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Realistic or Modern If I Die Young, Bury Me In Satin | Main





bedroom ---> kitchen




Evie ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ); Ava/Jace ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ); Cameron

Caleb Thompson

Caleb couldn't deny that he wanted Evie to just do exactly what he'd said: tell her mind to shut up, look at him, and kiss him. He still remembered how her lips felt under his, but that had been so long ago. He wanted to feel them again, and he didn't feel right just leaning in and kissing her. Not again. He hadn't given her a choice that time, but this time, he wanted it to be of her own accord. When he'd kissed her and left, it hadn't been fair at all to her, but this time he would make his emotions clear-- or try to-- but it would be Evie who would have to make the first move.

Her words in the bathroom echoed in his head all night, even as she slipped out of his arms and left the bathroom. He lingered in there for some time, just thinking. No one even interrupted him, but eventually, he left the room as well and headed to his own bed. Falling onto it, he lay there wide awake for a little while before eventually passing out. When he awoke the next morning, he stumbled out of the room back into the bathroom, not even paying attention to who was in the room with him. Emptying the contents of his stomach into the toilet, he groaned when he finished and stood.

Making sure to brush his teeth, he went back into the room and changed clothes, still half asleep. Tossing his clothes onto what he hoped was his suitcase, he turned and ventured back out into the house, hearing voices coming from the kitchen. "Fuck, what time is it?" He blinked rapidly as he stepped into the bright room, the scent of the wonderful breakfast that Evie had cooked suddenly slapping him in the face. His eyes widened as he stared at everything, nearly drooling on himself before he snapped out of it and sent a sheepish look towards the others.

"Well, g'morning, all." Caleb nodded towards the coffeepot behind Ava, heading in that direction. "Definitely gonna need some of shit. Where's everyone else?" He asked, grabbing himself a mug to pour some coffee into. He too kept it black, turning back around as he sipped at it and looking at everyone else. "What? Why is everyone being so quiet?" He finally looked over at Jace, and then Cameron, and then finally his gaze slid to Evie and he remembered everything. "Fuck..." He held his coffee in one hand and rubbed his temples with the other, scoffing slightly at his own stupidity before he dropped his hand and looked up. "It's too early for this shit."

All I wanna do is let you in
But good guys never win

♡design by urzula, coded by uxie♡

Whitney Jeffries

Morning came like an unexpected visitor. Whitney hadn’t even realized she had fallen asleep until the feeling of someone shifting beside her stirred her, and then the gentle tickle of hair being pushed out of her face woke her senses. Letting out a soft sigh, the brunette turned a little, trying to prolong her rest as long as possible. The Malibu had momentarily erased the previous day from her subconscious, and Up until this point, the nerd had assumed that the warm body next to her was Sebastian. But after feeling the bean bag give way under her movement, she realized she wasn’t in a normal bed, and Wes’s kiss on her forehead was the final clue that Sebastian wasn’t the man next to her. He never kissed her forehead to wake her, let alone at all. Hey there, sleepyhead. We fell asleep up here last night. Sounds like someone is making breakfast, are you hungry?

Hearing Wes’s voice coaxing her awake was more effective than any buzzing alarm clock, snd Whit let out a small gasp of surprise as her eyes flashed open. She sat up quickly, nearly head butting Wes in the process snd glanced around at the loft in confusion before the previous day’s events returned to her. She’d broken up with Sebastian, traveled to the cabin with her friends, been dared into the closet with Wes, and… Whit covered her mouth with one hand as she recalled the kisses she’d shared with the man beside her, and her cheeks flushed a little as she glanced at Wes and then the beanbag. Her liquid courage had worn off, and the nerd’s mind was already overthinking everything.

Had she snored last night? Did she have morning breath? Oh my gosh, was her hair a mess right now? Did the others realize they never came to bed? What would Ava think? What did Wes think? Was he regretting the dare? The last concern sent Whit’s gaze back to meet Wes’s blue eyes and she relaxed a little. He didn’t look upset, and had kissed her forehead to wake her rather than slipping away when he had the chance. Wes’s words finally sunk in, and Whit realized he’d asked her a question.

“Oh, um, yeah I could eat…” Whitney replied, subtly trying to tame any possible bedhead she might be sporting. “And good morning!” She added with a shy smile. Inside Whit was both over the moon to be waking up next to Wesley Frost, and totally freaking out in a completely geeky way. It wasn’t that he made her nervous- he’d always been easy to talk to- but this was unfamiliar territory that Whit never thought she’d find herself in. She’d hoped to when she was younger, but never thought it would actually come true.

Stretching her arms a bit before pushing herself awkwardly out of the beanbag, Whit stood up and offered her hand to help Wes up as well. It was more just a gesture, since Whit had no false notion that she was strong enough to single handedly pull him up without him doing most of the work. It was the thought that counted though. Right?

Hearing voices from downstairs start to collect in the kitchen, Whitney realized that there’d be no way to sneak off the loft undetected. She and Wes hadn’t really done anything to be embarrassed about, but the optics could look bad, and Whit didn’t know what Ava would think. How did girl code in this situation work? Or even more than that, sister code? Though, on the flip side, thinking back to the hockey game she and Wes reminisced about the night before, Whit had already had a crush on Wes when Ava started dating him. Whit hadn’t told Ava about it before, but she hadn’t thought to since Ava hadn’t shown much interest in him while Whit had babbled on about how nice Wes was for lending his jersey for a week after that. Oh well, all water under the bridge now.

“How are you feeling?” Whit asked, escaping her thoughts snd looking to Wes. Whit luckily just felt a little groggy rather than hungover, being the youngest in the group did have its advantages. She was still able to drink as much as she wanted without suffering the repercussions. Walking over to the railing she glanced down at the group, seeing the group in various stages of being awake and hungover. The food Evie was cooking smelled like a cure all for everything though.



nine lives


Parker Pierce

Parker had waited years for the unforgettable moments he shared with Ava in the kitchen and bunk bed. Well, at least at the time they seemed unforgettable. Unfortunately the clown had drunken himself into such a state that his extreme cuddling with Ava was eclipsed by a blackout. At some point in the night, after Ava had left him alone in bed, Parker’s bladder woke him and he dragged himself to the bathroom. It was only when he was standing in front of the toilet to pee that he realized he still wasn’t wearing any boxers.

One of his last coherent memories was the dare to go streaking out in the snow, and Parker managed to groggily deduce that his boxers must still be in the living room. After washing his hands the half awake lad stumbled to the living room, tripping on furniture he was unfamiliar with and muttering a few choice words as he felt around on the ground in the dark. After tracking down what he hoped were his boxers, Parker pulled them on and had every intention of returning to his bed… but somehow only made it to the comfortable couch that was so much closer and wouldn’t result in anymore stubbed toes.

The large room was chillier than the bedrooms, so throughout the night Parker kept warm by pulling as many blankets as he could find over himself. In the end, the clown was so buried beneath the pile of throws that the sun wasn’t able to penetrate his makeshift hibernation den. Dead to the world in the morning thanks to the lingering effects of all the booze, Parker didn’t even hear Evie prepare breakfast. It wasn’t until the rest of the gang began joining her in the kitchen that the cacophony of voices finally woke the sleeping bear.

The pile of blankets appeared to come to life like some sort of monster, accompanied by a long groan from Parker as he finally came to. “Fuuuuucckkkk…” He yawned, stretching out as he sat up on the couch and shoved most of the blankets off him. The smell of the delicious breakfast Evie had cooked up finally reached his nostrils and the clown perked up a little. “Is that what I think it is?” He asked, getting up and looking over towards the kitchen where the group had gathered. “A home cooked breakfast? Hell yeah!” Parker chuckled a little, gathering a blanket around him and shuffling into the kitchen.

Sure, he had a hangover, but what was new? Drinking and late nights were something he’d become accustomed to in LA so this was par for the course. Usually though, he didn’t have any food waiting for him and would have to hit a McDonald’s or something if he wanted to eat. “Evie, you are my hero!” He declared, unknowingly echoing Cam’s praises. It took a few moments for Parker to read the room, but Caleb seemed to be a little awkward and suddenly he noticed that a few people were sporting some battle bruises. Even the little blonde he’d come to stand by.

“What the fuck guys? Y’all get into a fight or something while I was sleeping?” Parker asked, glancing from Cam’s busted lip, to Caleb and Jace’s bruised faces, and then to Evie’s bandaged hand. “You too Evie?!” He asked, shocked. Suddenly a look of panic flitted across his face and he grabbed a nearby spoon to check his reflection in it to make sure he wasn’t sporting a black eye too. It would be just his luck to have been in a fight while blacked out and not remember it. Satisfied that he didn’t look or feel damaged, Parker let out a breath of relief. “Good, not my fault…” He sighed, pretending to wipe sweat off his brow. “It wasn’t, right?” He added, just to be sure. He couldn’t really remember anything after being freezing cold out in the snow so what he did after that was anyone’s guess.

“What happened though, seriously?” Parker inquired, sneaking a piece of bacon from the plate and taking a bite. His stomach was a little queasy but he was determined to push through. “Ava, you look unscathed at least!” He noted, shooting her a grin. “Were you the ref in the boxing match?” He joked, taking another bite of bacon as he looked over at her, appreciating how cute she looked even if a little hungover.


Livingroom> Kitchen

nine lives


The steam from the coffee drifted from the rim of the mug up into the air, filling her nose with its bitter, earthy smell. It was calming, a nostalgic yet sad reminder of time spent with her parents. The cafe always smelled of fresh coffee, her mother selling it to diner patrons as well as using it in her baked goods. Her father always had his black, claiming that it helped him concentrate better. But Evie knew her mother snuck some sugar into his mug every now and again. Even though the hot bitter liquid wasn't her favorite, she still drank it without sugar or cream. As the years passed, she found her memories of her parents fading a bit. The minute, specific details of their faces blurred in her mind. It was small, but drinking black coffee was something she could do to still feel a connection to her parents, despite how long they've been gone.

