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Fandom Homestuck Into the Void: CS



Elder Member
Roleplay Availability
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Your intro should include your troll's interests, name, typing quirk, Trolltag and really whatever else you want the introduction to tell about your troll

A young troll stands in their respite block. Today you'll be getting a brand new game known as SGRUB. And though it was six sweeps ago you were given life, it is only now you'll be given a name. What will the name of this troll be?

====> Enter Name
Your Name is Karzus Morlan


You belong to one of the more obscure ROCK CULTS of Alternia, all of which are deeply HERETICAL, besides a CERTAIN CLOWN-ORIENTATED sect of which would prefer not to speak. Your MOST EXCELLENT beliefs center around an UNRIVALED AND EXCEPTIONALLY BODACIOUS DUO, one a landdweller, another a seadweller, who appear in a diverse and inexplicable set of eras, preaching a GOSPEL MOST STELLAR. This gospel is simple, yet powerful: BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER AND PARTY ON, DUDES. Your OUTSPOKEN NATURE and unwillingness to disguise your beliefs has probably got you MARKED TO BE CULLED already, but you don't care, for is it not written: DON'T FEAR THE HANDMAIDEN. Of course, while your religion is important to you, it is not the totality of your life. You enjoy RIGHTEOUS TUNAGE regardless of it's origins and are an ASPIRING MINSTREL yourself, even though you are KIND OF MEDIOCRE at it. As is typical for the higher castes, you also enjoy HIGH-CLASS ART, especially those featuring FERAL MUSCLEBEASTS and you cannot for the life of you understand why others do not. Finally you sometimes go on LONG SOJOURNS into the INCREDIDEADLY WILDERNESS, searching for NOTHING IN PARTICULAR. Occasionally you help those you run into, but mostly YOU JUST WANDER. Part of you thinks of this as TRAINING for your later life, as you would NEVER JOIN UP WITH SOME EGREGIOUSLY NASTY FISHLADY and her MOST UN-UN-UN-EXCELLENT plans of UNIVERSAL CONQUEST.

Your trolltag is maligallantTheosophist and you speak with GREAT CONVICTION on matters that are of IMPORTANCE to you.
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Your name is Gephis Vemasie
You are the MOST FASHIONABLE being you are aware of, but you already knew that. You are currently preparing yourself for your IMPENDING FUTURE as a LEGISLACERATOR, or something of that nature. Your primary activities include and most definitely are limitedto LOWERBLOODS OF THEIR INFERIORITY, performing most RADICAL STUNTS on your INJURY STICK, and MOTIVATING OTHERS with your personage. You don't GET OUT much. When you are not GETTING OUT you can be observed GETTING DOWN to some absolutely diluted hymnery. Your primary interests include and most certainly are limited to DISPLAYING YOUR MASTERY of the four elements: Fall Down Slats, Game Grubbery, Mass Consumption of Cruel Aid, and Schoolfeeding the lower bloods. You possess an UNREMARKABLE BALANCE of said coolacious conduct. You recognize you have no significant future ahead of you. You are unsure what enables you to act with such ABSOLUTE INDIFFERENCE. You do not think much of those below your FASHINVENTIONS. Your Vision Restriction Goggles are your PRIZED POSSESSIONS, and any harm that may come to them is the same as harm to yourself. Your views dictate that such behavior IS UNACCEPTABLE and is deserving of an EQUAL AND OPPRESSIVE REACTION.

Your trolltag is laciniformJeremiad and you speak With a Loose emphasis on L-speak and an Untacitcadence.
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(Sprite courtesy of AgWordSmith)

Your name is Luandi Rysode.

Seeing as you're of a member of the LOWEST CASTE, you're not the biggest fan of the hemospectrum but given that there no viable alternatives you can think off you accept things as they are. Rather than end up as cannon fodder in one of the CONDESCE'S wars you are saving up as much money as you can in hopes of bribing your way into being a SPACESHIP mechanic. As a result of your frugality and as practice nearly all electronic equipment in your tiny hive is made from parts you SCAVENGED from the nearby JUNKYARD. The creation you're the most proud off is your OVERSIZED COMPUTER, even if if it takes up more ROOM than you actually can afford and it's poor cooling systems mean you can't use it for too long. Still a not so small part of you wants to actually buy a few relatively expensive things, but you keep your eye on the BIG PICTURE that is your prolonged SURVIVAL. Like most members of your kind you aren't opposed to fighting but you prefer to pick battle that you're sure you can WIN without too much trouble.

Your trolltag is DestituteArtificer and you speak In a way that leaves out unecesary letters and punctuation
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Your name is Tromeh Sulise.

You are the ideal image of a a PROPER VIOLETBLOOD and you strive to be perceived as such, you have a preference for the TRADITIONAL ALTERNIAN ARTS such as expected of a HIGHBLOOD as yourself. You are entirely loyal to the ALTERNIAN MONARCHY and familar with it's many laws.

You are training yourself to serve as a future legislacerator, in helping MAINTAIN THE LAW. Your few hobbies include taking care of your coral garden and building a few ELECTRO MECHANICAL devices, your knowledge of the hard sciences being OUTSTANDING.

Your trolltag is loyalistCoulselor and you speak == in a way beffiting of ne as proper as you==
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Your name is Nocdae Mortha.

You are a very PRESTIGIOUS HIGHBLOOD and one of the few of your kind who reside within the ICY ARCTICS of Alternia in an ICE HIVE just a bit warmer than your HEART. You have many, irons in the arctic or however that phrase goes. Regardless you have many interest most of them reminding your friends of their IMMINENT DEMISE. At least that what your various DIVINATION and VISIONS tell you. Also your common sense as a INDIGO BLOOD such as yourself will out live almost everyone you know. While you wouldn't go so far to call yourself CRUEL you show no WARMTH to even the few lucky enough to be considered friends. While this may be a side effect of living in TOTAL ISOLATION for most of the time it is probably because of your SUPERIORITY.

