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Fantasy I Was Fine Until You

(sorry for my late post! )

Gawain could already tell Arthur looked a bit... Overwhelmed by the news. Gawain didn't blame him. Though perhaps news of this pregnancy would be happier then the other. Arthur rightfully didn't want to leave his wife at the moment and Gawain hesitantly nodded. "Yes... Likely for the best right now. " Gawain did not want to air Arthur's suffering to the world. The hallway had few besides the occasional passing servant or guard to worry over. But had roles been reversed Gawain would not want to risk others overhearing.

So instead Gawain started. "I just... If you need anything. I'm here. I know- I figure... I... " His words faltered. Uncertain how to word things. In the end. Gawain settled. "You are not the only one she's hurt... " He informed. Arthur could probable figure out who he was referring to easy enough. Did Arthur even realize what she had done to him? Maybe Gawain's words would be taken with hostility. But it still felt like it needed to be said.

Carefully Gawain stepped back and dipped into a bow. Telling Arthur. "I will leave you then. Congratulations once again. " With that Gawain was stepping away and starting to leave Arthur behind. It was perhaps best to let the man have some time alone with his wife anyway. The two surely had plenty of things to talk about. Though Gawain's news had only left the princess feeling worse. It was hard for her not to feel terror and fear at the news. The girl couldn't help but pray that Gawain was wrong.
(No problem, just hope everything’s okay.)

Gawain had been here for a while, and who knows how long he’d known about Morgan‘s pregnancy, he could wait just a little bit longer to talk to Arthur. Funny how he’d sabotaged his own plans though, revealing the pregnancy to them and stopping the talk of another. But Arthur would talk to Gawain soon enough, he had a lot to tell him. Gawain seemed ...vulnerable for a moment, not something that Arthur was particularly used to seeing in his cousin. This was Gawain, the knight loved by the kingdom and his parents, the king of quests and a strong, dependable figure to look up to. So Arthur couldn’t help but frown in concern at Gawain’s own hint of pain. He knew that the siblings didn’t trust Morgan and that Gawain particularly had warned him and he knew that his father thought of Morgan as a plague and that even Loth had said she was a monster but it was still such a difficult concept for him to accept, a mother hurting her own child.

He managed to mumble a goodbye to his cousin as he left. He guessed congratulations were in order, a true heir to the throne, one that would hopefully help quell any animosity between the two kingdoms but...he didn’t feel like celebrating yet and he was sure Caroline had similar thoughts. He took a deep breath before moving towards the bathroom to check on her. Before he had not entered the bathroom, wanting to give her privacy but by now he also knew that the princess would suffer alone if he let her so he knocked on the bathroom as an initial warning before pushing open the door gently.

”At least you’re as surprised as I am” he murmured gently, watching her with concerned eyes, with Morgan she’d known, of course she’d known, but Caroline was just as clueless as him. “Your father will be pleased” he ventured, not that he knew the man well but going off what she’d said, his own father would be happy as well but this wasn’t about them. He wasn’t so sure Silas would be pleased, he’d been against this marriage from the get go, adding a child into the mix would probably not help. “I know it’s a bit sudden and its certainly not the way I’d imagined things but this is good” he insisted although he didn’t sound too sure saying it, sort of like he was trying to put it into the universe so that it became true. “Our kingdoms wanted an heir and now they’ll get one” But...Caroline, she was at risk with this pregnancy and they both knew it.
Caroline was still in the restroom. Though by now she had finished being sick for the moment. That hadn't ment she was ready to leave the restroom though and face the world. No. Realization was beginning to settle over her. Lost in thought, She barely noticed the knock at the door. Not really until Arthur opened the door. A part of her had figured he'd leave. Go off with Gawain. Perhaps that would have been better, Time to let this all sink in. But Caroline also didn't want to be alone.

The kingdoms wanted a heir... But was this a heir? What if... No. If that was the case Caroline couldn't bring herself to even consider it at the moment. Still, The reality that the child could very much not be Arthurs was something that they very likely would have to face. Swallowing. Caroline looked at Arthur. Her eyes wide, Then she moved forward. Wrapping her arms around Arthur in a tight hug.

"Arthur... I'm scared... " This was her job as princess. But it had been something she had figured she'd be unable to fulfill. If anything, She preferred the idea of never having a child. Because this was terrifying and she did not know how to handle it. Her mother hadn't survived it, So would that be the same fate for her? Everyone would likely be delighted over this news. And that made Caroline's stomach twist. She should be happy too. She was doing as she was supposed too. But... Why did she dread this so much?
This child could be Lance’s. That was a very real possibility that they were going to have to face but hopefully, if it was, no one else would be any the wiser. Only four people knew about her and Lance, lets hope it stayed that way, there was no reason for anyone to be suspicious that his baby might not be Arthur’s. It was a bridge they could cross later, especially sorting out how to deal with Lance having a child he couldn’t lay claim to but would no doubt still want to see. The more worrying issue at the moment was Caroline not surviving this pregnancy. Her family didn’t seem to have much luck in birth but Caroline’s mother had at least survived one birth in order to have Silas! And Caroline was strong willed and determined when she wanted to be, Arthur thought if anyone could put up a fight it’d be her.

He squeezed her back, arms enveloping her. He had hugged her before but it was sort of foreign for her to actually talk about her problems straight away so there was something a bit shocking about the hug. “I know” he murmured softly, letting it hang in the scared silence for a moment. “But you’re going to have the best medical treatment” he promised, not that her mother hadn’t. But she would likely give birth in his kingdom and the practices might be different. And well, he didn’t think the medic wanted to be accused of starting a war by letting her die. She was her father’s only daughter, Alexander would be keen to keep her alive.

