• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Haven Falls


Dallas Price







The Neighborhood

Daddy Issues

"I have been waiting for these pictures for literally ever. I'm going to like, take one of me and you smiling and like... I don't know. Put it over my bed or something. Nothing more romantic than waking up in the morning to see your boyfriend's serial killer smile, you know?”

Ash's use of the word boyfriend wasn't lost on Dallas. He was very aware it wasn't something she used lightly; the phrase ‘not-boyfriend’ seemed to be thrown around her little friend group way more often, but he appreciated it despite the word being nestled right next to the phrase ‘serial killer smile’.

Her dainty hand in his felt- nice. Aston always had a way of making him feel like the only boy in the room, Dallas hoped tonight he might be able to make her feel like she was the only girl. The timing before- it hadn’t been right. But now he was good, they were good.

Dallas waved over his older brother with his free hand
“Alright Nix, hurry up and get some pictures for the lady would you? And you two,"
His words directed at his sisters now
"Get over here. If I'm not getting out of this neither are you."

♡coded by uxie♡
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Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

Artic Monkeys

Wanna Be Yours

Wes’s fingertips pressed lightly against her neck made the hairs on the back of it stand at attention. Even after his hand left its post to take refuge in his lap the surface of her skin felt charged, electrified to the touch, that was until a dryer sheet of guilt took it all away.

Yeah, you're something Carmen- a voice nagged at her from the depths of her subconscious- just as bad as everyone says you are.

Just as it had been Carmen to close it, it was Carmen who had reluctantly widened the distance between them again. She sighed,
“I should probably get back before anyone notices I'm gone.”

The girl glanced back at Wes seeing him post their magic moment for the first time.

“First though we might wanna take care of...”
A manicured finger made a circle around her own lip area, indicating his.

"Got a little lipstick there, it's not that bad but, you know.”
She took her thumb and tried to rub away the staining before relenting with an unbothered
Well- I'm sure no one will notice.”
and giving herself a touch up with the tube from her clutch.

Carmen gave a little reassuring nod at how responsible she was being. Sure, she'd done her first bump of oxy and kissed a guy when she had a whole ass boyfriend but with some careful covering up they'd both make it out of this scott free and with none the wiser.

See? Responsible.

She followed Wes out of the car, locking it up behind them and by some miracle managing to not drop the keys this time, though getting them to the lock did seem a more difficult task this time around.

Wes seemed primed to take his leave when it hit her.
“Wait, don't go.”
sounding a tad bit more pathetic than anticipated. Maybe it had been the return to movement after so much stillness but all at once the urge to 'go' became unignorable.

“I have to...use the ladies.”
For the sake of her dignity she said the last bit much quieter than the rest.

When he seemed puzzled by her admission Carmen rephrased.
“Okay let me put it to you this way, I have to use the ladies and if you don't come with me I am definitely going to end up lost.”
She shuddered at the thought or maybe it was the chill of October evening air.
“All those hallways look so....same-y.

♡coded by uxie♡
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peak park

the park brother
eak was enjoying every bit of his brother's going through the emberassing homecoming picture moment he had a year ago. There was nothing more amusing than seeing the facebook photo's an half hour later though.

'Come on eomma, you can do it,' he encouraged his mom who was asking for him help. It would've been way easier to take them himself but he couldn't help but tease the two.
Then their sister came in, half-sister but Peak still cared about her —probably even more than he cared about his brother Ever.

Peak gave her a smile before their mom dragged them into the pictures too, Atlas was sort of pushed to the side like he always was. Deep down, Peak loved how much Atlas looked up to him and it feeded the rivalry between the two brothers who never seemed to get along anyway.

A week ago Peak had promised to bring his siblings to homecoming and he surely wasn't excited until his friend Felix pitched a great idea. Felix and him had met some time ago, they both liked the same thing— partying— and this had put them on the map. He even introduced Atlas to him although he wasn´t really keen on making friends for his little brother.
Felix was different, quiet and unpredictable. Peak liked it, it brought excitement and dynamic in his own boring, life that was planned out for him.

When he saw his friend he greeted him with a hug, having a big smile plastered on his face even though Felix tried to keep it lowkey. 'Felix, I barely recognize you,' he spoke with an overly surprised tone to tease the guy who never really seemed keen on any attention. When he leaned closer to him to show him the flask in his blazer, Peak got an even bigger grimace as if he hit the jackpot. 'No way, in the blazer?' He said, definitely impressed. 'Fuck, I should've thought of that when I went to homecoming.' Peak got through school fast and the drugs probably weren't helping but he had a pretty solid brain. The guy was good at learning things.
'So, what's the plan?' Peak asked, reaching out to the flask. 'Wait, let me take a sip first. What is it?' Curiosity killed the cat, they said.


elliot slater

the slater brother
t wasn’t exactly a picture-perfect start to the big homecoming night. Elliot had locked himself in his room, dressed in a sleek black suit with a velvet finish. He’d always liked dressing up, but somehow tonight, it all felt pointless. He'd mixed up some coughing syrup with some Mountain Dew, a homemade mix that he'd definitely need tonight if he wanted to survive the nasty looks from all of his old friends.

He could hear the faint chatter of Miranda and Damien in the living room—it was their picture moment. He rolled his eyes but couldn’t ignore the envy gnwaing at him. It just wasn't fair.

When he finally came downstairs, the sound of the door slamming signaled that his younger half-brother had fled the scene. Elliot’s father stood nearby, offering a weak smile that barely masked his exhaustion. Ever since Damien moved in, the tension in the house had been unbearable. Everyone pushed for them to “keep the bond alive,” but it was barely hanging on by a thread.

'Did Damien take the car?' Elliot asked flatly, bypassing any attempt at small talk. He knew better than to leave room for a no.

'You will have to ask your mom, Elliot.' His father sighed, visibly not wanting to entertain his question.
Elliot bristled. He had not called her mom since she moved in even though his father insisted, to him she'd never been a mother; even now, she picked her favorites.

Elliot shook his head, glaring as his stepmom stepped into the conversation with the car keys dangling from her hand, acting like she was doing him a massive favor.

'So, what, because Damien’s not taking the car, that means I get to have it?' His tone was venomous as his eyes darted between them. Before she could say a word, he snatched the keys out of her hand.

'Thank my lucky stars,' he muttered, grabbing his coat from the couch where he’d tossed it earlier. 'What on earth would I have done without you guys?' His tone dripped with sarcasm, and he could hear their quiet mutters as he walked to the door.

Elliot didn’t bother saying goodbye—why would he? They were used to him leaving like this. The door slammed shut, leaving behind only silence.

