• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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  • mood

    it do be honeyduke's time + istg victor button up your damn shirt

When it came to Hogsmeade, Otto always looked forward to going. Simply because, located there, is Honeyduke’s. The best shop, hands down. He always looked forward to the sweet, sugary aroma in the air of the shop. Always looked forward to the many sweet treats that he could pick from. And, to say the least, he had a stash of sweets hidden under the bed, and he intended on it staying a secret (Victor didn’t know about it and it should really stay that way.) Granted that he already wolfed down some sweets earlier today. Could you really blame him for having a taste in saltwater taffy, pumpkin pasties, and more though? Oh, oh and don’t forget about the possible snowball fights one could start at Hogsmeade. All in good, harmless fun of course!

And, you can’t forget the fact that he has Victor with him! The otter was, to be frank, always dragging his raven boyfriend around with him wherever he wanted to go and Victor would just have to roll with it.

Otto was beaming with excitement and anticipation as he zipped up his chest binder before slipping on a very oversized green sweater (and quite frankly the sleeves went over his hands) as he was trying to hurry up and get dressed. After getting dressed, classic Otto wearing black and gray cat stockings with his outfit, he slipped his wand into his pants pocket just in case he needed it.

Fingers wiggled their way through warm, fuzzy, light brown fingerless gloves that had white cat pawprints. Not the best thing to go with this outfit but it was just cute little gloves. He then slipped in little silver cat earrings into his ears, poking at them with his pointer finger to make sure they were in firmly. After this, Otto proceeded to card both hands through his fluffy hair before tying it into a very short ponytail.

Cookie and Mallomar were resting on the bed, eyes shut and they looked to be content on the warm, cozy covers. Otto gave each of them a pat on the head before leaving them alone to do their own thing.

The otter then turned his attention to Victor.

“Victor, are you coming with me? Pretty pleaseeee?" Otto asked with a small hum, drawling out the 'e' in please. Then he was wrapping his arms around Victor's waist, temporarily of course. At Hogwarts, there was only so much privacy and alone time one could get with their significant other. Sad. There was something else weighing heavily on his mind but he didn't even want to think nor talk about it right now. This was the Hogsmeade trip which is supposed to be fun! Let him enjoy it. This thought could be discussed with Victor later. Otto already knew Victor wasn’t much of a sweet tooth kind of person, but tagging along wouldn’t hurt.

Let’s just say Otto didn’t need to be left unsupervised at Honeyduke’s. Really he shouldn’t be left alone there. Victor is his supervision. Otto is simply dragging Victor along with him, and then Otto could just tag along with Victor like a little otter. That’s totally normal, it’s what “very very good friends'' do right?

It was silent for a brief moment before Otto decided to speak up once more. Apparently, he finally took notice in the fact that Victor’s shirt was unbuttoned. And he frowned.

“Your shirt,” Otto said in a rather straightforward tone, “it’s unbuttoned. Not allowed. You’ll freeze to death out there.” He spoke, moving his fingers to the unbuttoned buttons, standing there and buttoning Victor’s shirt up for him. The otter shook his head as he finished buttoning up his boyfriend’s shirt for him. However, the otter did not stop there, "You can't go around with your shirt unbuttoned Victor," Otto reprimanded, "you'll get cold and you need to stop trying to impress the nurse. She might be married you know." he mumbled softly, slightly gritting his teeth. This was all done in good, harmless teasing.

After that, Otto continued to ramble and talk.

“Victor, I would suggest that we check out the Shrieking Shack later and see if it’s really haunted. But I don’t think anything is going to happen because you’ll scare the ghosts away with your shirt.”

Otto began to giggle, scraping his teeth gently against his lower lip. He loved Victor’s fashion style, he did! It’s just that he also liked to tease Victor about it as well for the fun of it . Surely there were ghosts in the old shack, they’d just be scared off by the raven’s shirt!

“Come on Victor, I want to hurry up and get all of the best sweets!”

Burning Out


♡coded by uxie♡
tw: hate speech/violence/mentions of sex

MOOD: Ugh.

OUTFIT: it's too cold to be dragged out of bed



Victor Harrowhark Harrowhark
Otto fairyfawn fairyfawn
TL;DR Fuck this shit.

Slytherin common rooms were a festering wound - a breeding ground of prejudice that people tried to ignore. All of the prejudiced purebloods were thrown into one house, and then people were expected to come out of it not prejudiced in some way.

That’s where Matt’s discomfort with being put in Slytherin came in. Yeah, he knew logically that he was apathetic with a streak of a general devil’s advocacy that made him prime for the general aesthetic that Slytherins wanted: the cool, chain smoker bad boy with a wild side. But he was also what was generally considered a “mudblood” trapped with people that despised his very being and had unlimited access to fuck with him.

He responded by being a generally uninteresting person to fuck with to begin with. Yeah, he was a mudblood but he also got laid and had that aura of disinterest to everything around him that people viewed as magnetic.

How ever disinterested and apathetic his shield that he’d built to save himself from being hate-crimed might be though, it did not save him from when he accidentally pissed off purebloods. Which is where he found himself now, on the floor, his head underneath the sole of someone’s boot.

His ribs were screaming at him in protest, but for some reason he found a general disinterest in moving to relieve them. Maybe it was the fact that the pressure on his head was getting greater.

“Now listen here you little mudblood shit.” Oh. A lecture. Lovely. Could they please get off his head, no matter what they did he was still going to keep fucking the guy’s sister as long as she wanted it. “I don’t know what’s got you thinking that you can play with the big boys, but you will never be anything more than dirt beneath my heel, you understand?”

Who was this man. Why were they asking for him to respond. He, again, had a general disinterest in talking when they were- Oh God the pressure was getting worse. There was a kick in between his legs and Matt was beginning to think that he might throw up.

“Squeal, pig.” Another kick. Fucking hell if it didn’t make him talk the first time what were the chances that kicking him again was going to make him break.

“I understand that this dirt was on top of your sister last night.” Matt braced himself for whatever was going to come next after a response like that.

They had their fun and left Matt’s bloodied and broken body where it was crumpled against a wall. Pain sparked its way through him with every rattling breath in. So what were the chances someone was going to find mudblood filth in the corner of the Slytherin common room and help him to the infirmary. Probably not much.

It was probably for the best that he didn’t show weakness in front of the guy and his little groupie squad. They knew that he was completely unapologetic now, and either he was going to get his shit kicked in every time they saw him or they were going to realize it wasn’t worth the effort and they were going to leave him alone. He supposed it’d be a 50/50 shot every time.

But first it was time to get off the floor.

The push up was slow and shaky. And he stumbled forward, hand tenderly grasping the wall for support as he struggled to remain standing upright. The ribs were not enjoying themselves right now. Black spots danced across his eyes and for a brief dizzying moment, Matt had to consider the possibility of passing out and injuring himself even more.

Thankfully though the moment passed, and now Matt had to figure out the joys of actually getting out of the common room. Was anyone going to actually help him once he got out? He didn’t really know for sure, he burned a lot of bridges if people didn’t enjoy his devil’s advocacy and his general apathy. Friends tended to come and go quickly. His was a personality that you got infatuated with, and then grew tired with. Generally speaking, he didn’t really care either way but for right now… Yeah that wasn’t ideal

He stumbled and limped his way towards the stairs leading out of the common room, and taking in every bit of willpower he didn’t even know he had, he began his slow ascent, trying to not throw up or pass out while he walked.

Finally, he made it outside. Hogwarts students passing him by idly. One took a good look at him and screamed, and the last truly lucid thought Matteo remembered having before he sank to his knees, arms catching him as he fell was “Well. At least it was a stranger that noticed first.”


Matteo woke up in the infirmary, phantom pains shooting through him as his brain processed the fact that it was no longer in pain. Warm, soft comfort making him want to bury himself in this and never face the outside world again as his brain filled in the gaps of memory for his beatdown.

“Matteo.” A little wince at the use of his full name, more emotion than he’d shown the entire time he was beaten and limping out of the Slytherin common room. That was cheating. He opened his eyes and zeroed on a person sitting at the end of his bed. Kind of lording over him, to be honest, but the professor spoke softly and warmly, like trying to coax a scared rabbit from its hole. Matt hated that tone, because that meant they thought he was traumatized. That this wasn’t a grave of his own making. “Who did that to you?”

A big, big spiteful part of him wanted to speak and tattle. But it was best to remain silent for these kinds of things. Telling, at the end of the day, would just make things worse - make the next beating harsher. Same would be fighting back. If he won, they’d just try harder next time. If he lost, they’d just smack him down harder. He’d have to thoroughly and utterly beat the shit out of four people on fair grounds and… let’s be honest here, that wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

“You know you can tell me anything, right?” Sometimes a professor got it in their heads that they could “save” Matt. Fix him, make him care about something. Have a shoulder to cry on about his depressing backstory. Something like that. Something he didn’t need. “Matteo?”

Could they stop using his full name? It was making him feel like a toddler being scolded for stealing out of the cookie jar. It was annoying. They only used his full name when he was in trouble.

There was a sigh. Disappointment. That’s usually what ended up happening. “My office hours are always open if you need to talk about anything, Matteo.” Shut up. “Even if you just want to hang out or something.” Good. Leave now please. Thank you. He relaxed his head back into the pillow now that the intruder was gone, a little sigh escaping him as sleep called to him once more.