”And I’m going to be here all the way“ he promised, squeezing her slightly tighter to try and reassure her. “You...” he sighed gently. “You don’t have to be happy about it Caroline, I get that it’s scary, you just need to be strong okay.“ he explained. And it was exhausting to try and be strong all the time but she couldn’t let herself get swamped in the worry this pregnancy brought, it would do her no good. “Might be a good excuse to get out of things you don’t like” he added, a bit jokingly. Like if she didn’t want to attend a dinner or wanted to slip away, she could just say she felt unwell and dash off.
Caroline soon sunk into the hug. A feeling of heaviness coming over her. Everything could go so horrible so quickly with this. She could die, If she survived, She might still have failed her duty if she had a daughter and not a son. Perhaps the child wouldn't even be Arthurs? Though that likely wouldn't be easy to tell right away. Arthur was comforting her and for that she was glad. He was right, She had to be strong. This was her duty after all. But it didn't make things any easier.

She did manage a small smile at Arthur's joke. Looking up at him. "Arthur... Thank you..." Arthur was kind, And while neither romantically loved eachother. He clearly still did care for her in a way. Caroline could have ended up in a far worse situation. It... was comforting, But also certainly added to Caroline's feelings of guilt. She has messed up in plenty of ways. Put him in a awkward position. She had a feeling things were not going to become easier anytime soon. For the moment though, Caroline just tried to enjoy the hug.

Caroline's pregnancy wasn't the only one that carried some hesitancy to it. Caleb was also struggling. Time had passed and Caleb was certainly further along. To the point that she was forced to take leave from her work at the castle. Something that Caleb was still a decent bit dismayed about. Hanging around a home doing nothing did not fit her. She couldn't even spar with her father or her husband. There worry was understandable. But Caleb wanted to move, She wanted action. Any sort of action! Just let her hit something!

It wasn't just the not being able to do what she wanted. But her pregnancy was far more obvious these days. And that made her feel wrong. She hated not being able to hide herself. It made her feel like she was not herself. Though she tried not to linger so much on these thoughts.
Atleast, If Caleb was to suffer. She was going to make her husband suffer with her. He could stay at home and suffer the torment of not working alongside her. Today was a good day though. Caleb's father had long left to go hunting, Unlikely to return until well into the night. Which ment that Caleb could atleast have plenty of alone time with her husband.

So, Caleb had spent her time wisely. By wisely- She was currently attempted to drag her husband from whatever silly thing he had been busy doing. To get him to makeout with her on the couch. Simple and fun! And best thing, No one to worry about accidentally barging in on them. It wasn't like Agravain had a little brother that had been kidnapped that might be returning home soon. Oh wait....
It seemed pregnancy was all the rage lately what with the Queen ready to burst but Agravain had not seen his aunt recently, too preoccupied with his own pregnant woman. With nothing to do all day, and Agravain suffering a similar fate, Caleb probably chose one of the better things to do. Agravain had just been cleaning his swords, which was frustrating because he wanted to be swinging it but he was staying with Caleb and doing his best to keep her away from the sparring she so obviously wanted to take part in. But kissing? she couldn’t definitely do that so Agravain didn’t argue much as he was pulled to the couch. These two were hardly vanilla when it came to things like this so it might be quite a scene to walk into.

It had been a long journey back, too long in Lance’s opinion who was so glad to be home but he wasn’t with his family yet. No, he‘d told the other men to return to the castle, he had to drop Gaheris off and he couldn’t just leave Ruth without talking to Caleb or Agravain. As much as he wanted to see Galahad, he couldn’t just abandon her now. Things had been a bit tense since they split up from the other men with Lance’s secret hanging in the air. But, Gaheris was mostly silent, probably a bit anxious about returning home, and he hadn’t been pleased to learn about Caleb’s marriage to his brother, hearing about a pregnancy wasn’t going to improve his mood.

Lance dismounted his horse, tying it up, but Gaheris didn’t seem as bothered as he simply hopped off his horse and strode into the house. He hadn’t seen his brother in ages and yes he was anxious but he also wouldn’t mind a hug, or to shout at him, maybe both. And he needed to tell him about Gawain and Theo and Loth. He obviously knew this house was not Agravain’s yet he walked in like he owned the place and it didn’t take him long before he found his brother and stopped dead. Of course he was with his whore of a wife, that made sense, even when Gaheris came home, Agravain would rather be with her. Well, what was he supposed to do to get his brother’s attention. “Loth’s dead” Gaheris just blurted out and maybe he picked that price of information because he knew Agravain hadn’t minded Loth, that they were certainly the most similar, so maybe he was hoping he could hurt his brother a little although it was certainly more shocking than horrifying.

Lance was left outside with Ruth and for that he was sort of grateful. “I’m going to talk to Caleb” he told her. “Hopefully she’ll keep Gaheris in line” Although he wasn’t sure how well it would work but he had to try and he couldn’t stay with Ruth forever, he had his own family to get back to. And Caleb could hopefully convince Agravain to step in too. “How’s your leg?” He asked, maybe an injured girl would make Agravain more likely to say something to Gaheris although maybe not. A mostly healed Ruth was what they wanted really so that she could look after herself better and run away better.
Gaheris and Lance might have been excited to return home. But Ruth was dreading reaching there destination every step. It ment she would be on her own, Lance no longer able to constantly be at her side. He seemed somewhat confident that Caleb would take care of her. But Ruth had not met the woman and thus the other girl was a wildcard. She was frightened. Even if she was trying not to show it too much.
Gaheris was quick to leave the two. Ruth couldn't blame him. He probable missed his family. Ruth spared a moment to watch him disappear inside before looking to Lance. Hopefully. That didn't sound too confident and Ruth's nerves were increasing. But she chose to focus on his question. "It only hurts when I laugh. " She teased. Before shaking her head and smiling at Lance. "I'll be okay. I'm tough. " Her leg had healed somewhat. She stilled limped on it. But it had not gotten worse. For that she was thankful. But Ruth wasn't only talking about her leg. She was also talking to herself somewhat. She was tough. She could handle whatever came ahead of her. Finishing tying the horses. Ruth looked towards the front door. Seemed they would see what was instore for them.

