Porygon did nothing wrong.
Felix McClair
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"Stop slouching like you haven't got a spine! Stand up straight..." Their mother snapped at Felix, pausing momentarily to frown at the sight of the tattoos that tarnished his hands. "Put your hands in your pockets, or something! Those awful scribbles are showing..." It was like she couldn't even say the word 'tattoos'. She was way too concerned that her un-perfect son's tattoos would ruin their perfect family's perfect (perfectly fabricated) image. What would their parents' perfect friends think if they were to find out that their son had tattoos?! Good heavens! It should have been only a matter of time until this flawless facade would come crashing down.
Felix responded to the nagging with an eye roll, unwillingly obeying their Mom's command. "And for God's sake, stop making faces..." The moment she wasn't looking he stuck his tongue out at her. Fawn, more than eager to flee the awkward situation, briefly turned around to smack her brother on his arm. Rather than out of actual malice, the gesture was meant to communicate something along the lines of "Please, stop screwing around. Let's just get this over with" in a non-verbal way.
He wasn't particularly enjoying the situation, either. And wearing fancy clothes definitely wasn't his thing. Black Gucci all the way, with his usual gold jewelery. He refused to wear a tie, though. It's not like he worked at a bank or something. His words. And instead of dress shoes he wore a pair of black Nike Air Force 1s. For the comfort and if need be, smoother getaway. As a bonus they made him feel less like a poser wearing a costume.
Posing for the photos was such an impeccable example of just how much their parents cared about keeping up appearances. They were all about the parenting gig whenever it suited them and served their every whim. For the majority of time it heavily leaned towards the 'out of sight, out of mind' mentality. Felix and Fawn were free to do practically whatever the hell they wanted, as long as it didn't inconvenience their parents in any way. And Felix surely had found a way to abuse this glaring lack of parental supervision. What they didn't know, couldn't get him in trouble.
On top of all the other white lies, their Mom must have told everyone that both of their kids went to Silver Lake Academy. She couldn't possible let anyone know he didn't get in because he had a criminal record. Felix on the other hand had been more than happy about dodging that bullet. Well, as happy as an angsty teenage boy could possibly be about school-related matters. Fortunately, Fawn seemed to have managed fit it just fine. Then again, she didn't possess her brother's attitude problem.
A bit unexpectedly he had formed some valuable connections in this miserable town. Connections that would make 'serving his time' in Haven Falls immensely more tolerable. From now on it was no longer a necessity to take spur-of-the-moment road trips to Fargo or anywhere else, just to live his precious moments of high life. Bigger and better highs than any amount of pot could ever provide.
Oh just how much he had missed the feeling only freebase would elicit. All of that sweet sweet euphoria without the sluggishness of pot or the stupor (or the hangovers) of booze. The only downside he found to be the relatively short-lived high which lead to the frequent need of hitting the slopes, so to speak. Because there sure as hell were absolutely no other downsides to it. Now that he had essentially endless supply, any day could be turned into a 'snow day' at will.
"Don't get high on your own supply" they always said. Who the fuck even were they, and whose supply should you be getting high on then? There was just no way he would ever become one of those losers to get addicted. He knew exactly what he was doing. He had it all under control. As long as he kept telling himself that, it was an unwavering truth.
He really needed the powdered 'courage' to survive the night. Socializing? Ewww! Most school events, especially clean and sober had always been torture, kind of. If he'd been using back then, Milly would have never let him hear the end of it. But that was all in the past. For the first time ever, he was going stag.
In hindsight, he could have gone with Noelle; the girl he had taken out on a date not too long ago. She was very cute and all but something had been missing. And that was just one date. Way too early to tell if there was any sort of real chemistry between them. No way he would have asked a girl to go to Homecoming with him after just one single date. And besides, she was out of town and had her own HoCo to attend. Wait a minute... Fawn's date was not from Haven Falls, either. And it didn't stop her from going to a HoCo in another town... Would it still be too late for a change of plans?!
But it was indeed too late. His fake-date to Homecoming was Peak; a relatively new friend and his business associate Atlas' brother. Unlike going to Homecoming or even Quinceañera (ugh the dreaded traditional waltz) with Milly, this time he wouldn't be 'blackmailed' into dancing. Hopefully. Who would have thought? There actually was a bright side to your girlfriend having passed away.
Felix stood with his hands once again stuffed in the pockets of his trousers. His right hand sub-consciously fiddled with a small metallic vial full of white powder. A little bit of pick-me-up would be needed soon. He leaned closer to Peak to converse without drawing too much unnecessary attention. "K, I can already tell this party is gonna suck. Should we maybe... spice things up a little?" He subtly gestured towards the flask of vodka hiding in his blazer pocket.
