Advice/Help How do I revitalize an idea?


Junior Member
It seems that the best method to accruing interest isn't to bump an old thread but to create a new one that is more welcoming, so how do people usually turn something that didn't draw interest into a successful RP?
Honestly, either works. Bumping can work if you bump at the right time. New thread can work if you post it at the right time.
Right time for it to catch interest of people who want to play. There is no "right" time of the day or anything.
You can try to change or reword your interest check but in many cases it comes down to luck.
It seems that the best method to accruing interest isn't to bump an old thread but to create a new one that is more welcoming, so how do people usually turn something that didn't draw interest into a successful RP?

Look back through this discussion section. There have been at least three threads with tips for writing interest checks in the last few months.
It seems that the best method to accruing interest isn't to bump an old thread but to create a new one that is more welcoming, so how do people usually turn something that didn't draw interest into a successful RP?

The key (and granted, this is always going to be mainly guesswork) is to figure out what about it didn't work. The most common causes include, but are not limited to:

*Luck/Timing- Lumped together because they are effectively the "random" elements. A given interest check simply posted at a different time or different circumstances could've yielded much better results, as at any time you need specifically available people who like your idea AND your terms to come across your interest check among all the others.

*Reduction of your target group- Basically, the more restrictions you impose (AKA literally any rule, preference, requirement, method of doing things, etc...) will narrow the people who might be interested. A niche fandom, for instance, will immediately massively drop the number of people who might be interested, and high posting speed or high posting length requirements can also considerably reduce that number. The more you narrow your audience, the more you rely on very specific timing and luck to actually find anyone, let alone a working group.

*Lack of things for people to go off- That said, not narrowing your target group is very much inevitable. Missing information, when in excess, leads to such things as failing to hook people who might otherwise be interested and being a red flag for both those who worry your style might not match theirs and those who perceive you as lazy or unwilling to contribute as a result.

*Excessive Bumping- Bumping all the time makes you seem desperate and needy, neither of which exactly attract people's interest.

Once you figure out your problem, the solution is to fix it. Now, this isn't a magic cure-all: Even if we ignore the unfixable timing/luck problem, the fact is that telling what exactly is wrong with an interest check isn't rocket or exact science, and as a result it's something one could easily be wrong about, both in what the problem is, and in how many there actually are.

Nonetheless, I hope this helps, best of luck and happy RPing!
Particularly in reference to niche ideas: Try writing something for it.

Sometimes people can't see where an idea might go or if it's a fandom where you want to focus on a side ship instead of the main pairing people may just have never found a reason to be interested in the side characters. Give them a reason to be interested or spark an idea in their head. This also shows your investment in the idea/plot/pairing and the added amount of 'care' may be what you needed to hook someone.
It seems that the best method to accruing interest isn't to bump an old thread but to create a new one that is more welcoming, so how do people usually turn something that didn't draw interest into a successful RP?

Find some interested people first to jumpstart it. Refine the pitch so the appeal is more specific. Try on a different site if this one doesn't have the audience for it.

I don't think bumping an old thread is the best approach after a couple of weeks have passed. There's a real risk of players who were interested bailing out after a week or two, leaving you thinking you have a solid player base but it's actually empty by the time you recruit the last few you want. I think it's better to network around common interests and come in with a few people who are already committed, then build around that.
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Most, if not all of my "successful" RPs and related groups have been created with more than one foundation to support me. You'll definitely want some people in your corner and ready to play before launch time.

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