Next thing he knew, he was awake and getting pushed out of the infirmary, still in the pajamas from when the fuckers had quite literally dragged him out of bed. He shoved his hands in his sweatpants pockets, pulling out a pack of cigarettes as he walked, lighting the cigarette with the tip of his wand. As he blew out smoke, he saw a head of blonde hair moving towards him. The sister of the boy that had just given him a massive beating. Lovely. She smiled at him and blushed. Fuck.

“Hey Matt.” She coyly slid her hair in front of her face. He knew a trap when he saw one. He just raised the cigarette to his lips, and took another drag, trying to not shiver. There was a gentle leading over from her to somewhere semi-private, out of the wind.

“Hey.” He blew the smoke out away from her. A surprisingly polite gesture. She then pushed back her hair, giving him a coy smile, a little flutter of her eyelashes. Ah fuck. If this was under any other circumstances, Matt would take this opportunity to get her alone as soon as possible but… Well, clearly this little vignette had been going on for too long.

“So. I was thinking.” She began, and Matt interjected before this could go further.

“About us?” He asked, taking a small glance up to look her in the eyes. Another small blush and a shy smile. Yeah, he knew where this was going already. .

“Yeah! And I was thinking. I dunno. Would you want to actually… go to Hogsmeade together or something? Honeydukes?”

Matt sighed as he tapped his cigarette, ashes fluttering to the ground. “I think you already know my answer.” He said, as he raised the cigarette to his lips again. “No.”

“Oh…” Silence. This was always the awkward part. They wanted to know the why. But all Matt could see when he looked at her was just a person he slept with. Yeah, conversation was stimulating enough, and she had captivating eyes, all warm and soft and yielding. But…

He felt nothing for her. That was a lie. He felt something: lust. But lust wasn’t love. And it would be even worse for him to string her along.

“You seemed into me though.” Excuses. They always were making excuses and reasons.

“I do that with all my hookups. Make them feel a little bit wanted.” Matt looked back down at his cigarette between his fingers. Another slow drag. He should’ve been feeling something here, shame. Anger. Frustration. Something. Whatever,

“... That’s cruel. You’re leading people on to-” He rounded on her now, a fight was not what he needed. The day had been shit enough already.

“I tell people from the beginning that that’s all I want. All this is to me is another hookup - another fling.” He locked eyes, getting just a little bit closer to her. “Do you understand?”

“I…” Her eyes filled with tears. Kindness would be a cruelty, so he kept his arms from wrapping around her.

“If you’re looking for words, this is the time when you get to call me cruel and selfish” Matt said dryly, continuing to blow smoke into the air. She backed away from him. Matt was silently thankful that she didn’t try arguing any further as she ran away, hiding her face in her hands. “Or pathetic. Try to justify my behavior with my apparently pitiable nature. You can run away now”

She did. And she ran away sobbing.

He took another long drag of the cigarette. He was going to have to pay for that later. Most likely in his blood, but for now he couldn’t be bothered into caring what happened next to the girl. After all, it was nearly time for a Hogsmeade visit and Matt had a list of things he wanted to do.


Needless to say, by the time everyone was preparing for Hogsmeade, Matt was in what people would call a “bad mood.” Though, really it was only slightly more frustrated to his normal temperament. Just a bit quieter, a moodier. The gossip about how the muggleborn had just dumped the LeStrange girl he’d been screwing had spread, and he was avoiding her brother as best he could.

He was, at the very least, going to get kicked in the balls again for that, and he wasn’t really looking forward to that.

He also hated that he was in the dungeon, so he didn’t have any windows he could smoke out of. It was generally considered “rude” to smoke indoors and considering that his prefect was a guy he slept with and then crushed…

Yeah he wasn’t smoking indoors. Speaking of which, when he ducked into the dorms to get a scarf and some warmer clothing, he inevitably ran into Otto. The Slytherin prefect… and his boyfriend. Who he also fucked.

He felt like he was intruding on a cute coupley thing. Fuck. He wasn’t nearly in a good enough mood to put up with this bullshit. Couples, gross. Even worse, couples being cute and PDA-y? Just keep it far away from him.

There was a hasty move on his part to pass them to get to his things to change into something warmer. No greetings, no awkwardness besides his general presence. And the avoidance of the age old question “Why are you coming back from the cold outside world in nothing but a t-shirt and sweatpants.” He wasn’t going to mention it, unless they were. Probably for the best. Because he didn’t care enough to come up with a lie to cease the worries and then there would be a whole “investigation” if the stupid teacher didn’t report it.

The air was tense, but that was probably Victor’s fault. Fucker had a vendetta against him since he broke the guy’s heart. It wasn’t his fault that Victor caught feelings. But ever since, the quidditch player had been looking for a reason to snap Matt in half.

He’d already taken one beating today, he didn’t need another reason. He quickly started changing out of his pajamas into something actually decent for a Hogsmeade trip, standing facing away from the happy couple as he did so to give them (and himself) some kind of privacy.

He then turned around to see them staring at him as he tied a scarf around his neck.

“... Can I help you?” No greetings, no how are you doing. A slightly suspicious glance between the two of them. His posture relaxed as always. Did they know about… each other. And him. He wasn’t quite certain, and regretted not asking when he could’ve. At the time he couldn’t have cared less but… now? Well. Again, he’d already taken a beating today, he was reluctant to take another.
code by valen t.
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Tw: Extreme depressive apathy, mentions of violence
Location: Aviary
Mentions: qunqun qunqun ; Matt |
Interactions: N/A​

Slytherin Common Room

A semi-permanent fixture had appeared in the Slytherin common rooms over the past few weeks. It hadn't been there before, yet the corner it occupied felt too sharp and empty when it wasn't there. Though, outside of classes, that was an astronomically rare occurrence. After all, there was no reason for it to move, now was there?

Due to that, it was used to bearing witness to the off acts of savagery shown by privileged wizard fucks. You'd think they're toddlers with how they acted; all barking and biting. Arii didn't care all too much, though. Not really, at least. They had no reason to be invested in these people; being invested took energy they didn't have. So, instead, they opted for apathy. No one bothered with the kid perched on one leg on the end-table in the corner, and they didn't bother with anyone else.

Their hands twitched as they turned a page.

There'd been a commotion earlier; something about someone fucking someone's sister. They didn't notice it. It wasn't worth their time. Not many things were, at this point. There was nothing to be interested in in this school.

They were tired. Yes, tired was a good word for it. They were exhausted. Constantly and reliably, they didn't have the energy to even think about extracurriculars, however strange they were.

They flipped the page. It tore at the corner.

The first year shut the book with a sharp snap, uncurling all at once with all the grace of a sewer goblin. Their vision—which was already bad to begin with—blacked out with the change in position, and their balance was thrown.

That was fine. They knew their way around headrushes, by now.

Ignoring the sensation of falling, they dropped off the table, landing in the same dead-silence they carried around their neck, tin-soled shoes doing their job in letting them hit the ground without the tell-tale thud of a body. After a moment, the overbearing black peeled away from their vision, allowing them to blink the remaining sunspots away as they stalked lazily toward their dorm. It was a rare occasion that they even entered the room, doing so only long enough to snag a pen and some extra paper.

The barebones shared room was all-but empty on the mud-blood's side, with their bag pushed to the very corner of the room and the desk occupied only by a pair of now-useless headphones.

They kept their phone on them. Just in case. Just for some sense of normalcy.

They missed their friends. They missed Vihaan. They missed their parents.

They missed Jet, finding themself floundering without the energy he managed to pour into the room. The smiles and slow finger-signs. The understanding. Because yeah, Jet did understand. He understood that they couldn't hear, sometimes. That they didn't like the texture of sand or painted metal. That the concept of speaking sometimes made them want to simply curl up in a ball and sob.

But no one here got that. They were alone in the worst of ways; more alone than they'd been their entire life.

Ariiasq wasn't built to be alone... but they also weren't built to be here. With so many people. In an unfamiliar culture with unfamiliar rules.

They slipped out of the common room, squinting with the abrupt introduction of sharp light. They kept a careful hold on the paper, though. They didn't want to tear it like they did the book. The sound of ripping paper made their ears hurt.

Humming a song they only vaguely remembered, the student slipped out of the castle and toward the aviary. They didn't remember how they got there, only that they followed the sound of hooting and infighting. They didn't go in. "Dyfed."

Wings appeared out of the owl-door-hatch-thing, barely able to fit the large Eagle Owl. Arii supposed something that big was uncommon. Their companion landed on their shoulder, claws digging in slightly with his weight as he peered over their shoulder to look expectantly at their hands.

They offered him a piece of owl-safe jerky, carding their fingers through his ruff affectionately. "Heyya big bird. I need to send a letter to Jet, got time?"
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the wolf



nervous about the night



Gryffindor Dormitory





It was obvious that the turmoil of the past few weeks had caught up on the bleary-eyed girl in front of Kira. Their strained jaw line and jutting cheekbones poked out from their face, with a somewhat alien and unfamiliar finish, almost statue-like and robotic. Their skin was beaded with balls of sweat, sequins in the warm candle light of the bathroom where water gurgled down the plug hole of the sink. The cool ceramic rim was leant on with tense force, both of Kira’s palms were placed closed on the edge. A glossed but smeared mirror which was placed haphazardly on the wall had been centred with this pair of almost glowing eyes, focusing and unfocusing above dark rings of tire. A nauseating notion flooded Kira, as the stranger in the mirror was himself.

