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Fandom History Should Stay History

Bishop nodded and handed her a spare key "Here, whenever you want to come by alright? You're both always welcome." He said before they left

Max smiled softly at the two of them. She made their food and put it down on the table taking Mari into her arms cuddling her close "What do you have to do today?" She asked
Angel glanced over at them and shrugged, "Gonna go check in with the prez, see if he's got any jobs for me... Might be home quickly though." He mused, scoffing his breakfast down then chucked his dishes in the sink and kissed both their heads while he grabbed his kutte, "Call you later." He murmured and headed out, getting to the club right after the prez and frowned seeing EZ looking like shit, "What's going on with you?" He muttered, nudging him while they walked inside.
EZ frowned showing his fresh shiner from Bishop shaking his head "I fucked up big time hermano." He muttered running a hand over his face
Angel shook his head and scoffed at him a little "The fuck did you do pendejo?" He chuckled and grabbed a drink, waiting for his answer so he could go talk to Bish.

Val got to the house after dropping off James and frowned seeing the place was trashed but worse so she walked into their bedroom to get some of her stuff while he was out only to find a set of underwear that most definitely wasn't hers laying on her pillow and she just grabbed her stuff before walking out of there and heading straight for the scrap yard.
EZ took a deep breath and explained everything even what happened after she had left. He frowned seeing Val come up and noticed the bags in the backseat

Max sat at home with Mari and gave a soft sigh frowning as she heard a knock at the door. She opened and was surprised to see Val standing there "Val?"
She looked at her frowning and dropped a couple bags at the door. “Those are gonna make sense quite soon.” She told her then got back in the car and headed back to the yard getting out the car and storming up to EZ, clocking him one in the face. “You took another girl to our bed last night?! After everything that had just happened?! In our goddamn bed?!” She screamed in his face, shoving him backwards. “You’re so lucky I don’t own a gun you son of a bitch!” She screeched finally being moved back by angel some. “You’re not going home. I packed your stuff instead of mine. You can sleep at your brothers couch!” She yelled at him not caring about the amount of people watching them. She was heartbroken over it and she started walking back to her car.

Angel frowned some keeping distance between them to avoid a brawl but eventually just watched her leave and looked back at his brother. “You can have the couch. Recliner is mine. No making noise.” He muttered and helped him up from the floor sighing heavily.
EZ stumbled back and just took it from her sighing heavily as he looked at his brother giving a small nod "Yeah.." he muttered rubbing his jaw some.

Max frowned some and gave a nod "Oh um okay?" She said softly moving the bags out of the way before she went to check on Mari.
Angel got home a couple hours later and walked in, dropping to sit on the couch and ran his hands over his face. “Hey! I’m home!” He called our waiting til max eventually appeared in the living room and he reached for her looking worn out.

Val got home and chucked all the rest of his stuff into garbage bags before texting him to say he could pick it up when ready but she was done with him. She then spent the rest of the time in bed sobbing.
Max came down giving him a small glare "Shush I just got Mari down for a nap." She muttered as she walked over and sat on his lap "Why did Val drop bags at our door?" She questioned raising an eyebrow.

EZ frowned as he got her message and showed up later to get his bags. He walked in and sighed heavily as he heard her sobbing upstairs but he knew there was no saving them now
Val walked down there and glared at him. “This is all your own doing yknow. If you stopped thinking with your dick for five goddamn minutes then I wouldn’t be kicking you out.... I’m gonna bring james to angels later for a bit then he’s coming home with me and you’re not seeing him again.” She told him as she stood at the foot of the stairs.

Angel groaned rubbing his face. “I’ll be on baby watching duty then. Promise..... EZ fucked up. She kicked him out. He’s gonna come stay here.” He mumbled pulling her close as he possibly could.
Max sighed heavily shaking her head "Not permanently. Ez is a grown man he can find somewhere." She muttered cuddling him close to her.

EZ frowned shaking his head some "No! Fuck that you are not taking him from me!" He yelled
“I know baby. I didn’t agree to permanently. He’s got a couple weeks to find somewhere.” He promised. “We got a babysitter at least.... we could get busy.” He murmured and smiled pressing his lips against hers.

Val shook her head “I don’t think you have much choice right now Ezekiel. Your actions have proved pretty well that you don’t care about your family.... so you don’t get to have your family.” She spat at him.
Max rolled her eyes and kissed him back giving a small laugh "You're loco Señor Reyes." She said softly running her fingers through his growning beard "When you gonna take me on a bike ride again?"

