Important Documents


I drink coffee, oh and I love my fish waifus :>
This topic, will be devoted to extra material inside the world of this RP. Such as extra entries of Alseia's dairy, excerpts from other prominent figures, or just information regarding specific people, creatures, magic, science, locations, etc. You can include things of your own as well, but please PM me for review before posting in this topic. It's not required to add stuff into here, but if you want to have an extra hand in creating more lore and setting for this world, please feel free to!
(Excerpt from Alseia's dairy. Date: 3/25/1821)

In a kingdom, far, far away, sits a little rebellion, which is laying on top of a dormant curse. A volcano about to erupt, and to cast it's glowing hot magma over everything, anyone looked up to for guidance and support. The Empire of Crestodom, easily the strongest and largest country in all of the known world. People flock to it's always open borders from distant lands, just to get a taste of the endless fortune that pours out of it's open gates. No one is unhappy, even those very few poor people amidst the normal, and rich alike. When the Royal Military walks on by the crowded streets, there is never an upheaval, upset, or uproar. The people see them as their protectors, and the only thing standing between utter destruction, and continuous freedom and peace we know. The outer countries and kingdoms stopped trying to conquer this bastion of glory, and instead changed to offering as much support as they possibly could to continue it's ambitious growth. Truly, what could go wrong?...if it wasn't for the curse. Oh, my dearest dairy, this is most likely my last entry into you, and I hope you will treasure it as much as I shall. Hopefully one day, scholars may find this buried amidst the ruin, and learn of what we once were. I suppose I should detail in the most important factors into our downfall, if we shall avoid it in the future.

In case the rest of this dear book is burned or ruined, let me sign myself in. I, am Alseia Nochfolger, Zekund's apprentice, as he is the Royal Sorcerer. I've been under his care and tutoring, to prepare me to succeed him when the time came. Sadly, it came all too soon. I remember, starting almost three months ago, he began growing very...odd, in his behavior. He even started forming meetings with Ferraniad, the Royal Scientist of all people! I knew something big was happening, or at least, going to happen soon. However, since I was merely the apprentice, why tell me anything? Not like I'm important...sorry, emotions are tense right now. Anyways, my suspicions were accurate. The night before it happened...Zekund came up to me in my study, and told me something I could never forget. It's haunted my dreams ever since. "Alseia, everything is about to change. We couldn't stop it, no matter how hard we tried. Our demise is on the horizon, and it will be fair and just vengeance for our deeds. Please, take care of the Princess. Only you have the wisdom to save our future, and our past." Truthfully, my dearest dairy, I still don't understand why it happened. What deed is worth what occurred that day? that I think about it, I'm certain history books will not detail the events with precision. I suppose I should tell you what it is, exactly, that went down that day.

I was awoken to alarm bells ringing everywhere, echoing throughout the entire city, possibly even further then that. No one bothered to tell me what happened. After all, I'm only the future Royal Sorcerer, why should I be kept in the loop? Took me a long time to put the pieces together, but here is what I know of it. Sometime during the night, with no eye witnesses of it occurring, the Emperor, and all his direct subordinates...disappeared. Gone, without the slightest trace. Almost like some unseen deity swept them from our world entirely, some foul magic...or curse. That's when I remembered what Zekund told me the night before. Truthfully, I hadn't taken it very seriously. While he was once a great and intelligent mind, over the months, he had become near insane. I feel like I know why now. I treated him so badly, when I knew nothing of the misery he had to deal with. I can only imagine, he was trying to find a way to overcome this impending doom. Even going as far as teaming with the Royal Scientist, just to find an answer. But no longer matters. The Emperor, the Royal Sorcerer, the Royal Scientist, all the of the generals, advisers, prominent lords and ladies....the only people who could properly lead this kingdom, gone. The Princess is still here, but it's not like she knows how to rule. 