As Elliot settled into the grey Lexus—his father’s gift to Miranda when they moved in—he glanced at his phone. A message from Mei lit up the screen.

Even though his mood was sour, it was nice to feel needed, even if just for a moment. Her message said the coast was clear, and something about the secrecy made his pulse quicken. It was exciting. Byron couldn’t find out, that much was clear. And if anyone would pay the price for it, it’d be Elliot, not Mei.

He chuckled bitterly at the thought. Mei William as his homecoming date. Never in a million years would he have predicted this turn of events. But there he was, driving to pick up Byron’s sister. All his old friends were dead or ignoring him.
He always thought him and Ash would go together, the thought of her cuddled up to Dallas at the big dance made his skin crawl. It really wasn't fair, what made him so special?

Elliot arrived at Mei's house about fifteen minutes later, their house loomed over the neighborhood like it owned the place. It brought back memories he didn’t care for, reminders of being around Byron and Dallas when things were less complicated—or maybe just differentl. He swallowed his feelings as he parked the car on the driveway.

Walking up to the oversized front door, he stood up, wanting to look as confident as he possibly could. Leaning against the wall, he waited, he crossed his fingers at his side. Not her parents, please. Not her parents.

mei's house

Bubbly and Excited
Indiana Sinclair
The evening light streamed through a cracked window, spilling over the faded floral couch where Indiana woke up with a groggy groan. Her head throbbed faintly, a leftover souvenir from the party the night before, and her dark hair was a wild mess of tangles. Smudged glitter makeup clung stubbornly to her face, her hazel-green eyes barely visible under streaks of yesterday’s eyeliner. Looking down, she realized she didn’t even have her shoes. She was barefoot and still in last night’s slightly rumpled outfit. She stumbled out into the cool air, giggling to herself at how ridiculous she must look.

Homecoming. Oh, right. It was today. Indiana had almost forgotten, which wasn’t surprising considering she didn’t exactly have a place to call “home.” Her sister Frannie lived at the motel, her parents were too busy being divorced to care, and Lindsey bounced between houses like it was a game. Indie? She just kind of existed in the cracks, floating between places without much of a plan. If there was one thing she loved though, it was a good excuse to get dressed up and dance like nobody was watching.

Back at Frannie’s motel room—where Indie had stashed her stuff this week—she plugged in her phone and blasted her favorite 2000s playlist. Play’s “Us Against The World” echoed through the tiny room as she danced around in her mismatched clothes, throwing her arms up and singing off-key while mascara smudged further down her cheeks. Half the time, Indie didn’t know if people loved her or just laughed at her, but she didn’t care, she was having fun.

When it came time to get ready, Indiana went all out with her ideas. For her homecoming look, she pulled together an outfit only she could dream up. She started with a purple maxi skirt she had thrifted and stitched with other random pieces of purple fabric to layer onto it, that clashed beautifully. Over that, she wore a laced pink top that caught the light every time she moved. She layered on a reddish pink laced cardigan she’d “borrowed” from a store years ago and added mismatched stockings under her skirt and black boots she’d covered the heel in glitter.

Her accessories were as over-the-top as ever. With chunky plastic bangles on both wrists, a collection of necklaces that jingled with every movement, and giant mismatched dangling earrings. Her makeup was wild, purple eyeshadow blending into a cloud of glitter, neon pink blush that almost looked like face paint, and glossy red lipstick she applied a little too generously. She teased her dark waves into a voluminous, half-up, half-down style, secured with butterfly clips and a sparkly pink headband.

When she looked in the mirror, she grinned at her reflection. She wasn’t polished or perfect like some of the other girls in Haven Falls, but she was Indiana. As far as she was concerned, that was more than enough. Grabbing her beaded clutch, she dashed out the door barefoot again, her boots in hand ready to make her entrance at homecoming.

Indiana didn’t think twice about walking barefoot to the school for homecoming. The pavement was warm under her feet from the days sun and the cool breeze played with the loose strands of her wavy hair. Sure, it was a long walk, but Indie didn’t mind. She absolutely loved the time to herself, her colorful outfit swishing as she moved and the music in her head keeping her company. She twirled a few times on the sidewalk, humming one of her favorite 2000s songs and pretending the streetlights were spotlights just for her. Cars drove by, a few people gave her strange looks, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t the kind of girl who cared about things like practicality or opinions. Walking gave her time to think and dream and be free.

By the time she reached the school, the sounds of the homecoming dance carried through the open doors. The thumping bass, muffled laughter, and a buzz of teenage energy. Her bare feet padded softly against the sidewalk as she approached, her steps turning into a light skip, then a bouncy walk as excitement bubbled inside her. She loved dances, not because of the romance or tradition but because it was a chance to dress up, dance wildly, and lose herself in the moment.

Indie’s curious hazel-green eyes sparkled as she stepped inside the building and put her boots on. The gymnasium was already packed with students. The lights above gave way to colorful strobes and decorations. Her smile stretched big and proud, completely unbothered by the stares and whispers that followed her as she passed. She knew she stood out with her chaotic outfit and glitter-covered face, but it only fueled her confidence. After all, why blend in when you could shine?

Indie scanned the room with her wide, curious gaze, looking for a familiar face in the sea of people. Her heart thumped with excitement as she searched for Seb. She’d told him she was coming…well, more like begged him to come, actually. Seb wasn’t exactly the “dance” type, but Indie was persistent, convinced he just needed the right push. Of course, she was more than happy to be that push. Whether he liked her as much as she liked him didn’t matter to her at the moment. Indie never really knew where she stood with people, but she always assumed the best.

She weaved her way through the crowd, pausing to twirl under the shimmering streamers hanging from the ceiling, her jewelry jingling with every move. Her gaze darted to the bleachers, then to the punch table, then to the far corner of the gym, where the quieter kids were normally at.

coded by reveriee.


homecoming dance.

juliette clark.


happy (and nervous).


the dance.



Jules had hoped she hadn't said something wrong when she said he looked like a book boyfriend. She sometimes doubted her own flirting abilities, often feeling like she was 'too much'.

But when Mickey had mentioned Rhysand, she had actually giggled. She couldn't believe it as it came out of her mouth. Since when did she fucking giggle. She really needed to get it together.

"Oh just you wait."
She mused, trying to cover up the embarrassing giggle. Jules then realized that her comment revealed that she indeed had started reading ahead. She couldn't help herself. She was almost half-way through the second book.

"Okay, I have a confession. Don't hate me. I already started the second book."
She turned away and shielded her face with her hand jokingly.

