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Fandom High Fantasy MC RP

Thosei was used to covering up. The stares and looks due to his multiple arms so he often kept them tucked in his cloak away from view. As he was walking his listened in on some of the conversations. Apparently a hybrid was in town. Or they were somewhere near town. He wonders distantly if he’d be able to meet them. Probably not who’d want to stay in this town anyways? The humans here didn’t really like hybrids anyways.

He sighed and walked into the forest to go foraging. He walked along the path finally pulling his hood down off his face his feather like antenna sticking up and twitching a little. He smiled feeling much more at home.

The forest wasn’t too dense but decent enough to be a shaded area and hide him from the village. Thosei started to go off the trail collecting mushrooms and familiar herbs. He was a bit of a witch making brew and such for sick livestock of the town. Which is the only reason he hadn’t been banished and shunned also because his mother was the high priest of the village.

He heard a crack of sticks in the forest and turned wary. The darker light of the forest made it easier to see but still he didn’t spot anyone. Which meant they were probably behind him…..
Mogi pulled his thick furred scarf tighter around himself. He could feel the topmost layers of his magma hardening in the cooler air. It was always an uncomfortably odd feeling that he couldn’t avoid no matter how many layers he piled on. Luckily once the layer cooled, it acted as insulation and the feeling would go away till the next temperature drop or till he found a place to warm up.

He opened the map he purchased while in the desert city he’d entered when he first left his home dimension.

Nearly every Nether creature knew of the Overworld, and of the Topwalkers who stepped out from obsidian portals and onto land not intended for them. He needed to see what it was like where these people came from.

So, once his squish had deemed him mature enough to live on his own, he had explored his home dimension in search of a portal. Piglin tribes had been of the most help, they pointed him in the direction of the latest Topwalker to trade with them. They also warned him that no one had ever returned sentient from a portal before, but his grandfather came from there and Mogi was determined to see the Overworld.

He didn’t hesitate stepping through when he found a portal. And now here he was nearly a year later, on his way back to that desert city to get home. He’d met many friendly humans who were a great help for his adjustment to the cooler land when he first stepped out.

But... the whispers of the humans he’d passed on the path recently were more hostile than any he’d heard before. He couldn’t help but get defensive, stoke his core a little hotter, and step off the path.

After looking closer at the map, he found there was a town near the path he had walked off of.

Sticks cracked under his iron plated boots as he walked, but his focus was downward towards the map.

Yet, as for where he was currently? Mogi didn’t have the slightest clue and he couldn’t help but groan in frustration at the realization that he’d gotten himself lost.
Thosei looking behind him and paused. He stared at the other before his eyes widened. This was the hybrid! He pulled his hood back up and stood. Walking up to the other walking in circles around a tree he taps his shoulder.

“Ah hello! Sorry to bother but I’ve watched you walk around this tree five times and it’s starting to get…well uh concerning?” He says unsure as he waits to see what the other will do. He examined his hard dark skin and the slight cracks that showed red magma underneath. Was this hybrid from the nether?

The under belly of the overworld? A underlander. He paused and stepped a little back. He was maybe a little worried about a burn. He was delicate after all. Being a moth with fragile wings. Said wings flutter and tuck close to his body away from the one in front of him. He towers over them in height which was a little funny looking. To him at least!
Mogi grumbled to himself and folded up the map just as his shoulder was tapped, causing him to startle. His magma glowed brighter from the surprise and his hair nearly spontaneously combusted.

“Oh— Damnit!” He quickly dropped the folded up map before his increased body heat could singe the paper. Then he shook his hands frantically in an attempt to cool them down enough to pick the paper up again.

“Sorry,” Mogi started while still trying to cool his hands, “what did you...“ he trailed off as he looked up at the Topwalker. Like nearly every Topwalker he’d met before, they towered over him. However, they didn’t appear human, like how he didn’t appear human as well. But also not like any mob he had seen in the Overworld or Nether either.

They had insect wings and dark, near oil black skin with gray spots, their skin also seemed to have a layer of fuzz? They had yellow eyes similar to his own as well. An odd enderman hybrid maybe? But that didn’t explain the wings.