A familiar voice pulled Evelyn from her thoughts, drawing her attention to the pretty brunette entering the room. "Good morning," she responded over the rim of her coffee mug. A slight smirk played on her lips as she realized the light bothered Ava. While she had a mild headache, the other woman seemed a little more hungover. Evie took a step out of the way to let her have access to the coffee pot, shrugging her shoulders. "It's no big deal, I enjoy cooking. Help yourself to whatever your want." Ava's follow-up question caught Evie off-guard, and she nearly choked on her coffee. Thankfully, the entrance of Cam followed by Jace saved her from answering. Though Cam was sporting an injured lip, they both seemed to be in good spirits. That combined with their arrival at the same time led Evie to believe that their night had ended substantially better than hers.

"I've made plenty, so help yourself to whatever you want," the brunette baker responded, taking another sip from her steaming mug. Green eyes scanned the room, settling on Caleb as he entered. Her stomach immediately dropped, anxiety spiking a bit. She became acutely aware of the stinging in her palm from last night's injury. Realizing from Caleb's words that the room had gone quiet, Evie met his gaze before looking back down into her mug. At least she wasn't the only one who remembered the night before, even if it seemed as though Parker and Ava didn't. "I accidentally fell outside, it's no big deal," the brunette answered Parker, smiling slightly as she shrugged one shoulder. She was trying to be as nonchalant as possible, not wanting to cause any more drama than there already was. It was supposed to be a fun trip, not stressful.

Deciding that changing the subject might be her best option, Evelyn glanced around the room at their small group. "So what do you all think we should do today? Our first official day at the cabin?" she asked, taking another sip from her mug as she pondered her own question. If Anna were there, she would have had a list of possible activities, ideas of ways to strengthen their friendships under the guise of fun. While Evie was responsible, she wasn't exactly a planner. That combined with the cold weather made her lean towards staying indoors for the day. But she knew she needed to blow off some steam, as did the others. And so a thought came to her head. "Maybe we should head up to the slopes? For old time's sake?"

the new girl


♡coded by uxie♡

Waking up that morning, Wesley couldn't help but feel a sense of calm. For the first time in a long time, he didn't feel the crushing weight of expectations pushing down on his shoulders. Hell, he hadn't even checked his email in over twelve hours, and that was a feat in and of itself. For a brief moment, Wes considered finding his phone, know there was probably a plethora of messages. Not only was the Frost Corporation's marketing department expecting decisions from him, but so was his own shadow tech company. That thought set his heart racing a bet, anxiety creeping up the back of his neck and making the hairs there stand on end. Wesley hated the feeling of failure, knowing he should be doing something and not. Some would say that was what made him a successful businessman. Wes, however, knew it was what made him bad at relationships.

A playful grin turned up the corners of his lips as Whitney practically jumped up, barely missing slamming her forehead into his. Her eyes held confusion, and for a moment, Wes was afraid she had forgotten the night they had spent together. But, her surprised expression combined with the pink tinge on her cheeks lead him to believe she did remember at least something. He could only hope it was the cuddles and the kisses, because he would be happy to do that again. Who knew that a simple, childhood game of Truth or Dare would get him to act on the feelings he had always had, but was too afraid to confront. His parents were furious when he and Ava broke up, making sure to tell him that the business was going to suffer because of him and his immature feelings. Truth be told, the business hadn't suffered at all. But his parents made sure never to admit that to him, or apologize.

The brunette man waited for Whitney to pull herself out of the bean bag before following suit. He took her hand, her touch sending tingles along his palm, and stood, stretching his arms above his head and letting out a deep sigh. Wes knew he was still wearing the clothes from the night before. But there was no such thing as walks of shame amongst friends. And he certainly wouldn't considered leaving the loft with Whitney a walk of shame. Wes briefly wondered how Ava would feel about him and Whitney. But, he honestly didn't really think she would care. Their relationship had been purely transactional, and their friendship was definitely platonic. If anything, he figured Ava would be happy for them. At least, he hoped she would.

"Got a bit of a headache. But otherwise I think I'm okay. How about you? Sleep okay? Was the bean bag comfortable enough for you?" Wesley asked, smiling down at the pretty brunette beside him. He followed her to the railing, peering down below where their friends had gathered around what appeared to be a buffet made by Evie. "I don't know about you, but that bacon is calling my name. Let's go get something to eat," he continued, turning to head down the stairs from the loft without a care of who saw them together. Reaching the kitchen, Wesley immediately grabbed a piece of bacon to munch on, hearing Evelyn's final question. "Oh, that sounds like a blast! It's been forever since I've gone skiing or snowboarding. I wonder if any of us even still have the balance for it. We might have to start small at the bunny slopes. Whatever the case, I think we should go. Are you all in?"

the prince


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

Ava Novak




getting so much better



Evie ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ), Parker, Whit ( Desert_Blossom Desert_Blossom )

The last thing Ava truly remembered was seeing three naked men coming to join them. And that she decided to take care of one of them and make Parker a cup of hot chocolate. Her brain was not trying hard to remember and it was still too soon for that kind of work but even later, as she would be reminiscing about the first night back at the cabin, tasting the rum infused with hot chocolate was the last memory for the brunette lawyer and from there, nothing. Just blank, a black hole she filled with her own version of how her night went Considering she woke up in bed, naked and alone, she had to really get wasted even more and not care about consequences. Back then, a few years ago, this would not be a surprising moment. Before the forced relationship with Wes, Ava was living the life and waking up in bed all naked was not unusual. The only difference was that there was always a warm body of a hot boy who kept her up for most of the night. Apparently, now she was condemned to less fun nights.

Completely forgetful about her nocturnal activities, it never occurred to Ava she might have thrown all inhibitions away and she just popped her Ibuprofens and grabbed the largest mug of coffee there was. All that food looked delicious but her stomach was still churning from the alcohol consumed. But they say you should eat, right? And while she was never exactly a star of the chemistry class, she remembered this one little thing, fat dissolves alcohol, or something like that. Ava needed that bacon as its smell was turning and swirling around her nose, making it hard for her to think about anything else.

Kitchen was slowly filling with people. Cam and Jace came next and despite her hungover state, Ava didn’t fail to notice how all buddy-buddy they were. Good! At least someone reconnected last night! Caleb came in next and moved for the coffee pot behind her. Ava moved away from the counter to stop blocking the brown life bringer and headed towards that one thing she was yearning for the whole morning. Her fingers reached for the strips of bacon and she brought one to her mouth, almost moaning over the crispy salty treat. She got so focused on filling her tired stomach with solid food, she never noticed the bruises on others’ faces. Well, what else was new? Everyone knew her and that Ava Jeffries was not exactly focused on anything until she took care of herself first.

Only when Parker joined the group and started to point out there might have been a fight, Ava lifted her gaze and looked around. For sure, Caleb’s face shone in colors and so did Jace’s. Cam sported a busted lip and there was a bandage around Evie’s hand. “Damn, guys. Some party, huh?” she smirked, reaching for a toast. “Seriously, though. What were you doing? I think I might have blacked out at one point and the last thing I remember clearly are your white asses coming from outside.” she laughed, pointing at the three guys standing in the room. “Ref? Dude, if there was a fight, I wish I’ve seen.” she then chuckled, looking at Parker. His smile was ever-present and the hair perfectly messy as always. As if nothing changed. Her own lips curled in a smile and she’d say something more but Evie’s questions came.

Before anyone else answered, a new voice spoke up and Ava turned around to see that Wes and Whit were now found. “I’d be down to go. We’ve drunk enough for one day so maybe some fun time on the slopes wouldn’t hurt. Anyone interested in race?” Ava added her piece with a smug grin twisting her lips. Her brain was still finding it hard to function fully and thinking hurt but a few questions still popped up in her head, seeing her little sister coming in with the high school prince. “Morning, you two.” she chirped, moving to her sister. “You had a good night there?” Ava’s elbow found its way to Whit’s ribs, nudging her softly in a teasing way as she took a large gulp from her coffee.

code by g o l d i e l o x x

Jace Christiansen




just like old times



Cam, Caleb ( apolla apolla ), Evie ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat )

Moment like this was what Jace always dreamed of. Ever since he realized the girl, who was a polar opposite of him, was the one capturing his heart, Jace wanted to hide her in his arms, hug her tight and never let go. His past was not rainbows and unicorns but he was ready to change, to forget everything and everyone and be the best man for Cameron Hale, the best one she deserved. Until that breaking point when her daddy dearest interfered and Jace knew he lost her forever. It only sent him spiraling into even worse version of himself and a few more strikes appeared on his record. Then again, maybe it was for the best as it made him the man he was today. And Cam was in his arms anyway. In a twisted way of looking at it, maybe all that shit was meant to happen to shape both of them before they could spend the night with their bodies wrapped around each other.

But honestly, nothing could ever beat the look Jace got when he finally opened his eyes and there she was, the blonde goddess with her halo of hair spilled around her head. Sun rays, crawling their way in through blinders, reflected in the strands of her hair and if Jace hadn’t been hungry like a pack of wolves, he would have never let her go away from that bed. Cam looked so peaceful asleep and Jace would watch her for hours and just lay there by her side, trying to make up for all those years they lost.

