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Realistic or Modern Haven Falls


Felix McClair

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purplecowdutch purplecowdutch


"Stop slouching like you haven't got a spine! Stand up straight..." Their mother snapped at Felix, pausing momentarily to frown at the sight of the tattoos that tarnished his hands. "Put your hands in your pockets, or something! Those awful scribbles are showing..." It was like she couldn't even say the word 'tattoos'. She was way too concerned that her un-perfect son's tattoos would ruin their perfect family's perfect (perfectly fabricated) image. What would their parents' perfect friends think if they were to find out that their son had tattoos?! Good heavens! It should have been only a matter of time until this flawless facade would come crashing down.

Felix responded to the nagging with an eye roll, unwillingly obeying their Mom's command. "And for God's sake, stop making faces..." The moment she wasn't looking he stuck his tongue out at her. Fawn, more than eager to flee the awkward situation, briefly turned around to smack her brother on his arm. Rather than out of actual malice, the gesture was meant to communicate something along the lines of "Please, stop screwing around. Let's just get this over with" in a non-verbal way.

He wasn't particularly enjoying the situation, either. And wearing fancy clothes definitely wasn't his thing. Black Gucci all the way, with his usual gold jewelery. He refused to wear a tie, though. It's not like he worked at a bank or something. His words. And instead of dress shoes he wore a pair of black Nike Air Force 1s. For the comfort and if need be, smoother getaway. As a bonus they made him feel less like a poser wearing a costume.


Posing for the photos was such an impeccable example of just how much their parents cared about keeping up appearances. They were all about the parenting gig whenever it suited them and served their every whim. For the majority of time it heavily leaned towards the 'out of sight, out of mind' mentality. Felix and Fawn were free to do practically whatever the hell they wanted, as long as it didn't inconvenience their parents in any way. And Felix surely had found a way to abuse this glaring lack of parental supervision. What they didn't know, couldn't get him in trouble.

On top of all the other white lies, their Mom must have told everyone that both of their kids went to Silver Lake Academy. She couldn't possible let anyone know he didn't get in because he had a criminal record. Felix on the other hand had been more than happy about dodging that bullet. Well, as happy as an angsty teenage boy could possibly be about school-related matters. Fortunately, Fawn seemed to have managed fit it just fine. Then again, she didn't possess her brother's attitude problem.

A bit unexpectedly he had formed some valuable connections in this miserable town. Connections that would make 'serving his time' in Haven Falls immensely more tolerable. From now on it was no longer a necessity to take spur-of-the-moment road trips to Fargo or anywhere else, just to live his precious moments of high life. Bigger and better highs than any amount of pot could ever provide.

Oh just how much he had missed the feeling only freebase would elicit. All of that sweet sweet euphoria without the sluggishness of pot or the stupor (or the hangovers) of booze. The only downside he found to be the relatively short-lived high which lead to the frequent need of hitting the slopes, so to speak. Because there sure as hell were absolutely no other downsides to it. Now that he had essentially endless supply, any day could be turned into a 'snow day' at will.

"Don't get high on your own supply" they always said. Who the fuck even were they, and whose supply should you be getting high on then? There was just no way he would ever become one of those losers to get addicted. He knew exactly what he was doing. He had it all under control. As long as he kept telling himself that, it was an unwavering truth.

He really needed the powdered 'courage' to survive the night. Socializing? Ewww! Most school events, especially clean and sober had always been torture, kind of. If he'd been using back then, Milly would have never let him hear the end of it. But that was all in the past. For the first time ever, he was going stag.

In hindsight, he could have gone with Noelle; the girl he had taken out on a date not too long ago. She was very cute and all but something had been missing. And that was just one date. Way too early to tell if there was any sort of real chemistry between them. No way he would have asked a girl to go to Homecoming with him after just one single date. And besides, she was out of town and had her own HoCo to attend. Wait a minute... Fawn's date was not from Haven Falls, either. And it didn't stop her from going to a HoCo in another town... Would it still be too late for a change of plans?!

But it was indeed too late. His fake-date to Homecoming was Peak; a relatively new friend and his business associate Atlas' brother. Unlike going to Homecoming or even Quinceañera (ugh the dreaded traditional waltz) with Milly, this time he wouldn't be 'blackmailed' into dancing. Hopefully. Who would have thought? There actually was a bright side to your girlfriend having passed away.

Felix stood with his hands once again stuffed in the pockets of his trousers. His right hand sub-consciously fiddled with a small metallic vial full of white powder. A little bit of pick-me-up would be needed soon. He leaned closer to Peak to converse without drawing too much unnecessary attention. "K, I can already tell this party is gonna suck. Should we maybe... spice things up a little?" He subtly gestured towards the flask of vodka hiding in his blazer pocket.






Curious and excited


homecoming dance



“No, not yet I don’t think.”
Mickey chuckled as Juliette approached him, suddenly feeling much more relaxed than he had worried about. He realized that he was still fidgeting with the flower in his hands
“Oh, this is for you.”
He said offering it to remove the temptation and hopefully kickstart the conversation.