♡coded by uxie♡
Lacey Marie Kavanagh
the chill girl
Lacey noticed the small shift in the posture of Jonah after she told him he looked handsome. She liked seeing how her words had some kind of impact on the guy and a small smile appeared on the girl’s face. This was quite obvious since Jonah sitting next to her made Lacey’s evening way more interesting and exciting, even if they were just catching up.

“I guess I would also consider homecoming nice too.”
The girl replied, almost feeling as if she was also giving the opening for Jonah to realize she wasn’t having as much fun as she was having at that moment with him, the reality was that she liked Jonah, probably more than she cared to admit and definitely more than what would you like someone you just considered a friend. It was a strange feeling that she didn’t dislike, but at the same time, it terrified her.

“Well, last time I checked, I didn’t have one.”
She said with a small chuckle.
“But no, I didn’t get asked to homecoming. Probably too unimportant for the guys at my school and most likely out of limits, thanks to my dad for the guys here.”
She added jokingly.

But when Jonah said he would volunteer to do everything a date did with her, Lacey’s heart skipped a bit. Even if he was just being nice to her, she shouldn’t get her hopes up for it, right? It was just Jonah being a nice friend. After all, he came to homecoming with Kat as a friend too, and not him being interested in her in more than a friendship.

“Having some punch wouldn’t be a bad idea, now that you mention it. I guess we could also take pictures, aren’t you supposed to do that with your date?”

mood: giddy
outfit: here
location: homecoming
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Taylor Swift - Enchanted (Taylor's Version)

coded by Stardust Galaxy

  • filler

xx - Outfit

Homecoming photos. How quaint.
Fujiko smoothed the hem of her dress and forced a practiced smile as the camera clicked. Posing with people she barely knew—these brothers she was supposed to call family—felt absurd. She didn’t belong here, and she didn’t want to. Her real family was gone. The man who raised her had taught her to cook, to ride a bike, to face the world head-on. That man had been her father. Not this sleazy Korean businessman with his doe-eyed, agreeable wife. And certainly not these three brothers who acted like they were doing her a favor by letting her into their world.

When her mother spiraled into alcoholism and unemployment, her step-father hadn’t fought for her. A clean break—no messy custody battles, no inconvenient responsibilities. Had he even cared? Did anyone? Fujiko's opinion hadn’t mattered then, and it certainly didn’t seem to matter now.

But one thing she could control was her image. She wasn’t about to give these strangers the satisfaction of seeing her anger or her grief.

She glanced over at the eldest brother—Peak. He was trying to smile warmly at her. Of course, she smiled back, sugary sweet, like she hadn’t already figured him out.

She’d been watching Peak closely since her arrival. It was obvious that he sat at the top of the family hierarchy. Their father trusted him, and Peak wielded that trust like a weapon. He didn’t hide his mistakes—he didn’t need to. Their father always smoothed things over, and Peak knew it.

Fujiko had already felt the sting of his superiority when he’d denied her use of his car after she mentioned getting her American driver’s license. Holding it over her like a trophy she wasn’t worthy of. That was when she’d decided: she would take his spot.

Control was everything, and Peak had too much of it.

Then there was Atlas. If Peak was the king, Atlas was his loyal knight—wrapped so tightly around his brother’s thumb that he could barely see past it. It hadn’t taken long for Fujiko to realize how desperate Atlas was for approval. Gaining none from his mother or father he had turned to his oldest brother. He was always quick to defend Peak, eager for validation that never seemed to come. It was pathetic, really. But also an opportunity. If she could pry Atlas from Peak’s grasp, the cracks in Peak’s little empire would start to show.

Everest was different than both of them. He was an oddball for sure- but he didn’t listen to Peak and he didn’t suffer parental neglect like Atlas. He was somewhere in the middle. Peak encouraged the inevitable rivalry between them, using it to keep Everest in check. Watching it unfold, Fujiko almost admired how Peak managed to keep his brothers under his thumb. Almost.

But she wasn’t here to admire. She was here to win.

As Peak’s sleek car pulled into the school parking lot, Fujiko dismissed thoughts of her brothers. For now, she had other priorities. She hadn’t made many friends at school yet, but Ever had introduced her to Carmen, his girlfriend. Carmen was sweet, naïve, and easy to charm. Within a week, Fujiko had turned the introduction into an invitation to drinks with Carmen and her roommates. By the end of the night, she’d secured a foothold in a new social circle.


Inside the gym, Fujiko scanned the crowd for Carmen, her heels clicking against the polished floor. No sign of her. A quick glance at her phone confirmed it: no messages. Irritated, she poured herself a cup of punch and waited. She hated waiting.

Finally, the crowd felt too stifling, and she stepped outside for a cigarette. The cool night air settled around her as she searched her purse for her tobacco and papers. She was focused on rolling when the loud slam of a car door broke the stillness. She didn’t look up right away, keeping her movements deliberate, calculated.

When she finally glanced up, she saw a girl—Carmen—stumbling toward a car parked under the floodlights. A man, pale and underweight, opened the back door for her. Fujiko recoiled- to her he looked almost ghoulish under the harsh white lights, but Carmen climbed inside without hesitation.

Fujiko’s brow furrowed. This didn’t fit the image she’d pieced together of Carmen. Sweet, slightly ditzy, harmless Carmen. But there was nothing harmless about this scene.


Her phone’s camera captured the moment without hesitation. Fujiko didn’t need to think twice. Whatever this was, it was leverage.

Moving casually, she lit her cigarette and strolled closer, pretending to be lost in thought. As she passed the car, she raised her phone again, snapping more photos of Carmen and the man in the backseat. A drug deal? A love affair? It didn’t matter. What mattered was that Fujiko had something now. Something Carmen wouldn’t want anyone to see.

Back at the entrance to the gym, Fujiko scrolled through the photos, a faint smirk tugging at her lips. She could show Everest, of course. He’d pout and sulk for weeks if he knew. But no—this wasn’t the time to play that card. Not yet.

Instead, she dialed Carmen’s number, the smirk fading into a perfectly innocent expression. Control wasn’t about brute force. It was about patience.

And Fujiko had plenty of that.

Fujiko Park


Carmen- hopefully

♡coded by uxie♡
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As Harvey stood, time seemed to slow. The world around her blurred, leaving only him in her vision. Jace’s heart pounded in her throat, and her breath caught. Passionately, he recited a line from Footloose, a movie she’d watched countless times as a child—mostly out of boredom, but also because it had comforted her.

"That's a fancy way of saying, I don't dance, but... I'd love to try," he said with a warm smile, his cheeks turning pink. His awkwardness mirrored her own, making her smile in return.

"I mean, if you want to," he added, his voice sheepish.