Cam finally opened her eyes and rolled to her side, hiding her face in Jace’s chest. She was a morning whiner but he found it adorable and it even elicited a small laugh from him. “I assure you, this was no dream. Want me to prove it?” he grinned, readying his fingers to her side to tickle her. But Cam decided it was time to get up as well and it was bacon that brought her up to her feet. “Really? Bacon gets you up in the morning?” Jace laughed but followed the blonde, not even bothering with the shirt. It wasn’t like the others had never seen him before. It was just last night he was running around the house buck naked so they could survive one shirtless morning, right? Though Jace was sure there was no one who would actually mind. If nothing else, he could present his new tattoos.

“Morning, everyone.” he hollered upon his grand arrival by Cam’s side, everyone being Evie and Ava for the time being. “I see not everyone is a morning person.” he grinned and made himself a small plate, sampling a little bit of everything Evie made. “I might owe you a favor or two for this.” the bulky man winked at Evie and stuffed his mouth with toast, moaning over the taste. His mouth was too full to talk but he did look at the baker again, making appreciative noises and pointing at the plate. Then he lifted his thumb up to make sure the message was fully delivered and kept on stuffing his face.

Slowly but surely, the kitchen filled with everyone and even Wes and Whitney made their appearance. Jace, whose mouth was finally empty, sported a grin. “Long way from the closet I see.” he teased them, setting his empty plate on the counter. His arm snaked around Cam’s shoulders and he pulled her closer gently. “Slopes you say, Evie? Let’s do it. Let’s see if you all still have it.” His laughter filled the kitchen and for a moment, it felt like old times. Until Jace’s gaze fell upon Caleb.

Biting his lip for a second, Jace let go of Cam and walked to the stoner. “Hey, man. You think we could talk?” he asked, the look on his face sheepish and way softer than last night. Jace remembered what went down between them and that things were said and shit. And since they didn’t have their mediator here, it was up to Jace to fix it himself. Anna would have the most graceful way of dealing with this shit and something was telling Jace she would smack him harder than hard if he didn’t try to clean up his own mess here.

code by g o l d i e l o x x


excited to ski


kitchen ---> back upstairs




Jace/Ava ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ); Evie/Wes ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ); Whitney/Parker ( Desert_Blossom Desert_Blossom )

Cameron Hale

Waking up next to Jace was everything Cameron could have dreamed of and more. How many times had she wanted to do this, all those years ago? Or even just hold his hand, or kiss him? A slight flush crept onto her cheeks as she thought about those sensual kisses from the night before, the kisses that could have led to so much more had they both not gotten freaked out over a simple noise. But maybe their first time wasn't meant to be at the cabin, or at least not under an alcohol and adrenaline induced haze. Thankfully, Cam hadn't drank to the point of not remembering, and she was glad for that, because she wanted to remember everything that had happened. Well, maybe not the fight, but her busted lip was going to be a reminder of that.

Making their way down into the kitchen, she and Jace met Evie and Ava there. It wasn't long before the others joined them, and before she knew it, everyone was there. Wes and Whitney were the last to arrive, and Cam smirked along with a few others when they entered the room. Her eyes immediately flew over to Ava, but the brunette It Girl didn't seem phased by them entering together at all. Relaxing some, Cameron bit into her toast. She was glad that Evie had kept things vague about the fight when Parker asked. Even if it were blatantly obvious that something had gone down, Cam didn't want to be the one to bring the mood of the trip down, and apparently, neither did Evie. Cam shot the baker a thankful look before she took another bite of toast.

A moment later, Evie was asking about plans for the day, and Jace was suddenly sliding his arms around Cameron. She leaned into him automatically, laughing along with him and the others as he asked if they still had it. Stretching some to set her plate on the counter, she leaned her whole body into Jace again, tilting her head back to look up at the tattooed male. His face still looked a little swollen, and definitely colorful, but she was glad to see that he didn't look to be in too much pain. She hoped. Looking down again, her eyes landed on Caleb, and it seemed Jace's gaze landed on him at the same time. He suddenly let go of Cameron, and she watched as he approached Caleb, asking if the two of them could talk. Caleb hesitated before he nodded, and he led Jace into the living room.

Cameron watched them until they disappeared, and then she looked at the others in the room. Everyone looked so comfortable, and Cameron realized that she was, too. For the first time in quite some time, she felt like she belonged again. A small smile appeared on her face, and suddenly, she couldn't contain her happiness. "You guys... you have no idea how happy I am that you're here." She pushed off of the counter she'd leaned on, and she looked around at everyone. Even up until last night, she'd been slightly angry at the world, but now it seemed she'd been able to let that anger go now. She only hoped it stayed that way, and her own jealousy and insecurities didn't fight their way back up. "I'm so down for the slopes. Meet back here in twenty?" She waited until she got affirmation before she slipped from the room to go shower, grabbing a piece of bacon on the way.

I wanna feel the pain
I wanna see the light

♡design by urzula, coded by uxie♡


sore; sorry


kitchen ---> living room




Evie/wes ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ); Ava/Jace ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ); Whitney/Parker ( Desert_Blossom Desert_Blossom )

Caleb Thompson

It was safe to say that Caleb didn't wake up in the best of states. His whole body hurt, from the center of his forehead to his fucking toes. It didn't take long for him to remember everything from the night before as he stumbled through the house to find the bathroom, groaning as he even did that. He had no fucking idea what he was thinking, taking on Jace, of all people. The guy was the size of a house, for fuck's sake. But Caleb definitely remembered the jealousy that had shot through him when he stepped back outside with Cam and saw Jace hugging Evie. It was a simple hug, honestly, nothing but a friendly gesture. But at the time, Caleb hadn't been able to see that, and it led to a fight that had gotten not just one but both girls hurt. Along with him and Jace.

Fuck. Caleb made his way downstairs after making sure he was at least semi presentable, making a beeline for the coffee. Parker entered the room shortly after he did, coming from a pile of blankets in the living room. Caleb didn't say anything as he made his coffee, but his spoon clattered against his cup with Parker started asking questions about the night before. Clearing his throat, he turned around, sipping from his life-giving liquid as Evie answered, keeping the answer vague. He sighed in relief, glancing down at the coffee as the final two entered. He glanced up at Wes and Whit, thankful the conversation had moved on from what had happened the previous night. And then it moved on again when Evie brought up the slopes.

"I'm in." Caleb shrugged, having downed half of his coffee by now. It was still way too early for this shit. He could definitely crawl back in bed and sleep another twelve hours. He heard someone approaching him and looked up, straightening some when he realized it was Jace. Caleb's eyes shot towards Cameron, then they landed back on the muscled man in front of him. For a moment, a few sarcastic remarks popped into Caleb's head and a few of them were on the tip of his tongue. But after the night they'd had, Caleb knew they needed this. So he finally nodded, draining the rest of the hot coffee before he set the cup down. "I'll be back for you." He promised it, turning and nodding for Jace to follow him into the living room. He thought about going outside, but fuck that cold.

He stepped further into the other room, making sure they were out of earshot from the others in the kitchen. Turning around to face Jace, Caleb studied the other man's face. And after a few seconds of silence, he chuckled. And then the chuckles turned into outright laughter, and he reached up to run his fingers through his hair. "Fuck me, Jace. I really did not make smart choices last night." He finally said when he finished laughing, dropping his hand so he could look up at Jace. "And I know I shouldn't be laughing, but I'm laughing at my own stupidity. Listen, man... I'm sorry. For the things I said. And for starting the fight." He glanced down, then back up as he held out a hand for Jace to shake. "Can we just forget about it? Move on? The girls didn't deserve that, either..."

All I wanna do is let you in
But good guys never win

♡design by urzula, coded by uxie♡

Whitney Jeffries

It was unexpected, how easily the thrill of spending time with Wes the past 24 hours eclipsed any feelings Whitney had about her relationship with Sebastian ending. On the drive to meet the others at the school, the nerd had feared she’d put a shadow over the weeks ahead and would be dealing with bouts of sadness… but the sadness hadn’t hit her yet, and perhaps it never would. Her relationship with Sebastian hadn’t been terribly affectionate, and he’d been the one to pursue her until she gave in and accepted a date with him. Whit who had come out of her more awkward stage by college, hadn’t been used to the attention from men, so perhaps her flattered ego played a role in the relationship lasting longer than it should have. Plus, he was a man her parents approved of, and the connection with him got her an incredible job opportunity. She liked him, and did enjoy his company most of the time, but Sebastian had never made her feel the way she had when Wes kissed her… And so, as the playful grin quirked the corners of Wes’d mouth, the only guilt she felt for moving on from Sebastian so quickly was for NOT feeling guilty at all.
Once up, Whitney was pleased when Wes took her hand as he stood, each touch, even simple ones, making her stomach flutter. She glanced at him as he stretched, admiring him for a moment before catching herself and moving to the railing. She inquired how he was feeling, nodding at his reply, glad to hear he wasn’t feeling terribly ill. How about you? Sleep okay? What’s the bean bag comfortable enough for you? A laugh escaped Whit’s lips at his questions, immediately thinking to herself that her comfort last night had less to do with the beanbag than it did with the man beside her in it. “I slept great actually.” The brunette replied, returning Wes’s smile, “Though I’m not sure I’d give the beanbag all the credit…” She added, a little playfully.

Bacon was calling Wes’s name, so the pair joined the others downstairs, Whit trailing after the brunette man. They arrived just in time for Evie to suggest hitting the slopes, and Whit wasn’t quite as enthusiastic as the others at the idea. She had never been particularly athletic growing up, or coordinated for that matter, so skiing and snowboarding had always been an activity that brought Whit anxiety in the past. Well, particularly skiing because Whit hadn’t even dared to try snowboarding. Two boards strapped to her feet were hard enough, she didn’t need to confine herself to one.

