Idea How to make a multifandom idea stand out?

I don't dabble too much into Multifandom, but I'd assume a lot of the same ideas that make other roleplay genres - specifically fandom would work out.

The main thing to focus on making an rp standout is premise. What is the roleplay going to be about? The concept/story that the roleplay will be revolving around is usually the draw for a lot of people, myself included. If the goal is to make something stick out, and draw in people, then it needs to be a somewhat original idea or at the very least be different from the other main multifandom roleplays going on. Ask yourself, what ideas or concepts are the other roleplays not incorporating that makes you want to start your own? Is it a lack of emphasis on story/plot, or too much? Could the other roleplays be too focused on dialogue/characterization, and not enough on action? Maybe it's the reverse, and the story is suffering because it's non-stop action? I'm not familiar with multifandom, but maybe they just aren't incorporating the fandoms that you want to? Please note that these are meant to be more thought questions and aren't meant to be taken as criticisms toward any roleplays

Secondly I'd focus on detail. Once you've come up with your premise that is different than other the other roleplays, flesh it out. Nothing impresses me more than when I've seen the OP go through the effort to detail the world and story of the roleplay. It shows you've put a lot of thought into the roleplay, which generally makes for a much more engaging experience. While putting a fair amount of detail into story and setting leaves less for the imagination, it gives people a better idea of what a roleplay is going to be like and whether or not that's going to be for them. Also, just because you put a lot of detail into a story doesn't mean that the roleplay itself has to be detailed, and it can be kept to a casual level.

Those are my two suggestions. There are plenty of other ways to make roleplays stand out as well, but I think premise and detail will help you a lot.

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