Caleb had certainly been enjoying herself. Halfway sitting on Agravain's lap. Hand underneath his shirt. It wouldn't be surprising if he was left with a good few love bites on his neck. But luckily everyone was still dressed. Caleb though didn't notice Gaheris arrival. Perhaps she should have been more alert. She was a knight after all. But Caleb had just brushed things off as a passing servant. That was, Until she heard his voice. Caleb was quick to pull away from Agravain. Freezing up as she looked towards Gaheris standing there.

Him being here was enough information to take in as it was. Loth was dead? That was just... Caleb couldn't say she was upset though. Quickly she moved of her husband to give him a chance to go and meet his brother. Wait, If he was here.. Then was Lance also here? Standing up. Caleb wasted no time in heading towards the front door. Excitement coursing threw her. She missed Lance dearly. But also hesitancy. She didn't want him to see her like this. He would no doubt notice her pregnancy and that thought made her feel a bit odd. But her desire to see him outweighed such thoughts.
The front door had yet to be closed, Thus, It only took Caleb a moment to see Lance. Freezing. A wide smile grew on her face before she scurried out the door. Practically tackling the man in a tight hug. "Lance!"
Agravain had been so worried about Gaheris, with everything that had happened before he’d left and with all the stuff that had happened afterwards, he had just hoped his little brother would make it home. It felt so weird to see him standing there, he looked older, worn out and he was sure he looked just as unusual to Gaherid, curled up with Caleb but it wasn’t long before they were left alone and he got up to pull Gaheris into a bone crushing hug. “It’s so good to see you” he murmured, “what do you mean Loth’s dead?” How would Gaheris know, who’d killed him? Because Agravain was under no impressions that Loth would die naturally.

Caleb wasn’t the only one not to notice things because Gaheris hadn’t realised she was pregnant until she’d stood up. He’d just assumed she’d put on some weight but no, she was definitely pregnant and that infuriated Gaheris. They were already trying to replace him and Gareth! So when Agravain was hugging him, he was just tense. “She’s pregnant?” Gaheris asked in disgust, pulling away from his brother with a sneer. “I bet it’s not even yours” he hissed. “Hell, it’s probably Lance’s” he snapped, since she must've slept with him for her position and with how close they were. And Agravain had missed his brother so much but he was starting to remember what a nuisance he was. Gaheris earned a thump to the back of his head and a growl from his brother: “I’m happy you’re back but you keep your mouth shut about her or you’re going to be in big trouble” What a lovely reunion. “Now tell me about Loth” he insisted.

Lance put his hand on Ruth‘s shoulder to try and comfort her; “you are strong” he agreed. They weren’t along for long though. At least Lance got a friendly welcome as he hugged Caleb back tightly although he was no detective but this Hug was definitely more difficult than their other ones. He pulled back slightly at looked at her. ”I thought you didn’t want kids” he murmured with a raised eyebrow but well, Lance knew as much as anyone that children came along when they wanted to. “I would put forward Lance as a potential name but well, there’s already at least one kid named after me” he murmured, oh he couldn’t wait to see Galahad. She must’ve gotten pregnant not long after they’d left if he had to guess, she looked quite far along, probably all that alone time with Agravain.

He glanced across at Ruth, time for some introductions. “Caleb, this is Ruth. Ruth, Caleb” he explained. “i know we just got back but I have a favour to ask actually” Best to do it now without Gaheris around. ”Ruth is Gaheris’ slave and I was hoping you could help keep her away from him” he suggested. “He’s always been a bit of a sour kid but he's really stepped it up a notch lately, I don’t want her getting hurt” And he could recognise that Caleb had a lot on her plate right now with being pregnant and Gaheris coming back home and the Gareth situation but this was important. “Even if you could just talk to Agravain, she’s not safe around Gaheris alone” There was no way Agravain would listen to him but Caleb? She was his wife! “I promise I’ll come and babysit“ he offered.
It was a good thing that Caleb wasn't around to hear that comment. For they were words very similar to mens that Caleb rather forget about. It was possible after all that the child wasn't Agravain. Though Agravain seemed not to care if it was his or not. Which certainly helped Caleb many days. But now was a happy day. Caleb enjoyed the hug. She had been worried for her friend, Feared for him many days. It was nice to have him back- And of course he noticed her pregnancy. It was hard not to be able to tell. Still, Caleb's cheeks turned a bit red in embarrassment at that. "Its that obvious then?" She mused. Which yes. That very much was the case. Caleb then grinned. "I would consider it. But It'll be difficult to get Agravain to budge on a G name. " She joked.

Then introductions were being made. Caleb was soon turning her attention to Ruth. Who hovered nearby. The girl seemed to have gone a bit quiet in Caleb's presence. Perhaps confused by her clothing, Or maybe just hoping if she behaved herself it would aid her chances of protection. Caleb then nodded to her. "Its a pleasure to meet you Ruth. " She then looked towards Lance. Placing a hand on her chest and saying. "I promise, I'll look after her. If Gaheris tries to touch her, I'll kick his *ss. " Which might be a little more difficult for her currently. But she was still confident in her abilities to keep him in line.

Caleb then motioned for the two to follow her inside, She had a feeling that Lance likely would want to check on Gareth. Agravain might not be as pleased to see the man though. Caleb then started heading to the door and when she was far enough. Ruth leaned closer to Lance and murmured quietly. "I like her. " A big smile on her face and seeming a touch flustered. She then hurried after Caleb. Things could still end badly here. But Ruth was already feeling better about her chances.

