135%; text-align: justify; [/class] [class name="etags"] margin-top: 10px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 125%; color: #777777; text-align: justify; [/class] [div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://cdn140.picsart.com/247864493017202.jpg?r1024x1024') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="JP" style="margin-top: 25px;"] rachel valac [/div] [div class="EN"] wash-out evocator [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] common area
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] [/div] [div class="bodytext"] This is certainly turning out to be quite the interesting team. Including a crow guy. Weird. She nodded to everyone introducing themselves, taking mental notes on who's doing what. Could prove useful in the future. Especially that the demon next to her can't touch anything holy, that's ought to come up sooner or later. "Hey, you good? That happen often?" Either way he answered, she took the coin. "I appreciate it. Good to know you have my back."

"So, how about we go around and say what we can do? We'll have to do that at some point, so why not now? Personally, I can do this." she said as she did a quick hand motion, and the wine floated out of bottle. A small portion broke off and became needle-like, shooting off and stopping just a few inches away from Leo's face. She could barely contain her laughter, but managed to calm herself down within the next few seconds. "It's not just wine, pretty much anything water-based will do. Though it gets much less precise the less pure the water is." she explained, trying to put the wine back in the bottle, and managed to get most of it in, although a little splashed down the side. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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Divan Naude
Dorm Three


Divan walked in after neon-hair, sighting a bed across from the one she'd chosen and setting his duffle on it. The silvertongue stood for a minute or two before unzipping the bag and pulling the flag from it again to set it on his newly-claimed bed.

Divan grabbed a toiletry pack from the duffle, unbuttoning the main pocket and pulling a crumpled pack of cigarettes from it. He placed them next to the flag and tossed the toiletry bag to the side, a few clinks and thumps coming from it.

"It alright if I smoke in here?" Divan asked her, continuing the shakedown of his own bag as he dropped a few pairs of trousers on the bed. "I'm Divan, by the way." He added. Divan zipped up the now empty main pocket of the dufflebag and started up on another one, pulling his phone from it and checking the time.


Nastarial Nastarial
Characters Near: Sylvio Sylvio Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Ayama Ayama GumGumChomp GumGumChomp St. Boethius St. Boethius CaptainSully CaptainSully
Location: IITF HQ, Ezec's common room

Crowfather takes the metal from the priest, though with some hesitation, almost as though he expects it it hurt him. When the demon boy drops the item in pain, Crowfather's head cocks to the side, though his expression is unreadable. He tucks the trinket away into his robes. "A welcome gift, yes. I am sure it will come in useful soon."

His attention is drawn back to the main group by a young woman's demonstration of her abilities, lifting a small amount of wine from the bottle's interior. He tenses as she forms a wicked sharp point and thrusts it into Leo's face. His mind rushes - 'An assassin? No, she wouldn't strike with so many here. Unless she is -' - but she pulls the alcoholic needle away, and pours it back into the glass. 'A joke, then.' He relaxes somewhat, but keeps one eye on the no-doubt disgruntled man.

"Please, let us not antagonize one another. If we are to be a team, we must not fight among ourselves." He makes an odd burbling noise, like clearing his throat. "I am able to induce misfortune in others, as well as move about as and control carrion birds." Crowfather holds out a clawed hand. As he speaks, it morphs into a crow, fluttering its wings before it disappears.
One of the doors swings open as 200+ lbs of yeti are abruptly launched backwards into the common room, horns producing an unpleasant screech as they scrape along the floor. "Ow! Gods, fuck, that hurts." Razzo jerks into a sitting position and rubs his forehead, groaning in pain. His glasses landed a few feet away, and while Razzo's blind without them, he's currently seeing stars and has to make a rather embarrassing display of feeling around for them.

Once the vertigo clears away, Razzo stands up to see the common room full of people. He had intended to camp out in the room he'd laid claim to until what he'd assumed was some sort of mission briefing, but a single frayed wire was enough to foil that plan like a pair of binomials.

"Um, hey."