Jace did want to. More than she expected. But as she felt the familiar nervousness creep up—was she really about to do this?—her mind flickered to memories of her brief time with Drake. Was she about to risk ruining another friendship over something that could just be a dance to Harvey, his best girl...friend?

One glance at his flushed face and goofy grin dissolved her doubts like sugar dissolving in hot tea. Hesitant, but without a word, she took his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet. Together, they walked to the center of the room, where teenagers bounced energetically to the latest chart-toppers. The song was ending, so they stood there, awkwardly waiting for the next one.

Still holding his hand, Jace felt a slight flutter of nerves when the first beat of Hot to Go by Chapple Roan blared through the speakers. She burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter—what an embarrassing song. But instead of retreating into the awkwardness, she decided to lean into it, letting the beat carry her. She swung Harvey’s arms playfully, moving to the rhythm, probably making a fool of herself, but it didn’t matter. She was having fun. When was the last time she had felt this carefree?

As the rhythm of Hot to Go shifted, she swung his arms lightly, guiding them both into an awkward, clumsy sway. They bumped into each other a few times, laughing it off each time. At first, she worried about stepping on his feet, about looking foolish—but then she realized something: she didn’t mind at all. The movement felt natural, like they were figuring it out together. She wasn’t trying to impress him. Neither of them were. They were just... there.

Jacinta’s body language relaxed, and with each step, the gap between them closed, until it felt like their movements were in sync—two people just trying to keep up with the beat and with each other. Jace felt a flutter in her chest when their arms brushed, the physical contact sending a ripple of warmth through her, and for the first time that night, she wasn’t overthinking it. She wasn’t worrying about the “what ifs.”

The music swirled around them, but all she could focus on was the lightness between them—the easy way their laughter bounced off each other, how his fingers were now holding hers more firmly, as though he’d realized that they were both in this, however silly or clumsy it seemed. As the song came to an end, Jace found herself not wanting the moment to end. Not yet.

Jace Choi


Harvey, Damien

♡coded by uxie♡





Curious and excited


homecoming dance



Mickey opened his mouth in an exaggerated gasp, completing the gesture with a clutch of his nonexistent pearls
“After all we’ve been through together?”
He said, faux scandalized. Altogether he dropped both gestures, replacing his expression with a laidback grin
“Nah, it’s alright. I could never be mad at you.”

Leaning over slightly he glanced beneath her hand
“At least I know now that it’s good.”
He chuckled. Between their two laughs he felt himself quickly becoming more and more at ease. Mentally he made a note to try and spend more time between classes reading his book, but for now there was no need to consider page numbers or fae or elven creatures. They had a night to enjoy here.

He offered her his hand, making sure it was within her range of vision below where her own hand covered her eyes
“Maybe let’s save book discussion for later.”
He said, glancing around the room
“I mean, they call it a homecoming dance not just a homecoming party."
The music was still playing loud, not exactly what he would have put on, but certainly nothing truly despicable.

Thankfully he’d had the foresight to stick one of his ear plugs in when he was getting ready so he wouldn’t be too overstimulated by the sights and sounds. As well as keep him focused on the girl in front of him
“What do you say? You wanna dance?”
He asked.

♡coded by uxie♡







parking lot



Wes nodded at Carmen’s astute observation that her absence just might be missed soon. He should probably be getting on his way anyways, hanging around a high school that you did not attend is not usually a good look for anyone post-graduation.

By the time he’d caught on to what she was implying with the gesture of her manicured finger she was already dragging the soft pad of her thumb across his chapped lips to try and rid him of the evidence of their kiss. Shortly after she gave up, leaving him slightly marked by her. Not that he had a problem with that.

Each of them climbed out of the car, Wes pausing to hold the door open for Carmen. Stepping back he allowed her to lock up the car, his hands were dug into the pockets of his jeans
“I guess that’s my cue to-”

His foot stuck into the pavement below them as she pled for him not to go. Maybe the oxy was just doing its job, or maybe this girl meant a little bit more to him than he had anticipated as he felt himself come just a bit off his own axis.

Dark brows furrowed slightly as he listened to her follow up about needing to hit the john. For a moment he was unsure if she was trying to proposition him. Y’know, a little warm-up in the car and then off to the bathroom to finish what they started. Tension rolled out of his shoulders as she continued to elaborate.

“I guess another set of eyes is never a bad thing.”
He was probably just as likely to get them lost as she was on her own, but Wes sure wasn’t about to turn up a chance to warm up a little bit more before his walk home. Not to mention, spending a little bit more time with one of the few people in town who tolerated him, even seemed to enjoy his presence.

He followed her into the building, avoiding the muffled sounds of vitality and partygoers coming from what he assumed was the gymnasium. They trode down the hall, Wes just a few paces behind the girl with his boots thudding on the linoleum.

Even in the dim appearance of the unlit hallway from a few paces away Wes could just barely make out the shape of the nearly universal symbol for ‘women’s bathroom,’ one of those stick figures in a dress.

He gestured to it with his unsteady left hand, even years on to living with his loss of use in his dominant hand, neither his body nor his mind could resist the urge to try and rely on the hand that he once favored for everything
“I’m no expert, but I think we’ve found our destination.”
Wes said. He leaned up against the wall nearby the door
“I guess I’ll leave you to it.”
He said, implying he’d wait for her right there.

♡coded by uxie♡

Jonah M.







  • home (filler tab)


I Want You To

Jonah laughed at Lacey's joke about being out of reach of any Haven Falls boys, mainly due to her father. If he'd been a wiser boy he might've seen the possible dangers of flirting with the Coach's daughter, you know the man with access to hundreds of baseball bats and the ability to causally make Jonah run suicides until he puked.

But he wasn't.

When she agreed to grab some punch with him he grinned. Joey was sure Kat wouldn't mind, she'd already dropped some hints that she knew exactly what Jonah thought of Lacey. And she was with her friend...He didn't need to justify it to himself any more than that.

“Punch, then pictures, then that slow dance you promised me- that all seems doable.”
Jonah nodded, pushing his seat out so he could hop to his feet, before offering his hand to the Brunette in the pretty sage dress.

The two made their way across the gym to the punch table where Jonah grabbed them both a cup, ignoring the two guys hovering around the bowl.
“Excuse me.”
he'd mumbled, making his way back to his- not date.

“A glass of punch for the lady.”
Jonah's voice was almost sing-song as he handed hers over. Taking a sip of his own he wrinkled his nose up at the decidedly funny aftertaste.
“Is this...?”
he questioned, wondering if Lacey picked up on the same thing he was.