Whit stuffed a piece of toast in her mouth to excuse her from responding to Wes’s query about whether any of them still had the balance for it, since she’d never had it to begin with. The brunette nearly choked on her toast though when Ava upped the ante by suggesting a race, and actually did choke when her sister nudged her ribs after asking if she and Wes had a good night. She just nodded, taking advantage of a small coughing fit to prevent her from answering with any more detail. Luckily Ava didn’t seem upset about the turn of events, but Whit still felt awkward about things. Had she known the true extent of Ava and Wes’s relationship being mostly for show though, she wouldn’t have felt like she was breaking some sister code.

It wasn’t until Jace added in his teasing comment about being far from the closet that Whit realized he and a few others were sporting injuries. She was curious about what all she and Wes had missed while…preoccupied, but she refrained from asking, figuring she’d get the story from one of the girls later. Noticing Jace and Cam looking rather cozy together, it seemed she’d missed a lot. Not that Whit minded, preferring the night she’d had to being current on all the gossip.

The teasing comments and looks in Wes and Whit’s direction ceased, much to the latter’s relief, as Jace and Caleb separated from the group to talk. Cameron took the opportunity to express how happy she was to be there with everyone, and Whit was touched by the sincerity of her words. So much so that she found herself nodding when Cam added she was excited for the slopes and that they should regroup in twenty once they were ready. Whether she liked it or not, Whit would give skiing her best shot, determined not to miss out on the group’s activities or seem lame in front of Wes. Plastering on a smile to hide her nerves, Whit grabbed one more piece of toast, before following after the blonde to get in line for the shower after her.



nine lives

Parker Pierce

Parker wasn’t sure if he was thankful or disappointed to have missed out on whatever had gone down the night before. Evie blamed her bandaged hand on falling outside, but that didn’t explain the bruises and busted lips on the other half of the group. Apparently he wasn’t the only one in the dark though, because Ava inquired further about what happened. The brunette laughed at Parker’s comment about her being the ref, and she smiled over at him, making the clown light up as his own grin widened.

Ava’s inquiry ultimately went unanswered, as Evie changed the subject to hitting the slopes just in time for Wes and Whitney to round out the group. Parker shot his best friend a grin, glancing between him and Whit with a raised eyebrow, but otherwise remained silent on the subject. Though, he couldn’t help but chuckle at Jace’s comment Long way from the closet I see. “You didn’t expect them to still be in there, eh?” He joked back at the tatted man. “But yeah, I’m down for some snowboarding. Would be good to test out the old skills again. I haven’t gotten to go since moving to Cali.”

Grabbing a plate, Parker began to load the food Evie prepared onto it for a proper breakfast. If they were gonna have a busy day ahead, he’d need his energy. Especially after not eating anything yesterday except Evie’s cinnamon roll. The clown glanced over at his friends as Jace and Caleb left the group to go talk, and he wondered if it had anything to do with their matching black eyes. Moving over next to Ava, he was about to ask what her theory was on last night when Cameron addressed the group. Parker grinned at her words and he stole Ava’s coffee mug as he raised it into the air. “Here here!” He cheered once the blonde had finished, glad to see her loosening up a bit. Especially when it came to Jace.

Cameron then disappeared to get ready, followed shortly after by Whit. Handing Ava her mug back, Parker glanced curiously between her and Wes. Neither seemed bothered or awkward around each other despite Wes showing up to breakfast with Ava’s younger sister, which was a relief to Parker. Firstly, because it meant Ava wasn’t jealous and that meant she must be completely over Wes (though her marriage should have been evidence enough). And secondly, because if Wes had moved on with another girl, then perhaps he wouldn’t care if Parker had feelings for his ex. Again though, Ava’s marriage was an obstacle there too… but surprisingly less of one to Parker than the risk of betraying his best friend.

Of course, little did Parker know that he’d already tossed both obstacles to the wind yesterday when he’d slept with Ava. With everyone focussed on other developing couples, his and Ava’s nightly activities had gone under the radar. Even for Parker and Ava themselves. The last thing the clown could recall was being bundled up in a blanket in the kitchen while Ava tried to fix him something to drink. Other than that, it was a blank, and Parker assumed he probably just passed out shortly after. It never even occurred to him that he’d confessed his feelings for the woman standing next to him. The married woman standing next to him.

Settling his gaze back on Ava, Parker cocked his head to the side as he took a bite of food. “If you really want to race Ava, I’ll take you on.” He grinned, waggling his eyebrows a little. He’d already scarfed down half his plate and was starting to get excited at the prospect of fresh snow on the slopes. He could just picture how cute Ava would be decked out in her snow gear flying down the mountain and wanted an excuse to stick close to her.

nine lives


The last time Evelyn was on the slopes was also the last time they had been to the cabin as a group. She remembered the cool wind biting at her cheeks as she drank hot cocoa, bundled up from head to toe. Chatter and laughter filled the air from her friends as they moved up and down the snowy hills. Some were making snow angels, others were racing on skis or snowboards, and some were starting a snowball fight. Evie had paused to savor the moment. But it was cut short by splat of the icy tundra knocking her disposable cup from her hands. "Hey! I wasn't finished with that!" she said in faux anger, green eyes searching for the culprit. She landed on Anna about twenty feet away, attempting to hide her laughter behind her gloved hands. "Oh, this means war," Evie teased, gathering a bit of snow to catapult back at her friend, and a massive snowball fight ensued.

The memory brought a smile to the brunette baker's face, one that she hid behind her mug of coffee. She had been so consumed in her own thoughts that she didn't even realize the rest of their small group had made their way into the kitchen, snacking and chatting away. Her smile faltered, however, as she watched Jace and Caleb make their way into the living room. Her hand stung beneath the bandage, and the memory from the night before made her worry for their conversation. Peering through the doorway, she was unable to hear their words. But neither man seemed like they were about to hit the other. So that was definitely an improvement. Cam's words pulled Evelyn from them, a smile turning up the corners of her lips. "I'm happy we're all here as well," she agreed, finishing off the last of her coffee before setting the mug in the sink.

The group in the kitchen began to disband, some finishing off their breakfasts while others made their ways into their prospective rooms to change and get ready. Despite making all the food, she didn't have much of an appetite, and decided she might as well slip into the room to get dressed before the others. When she emerged, Evie was at least fairly confident she wouldn't freeze on top of that mountain. Well, at least not without a fight. Back then, she was mostly the one who stood on the top of the slopes, making snowmen or snow angels. Every now and again, she could be convinced to strap her feet to a snowboard and slide down the side of a mountain. Whether or not she would make it to the bottom unscathed was a gamble. Evelyn pulled a pom pom hat over her hair, completing the outfit. If nothing else, at least she would look cute.

Peering out into the common area, it appeared the others were still conversing, getting ready, and finishing breakfast. So, she decided a post-coffee cigarette was in order. After all, nicotine and caffeine was the breakfast of champions, right? She slipped through the kitchen and out the back door, finding herself exactly where she had started that morning: leaning against the deck railing with a lit cigarette between her fingers. This time, however, she was significantly less chilly. Aside from the fight last night, it seemed as though most everyone else had a good end to their evening. Jace and Cam, and Whitney and Wes were quite chummy, and adorably so. And, to be honest, she hadn't seen Parker and Ava for quite some time before they went to bed. So was the remaining tension just between her and Caleb? If so, she didn't want to be responsible for bringing the mood down. Inhaling from the cigarette, Evie could only hope that the day would go smoother than the previous night. After all, this was all for Anna.

the new girl


♡coded by uxie♡

Despite not being on the slopes for several years, there was no doubt in Wesley's mind that he still had a knack for it. If nothing else, he could most certainly keep upright on a pair of skis. Years of winter trainings, camps, and private lessons all paid for by his parents made sure of that. To them, downhill snow skiing was considered a posh sport arranged by a fancy resort, similar to golf at the million-dollar country club. Whatever the family could do to put off an air of luxury and authority over their less rich counterparts, they certainly would. If her were being honest, he much preferred the skill and fun tricks involved in snowboarding instead. But that sport wasn't as refined, and so his parents tried to stear him away from it. Instead, he kept it from them and did it anyway. After all, what was the fun in being a teenager without a bit of rebellion?

"Morning," Wes responded grinning at Ava as he finished his piece of bacon and reached for another. "A race, you say? I'd be in as well. I could use a bit of adrenaline." Having not heard the quiet conversation shared between the Jeffries sisters, Wes turned his concerned attention to the younger of the two, the one he had spent the night with, when she started coughing up a storm. He immediately reached out to pat Whitney on the back in hopes of helping out in some way, shape, or form. "You alright there? Down the wrong pipe?" he asked, blue eyes searching hers. "Here, I'll get you some water." Pulling a mug from the cabinet, he filled it with the ice cold, clear liquid before passing it along to Whitney. "That should help." Had he known the cause, Wesley might have been inclined to explain the mainly platonic, for-show relationship he and Ava used to share. Unfortunately, however, he was oblivious.

The group began to disband, and as soon as Wesley entered his shared room, the sight of his suitcase made him realize he hadn't checked his phone in nearly twelve hours. Immediately, a feeling of panic set in, like he wasn't doing good enough, wasn't working hard enough. Truth be told, this was his first vacation in a long time, and anyone who knew his work would say that he deserved the break. But Wes didn't really believe them. Grabbing his phone from the charger alongside his suitcase, his brow furrowed as he scrolled through text after text, email after email, voicemail after voicemail. All in all, there were more messages than he quite knew what to do with, both from his place at the Frost empire as well as his own private company. The familiar stress began to set in, and he suddenly felt as though his time at the cabin was no longer a vacation as much as it was a distraction from what needed to be done.