Location: Team Ezec Living Quarters
Sylvio Sylvio Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Ayama Ayama GumGumChomp GumGumChomp St. Boethius St. Boethius CaptainSully CaptainSully SP3CT3R SP3CT3R
Action: Banter, Chatting and Drinking
Carrying: Nothing


The first to reply to his invitation was the woman he had first set his eyes on, her response forcing a smirk onto the mans face. "Well things are always more fun when there is a level of competition, wouldn't you agree?" He winked playfully at her as an older man walked around handing out coins. Leo had made out something about divinity or sainthood but he viewed the divine in the same way as the demons. He reluctantly took the coin, the thought team player continuously running through his head, forcing a smile across his face.

Then out of the blue a young woman spoke up about powers and peoples capabilities. Leo raised an eyebrow as she proceeded to draw wine from a bottle and form a spike that stretched towards Leo's face. She smiled wide, proud of herself. Leo unflinching watched as she spilled some of the wine trying to get it back into the bottle. He clapped his hands together in applause, a smirk curling up the corner of his mouth. "You must be great at kids parties." He scoffed for a moment before picking up a glass to pour his homebrew into.

Before he could continue someone who looked a lot like an oversized bird began to speak, talking of a capability to bring misfortune to others while having control over birds. He was clearly not human and another of the supernatural beings he'd have to deal with. At least if his soon to be drinking partner was a supernatural entity, one, he'd have someone to drink with and two, she was easy on the eyes unlike Crowfather.

Leo took the opportunity to follow up, opening his mouth to speak. "So I..." He was interrupted by a stumbling beast who literally fell into the common area. Leo raised an eye brow and muttered under his breath, "Jesus Christ." He rubbed at the bridge of his nose as the person scrambled for their glasses before introducing themselves. Leo gestured with a nod at the yeti before continuing.

"Hey mate, I find it much easier to walk through doors. I'm Leo." With that introduction done he began to address the group. "So my powers if you want to call them that, are locked up here" He tapped at his head with a finger. "My knowledge of runes, warding and how to kill everything and anything is what has kept me going this long. I can't do fancy party tricks by making water dance or lighting ciggys with the tip of my thumb, but I can make it so that other people can't." Leo undid his shirt to reveal a toned physique, it's skin covered in an ornate tattoo that covered his entire torso, stretching down to his wrists. "Years of research have resulted in this and it allows me to nullify magic. I won't blow smoke up any of you and say its foolproof because its not, but thats what these are for." Leo fully opened his trenchcoat to reveal two pistols, an array of magazines and two silver knuckle dusters.

With his piece done he moved to the woman who had introduced herself as Aziza and handed her the glass of homebrew. He proceeded to pour himself one, speaking as he did. "We go one for one alright? First person face down on the floor or first one to end up two drinks behind has to do the others washing for the first month we're here?" Leo's smirk had made way for a wide smile before he began to take a mouthful of his drink.
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Aziza laughs softly at what Rachel does with her wine, taking a shot from Leo, and tossing it back into her mouth. She grins. “Oh, that’s good.” She says, her eyes glittering with amusement.

“Well, now seems like a good time for me to introduce my powers. I’m a djinn. Before anyone asks, yes, I am currently bound. So, my magic is very versatile. Which is convenient, since I’ll probably have to remove alcohol from our systems before initiation starts.” She says, holding her glass out for more of the booze.

As the yeti comes tumbling into the room, she looks vaguely concerned. “You Alright? You know, if the higher ups gave me the go ahead, you could use my demo plane for explosive things.” She comments.
CHARACTERS: Entire task force LOCATION: Common area ACTION: Drinking and talking.
Razzo shakes his head. "Got zapped by a wire, actually. I'm the computer guy, not the explosives guy. And even if I was the explosives guy, I'd like to think I'd have the common sense to not test things in the room that I'm living in. But, then again, I didn't have the common sense to pack my stuff in a way that didn't get damaged, so..." Razzo shrugs as he trails off.