“What’s your heritage?” He blurted out, then quickly backpedaled and shook his head, “Wait! No, don’t answer that, that’s rude to ask, I meant, what did you say?”
Thosei starred dumbfounded for a moment before shaking his head. “Uh oh you’ve been walking in circles!” He explains looking down at him. He was a bit surprised at the question but he didn’t exactly mind answering. He wouldn’t as he took it back but he wondered distantly if he’d ask again.

Probably not he’d never see them again most likely.

“My names Thosei, im from the village around here, I was collecting herbs when I saw you walking and looking a little more than lost.” He laughs softly smiling a little. Not that the magma could see the under of his hood to dark all that was there was the bright yellow eyes staring occasionally blinking but he held no pupils so you couldn’t see where he was looking. “Do you need help getting back on the path?”

The moth asked looking down at the map now between both their feet.
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Mogi blinked, looked at the tree beside him, then down at the grass. It was trampled and mildly yellowed from his body heat seeping through the metal in his boots all around the tree. He could feel the heat of his embarrassment beginning to melt the cooled magma in his face.

They lived nearby! Mogi’s stature sunk in relief and he let out a small huff of amusement. Of course he’d get himself lost and somehow stumble upon the person he’d need to get unlost.

“Yes please, i drifted from the path and got turned around in the thick of the trees,” he replied while following Thosei’s gaze and picking up his map. He dusted it off and tucked it in his belt. Holding out a hand that was now cooled off enough to not be harmful, he introduced himself to Thosei in return.

“Hello, I’m Mogsujin,” he grinned sheepishly, “...and I am terribly lost” His voice leaned into the more mailable sounds and the end of his name sounded similar to slime being squished. As was the nature of any magma cube or slime hybrid.
Thosei nodded slowly before letting out a soft laugh, truth be told he found the other hybrid to be quiet, how could he put this. Adorable? Yeah. He just thought the way he seemed easy to fluster was in fact a bit jumpy cute!

“Yes I can see that. Mogsujin-“ he butchers the name horribly and frowns. “Sorry I’m not good with hybrid names. Most people barely calm me Thosei so…” he trails off a bit before snapping back pulling off his hood and shaking out his hair to lay better around his face.

“Are you sure you wanna head into the village anyways?” He says shaking his hand head tilted with a slightly nervous smile on his lips. “The humans aren’t exactly kind to hybrids. Heck I barely am allowed to live there. Mama doesn’t let me out the house much other than when I run out of materials to brew” he says running a hand through his hair as his wings flutter nervously.

“I mean people wouldn’t exactly be nice to you. And I’d help you go around…but I can’t go past this part of the forest mama would be upset…” he mutters the last part. Thosei truly believed he was a hybrid because he was cursed and that if he ever left the village he’d be struck down. He’d been a bit brainwashed and there was no one to tell him otherwise….

Thosei was a bit fucked up…
Mogi winced at his name’s butchering and lowered his hand in the process. He then quickly reassured Thosei, “It’s alright, I really should be used to it by now, you can call me Mogi, my human documents say Mogi Sujin”

This time when telling Thosei his name, he kept the sounds as separate as he could, and did his best imataition of the human he first met saying it.

Once that was out of the way, he couldn’t help but grow more and more concerned about the state of the hybrid in front of him with every word they spoke.

Thosei appeared extremely nervous about going back to the town, specifically about Mogi going. Was it worse than the phobia he’d seen before? ...did Thosei not want him there because he wasn’t a Topwalker?

No one had physically hurt him or driven him out, but he’d been looked down on and seen as non-sentient before. Granted that was from the fact that he was obviously more Mob than Human. But him being a “Hostile Nether Mob” hybrid always forced to him eat or sit separately from Humans and sometimes other hybrids in the places that held prejudice.

Yet Thosei appeared to be a more Mob leaning Hybrid like him. Now that their hood was down, Mogi could tell they had a large amount of some sort of insect heritage. Which, explained the wings.