What the young witch chose to wear was hilariously ironic, a loose fitting collared shirt detailed with threaded moons and stars. It hung loosely on her thin frame, her hands tucked into the edges of the silken sleeves which was on top of a knitted black turtle neck sweater. She examined herself in the mirror, grinning: This is what Hogsmede was all about having fun. Kira had to take her lycanthropy light heartedly, despite it being far from. It was soon, to the next full moon, and Kira knew she needed to prepare. That was usually the hardest labour, each month. It was not only physically, but mentally draining too. The disease took its toll in such ugly ways, that it was obvious. The face in the mirror was noticeably sunken; her eyes were weighted down with sacks of darkness, her pallor was deathly white with a tint of yellow. The witch grimaced, pulling a terrible face in the mirror before patting down her wand which was slipped into the seam of her trousers, nice and safe. Kira picked up her little patch-work bag; full of spare change, ready to spend and made her way out of the mirrored room and into the common room.

The whole common room was bustling with excitement. Little first years scurried across the carpet; probably excited to have the house to themselves. These innocent children, now, running around and playing made Kira sick. The first year of Hogwarts was an destined a terrible one for Kira, full of dement, hate and confusion. Being infected a week before first term started, was ridiculous bad luck. Nothing could prepare the girl for the rage and pain that came forth from lycanthrope's infection. However, Kira was not spiteful; she wouldn't wish it on anybody, let alone the muggle-born children that played beneath her. She was growing heated, toasting in the sweater that she wore underneath the silken shirt. She needed to get out: the happiness was driving her insane.

Pursing her lips and billowing of warm air, Kira exited the common room and out into the long hallway, past the painted fat lady and out onto the cobblestone pavement, heels clapping against the ground. Outside, the temperature wasn't the most forgiving, gusts of ice wind blew her hair into more of a birds nest. Azra was probably curled upside down somewhere, with the students cats in front of a warm fire. For some reason her pet skunk had a close affiliation with the completely opposite species. Here in the central area of school, she was waiting for Tomas and whichever friend he brought along.

Kira's relationship with Tomas was turbulent. She only stuck by him to make sure he did not say anything about her lycanthropy, and the other fact that he gave away money. Kira was jealous, longing to be as likeable as him as soon as she set eyes on the wizard. It was against Kira's nature to, the conflicting, standoff-ish girl she was, was unmatched to kind heartedness.

♡coded by uxie♡
TW: Mention of Drugs/Drug Dealing
Outside Hufflepuff Dorms to Hogwarts to Main Hall
Haha sad + Oh hi Ren!
Binna + Ren
Nivara Marcello
Sunlight poured into the small room casting it in brilliant golden colors, something she normally enjoyed in the morning. Nivaras gaze was settled on the ceiling, her eyes blank and cleared over. Arms and legs sprawled out across the duvet on the bed. Tears glistening as they slipped down their face and into her tangled stringy hair. She raised a hand in a weak attempt to clear them off her face, though it was really no use. Her heart was settled in her feet in millions of pieces and it hurt so so much..

"Why. Why the FUCK DID YOU NOT TELL ME?! YOU PROMISED TO KEEP NOTHING FROM ME AND YET HERE YOU ARE HIDING YOUR DAMN REVOLTING BUSINESS FROM ME! I SHOULDNT HAVE HAD TO FIND OUT FROM SOMEONE ELSE WHAT YOU WERE DOING! Yaknow what? I dont think we should be friends anymore. Friends dont do this to each other. I didnt expect it from you. I think it would have been different if it was someone else BUT I TRUSTED YOU! And I thought I meant more than to have something like this be kept from me. Bye- Have fun with your damn druggies."

Nivara regretted every word of it. She shouldnt have lost it like that on Binna but.. it made sense she did didnt it? She didnt actually mean any of it. They didnt actually care if Binna dealt. They still wanted to be friends with her. She still wanted the company of her friend- errr ex friend. A sob escaped from her lips and she curled into a ball. They havent moved from the bed all night or day. It seemed like a lifetime ago that this happened but it was only yesterday. Right after classes when someone slipped her the fateful note then her and Binna got into it. They didnt know how long it was before a knock on the door disrupted their thoughts and they quickly shot up and rubbed their eyes.

There could be no evidence from what happened last night. Nothing to ruin her image she has so carefully built over the last couple years. "Come in!" They called out and the door opened, a head appearing. It was just her roommate. "Do you have any lipstick-Oh Vivi are you alright?" She rushed inside and bundled her up in her arms.

"I am fine Tiana. I just got eyeliner in my eye. And yes I have some lipstick you can borrow! Red Apple or Honey Chestnut? Are you trying to impress that boy again? If so go with Red Apple its more seductive." She quickly swapped the subject, directing it back to Tiana, wiggling her way out of her grasp and to her small dresser. Pulling out the colors they balanced them between their pointer and thumb finger.

"Maybeeee. Ill take the red one thanks Vivi!" And with that she bound out of the room again and Nivara let out a breath. Shoulders sagging a little as she rubbed her eyes again. Her entire body ached and the last thing they wanted to do was to go to Hogsmeade but she already promised Ren... so they would just suck it up and go. Slipping a pair of headphones on over their ears and turning the music up loud till the point you could hear the rock pounding out. Turning back around to the dresser she pulled open the lower shelf and started throwing all the random colored clothes across the floor, starting to gather in piles.

Many ranging from bright almost eyesore pink and purple to deep hues of brown and black. Finally coming across the outfit she wanted, they slipped the shirt on over their head and tugged it down. A tight black long sleeve shirt that had a high neck, one of the only long sleeves they owed. After a moment of struggling and hopping around the bedroom like a fool, they were able to get the fishnets on which then came the brown and orange plaid skirt. Layers equaled warmth while still looking fashionable. Then a belt because what outfit was complete without one? None!

She was swinging her head back and forth as she jammed to her blues, hair covering her eyes causing her to constantly blow it out. After getting ready and putting on some simple make up consisting of bold black eyeliner and the brown lipstick she offered to Tiana earlier. Slipping on a pair of well wore in platforms onto their feet, they stood up. Ready to face the world! "I AM MIGHTER THAN A DRAGON!" She yelled and spun around the bedroom flapping their arms, almost hitting one of the wooden bedframes.

A sheep nudged her leg and Nivara grinned, patting the black sheeps head, weary of the horns. "Hello Beep Bop! Wanna see Ren today?" The previous night pushed to the far back corners of her mind for now. She can deal with that later. She picked up her phone and a purse, slipping the mobile into it. Slinging it around her shoulder, she slipped out of her room and down to the common room. They liked this little quaint area, the bright colors and comfortable furniture surrounded by so many plants and windows. Pulling open the big door, they slipped out and down the hallway to the kitchens.

Nivara knew she shouldnt be in the kitchens but OH WELL! She slipped in with a bright smile on her face, lips upturned almost touching their eyes. "Sup Chef Rivers! Can I get two toasts if you arent that busy?" Her eyes sparkled as she placed her head in her hand, balancing on the marble counter. "Yaknow MaiMai you need to stop coming in here- its against the rules. And for that Sheep to be in here in a safety hazard." She chided as she pointed the knife at Nivara.

"I know I know but how can I resist when the kitchen is right there its calling to me! Oh an Beep Bop can leave- See!" Nivara pushed the sheep back out the door before turning back to Chef RIvers. She spun around and place a hand on her head dramatically, before bursting into a fit of giggles and the old woman couldnt help but laugh too.

"I guess I can make two pieces of toast but after that no more coming back!" Nivara nodded her head quickly and grinned. Chef Rivers shuffled around a bit popping the toast into the toaster before returning back to her work.

When it dinged she pulled them out and pulled out a jam out of her apron, she knew Nivara way too well. Chef Rivers grabbed a knife before spreading it across and just giving them the two toasts, Rens left without anything just how he liked it. "Thank youuu~" She dragged out the 'u' and bit into the toast, heaven in one bite. "Yummmm." She ginned at the women before throwing their arms around her waist and then skipping away. Right before exiting the door she called back, "Ill be back tomorrow! Bye my second mother!"

Skipping down the hall, shoes echoing on the floor before colliding with a figure, the toast tittering on the edge of her hand. "Hey! Sorry wasnt watching where I was going- Oh hi Ren! Toast?" A grin on her face as she held out the plain toast to him, rolling on the balls of her feet. "How are you? Did you sleep well? Excited for the trip? I wasnt this morning but im all better now! Youre going to get cold arent you? Want me to run back and grab you a jacket?" Knowing the answer before he said anything to the last question she didnt. They linked their arm through Rens and took a bite out of their toast, going up a couple flights of stairs then bam!