He clears his throat and continues, "Anyways, since I guess you're all doing introductions, I'm Razzo, and I'm good with computers and stuff." Razzo uncaps a water bottle and splits it down the side at the opening, pouring the whole thing into his mouth and swallowing as if it were completely normal.
1854e8e09e1ba8cabbffa435e9b9ffb5--robot-art-robots.jpgJohan stared blankly as the yeti had flew into the room non chalantly as he took his vodka from Aziza, "Sup." He said in reply. He took sips like a real gentleman would, he was no alcoholic and never saw alcohol as the solution to his problems. He took eventual notice of the fact that everyone was flexing their powers. Dear god they all knew how to do was control water like him he thought he was cool. But maybe they couldn't do what he could. "Oooh controlling water." Johan said as he pulled out the ice cube in his vodka and threw it in the air just to catch it. "Watch this." He said as he melted the ice cube in but a quick few seconds. As the water dripped from his hands Johan used his other hand to move the water into the air, swishing it around and then concentrating his energy into turning the water into vapor with the snap of his fingers. Afterwards he took a bow and sipped his vodka again.

He then looked to Razzo's water bottle seeing that was clearly empty. Using his magic he transformed the vapor in the bottle into a liquid state, refilling the bottle. "You're welcome." He said in Razzo's direction. "Also if there's enough vapor in the air I can make a waterfall." He said winking at Rachel. He was getting too comfortable. It was probably the atmosphere honestly, like a bunch of uni kids at student union. At least that was the vibe he was getting.

"Also not to brag but I'm pretty fluent in Old Norse, and I got Freya on speed dial." He said winking to no one in particular while lying about the latter statement. Freya didn't even know what he looked like.

As the other were talking and having a grand old time St Jacob thought that the group had forgotten why it was that they had been gathered. He was all for team building and being a community, but this was becoming much to lax for the Saint’s liking. It was his understanding that the Infernal intervention was a military, or at least a policing force, and it’s the purpose of bringing and keeping the world at balance. What he saw unfolding before him was a bunch of college kids displaying party tricks. Not to mention the actual animal that had made itself known. They were even forcing a beast to fight along side them?! First a deplorable halfbreed demon child, then a pagan god and a Djinn!? St. Jacob’s frustration was becoming more and more palatable. This team almost seemed like it was going to fall apart as soon as they got anywhere near a conflict. It seemed to St Jacob that it was his responsibility to remind everyone of the reason that they had been gathered. That this wasn’t a game or a place to have fun, but that they were selected to fight and win wars.
My abilities focus on controlling the battlefield and the flow of a battle. Like Mr. Cadogan I have the ability to nullify Aether manipulation. Making magic quite difficult to cast. “ St. Jacob fumbled with his habit for a moment and removed a large wooden cross that he had apparently kept tucked under his clothing. St. Jacob lifted the cross for all to see. He recited a prayer beseeching Shaddai to send the Holy Spirit among them and demonstrate his sovereignty over the world. The dim light of power in St Jacob’s eyes ignited as the divine might of Shaddai made itself known like a wall of water crashing down among them. Just as quickly as it came the oppressive power of Shaddai flowed out of the room and retreated back into St. Jacob, his eyes dimming back to normal as the power left.
I also have the power of Binding, something I’m sure Aziza would prefer I didn’t demonstrate.”
Sylvio Sylvio SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Eliasdagood Eliasdagood CaptainSully CaptainSully Ayama Ayama GumGumChomp GumGumChomp
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[class name="emain"] box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0 auto 50px; padding: 20px; width: calc(100% - 40px); max-width: 600px; font-size: initial; background: #fdfdfd; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; [/class] [class name="ewrap"] display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; margin-left: -20px; width: calc(100% + 20px); [/class] [class name="eicon"] flex: 1 0 150px; margin-left: 20px; width: 100%; max-width: 150px; background: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6y45o6wdebuq8qe/EmmaIcon.jpg') top left/150px 225px no-repeat; [/class] [class name="edescription"] flex: 5 0 200px; margin-left: 20px; max-width: 400px; [/class] [class name="esubheader"] font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; font-size: 1.0em; color: #777777; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class name="etext"] margin-top: 10px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 0.9em; color: #777777; line-height: 135%; text-align: justify; [/class] [class name="etags"] margin-top: 10px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 125%; color: #777777; text-align: justify; [/class] [div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://cdn140.picsart.com/247864493017202.jpg?r1024x1024') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="JP" style="margin-top: 25px;"] rachel valac [/div] [div class="EN"] wash-out evocator [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] common area
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] [/div] [div class="bodytext"] "Hey man, don't be a buzzkill. I didn't hurt him or nothing." she rolled her eyes at the crow, turning her attention back to Leo as "Trust me, I can do a lot more than just that. I just didn't want to hurt your cute little face." she joked as a yeti suddenly joined them. "Oh, hey. Nice explosion." commented Rachel, whistling as Leo suddenly took his shirt off. "If you wanted, we could have a little match. Seems that your little magic cancelation trick didn't seem to work much against what I did. Am I just too powerful for you or something?" she prodded, her shit-eating grin as wide as ever.