He had lived for a little while in a mostly Bee hybrid inhabited village in a plains biome a few months ago. Thosei’s facial shape and features reminded him of a lot of the people from that village, so maybe Bee hybrid heritage?

After Mogi thought for a minute or so, he finally replied, “Well I can’t go around, I need to stop at a town and resupply,” No matter how much he didn’t want to stop and delay getting home to his Squish. He then pat the drooping leather bag on his back, “Im running out of rations and I need to repair some armor”

Hopefully it wouldn’t be any worse than what he’d put up with in the past.
Thosei frowned a little but nodded slowly. “Okay, I’ll take you. But…” he pauses and steps close being careful as he moved his scarf to be over his head. “They’ll be uncomfortable with you in town so better to hide your features.” He says before stepping away picking up his basket.

Thosei studies him and sighs. They’d know he was a hybrid no matter what. “Just stay with me. I’ll take you back to my place and get you some stuff. Then you should leave. My village won’t like you staying here very long”

Nor would they appreciate him for bringing one either.

Thosei was sure he’d regret this but he’d do it anyways. He’d feel bad leaving him plus…Thosei wondered if maybe this was his one chance to explore! If his mom knew he was with someone who knew how to travel! Maybe she’d let him go! The village didn’t need his potions too much.

There was a fine layer of fuzz on Thosei’s arms. Mogi could tell because it brushed against his face as Thosei wrapped the scarf over his head and around the lower half of his face.

He was immensely grateful for the scarf blocking everything below his eyes from view. Anything, other than the brighter glow from his eyes, hinting at the blush stoked into existence from the other hybrids lack of hesitation when it came to proximity was hidden. Which would have been impossible to explain without embarrassment.

Nobody ever dared risking skin contact with the person made of hot magma, even if the top layer cooled to safe levels. What didn’t help was that his family and heritage were of a very physically affectionate Mob. Magma slimes were always stacking or cuddling together. So, Mogi could reasonably say he was touch starved.

After burying the tangled mess that was his emotions, he focused on what Thosei was saying.

Mogi gave a strained smile to Thosei’s words about the village, but realized his mouth was covered and let it fall into a frown. He nodded, “Alright, in and out quickly, got it.”

He looked to the sky through the canopy and noticed the sun was getting low to the trees. “We better hurry, night time is in a couple of hours, and I’m basically a shining beacon for mobs”
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Thosei nodded and realized distantly that even when cool there was still cracks. “Hmm I suppose if it’s late you can stay in my place tonight..I wouldn’t want to send you out into the dark. He hadn’t realized it was getting dark in fact for him he preferred it darker it was less harsh against his eyes.

Although that didn’t change that it was getting dark and dangerous. Thosei was still a little too scared to hold the others hand or at leader take it to lead the way, he was worried he’d still get burned. So he just waved for Mogi to follow him back to the path and then to the village.

The walk was quiet and Thosei didn’t say much occasionally stopping to pick up herbs he really needed and soon they were just before the entrance.

Thosei checked over the over before sighing. “Try not to draw too much attention to yourself” the moth hybrid said before starting to walk into the village Thosei waved a few people nearby who barely waved back. Over than that interaction Thosei obviously tried to stay ignored as he walked back to his small house in the village. They did get a few glares and stares but finally he reached his door pulling out his keys to unlock his door.

“One moment…” he says quietly unlocking the door and then holding it open for him. “Go ahead!”
With a shrug Mogi replied, “if you’re okay with it, sure, I promise I won’t be much of a hassle” In his opinion, the ground or floor wasn’t all that bad of a place to sleep. Only thing that he disliked about it was how quickly it sapped his body heat. He missed the warmth of the Nether, Netherack was just the slightest bit spongey and it acted as a heater when Mogi slept.

Mogi trailed behind Thosei just enough for him to be in grabbing distance, in case they encountered a mob and one of them needed to pull the other out of the way.

The walk was awkwardly quiet for him, he could hear every crunching leaf and the light chinks of his braces hitting his armor. His boots were the loudest, making muffled clunks with each step.
Whenever Thosei stopped to pick herbs Mogi stood watch for monsters that could creep up behind them.