He gestured to his matching flower clipped inside the pocket of his jacket and then back to the flower she had just lifted from his fingertips
“So we match, y’know.”
Mickey wasn’t always comfortable at dances. He usually just had some snacks, chatted with friends in the bathroom to get a break from the overstimulation that came with the noise and people and lights and all that other crap, maybe take a step onto the dance floor for something good like ‘The Cupid Shuffle’ or ‘Cha Cha Slide.’

He was more used to going stag or going with friends rather than going with a partner, his previous and only girlfriend asked him to a spring fling once, but then got hit with norovirus the day before they were supposed to go. Mickey tried to leave the corsage on her doorstep to enjoy but they’re pretty sure that a raccoon or something carried it off before she could see it.

“You look really nice.”
He said with a smile, looking over the blue dress that clung to her form. It really did look even better than the pictures

Mickey liked Jules a lot, he just wasn’t sure how much that ‘a lot’ was in comparison to when you actually ‘like like’ someone, or even ‘love’ although that felt like an even more loaded word altogether.

A bit nervously he fluffed up the back of his hair, probably undoing all that work of getting it to lay down flat earlier that evening, but in the dim light of the party there was no way Jules or anyone would really notice. It was just a good thing that he didn’t flush his contacts again and he wasn’t standing there in front of her with his dorky ass glasses on.

♡coded by uxie♡





Under the influence


parking lot



Carmen practically bristled up like a scared cat after doing her first bump. A strange nostalgia briefly floated over his mind as he recalled his own first time, although he had been alone in his bedroom for his own initial foray into alternative methods of ingesting his medication. Sitting at his desk with a fine line of powder sitting on the back of his biology textbook after having been prepared into order with the bottom of a mason jar and a Buc-ee’s gift card.

He wished he’d had someone else to have been there with him when he tried it for the first time, maybe someone like Carmen.

Wes nodded softly
“Shouldn’t be long now.”
He said, still thoroughly enjoying his own high as the feeling of the feverish soreness in his body was whisked away into the amount of pain that he was used to.

Little by little, she melted back into her usual posture, and then even more until she was relaxing like a ragdoll kitten by the fire. He almost smiled at her newfound lack of tension and wondered if he ever looked as blissed out when he was high. Life was a lot simpler back when he would still feel that comfortable off of a single bump.

Her fingers latched onto the sleeve of his sweater, sinking her drowsy claws into him as she tugged it softly and had a brief conversation with herself. Then he really did smile, barely visibly in the darkness of the parking lot.
“Congrats on gettin’ yourself a little more corrupted.”
He teased, a little more cavalier than he might’ve put it if he were a bit more clear headed.

Subconsciously he prickled at his own joke. Wes had marred his own soul in a number of ways, slowly turning each new portion black with each erratic, pathetic choice he had made almost in spite of himself. The mention of losing one’s theoretical purity reminded him of how in spite of all the ways he had contaminated his mind and his body, there was still one line he had yet to cross. Specifically one that he had a feeling Carmen already had, and potentially one that she might be wanting to cross again with him.

He wasn’t particularly opposed to it, but that kind of intimacy was unfamiliar to him. Not in terms of actual experience, in fact he’d probably gotten just as close to going all the way as a person can get without actually doing it. His inexperience lied in the fact that anything he had done was transactional.

Usually for drugs, sometimes for cash, rarely as a favor, but never for himself. Never with someone he cared about. He’d tried not to let himself get the chance to care about someone in that way. Though he was beginning to see how he could, and if Carmen wanted to be the one to show him how. He wasn’t entirely convinced that he would stop her.

Wes gave Carmen’s hand a small squeeze as he placed his own calloused palm over it to shake her grasp off to free up his own hand. Quickly chasing the murky emotions threatening to break the barrier between his recessed thoughts the prime real estate in the front of his head away with another amount of powder snorted off his hand.

“What’d your little boyfriend have to say about you slipping off to meet me?”
He asked, wiping his nostrils off with his fingertips once again
“Sorry, your little soon-to-be-ex boyfriend.”

♡coded by uxie♡
Luciana Navarro Berrocal
the cool girl
Luci had never really understood why everyone was so thrilled about school dances. Sure, it was nice, the whole glam that was involved, but making the peak of your teenage years and probably your entire life was the fact that you wore a stupid plastic crown was something that might never understand; especially when she was a planner. One with determined goals that she wanted to achieve and these kinds of stuff were just too childish for her.

Or maybe it had been that the only thing she had known so far was to create achievements where there wasn’t any room for nonsense, something that teenagers were most likely to be known for making mistakes. Something that Luci didn’t allow herself to commit, and it’s not like she could go trauma dumping to everyone because she wouldn’t allow herself to be vulnerable.

And probably that night the girl had been too engrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t notice when Damien was coming towards her, her date which wasn’t her date because technically he didn’t ask her, but not like she cared about that kind of cheesy formalities, who was the same guy she went to the movies with and push him to a bush because she had freaked out thinking someone might have seen them and she didn’t want to give any explanations on why they were there, because it had never been a date, to begin with.