Wes dressed quickly, unsure if he would be able to spend much time on the slopes but putting on warm clothes anyway. This trip was still about Anna, and what she would have wanted for them. He knew deep down that she would have tried to convince him to just turn off his phone for the entire trip, not worry about work and spend time with the people that he had missed. But Wesley Frost was a businessman first, friend second. At least, that's what his parents and coworkers thought of him. Because what type of man spent holidays, birthdays, and other important days in the office as opposed to spending them with family and friends? Certainly one that was overworked and overcommited, a workaholic to the bone. Stepping back into the kitchen, he furiously began answering texts and emails, saving the phone calls for last. Maybe he could get everything answered before they decided to leave for the slopes. If not, his cell phone would definitely be tagging along.

the prince


♡coded by uxie♡

Ava Novak




getting so much better



Evie ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ), Parker, Whit ( Desert_Blossom Desert_Blossom )

Morning was slowly getting better and better, especially when the kitchen filled with all the members of their little group. The place became rather lively and while Ava was battling a humongous headache, the pills were slowly starting to kick in and in combination with coffee, they were working wonders for the lawyer. For a brief moment, she felt like nothing changed and they were still high school kids without any problems and issues to struggle with. She almost expected Anna to appear from around the corner and greet them all cheerfully and with that wide optimistic smile sitting on her face as she always did. It brought a speck of sorrow to Ava when she realized those times were now forever gone and Anna was as well. All they had left were their memories and the importance of this trip befell on Ava for the first time for real. They simply needed to make Anna’s last wish happen and something was telling Ava that there was more to find on the way than just a simple fun trip.

The first night seemed to go well for everyone. Sure, there were a few black eyes around but from what it looked like, no one was pissed at someone else and so Ava assumed that whatever happened between Jace and Caleb, they figured it out. After all, everyone was laughing and talking about hitting the slopes. The idea sounded amazing to Ava. It’s been so long since she actually managed to enjoy a good skiing trip. She and Benjamin usually went to Aspen but only if there was some business meeting for Ben to attend. He called it a ski trip but it was never that and they barely got to put their skis on because business dinners and shit were way more important. And having Ava there, she was much more than an arm candy. She had to work as well since she was technically Ben’s lawyer. She was expected to be alert and observing and warn Ben every time he was about to close a deal that would everything but benefit him.

But now, Ben was not here. He was miles and miles away and Ava could finally enjoy mountains the way she wanted. She even went as far as proposing a race. Cameron said it the best and for everyone. It really was great to be back and that no one decided to put their own affairs first. Something tugged on her coffee mug and the item left her hands. “Hey…!” Ava squealed and looked at the culprit with the typical messy nest as hair. “Get your own.” she laughed and playfully swatted Parker but also let him have her coffee while munching on her toast. Meanwhile, Jace and Caleb decided to have a small meeting in the living room and Cam left to get a shower.

Seeing her sister arrive with Wes by her side, Ava could easily put two and two together. Of course, she had no idea how far the two got and was not interested in finding out anyway but it put a mischievous grin on her face anyway and she poked Whit with both her elbow and her little comment. Poor Whit almost died choking on her toast and Ava clapped her back softly a few more times before Wes returned with rescue in form of water. He also caught her race remark and was up to see who still got it.

The group was slowly leaving the kitchen one by one and Ava grinned, pointing at Wes and Parker. “You two get ready. You’ll be soon eating my dist.” she laughed and back-walked from the kitchen. “Or snow…I guess.” she shrugged and turned on his heel to get back to her room to make sure no one went in there while she changed into something warmer and put her fun-in-the-snow outfit on. Toying with her cute black hat, she sat down on the bed for a moment and wondered when her night took that rapid drinking turn. She prided herself on a rather high tolerance and had her amount of alcohol consumed so how come she had no idea how she got to bed? And why on earth did she wake up buck naked? And most importantly, did someone see her body?

Cold trembles washed over her body as she realized there was a chance for someone witnessing what was happening at the Novaks behind closed door but taking a deep breath, she decided to go and have a smoke. It usually soothed her nicely so she headed out there to inhale her morning dose of nicotine. Walking out there, she found out not only the brunette needed her cigarette and had a little déjà vu from the very morning where there was only Evie. Placing a cigarette between her nude-painted lips, Ava patted her pockets only to find out lighter was not accompanying her out there. With a soft sigh, she turned to Evie. “Can I have your lighter?” she asked quietly as the two girls were never really the best of friends and mostly hung out together because of Anna. But maybe…just maybe, this trip could work its magic on more things than one.

code by g o l d i e l o x x
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Jace Christiansen


living room


just like old times



Cam, Caleb ( apolla apolla ),

These were the very mornings Jace missed and wanted to enjoy for the rest of his life. Calm, filled with laughter and good mood and smelling after buttered toasts and fried bacon. The only last part that was not here was pitter-patter of tiny feet and a childish voice calling for him as Riley wanted his morning OJ in the “big” cup” and not his usual sippy cup because he was already a big boy. Other than that, Jace had everything he needed. Especially a certain blonde by his side who had recently woken up with her small delicate frame pressed to his. What more could the local bad boy want? As far as he was concerned, life was good to him.

Munching on his breakfast, he listened to the small talk of his friends but every time he laughed, his face reminded him there was something he need to do. His face found Caleb whose face resembled his own and Jace was very much aware that before he apologized and made things good with Caleb again, he would not be able to enjoy this trip as much as he wanted to. Everyone was already excited about the slopes and there was some talk about the race which Jace would definitely join but first things first.

His arm left Cam’s frame and with a deep breath in, the hulk of a man approached Caleb and asked him whether they could talk. Caleb set his coffee cup down, promising it to come back which made Jace grin, but then the two were walking to the living room where there was no one but them and a few items thrown around the room. The remnants from the previous night. For a moment, silence fell between the two and Jace, despite being so bold and talkative all the time, had no idea what to say. But after a few seconds of staring at each other, Caleb’s lips parted and a low chuckle escaped them which was soon turned into a loud bellowing laughter.

Jace kept looking at Caleb confusedly, head tilted to the side. "Fuck me, Jace. I really did not make smart choices last night. And I know I shouldn't be laughing, but I'm laughing at my own stupidity. Listen, man... I'm sorry. For the things I said. And for starting the fight. Can we just forget about it? Move on? The girls didn't deserve that, either..." he said once his laughter receded and Jace chuckled as well. After all, his friend was right. Lifting his hand up, Jace rubbed his face and shook his head. “Dude, we were fucked up.” he sighed. “I said shit I shouldn’t have; I know that now. Whatever you said to me, that’s water under the bridge. I guess we’re kinda even here anyway.” he added, pointing at both of their faces. Caleb’s hand was there in the air, but Jace pulled the guy closer, offering a brotherly bear hug. “Blame it on the alcohol.” he hummed, patting Caleb’s back a few times.

“Come on, let’s get ready. Ava wants to race, you in, dude?” he asked as the two were walking back to the kitchen. “Looks like she needs a reminder who the king of the slopes is.”

code by g o l d i e l o x x
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Wes ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat )

Cameron Hale

The sudden wave of emotion that hit Cameron as she stood there surrounded by her closest friends was almost unfamiliar to her. Even back in high school, she'd been an emotional girl, but with the pressure from her parents to be perfect she wasn't able to show it like she wanted to. Being around her friends, Anna included, Cameron found that she could show her emotions in a safe environment, but at the end of the day she had to return home and shut everything off again. Her parents wouldn't accept anything less than perfect, and it was obvious that they weren't a fan of her friend group. At least not all of them. Striving for the perfect grades and just to be perfect in general took a toll on the blonde, and ever since going away to college and even a little before, she'd developed a certain numbness that almost took over her life.

She could still remember going to class every day, doing group projects and homework through all hours of the night. Faking smiles and pretending like being at the top of her class was all she ever wanted. No, she didn't want to party, she didn't want to make friends. None of that stuff was important. And with every coffee date and friendship offer she turned down, she broke a little more inside. Driving past the club that night had been a total accident. She'd gotten lost after driving and not really paying attention to where she was going, and she'd pulled over in the parking lot to get her bearings. But then she'd seen the club, and the help wanted sign plastered in the window. It was almost as though someone else had taken over her body, and in she went.

Fast forward to months later, she'd dropped out of college and become a full time dancer. It wasn't a glamorous job, but it was something that had made her feel alive again. But even with that glimmer of aliveness, it always faded back into the numbness, leaving her wanting more. So she would continue dancing, looking for that alive feeling night after night, putting herself in more than one precarious situation. As the blonde made her way back upstairs at the cabin to take a quick shower, all she could think of was how this is the most alive she'd felt in quite some time. Months. Years. Squeezing her eyes shut as the water rained down on her in the shower, she pictured Jace's face, felt his body under her touch again and again in her mind.

Choking back a sob at the overwhelmingness of it all, Cameron forced herself to pack everything away again and finish her shower. Getting out, she pulled on her first layer of clothes in the bathroom and then left the steamy room to head back to the room she'd dumped her clothes in. Not wanting to get fully dressed right away, she made sure she had everything she needed before she made her way back downstairs once she was ready. Once again her eyes were bright, her cheeks were still slightly flushed and she was ready to spend all the time with her friends that she could. Stepping back into the kitchen, she paused when she recognized Wesley's back. Walking around the island a bit, she rolled her eyes when she saw him furiously typing away on his phone. "Can't escape the grind even out here, can you Wes?" She asked, a slightly teasing tone to her voice. "Come on. Put the phone down. You know you want to."