It wasn’t long till they reached the village. Mogi pulled out some leather, fire protection enchanted, gloves and put them on in response to Thosei’s request. He despised the gloves, but it would help hide the near Coal-like appearance of his hands from the villagers. He also kept his head down and scarf pulled up, every other bit of his skin was already covered by thick layers to keep his heat in.

Following Thosei into the village was a tense affair. Every new person who stared at him withered away at his mood and left him angry. It’s not like he could control who were his biological parents, who were they to look down on him and judge? Why should he have to cover his face because they were uncomfortable? He felt disgust about them too, with their nasty liquid leaking body’s and the hard bits on the inside instead of the outside. But you didn’t see him rejecting the presence of humans did you?

Mogi startled as Thosei gestured for him to enter their house and interrupted his thoughts. “Oh! Sorry” he swiftly slipped inside and stood awkwardly to the side of the doorway.

Mogi looked around, “So this is your place? Cozy.” He leaned and saw a lit fireplace fueled with coal in what appeared to be a living room.

The visual triggered his craving of the black rocks from the Nether. Coal and normal stone, maybe some iron, would be fine as a meal but that black stone he found everywhere in the Basalt biomes was delicious. Not to mention that brown twisted metal him and his Squish found while burrowing on rare occasions? No mineral tasted better than that. But he reined his craving in, he was low on rations there was no way he could start snacking with them that low.
Thosei hummed nodding as he set his bag down on his table, the kitchen a living room were connected and the space seemed small. There was too other rooms connecting to the living room, one probably a bathroom and the other most liking a bedroom of some kind. The moth had moved to the kitchen to start organizing the herbs he’d collected putting them in jars and into his kitchen. “Sorry just putting stuff away. If you want to sit down while I do this feel free, I don’t mind if you look around a bit.”

Then he’s back to organizing and setting a pot of water to boil. He grabbed a mixture of herbs and put them into a small tea bag. Thosei often put potions in his teas but this was tea for him and Mogi so just some normal chamomile. He put the cups to the side to let the water boil getting back to organizing.

Thosei was clearly a bit of a mess, all over the place. Doing at least three things at once. The moth added a lot of sugar to his own cup and then looked at Mogi. Could Mogi even have tea?

Eh whatever Mogi could drink it if he wanted putting the last few pieces of lavender away he poured water into their cups steam raising as he let them steep. He’d have to make some healing later the village needed some and he had to provide if he wanted to keep the house. Walking over to the couch he sets the two mugs down and smiles.

He pulls off his cloak to reveal a simple short sleeve shirt but also two extra arms. He stretched a bit keeping his arms away all day made his shoulders and back sore. He sat down leaning back on the couch his wings over the back to not crush them. “You can sleep in my bed if you don’t wanna sleep on the couch I don’t mind. Plus I’ll probably be up late working and I wouldn’t want to wake you if you were in here on the couch…”

Thosei explained as he leaned his head back before sitting up and ruffling his hair to fix it.
Mogi turned back to Thosei, who looked to be in the midst of chaos with the multitasking he was in the middle of.

“Alright, I’m gonna go over to the fireplace then” Mogi told him while pulling off the scarf wrapped around his head. He took off the leather gloves on the way over to the fire and balled up his scarf.

Once there, he plopped down on the floor less than a foot away from the fire. He swung his bag around and stuffed the gloves and scarf inside then placed the bag further away from the fire.

Now, the fire wasn’t a strong or raging one. There were a few embers and small flames flickering towards unlit pieces of coal. Mogi reached a hand in and grabbed the hottest ones. He placed them to the side of the fireplace that was the coolest.

He laid down beside the fireplace and closed his eyes while resting his warm hands under his head. He heard Thosei moving things around in the kitchen and the faint crackling of the coal beside him. Eventually Thosei entered the living room and offered him his bed to sleep in while Thosei used the couch.