Felix McClair

@BallzOfSteelix has interacted with:

@BallzOfSteelix has mentioned:

@BallzOfSteelix has tagged:
purplecowdutch purplecowdutch



Contrary to popular belief, or the assumptions that one could easily be making based on the way Felix would typically dress, he was not much of an attention seeker. He didn't mind it per se but it wasn't something he was actively looking for, either. Actually, his indifference on the matter was even more emphasized now than ever before.

Peak giving him a hug as they were reunited was nice. Unexpected but nice, nonetheless! He couldn't help but hug him back. The exaggerated reaction about Felix's unusual attire made him snort and shake his head. "To be honest, I gotta agree with ya! This outfit is so not me."

He briefly glanced around ever so discreetly to double-check their immediate surroundings for curious eyes. "Yeah, fsho! It's vodka. I always stick to vodka. Low on calories, goes well with everything..." He moved even closer to Peak, twisted the cap off and extended the flask towards him.

He took out his phone to use as a mirror, making sure his hair was under control. It also served to create a bit of a distraction when he laid out the plan. "Okay, the plan is simple. Just dump the vodka in the punch, sit back and watch the chaos unfold."

Ever since Felix gave up smoking regular cigarettes, he'd kind of gotten into the habit of vaping indoors, especially at home. It was mostly to avoid having to leave the house every time he needed a 'smoke break'. So out of a sheer habit he brought the vape pen to his lips. "Oh, fuck..." He snapped out of his autopilot mode, tucking vape back in his pocket.








homecoming dance




It was hard to tell if the expression on Drake’s face was more dumbfounded by Ines’ action, or just the usual dumb look he wore. She felt him pull away to end the kiss, but not in a “Whoa, get off me!” kind of way, so that was a plus. Certainly an information gathering experience in addition to a pleasurable one.

“What can I say, I’m full of surprises.”
She said with a casual shrug, still sort of admiring just how close they were still standing, practically toe to toe
“Hopefully you liked it, maybe there’ll be more where that came from if you play your cards right.”

The flirtier side of Ines hadn’t been seen or enjoyed by much of anyone since last year, but it seemed that Drake actually had an appreciation for it that her exes… one in particular… didn’t really seem to fully understand. Drake actually sort of flirted back with her, not leaving her to play both sides of a two player game.

He teeth grazed her lower lip once again, considering the options for the two of them to enjoy the rest of their night together filtering through her mind before she decided that maybe it didn’t have to be her turn to play a card right now. After all she’d already shown her ace.

“So, are we gonna stand around here all night or are you gonna show me a good time?”
She asked, placing a hand on her waist as she popped her hip to the side. Tag, he was it.




Claudia Jean.


Excited to dance the night away



Home sweet home


Alexa, Dahlia, Adrian, Merriweather

“Oh fuck!”
Claudia Jean all but hollered as she heard the front door getting knocked on. Checking herself one last time in the mirror she turned back towards her girls “I think that’s him. Like I said, you guys can take your time but I’ve got a hockey player to go see.” She chirped with a small shimmy as she moved towards the desk to grab her clutch. Of course perfectly matched to her dress.

Her mother was heading to the door just in time for Claudia Jean to stop her with a frantic wave of her hand “I got it, I got it, I got it.” She said in a hushed voice, hoping Adrian would be unaware of her intensity on the other side of the wooden divider between them. As she pulled the door open her mother retreated back to the kitchen with a shake of her head.

Claudia Jean greeted as she pulled the door open. Her eyes quickly landed on the collection of flowers in his hands, zinnias! “Adriannnnnn.” She dragged out that ending consonant in his name in that sort of cooing-crescendo teenage girls, particularly southern ones, particularly particularly more so energetic ones, particularly particularly particularly ones who were both such as Claudia Jean
“Thank you, these are my favorite.”
Oh, that clever bastard…

Setting her bag on the small entry-way table they had to the side of the door she lifted the bouquet from his hands
“C’Mon in while I get these settled somewhere.”
She said heading to the kitchen.

Upon seeing the florals in her daughter’s hands, Merriweather set aside her phone and moved to find a vase in the closet down the hall. Pausing to give Adrian a greeting and a compliment of
“You’re so sweet.”

Soon enough the zinnias were acclimating inside of their new white ceramic home and Claudia Jean’s mother was retrieving her phone from the counter to take photos of the couple. A bit creatively as trying to fit them both in the frame together had been a somewhat awkward task, but one she refused to let beat her.

Decent photos now captured Claudia Jean and Adrian were free to leave so out to the boy’s car they went. Once she had managed to get seated without creasing her dress too harshly she was able to focus on thanking her date
“Thanks for picking me up, and for the flowers too, you’re such a gentleman.”

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♡coded by uxie♡

outfit: xx
Nix brought up the rear behind his siblings as they filed into the dorm. He hung back, eyes unfocused and downcast, hands deep in his pockets to hide the slight involuntary shake. Dallas and Ash had their moment, Nix looked up. He couldn’t see his brothers face as his back was turned but he could hear something in his voice that sounded like hope maybe even happiness.

Hell, Nix would take any emotion over the impenetrable wall of ice that was put into place whenever the younger price brother was talking to him. Ever since that first missed payment and the fight that followed, Dal had been out of reach—maybe for good. Nix zoned out again as Dallas handed Ash her bouquet and she rushed inside to put it in some water. They were ushered into the sitting room and Nix’s shoulders suddenly stiffened with a thought.

Carmen lived here.

He fought to stifle the sudden rush of panic bubbling up in his chest, his heart pounding double-time. Brown eyes darted swiftly around the room looking and listening for any sign that she might be there. With absolute relief he decided there was no one else in the house other than the obvious. He didn’t think he could hide his pain if he saw her now- the friend and confidant he could have had. The girl who had singlehandedly pulled him out of his haze with a mere exchange of texts- replacing it with unadulterated joy. Every compliment, every kind word he had received from her had fed his selfish desire to hide in the past eventuating in their night working together on a new project.

A new project!

But Carmen was only a ‘could’ve been friend.’ In fact she was more like a should never have been in the first place kind of friend.

He’d tossed her away after that one joyful, invigorating night indulging in old and stupid dreams. Pretending like he was someone with a future. Like he wasn’t going to rot away- side by side- with his addict girlfriend and her fragile mentalstate as soon as no one needed him anymore. His night of selfish greed had nearly cost Frannie her very life. Their relationship seemed to sink into a stasis for a while as he tried his hardest to convince her that he had not cheated on her that night.

He could feel it again—that ever-familiar feeling of drowning. His mind was slipping, the weight of guilt and longing pulling him under.