They were up at the main hall of Hogwarts, many other students swarming around them. Nivara called out greetings to many of them and smiles before her eyes landed on Binna. The smile faltered and she stopped suddenly, yanking Ren back with her. OH NO DIRECT EYE CONTACT! LOOK AWAY! They quickly looked away and walked faster, her nose starting to burn and her heart beating fast. Nivara did not need a relapse of this morning. "Sorry thought I saw something anyways- to Hogsmeade! Also Beep Bop wants to say hello. He missed you." Beep Bop nudged Rens leg before sounding an alarm. "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA."

coded by natasha.
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  • mood

    Going out, but this mfer testing him

Hogsmeade wasn’t as much a fun outing for Victor as it was for his classmates. Part of this was due to the fact that he couldn’t seem to let himself have fun. The other part was simply his introverted nature. He’d rather be inside all day, especially if he was with Otto. Especially if he was with Otto. Unfortunately, he was currently getting dressed in order to leave. Black trousers were a staple in most of his looks. No Otto, he didn’t need “more color,” and it was quite insulting to suggest he did.

Speaking of Otto… Don’t be a perv Victor. He turned his gaze as he shrugged on his green button up. Just look at the wall. The very beautiful brick wall. Respectful. There was nothing particularly uncomfortable about changing in front of each other. They’d been doing it for years, and he’d seen Otto’s body in most contexts, but there was still a part of him that felt the need to pretend he hadn’t. He didn’t bother buttoning the silk all the way before adjusting the collar.

Even out of sight of a mirror, Victor found a way to nitpick his appearance. This time he kept fiddling with the sleeves, convinced there were small creases that needed to come out. Would it be dangerous to use a heat spell so close to his own skin? Oh and the endless cat hairs on his body. He had to fend off the beasts every time he dressed in the mornings.

Otto’s sudden hug made Victor jump. He wasn’t adverse to the otter’s affections, but being touched was still something he needed to grow used to. The process was unfairly slow.
“No, I’m putting this on to look pretty for your beasts.”
The cats were unappreciative at best. Otto never had to utter a breath to convince Victor to go somewhere with him. They’d been attached at the hip even before they started dating. Despite the blank expression he was wearing now, and most of the time, he was happiest when with his boyfriend. Some would call that codependency, Victor would tell them to mind their own business.

However, Otto’s fingers were welcome to mind any business they liked, even if it was fussing.
“It’s buttoned enough.”
Jealousy was a good color on his fellow animagus. Especially when Victor was often just the same. The teasing he could live without.
“I don’t even know the nurse!”
He’d been in the infirmary a few times, but it wasn’t like he could remember her face off the top of his head.
“You don’t think I could shag a married woman?”
Rude. He was a Black. Women should be so lucky to get his attention, given his reputation, such an occurrence might just be a miracle.

The restriction on his neck wasn’t the fun kind. Victor huffed and undid his top button in spite, but left the rest where Otto had left them.
“I think I prefer you unbuttoning my shirts,”
he muttered, straightening out the places where the fabric hadn’t adjusted quite right. Ghosts. They could eat shit if they didn’t like Victor’s shirt. They were old as hell anyway. What did they know about fashion? But he didn’t say any of that.
“They’re scared of my power, not my shirt.”
As if his ability in magic was anywhere near terrifying. He should’ve been doing much better at this level.

Yes, the best sweets. Only the best for the sweetest boy. Victor stubbornly undid another button before snatching his wand off his own bed, which looked like it hadn’t been slept in since June.
“I’m going for the quidditch shop.”
Nothing more. Certainly not to watch Otto smile in Honeyduke’s. None of that.

They should’ve been on their way. Unfortunately, even their dorm wasn’t safe from nuisances. This one was particularly unfavored by Victor.

Matteo Wright.

Victor’s teeth grinded as he stared the aforementioned nuisance down. This one he couldn’t ignore. It had gotten better, he’d long since stopped feeling any semblance of affection for the creature. Though doing so had taken a few months of active effort. His eye twitched, if there was anyone he could hate more, he hadn’t met them yet.

Back before Victor had accepted his feelings for men, he made several mistakes, mostly with women, but somehow, this asshole got him to indulge with another man. He’d been under the impression that it meant something, but apparently Matt had other ideas. Whatever. It didn’t matter. The guy was an asshole for other reasons too, like… He just was!

Can I help you?

“Since when have I needed your help?”
Same discretion as ever. It was a toss up if Matt would care enough to do the same. Victor had no intention of exposing Otto to this, but he could turn around if it came to that.
“And I don’t want to help you.”
He glared Matt over once more before putting a hand on Otto’s shoulder. A bro hand. Only for bros.
“So we’re done here?”
Yes, nothing else to do. He wasn’t going to start the day off by beating someone’s ass in front of his prefect boyfriend. He was going to walk away from this politely.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡
psst navigate the code with the faint yellow button at the bottom thank u

  • Hogwarts, Scotland

    Who Is She?

    I monster

    These days, knowing more makes you more miserable.

9 minutes ago

nine lives



  • mood

    is happy

Meadow was pretty neutral about going to Hogsmeade. Most of the time, she would often need to go grab a few things from some of the shops. Whether it be for quidditch, a couple quills, maybe even a little indulgence in eating chocolate frogs, whatever. Most of the time, she preferred to try and stay inside with Amethyst but mostly, she would have to go out and get new goggles, find some new quills, or whatever else she needed.

See, today, Meadow had been hoping that maybe she could just stay inside the warm castle and chill out. However, it looked like she would need to go to Hogsmeade and go get some more quills and possible new gloves for Quidditch. Let's just say that she had... no more quills left after somehow breaking them. And as of right now, Meadow was still in bed, still in pajamas, and perhaps you could say that she was laying down in Amethyst's bed.

Meadow's bed has looked like it hadn't been slept in for months. And it hadn't. Basically, Meadow abandoned her own bed in favor of sharing a bed with her girlfriend, Amethyst. Once the two had started dating, Meadow had heavily preferred to wake up in the mornings curled up next to Amethyst. Besides, it's winter time now! Very cold. Must cuddle with Amethyst for warmth. Meadow's lips thinned out as she gazed upward at the ceiling, willing herself to pull the covers back off of her legs and to ease herself upright into a sitting position.

Well... Amethyst is going to Hogsmeade too right? They could go together of course!

The Ravenclaw keeper let her lips curl into a small smile as she inched herself off of the bed so she could throw something on and do something with her hair before going out. Meadow threw on a colorful long sleeve shirt as well a light blue skirt that didn't exactly cover all of her legs, as well as warm, fuzzy socks and platform heels. Not really the absolute best outfit for a trip out to Hogsmeade but it was fine with her.

She put her hair up into pigtails, tying a little ribbon onto each pigtail. As she was doing this, her attention turned from the wall to look over at Amethyst.

"Hey Amethyst, are you ready to go to Hogsmeade?" Meadow asked, carding fingers through her pigtails. For Meadow, she was excited because well, this could be counted as like... a date right? Yeah, Hogsmeade date!

Totally a date!

Frostine could come too, the owl could perch herself on Meadow (or Amethyst's) shoulder and sit there contently.

They could also go to The Three Broomsticks if they ever got cold and sit in front of the fireplace to warm up as well. Or go to Honeyduke's since apparently it always had this warm, welcoming aroma to it.

Tag You're It

Melanie Martinez

♡coded by uxie♡

OUTFIT: That cold fit you feel?

Ren, Victor

Kira thinking thinking

TL;DR Talkin with the homie.

Rayden woke up bright and early and stretched his muscles out. The Gryffindor grinned as he pulled on something warm and went out for a jog, did his workouts, and then went out to the baths and had a nice long bath. Nice n hot, good for the muscles.

After wallowing in the warm water, he’d gone back to the Gryffindor dorms and put on something warm for Hogsmeade. And then he walked out. Saw one of his buddies: Kira.

“Yoooo whats good Kira!” He grinned at Kira, waving as he ran over. Small, and kinda weak looking, Kira was one of his good ol’ buddies. He wasn’t very discriminatory about who he befriended after all. But she was kinda frail. He worried sometimes, but she hadn’t been bullied yet. She could take care of herself. “Looking good as always.”

Something about her made him just a little bit on edge though. He assumed it was because she was kind of frail. Assumed it was nothing.

“I just came back from the early morning workout, gotta start that grind early, you feel?” Didn’t stop for her to respond with a “you feel” it was more implied than anything else. “Tryna get big. Get strong. Smack bludgers better. All that stuff. I really wanna win the next game. You think muscles are gonna make me less aerodynamic? I shoulda probably thought of that, huh. I can ask one of the Ravenclaws later I guess, I have a plug.” That is, a plug for someone to do his math and tell him what the physics said about things. Not for drugs. He didn’t want to do that, fucked you up.

Also he was scared of needles. Not fun. Nasty things.

“So like, how’ve you been bro?” Everyone was his bro to him. Even small girls who he could probably knock over with a sturdy pat on the back. Didn’t mean she had to be treated any different than the really cool beaters on the Slytherin team that he also had the absolute pleasure to call a homie.
code by valen t.
Last edited:


shy dueller

Hogsmeade, a place that Rosetta loved to go to. Although not for the reasons most people do, like Honeydukes or The Three Broomsticks. She loved two places, Brews and Stews Cafe and Tomes and Scrolls. Her dad used to take her around Hogsmeade all the time ever since they moved back to Scotland, but she hasn’t been in about 3 years since 1st and 2nd years weren’t technically allowed to go, or at least her parents wouldn’t let her. But a few weeks back when she received a package containing a few galleons and a letter saying that she could go to Hogsmeade this year, Rosetta was ecstatic to say the least. Almost immediately after that she sent an owl thanking her dad for the money. Oh, all the things she could buy with those galleons.