Mogi sat up, leaning on his forearms, to respond to Thosei’s offer but his appearance on the living room couch shocked Mogi into silence. Thosei had a second pair of limbs?? He should have figured as much since Thosei was clearly an insect hybrid, but he hadn’t.

He looked for a few seconds to get used to it as the surprise morphed into curiosity. We’re they all able to do different things? Could Thosei spilt his attention enough? How many tasks could he do at once with the four limbs?

“I’m fine with the couch,” he replied, then laughed, “I’d be fine on the floor or in the fireplace too! I don’t care where I sleep, just that it’s somewhere warm”

Mogi took Thosei having removed his cloak and letting his second set of arms out in the open as a nonverbal message to relax and get comfortable. So, he pulled off the pieces of armor he had over his clothes and took off his storage belt. The outerwear he had on under the armor came off as well, revealing a thin short sleeved tunic and a vest under it. The outwear was a lot thicker in its fabric than what was under it, if he kept the outwear on he risked burning the clothes closest to his skin and that was not fun the first time that happened.

The iron braces on his arms and neck were hot to the touch. So he scooted closer to the fireplace while angled towards Thosei.

“You don’t have to worry about waking me up if I fall asleep, us magma cubes sleep like rocks” he winked, fully intending the pun.

Mogi then grabbed his bag pulled out some raw iron from it and placed the chunks in his lap.

“This is gonna sound weird but can I grab a few pieces of coal to munch?” He asked, pointing a thumb to the fireplace.
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Thosei watched him start to pull off layers a bit surprised almost half flustered seeing him in just the vest and tunic he shook his head. Stop Theo he’s cute but this is just someone you barely met! You don’t even know him! “Uh yeah that’s fine I suppose just make sure the fires still going I’ll need it for later when I put water to boil for potions. Oh could you help with that? Putting the pot in the fire is always such a hassle!” They say before pausing “I mean you don’t have too! You’re a guest I shouldn’t be asking you to help around the house!”

He exclaims as he lets his tea school far too hot for him still.

“Also I wasn’t sure if you could or couldn’t drink tea! But I made some anyways it’s still hot if you’d prefer it that way.” Mentally Thosei finally processed the fact Thosei could sleep in the fire. But it perplexed him. Wouldn’t his clothes burn? Would he have to undress? Were they fire resistant?

Thosei wasn’t sure and probably shouldn’t be thinking this hard about it. Either way he’s not sure he could work well knowing that Mogi was possible in his fireplace….sleeping. Yeah whatever. “Probably not in the fireplace I sorta need the fire place for work…”
Mogi couldn’t help but chuckle at the other hybrid’s flustered mannerisms and backpedaling.

“Oh it’s no problem, I wouldn’t mind, you’re letting me stay and rest in your home, I can help out in return” he reassured, waving a hand in a ‘don’t worry about it’ gesture.

He picked up a piece of coal, “I can drink tea, but it doesn’t really do anything for me, mostly just evaporates and hardens my skin if it’s cool, hot should be fine though,” he proceeded to pop the small piece of coal in his mouth and chew.

The material quickly combusted once swallowed down to his core, the heat warming and melting some of the inner layers of his body that had cooled.

Once finished with the piece, he reached for the tea and took a small sip. He caught the taste of it before the liquid turned into steam and escaped through any cracks in the cooled magma of his face.

“I wouldn’t sleep directly in the fire if you were going to be using the fireplace,” he said, voice filled with mirth, “unless I melted, there’d be no space!”

He had mainly intended the sleeping in the fireplace comment as a joke, even with the fire resistance iv weaved into them his clothes would burn eventually and he didn’t exactly feel like getting naked in someone else home. Now if he was at an Inn and there was a fireplace in the room he’d been given, he’d strip down with no issue. The heat of the fire got close enough to what him stacked with his Squish did. A fireplace was always something he preferred when he got homesick, or when his body temperature was too low.