EZ looked at her in shock shaking his head some "This isnt the fucking end of this discussion." He spat before picking up his things and leaving
“Mmm well if we got that free babysitter then maybe we could go tomorrow? Bish don’t wanna see his face at the club.” He muttered and kissed her back, gripping her hips groaning a bit as she bit down on his lip. “I love you.” He grunted.

Val sat down on the stairs burying her face in her hands and sobbing again, gathering herself for when it was time to go get James, letting him chat her ear off all the way home and she took him inside for a cookie and some milk. “We’re gonna go see papa in a little bit okay? He’s seeing your uncle angel.” She told him as she set him in his kitchen booster seat. Her little boy was her entire world and she would f ever dream of doing anything but what was going to be best for him.
Max listened to him and nodded pressing her body to his "You better take me up to bed now before I fix this myself." She said seductively in his ear

James nodded some and looked at her "Mommy.....does daddy hate us?" He asked quietly "He yells a lot." He whispered feeling himself start to cry
“Oh no mijo... not at all. Your daddy loves you so so much. He’s not gonna live with us anymore though. It’s gonna be you and me so we’re gonna go see him tonight okay?” She murmured and kissed his head giving him his snack while she got started on his dinner so it was ready for when they got back from seeing ez.

He groaned and smacked her ass as she got up. “I’ll be right behind you.” He promised and kissed her then sent her up to their room and left a note for ez then headed up to their room.
EZ walked into the house and made a face at the loud noises coming from upstairs and the praise he heard Max giving his brother. He shook his head and made his way to the kitchen to get a beer.

Max walked downstairs in her lounge clothes, which consisted of very short booty shorts that barely covered anything and one of Angel's old wife beaters, plus very messy hair about 20 minutes after EZ had shown up. She gasped slightly seeing him in the kitchen and quickly tried to cover herself up "Oh um....hey EZ! I didnt know you had it in."
Angel came down with his hair all screwed up and grinned seeing his brother there. “Hey, looks like we switched. I’m great and you look more miserable than before. What’s going on?” He chuckled and smacked Max’s ass winking at her while she went to get a little more covered up.

Mari was just waking up as well and started crying the moment she heard her parents voices just pulling herself to stand in her crib and crying loudly with mama repeatedly.
Max laughed softly and ran to get clothed. She went to pick up Mari smiling softly "Hey there princess." She said quietly bouncing her to calm her down

EZ frowned and finished off his beer going for another "She is taking James from me. Said tonight is the last time I'll see him." He muttered
Angel sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. “Shit..... man you really fucked up.” He muttered. He hadn’t really spent much time around ez lately, so busy with his little family he had no idea how bad things were between him and val until this morning.

She got James into the car and took him straight to angels place, heading up to the door and knocking, setting her little boy down and smiled at him.
Max opened the door and bit her lip seeing Val there. She gave a soft sigh and waved at James "Hey sweetheart." She said gently as she let them in.

EZ looked at him giving a nod "Yeah....yeah I did." He muttered shaking his head some "I just....we fell apart man.....I felt like she hated me that entire pregnancy and after I felt she didnt want me." He muttered
She smiled at her a little and walked in with James following him to the kitchen where she could hear his voice and watched him run over to his dad, jumping into his arms.

Angel sighed a bit and left them to it going with max to the lounge. “She’s taking the kid away.... last time EZ gets to see him... oh Mari princess you look so grumpy.” He cooed and took his little girl into his arms.
EZ smiled widely and picked up Janes holding him close "Hey buddy, oh.man I misser you." He said quietly kissing the top of his head repeatedly looking at Val with saddened eyes

Max sighed heavily and shook his head some "Not good." She said quietly handing Mari over giving a small laugh as she gave him a stink face "She is not a happy baby."
“Oh what’s wrong little princess? Did mommy wake you up?” He cooed to her and bounced her gently, kissing her head. “I’m worried about him “ he mumbled.

James got down and held onto him still smiling at him. “Daddy, mommy say we have to go away after and you not coming home no more.” He told him frowning looking at him confused.
Max nodded giving a heavy sigh "I am too." She said quietly kissing him gently "I love you babe." She whispered glancing at her phone as it went off "Brian wants us to have Gracie this weekend."

EZ gave a heavy sigh and nodded softly "I'm afraid so, Daddy...daddy messed up and has to fix something before he can come back home." He said quietly to him

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