Your troll tag is prophetCatastrope and you write }i{n a way that highlights your elegance and }i{s constantly }i{nforming others of their f0v0lhardiness
> Enter name.


Your name is VITALI HIRUDA.

You're the kind of guy who just DOES HIS OWN THING. You wish you could be more LIKABLE but you tend to LASH OUT and distance yourself from others. Honestly you just want to be left alone. Secretly, you're jealous of people that can form relationships easily, because this DISEASE CALLED FRIENDSHIP is simply too hard for your mutant brain to understand. You are often ANGRY and IRRITATED, and you ENGAGE IN WILDLY IRRATIONAL ACTIVITIES when you're pissed off, which is practically all the time. Also, despite your SOMEWHAT VIOLENT TENDENCIES you are not all that great at fighting with your strife specibus of choice, BOOMERANGKIND. You *would* use your INCREDIBLE POWERS but you don't exactly have the firmest grasp on CONTROL AND PRECISION. Or your SANITY, for that matter.

You were once different though.

You have a host of ever-changing interests. Your current one is MUSHROOM CULTIVATION, which surprisingly comes naturally to you. Your respiteblock is filled with a variety of fungi, which your BUG PALS thoroughly enjoy. You also dabble in THE LITERARY ARTS and often force your acquaintances to read your TERRIBLE SLASH FANFICTION. You happen to be a fan of a popular east-Alternian animated series known as BLADECRAFT NETWORK. In the past you've played many campaigns of FLARP, but have since lost interest. You are a self-professed PUN GOD, but your troll chums will tell you that your SENSE OF HUMOR is GODAWFUL.

You're a member of the third-lowest CASTE on Alternia, but unlike some of your chums you think the hemospectrum can GO SUCK THE MOTHER GRUB'S BONE BULGE. People often tell you that you're a little DETACHED, but it's probably because the only friends- if you could even call them that- you have are from the internet, most of which are COMPLETE IDIOTS. Ideally you should be looking for COURTSHIP OPTIONS, but given that you have as much charisma as a prickly sledgehammer you would RATHER NOT OPEN THAT CAN OF WORMS. Speaking of worms, man are they the most DISGUSTING THINGS that have ever graced your ocular receptors. Other bugs are pretty cool but nobody likes worms. It doesn't help that your GUARDIAN is one of them. Although you have been blessed/cursed with INCOMPARABLY AWESOME PSYCHIC POWERS, you're also in a "symbiotic" relationship with numerous MIND WORMS that reside within you, constantly leeching off of your psychic energy. This constant mental drainage leaves you with the EMOTIONAL CAPACITY of a CRIPPLINGLY AWKWARD SOCIOPATH.

No wonder you have trouble filling your QUADRANTS.

Your trolltag is cholericParasite and you speak in ~~ a manner that iss sslightly tremorouss ~~
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[Class=BG1] background-color:#535353; padding-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px; padding-right:0px; padding-left:0px; [/class] [Class=BG2] background-color:#C6C6C6; width:85%; margin:auto; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; padding-right:0px; padding-left:0px; [/class] [Class=Content] background-color:#efefef; margin:auto; color:black; width:75%; font-family:Courier New; text-align:center; padding-right:0px; padding-left:0px; [/class] [Class=Img] padding:0px; margin:auto; width:100%; line-height:none; [/class] [Class=Text] padding:20px; font-weight:700; line-height: 18.9px; [/class] [class=Link] font-family:Helvetica; font-weight:200px; line-height: 27.6px; font-size:24px; color:#0000ee; [/class] [div class="BG1"] [div class="BG2"] [div class="Content"] Enter Name. [div class="Img"]
[/div] [div class="Text"] Your name is RIANON SIRONA.

It's obvious you are an ODD ONE. From your looks to your mannerisms. Its hard to fit in in any sort of way when you're DEAF and have to sync your lips to a voice projected for you by a THOUGHT TO SPEECH DEVICE. Official name pending but you managed to make something useful. Others could call you a JACK OF ALL TRADES kind of troll. Often you pick up MODERATE skill in a lot of different skill sets.

Though your passion is GRAPHIC DESIGN, you have a fondness for COOKING and INFORMATION BROKERING. Often you find useful tidbits of knowledge in the ABANDONED ATHENAEUM you live in. Your old hive burned down in a SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENTS that lead to your deafness and your hive burning down. You STILL HAVE THE SCARS and may have been COMPLETELY YOUR OWN DOING. Now in the library you've taken to READING and ARCHIVING everything in this old hidden place selling copies of the good stuff to trolls in need. Even PROGRAMMING a simple and basic digital archival device as well to ETERNALLY PRESERVE the knowledge around her and using that to more easily sort out the MARKETABLE parts.

Needless to say from your rather REBELLIOUS APPAREL you find helping others a joy and necessity in life rather than the ruthless all for one attitude of the entire race. After the accidents you HAD A HUGE TRANSFORMATION to more of a ACTIVIST of fairness among all blood castes. Though among friends you still act SHY and have TERRIBLE ANXIETY over about anything and only would let on a tiny bit about your feelings on society. You WISH you could be MORE OUTGOING and ASSERTIVE but it simply DOES NOT HAPPEN. You often pretend to be so when alone in your current residence.

Your trolltag is sharpenedQuills and you r~oll your~ wor~ds into {accented statements.}

[div class="Link"] > = = = = > [/div]​
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