Maybe it had been because they were in a room filled with people, where everyone was too busy to even pay attention to them, that Luci didn’t freak out when he was next to her.
“Why are you looking like a puppy that just got kicked?”
She asked.
outfit: here
location: homecoming
interactions: Winona Winona
Lorde - liability

coded by Stardust Galaxy

As soon as Harvey said those words, Jace’s face fell, her internal cringe impossible to hide. Her attempt to sidestep and change the subject had failed miserably. Damien’s expression didn’t change, but the light smile faded from his eyes. Guilt hit her like a wave, sinking her stomach. If the roles were reversed, and she was in Damien’s position, she’d be devastated. She should’ve done something the moment she realized what had happened—but by then, she’d already been at the campgrounds without a car, completely stuck.

No. That wasn’t an excuse.

“Maybe you can meet her some other time,” Damien said, his voice neutral but clipped, in response to Harvey’s awkward suggestion to meet Luci.

“Damien…” Jace began, her stomach twisting as she noticed his stiff posture. He was already turning to leave.

“I’m gonna go. I’ll see you guys after the dance,” Damien said quickly, his voice strained as he tried to pretend he was fine.

Jacinta took a step toward him, her voice soft but desperate. “Damien, just… let me explain, I—” He wasn’t listening. His face had shut down completely, and Jace could see she’d already lost her chance. He cut her off midsentence. “If you guys still need a ride after the dance… or maybe you can ask Vinny and Mei…” His words trailed off as he walked away, blending into the growing crowd. Jace stood frozen for a moment, helpless as she watched him disappear.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Turning to Harvey, she let out an exasperated, “Dude. Really?” Her voice was sharper than she meant it to be, more upset than angry. For the first time in what felt like forever, Jace had made some real friends—people she actually liked—and here she was, screwing it up spectacularly. Her mind replayed his retreat over and over, every little detail sticking in her thoughts like thorns. She had expected him to be angry, say something mean or spiteful. But he just looked hurt.

"Well that sucked" Jace she stated as she stared warily at the lanky idiot "Ugh... what a buzzkill" she muttered, then her voiced softened "Hopefully I can catch him later on to explain." She glanced around the room. The party was in full swingWhat the hell was she supposed to do now? She wasn’t good at parties, and her mood had plummeted. But standing there looking like a sad puppy wasn’t going to help. She forced herself to move, tugging Harvey’s arm. “Come on, let’s find some punch or a table or something,” she muttered, needing a task—any task—to distract her from the storm brewing in her head.

Jace sighed, the guilt gnawing at her as she poured the punch. She’d known Harvey wasn’t the best at reading social cues or anticipating how his actions—or lack of them—affected other people. It wasn’t the first time something like this had happened, but she’d always brushed it off, thinking it didn’t matter much. He didn’t mean harm; that was just how he was.

But this time, it did matter. To Damien, to their group, and—if she was honest with herself—to her. She’d assumed Harvey had it covered, and that assumption was her mistake. She should have checked. If she had, none of this would have happened. Instead, she was here, holding two cups of punch, trying to fix a mess she could’ve stopped before it even started. Jace sighed, her shoulders slumping as they settled at a table off to the side. It was her usual spot at events like this, away from the crowd but still close enough to watch the chaos unfold.

Jace Choi


Harvey, Damien

♡coded by uxie♡
♡coded by uxie♡

outfit: xx
Nix tightened the bolt carefully, securing the long-unused back row of seats in the old baby blue Chevy Suburban SUV. The work didn’t take long, but he dragged it out anyway, dread pooling in his chest as he thought about the night ahead. His hands moved on autopilot, the strain in his eyes and the tightness in his chest almost routine by now.

He hadn’t been sleeping. Not before, and certainly not now. Nights blurred together, each one punctuated by restless tossing and the ghost of dreams he couldn’t quite remember. His appetite had dwindled too—he’d dropped weight he didn’t have to spare. The anxiety medication he relied on had crept to higher doses, a quiet escalation he tried not to think about. After that awful night a few months ago, he had just managed to stop himself from going for something harder again. Barely.

The car was ready now, but Nix lingered. The familiar panic clawed at the edges of his mind, the unrelenting kind that never truly went away. He stayed still for a moment, his hands resting on the cold metal of the car. A deep breath rattled through him as he squinted against the setting sun, the light stinging his strained eyes.

He couldn’t stop, though. He didn’t have that luxury. His siblings were counting on him, and tonight wasn’t about him. They deserved this—a night they might be able to look back on fondly someday. His life might have felt over, but theirs wasn’t, and he had to keep going for their sake.

Closing the boot with a soft thud, Nix turned and headed toward the stairs leading back to Room 202. Their slice of hell, as he’d come to think of it. The door was cracked when he reached it, and he pushed it open gently, the hinges creaking faintly in the quiet hallway.

The narrow entrance led to the cramped bedrooms and bathroom, and as he stepped inside, he called out, his voice subdued, “The car’s ready to go.”