Honestly, she is just a child yet. How could a young girl, not even legally old enough to lead the country, supposed to do just that? Apparently, I'm not the only one who thought like this either. Sadly, most took it a bit farther than I. The kingdom fell into a deep sadness, which then morphed absurdly quickly into anarchy. Everyone began pinning the blame on the Princess, somehow believing that she planned all this just to become Empress before it was her proper time. Ludicrous, yes. But nonetheless, the rally cry was heard, and nearly everyone believed it. Even now, I can hear their chants for, 'justice', outside the castle walls. The guards have been trying to stop them all day, but they've been progressively falling back against the riots, and I fear that soon, all of us inside will be forced to sub come to the will of whatever the masses wish for. Hopefully a peaceful execution at best..."Please, take of the Princess. Only you have the wisdom to save our future, and our past". Why did you have to tell me that master? I'm just the apprentice. I barely know how to conjure spirits to my whim, let alone how to save our kingdom from these murderous peasants!...or, perhaps I'm thinking too large? Maybe, if I only focus on saving the Princess...we might have a future. Master, is that what you've been trying to tell me all along? dearest dairy, I'm about to embark on the hardest, and stupidest adventure of all. Wish me luck. If nothing in history ever mentions me, let's hope it's for a good reason...
(Excerpt from the Royal Archives - The Magisch Observatorium. Author - Unknown.)

Within the ancient history of this great Empire, exists many wonders and mysteries. Some so old and grand, that few know about, or remember them. Others, having been killed for the information they possessed. While it may not be within a list of the most secretive, the Magisch Observatorium is certainly not common knowledge. Only the highest ranking members of the Empire bare any semblance of acknowledgment for this great marvel of science and nature, and even fewer fully understand it. As it is, this document as of the time of it's writing, is the only surviving written work, detailing it in any form. For the Empire and it's mighty rulers, may it never be destroyed, or fall into corrupted hands. 

The Magisch Observatorium, is listed in the old language. In our current tongue, it is better known as, 'the Magical Observatory.' Truly, it is a testament to how powerful, and how frightening, a Royal Sorcerer is. Indeed, this marvel was constructed by one of our own esteemed members of the court. Specifically, John Femmden, though better known as, 'the Shadowed One'. He was given such a nickname, partially for this achievement. If you would like to learn more about this man, I recommend the work of Hemyui Gergen, who has extensively researched and studied the life of John. However, I wish to focus on the Magical Observatory, for the sake of this document. But it's noteworthy, that much of the information included does come from Hemyui's work. All that said, allow me to re-track myself to this topic. It is common knowledge, that John was highly interested in natural magic. He believed it to be a seldom researched area, that had far more potential then most would offer it credit for. To this end, he sought out to create a wonder of some form, that would provide undeniable proof to his cause. Whether by fate or accident, the Empress of that time ordered her Sorcerer to make something for the Kingdom. A tunnel system. The concept was simple in nature, but something that would take hundreds of years for normal men to do. 

Without hesitation, as he never did wish to upset the Empress, set out immediately. Within no more then a year, the project was completed. Expansive tunnels, both natural and forged, were elaborately created. Some say they expand over five thousand meters, others less or more. The exact number is unknown, and for good reason. The purpose of the tunnels originally, was to provide a way of escape for any of the Royal Court in times of danger. With such a winding and curving path, it's doubtful it would fail in it's goal of protecting anyone needing it. Sadly, other's proved to use these for devious causes. But that is neither here, nor there. John lost his inspiration in all of this work, when he located something marvelous underground. In a portion of the caves, according to other documents, in the deepest depths of their reach, laid a crack in reality. A point in time and space, that was open to endless other points and time. An observatory of the entire cosmos, and even beyond. A place where it was said, that you could traverse into any other reality with endless possibilities. For a few years, John studied this place, noting down everything about it. But through those notes, he discovered something disturbing. For reasons unknown to us, as the Sorcerer didn't note down the cause, this crack began to repair itself. It was slow, but steady, and would no longer be here. John, however, refused to allow this. Setting out on a journey of his own, taking leave from all of his Royal duties, he tried to find a way to stop this.

Exactly how he did it, still is shrouded in mystery. Most agree that it was saved through witchcraft, a deep curse of sorts, formed from the spell of the Divine Tree. All we truly know, is that around the same time John Femmden disappeared from this Earth, the tree was grown. It's roots woven into the many portals of the mysterious crack in reality. Each of it's roots serve as a single point to enter into those other realms, as the closing portals couldn't sever them. But now, only though the use of intense nature magic to connect with the tree, can one traverse into a portal. From testing however, it's been proven that the Divine Tree can no longer offer entrance to any other universe. Using it, merely teleports you to a different spot in our current Earth. This has caused many to question the authenticity of the original Magisch Observatorium, that John decreed was truth, as no evidence exists now to prove it's existence. I personally, feel as though it was falsified, either by time, or credit to John himself, for reasons unknown. Either way, the Divine Tree still provides a purely random destination in our world to travel to, so it's still considered a marvel of our age. 

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