"Stop slouching like you haven't got a spine! Stand up straight..." Their mother snapped at Felix, pausing momentarily to frown at the sight of the tattoos that tarnished his hands. "Put your hands in your pockets, or something! Those awful scribbles are showing..." It was like she couldn't even say the word 'tattoos'. She was way too concerned that her un-perfect son's tattoos would ruin their perfect family's perfect (perfectly fabricated) image. What would their parents' perfect friends think if they were to find out that their son had tattoos?! Good heavens! It should have been only a matter of time until this flawless facade would come crashing down.
Felix responded to the nagging with an eye roll, unwillingly obeying their Mom's command. "And for God's sake, stop making faces..." The moment she wasn't looking he stuck his tongue out at her. Fawn, more than eager to flee the awkward situation, briefly turned around to smack her brother on his arm. Rather than out of actual malice, the gesture was meant to communicate something along the lines of "Please, stop screwing around. Let's just get this over with" in a non-verbal way.
He wasn't particularly enjoying the situation, either. And wearing fancy clothes definitely wasn't his thing. Black Gucci all the way, with his usual gold jewelery. He refused to wear a tie, though. It's not like he worked at a bank or something. His words. And instead of dress shoes he wore a pair of black Nike Air Force 1s. For the comfort and if need be, smoother getaway. As a bonus they made him feel less like a poser wearing a costume.

Posing for the photos was such an impeccable example of just how much their parents cared about keeping up appearances. They were all about the parenting gig whenever it suited them and served their every whim. For the majority of time it heavily leaned towards the 'out of sight, out of mind' mentality. Felix and Fawn were free to do practically whatever the hell they wanted, as long as it didn't inconvenience their parents in any way. And Felix surely had found a way to abuse this glaring lack of parental supervision. What they didn't know, couldn't get him in trouble.
On top of all the other white lies, their Mom must have told everyone that both of their kids went to Silver Lake Academy. She couldn't possible let anyone know he didn't get in because he had a criminal record. Felix on the other hand had been more than happy about dodging that bullet. Well, as happy as an angsty teenage boy could possibly be about school-related matters. Fortunately, Fawn seemed to have managed fit it just fine. Then again, she didn't possess her brother's attitude problem.
A bit unexpectedly he had formed some valuable connections in this miserable town. Connections that would make 'serving his time' in Haven Falls immensely more tolerable. From now on it was no longer a necessity to take spur-of-the-moment road trips to Fargo or anywhere else, just to live his precious moments of high life. Bigger and better highs than any amount of pot could ever provide.
Oh just how much he had missed the feeling only freebase would elicit. All of that sweet sweet euphoria without the sluggishness of pot or the stupor (or the hangovers) of booze. The only downside he found to be the relatively short-lived high which lead to the frequent need of hitting the slopes, so to speak. Because there sure as hell were absolutely no other downsides to it. Now that he had essentially endless supply, any day could be turned into a 'snow day' at will.
"Don't get high on your own supply" they always said. Who the fuck even were they, and whose supply should you be getting high on then? There was just no way he would ever become one of those losers to get addicted. He knew exactly what he was doing. He had it all under control. As long as he kept telling himself that, it was an unwavering truth.
He really needed the powdered 'courage' to survive the night. Socializing? Ewww! Most school events, especially clean and sober had always been torture, kind of. If he'd been using back then, Milly would have never let him hear the end of it. But that was all in the past. For the first time ever, he was going stag.
In hindsight, he could have gone with Noelle; the girl he had taken out on a date not too long ago. She was very cute and all but something had been missing. And that was just one date. Way too early to tell if there was any sort of real chemistry between them. No way he would have asked a girl to go to Homecoming with him after just one single date. And besides, she was out of town and had her own HoCo to attend. Wait a minute... Fawn's date was not from Haven Falls, either. And it didn't stop her from going to a HoCo in another town... Would it still be too late for a change of plans?!
But it was indeed too late. His fake-date to Homecoming was Peak; a relatively new friend and his business associate Atlas' brother. Unlike going to Homecoming or even Quinceañera (ugh the dreaded traditional waltz) with Milly, this time he wouldn't be 'blackmailed' into dancing. Hopefully. Who would have thought? There actually was a bright side to your girlfriend having passed away.
Felix stood with his hands once again stuffed in the pockets of his trousers. His right hand sub-consciously fiddled with a small metallic vial full of white powder. A little bit of pick-me-up would be needed soon. He leaned closer to Peak to converse without drawing too much unnecessary attention. "K, I can already tell this party is gonna suck. Should we maybe... spice things up a little?" He subtly gestured towards the flask of vodka hiding in his blazer pocket.