I wanna feel the pain
I wanna see the light

♡design by urzula, coded by uxie♡




kitchen ---> outside



Evie ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ); Ava/Jace ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )

Caleb Thompson

For a moment, Caleb was worried about Jace wanting to go into the other room and talk. Yeah, they were sober now and Jace looked like he came in peace, but that didn't stop the intrusive thought Caleb suddenly had about Jace nailing him in the back of the head when Caleb had his back turned. Shaking the image from his head, he set his coffee down, promising to return to it before he ventured into the other room with the heavily tattooed male. They walked a little out of earshot of the others and Caleb turned to look at Jace, eyeing the hulk of a man for a moment, trying to judge where to go from here. And then the laughter bubbled from his chest, and he couldn't stop it. What a fucking idiot he'd been, really. Had the liquor had that much of an influence?

Eventually when his own idiotic laughter died down, he asked Jace if they could just start over. Neither Evie or Cameron had deserved what happened to them, and despite his laughter, Caleb still felt awful about the entire situation. He couldn't forget how Evie had been so stiff in his arms last night, or how she'd just up and left him alone. Caleb wasn't blind to the fact that the others seemed to be pairing off, and what cut him deeply was how Evie didn't seem to want anything to do with him in that regard. She once had, he told himself, but of course he'd fucked that up. He always seemed to fuck things up, the best things. All he wanted was to forget last night and move on, since going back in time and making him do something not so stupid wasn't an option.

Jace chuckled too, then lifted his hand to rub his face. "We definitely were fuuuucked up." Caleb murmured in agreement, crossing his arms as he met Jace's gaze. When Jace said they were even and gestured to both of their faces, Caleb couldn't stop himself from grinning, dropping his hands back to his side. "Even. Sure. Whatever you say." The stoner smirked, offering Jace his hand. To his surprise, Jace pulled him closer, pulling him in for a brotherly hug. "Oh trust me, the blame is definitely on the alcohol." He laughed, patting Jace's back as well before the two of them pulled away. At the mention of a race, Caleb pursed his lips for a moment, seeming to be in thought before he scoffed. "Of course I fucking am." He followed Jace back into the kitchen, going back for his coffee, as promised.

After he finished it, people had started to disperse, so Caleb decided to venture upstairs and get dressed as well. He snagged some toast for the trip up the stairs, stuffing it in his face as he headed for his room, digging through his bag one handed to find something to wear. When he finally settled on something that would hopefully keep him pretty warm, he stood and kicked the door mostly shut so he could change. Making quick work of changing, he left the room and headed back downstairs. Cameron and Wes were in the kitchen, but he just nodded at them as he decided that he could use a smoke as well. He didn't realize Evie and Ava were already out there, but once he'd stepped outside he knew he couldn't just go back in. Pulling a cigarette from his pack, he grabbed his lighter and lit up. "So, Miss Ava. You actually think you're gonna win this race?" He asked, grinning as he leaned against the banister, his eyes venturing over to Evie.

All I wanna do is let you in
But good guys never win

♡design by urzula, coded by uxie♡

Whitney Jeffries

While the guys were taking Ava up on the idea of a race down the slopes, Whit hardly had time for the anxiety of racing sown the mountain on two sticks to fully set in before Ava was nudging her in the ribs. Her sister’s words immediately invited a coughing fit as Whit choked on her bite of toast. Wes was quick to pat her on the back in an attempt to help, and asked if she was alright. Whit glanced up at Wes, nodding despite her eyes tearing up a little from a lack of air. When the brunette man moved away to get her a glass of water, Ava stepped in to finish patting the nerd on the back. Whit wished the floor would open up and just swallow her whole, but she remained where she was in the kitchen. The nerd offered Wes her best attempt at a thankful smile when he handed her the water and she took a few sips to recover herself. The drink did the trick, and Whit blinked a little to clear her watery eyes.

After the group disbanded, Whit followed suit after Cam, deciding a shower was in order before hitting the slopes. Particularly since she’d been in the same outfit for over 24 hours now. While Cam showered, Whit decided what she was going to wear for the day, unzipping her suitcase and going through her things. When she opened the side pocket, her hand collided with something hard and she deflated a little when she pulled out a small ring box. Thinking of Sebastian, Whit’s eyes flicked over to her phone with a slew of missed calls and texts from him, but decidedly ignored them.

The bedroom door opened as Wes came in to get his things, and Whit tossed the ring box back in her suitcase and pushed it off to the side. Collecting her snow clothes, the nerd quickly jumped up and slipped out of the room to shower. The blonde was still in the bathroom, so Whit waited outside, leaning against the wall for a minute or two. When Cam emerged she didn’t seem to notice Whit, but the nerd noticed that it looked like her friend might have been crying recently. Concerned, Whit opened her mouth to ask if Cam was okay, but her awkwardness crept up and she second guessed herself, shutting her mouth again without a word. Anna was always the one that was best at being there for everyone and being a shoulder to cry on. If only she was here. This was a thought that was nearly constantly in the back of the brunette’s mind.

Showering quickly so she wouldn’t be left behind, it would t be the first time, Whit was in and out of the shower in under 5 minutes. She pulled on her plush quarterzip, deciding to wait to put on the grey jacket until they were at the slopes, and left the bathroom while towel drying her hair. After dropping off her dirty clothes in the small laundry room, Whit walked out into the main area of the cabin.

Glancing out the window, the brunette spotted the trio of Ava, Evie and Cam. For a moment she considered joining them, but then she spied the cigarettes that were keeping them company and she frowned. It was impossible for the nerd to ignore the studies and proven science that tobacco caused cancer, and had never smoked a cigarette in her life, but she knew any speeches she tried to give her sister and friends would not be well received. Sighing, Whit decided against going outside, and walked into the kitchen to join Cameron and Wes. The blonde looked to be in good spirits, and Whit wondered if perhaps she’d misread Cam’s expression earlier. Either way, the brunette wasn’t about to ask point blank if something was wrong, especially since Cam was busy teasing Wes about working. Instead, Whit just silently took a seat on one of the bar stools, glancing between her two friends, and hoping Wes would follow Cam’s suggestion to put work on hold.


bedroom> bathroom>Kitchen

nine lives


Parker Pierce

Despite the hangover that he was hoping to fix with a plate of breakfast, Parker was having a great morning. He was surrounded by his friends, in a cabin, about to go hit the slopes and hopefully win a race to impress a certain someone. The only thing that would make it better was if Anna was there. Though while she wasn’t there in person, she definitely was in spirit. Day two at the cabin was now in full swing and the weeks ahead looked bright.

Parker toasted to Cameron’s words with Ava’s stollen coffee, earning him a playful swat from the brunette. “Why get my own when I can have hours? Tastes much sweeter…” He grinned, setting the cup back down after a second sip. It was so hard to resist the light flirting he’d always enjoyed with Ava, even though he knew she was married. It was all in good fun though… right? He’s never crossed any lines while she was dating Wes, so surely he wouldn’t cross any lines now that his high school crush was married… But he wanted to. This morning more than usual. As Ava tended to a choking Whitney, Parker watched her absent minded my, his gaze trailing down to her lips before he realized where his thoughts were leading.

Shaking himself back into reality, Parker scoffed teasingly when Ava pointed to him and Wes saying they would eat her dust, or snow, on the slopes. “We’ll see about that… I don’t plan to be eating any snow, but you might be eating your words…” He replied with a laugh, watching Ava as she walked backwards out of the room. “I just gotta find my lucky rabbit beanie and then you all won’t stand a chance.” He added, calling after her as he wondered what ended up happening to said hat.

For real though. The last he saw of that hat he was running out into the snow butt ass naked with bunny ears flopping behind him. Little did he know, his hat was hiding under the bunk bed he’d shared with Ava the night before. As he eventually made his way back to the room with his stuff in it, he failed in his mission to find his good luck charm and ended up having to settle for a generic beanie.

Once he was dressed, bright ass orange jacket in hand, Parker returned to the kitchen to snag a few more pieces of bacon. He felt like his stomach was a bottomless pit that he was hoping to satiate before a day at the slopes. Wes, Cameron and Whitney were gathered already, so his arrival made half the group. Chiming in after Cameron, Parker shot Wes a “seriously dude?” look as he asked, “Do we have to dare you to turn your phone off too?” He picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite, munching on it as he looked around for the others. “Though, if you’re busy working, that makes winning this race that much easier for me…” He grinned, cutting Wes a little slack after his poking since he looked stressed. “You gonna race too ladies?” He asked, turning his attention to the girls, chuckling a little at the anxious look on Whit’s face as she shrugged.

nine lives


Evelyn couldn't stop the back and forth that was going on inside her mind. Normally, she wasn't all that indecisive. She made decisions and acted on them. But when it came situations like this, she just couldn't find her footing. On one hand, she still considered Caleb her best friend. He was the person that she would want around if she needed a shoulder to cry on or just someone to make her laugh in general. Up until the very end, he had been there for her when she needed him. So what was stopping her from letting him in again? Trust. That stupid, five-letter word. Evelyn had a hard time giving it out. But when she did, she was all in. As soon as it was broken though? It felt like her heart was shattering into a million pieces. That was what happened that night, when Caleb walked out that door and left her behind. So now, she was left trying to put those pieces back together like a demented puzzle to somehow allow herself to trust him again.