Once inside, Caleb turned her attention to her husband and Gaheris. Slowly approaching them. Her eyes soft. "Hey, How ya doing kiddo? Agravain was worried sick about you. " Atleast one brother was alright. Though Caleb was suddenly aware that Gawain was not with the boy. She would have figured he would be right at his side. Thus she glanced back towards Lance curiously. Ruth was right at Lance's side. Though her eyes widened a bit at the sight of Agravain. "...Whoa. Thats his brother? He's huge. " Ruth murmured quietly to Lance. Ruth was also rather small. Perhaps she would not been so surprised had Gaheris and Gawain been closer to the mans size. But no. They were far more a average height and Ruth was once more getting a bit nervous. Because while Caleb seemed friendly. Agravain just looked... Intimidating.
Well she could always go for Galahad herself but no, Agravain wouldn’t like that one bit and things might get confusing anyway should he come and babysit. He felt a weight lifted off his shoulders when she agreed and he knew deep down that she would’ve but he had to make sure, he wouldn’t have been able to leave if he didn’t know someone was looking out for Ruth. Seemed Gaheris was the only one left out with having already irritated his brother and not liking Caleb and scaring Ruth. Lance smiled gently as Ruth said she liked Caleb. “I thought you might.“ he murmured back. He even managed a small laugh as she said about the size of Agravain. “Gets it from his dad” he explained, “looks like a bear, acts like one too” He didn’t just look intimidating, he was.

Whilst Ruth might like Caleb, Gaheris did not so his lip curled in disgust as he was addressed by her, he didn’t want to be called kiddo by her! They were the same age. Her being married to his brother didn’t give her any right to speak to him. He was more than ready to spit an insult at her when Agravain elbowed him rather hardly. “Well I’m home now” was all Gaheris said to her. Gaheris looked towards Agravain because that was a bit more palatable. “Gawain is staying at Caroline’s kingdom until it’s safe to come back with Theo” he explained and that caused Agravain’s eyes to widen. “Theo? You mean....gwen...“ well wasn't that a shock. He felt a wave of grief and then relief that at least part of Gwen had survived. A lot really had happened. Speaking of, he glanced at Lance disdainfully then swept his eyes to Ruth with a frown. Who was that and why was she here?

“who’s your friend?” Agravain asked Gaheris, because why else would she be here? “I feel we’re going to need a list of what’s happened whilst you’ve been away“ Agravain murmured. Like Gavin, he had to explain that and Morgan if Gaheris didn’t already know, and he should really see Gareth. Gaheris just glanced at Ruth, she could speak for herself, he didn’t need to introduce her and he’d rather not say anything that might irritate Agravain into taking her away from him. And if she stepped out of line with her introductions then Gaheris would know to trust her even less.
A lot had happened, Many of it bad and they perhaps would need to sit down and talk for a time to get threw everything. Didn't help that Gaheris was pretty bitter to talk too. But there was some good news. Theo was alive and Caleb couldn't help her expression turning more sympathetic. Agravain would likely be eager to meet his niece. Gwen's death had hit the family hard.
Caleb's gaze then moved towards Ruth. The girl was a slave so she was uncertain if Lance or Gaheris intended to introduce her. But Ruth could be pretty confident when she wanted to be. While Agravain was rather intimidating. She nodded to him. "My names Ruth. " She started. Glancing towards Gaheris for a moment. She then decided to explain. "Prince Silas bought me for Gaheris. " Ah, Silas was always capable of causing chaos wherever he went it seemed. Agravain hadn't seemed to like the prince much, So that likely wouldn't endear Ruth to him.

But Caleb was sympathetic. She imagined Ruth hadn't exactly had a good life so far. Had Gaheris harmed her at all? No, Lance likely wouldn't allow that. But thoughts of horrible people came to Caleb's mind and she soon looked to her husband. "... I don't know how comfortable I am with this. It feels wrong. " Young girl being a slave? Yeah, It was all kinds of messed up. Though she probable wouldn't have anywhere to go if they just freed her. But Caleb was already thinking things over.

"The servants likely could use some assistance. Perhaps we could release her and offer her a job. Of course the job comes with a room in our estate if you wish. " Caleb suggested. Looking towards Ruth. Lance might not have been able to free Ruth from her slavery. But Agravain probable could. And Caleb would likely not let the subject drop until he agreed. Ruth was though taken aback by this. Clearly not having expected it and really, She didn't know if the offer was actually real. "Your serious? " She questioned Caleb. Gaheris probable wasn't going to be keen on this. But Caleb didn't seem likely to budge.
It was obvious she was a slave when she said bought. Agravain wasn’t accustomed to slaves, they weren't common here. Noah and Derek had been made slaves but they had been terrible people, enemies, so the thought of a young girl, likely a harmless one as well, being a slave felt odd. “Of course he did” Agravain grumbled, it had probably been Silas’ idea of a joke. At least the prince had come through and found Gaheris for them. Agravain wasn’t sure how he felt about it, slaves existed, that was just a fact, but he’d never owned one. He was a knight, meant to protect people’s freedom so in theory he should be against slaves. And Caleb was uncomfortable with it, he didn’t want his wife stressed or uncomfortable, especially not when she was so close to giving birth.

It was a big house with admittedly few staff, they couldn’t definitely do with more hands around the place with Gareth and Melodias being here and now the arrival of Gaheris and soon this baby. Gaheris, of course, had other ideas and he narrowed his eyes at Caleb. “Are you deaf? She’s mine. A gift from a prince. I’m not freeing her” he snapped. Who did Caleb think she was? She wasn’t in charge! Ruth likely wouldn’t be surprised though. Lance sighed but he didn’t want to intervene too much with what Gaheris knew, still: “she can still help around the house” he suggested, and have her own room, she didn’t maybe have to be officially freed, not straight away, they could work up to that.

Agravain had narrowed his eyes at Gaheris, he was certainly acting more of a brat than usual, or maybe he’d just forgotten how much of a brat he’d been in the first place. As loathe as he was to agree with Lance: “she will be helping out because as far as I’m aware you don’t need a personal anything, except maybe a hiding” he growled. He loved his baby brother but he didn’t need a slave and Agravain also wasn’t stupid, he knew how Gaheris was with women and whilst maybe he would’ve let it slide elsewhere or another time, this was Caleb’s house and she didn’t need to be dealing with Gaheris abusing some girl. Not that Gaheris was happy about it and the two brothers had a glare off but Lance was pleased that Agravain had stepped in.