He made his way to the kitchen, the familiar ache in his chest settling in as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. The cool condensation on the plastic seeped into his palm as he twisted the cap off, bringing it to his lips. The first sip hit his cracked lips, offering a momentary sensation of relief.

His hands trembled faintly, the subtle shake he’d come to expect by now. Stress? Exhaustion? The higher dose of Xanax? It didn’t really matter. He set the bottle down and straightened his posture, forcing himself to appear composed as the sound of footsteps echoed faintly against the linoleum.

When they came into view, he adjusted his expression, settling into something casual—a warm smile, soft but practiced, or a simple nod, depending on who it was. “You guys cleaned up nicely,” he said, his voice calm despite the tightness in his chest. He glanced over them quickly, his hands finding his pockets as he added, “We ready to go?”

- - -

Back in the familiar driver’s seat of the old Chevy, Nix tapped his fingers lightly on the steering wheel, waiting as his siblings sorted out where they wanted to sit. His gaze flicked to the dashboard for a moment, and the memory of learning to drive in this very car bubbled to the surface. It felt like a lifetime ago—how small those early nerves seemed now, almost laughable compared to the relentless anxiety that had become his baseline. The contrast was jarring, almost unbearable, whenever he let himself sink into that kind of self-reflection.

The sound of car doors opening snapped him out of the memory, abrupt and jarring. The shuffle of feet and voices filled the air as his siblings clambered into the car. For a brief moment, Nix froze, stiff like he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t. But the hesitation passed quickly, and he forced himself to refocus. His eyes dropped to the gearstick as he pressed in the clutch, shifting into reverse.

The soft hum of the radio provided a steady, unobtrusive backdrop as he glanced over his shoulder, carefully backing out of their regular parking spot. The motion felt automatic—like muscle memory guiding him through the motions as he eased the car onto the road, heading away from the lot and toward whatever the night would bring.

In no time, the Price Siblings were pulling up to their destination and filtering towards the dorm rooms where Dallas' date lived. Before getting out, nix grabbed a small black camera case from the glove box. Something of their mothers. Nix had been unable to go through any photos that might already be on the device. Using the public library he'd copied them all onto a flash drive and deleted them from the camera. The last thing they all needed was to see anything from the time this camera was last used. With a last fleeting hesitation, Nix got out of the car last and followed behind his younger siblings.

Nix Price







♡coded by uxie♡

Harvey Milk







  • home (filler tab)


Tongue Tied

Harvey felt like something had happened, a script change that hadn't been run by him. His best friends were upset? But the worst part was he just couldn't quite understand, why? The two split off in separate directions, Damien to go meet up Luci presumably, and Jace to get them punch and for a moment he felt conflicted.

Was there a right choice? Was Jace the wrong one? Surely not. They two were his best friends, surely whatever it was that was bugging them they'd tell him, cause that's what friends did. He grinned as he turned on his heels to link back up with the leading lady of his night, whistling on the way.

The duo settled in at a table and Harvey took his plastic cup of punch from Jace, finishing it too quickly.
“Why do they always make the cups so small?”
He complained staring at the bottom.
He snuck a peek at his date from the corner of his eye, she looked deep in thought, but what about? Harvey hadn't a clue. He tried to distract her from whatever was grinding her gears.
“You look pretty tonight Jacey. But I have to be honest I never thought I'd see you in a dress with flowers on it.”
The boy paused trying to be more aware of the words that came out of his mouth after having seemingly put his foot on it earlier.
“But it suits you.”

Harvey wasn't a blushing school boy over complimenting her, to him it was just stating fact. Being objective. The dress did suit her and she deserved to hear that. (Damien had told him girls liked hearing that sort of thing.)
“So what do you usually do at these things? Are we gonna dance?”
He questioned getting a bit excited at the prospect. His first dance, maybe the night wouldn't be so bad....

♡coded by uxie♡



Lily Price Lily Price


atlas park

The suit was tight, Atlas refused to dress up for homecoming but his parents had bought him a suit that he was forced to wear.
Atlas was surprised they bought him a suit at all since Atlas was only in one picture they made him take with his brother. Afterwards his father had gotten mad at him for not knowing how to tie a bow, Atlas had locked himself in his room before it was time to leave.
Somewhere deep down he hated the fact that Everest got himself a girlfriend before Atlas and the bond the two brothers had felt even more distanced. Peak the one driving them tonight was more enthusiastic, trying to hype the two boys up by playing some funk that was not very pleasant to the ears.
This turned into the three of them squabbling over the radio, turning the volume button side to side every two seconds.

Once they got out, they all went their seperate ways. They were so distant that most people didn't even know they were related, it was sad really.
Atlas checked his bag franctically when his two brothers left, hoping he didn't forget any of the leftover drugs junwoo gave him to sell. They got in on the whole business with Felix now, the guy was strange but he came up with a great marketing stunt. Spiking the punch.
Atlas had his doubts but he wasn't going to let Felix ruin his night, he dipped his finger down the little package of MDMA and put it in his mouth, washing it away with his flask of ice tea.
Maybe it was a dumb idea to use at homecoming but that was definitely not going to be worst part of the night.