Then, a voice. Distant at first, like a lifeline cutting through the current.


It took Nix longer than it should have to hear and process Dal’s words. His mind was slow—sluggish with lost sleep. Finally, the words found the part of his brain that interpreted them into meaning. He cleared his throat and nodded stiffly.

His mouth curved into a grin as if he had not just been spiralling in his own head. For them- he put on a show. He spoke with warmth and humour- tone lighthearted and measured as he and Ash took turns directing the photoshoot. Dallas and Ash got their shot- and Nix made sure Ash liked it before moving on. Then various combinations of different Prices were photographed together. Reluctantly Nix had even featured in some of them- including one with just the two Price brothers together.

Glancing at the younger Price, trying to find anything worth reading through his mask- a futile endeavour.

Once everyone seemed to be satisfied, Nix allowed himself to close his eyes just slightly longer than a regular blink and let out a small sigh of relief. “I’ll meet you by the car, Just going to get a quick smoke in.” He was already moving to the exit as he finished this sentence.

God, finally.

The cigarette was grounding and familiar against his chapped lips. He sighed out his drag, tendrils of smoke wrapping fleetingly around his head before dissolving in the early evening air.

Where am I going after this?

Does it matter?

Not really. Not to anyone present anyway.
Nix started at that thought- the darkness in it breaking him out of his mind “That’s not true.” His voice was so quiet he almost didn’t realise he’d said it aloud at all.

Nix Price







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MOOD: Elated


LOCATION: Quinn's house

Quinn sailormewn sailormewn


Bentley purplecowdutch purplecowdutch


Vinny Ramos
The truth is out there
“Did you get your date a corsage??” Vinny was already cheerfully questioning Bentley seconds after the boy hopped into the passenger seat. Two days ago, Vin had no clue what a corsage even was. Now, he clearly couldn't shut up about them, after carefully picking one out for his own date under the guidance of his patient abuela. The small box containing the tiny bouquet was tucked safely into the center console, and Vin gave it a little tap for emphasis as he grilled Bentley on the whereabouts of his.

After zooming his grandfather’s old SVU through the streets of Haven Falls to pick up his best buddy, the they were headed for Quinn’s house. Vinny chatted excitedly the whole way there, though he was growing a tiny bit nervous over the scenic drive through the wealthier part of town.

Of course he'd been to Quinn's place before, but just to hang out, not collect her for a formal event like this. For the first time in his life, he was worried if he looked okay, hoping her rich parents weren't disappointed their daughter was going out with a bum who came from far more modest means. But mostly, he was just hoping beyond hope he could show his perfect girlfriend a fun time at the dance.

Despite the flurry of nerves, Vin was still bursting with excitement. He couldn't wait to see Quinn in her fancy dress, and walk in with the prettiest girl on his arm. He'd been to a school dance before, sure, but never with a real date. Reason number five million why having a girlfriend was awesome.

A short trip through the affluent neighborhood of stately, beautifully landscaped homes, and they'd reached the particular palace Quinn resided at. Both boys marching up the driveway together made for a funny sight, as if Quinn had wrangled herself two eager young suitors to take her to homecoming. However, it was obvious which date was a tad more amped. Vinny couldn't help but jog ahead as they approached her front door, too impatient to wait for Bentley to catch up before hitting the bell to announce their presence.

code by valen t.

  • filler

xx - Outfit

When Elliot’s reply came, Mei’s heart skipped a beat. No way. Little Mei Williams actually had someone her age willing to take her to homecoming. It wasn’t exactly a date—Elliot had said so himself—but that didn’t matter. She took longer than most to process her feelings for people anyway, so the idea of him showing up with flowers and posing for pictures felt too fast for her. But he cared enough to come and get her. That was something she hadn’t expected in a million years.

Mei ran upstairs, fretting over her appearance. She practiced her smile in the mirror—the easy, social, polite one that never quite came naturally to her. It felt forced, but rehearsing it made her feel a little more prepared. Still, she couldn’t linger too long. She tucked her lipstick, some tissues, and her phone into a small white purse, then smoothed her fringe and fixed the hem of her dress. With a nod to herself, she hurried back downstairs.

Waiting by the door, Mei fiddled with her necklace, biting the inside of her cheek. The knock came sooner than expected, and despite waiting for it, she still jumped. She rushed to open the door, looking her “not date” up and down before offering him a grateful grin.

“Thanks for coming, Elliot,” she said, genuinely appreciative.

Behind her, the house stirred.

“Mei!? Who’s there?”

She stiffened. “My friend came to pick me up! So I’ll—I'll see you later!” she called back, voice slightly higher than normal.

Turning back to Elliot, she placed a desperate hand on his chest—not pushing, but urging him to move. “Quick, let’s go.”

As soon as he stepped aside, she scampered out, shutting the door firmly behind her. She took his hand without thinking. “Just… I’m not used to heels. Can you help me?” The words came out rushed, and she hoped he wouldn’t read too much into it. The last thing she wanted was to trip down the stairs before they even got to the car.

Once inside, she settled into the passenger seat, staring straight ahead and willing her heart to slow down. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Connor’s car pulling into the driveway and froze.

“Oh, there’s going to be questions…”
she muttered.

But as Elliot pulled away from the house, she shook off the worry. What mattered was that she was going.

By the time they arrived, the dance was already in full swing. The bass-heavy music thumped from inside the gymnasium, the muffled beats vibrating in the air. Mei took a deep breath, glancing over at Elliot.

“Well, here we go,” she said, forcing a smile. “Come on, let’s get in there.” She stepped forward with a confidence she didn’t quite feel—hoping, maybe, that if she acted sure of herself, she might start believing it.

Mei Williams


♡coded by uxie♡

xx - Outfit
Jonah had really gone all out for her, just like he promised. He'd been the perfect gentleman—complimenting her, making her laugh, even posing for her mother’s ridiculous photos. She genuinely enjoyed his company, and she was grateful he had taken her. But in the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but dwell on how unlucky it was that all the nice boys in her life were either spoken for or interested in someone else.

Despite everyone’s best efforts—including her sister, who had actually been spending more time with her lately—Kat still felt the absence of her best friends. Especially Ana. Ever since Ana had found her way into another social circle, one that Kat wasn’t a part of, she had been harder to reach. But she was here tonight, and Kat was determined to track her down and reconnect. After all, it wasn’t just Ana’s fault. Kat knew she wasn’t the most social person. Events like this, with so many people to adjust her behavior for, were exhausting.

But Ana had never held that against her. She had always made time for Kat, accepting her flaws without judgment. Kat was endlessly grateful for that—and she wasn’t about to let her friend slip away. If that meant stepping outside of her comfort zone and making small talk with a new crowd, then so be it.