Lance looked to Caleb, the reasonable one. “Why don’t you look for a room for her?” He suggested. “Maybe if she’s nearby she can help with your pregnancy“ He suggested but with an obvious hint for Caleb to keep her nearby just in case Gaheris still tried some funny business, hopefully they’d be able to hear any commotion. “I....congratulations on the baby but I need to go find Galahad and give a report to the king” Lance told them, going to give Caleb another hug and then Ruth. “I’ll come visit soon” he promised her. “Stay near Caleb until then, she’ll look after you” but he was eager to go and see his boy, it had been too long.
Caleb tensed up at Gaheris's snap, Narrowing her eyes towards him. She then pointed out. "A knight should focus on helping and protecting others. Taking a young girl as a slave is hardly knightly. " It was wrong. Though hopefully Agravain could talk to his brother. Still, Caleb's attention was soon changing. Lance was leaving? She could understand, He wanted to be with his son. Hopefully they would get to see eachother more now that he had finally returned. Thus she gave him a tight hug. Caleb knew what he was doing. He wanted to give her plenty of excuses to have Ruth by her side. Caleb didn't think she really needed a excuse though. She wanted to look after the girl. And she'd bluntly tell Gaheris and Agravain that if they questioned.

Ruth was obviously getting more nervous as it came time to say goodbye. Holding the hug a bit longer then she perhaps should have. Murmuring quietly. "I'll miss you... " He was her friend. She cared about him, But she also trusted him, Knew he'd keep her safe from Gaheris. Now that safety was leaving and Ruth just had to hope that Caleb would be enough.

Caleb then stepped closer to Lance and murmured softly. "Let me walk you to your horse. " And while Caleb planned to keep Ruth closely by her side. It was clear she intended to speak alone with Lance. So Caleb looked at her husband and told him. "I'll be back in a moment. Keep a eye on things. " By which she ment, Keep a eye on Gaheris and Ruth. He could probable figure out the message. Ruth clearly wasn't eager for the two to leave. Shifting uncomfortable as Caleb lead Lance to the door. Her gaze drifting towards Agravain. A silence falling over her for a moment. Perhaps she should have just stayed quiet. Let the two guys talk. But Ruth wanted to somewhat test the grounds with Agravain. So, She said the first thing that popped into her head. "Your wife is hot. " What? She was! It was a compliment.

Stepping outside. Caleb glanced towards the door to ensure the two were alone. Before she told Lance. "Before I start, Your father is okay now. He's free. But... Gavin kidnapped him right after you left. " Yeah, She probable could have been more delicate with how she phrased things. "She's useful to the king. So the blame was put on her now deceased husband and it was decided she wasn't in her right mind. So she's basically free. " Caleb then placed her hand on his arm. shaking her head and murmuring. "I figured you should be aware of what is waiting for you at the castle. Be careful. Gavin... I have no doubt intends to harm you in anyway she can. " Someone had to tell him. Others might not tell him much considering the kings decision. Heck, Maybe it wasn't safe for him to stay at the castle. So Caleb thus told him. "Our door is always open here. But if you do intend to stay at the castle.... Stay safe. "
Oh look at Caleb preaching to him about knightly duties, she was just rubbing it in his face that she was knight and he wasn’t yet, well, he’d show her when he gave Arthur’s letter of recommendation to the king! Besides, Ruth being with him was good for her, gave her food and shelter, what more did she want? she was a slave! She was lucky she was alive. Things were definitely going to escalate between Gaheris and Caleb I’d they continued to disagree. He’d only been back a little while and he’d already had a go at her.

Caleb was only leaving for a little while, Ruth should be safe in that fine, especially seeing as Agravain was currently agreeing with his wife. And speaking of, the man glanced at Ruth in surprise at her comment. He studied her for a moment before an amused smirk crossed his lips “yeah, she is” he agreed which earned a grumble from Gaheris. “She looks like a boy” Gaheris muttered and Agravain raised an eyebrow. “didnt stop you from flirting with her though did it?” Agravain pointed out, pushing his brother a bit teasingly. Gaheris flushed slightly “she was dressed to get men’s attention” Gaheris defended because he remembered looking at her legs and yeah, some of his anger did stem from her having rejected him. “Then why were you paying her attention?” Agravain teased again, Gaheris was more a boy, even if he and Caleb were the same age, they certainly didn’t act it. And now Agravain was embarrassing him in front of Ruth, undermining his authority snd it didn’t help the shade of red that Gaheris had turned.

Caleb following him out meant there was something she wanted to say but he hadn’t expected it to be about his father. Lance gripped his horse’s reigns tighter as she filled him in in what had happened. What if he’d come back and his father had been dead? Or still missing? Who had been looking after Galahad! He needed to check on them. “I appreciate the offer” he admitted. “But am I any safer here with Agravain?” He asked her, and he didn’t want to endanger Galahad. Gavin was more unknown, clearly quite sneaky right have kidnapped Antonio and gotten away with no consequences but Agravain was a mountain of muscle and anger. Lance might be able to beat him a duel but Agravain probably wouldn’t be playing fair. “I’ll keep an eye on her” he promised Caleb. “And I will visit, I’ve missed you” She was his friend and he’d been away from home for a long time, sure things had changed since he’d last been home but she couldn’t get rid of him too easily. Maybe he could try and take her mind off of her idleness From the pregnancy. “About Gaheris, it’s not just Ruth you should watch” he told her, “look after yourself too. He’s been angry for a long time now and I don't know what he might try and do” he seemed to hold grudges against women in particular, and Lance.
Agravain wasted no time in embarrassing his brother. Something that Ruth couldn't help but find amusing. It was hard to keep herself from snickering a bit. Ruth then shook her head. Telling Gaheris. "Its like having a knight in shining armor be a chick- You can't tell me there isn't something thrilling about a girl holding a sword? " Just saying! and really, Maybe Ruth and Agravain would come to some agreements. Though she had to wonder how this marriage had ended up happening. Not many men would tolerate there wives dressing up like a man and fighting. Ruth wasn't complaining though. She had a feeling this all would become rather entertaining to watch.