"Ooh, another hydromage. Good to know. But can you do this?" she asked, popping open the cap of the rather large canteen she keeps on her, forming a thin barrier of water in the air. "Obviously it'd be much thicker in combat, but I don't want to destroy the floors." she explained as the water cleanly went back inside the canteen. As soon as she finished her explanation, the old man began to talk. "What are you on about? Wait, don't tell me you're-" she was suddenly interrupted by a bright flash of light, and instinctively jumped on top of Mel to protect him. The most it would do was blind her, but Mel could be seriously hurt. When it vanished, she angrily turned to the saint "What the hell, man?! Are you high or something?!" [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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Aziza was fine just watching everyone, up until the priest decided to: A. demonstrate magic that’s inherently harmful to at least one person in the room, and B. Call her out in the process. Her calm, playful demeanor evaporates, her eyes wide, and seeming to even be shaking a bit.

When she speaks, her voice sounds tense, and a higher pitch. “Yep. Please don’t. Just remembered something, I’ll be in our room.” She forces out, before teleporting into the room she shares with Crowfather, and collapsing against the wall, gritting her teeth hard to prevent anyone hearing her attempts not to cry.
CHARACTERS: None LOCATION: Her room ACTIONS: Attempting to not break down
[class=bg] background-color: #fffeea; margin: 20px 60px; padding: 15px; border: 4px solid #271A2A; border-radius: 10px; position: relative; height: 600px; width: auto; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=info1] border: 3px double #271A2A; border-radius: 10px; background-color: #A393A2; width: 200px; height: 200px; position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 40px; color: #814B60; font-family: Kalam; font-size: 20px; [/class] [class=img] border: 3px double #271A2A; border-radius: 20px; width: 275px; height: 200px; background: url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/480587605377941507/665645355815272478/Amelia.jpg); box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 375px; [/class] [class=info2] border: 3px double #271A2A; border-radius: 10px; background-color: #A393A2; width: 200px; height: 200px; position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 800px; color: #814B60; font-family: Kalam; font-size: 16px; [/class] [class=container] box-sizing: border-box; width: 950px; height: 340px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name=scroll] box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 340px; position: absolute; top: 250px; overflow-Y: scroll; overflow-X: hidden; [/class] [class=post] color: #271A2A; font-family: Dosis; text-align: justify; padding-right: 70px; padding-left: 50px; [/class] [div class=bg] [div class=img][/div] [div class=info1] Amelia Quinton
“Eyes are useless when the mind is blind. Ps, the heart's a misleading bitch." [/div][div class=info2]Location:: I.I. Base, dorm 3/common area
Mentioned/Interacting:: everyone
Items:: brace-flask, phone
Actions:: Protective/Antagonizing [/div]
[div class=scroll][div class=post] After finishing up with her clothing, Amelia clipped her phone to its case on her belt and noted that despite the function-over-fashion bracelet on her wrist, she maintained her proper airs. The blue grey pantsuit that clung to her curves and draped over her legs completed with heeled boots was accented nicely by her hair color and the platinum manicure on her fingers. And of course, a decent amount of cleavage showed. Part of the Quintons reputation was leaving just enough for the imagination when it came to their attire.

"Go right ahead, I don't mind," was the answer to his query. "I'm Amelia," she told Divan as she briefly watched him fiddle with his own belongings before hearing some excitement beyond the open door.