Taking another inhale from the cancer stick between her lips, the sounds of the back door opening pulled Evie from her thoughts. She glanced over her shoulder, short brunette hair catching the morning breeze ever so slightly. She half-expected to see Caleb or even Jace there. But instead, she found Ava Jeffries...or Novak now. The brunette lawyer approached the railing, and things were quiet between them for a moment. They hadn't ever been all that close, honestly only hanging out for Anna's benefit rather than because they were true friends. In high school, Ava put off this certain energy that just didn't sit right with Evie. She had it all: the money, the luxurious goods, the big house and nice car, the fancy clothes, the hot boyfriend. Her life was perfect, and she all but flaunted it in the faces of others. Evie thought Ava saw herself as better than others. After all, Whitney had the same benefits and was much more reserved than her sister.

Ava's voice broke the silence and Evelyn's emerald green eyes glanced over at the woman. It took her a moment to register what she was asked. But when she did, she nodded and pulled the lighter from her pocket. "Yeah, here," she answered, a small polite smile on her face. Anna had always told Evie that there was more to Ava than met the eye, that she shouldn't judge her based on her cover or what the world said about her. Maybe it was time Evelyn took that to heart, and got to know the older Jeffries sister a little bit better. But before she had a chance, the door swung open again, adding another person to their little pow wow. As soon as she realized who it was, the brunette baker took another drag from her cigarette, focusing her attention on the snowy horizon over the railing. Caleb lit up a cigarette of his own, joining them. Though he addressed Ava, she could feel his eyes on her. Taking a bit of a chance, Evie glanced over at him briefly, meeting his gaze evenly with one of her own. Dropping her gaze back to where her hands gripped the railing, she let out a light chuckle. "I think I'll let you all have the racing fun. I'll stick to cheering you on and solid ground."

the new girl


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
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If Wesley were being truly honest with himself, this wasn't the life he always wanted. Sure, he wanted to be successful, to prove to himself and his family that he could make something of himself outside of what his parents had already built for him. He didn't want to be given everything. He wanted to work hard and earn his own keep aside from that. Sure, he didn't have to work a day in his life if he didn't want to. He could be the golden child, the heir or socialite or whatever they were called that traipsed around making headlines sampling because their parents had money. But that just wasn't Wesley. He couldn't take a back burner in his own life, be happy doing as he was told with what he was given and not what he earned himself, though that was exactly what his mother would rather him do. After all, with a pretty face like his, he could always follow her footsteps or just use that to his advantage and make money based on his name and appearance.

As he was typing away instructions on how to properly annotate the code for the new portion of the application they were working on, a voice caught him by surprise. Wes looked up quickly, seeing the familiar blonde across the island from him. They grew up together, and Cameron knew probably better than anyone exactly how his parents were. Wes was a bit protective over his younger cousin, growing up fairly close with one another. He had noticed earlier how close she was with Jace, and it made him a little concerned. Cam had been through a lot in her life, and Jace wasn't exactly the best influence. Plus, he had a temper, one that could potentially be explosive if Wesley remembered correctly from high school. On top of all that, he left her high and dry back when they were kids. The bottom line, Wes didn't think Jace deserved someone as good as Cam.

Wesley glanced down at his phone for a moment, finishing the text message he had been writing before hitting the send button. "You know how it is, can't escape the office for a day, let alone an entire vacation," Wes responded with an apologetic grin. Several voicemails still needed to be answered, and he hadn't even begun to read the emails, but at least all of the text messages were answered. Just as he was about to open the email application, his best friend entered the kitchen, shooting him a lool that Wes knew all too well. "What?" he shot back, but he already knew the answer to it. In the end, he knew that his friends were right. This trip wasn't about work. He had told his teams before he left that he should only be contacted in an absolute emergency. All of the text messages he just answered were most certainly not emergencies. Letting out a sigh, Wes sat his phone face down on the counter, turning to face his friends, "Don't worry, Parker. I'm not going to let you win that easily. You're going to have to work for it, bud."

the prince


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

Ava Novak







Evie ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ), Parker ( Desert_Blossom Desert_Blossom ); Caleb ( apolla apolla )

The headache was slowly receding and Ava couldn’t be happier. One might think she was already used to that pain by now but no, you can simply not get used to a pounding migraine that feels like someone is drilling into your skull with a jackhammer. She was used to many things that hurt and could take them without even as much as a squeal but not a headache. Feeling her brain shrinking under the weight of bones that enveloped it, the pressure so strong it seemed the organ was going to burst out, constant buzzing in her ears, that was just the beginning and from there, it usually only got worse. So when the two ibuprofens and a large coffee combo finally kicked in and Ava felt that sweet relief, she thanked to any entity up there for making it happen so she would not have to spend her first day of vacation in bed, lying there in darkness and silence.

Now that the pain was on its way to hell, the brunette could finally enjoy herself and time with her friends. So far, the morning was just like she remembered from all those years ago. A lot of amazing food for breakfast, usually prepared by Evie, plenty of laughter, subtle exchange of flirty comments with Parker and making plans how much fun they were going to have in snow. The race was just a spur of a moment. This version of Ava was much more reserved and did not have time for foolish games and pranks. The older version of Ava was always up for a competition, if only to prove why she was the resident IT girl. But being here, soaking in the essence of the high school, surrounded by the ghosts of vacations past, young Ava Jeffries was waking up inside the pent up lawyer and the idea of race just rolled off her tongue.

Offering Parker a daring eyebrow wiggle upon his words, she backed away from the kitchen. Determination was rising inside her and she was sure that not even the adorable lucky rabbit beanie was going to help Parker win this since she was going to everything in her power to beat anyone brave enough to roll down the hill. She then went to her room and changed so they could leave for the slopes as soon as possible. Before that though, she decided to get her nicotine fix and walked outside only to find Evie out there. While her mind was reeling hard to think about something to say, some nice icebreaker between the girls who never exactly warmed up to each other, she asked the baker for a lighter and when Evie handed it to her, Ava nodded and lit up her smoke, inhaling a long drag. “Thank you.” she smiled, returning the small item to its owner just as Caleb came out as well.

While unaware of anything that went down between these two, whether years ago or last night, Ava was not dumb and there was a reason why she was the queen of high school. Her eyes scanned surroundings, she could smell the juiciest gossip and was able to read to room perfectly. And here, she smelled some sort of tension, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on but it was there. Not that it was her business to comment on. She matured enough to know when was not the time to point things out. At least most of the time. Caleb spoke to her then and brough a wide grin to her lips. Evie decided not to join the race and so far, from the looks of it, it seemed it was going to be Ava versus guys. “Well then, I’ll hold the fort for all of us ladies.” Ava shrugged, putting a smug smile on. The grimace on her face was nothing if not confident. “Caleb, honey. I’m Ava Jeffries. There’s nothing I cannot do. You’re welcome to challenge me. But you’ll lose.” With a little wink in Caleb’s way, Ava worked on her cigarette some more, not even realizing she used her maiden name. After few more drags, she put the cigarette put, clasping her hands together. “Okay, kittens. Let’s go get the rest of the kids and hit the slopes.” Turning on her heel, she marched back inside, already feeling her energy return to her. Excitement was oozing from every pore of her body. There was a high possibility that Ava, as they knew her, was going to make a comeback.

code by g o l d i e l o x x

Jace Christiansen


living room





Cam, Caleb ( apolla apolla )

A part of Jace hated that he left Riley at home. The little dude would love it here and there was just about time to finally teach him the basics of the snowboarding art. The two of them never really had a chance to go on real vacation, mostly because while Jace was trying to make the ends meet, he never really had any extra money to spend. He kept Riley fed, in clothes, paid for the kindergarten and an occasional babysitter if Ronnie couldn’t keep an eye on him. Jace also needed things to live and the bills were not free for them either. So yes, while he managed to take care of his son and the household, they never really went on vacations. A few trips here and there but not really skiing in the mountains of a week at the seaside. Thankfully, Riley never asked so Jace didn’t have to explain to him why his father was such a disappointment to him. But the question was there, waiting to be spoken out loud and Jace knew it that one day, when Riley started to understand the world around him better, it was going to happen.

But this was no place for a child to be. How would he even explain to that little boy why his face looked like a plum tree at this point? This week was about friends and that probably included more than one alcohol nights. As much as Jace regretted leaving the kid at home, Riley was better off with Ronnie now. Blinking his grim thoughts away, the bad boy returned his focus to Caleb. Apologies were thrown both ways as both men had definitely overreacted last night. The worst part of it was that not just their faces looked like caught in a meat grinder but it was Evie and Cam who also paid the price for these two being dumbasses.

Caleb said it right, they were totally fucked up. But Jace was ready and very comfortable with blaming it on the alcohol. He had not eaten anything all day and drank way too much on an empty stomach. Of course, he got drunk as a skunk. And sitting in that hot tub with Cam, becoming all turned on and ready to move their relationship to the next stage only caused the booze to hit his head that much sooner. From there, it was just a downhill roll of bullshit which ended up in the kitchen with Cam pressing an ice pack on his face. To seal the peace, Jace mentioned the race to Caleb, hoping he would join as well which he did. “Dope! So you gonna see me win as well!” Jace laughed and punched his arm before parting his ways with the stoner. They both went to get dressed and Jace fished out warm clothes to make sure his ass was not going to freeze on that slope.