Caleb's gaze softened as she told Lance. "Me and my father would keep a eye on Agravain. " She promised. Agravain might not be pleased about Lance staying. But she was sure he could be talked into understanding. Besides, Atleast Agravain was a danger he knew. Speaking of dangers. Gaheris could very much be one too. Though Caleb had trouble seeing him as much more then a spoiled teenager. She knew Lance would not be warning her if that was only the case. So she frowned but nodded. "I'll keep on guard. I have no plans of letting him start anything. " Besides, She was rarely alone anyway. It seemed these days either Agravain or her father was constantly at her side hovering over her. She wouldn't have to battle Gaheris alone.

Stepping away. Caleb murmured one last. "Be safe Lance. " Before finally bidding him a last farewell. She couldn't keep him long, Wouldn't even try. She had no doubt he'd be racing to the castle. Especially after this news. Caleb then turned to head back inside. Opening the door and pausing, Both Agravain and Ruth seemed fairly happy. Which was good. Though Gaheris looked as grouchy as usual. If a bit red faced. So Caleb could only imagine a good amount of teasing had been going on. Good, Caleb preferred things stay happy. It would likely reach a more somber note when they took Gaheris to see Gareth. But Caleb decided not to bring that up yet. Instead she teased them softly, "Getting in trouble without me? " She joked as she closed the door.
Agravain and Ruth did seem to be in sync about what was hot however Gaheris was not; “what’s hot about them getting themselves killed?” Girls weren’t meant to hold swords and be knights otherwise they’d be way more if them, no, Caleb was just a freak. “I’ll have you know Caleb could beat you in a sword fight” Agravain mused, he was confident about it, she’d beat him, his baby brother would be no challenge. Gaheris wasn’t unskilled, he had been trained by Gawain, however it seemed less fluid for him, something learnt from loads of practice, not something born in his bones. And to mention girls with weapons, Lance had made sure to leave his dagger with Ruth in case she should need it. An extra layer of protection.

”no more than usual” Agravain reassured his wife as she returned. It was going to be strange getting used to the new dynamic, his baby brother and his wife under one roof but Gaheris wasn’t a little kid, he didn’t think he’d get in their way too much. Ruth hadn’t told Caleb to her face that she found her attractive but it might help her feelings about this obvious pregnancy. ”How old are you?” Agravain addressed Ruth, she looked young, like maybe she hadn’t considered the hotness of people until recently. Then again Gareth was only young and already thinking about his family inappropriately. Maybe Gareth would respond well to seeing Gaheris, they’d left on a sour note but it might be something Gareth would react strongly to. Hopefully all this time apart had healed the wound,

Lance didn’t hang around and was racing back home. He needed to check in his father and then pick up Galahad and never put him down again. Would he even remember him? Oh he hoped so. Alexander’s report could wait. And he needed a word with Gavin, to warn her off his family. She was Alexander’s niece and had already been pardoned so it was tricky ground but he wasn’t going to let her hurt his family again. And again there was more surprises for him at the castle because he didn’t know Elaine was staying there. The problem with Galahad though was that he could be anywhere, with the Queen or Antonio or even a servant or Elaine. Lance was just going to have to ask around until he found him.
Caleb raised her eyebrow at her husband in amusement. Well, At least they hadn't set the house on fire while she was gone! Though Caleb couldn't say she'd put it past them. Her gaze then moved to Ruth at Agravain's question. The girl seeming a bit surprised to be asked. But soon told Agravain. "15 or 16 I think. I'm not certain. " She didn't really know her birthday, Nor had she kept too much track of the years. But that was her best guess. Caleb could already guess the girl was young. This confirmed even more in her mind that Caleb had no intentions of allowing Ruth to remain a slave. Though that was something she'd need to discuss more with Agravain later.

Caleb then murmured softly to Ruth. "Things must have been hard for you. " She couldn't imagine others had been kind to the girl. Gaheris certainly didn't seem to care about her. Ruth paused a bit at that. Glancing away before standing a little taller. Telling Caleb. "I wasn't always a slave. One day my brothers gonna come and take me back home. " She explained. She just had to be patient. He'd become a knight and he'd track her down. Caleb was a little surprised to hear that. She expected the girl to have been born into slavery. But it perhaps explained how vocal she seemed to be.

Caleb didn't know who the girls brother was. But she didn't see such a thing happening easily. Still, She bit her tongue over that. Giving Agravain a look before saying. "Hey, Why don't we see about finding you a room. We ought to also see about getting you a room as well Gaheris. You both ought to have a bit of a tour of the place anyway. " They could also stop by and see Gareth. Though Caleb didn't want to be the first one to mention such.
Ruth was young but in this case young meant roughly the same age as Gaheris and Caleb; a knight in training and a battle ready mother to be. Of course Agravain and Caleb weren’t aware of what she’d been through, didnt know that she herself had been pregnant but they had only just met so maybe they’d share some more later. Gaheris rolled his eyes as Ruth insisted, again, that her brother would come for her. If they’d had to sell her off, how was her brother goijg to scrounge up the money to become a knight? And it’d been years, no one would be looking for her and she didn’t even know what kingdom she came from! It was a fool’s errand and she needed to face the facts. She was annoying when she was hopeful. But Lance had said that Alexander’s kingdom was a good place to look for her brother if he had become a knight so.....maybe her hope would prove right?

It wasn’t too surprising she wasn’t born into slavery yet it was intriguing that Gaheris still chose to treat her horribly considering he’d almost been sold into it himself. But, Gaheris might Just be processing his trauma and t least he was speaking now; before he’d been kidnapped he’d sort of sunken into silence although maybe that version if Gaheris was easier to handle.

