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Realistic or Modern Here's to the New Memories

Charlie chuckled some shaking his head some "Well if you need time off or to go early just let me know. Don't let me ruin your social life." He said choosing a simple movie and picking up some pizza "I did, there were a few possible ones. Lets talk about that tomorrow though okay? No work or shit like that." He said giving her a smile

Max smiled wide and hugged Lana tight as she ran into her arms "Oh sweetie I'm so sorry! I was in a rush and couldn't bring him." She said looking over at Jeff smiling a bit "Well I didn't think it was very polite to just show up with my dog." She said giving a small laugh
Carmen smiled and nodded, going quiet as she watched the movie with him, glad to have company like this for once. She'd spent the past couple years living completely by herself and rarely seeing anyone outside of work so it had left her more than a little lonely but she was enjoying being around Charlie. He was easy to be near, she never felt any pressure to be anything but herself around him.

Jeff smiled some and shrugged "We live on a farm... Just gotta ask." He told her smiling some, going to get dinner on the table while Lana was busy chatting to Max about everything she did that day, now really excited that she might be meeting Max's dog soon. she'd been begging her parents for a puppy for a year now and still nothing but she was still trying every day.
Charlie smiled happily at her and watched her some. He liked Carmen a lot, she made him not so lonely and also made him not feel the emptiness he felt since his wife had died. He watched her some and chuckled seeing her pick a few things off the pizza "Something you don't like?" he asked as he munched down on another piece

Max gave a small laugh and nodded some "Fair enough." she said before she turned her attention back to Lana pulling out her phone and showing her pictures of him "Now you gotta remember he is a little shy at meeting new people okay? So you gotta be quiet and patient." she said to her smiling as Lana stared at the photo on her phone nodding some. She looked over at Jeff when he called for dinner and got Lana up and ready to eat.
She frowned some and glanced over at him. “I know you love olives... so I got the one with olives.... but I hate olives.” She mumbled, blushing bright red out of embarrassment.

Lana nodded in agreement and held onto max until she heard dinner, running into the kitchen and clambering into her seat. “Daddy can I have juice?” She asked him frowning and threatening to throw a fit when he pointed to her cup of water instead.
Charlie chuckled and smiled at her blush,she was pretty cute when she did that. He shook his head some and playfully waved an olive in her face "Well you could have done half with olives and half without you know."

Max sat down smiling at Jeff "Thank you for the food. It smells great." She said looking over at Lana and frowning some "Now Lana what did we say water does for you? It helps stay happy and healthy right? So you gotta drink it okay?"
She frowned some and shook her head. “Don’t remind me of my lack of planning right now.” She laughed some, eating the pizza that wasn’t covered in olives then continued sipping at her drink. At some point during the movie she felt his arm go around the back of her shoulders and she couldn’t help but tense up a little.

Jeff sighed heavily as she just crossed her arms and glared at him “I said no. You gotta drink your water first.” He told her again but a little firmer. “Or no ice cream if you don’t drink your water.” He threatened.
Charlie watched the movie with her and put his arm behind her shoulders not even really realising what he was doing. He liked it though, having her with him like this.

Max frowned not going to push anymore on it. She wasn't the little girl's mother and she wouldn't discipline her, not unless it was absolutely necissary
By the time it finished carmen had fallen asleep and was looking rather comfortable in the big reclined seat with a blanket over her.

Jeff sighed in relief when she finally started eating her dinner and drank her water not really in the mood for an argument
Max got up and washed the dishes onve everything was done smiling softly at Lana as she came over to say goodnight "Goodnight sweetie, I'll see you tomorrow." She said hugging her tight before she ran off.

Charlie smiled softly at her and tucked her in before he turned everything off and ended up falling asleep sprawled across the other couch
Carmen woke up early the next morning to the smell of coffee wafting through the ground floor of the house, making her way out to the kitchen slowly and rubbing her head "I'm so sorry, you should've woken me up to kick me out." She mumbled to him smiling some, glancing at the two brochures he had on the kitchen table "Personally I think that one." She told him, pointing at the one closest to her.

Jeff walked her out to her car and smiled at her some. Her and Lana sure had hit it off and he could see why once he'd really started talking to Max. She was everything Lana needed in her life and possibly in his too right now
Charlie handed her a mug and chuckled some "Don't worry about it." He said happily smiling at her and giving a small nod "Alright I'll call em today.." he murmured giving a heavy sigh as he thought about how he was actually going through with this

Max gave a small smile as he walked her to her car "Well thank you for dinner Mr.Morgan, I'll be by tomorrow at normal time." She said gently pushing some hair behind her ear
She nodded some, "Good... I'm proud of you Charlie." She told him gently, "And hey, maybe this will be a good retreat to work on your book?" She pointed out, sipping at her coffee and headed out to go feed the horses their breakfast.