Mogi put the cup down after a few more sips and picked up a chunk of iron that was about the size of a grape or a strawberry. He popped that into his mouth and didn’t bother with chewing. His core was the only place in body that would be hot enough to soften the piece, he would just break the now nearly hardened magma in his mouth if he tried. So he swallowed, pretty awkwardly due to the shape, but got it down.
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Thosei nodded and smiled “alright thank you!” He watched him eat and was slightly unsure about this all. Although he didn't say anything simply moving on and just sipped his tea watching for a moment. “So you can eat metals? If you’re looking for food all I have is the coal, I don’t make much metals since I don’t need them. No armor since I don’t leave the village accept for foraging.”

They over explain, but of course he did that was how he was after all. Always over talking.

He said too much but Thosei didn’t comment on the unnecessary facts but instead focused on what Mojis answer would be. He started to stare maybe a little. He was just so focused he started to like sorta examine his face. His little freckles, his pretty eyes and his sorta odd hair. Not that he could judge hair much his was a mess, he should probably fix it up soon his bangs were getting long again.

So really Thosei was no where near allowed to judge since he was pretty weird looking too…he supposes it was because he was a hybrid…too much of a hybrid. “Also! If calling me Thosei is too much you can call me Theo.”
“Yeah, I mainly eat rocks though, I’m not supposed to have a lot of metals cause they melt at higher temperatures,” he explains, “netherack, Basalt and black stone is what I’m supposed to be eating, but I can’t exactly get that here”

Out on the road, if he found a lava pool he’d slip in it for a little while to raise his body temperature high enough to melt the iron quickly along with the top layer of his skin. Then once it was melted he’d expel it as a proper alloy he could use, or he’d add another layer to his braces.

But here? He couldn’t eat more than a few very small pieces so he didn’t have to get hot enough to burn down Thosei’s house.

“I eat coal so I can keep my body’s inner layers fluid, in my home I wouldn’t have that problem” he added, before popping another small piece of coal in his mouth. He let the piece catch before he spat it back out and tossed it into the fire.

Thosei was staring and Mogi let him. He had done the same a while back, and they both were wildly different so he understood. Thosei’s staring didn’t feel malicious or make him feel like a freak show. It just felt purely curious.

He shrugged, “If you want me to call you Theo, i can, but it’s not too much for me”

Mogi found himself staring as well, the extra arms intrigued him. But his gaze drifted upwards towards Theo’s face. Theos hair was a mess, compared to his own’s naturally orderly state since it was just coal residue his body expelled, it was downright a bird’s nest. Theo’s eyes glowed purely yellow unlike his own, and again Mogi could see the thin layer of fuzz the other hybrid’s skin had. Mogi felt his face heat up at the reminder of when Theo adjusted his scarf.

“What’s your diet? Since you’re a hybrid I assume it’s different than a human’s” he asked, attempting to distract from his potential embarrassment while breaking his gaze and waving a hand at Theo.
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Thosei wasn’t sure “I don’t know it’s just easier for people to say. It’s what people call me in the village at least.” He comments as he leans back in his chair his wings flutter out behind him as he stretched one pair of arms up the other continued to hold his yea steady so it wouldn’t spill but he also didn’t have to put his cup down.

“I eat a lot of fiber? Technically some human foods have really low levels of fibers when fresh, my mom didn’t like me eating either tree sap or rotting fruits so I have a lot of smoothies growing up. I actually cant properly eat solids.” He chuckles nervously rotting fruits were better to eat or at least easier to get but they made his little home smell bad so he just did his best to collect tree sap and flower nectar which the second was much harder.

“I also drink a lot of sugar waters! Like most insects I believe. So my tea is much more sugary compared to yours I didn’t know if you’d like it with sugar…” Thosei says softly smiling.

He looks at him and sips his tea. “I can eat human foods of course but they hurt my stomach when they’re solid so I can only really have soups and smoothies.”

Being a moth growing up was hard, he was really skinny as a kid because his diet wasn’t right, he wasn’t getting enough natural fibers or sugars and so he would get sick easily. And on top of all that the human genes in him made him abnormally tall for a moth hybrid. So he was just a really sickly child when he was young. Now he was healthy and because of that his hips had widened out a bit and his neck had grown a bit of full around it.