Her eyes scanned the room as she walked beside Jonah, her usual bright smile in place as she greeted people who knew them. But the moment she spotted Ana through the crowd, her smile became real.

Without hesitation, she rushed forward, wrapping Ana in the biggest hug before pulling back to admire her.

“Oh, Ana, you look amazing!” she gushed, eyes shining. Then, almost as an afterthought, she added, “Oh! This is Jonah.”

Jonah offered a polite smile before excusing himself, but Kat barely noticed.

“So, you said you had a bunch to tell me, right?” she asked, her voice laced with eagerness. Then, her expression faltered slightly. “God, Ana, I can’t believe we let it go this long. I’m really sorry—I should have… I mean, I wasn’t sure how to…” She hesitated, fumbling for the right words. “You just seemed to be having such a good time with your new friends.”

She wasn’t hurt. Not really. She hadn’t reached out either.

Kat Burke


yooo what up

♡coded by uxie♡

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: Homecoming dance


Indie Bluesky_101 Bluesky_101

Sebastian Quinto
Don't think you're having all the fun
You know me, I hate everyone
Seb sat on the bleachers, corpse blue eyes rimmed in thick smudges of black liner flickering over the sea of kids that began to crowd the gymnasium. The other losers and wallflowers that dotted the bleachers were staying far away from him, letting him have the entire riser. He was radiating a fuck off energy after all, even more so than usual.

The loner rolled his eyes at the next terrible song that began to play, some Taylor Swift crap, or whatever it was. He was starting to wish he'd had the foresight to sneak a little of the booze his mom kept in the house. Yes, choking down some cheap gas station vodka mixed with warm Gatorade sounded disgusting, but this night was shaping up to be his own little slice of hell. Seb would have gladly chugged anything that might’ve helped him mentally check out.

Scanning the gym once again, Seb perked up as he spotted the one he’d been searching for, twirling her way across the shiny wooden floor. As always, she was pretty easy to spot, a beacon of sparkles and clashing shades that stood out even under the dim lighting.

Indiana Sinclair. She was the cause of his suffering right now. Indie had begged him to come to this thing, and as much as he tried to argue against it, giving in to her was really the only sane choice. It wasn't every day a cute girl was begging him to do anything. In fact, this was a first. But for all his snarky remarks and protests, in truth, he'd no doubt brave the actual pits of hell for a chance to hang out with Indie outside of school hours. At least hell would probably have better music.

Seb hopped off the bleachers, greeting the brunette with a playful smirk as he ambled over to her. “Holy shit, you look like a craft store puked all over you,” He snickered. Of course he immediately made a joke, he was always teasing Indie about her quirky fashion choices. It was expected of him. If he’d simply marched over and said what he really thought–that she looked uniquely beautiful in that adorably crazy way only she could pull off? Well, that’d just be weird.

“Uuuhhhghhgh,” He moaned, throwing his head back dramatically as another pop song kicked on. Rubbing at his forehead as if in great pain. “I swear to god, they played this one already,” Seb grumbled, narrowing his eyes in a feigned look of annoyance. “I fucking hate you so much,” He joked, shaking his head. But the little laugh that creeped into his words said otherwise; quite the opposite, actually.

“Sooo, uh, what do people do at these things?” The boy asked with an awkward shrug, desperately hoping she wasn't gonna drag him out to the dance floor.

code by valen t.

Harvey Milk







  • home (filler tab)


Tongue Tied

Harvey danced with Jacinta, movements driven by his complete reckless abandon, bumping arms with her a few times. At some point along the way their fingers had intertwined he hoped she didn't realize how sweaty his palms had gotten after expending so much energy.

But as the upbeat musings of Hot-To-Go faded it was replaced by a much slower song. The two felt their movements instinctually slow too until they were just standing there in the middle of the dancefloor. Suddenly their hand touching felt...intimate. Something that caught him entirely off guard. Harvey quickly unlaced his fingers from hers feeling something he'd never really felt around a girl before.


But why? Jace, pretty floral dress and all, was just his best, girl, friend. Thirty seconds ago they had been touching and dancing like it was nothing, hell it had even been- fun.

Harvey combed back through his highschool movie knowledge. There were plenty of scenes just like this...now just where did they put their hands? He looked down, wiping the sweaty things off on his pants, gears grinding before Eureka! It finally came to him.

“Um, I think we- I mean it kinda goes something like this.”
He was uncharacteristically nervous as he placed his left hand respectfully in the small of her back he pulled her in closer a the other took hold of her left.
“And now...we sway?”
Maybe the boy was asking for permission because his words were as close as he got to actually initiating the motion.

♡coded by uxie♡

Quinn Curtis







  • home (filler tab)


Oh No!

Quinn had a boyfriend who absolutely adored her and a black hole where a heart should be. One she tried to fill with alcohol and most recently with attention from said Boyfriend's best friend. Maybe that's why she looked more like she was attending a funeral than a highschool homecoming. A simple winged liner and clear gloss makeup look and a classic knee length black dress. It was of course the most expensive little black dress she could find in this backwater town, but still off brand. Preferring something new over just anything from what she called her 'california closet' all the nice designer things she had from her family's time there.

Really it was ironic. They'd moved her out of the golden state and to middle of nowhere North Dakota four years ago now, in some misguided attempt to protect her from the 'dangerous' world of superficiality and shiny plastic people without realizing it was exactly where she belonged. It was Adrianne who'd taught her how to make her own fun in the small backwater town full of earnest people, to make it her new playground. Adrianne had showed her just how easy it was to pick people up like dolls and put them down.
She was thankful to her really, it was the most valuable set of lessons Quincey could've learned.

She hadn't really noticed the transformation not until a certain ex-boyfriend had brought it to her attention. As if overnight she'd gone from model student and occasional mean girl to a manipulative little bitch. But damn did it feel good. To have her cake and eat it to?

What did Mason know anyway. Sure he'd graduated and had that whole 'responsible parent thing going for him' now. But he didn't understand what it was like anymore, Mason had hung up the misery that once brought them together. Yeah, Mason Rivera could stay in his house and throw stones even end up sitting in a pile of fucking glass- but she definitely wasn't bitter or anything.

Quinn filled her trusty flask before sticking it in her purse and took a swig directly from the Cîroc bottle before shoving it back under her bed. The bell announcing Vinny's arrival was a welcome distraction from her thoughts. Maybe Vinny would be too.