Going in the gym which was usually empty was now crowded and loud EDM was playing through the speakers. His eyes wandered around the room, he was only looking for one person. Olivia. The two of them had this thing, last time he felt something like this for a girl was a long, long time ago.
It didn't take long for Atlas to notice her, the pink swirly dress and the long black hair. Olivia Price, no doubt.

He didn't hesitate to step up, fixing his hair before he spoke. 'Olivia, where's your date?' He had a big grin on his face, he loved teasing her, 'I was kind of hoping we could not talk business tonight,' he took a breath, why was Atlas getting nervous? He was never nervous. 'Maybe just talk like casually.'
Great job. Atlas liked Olivia, she was nice, funny and she pushed back against his jokes. He was just hoping maybe tonight she'd feel the same way about him.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

Artic Monkeys

Wanna Be Yours

She had nearly forgotten him, Everest, too wrapped up in the well- everything else. That pretty well summed up their entire few week sham of a relationship. Practically forgotten until he'd slide into her inbox offering conversation and attention, things she wanted but not from him.

The whole plan had been a bust anyway, dating him as a front. Ash had barely bought it from the jump and Carmen was a terrible liar.

And she didn't want to lie.

Not to a guy who hadn't done anything to her, who practically worshiped her for merely looking in his direction. If Carmen didn't have the resolve to end it before she did now. She had a firmness of purpose.

The cat was out of the bag anyway, everyone knew about the Calico and the Cowboy, or at least her growing fondness for him. Though no one else quite seemed to get it, not that it would've changed anything if they did.

“I told you, he ditched me. So he didn't have much of anything to say.”
The brunette sat up, working against her body to give him her full and undivided attention, locking in on his face helped, specifically his too-pretty-to-be-so-sad eyes.

“Wouldn't have stopped me if he did.”
She found herself scooting closer, narrowing the distance between them.
You know, have something to say.”
Carmen averted her own eyes, cheeks hot with the admission, but peeked up through her eyelashes to gauge his reaction.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Dallas Price







The Neighborhood

Daddy Issues

To say Dallas Price wasn't excited for pictures would be an understatement. He abhorred the idea. But when Ash had sent him the text requesting to do just that, he quickly gave in. She was his blonde haired angel and she'd never done anything to make him think otherwise, it was the very least he could do. There was however the matter of the smiling...

It's not like he had jacked up teeth or anything, they were a perfectly respectable set. But to try and force it? Well it just didn't come as easy to him lately. The weight of Dallas's world was fastened at the corners of his lips weighing them down but when Ash looked his way he forgot about all that.

Things between them had been a bit touch and go since the incident, but tonight Dallas was planning to make it much less so. When they finally had a quiet moment that was not while they all packed like Sardines in Nix’s Suburban which had really lost its charm in the siblings' eyes since you know, they had lived in it.

He was desperate for a cigarette, and absolutely sick he would be going hours without one, he tried to remember how long it hadn't been since he'd done just that. How long it'd been since any of them had done that. Phia was probably better about it than him, always the more reasonable Price sibling, and Scarlett he was pretty sure might be the only one of them to not have a nicotine dependency. Dallas had to give her credit where credit was due for that one.

Dallas sulked the entire drive to Ash's dorm silently looking out the window. He was first out of the vehicle when they arrived. Long legs carrying him over the front lawn and to her door. He rapped on it with one hand while he held a little arrangement of flowers in the other, sure they were stolen, but it was the thought that counted right?

When she opened the door he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek (as he was wildly aware of his siblings presence, he'd save the real ones for later.)

“Hey gorgeous.”

Dallas handed over the little bouquet.

“For you.”

He heaved a sigh.
"So are you ready for this torturous exercise you all are calling ‘ homecoming pictures’? I practiced my stupid smile in the mirror and everything. Think I finally got one that doesn't look like a serial killers.”

♡coded by uxie♡


homecoming dance.

juliette clark.


happy (and nervous).


the dance.



Jules smiled softly when Mickey handed her the flower. It was such a simple and thoughtful gesture. Her heart fluttered and she wanted to tamp it down. She couldn't let herself have feelings for someone. That would be stupid.
"It's beautiful."
Her voice was soft. She pinned it to her dress.

Jules actually blushed at his words saying she looked really nice.
"You look really handsome, Mick."
The words spilled out of her mouth before she could really think about the fact that she had just called him a nickname.

"You look like a book boyfriend, straight out of one of the books we read."
She poured herself a drink of punch and sipped it, her hands shaking ever so slightly. She desperately wanted to pop a xanax but she didn't want to do that in front of Mickey.

♡coded by uxie♡


He'd gotten ready fairly quickly. Connor had stepped up his game a bit, choosing to dress a little classier than was necessary for a dumb Homecoming dance -- but why wouldn't he? Alexa would definitely look amazing, and it was only fitting that he stepped up to her level, instead of getting half-assed ready.

You know, like Byron did, despite taking forever to come downstairs.