The day finally came, the day for the Hogsmeade trip. Rosetta got up bright and early as usual, usually before anyone else in her dorm was even awake. She had always been a morning person, the amount of times her father would find her sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper and drinking some orange juice were too many. She got out of bed and stretched a bit, her joints were always stiff in the morning. She glanced over to the book on her bedside table, they were pretty neat even if they were taking up most of the space of the table. Crouching down in front of them, she read the titles she already had. “Well, I guess I’ll see if I can pick up Tales of Beedle the Bard and Quidditch: Through the Ages today.” She said to herself as she stood up from the table. She quickly put on her outfit that she had picked out the night before and started to look for her coin pouch and satchel.

“Where did that bloody thing go?” She said slightly panicked. She was looking around for it for about 5 minutes now, and she somehow couldn’t find it. “Aha, found you.” She exclaimed, as she found it underneath her bed. Counting the galleons, she made sure they were all there and placed them into her little coin pouch. Looking out the window near her bed, Rosetta noticed it would be pretty cold, so she grabbed her Ravenclaw scarf and folded it into her satchel. “Hmm, I think that’s all I’m going to need at the moment.” She remarked. She reached for her wand and placed it into a special pocket into her satchel. She still checked around her room and fixed her bed though. Messy things always made her feel a little uncomfortable, or well it made her uncomfortable if it were her things. She quickly grabbed the book she was currently reading and headed into the common room and decided to wait there until it was time to leave. Removing her shoes, she brought her feet up onto the couch as well, trying to find a comfy position. Finally settling in, she opened up the book, and began to read.

♡coded by uxie♡


the wolf



calmer than usual.


same as last post




Rayden, qunqun qunqun



Kira could not understand the excitement Rayden was feeling, her lips curled into some awkward smile-grimace. She felt like reeling from his energy however it was obvious that he was trying: he always did. Lowering her shoulders, Kira replaced the tense posture and actually warmed up with a grin. It was impossible to be negative around Rayden, she was the moon, while he was the sun. Listening to Rayden was the best she could do as she did not have time to reply to his fast paced greetings.
“Of course, Rayden. You better be careful or your arms will fall off.” Kira blatantly said, a sarcastic yet joking tone thick in her voice. “I don’t know a lot, you know, about Quidditch. I am the least aerodynamic person you could ask. Do you think it’s because I am too light?” Kira signalled to her body, which was padded out with her thick clothes. She found it very easy to talk to Rayden, opening up quicker than other people. “Remember in first year, when my broom hit me in the head? Maybe I just gave up too quickly but yeah, you’re definitely asking the wrong person here.”

Kira was beginning to genuinely smile, Rayden’s joy was something that brought her hope. With friends like him, then what could go wrong? It was ironic, though, Rayden was like this to almost everybody so Kira shielded herself to not feel too special.

“Who are you planning to go to Hogsmeade with, then?" Kira knew he was not planning on going with her, but it was a fair question. Kira longed to be true friends with him; not just a bro. Anyway, it was rather hilarious, he was so naive. Naive to the everything about her, they weren't friends, more like partners just so they both don't seem lonely. Kira sighed, placing her hand on her hip, waiting for Rayden to spew more ridiculous comments.

♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood

    happy mood ruined man istg

He did a small adjustment to his clothes, Otto picking at the cuffs of the sweater as he briefly wondered if he was going to be warm enough outside. Well actually, he’s most likely going to linger in Honeyduke’s most of the time and it was warm there.

Otto pushed his face into Victor, lips slightly curling into a small, content smile. He loved alone time with Victor and when he didn’t have to pretend to be just… ‘best friends’ with Victor. “Don’t call my cats ‘beasts’ Victor,” He muttered with a smile, “they’re babies. Refer to them as such.” He lifted his head up, taking the time to eye his two cats. He never minded waking up with cat hair on his clothes. “It’s not buttoned enough Victor, you will freeze if it’s not buttoned all the way up.” Otto chided his boyfriend.

There was a playful roll of the eyes when Victor told him he didn't know the nurse.

"Mhm, sure Victor." Otto snorted amusingly, fidgeting with the buttons. "But, you're not allowed to do that, Victor. I will take points away from you." A sly giggle left his lips. Ah yes, the joy of teasing and poking at Victor.

His lips thinned out when Victor undid the top button. Fine, Victor can be stubborn if he wants. "Oh?" Otto let out a vibrating hum. Victor preferred Otto to unbutton his shirts? "Nice." The otter muttered softly as he retracted his hands from the silk smooth shirt.

He was far from finished with teasing Victor, "Power? What power? Power to scare ghosts off with unbuttoned shirts?" He asked, eyes fluttering to look up at Victor. The ghosts were definitely scared of the shirt. Otto might be too excited right now for his own good.

The otter's jaw dropped when he saw Victor undo a button. Hey now, don't go around ruining Otto's buttoning up expertise. "Hey, you can't do that! I just buttoned it!" He pressed, lips twitching as he briefly frowned at Victor. The prefect shook his head and let the frown dissipate. "Victor, you do realize that I'm going to be following you around right?" He hummed out. Yes yes, Otto will tag along with Victor and follow him to the Quidditch shop or whatever it's called. It's what bros did after all.

By this time, Otto should be dragging Victor out of the dorms, rambling cheerfully like usual and letting Victor listen to him. Otto was in the midst of reaching to grab Victor's sleeve to take when he took notice that someone else entered the dorms.

Unfortunately, Otto recognized him.

Otto then pursed his lips at the sight of Matt.

Ew. Him.

Yes, Otto did fool around with Matt, yes Otto got emotionally attached and caught feelings or whatever you call it, and yes Otto ultimately got crushed by Matt. And yes Otto went crying to Victor about some boy back before they started dating but never did he explicitly specify to Victor that said boy was Matt. All he would say was “this guy” and that was it.

Otto’s facial expression soon turned into one of grimacing and disapproval as he stared at Matt whilst lingering close to Victor. And that’s when Matt spoke, no greeting or any of that.

“Can I help you?”

“Matt, recall a time I have ever needed your help.”

The words slipped out of his mouth. Here we go.

Otto turned his attention from Matt to Victor. There was no fucking way that Matt was going to ruin their Hogsmeade trip. He felt Victor's hand on his shoulder: bro hand of course. Totally.

Oh yeah they're done here. Walk away from Matt, just ignore him. Not worth the time. Victor might find out that Matt is the boy that Otto cried over but it would be best to walk away politely. A small pause and brief silence from the prefect, hand trailing up to grab hold of Victor’s.

“Victor, let’s go.” Otto said, swallowing thickly, his tone of voice sounding just a little too pushy and urgent.

Burning Out


♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Meh.

OUTFIT: Too cold for this

LOCATION: Walking out of the Slytherin Common Room


Vic Harrowhark Harrowhark
Otto fairyfawn fairyfawn
TL;DR Guess this is happening

Matt was the non prying type. The type to not ask too many questions. Didn’t really keep up with the school gossip, didn’t really care enough. Besides, he caused quite a bit of it anyways with his complete inability to give a shit about anyone else. So it might come to the surprise of many to learn that he was actually somewhat socially aware. Enough to carefully note that Victor was remaining hostile, yet over what was yet to be seen.

“Since when have I needed your help?” He understood a fuck off when he heard one, good then. They weren’t going to talk about it, Matt could wipe his hands clean of the entire interaction.

“And I don’t want to help you.” Interesting conjecture there, but he didn’t mind enough to actually argue back. That sounded like it’d require effort and he just didn’t really care enough to expend the energy it’d take to dismantle that… amazing feat of logic right there.

Generally speaking, staring at someone with a glare meant that you wanted their attention, or for them to acknowledge you. Excuse him for being socially competent, Mr. Black.

“So we’re done here?”

“I suppose.” Matt said simply, he was going to leave, and then he saw Otto’s hand on Victor’s shoulder. They wanted to leave as well. When Matt was going to leave. And they were going to be going in the exact same direction, with the semi-same destination in mind.

Honestly, Victor could’ve done with a little bit less open hostility on his part; after all, Matt was pretty calm. Not particularly happy, but calm and relaxed. He wasn’t going to say anything if they weren’t going to say anything.

“... Are you both going to Hogsmeade?” Glance to the hand on the shoulder again, their clothes. They’d be a fool to say no, but he waited for the inevitably hostile response.

After which he just calmly stated “I’m going too.”

Wait and pause for that information to sink in. Social convention said that they now had to walk together. Social convention could suck his dick.

“I’ll walk you two there I guess.” He couldn’t even be bothered to get angry by the turn of events. He was resigned to this whole thing happening. He just turned and began walking out of the Slytherin dorms/common room. And then a pause when they made it outside somehow without his head being ripped off.

“If the immense amount of hostility radiating from you is because you’re worried I’m going to ‘steal your boyfriend.’ Or something…” He tilted his head at Otto, making a big show about eyeing him up and down. “I don’t really do that. Sorry to disappoint.”