Gaheris didn’t want to be bossed about by Caleb or agree with her, but he’d like a room as soon as possible so he could get away from them all. He didn’t want to spend more time around Caleb than he had to at the moment and he could also do with sitting on something which wasn’t the hard ground or a horse. Agravain did have other ideas though and he gripped his brother’s arm to pull him aside before they all set off. “You should see Gareth” he murmured, trying to keep his voice low so as to keep the conversation between them. Gaheris visibly blanched at the suggestion and was just about to shake his head when Agravain cut him off. “I know its awkward but he’s your brother and the longer you leave it, the worse it’s gonna get” Agravain explained. “He’s gotten better but he’s still not like how he was, and you don’t have to visit him along if you don’t want to” Although Agravain would prefer if he didn’t have to chaperone their interactions but he got that they might need his support. Gaheris was still place but this time he didn’t try to argue and Agravain nodded in approval, ushering his brother after the others. If they could get Gaheris to help out with everyday stuff for Gareth then maybe the awkwardness would fade. He suspected Caleb would know that he’d have talked to Gaheris about Gareth although she obviously wasn’t aware of all the history there. They could drop Ruth off at her room, maybe find Gaheris one near Gareth and hopefully leave them be. He wouldn’t mind going back to the couch for some more time with Caleb since they had been interrupted. Did this mean they would have to be less open with their affections? Well, Agravain did try to reign it in a bit around Melodias, but this meant him and Caleb might need to be careful about where they played out their next fantasy, maybe no more dining rooms.
Caleb began leading the way for the small group. Only pausing for a moment when she noticed Agravain pull his brother away. But the girl kept quiet and decided it best to simply leave them be. Continuing to walk as to give the two some privacy. Ruth was eager to stick to Caleb's side, Thus was right behind her. Though she spared a glance towards the men. Her eyes lingering on Gaheris for a moment before looking back to Caleb. "Were you serious about freeing me? I... I don't think Gaheris will allow that. " That caused Caleb to blink. Looking at Ruth and tilting her head. Caleb then mused. "I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't serious. " Caleb couldn't help but be a bit repulsed that Gaheris had allowed the girl to remain a slave this long. But she shook her head. Saying. "Doesn't matter what he wants. Agravain's word outweighs his. And I very much plan to speak to Agravain about this. " Caleb had no doubt that if Agravain demanded Gaheris free Ruth. Well, The boy wouldn't have much of a choice.

It was then Agravain and Gaheris was catching up to the girls. Right on time too, For Caleb was slowing down. Gesturing to a room. "I believe this should work for you Ruth. Me and Agravain sleep in the room right over there. So if you need anything. Just shout. " And if anything happened. Caleb would be able to hear. Ruth seemed to perk up as she looked at the door. Especially when the door was opened. It was nice, Far nicer then Ruth was used too. Clear excitement showed on her face as she looked towards Caleb. "Is it just me sleeping here? " Surely there would be other servants with her. Caleb seemed amused by the question. "Of course. We don't have enough people living here to fill all the rooms. Why don't you go ahead and settle in. While we see about getting Gaheris settled in. "

Ruth didn't need to be asked twice. A big grin showed on her face as she murmured a excited thank you. Scurrying inside. No doubt to flop onto the bed and well... Enjoy the luxury of actually having a bed. And the privacy of a bedroom all to herself. With Ruth gone. Caleb then looked towards Gaheris. Musing. "Well, C'mon. Lets find you a room." She then paused for a moment. Seeming uncertain and glancing towards Agravain. She then looked back towards Gaheris. Asking softly. "Do you... Want to have the room next to Gareth's? " Surely he would be eager to be at his little brothers side after all.
Gaheris had always been a bit of a contrary boy but in the end he tended to listen to his brothers, that might not be the case as much anymore. He’d been away for a long time and felt betrayed by them, he might not longer cave into Agravain’s will however, Agravain didn’t mess about and whilst he wasn’t as deranged or as violent as his father, he did take after him a bit. Gaheris might not want to be on the receiving end of how Agravain acted to criminals and people he didn’t like. Sure Agravain seemed all domestic and sweet even around a Caleb but you had to remember this was the man who’d suggested murdering the knights unfit for Alexander’s court.

Maybe it would’ve been best to drop Ruth off without Gaheris knowing where her room is, would make it harder for him to find her, yet, Caleb made sure to point out that Ruth was right by where she and Agravain slept, a subtle warning to him. Caleb seemed quite sure she’d be able to hear if Ruth was in trouble but Gaheris could be sneaky and Caleb might be rather preoccupied with Agravain although to not be caught he’d have to get it just right snd the chances of that weren’t high so he supposed it was the threat of being caught at all that was meant to stop him trying. It didn’t matter anyway because there was no way Agravain and Caleb would be around all the time and even if it was just Agravain at home, maybe things would be more relaxed, he might act different.

Gaheris absolutely hated the way Caleb looked at him and talked to him, as if she was so much older than him just because she was married to his brother. They’d just had a talk about Gareth but Gaheris still flinched at his name and no, actually, he didn’t want a room next to his brother, that was too much and he didn’t like the thought of laying there with Gareth in the next room. It would be too tense. But as Caleb had said, Agravain’s word outweighed his. Agravain put a heavy hand on Gareth’s shoulder and gripped him pointedly “Yes he would” Agravain decided for his brother, thinking it’d do them good rather than Gaheris constantly trying to avoid him. ”C’mon” Agravain insisted before Gaheris could protest and he tugged his little brother along towards Gareth’s room. He’s not sure Caleb would want to be there for the brothers’ reunion, it might be a little traumatising for both of them and Caleb wouldn’t understand why but well, she hadn’t been told enough to know she’d want to avoid it.
Caleb did of course notice Gaheris's hesitance. Didn't really understand it, She had assumed when he returned he would be racing to see his brother. But that wasn't the case, Maybe he was simply scared to see the state his brother was in? If that was the case Caleb didn't blame him. She wasn't sure how much he knew in regards to such. But Gareth still was not the person he once had been. He was getting better, But Caleb didn't think he'd ever really recover.

