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Fandom Heroes of the Multiverse: Limit Break Lore Page


Elekta Kount

Da Warboss
Welcome to the Lore Page! Where all information regarding the setting and rules are located!
Rules of Engagment
How to Post
I'd like you to post in the following format for each one of your posts, so we know who you are currently playing as. Here's the template.
[A Profile Pic of your Character]
(Current Location; Current Objection/Enemy Currently Engaged in)


S Rank
West City; Eliminating the Frieza Force

Objections and Enemies
The way we are going to do hordes is one of two ways:
1.(Enemies) Assume that there are always enemies coming unless I directly say so. Now, these enemies should be your base line troops. What that means in an rp sense is that even if you are not directly engaged with an Elite (ill come back to that) then you would always have somthing for your character to do. This is also an ideal time for banter and other interactions with other character, even if it's during the middle of a fight or perhaps during a moment of reprieve.
It will appear somthing like this:

Enemies Present: Frieza Force
2.(Objection) When pursuing an objection it would look like this:

Freiza's Spaceship

-Eliminate all Frieza Force aboard
-Collect Dragonballs and return it to the Dragonball Safe(One turn per dragonball collected)

Notice two objections: One is telling you to collect the dragonballs, the other to eliminate the Frieza Force.
Objections like collecting the dragonballs will have description on how many post it takes to complete said objections. Remeber, enemies can interfere in your progress unless you eliminate them all from the area.
Those red bars you see there are the number of posts needed to "secure" an area. Assume that there are enemies all over the complex, and that each one of your posts will flush a portion of them out. Once the number of posts are achieved, then the area is secured.

Elites and Bosses
The way we are doing Elites and Bosses/Mini-Bosses are much the same as we are doing for objections. An example:
Elite Frieza Force
Weapons/Skills: Ki-Blasts
Modifier: Two Posts Per Kill
For elites, assume every bar is a single unit, so in this case there are six Elites in this unit. Each posts should kill off a singular unit, unless there are modifers that stat that you may kill more or less units per posts. This is so to prevent people from killing off enemy elite unit instantly, and to provide a sense of accomplishment in some respects.
Mini-Bosses and Bosses are quite the same, as they will appear somthing like this:

Captain Ginyu
Modifiers: Occasional Posts Will be negated armor
Now while bosses work much the same as Elites, they are much tougher to kill and cannot be killed with a single posts. They can also call in Elites to help them, who may have to be killed in order to damage the Boss. You can control the boss during your action against it, however, MAKE IT REASONABLE; if you want the boss to swing at you so that you can dodge it that's fine, but it's not fine to walk the boss into the middle of an opening so that he can be gunned down by everyone. The person who damages the Boss last gets to finish the boss however they'd like. Notice some of the green bars are red, the red means how much health the boss has lost; I will try to update the boss as frequently in order to reflect it's actual health.
Additionally, Elites, Mini-bosses, and Bosses may have differing potentials of effecting your character. This can range from switching bodies, stunning, or even incapacitating them in one post. Be ready for that.
From time to time I will be taking control of the bosses or elites and will either enact a skill, summon more elites, or even incapacitate one of your characters.

-All characters, regardless of Level Rank(Except for F Rank), can only complete one bar when it comes to clearing out enemies. HOWEVER, it doesn't matter how many grunts you take out during your post; doesn't matter if you take out a dozen or a couple of grunts, your post will only count for 1 point of damage unless I say otherwise. This is so to prevent characters from instant killing everyone and ending the fight there.
-Specialized equipment or skills used against special enemies may produce extra damage against an enemy. For example, using a rocket launcher against a tank may produce a total of +3 against the tank.
-I will also be rewarding well done posts with extra damage at my discretion. I don't expect a master piece, I simply wanna see effort.
-Occasionally, one of my characters may point out a weakness. Taking advantage of those weaknesses will earn an additional +1 or +2 against that Boss or Elite.

Character Combos:

Tag Team:
This is in essences the basic form of combo attacking. Tag Team essentially this: Number of posts + Number of Players. Tag teaming can also give you the potential of also stun locking the enemy boss or miniboss, but be warned that Bosses also have the potential of breaking out of a Tag Team attack or even reversing it.
To intiate a tag team attack, you proceed with your first attack, then place the title:
-Initiating TAG TEAM-
At the end of your post.
You may plan ahead or open it up for other characters to jump in, but remember to add -TAG TEAM- to the end of your post.


Team Attack:
Team Attacks are essentially ranged attacks with the potential of achieving a large amount of damage; Number of players X 2
How it works is that one player will initiate the team attack. To do this, your character simply needs to charge up there attack, then add:
-Initiating Team Attack-
From there, it give others a chance to jump into position and charge up. Either at the initiator's discretion or my discretion, all characters who've gotten into position will use their attack in a consecutive post, and I will write it's affect.
However, Team Attacks can only be initiated on the 10th posts(or my discretion) into a fight, and can only be used ever 10th post in a fight.

Risking It All for a Friend:
A defense method in which a character jumps in the way of an incoming attack to save another character(with the potential of deflecting the attack away), or shoving another character away and take the blast instead. In essence this can be used to switch yourself with another player's character in order to take an incoming attack(usually an incapacitation). This can be initated after an enemy post, simply put
-Risking It All for a Friend-
At the end of your post.
I reserve the right to revoke any point damages if any Team Attacks are overly simple.

There is no character death, rather they are incapacitated until another player pics them up, so do not worry if one of your characters gets incapacitated.

All characters can revive another incapacitated character as simply as sticking there hand out and transferring "Energy". Characters with a form of healing in their skill sets can revive can subtract two posts from the revival chart, and characters with skills can do it almost instantaneously(I will have a conversation with those players). However, during this process you will be vulnerable to attack, so keep that in mind. Healer type characters also have the potential of preventing an incapacitate.
Depending on the character's rank, the time to revival will vary.
Z Rank- 7 Posts
S Rank- 5 Posts
A Rank- 4 Posts
B Rank- 3 Posts
C Rank- 2 Posts
D Rank- 1 Post
F Rank- Instant

Number 4: Post Length
Pretty stright forward here. Please use acceptable levels of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Doesn't have to be perfect, but I should be able to read the posts without scratching my head at what the heck is going on. I will ask you to edit your posts if I cannot understand what's going on.
Also, no one liners please.
I don't need an essay, the bare minimum is a single paragraph, but I require at least 3-4 sentences. More is definitely welcomed and will go further in earning bonus damages.
Like this post if you have read it, just so I know. I'll be bugging you otherwise.
I also reserve the right to change any rules!

Thank you for bearing with me.
Any questions, feel free to ask.
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The Enemy
They may look like you, they might sound like you, they may even act like they're you.
But they're not you.
Don't even bother feeling bad for them, because the only thing they're created to do is to destroy entire existence as we know it.
So what are they?
In essences, your basically fighting cosmic universe dust that had been forced together with a bunch of bad temper. Yes, they don't bleed, and if you hit them hard enough they'll dissolve back into nothingness.
Unfortunately, there's quite alot of them, and some of them might even hit harder then you.
Luckily I made you much tougher then most of 'em, but don't get too cocky; your here to protect the worlds of the multiverse, because if you can't do that, then we have no chance at beating them.

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