Another pause, yeah all his talk of trying to be a good person and staying out of trouble were going to go right out the window weren’t they, the whispers of a shiteating grin as he steadied his face back into its usual moroseness. “Unless you’re mad at me for something else?”
code by valen t.
Main Hall to Outside
Nivara Marcello
"Is who- OH! The hufflepuff ghosty fat jolly guy. No hes no longer there- I think he saw another student and took the chance to go chat with them, you are safe Ren. Ill protect you!" A grin across her face as she puffed up her chest, trying to seem larger and scarier, though to no use due to her small size.

They nodded to what he was saying. YES SMITE THE GHOST! WOOOO GO BESTIE! YOU GOT THIS! THEY BELIEVED IN YOU! REN WOULD TOTALLY WIN! Plus Fat Friar was well... fat and scary jolly. Much like Santa Claus. Like friendlier than Nivara and that was saying something. The toast was plucked from her hands and she hummed a happy reply. Good her friend was eating! Glancing over at Ren only to see his lip curl, her smile dropped for a second and her eyebrows knitted together.

"Sorry! Right! You dont need a jacket thought I should have offered anyways! Your answer is also enough to know you do not like winter and plus I know you better than that- you are a summer baby- you prefer the summer and thats totally ok! I like winter better because the snow looks so fluffy!! And its eggnog time! We should see if Hogsmeade has eggnog its like- the best thing ever made." She was quick to respond, the words tumbling out of her lips as her smile returned again.

Oh to only have eggnog. It was yummy- like sugar in milk and then laced in vanilla. Nivaras mouth was practically watering at the thought of it, oh to be back home to have some. Soon! Soon they could have some! They could feel Ren pressing closer to them while they talked so they tried to keep the conversations short but more people within the hallway kept calling Nivara over to say something, they patted Rens arm to silently let him know that they were almost done and could leave. Just hold on one more minute.

She felt that she had to keep what happened with Binna as a secret.. evem from her best friend but.. this was just something she would have to face alone. They didnt need Ren threatening to kill them plus.. Ren didnt know about the feelings that have recently came up for Binna. If they could be classified as that. Nivara didnt even know if they were feelings but- her stomach twisted in knots whenever Binna was around and she couldnt help but laugh and laugh and have the dorkiest smile on her face. OK THAT NEEDS TO STOP OR SHELL START CRYING! FOCUS ON REN! SHES NOT YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE!

He was on the ground, face buried into Beep Bops wool, a big smile on her face as she watched the duo. Like a proud parent watching over their kids and saying to other parents, "Those are mine." Then Ren was feeding Beep Bop toast. OH NO! "Ren- That is bad for him! Ok I guess a little doesnt hurt- but no more!" She chided, but it was more in a loving tone then it was anything else. He had returned to their side and she happily looped her arm through his again, the two joined together again. Though.. a frown was tugging at Rens lips.

So Nivara thought she should fix it. So she reached up with her spare hand and pulled his lips up, a worrying smile tugging at her own. "Are you alright Ren? Anything on your mind- OHHH SHINY!" She took the earring into her hand and held them up to the light, sparkles in her eyes. "I love them. I love them. I love them. I love them. I love them. THANK YOU SO MUCH REN! " Nivara tugged Ren into a tight hug, tears building in her eyes though not sad ones. They were happy tears.

She quickly let go of him again and tucked the earrings safely into a pocket on the inside of their outfit. Nivara loved gifts, they didnt get many until becoming friends with Ren and then holy shit did the shiny rocks start coming, they now all sat on her dresser in neat little piles and rows, ranked from her favorite colors to ones she wasnt the biggest fan of. They walked a little bit longer and once they made it outside, she gasped at the snow fluttering down.

"OH MY GOD LOOK AT IT- LOOK HOW PRETTY IT IS!" She tugged her arm away from Rens to go spin through the little bit that gathered on the ground and through the small flurry in the sky. Arms spread wide with a bright smile as the flakes entangled in their hair, melting quickly. "I LOVE IT!" She shouted before returning back to Ren, linking her arm back through the best friend spot she so rightfully earned.

"OH! I FORGOT TO ASK! Mami and Pappy were wondering if you are coming down for the holidays. Theyd love to have you if you arent going anywhere else or if you arent going home. If you dont want too thats fine too I was just extending you the offer so you knew you had a warm place to sleep at our house and plenty of food to feed an army- the yaknow like the American Army. Pappy says they are big eaters. Mami loves cooking. I think youd like her- last time you were down you missed her cause of work. AND SHED LOVE TO MEET YOU! My pappy also enjoyed your presence alot and keeps asking when youll be down again." There was a time at the beginning of when Ren came down her father thought they were together but after explaining they were jsut friends and nothing would come of it, her father was a bit more acceptant of the fact. She gargled out a bunch of words hoping they made sense cause if not oh well. There was a bright hope in her eyes as she bubbled with energy, bouncing on their feet as they walked.

"Oh yea though- if not then its like totally fine- Also what are we visiting Hogsmeade for today? I need some quills and a cauldron- I blew up my last one! It went like KA-BOOOOOM! I also might need some Quidditch things."

coded by natasha.
Only two things matter in life: Cat and Nikolai.
  • outfit
Orange fur invaded the blond's vision as he laid in bed wide awake. Perhaps he got about two or three hours last night through his tossing and turning. Maybe. It was hard to tell for sure. Rikki just stared up at the ceiling with a small orange tabby cat plopped on his chest. He stayed still, listening to the bustling around him to decide when it was appropriate to make his way up. Others were beginning to make their way out, so many plans with friends, chattering aimlessly.

It was annoying. Like fuckin' insects crawling around.

But his irritation would be short lived, as everyone, those with fur included, had their schedules. Only about five minutes of staring before the small weight on Rikki's chest climbed further up, settling now on his neck and face. It seemed his dear firecracker of a pet was annoyed by his lazing about.

Rikki stayed put, seeing how long he could withstand the smothered breathing before cat hair got too much and he sat up with a sigh. The sleek cat body easily slid off and perched herself nicely on the bed, staring with golden eyes. Evil eyes. They remained unblinking even as a his hand crept closer and-

A small little poke to her nose.

"Bastard" An insult filled with affection. His little bastard cat, he hated most animals yet let Daisy get away with anything. "I'll make you into a scarf." Rikki didn't share love for many things in this world, but somehow this feisty feline clawed her way through. And it seemed she was demanding his presence to be moving around right now. Pushy.

He gave the cat a small shove, barely enough to move her. In turn, she swiped back. A little game, going back and forth between batting at each other for a couple of minutes until Daisy seemed to have gotten bored first, giving a more powerful swipe and then hopping off his bed and trotting out of view. He supposed it was time to actually get up.

A couple minutes of struggling and he was fit to go outside. More than presentable, actually. Despite his 'I don't give a shit' attitude, Rikki did put care into his outfits. If you liked all black that was, and that was just about the only color Rikki owned. Maybe some reds and browns and, reluctantly, greens for his Slytherin placement got sprinkled in every so often.

Thankfully, by the time he was all ready, most of the noise had died down. A blessing. Rikki much preferred a quiet atmosphere. A loner. That was what he was. Feet heavy, he made his way out of the dorm. A quick stop to the common room as that was where Daisy was bound to have run off to and wait for him.

She looked up the moment those familiar steps were in ear shot, and padded along to join him. Of course she'd be alongside him for his outing, and he'd have to carry her through the snow. What a nefarious little creature.

With her attention back onto trailing after him, Rikki made his way out of the common room. Just a few steps, until a familiar face was heading towards him in greeting.

Suddenly the weight of the heavy morning and annoyance melted away.

"Hey." He greeted softly, making his way up to the Veela.

Daisy reached them first, swirling around her legs with small happy chirps. Rikki followed in suit moments after, circling behind and rounding to Nikolai’s side so their arms were brushed up against each other.

“We going out?” Rikki asked cooly, though with hidden excited expectation. Just getting to do anything with Nikolai set him up in a better mood. He didn’t need anything specific going on, just walking around shoulder-to-shoulder left him satisfied. Nothing special needed, just quality time right by his partner’s side.

He pressed further against him, a slant of shoulder to the weight, turning themselves into each other to be face to face. Daisy continued to thread between their legs. "You know," A hand reached up to place against Nikolai’s chest. "My stash is getting a little low; I get a nice dinner for us, you get the drinks?" Always the bargainer, he couldn’t buy his own drinks for a couple more months so Nikolai was always on duty for that. Not that he was ever underpaid for it. Rikki always made sure he gave back tenfold. Usually in the form of hiding away in a secret room and doing unspeakable acts but- details, details.

"Make it a little date today?" It had taken a while for Rikki to be able to say those kinds of things, giving himself to such kind affections romantic or otherwise had always been difficult. They both had their problems, but were doing a good job at getting past them.
coded by reveriee.

OUTFIT: That cold fit you feel?


Kira thinking thinking

TL;DR Talkin with the homie.

Rayden watched as Kira spoke, listened to what she said as she was being very self-deprecating. That wouldn’t do - not at all, not at all.

“Hey now, some people aren’t good at flying and that’s tooootally good too!” Rayden said with a shrug and an easy grin. “You’re like… really smart in other things though.” Another happy smile and a thumbs up.