He nodded and agreed before shutting the door behind her and sighed some. A big part of him was seeing Max as Lana's nanny and nothing moe... But a small, growing, part of him was starting to hope she could very possibly be something more for him
Charlie chuckled some giving a small nod "I think it might help me find a better fucking story in general. Not sure why they decided that a story of lost love would be good for me to try at this time in my life but its what the publisher rights." He muttered shaking his head a bit

Max got there with her dog early that morning smiling happily at Jeff as he let her in letting her dog sniff around and get acustomed "Thank you again for letting me bring him. Will you be out late tonight?" She asked
Carmen sighed a little as she went round getting the horses sorted out and eventually went back inside to get some proper breakfast sighing quietly as she sat down and pulled out her laptop to start organising things for while he was away.

he shook his head. “I don’t think so, at least I’m hoping not to be.” he told her as he poured coffee into his travel mug and nodded to her. “She’s grumpy this morning.” He pre warned her before leaving.
Charlie came out after a shower not bothering with a shirt smiling some as he saw Carmen "What are you doing?" He asked biting his lip some as he watched her

Max gave a small laugh and smiled some when she saw Lana come down with her hair brushed "Good Morning sweetie." She said laughing as she grumbled at her "I brought over Dex for you to meet him."
She smiled over at him and nodded to her laptop. “Making sure that any work stuff comes straight to my email and I can keep things organised for you but also keep your life private from everyone but the essential people.” She told him.

lanas face lift up then and she looked over seeing the bulldog running around so she squealed excitedly and walked over, sitting on the floor and trying to get him to come close so she could cuddle him.
Max watched them and smiled when Dex immediately took to her after he sniffed her hands "Aww looks like he likes you already." She said laughing again as the dog started to lick her.

Charlie nodded some staring at her a bit "I'd be an even bigger wreck if I didn't have you here." He said truthfully "You still living in that shit house?" He asked raising an eyebrow
Carmen snorted a little. “Charlie you pay me well.... but my credit score is jacked and everywhere round here is super expensive.” She pointed out. “So yes I still live in my little apartment.” She told him.

Lana gigged and let him snuggle with her, watching max some. “do you think daddy is gonna try and get a new mommy?” She asked her.
Charlie nodded thinking for a mimute and then smiling "Well if I'm gone, I'm gonna need someone here to watch over everything...so why don't you ditch that place, I'll buy out your lease if need be and you move in here?"

Max bit her lip hard and shrugged some "Well sweetheart I don't know, thats your daddy's decision if he wants to have another wife or not." She explained "Do you want another mommy?"
She stared at him in shock for a minute before launching herself at him and crying happily into his shoulder. “ thank you so much Charlie.” She’d learnt not to see e against him doing nice things. He always won anyway.

she frowned shaking her head and still cuddling the dog. “No. I like you being my mommy.” She told her and moved to hug max tightly.
Charlie chuckled some and smiled widely hugging her back "Besides this place it too big for just one person." He said keeping her close to him for a moment before he let her go

Max tensed some but soon hugged her back "Oh sweetheart...I'm....I'm just your nanny." She said softly knowing she shouldn't be encouraging her thinking she was her mom.
Carmen smiled and pulled away nodding slowly as she wiped up her eyes. “I’ll make sure it’s cosy as ever for you when you get home okay?” She told him.

She frowned and shook her head. “But I don’t want another lady to be my mommy.” She told her and moved to cuddle the dog again.
Max gave a heavy sigh and watched the little girl "What do you want for breakfast darling?" She asked softly not wanting to talk about it anymore but she knew she would probably need to talk to Jeff about it.

Charlie smiled some at her "Don't cry beautiful, I know you'll keep it lookin good." He said softly pushing some hair from her face
She smiled at him and nodded. “Won’t let you down.” She promised, just noticing how close her face was to him and awkwardly cleared her throat, stepping away. “I better go get the horses breakfast.” She mumbled and walked out quickly.

“lucky charms.” She told her happily and got up running into the kitchen and squealing excitedly when Dex followed her.
Charlie bit his lip and blushed some at their closeness "Right they're probably hungry." He said chuckling softly sipping his coffee again

Max smiled softly at her and made themselves some food sitting down in the living watching some cartoons with her

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