A new surge of energy entered his body and after having a full breakfast and coffee, he was ready to roll. Jace honestly felt like he could hold the world on his shoulders and left the room with an extra pep in his step. “What are you doing? Come on, go, go go!!! Out you go!” he hollered upon entering the kitchen. He saw some people huddled around but they were moving too slow for him. “Come on, guys. The slopes are calling my name and you gotta see me win. Let’s roll!” he laughed, grabbing Cam’s hand, pulling her with him. “You gonna race too or be my cheerleader?” he asked with a flirty smile plastered across his face, leading Cameron outside. Cold air whipped his face immediately and Jace inhaled deeply, filling his nose with the perfect mountain air. “This is fucking rad. So good to be back. Whooo!” he hollered again, listening to the echo of his own voice in the winter wonderland.

code by g o l d i e l o x x







Wes ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat )

Cameron Hale

Cameron and Wes weren’t alone in the kitchen long before Whitney joined them, just after Wes told Cam that she knew how it was. She definitely did. Growing up with Wes, she knew his parents and knew them well, considering they were her aunt and uncle. Honestly, they were pretty similar to Cameron’s parents. They all had that working mentality, which all in all wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. It was good in life to work for what you wanted, but both Cameron and Wes had felt that pressure from their parents growing up. The pressure to be the best, to be perfect at everything you did. Briefly, Cameron wondered what Wes would think of her now, if he knew she’d dropped out of college to become a dancer. She’d almost asked, without even realizing it, but seeing Whitney caused the words to die on her tongue. Good.

Parker joined them a few seconds later, also commenting on Wes being on his phone and fixing his best friend with a look. Cameron laughed at Wes’ response before he finally placed his phone back down, though Cameron had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last time they caught him on it. Caleb had walked through the room during this time to step outside, and Cam turned to look over her shoulder, spotting him smoking with Ava and Evie. She watched for a few seconds before Parker asked if the girls were racing. Turning back around, Cam saw Whitney shrug in response, and Cam thought for a moment. “I’ll race.” She leaned forward on the counter, a grin appearing on her face. It’d been quite some time since she’d been on skis, but if it was like riding a bike… well, she might be in for a few face plants, but still. It sounded fun.

Ava led the other two into the house, and from the other side of the kitchen, Jace entered as well, obviously excited to hit the slopes. Cameron laughed as he grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the counter and the others. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” She called from behind him, hastily putting on her jacket just as they reached the front door. “Jesus.” She shivered, automatically moving closer to Jace. “Are you sure we don’t wanna stay inside and watch movies?” She teased as she slipped her hand into his, grinning at his exclamation into the wind. “Careful, you’re gonna call Bigfoot over.” She laughed again as they started to hear for the nearby hill.

There was a shed at the bottom filled with all sorts of equipment, so they stopped there and pulled the doors open, revealing different snowboards, ski equipment, and pretty much everything they needed. Cameron picked a pair of skis, moving back afterwards so everyone else could grab what they wanted. And then came the fun part: climbing up the hill. “Amazing… all this work for five seconds of flying.” She groaned about halfway up, her skis dragging in the snow behind her. She looked around at the others, a small smile appearing on her already pink face. They finally reached the top and Cameron plopped down in the snow, strapping the skis to her boots. “Well, now I need help up.” She looked around just as Caleb was walking by, so she held out her hands and he helped her to her feet. She offered the stoner a small smile at his whispered apology, knowing that he still meant it. Then he released her and moved away, and Cam turned to everyone else. “Who’s ready?”

I wanna feel the pain
I wanna see the light

♡design by urzula, coded by uxie♡




kitchen ---> outside



Evie ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ); Ava/Jace ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )

Caleb Thompson

It was still pretty early in the morning, or at least earlier than Caleb would have liked to be alive. Especially with everything that happened the night before. He wished he could go back in time and change what had happened, but he couldn’t. Maybe if he could have, though, Evie and Cam wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Hell, maybe he would have kissed Evie in the bathroom, just said fuck it and faced his fear. But he hadn’t, and he couldn’t. So now he was just stuck with a case of the what ifs as he stood out on the balcony, smoking with the girl in question and the former IT girl of their high school. At his question, Ava turned to him with the most serious look on her face, but all Caleb could do was grin in response to her words.

“Challenge accepted.” He winked at her before he looked back at Evie, who’d declined racing and said she’d stick to cheering them on from solid ground. Ava finished her cigarette first, turning to march back inside, but Caleb placed a hand on Evie’s arm as she turned to go in as well. “If I win, I already know what prize I want.” He told her, his eyes dropping to her lips as a slightly nervous smile tugged at his lips. “If you’ll let me.” His voice softened now, and he looked back into her eyes before he dropped his hand, gesturing for her to go in first. He followed them, entering the kitchen just as Jace did. Shutting the sliding door, Caleb grinned. “You heard the man!” He told everyone, beginning to usher them from the kitchen. “Go, go, go!”

He pulled on his jacket to keep him warm, making sure his gloves were in his pocket before he shuffled out with everyone else. They headed for the base of the hill, to the shed with all the equipment. Grabbing the skis he wanted, he whistled cheerfully as he followed everyone else up the hill. Laughing at Cam’s comment, he shifted his gaze to the top of the hill. “Isn’t that the truth.” And then they were at the top, and Caleb tossed his skis to the ground, not making the mistake of sitting to put them on. He was heading towards the edge of the hill to look down when Cameron said she needed help, and he grabbed her outstretched hands to pull her up.

As he did so, he realized that he hadn’t apologized to her yet. “Cam… I’m sorry.” He whispered, low enough that the others might not hear. She just smiled at him, and he released her, turning to everyone else as she asked who was ready. “Well, by my calculations, I’m racing. So is Wes, Cam, Ava, Parker and Jace. Our cheerleaders are Evie and Whitney. Shame they’re not in uniform.” He laughed at his own joke before he headed for the edge of the hill again. “Well? What are you fuckers waiting for? Get in line, bitches, we race in five, four, three…”

All I wanna do is let you in
But good guys never win

♡design by urzula, coded by uxie♡

Whitney Jeffries

Growing up, it wasn’t easy for Whitney being the It Girl’s sister. Ava loved being the center of attention and the brighter the eldest Jeffrey sister shined, the more the reserved nerd paled in comparison. If Ava ever noticed how much she over shadowed her younger sister, she never showed it and Whit was too soft spoken to complain. It was probably for the best though, or at least Whit told herself it was, because had she tried to share the spotlight with Ava, the girls likely wouldn’t have had the best relationship. Anyone who challenged Ava seemed to be the enemy, and Whit didn’t want that kind of sibling rivalry.

After high school graduation though, Whit was finally able to separate herself more from Ava and find her own footing and time in the light. Her parents still overlooked her for Ava, but at least in her circle of colleagues at Yale she wasn’t just Ava’s sister. Hell, half the people Whit knew didn’t even know she had a sister. She could just be the brilliant, quirky person she was and be seen as an individual. It was nice. However, being back at the cabin this morning, Whit was starting to feel the old ways returning as the Ava from high school started peeking through.

The older brunette had suggested a race for those skiing and snowboarding, and almost all the group was eager to join. Whit truly did envy Ava’s confidence, and maybe with a little more liquid courage like yesterday Whit could have convinced herself to join in the race… but she was realistic enough to know that no amount of Malibu would prevent her from coming in last behind the others, if she didn’t break an ankle before finishing in the first place. So rather than join in, she self consciously just shrugged when Parker asked if she’d join, and remained quiet in the kitchen while the others talked.

Anna had usually been the one to notice when Whit was falling to the wayside, and made sure to bring the nerd back into the fray, but without her late friend, it was all up to Whitney herself. Jace came into the kitchen and grabbed Cam, dragging her with him outside, and the trio came in from their smoke break. Giving herself a mental pep talk, Whitney tried to shake off the funk she’d fallen into. Fake it til you make it, she reminded herself as she forced a smile and joined the group as they also headed outside. The cabin’s shed had all the gear the group of 8 could want, and Whit hung back while the others grabbed their skies or snowboard of choice.

For a moment, Whit was about to forego grabbing anything, but then a toboggan type sled caught her eye and she smiled for real. Her mode of transportation might have been adolescent compared to skis or boards, but at least she’d be able to have some fun sledding down the mountain behind the others. Pulling the sled out of the shed, she glanced over at Evie who didn’t seem to be joining in on the race either. “Anna and I both fit on this last time if you want to take a ride down the hill with me…” Whit offered, smiling over at Evie as she recalled how Anna had laughed the entire way down. “We won’t win the race, but we can cheer for the others from the rear…”

As the friends began making their way up the hill with their respective equipment, Whit pulled the sled behind her. This would all be so much easier at a resort with a ski lift, but it was hard to beat having a private side of the mountain to play on. She trudged through the snow to catch up to Wes, deciding there was no use in being shy around him now when she never had been before. He’d given up working for a little while at least, though Whit wasn’t sure how long that would last. “I hope you’re racing to win for sport and not just so you can get back to your mobile office faster…” Whitney teased gently, glancing over at Wes. Had she not effectively cost herself her position at Sebastian’s family’s law firm by coming on the trip to begin with, she probably would have been checking her phone more too instead of avoiding it like the plague. While she didn’t blame the business man for being tied to work, she hoped for his sake, and also a bit selfishly, that he’d be able to take a break over these next two weeks.

The group made it to the top of the hill and everyone prepared themselves for the ride down. Caleb serves as the de facto emcee, announcing the starting line up. Well, by my calculations, I’m racing. So is Wes, Cam, Ava, Parker and Jace. Our cheerleaders are Evie and Whitney. Shame they’re not in uniform. Whit laughed a little at the irony, since she’d been the furthest thing from a cheerleader in high school, but did a mock cheer pose to get in the spirit. “Go team!” The racers headed to the starting line, and Whit pulled the sled over to the end spot. “Good luck, Wes…” She added, knowing she’d be particularly cheering for him. She sat down on the front of the sled, leaving room for Evie in case she decided to join and prepared as Caleb counted down. Well? What are you fuckers waiting for? Get in line, bitches, we race in five, four, three… And when Caleb got down to Go! the group was off!

Fake It til You Make it

Snowy Hill

nine lives


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