“Besides, like, it doesn’t mean your opinion doesn’t have value or something, just cause you aren’t good at something.” A little bob of the head for a nod, as he agreed with his own sentiment. Rayden had that kind of light to him - the kind of warm emptiness you got from staring into the eyes of a cow. There wasn’t much happening up there, Quidditch and what he was going to eat took up most of his brain energy.

“I dunno, I’m really going to go to Honeydukes, y’know? Get something sweet or something.” Another empty headed nod. “Not on the diet, but good for brain energy.” Did he have brain energy? Probably not. But hey, who was to say that sugar didn’t help the one brain cell rattling around in there. Doctors? Pshhhh nahhhhhhhh.

“Yoooo idea!” Oh no, that was always just a little bit dangerous. “Why don’t you come with me!” Another nod. “It’ll be like a lot much funner than like… just by myself. Yeah. Come with me we’ll do what you want to do too.” More head bobbing accompanied this.

“We can throw snowballs at that stupid Matt guy.” Stupid Matt Guy had gone out with the girl that Rayden wanted to go out with their fifth year and Rayden had never quite forgiven him. “What kind of name is Matteo anyways. Italian? Italians don’t exist.” And with that… truly genius thought process, Rayden began moving, with the expectation that Kira was going to follow him.
code by valen t.
psst navigate the code with the faint yellow button at the bottom thank u

  • Outside, Hogwarts

    Who Is She?

    I monster

    These days, knowing more makes you more miserable.

9 minutes ago

nine lives



  • mood


Beasts. Babies. Whatever. They were nasty little creatures. Very cuddly, nasty creatures. Maybe Otto would freeze, but Victor could take a little snow. He was resilient! And might make Otto warm him up later. They could cuddle in his sweater. Yeah, cuddle, that’s all.

Take points? No fair! Victor couldn’t threaten any consequences like that. Abuse of power! Not like his use of power to scare ghosts. That was reasonable. It was not the shirt. It was the magical energy he exuded. Otto just couldn’t accept the truth.

Finally a desired reaction. Take that Otto! No buttons could contain him. The otter did look quite cute when distressed. If Matt hadn’t come in, Victor might’ve snuck a kiss.



It seemed him and Otto were on the same page when it came to Matt. As they should be. He was vile. And he couldn’t seem to understand what being done with an interaction meant. Great. Victor was not looking forward to walking anywhere with this bastard. After a few seconds of a piercing stare to attempt to translate out Matt’s current intentions, Victor opened his mouth,
“We are.”

Otto’s increasing discomfort unnerved the raven. This wasn’t his normal social anxiety. Especially if he was holding Victor’s hand at a time like this. What had Matt done? He gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. On the way out, he made sure to keep his body between the two at all times. Physically there may not have been a threat to Otto yet, but he wasn’t going to let one arise.

Somehow, they stepped into the sun unscathed. Fuck it’s cold. Why the hell was it so cold? He might have to climb into Otto’s sweater later. As his boyfriend, he paid his share in rent to stay there.

Unfortunately, Matt couldn’t leave them be. Steal his boyfriend? That was rich. Victor released his grip on Otto as soon as eyes traveled over to him. The raven stepped in front of Matt’s gaze. His nostrils flared, but he did his best not to scowl more than usual.
“It’s rude to make assumptions about other’s relationships. Especially when they don’t concern you.”
Like there wasn’t plenty to be mad at Matt for. His very face made Victor want to separate each of his ribs one by one.

Victor shot Otto a look. If he didn’t explain his discomfort now, Victor would have to make assumptions. Unfortunately, his boyfriend didn’t seem to have much to say on the matter. Figures.
“Do you think there’s a reason for me to be mad?”
He’d love to hear more of what Matt had done. Especially if it involved a reason to get him out of here.
“Or are you just used to being enraging?”
Either one could be likely. The words “Friends” and “Matt” didn’t belong in sentences together.

This was why he hated leaving the house. Or the castle. Whatever. Everytime Victor went out, he inevitably caused problems. A fight or an accident, it didn’t matter. It would be easier if people didn’t do their best to piss him off, but some things never changed.

“I’ll ask you again. Are we done here?”

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood

    Hi Rikki!!!!!

Nikolai towel dried their hair gently before exiting the bathroom. There was nothing like a warm shower after a winter run. Even on days where they “didn’t have to be anywhere,” Nikolai still had to be somewhere. There was no way she’d be able to do nothing all day. He was already ahead in all his classes except for charms, but he was secretly putting that one off. Once he had his shirt on, he gave his hair another good fluff before calling it good. To be fair, her hair was always good. He had his mother to thank for that. Looks were probably the only thing they would consider thanking her for.

Nikolai glanced out the window before catching his reflection in the mirror for about the fifteenth time this morning. It wasn’t her best outfit, but the weather was terrible and there was no way she’d be freezing her ass off today. That’d be stupid. As usual, the Ravenclaw common room was quiet, but Nikolai didn’t plan on staying anyway. Instead, they took their usual route from the tower down to the dungeon. He wasn’t sure Rikki was even out of bed by now, but he’d at least wait, even if being down here kinda gave him the creeps. She was thinking Hogsmeade for today, but she’d probably settle for just getting Rikki outside.

Nikolai perched themself outside the Slytherin common room and waited. If he had an owl, he’d send a little note, but for now he had to wait.

Of course, she didn’t have to wait too long, she knew his schedule well enough. Right on time, Rikki exited the Slytherin common room just as Nikolai pushed himself off the wall.
“I’m here to see Daisy,”
All jokes, though they did lean down to give her a soft jaw scratch. She stood up as Rikki brushed against her. Okay, be a tease. Nikolai was always very physically affectionate, especially towards her boyfriend. While Rikki’s movements often had intention, they preferred just being held close.

“We are, I’m getting low on potions ingredients,”
Rikki knew Nikolai well enough to know they’d be in and out of several shops before even touching a single item on either of their lists, but it was quality time they could spend together. Being leaned into was much better. They let him turn their body, they’d gotten more comfortable with letting him touch them in more forceful ways, pulling them this way and that.

As a hand trailed up Nikolai’s chest, they snaked a hand to the small of his back. Better. And Rikki knew she couldn’t resist a good deal. He thought it over for a moment,
“Throw in generous hand holding and a night alone and I’ll buy you two firewhiskeys.”
That seemed like more than a fair trade. Though it was likely those things would’ve been provided anyway. Rikki had grown a lot softer since they’d met and didn’t mind Nikolai’s constant affections anymore.

A date! Nikolai’s smile widened. For so long they hadn’t been able to define their relationship, so hearing Rikki call something a date always made their heart race.
“It’s a date,”
she put her other arm around him.
“Now you’re trapped Rikki Ellison and the only way out is sufficient attention.”
They rubbed a familiar pattern on his back before lifting him off his feet. Rikki was just over half a foot shorter than them, so this made closing the height difference easier. Just for fun, they spun him around before kissing him.
“Oh no. If you get too dizzy I’ll have to carry you all the way to Hogsmeade,”
He laughed and let Rikki’s feet touch the ground again. A little more holding and they’d let him go. She gave him a light squeeze before finally releasing her grip.
“Okay, you’ve served your time.”

Nikolai laced their fingers together before heading back up the stairs. Oh miss Daisy, how neglected you are. He scooped the cat up before continuing.
“Did you have any shopping to do today?”
Alcohol didn’t count, that was a reward, not a grocery item.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡


shy dueller

She glanced at the clock, and saw the time. She still had time before the students would actually be off to Hogsmeade. Wondering if she had enough time to walk through castle grounds, Rosetta shut her book, slipped on her shoes, and started to walk towards the exit of their common room. She opened her satchel and placed her book inside. "Thank Merlin for that Undetectable Extension Charm." She muttered to herself. That extension charm does wonders, though it was getting quite messy inside her bag. Making a mental note to schedule a cleaning out of her satchel, she walked off to the castle grounds. It was a fairly nice day out, aside from all the snow. She went out into the courtyard, for some fresh air. Although it was cold, it was fresh air nonetheless. With a smile on her face, she greeted a few students that would say hi to her and even make some small talk about classes with some of them. But of course, walking the castle grounds wasn't always easy, some people would stare as she walked by. She knows it is because of her half-veela side, it doesn't help at all, she had been here to three years and still hasn't gotten used to them. It was getting slightly colder for Rosetta, and she knew if wanted to walk around more before leaving, she would need to start walking again now. Some snow had landed atop of her already white hair, on her shoulders, and maybe some other places on her dress and shoes. "As much as I like talking about the Charms assignment, I have to be off!" She said as told her fellow students and started to walk away from them. Once she neared the entry way of the castle, she started to run, it was very cold out there are couldn't wait to feel warm again.