Agravain was quiet and Caleb assumed he wanted to go ahead and take Gaheris to Gareth. She didn't argue. Instead she murmured softly. "You should probable be warned, I don't think Gareth can see very well... And he still can't walk. So he might not greet you right away. " Yeah, Caleb couldn't help but feel bad saying such. But he should be aware. But there was some brighter news. Caleb then told Gaheris. "He's been able to speak and hear more clearly lately. He's really getting better every day. " Somedays he had bad days where even talking was too much. But Gareth was strong!

Reaching the door. Caleb nodded to one of the rooms and told Gaheris. "You can sleep in that room. This one is Gaheris. " Perhaps Gaheris could help take over some of Gareth's care! With Caleb and Agravain focused on the new baby, They could surely use the help. Besides, Caleb was aware that it was entirely possible Gareth might get worse. They might wake up tomorrow to him having passed. Gaheris should enjoy the time he had. Caleb didn't open the door though. It felt like that was more Gaheris's and Agravain's place. Thus she stepped aside for them.
Gaheris was worried about what state he might find his brother in. He hated to think that the last time he might ever have seen Gareth well he would’ve been ignoring him or shouting at him, that this thing was going to linger between them forever and that the air would never be cleared because of his brother’s injuries. Gaheris didn’t think that Gareth would be greeting him at all, even if he had been well, he probably didn’t want to see him with the way they’d left things. Sure, he knew that Gareth had tried to join Agravain and Gawain on their journey to find him but that was because he hated being left out and Gwen had also been kidnapped.

Agravain had his own doubts about Gareth’s health but he hoped for the best, fingers crossed that Gareth would recover more or at least hang on until Gawain made it back home but they had to take each day as it came. Being next to Gareth would be good for Gaheris he was sure, but Gaheris didn’t get to see his room straight away, not he had the trial of seeing his brother first. Agravain stepped closer to Gaheris, taking his arm, more gentle than Gaheris was probably used to. “Do you want me to come in with you?” He asked.

Gaheris was more than aware that this meeting was going to be awkward and horrible and just down right traumatic, he’d rather not have spectators to it. He didn’t need Agravain acting like he cared or Caleb ogling them so he shook his head, brushing Agravain’s hand off. “Go back to making out” he dismissed them and took a deep breath before pushing open the door, making sure to shut it quickly behind him. He didn’t want to look at Gareth, he let his eyes wander the room first. He didn’t even really want to talk to him, no, he was going to just ignore his brother for longe enough and then leave. Maybe in time he’d talk to him but it was all a bit much right now. He didn’t want to see the state of Gareth, feel even more constricted and gloomy, but Gareth had always been one to push things and annoy him.
Gaheris's behavior certainly confused Caleb, It just... He seemed to stare at the door as if something dangerous was behind it. Sure she deemed it as him being frightened to see the state of his brother. Still, He finally faced things and stepped inside. Leaving the couple outside. Caleb frowned before looking to her husband. Murmuring quietly. "Do you think he will be alright on his own?" Perhaps it would have been better for Agravain to follow him. A shoulder to lean on.

Inside, Gareth was still in a horrible state. Seeming small and frail laying on the bed. Scars had healed by now, But the marks of them remained. Luckily he didn't seem in any obvious pain. Actually. He had been asleep- He couldn't exactly do much these days. Nor did he have the energy too. Thus when his brother was not around to keep him company, Sleeping was common for him. Still, He jerked awake in alarm at the sound of the door opening. Panic clear across his face. Probable he had been involved in a nightmare. Or maybe he just found the noise frightening.

He then was focused on the door, And well... Caleb was right about trouble seeing. He could see of course. Just not well. He could see someone was standing there. Just not tell who. Thus he murmured quietly. "...Agravain?..." Except No. He knew Agravain was much larger then this. So it was likely a servant here to check on him. Carefully, Gareth attempted to shuffle into a more sitting up position. But he was soon wincing and forced to lay back once more. Still, This was more then he had originally been capable of. So he was certainly improving. Not that Gaheris had seen him at his worst state.
“I think he needs to do this” Agravain replied, Gaheris wouldn’t necessarily be okay, but Agravain being there wouldn’t make things better. “He’s tough” he promised her and wouldn’t appreciate his vulnerability being on show. If anything, he was more worried about Gareth, he couldn’t escape the situation like Gaheris would and he was the more emotional of the two.

Gaheris’ plan to avoid his brother flew out of the window fairly quickly when he was referred to as Agravain. He let his gaze flicker to Gareth and it was a good thing that Gareth’s eyesight was poor because it meant he wouldn’t be able to see the curled lip on Gaheris’ face. He was in a bad shape, must’ve looked even worse right after it had happened. He looked vulnerable there, small and fragile and nothing like the annoying little brother he was used to. “No, he’s too busy with his wife” and the disdain in his voice was clear. Gareth might not be able to see, but he could clearly hear so would probably recognise Gaheris’ voice.

Again, Gaheris couldn’t help but talk. “You look like sh*t” he muttered. He still stayed far away from the bed, not eager to get too close. Keeping his distance felt safer, both physically and emotionally. “Every time I come back you look worse and worse” like last time he’d come back Gareth had been attacked by the bandits. Maybe Gaheris should stop leaving and Gaheris might have time to recover, although to be fair Gaheris hadn’t chose to leave last time. “You know, Lance is going to pay for this” he reassured Gareth although Lance was Gareth’s friend so he might not want to hear that. Gaheris did have incriminating knowledge about Lance but he wanted his knighthood, didn’t mean he couldn’t punish him with it though, get Lance to feel some pain or do other things to him.

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