She strode to the doorframe and leaned against it while taking in the additions that had arrived. "Looks like the stragglers are arriving," Amelia commented, managing to catch the tail end of some if the current conversation. Her brows furrowed as her eyes darkened. She didn't mind a drinking competition or the show and tell of abilities. What she did mind, however, was that the half demon was nursing a hand - seeming a bit crestfallen no less, and the obvious man of the cloth. She knew going in that she'd have to deal with believers of various gods and the like, though she had hoped to keep a fair distance. That wasn't going to be an option now. With a sigh and glance back at Divan, Amelia made her way back into the fold of the group.

She started to open her mouth to explain her own abilities when the holy man spoke and gave his own demonstration, which caused a flickering scene to play in her head - one where the half-demon became gravely injured, and in response, she started to move to guard him. The vision cleared her mind, and she saw that that the only other human woman was shielding him already with her own body, and the half-demon in hopefully fine condition. Relieved yet infuriated, her usually soft features hardened into a look of scorn as she turned just as the thinly veiled threat, as it seemed to her, was issued. "Oh, he's high alright," Amelia confirmed as she took the foreground at the holy man. "High on the 'greater authority' he answers to. Listen up, Padre," she seethed, "no one here is responsible for what they are, only who they are. You've shown your colors. Let me show you mine, for I am Amelia Quinton, an heiress of that name. I've come here with purpose, and right now, you're starting to fuck with that." The sclera of her eyes glowed for moment before she had herself under control, and she continued, "The djinn you just scared out of here and this hybrid, they will be under my protection and thus my family's, from you. So please, make something of it." [/div][/div] [/div]

Amelia Quinton

“Eyes are useless when the mind is blind. Ps, the heart's a misleading bitch."

Location:: I.I. Base, dorm 3/common area
Mentioned/Interacting:: adrian_ adrian_ Sylvio Sylvio SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Eliasdagood Eliasdagood CaptainSully CaptainSully Ayama Ayama GumGumChomp GumGumChomp St. Boethius St. Boethius
Items:: brace-flask, phone
Actions:: Protective/Antagonizing

After finishing up with her clothing, Amelia clipped her phone to its case on her belt and noted that despite the function-over-fashion bracelet on her wrist, she maintained her proper airs. The blue grey pantsuit that clung to her curves and draped over her legs completed with heeled boots was accented nicely by her hair color and the platinum manicure on her fingers. And of course, a decent amount of cleavage showed. Part of the Quintons reputation was leaving just enough for the imagination when it came to their attire.

"Go right ahead, I don't mind," was the answer to his query. "I'm Amelia," she told Divan as she briefly watched him fiddle with his own belongings before hearing some excitement beyond the open door.

She strode to the doorframe and leaned against it while taking in the additions that had arrived. "Looks like the stragglers are arriving," Amelia commented, managing to catch the tail end of some if the current conversation. Her brows furrowed as her eyes darkened. She didn't mind a drinking competition or the show and tell of abilities. What she did mind, however, was that the half demon was nursing a hand - seeming a bit crestfallen no less, and the obvious man of the cloth. She knew going in that she'd have to deal with believers of various gods and the like, though she had hoped to keep a fair distance. That wasn't going to be an option now. With a sigh and glance back at Divan, Amelia made her way back into the fold of the group.

She started to open her mouth to explain her own abilities when the holy man spoke and gave his own demonstration, which caused a flickering scene to play in her head - one where the half-demon became gravely injured, and in response, she started to move to guard him. The vision cleared her mind, and she saw that that the only other human woman was shielding him already with her own body. Relieved yet infuriated, her usually soft features hardened into a look of scorn as she turned just as the thinly veiled threat, as it seemed to her, was issued. "Oh, he's high alright," Amelia confirmed as she took the foreground at the holy man. "High on the 'greater authority' he answers to. Listen up, Padre," she seethed, "no one here is responsible for what they are, only who they are. You've shown your colors. Let me show you mine, for I am Amelia Quinton, an heiress of that name. I've come here with purpose, and right now, you're starting to fuck with that." The sclera of her eyes glowed for moment before she had herself under control, and she continued, "The djinn you just scared out of here and this hybrid, they will be under my protection and thus my family's, from you. So please, make something of it."
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