Other How long have you been RPing?

About ten to eleven years all together but probably closer to seven or eight when you count in hiatuses. Since I was eighteen in any case.
Almost a decade, now that I think about it. I started dabbling when I was 15 or 16, now I'm 25.
A little over a decade in full, but around eight years if you take away a two year hiatus I took in college. I began RPing when I was fourteen.
god, almost 15 years now. i started when i was around 13 doing literal written-out roleplaying with friends at school and it just progressed from there. i take brief hiatuses every now and then, but overall i've been pretty steady.
First verbal RPs were offered to be by my uncle when I was four, and lasted till I was nine. So-o-o it's over thirty years.
Forum and Internet RPs in general go from 2006, I think.
D&D, WoD, etc. - Since maybe 1996.

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