Connor didn't talk much -- he never did, not even at home. Not even as their parents fretted over Byron, or as they got their pictures taken.

Once the siblings were done, Byron and Connor headed out to his car to go pick up their dates. Because unfortunately for everyone, Byron was dating Alexa's best friend -- which simply meant that Connor heard and saw his brother far more than he would've ever liked.

He glanced in Byron's direction, catching the keys as he tossed them, before stepping out the front door. He didn't bother saying anything until the front door was securely closed.

"You could just drive yourself," he suggested as he opened the door of his simple black, really good on gas, practical car, and hopped into the driver's seat.

He started up his car, pulling out onto the road, and started mechanically driving towards Alexa's, before he remembered that they were at Claudia Jean's.

Connor glanced again in Byron's direction, rolling his eyes at his brother's attitude. "Does it ever get exhausting?" he asked, his voice still unwaveringly calm. "You know, always being such a dick."

He got over into a turning lane, and waited until he'd turned onto the other road before he bothered continuing to speak. "Probably why you don't have any friends but ah... what's his name? Leo? Because you treat people like garbage." Connor said, as he rested his left hand on the top of the steering wheel, while his arm rested on the center console.

interactions: Byron

tags: matchaa matchaa

º º code by ditto º º
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She was... more excited than she should've been for this. Like, Ash had gone to dances for years or... whatever. Here in Haven Falls (which was basically hell on earth, for the record), and plenty back home when she'd still lived in New York. And like, those would've totally blown Haven Falls' little streamers and balloons out of the water.

Her stomach clenched as she leaned towards the mirror to finish applying her lipstick.

It was things like this that, for whatever reason, made her miss home the most.

Not that she wasn't totally excited to go. Even if there was... like, yeah, she'd still felt some guilt when Nico had messaged her thinking that they'd go together or whatever. Which was so stupid, for the record, because Ash didn't-- well maybe she did-- should she have made it more clear to him? That she wasn't like, interested interested in that way anymore?

Probably. She tended to do that, didn't she? She could hear her mother's voice in the back of her head, lecturing her about how this was definitely her fault, because she was a flawed individual.

Her mother's voice was getting quieter the longer she went without seeing her.

Ash was kind of hoping her mother would finally have moved on, and she'd be allowed to go back home for Christmas.

She leaned back, a soft smile on her face as she glanced down at her phone. She picked it up, her smile warming when she saw the simple little messages confirming that Dallas was on his way.

She hated being up here in this sad little dorm room, so a whole night out with her like sort of boyfriend, sort of not-boyfriend sounded like blissful heaven.

Standing from her seat, with her phone still in hand, she headed out of the bedroom. Her dormmates were... wherever, with their own plans for the evening.

Ash headed down the stairs, right as she heard Dallas knocking on the door.

As she opened the door, she couldn't help but smile more.

"Hey," she murmured, blushing faintly as he kissed her on the cheek, before presenting the little bouquet of flowers. Her gaze flickered from the flowers up to his face, and then back down. "Oh my god, really?"

"Thank you," she said, taking the bouquet with one hand, while she used her other hand to give him a half-hug. "Here let me just ummm... I'll put these, like, in water or... whatever real quick, okay?" Reluctantly, she let go of him, and briefly retreated into the house -- where she was totally going to put the flowers in a vase, but like, that was going to take forever. Because she'd have to find one, and then she'd have to fill it with water, and that would be leaving all of the Prices waiting and-- like, that was rude.

So she laid them on her desk, with a mental note to better deal with them later, before she headed back out to meet Dallas and his family.

She slipped her hand into Dallas' as they headed out of her dorm, which was... nice but... weird? Like, that it was happening again. She wasn't... well, okay.

Ash liked to think that she was the kind of person that never went back to her exes, but that was obviously a lie. She was still entertaining Nico (although that was so gonna stop), and then her ex back in New York had been so on and off, and now obviously... Dallas. But with Dallas, it was different than the other two.

Because he actually had changed, and he was so much nicer, and it wasn't like they hadn't even broken up for any good reason. Ash had just.. she'd figured he'd needed time to mourn without having to deal with her, too. And it wasn't like she'd totally ditched him after that, either. Ash had remained his friend, of course, and it was just...

They'd put a pin in their relationship, really, and now they were just picking back up from where they left off.

You know -- ignoring the fact that she'd dated a couple guys since then.

"Listen," she said, smiling up at him. "I have been waiting for these pictures for literally ever. I'm going to like, take one of me and you smiling and like... I don't know. Put it over my bed or something. Nothing more romantic than waking up in the morning to see your boyfriend's serial killer smile, you know?"

interactions: Dallas

tags: sailormewn sailormewn WHO ELSE AM I TAGGING HERE

º º code by ditto º º
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Jace was halfway through her cup of punch, sipping absently, lost in her worries, when Harvey's voice pulled her back to the present. She looked up warily as he complained about the size of the punch cups, but didn’t respond, her gaze drifting back to her drink.