He was much happier now but he knows that his mother wouldn’t be happy knowing he wasn’t eating human foods. Whenever she came over he only had smoothies it was hell…
The bee hybrids stuck solely to honey and sugary foods, so the diet sounded familiar. But it obviously was one of a different species since the bee hybrids hadn’t eaten fruit period.

“Sugary things are good, I wouldn’t’ve minded, the taste was nice regardless” Mogi shrugged, non mineral things he ate were either bland or overwhelming in taste to him when compared to his usual diet. Metals and stones were consistent in their taste, while human foods and plants often changed while in your mouth. And if they didn’t, the metals and stone were much more concentrated than it.

He stuffed the remaining chunks of iron that were too big to eat at the moment back into his bag.

“I can somewhat ‘stomach’” he makes quotations with one hand, since he didn’t really have one, “Human food as well, but it’s not good for me, It just chars and gunks up my magma once it’s down, makes numb spots in it” he reflexly shuddered, numb areas on the inside of your body was a terrifying experience.

And the month before he knew the limits of his diet in the Overworld had been the worst of his life. It was a little after he met the human who helped him acclimate. But they hadn’t known the negative aspects of human food on him at the time, so he’d just joined the human at their meals and ate the same food they did. A week or so later, he began to feel tiny numb areas in his magma. The spaces were around the size of a grain of rice to an apple at times.

Not knowing the cause, he continued to eat the same food and it got worse to the point where his motor skills were decimated. Eventually he decided to take a dip in a lava pool for a little while, and his hardened magma layer melted. It allowed the buildup of substances his body couldn’t handle to escape and he felt immensely better.

So now he knows not to binge eat human foods or else he’ll get gunked up. Mogi supposed it could be his bodies form of indigestion, then realized something and couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Our diets are polar opposites!” Mogi managed to say between laughs, “I’m only supposed to have rocks and metal, y’know, hardest of solids? and you’re only suposed to have soft solids and liquids!”

The person that he was hanging out in the home of and who risked nearly touching his skin, even if it was safe to, had diet limitations that were the flip side of his own in nearly every way!

He leaned back as he laughed and ended up just laying on the floor again. “Ohh Wither... the irony!! hehe..” Mogi laid an arm over his face as his laughter died down.
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Thosei stared at him and snorted finally and smiled “you have a cute laugh” he said dumbly as he watched him before blushing. “Ah I mean, no well i did mean it like that, but you know-“

Thosei looked away embarrassed and sipped his drink. He went for another sip but found his mug empty so he set his glass down and sighed. “So Mogi anyways, ignore what I said! Since you’re staying in my house I’d like to get to know you a bit, it’s a bit odd in my head if you’re staying here and I know so little.”

He knew the other ate metals and coals and that he was practically made of lava on the inside or something but he didn’t know much else. His name and stuff easy. “Could I get like your age? Or uh hobbies? Where you’re headed or going?” He smiles and gestures vaguely with two of his hands on one side the other two just rested one on the arm of the couch the other up behind him supporting his head.

Thosei knew his arms were weird and the other had stared at him but he didn’t seem all that disgusted? Or unnerved by them so that was a win for him!
His mood had been lifted surprisingly higher from Theo’s comment. Mogi litterally grew visibly brighter because of it, but he was unaware of that fact.

And while, Humans had looked at his shorter height or bigger eyes and cooed, no one had called his laugh cute and been embarrassed about it or meant it in the way Theo seemed to have meant it. He found his core swirling from the emotions being brought up from earlier.

Mogi sat up to answer Theo, “Alright, yeah that’s reasonable, only if I get to do the same though,” he leaned an arm on the table, his forearm over the top, as he continued, “Age? In human year’s im 23 or somewhere in the early twenties, we never figured out the exact number, so I just picked one in the range”

He picked at a flaking piece of cooled magma on his arm.

“Hobbies? Well I like learning things, I’m working on how to read the human’s written language better, but I like exploring,” he came a long way on the reading front in the year he was in the Overworld. It was one of the first things him and the human had focused on because of maps.