She opened the door with a smile,
Quinn pulled him in for a quick kiss on the lips.
"Is that for moi?"
Her black eyes resting on the corsage in his hands.
"Well, what are you waiting for, put it on me!"
She expectantly held out her wrist but her gaze had already begun to wander, eyeing Bentley strolling up behind him.
"Oh. Bentley, didn't see you there, you look nice."
Quinn said attempting to sound uninterested and offhanded as possible.

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Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

Artic Monkeys

Wanna Be Yours

Carmen eyed his shaky left hand, even high she recognized this as a rare occurrence. Wes had talked about his accident plenty but she had yet to get even a peek at the aftermath. Like most of him, Wes kept it obfuscated, right in front of you and yet still just out of view. Four surgeries, she recalled, torn tendons, broken bones...Carmen cringed at the thought of it.

I guess I’ll leave you to it.

Oh yeah, they were here in the highschool together for a reason. The reminder brought the urgency back to the forefront of the teen’s mind. Carmen slipped into the bathroom and took care of business before giving her hands a wash. As if on queue as soon as she put the soap on (which might have taken a few attempts) her phone started ringing.


The brunette let out an exasperated huff, who would be calling her Homecoming Night? Carmen couldn't think of anyone who might be beside the boy standing right outside. Everest was texting her sure, but he wasn't the type to call. His sister on the other hand...No date and she was supposed to be meeting up with Carmen something that up until this very moment the girl had completely forgotten. Yup, Koko definitely fit the profile.

She considered for a moment letting it ring, not yet ready for a dose of reality or the end of her little cowboy centric daydream, but Koko was her friend. A new friend but a friend none the less.

So after shaking the water off her left hand she plunged it into her purse nestling the clumsily recovered device between her right shoulder and ear.
“Hey Koko, what's up? I'm in the ladies. Well I'm like washing my hands I'm not like-”

Carmen mouthed to herself in the mirror to stop talking.
Anyway you get it. I'm gonna touch up my makeup and I'll see you in a few minutes, byeeeeeee.”
The final word long and drawn out ending maybe even after the call had.

A moment later Carmen rejoined Wes, the impending goodbye weighing on her.
“Well my friend Koko's gonna come uh- collect me. So I guess this means you're off the hook.”
The girl in red shifted on her feet contemplating her next move. This time Carmen didn't ask for permission as she leaned in to give him one last kiss, this time a short and sweet peck on the cheek. Something to remember her by, you know so he didn't also think it'd all been some sort of drug induced hallucination.

“Thanks for the escort Cowboy.”

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • filler

xx - Outfit

Fujiko was already moving toward the rest of the school as she called Carmen. When her friend had failed to stumble back into the dance, she figured it was pretty likely that she had gone to fix herself up in the bathroom. You know—after smudging her lipstick.

When Carmen picked up, Fujiko was nearly there. “Hey Koko—I’m in the ladies—well, I’m washing up, I’m not—”

Fujiko smiled to herself as her suspicion was confirmed. She shook her head at the awkward string of words. She had to admit, the girl was rather cute. In an abandoned puppy kind of way, anyway.

“Hey, Carmen—Oh, okay! I’ll see you soon.”

No sooner had she managed to get the words in was Carmen hanging up, cutting herself off mid-farewell.

Even over the phone, she did not sound sober. Her words ran together, slurring at the edges, and there was an almost dreamy quality to her voice. Fujiko allowed herself a small frown as she continued walking. Becoming a babysitter to a wasted teenager wasn’t exactly how she’d planned to spend the night. If she could find Luci, she could probably pass her off to her at some point. Of course, she wasn’t overly concerned with how that particular young woman saw her. Luci might be the guard dog of the group, but as long as the others trusted her, she couldn’t attack without consequence.

Fujiko had played with kids a lot more mature than herself back in Japan—she was well-versed in the politics of girls.

With her heels clicking rhythmically against the linoleum, she reached the ladies’ bathroom—just in time.

She slowed her steps, feigning pure shock, as if she hadn’t just seen these two making out in a haze of white powder back in the parking lot. When Carmen leaned up toward the taller male and kissed him on the cheek, Fujiko even pretended to stifle a gasp, just for the benefit of the guy, who had probably been the first to notice her. Carmen pulled back, her expression enamoured, and when she spoke, her words dripped with affection.

“Thanks for the escort, Cowboy.”

Fujiko let them finish their little moment before shifting her weight, hesitating for effect, then loudly clearing her throat.

Inevitably, the pair turned to look at her, and she took the opportunity to let her gaze sweep over them both, her expression shifting from surprise to concern as she regarded her friend.

“Well. I’m not often lost for words.” Her voice was slow, measured, but there was an edge to it as she stepped closer to Carmen’s side.

Carmen’s pupils were constricted, her movements loose and sluggish. She looked unsteady on her feet.

Fujiko exhaled sharply, her jaw tightening before she turned her attention to the guy. “What is she on?”

She didn’t even try to keep the disgust out of her voice. It surfaced before she could stop it, curling tight in her chest, unwelcome and familiar. She knew how these nights could go- she had spent enough of her childhood tiptoeing around the wreckage they left behind.

Whatever his answer—denial, dismissal, or something in between—she clicked her tongue.

“Well, I’ll take it from here, Cowboy.”

She took Carmen’s hand, meaning to lead her away, but stopped short as a thought crossed her mind. She turned back, her expression unreadable except for the faintest trace of distaste.

“If anything goes awry this evening, expect a bill for her ambulance ride.”

She didn’t raise her voice. She didn’t have to. She simply held his gaze for a moment longer before flicking her fingers in a dismissive wave.

“Run along~”

Then, without waiting for a response, she turned to Carmen and gestured for her to start walking—urgently this time.

Fujiko Park


♡coded by uxie♡


"I'm not," he grumbled at Luci, his mood still clearly soured following his conversation with Harvey and Jace. "My friends are just kinda... assholes, ya know?"

Of course, Damien knew that that wasn't true -- but at the moment, he was too hurt to think otherwise. His shoe kicked at the ground, his lips pressed down into a frown, but only momentarily before he lifted his gaze, a smile replacing the sour expression. At least, he reminded himself, he could hangout with Luci.

"I was gonna ask you to the dance," he started, "like, officially, but I was too busy pulling sticks out of my hair." he joked half-heartedly with a reference to their previous "date" -- or at least, Damien had thought it was a date.

Now, he was starting to doubt everything he thought that he knew.

Could it be possible that he had just... misread everything?

"Did you want to... ya know..." he gestured with a tilt of his head towards the dance floor. "Dance?"

Surely that's what you were supposed to do at dances -- it was right there in the name, after all.

interactions: Milkman, Jace

tags: matchaa matchaa sailormewn sailormewn

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