A moment later, he tried again, this time addressing her directly.
“You look pretty tonight, Jacey. But I have to be honest—I never thought I’d see you in a dress with flowers on it.”

Her laugh came quickly and naturally, the sweet comment cutting through her tension like sunlight through a cloud. It reminded her, in an instant, of who she’d fallen for and why. She was about to respond—maybe toss out a teasing remark about him enjoying it while it lasted—but Harvey continued before she could.
“But it suits you.”

That one stopped her short. She felt her cheeks flush, warmth spreading up her neck. Few had ever outright called her pretty before— and of those who had, all had just been trying to sleep with her. At her last school, she’d been teased relentlessly by girls who were far more attractive and far more cruel.
But coming from Harvey, the compliment could only be genuine. That, she realized, was what she appreciated most about him. He wore his heart on his sleeve, saying whatever felt natural in the moment, with no ulterior motives or ill intent.
Instead of brushing off the compliment or making a sarcastic joke, as she might have done with anyone else, Jace looked down at her dress, then back at him, her face breaking into a warm smile.
“Thanks, Harvey.”

The heaviness that had been weighing her down began to lift. She could deal with the misunderstanding later. Damien was one of her best friends—he’d forgive them with time. Tonight wasn’t worth ruining over it.

“So, what do people usually do at these things? Are we gonna dance?” Harvey asked, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and excitement.

Jace chuckled. “Well, if you’d like to ask me to dance, you’re welcome to.” She was flirting, but she knew it would probably fly over his head. Still, she couldn’t help but smile as she saw his eyes light up at the thought.

“But, yeah,” she continued, “people usually dance at these things. I mean, I’ve never—do you… dance, Harvey?” Her voice wavered slightly, but she quickly regained her composure, tilting her head playfully. “Are you hiding a secret dance crew from me? Back-alley dance-offs? Preparing to battle your rivals in an epic showdown?”

She giggled at her own joke, watching the way he grinned, amused by her silliness. Movie tropes. That’s how you flirt with Harvey Milk.

Jace Choi


Harvey, Damien

♡coded by uxie♡
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♡coded by uxie♡

Byron hated his brother’s blank, calm, disappointed silence more than anything their father could ever say. Deep down—though he’d never admit it, not to himself and certainly not to Connor—he cared what his brother thought of him. That was why he pushed him, poked at him. Without the jabs, without the tension, there’d be nothing but cold, distant silence. And that was worse than any insult Connor—or anyone, for that matter—could ever hurl his way.

“You could’ve driven yourself,” Connor had said earlier, his tone flat, judgment implicit.

Byron had just shrugged, muttering, “Figured the girls wanted to be together.”

Now, alone in the car, Byron was back to his usual routine, needling Connor just to provoke some kind of reaction. For the briefest moment, he thought he saw it—a flicker of something in his brother’s eyes. But just as quickly, it was gone, replaced by that same unreadable mask Connor always wore. Byron was ready to write it off, but then Connor spoke, his voice sharper than usual.

“Does it ever get exhausting,” Connor said coolly, “always being such a dick?”

Byron froze. That one stung—but Connor wasn’t done.

“Probably why you don’t have any friends… except, what’s his name? Leo? Because you treat people like garbage.”

The words hit like a slap. Byron’s smirk faltered, his usual bravado slipping for just a second. “Okay, ow,” he snapped, glaring. “You’re feeling tetchy today. Gotta say, I didn’t think my comments on your driving would be the breaking point for you.” He rolled his eyes, but the humorous edge to his tone was weaker than before. Connor must be near his breaking point, mouthing off like this. Well, fuck him. He deserved it—all of it. “who shat in your cornflakes?” He asked but his smirk had dropped now completely.

The worst part? Connor was right. And Byron hated that he was right.

None of his so-called friends really knew him—or they’d already cut ties. Except Leo. And maybe Bentley, once upon a time. But he’d burned that bridge, too. Then, unbidden, he thought of Lia. Her face at the end of Bentley’s party: blank, tired, dissociated. Tired of him. Tired of his anger. His chest tightened at the memory.

He could have lost her for good that night.

Hurt flashed across his face before he shoved it away, turning to stare out the passenger window. I’m fixing it with Lia, he told himself. I care about her. I don’t need anyone but her and Leo anyway.

But Connor’s words wouldn’t leave him alone.

The silence stretched forever, every second dragging into an eternity. He felt fidgety and irritable. God, why didn’t I take that pill today? The more he thought about it, the more his bitterness grew. He tried to hold it in, but this morning had been yet another reminder of why Connor’s words cut so deep. With him, their parents were kind—loving, doting. But the second Byron came downstairs, the scolding started. Connor must be so used to it by now that he didn’t even fucking notice anymore. Worse- he probably thought he deserved it- was owed it.

There it was. The snap. The break in his self-control. He turned to his brother, malice flashing in his eyes.

“You know, maybe you’re right. I’m an asshole.” he bit out, his tone dripping with venom. “But at least I'm my own man." He sneered "Not just some spoiled lap-dog-" He shook his head, his expression was full of disgust now. "You just stand there silently and let everything fall into your lap like it’s owed to you. You think you're owed my respect too?” He shook his head, his voice cold now. “Well, I don’t owe you a damn thing.”