“And I’m heading home! Well, to my home dimension. I’m from the Nether in case you couldn’t tell,” he laughed as he gestured to himself. Mogi was gesturing and moving his hands, mildly at the very least, throughout the entirety of his answering.

He then crossed his arms on the table and rested his head on them, smiling briefly from observing Theo’s use of his arms. “So how about you? Except, why are you living here or still living here,” his barbed words ‘in a hybridaphobic village’ towards the townspeople were left unsaid, “instead of where you’re headed?”

He vaguely remembered an off hand comment about Theo mentioning that his mother wouldn’t let him leave? Something along those lines? Was it the town or just the house? Wasn’t the town against hybrids? Which was it...? Damnin’ Wither. That was the bit he was having trouble remembering correctly.
Thosei hummed in agreement “well I’m 22 at least that’s what I am in human years I know moths age a little faster but I never learned so yeah,,,” he trails off a little realizing how sad that had sounded. But it really wasn’t his fault that his father had to leave town, he never met him the hybrid and his mother having only been together for the night before he left.

Thosei had no photos of his dad or any idea where he would be in the world! So he lived without any knowledge of his species. He only knew this from what his mother told him of his father. Was he even really his father? Whatever. “Uh hobbies wise I really like to read! And going foraging, potion making I suppose is a hobby of sorta since I’m not paid…”

He says softly thinking I’ve things over as he taps his thighs with his fingers a little. He seemed a little nervous at the last question.

“Uh I stay cause i cant really leave. Moth hybrids are really fragile especially my wings so mama doesn’t want me hurt if I leave. Plus I owe it to the village so I make medicines and potions for livestock and allergies in the village.”

He explains but the reason sounds half backed and like something Thosei had heard for years like he was repeating something less than pleasant. “Which is fine by me, they let me keep this whole house to myself! I’ve much rather this than be outside the fence unprotected or worse back at my moms house. I love her and all but she doesn’t let me have my tree sap or nectar…”

Thosei sighed and looked at Mogi. “It’s not all that important anyways exploring sounds great but I don’t have any good skills for it, I probably wouldn’t live long out there…”
Mogi flickered through several different emotions from the start to finish of Theo’s answers. Sadness, kinship, worry, disgust towards the humans, anger, before settling on concern.

He lifted his head from the table.

Theo’s hybrid needs were certainly neglected. Mogi could pick that out depressingly easily. It was a stark contrast to his own upbringing where it was the human needs of his body that had been the issue.

It wasn’t Mogi’s place to convince Theo to try and leave, Theo could live his life how he pleased, Mogi knew that. But he couldn’t bring himself to ignore the mistreatment Theo clearly faced. Mogi had dealt with his own (un)fair share of it and he wouldn’t wish it on anyone. He couldn’t exactly go ‘hey your current life sucks, pack up your life, uproot, and come with me’ though. He was going to have to just offer that Theo come with him when he leaves and hope for the best.

“I think you’d do fine out there, you’ve got foraging experience, so you’re set food wise” Mogi interjected, “you can make potions, which is more than a normal traveler has going for them,”

He waved a hand to Theo’s wings, “Not to mention you could potentially fly! Don’t sell yourself short, you’ve got a fighting chance out there at the very, very, least” Mogi ended with a smile. Hoping the words of encouragement helped a little. He really did mean them too.

If Theo could use all four limbs on their own, he could duel wield some swords and be a formidable force to be reckoned with. Or use a bow with a melee weapon in a third hand for defense.

The mobs from the Overworld were barely a challenge for Mogi. All he had to do was burn hot enough and throw some punches to burn flesh. Skeletons were tricky to kill, but their arrows were easy to shake off as long as he defended his face properly.

The Bombwalkers, Creepers as humans aparantly called them, are the only ones that truly pose a great risk. If he’s blown into pieces while he’s not nearly a liquid, he’s not going to get the pieces he lost back by reabsorbing them.

He denied the more affectionate feelings that wanted to bubble up for the hybrid he met merely hours ago. Was this that crush thing his human friends told him about?
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