Soon she would feel the warmth of the torches and candles that lit the hallway at Hogwarts. She breathed a sigh of relief at the warmth she felt, but she wasn't looking all that great. All that running made her hair slightly disheveled, and not all the snow came of either. Still running, Rosetta though of the warmest place at Hogwarts she could go to right now. Although she was inside already, her body was still as cold as ice, if anyone touched her hands, they would be as cold as an ice cube. Then the thought hit her, the dungeons. It was the farthest place away from the entrance, or at least the only one Rosetta could think of at the moment. No one usually goes down there, which relieved her slightly, there was a less chance that anyone would see her looking like this, it would be embarrassing. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't even check if anyone was following her or if anyone was around. She turned her head to look around while still running, but that wasn't the best idea in the world. She ran into something and fell backwards and landed on her bum. Her book and scarf flew out of her bag as she fell and the snow that was still stuck to her clothes flew off as well. "Merlin's beard that hurt! Stupid wall." She said, assuming it was a wall since she hadn't seen the thing she ran into, or rather the people she ran into. She saw two people and immediately felt embarrassed. "Ah! I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and I called you a wall. Oh Merlin, I called you a bloody wall..." She started to ramble in a heavy Scottish accent as she stood up and apologised to the two people. She picked up her book and scarf and fixed her hair. Still rambling, she noticed something about one of them, although she quite couldn't place her finger on it. "I'm rambling aren't I." She took a deep breath and said to the two, "I'm Rosetta Bones, and I'm terribly sorry for running into you, and calling you a wall." She said the last part more quietly, but they could probably still hear it. "Forgive me?" She extended a hand towards the two. Although it wasn't intentional, her Veela charm came out as she gave a warm smile to the two upperclassmen.

♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood


“Don’t blame me if you freeze to death then.” Otto mumbled under his breath, jokingly of course. He wasn’t going to let Victor freeze, but Otto was going to be very, very warm in his bundled up clothes. Shame that Victor might end up freezing to death.

How nice it would've been if Victor had been able to snuck a kiss in before they left for Hogsmeade. Too bad their alone time was interrupted by Matt of all people. His nose wrinkled and twitched, and then there was the reassuring squeeze on his hand from Victor, making the otter briefly eye the raven.

"...Are you both going to Hogsmeade?"

No shit Matt. They're putting on warm clothes for absolutely no reason at all.

Excuse me, but why is Matt leading them outside? Would've been better if Matt just left the two of them alone really. Victor is tense, Otto is tense, everyone's tense here! Otto is also on edge too, wondering what was going to happen.

Otto paid special attention to the fact that Victor was keeping himself in between him and Matt, which Otto didn't mind of course. It was very nice to know that he and Victor were on the same page.

Amazing how they managed to get outside without Matt’s head being detached from his body. Even with his warm clothes on, Otto could still feel how cold it was with cold air hitting him in the face. His cheeks turned pink in response from the cold air.

Ew gross, Matt is eyeing him. It made Otto internally recoil, but thankfully Victor stepped in front of him. Right, assumptions about relationships. He and Victor are simply best friends who are always joined at the hip, no need to assume.

The otter didn’t have much to say on the matter, even when Victor looked at him expectantly, as if expecting him to say something and Otto looking up at him in return, his lips moved but no words came out. What would he even say exactly? Well, he can always let Victor find out for himself.

Besides, what would he do right now? Spill the info to Victor in front of Matt? Oh yes, casually tell Victor what happened between him and Matt in front of him. Mmmm, would Matt enjoy that? There was complete silence from the otter, he was letting Victor talk for a bit before his lips began to move and he began to speak.

“We’re done here.” Otto spoke, knowing the question wasn’t directed towards him but rather at Matt perhaps, he was still going to answer it anyway. "Come on Victor." A more pushy and more urgent tone. Good, good. Very nice. Or, Otto could just let Victor be stubborn and see how things play out. As said before, Otto did not want his day to be ruined because of Matt. A subtle pinch to the sleeve of Victor’s shirt and a swift, gentle tug.

Burning Out


♡coded by uxie♡
Outside to The Three Broomsticks
Nivara Marcello
They had reached the outside and Ren had let out a string of cuss words and Nivara just laughed. That was to be expected. Oh well! As they danced off, she caught Ren reaching out to them but it was too late. She was in motion. NOTHING COULD STOP HER NOW!!

"Youll be fine Ren! Its just a little cold!" They laughed as they spun around more, enamored with the snow. She in turn watched Ren give a spin and she clapped in glee. "Brava Brava!" They cheered and she stopped rambling after Ren answered her. She offered a relieved smile and nodded.

"Of course your lizard can come! Mami loves lizards! So does Auntie Camille! Shes coming down for the holidays too! Mami recently got a lizard in the summer. Its a fat lazy thing that basks in the sun though Mami loves him. His name is Lizanardo Da Vinci."
Nivara beamed as they brought up the lizard, though it wasnt as great as Rens. She liked Rens lizard, fat thing that liked food. "Yes another one. They cant seem to hold EVERYTHING! And its starting to get really annoying because I have to constantly buy new ones. Maybe they should make bomb safe cauldrons." They nodded their head with a wistful look.

Nivara had the best ideas. Obviously. Ren was now side-eying her and she looked back at him before a grin split across her face. Ren had an idea. The Slytherin always had the best ideas. "I bet it is warm. I can think of a drink thats even warmer too. And hopefully we dont get kicked out this time. That was really sad. Though I blame it on that one guy because I think we were PERFECTLY reasonably fine and quiet." They were not quiet. They were loud as fuck and some guy complained. They got kicked out. NOT THIS TIME!

NOW SCRAP THE OTHER IDEAS THEY WERE GOING TO GO GET DRUNK! Nivara tugged Ren along the path with a skip in their step. "I am liking this idea though. I want a butterbeer- well no not just one. I WANT LOADSSSS! Do you think that one guy will be back? We should send Beep Bop after him. Tear off his pants. Oh look its right up ahead!" She pointed out to the town in the nearby distance.

Nivara broke into an even wider grin as they tugged Ren along quicker, wanting to get straight to The Three Broomsticks. After a couple more minutes of tugging, they arrived at the front of the store. She pushed open the door with a ding, shedding their coat onto a nearby rack and heading up to the counter. "2 Butterbeers please!" She chirped and the old lady smiled at her then at Ren.

"Up to some mischief arent ya? Runnin around with a lad like that." Nivaras smile dropped slightly before offering a small laugh and a slow blink with their large eyes.

"Mischief? Us? Noooo!"

"I remember ya from last time. Youre the one who jumped on the tables. Anyways that will be four stickles."

"Ohhhh- ahaha yea that might have been me. Im around here quite a bit! Here!" She held out the stickles to the lady and took the two beers that were handed to them. Heading back over to Ren, footsteps muffled by the squeaking of the floorboard.

"Well that was something! She was nice though. I think. She remembers us from last time so we will have to give her an even better show! Anyways here! Lets grab a seat." They shoved the drink into Rens hands before taking a long sip of their own. Butterscotch swimming around in their mouth and they almost melted. "I forget how good this is. Almost as good as eggnog!" She swirled the glass around before taking a seat in a booth, smiling at Ren. "Hows your studies been?"

coded by natasha.
MOOD: Meh.

OUTFIT: Too cold for this

LOCATION: Walking to Hogsmeade


Vic Harrowhark Harrowhark
Otto fairyfawn fairyfawn
TL;DR Guess this is happening

Matt watched Otto trying to hurry Victor away, though, it was kind of a cute little attempt considering that Victor seemed more geared up for a fight than a flee. Whatever, there was no skin off his back if he decided to do something stupid.

Though, he would prefer to not get punched in the face for a second time that day. That would’ve been very unpleasant for all parties involved.

“We’re going the same direction, do you want me to trail awkwardly behind a couple paces back or do you want to trail awkwardly behind me.” Matt pointed out, sounding semi-amused as he lit a cigarette. Though, whether or not the amusement was real or not was really a subject for its own debate. Maybe Matt didn’t know himself.

“Either way, we might as well walk together and then go our own separate ways. Probably a lot less awkward.” Or at least, Matt hoped it’d be less awkward. Though, the chances of him getting punched in the face were skyrocketing by the second. “How have you both been?”

A nice mild conversation starter. Fairly mild by Matt’s standards at least: he had the tendency to start conversations with starters like “I think having sex with a guy isn’t gay.” Something purposefully inflammatory and then arguing it for the fun of it.

He was a dick.

He waited for a response carefully, listening mildly as he continued to smoke his cigarette. There was nothing in the rulebook to say that he couldn’t smoke, but it probably wasn’t the most polite thing to do around Otto: he vaguely remembered the boy disliking the habit. Ruined his lungs or something like that, and Matt would agree. But the last time he’d tried to quit it was just a bad experience all around. Not something he’d like a repeat of anytime soon.

The snow was falling and Matt couldn’t help but feel… slightly lighter than his usual dark melancholy. There was something about it that made him feel… well. It made him feel more alive to have a bit of a nip in the air, as depressing as that was.

It was the small things in life that kept him remembering that he wasn’t just walking through an empty void that was life. That and meaningless flings and frivolous debates. There wasn’t much that could break through the familiar static fuzz that tinged the rest of his world

And, at the very least, he was a surprisingly good listener and conversationalist when he was actually trying. That was how people got reeled in to begin with, with that devil may care attitude. It was addicting. Like his cigarettes.

“Well, happy that both of you seem to be in better spirits.” A sharp wolf-like smile tugging at his lips. Rakish. Shockingly handsome in that confident swagger. But again, whether or not it was real was up for debate. What was reality anyways to someone who could barely bring himself to give a shit.
code by valen t.

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