As soon as he came down from the high those words had given him- he regretted them. What am I doing!? He could ruin Byron's entire relationship- something that was already so fragile- with one well placed lie to Alexa. It was too late to take any of it back now though- and his pride would definitely not allow him to apologize. As they rounded the last few corners he waited for any reaction- any slip in Connor's mask to tell him what he might be planning.

If that happened- if he told them... What would Dahlia believe?








♡coded by uxie♡
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Jonah M.







  • home (filler tab)


I Want You To

‘Okay, I’ll do it. But I’ll only say it once, so pay attention. Jonah Montgomery, you look really handsome tonight.’

Jonah felt himself sit a little bit straighter, perked up by Lacey's playful compliment.

She went on to ask him about how his night was going, if Jonah was enjoying himself. And he was or well- he was trying to. It wasn't Kat’s fault. She was a great girl and a great friend.

But she was just that, a friend.

He was happy to play the part of the Homecoming date but there certainly wasn't a spark or butterflies between them. No little thrill when Jonah saw her in her pretty dress or when she grabbed his arm and he respectfully helped her balance on the uneven sidewalk in her heels.

But sitting next to Lacey that was a whole other beast.

“Homecoming is nice.”
He chose the word deliberately and carefully as if to communicate to Lacey in some way he wasn't having too much fun without her.
“Kat's talking to her friend so I figured I'd come bother you a little bit.”
Joey nudged her with his elbow matching her playful energy.

Then she said something that caught him off guard.

‘I like that you are here...with me.’

He was glad too.

Lacey had been warming up to him, the cool girl image she hid behind was melting away, and the sweet sensitive girl had started to show him her colors. He liked her, he'd taken a few punches for her even, but the next step just seemed...scary.

He deflected by answering her other question.
“My school in Seattle was way bigger but- I think it's nice. So you really don't have a date?”
Jonah was dumbfounded by the proposition. Who wouldn't want to bring a talented little knockout like her as a date?

“I guess I'm gonna have to volunteer to do all the ‘date’ things for you then. Where should we start, punch?”
He grinned

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Under the influence


parking lot



The growing feelings Carmen had for him was not lost on Wes. Ever since that first night a few weeks back at that random party when she strolled up to him in her cowgirl hat and declared that he didn’t fit in, it was clear that she was enamored by him. Maybe he didn’t seem like belonged in town, but she was beginning to make it clear that he could belong with her.

She leaned in closer to him and he didn’t feel the urge to back away like Wes often tried to do when anyone was attempting to get close to him. Keeping the rest of the world at arm’s length was much easier than risking getting himself picked apart.

Another few inches closed between them, Carmen was close enough for him to see the depth in her brunette eyes. The portions of her irises that weren’t becoming obscured by her saucer-like pupils anyways, making her look even more doe-eyed than usual. The two endless black holes in the middle of a honey brown that was hinting they had seen more than he expected they might have.

Her little confession wasn’t unexpected, just shocking. Even in the face of her repeated attempts to indicate she had little intention of letting Wes’ constructed walls keep her away. She didn’t want the certainty of a dependable high school fling with a boy who probably hadn’t committed nearly half the sins that he had. No, Carmen didn’t want that, it seemed she wanted him.

“If he’s leavin’ you all on your lonesome so easy, sounds to me like he don’t know what he’s got in front of him.”
Maybe he meant it for her to take it flirtatiously, maybe he just meant it to mean how in spite of, well, everything that Wes was, Carmen hadn’t gone anywhere. Maybe he meant for her to take it however she wanted to, and he would follow her lead as she had done his right off the edge of sobriety.

In the dark of an evening spent in a school’s parking lot, bathed in the warmth of a radiant red dress and the girl that was in it. Wes looked her over again as well as once again examining the shrinking distances between them
“I think you deserve someone who knows exactly what they have before they let it slip.”
He said, how own wide eyes sinking deeper into contact with hers.

♡coded by uxie♡





Curious and excited


homecoming dance



He said, a bit caught off guard by both the compliment itself and the nickname, though he was much more focused on the latter. He’d been called Mick before by plenty of people, it didn’t necessarily mean anything. Just like any other nickname, Mouse Man, Mickster, Theremin Fingers… That last one was kind of new though. Anyways.

Mickey knew he was a good guy, or at least a pretty good guy. He’d walk you to the door at the end of the night, pull out your chair, meet you parents. All that good stuff, maybe even fix your car if you needed it. But he was no ‘man of your dreams’ who you end up with at the end of the book. He probably couldn’t even slay a dragon or dash through the airport to convince you off the plane.

That didn’t mean other people had to know that though. Especially not a girl like Jules who could probably see right through him if she really wanted to and thought about it. Not literally of course, she’d have to be like, a radiologist or something to do that.

He tried to channel that confidence he was usually so good at tapping into. Somehow since arriving in Haven Falls he’d been sucked dry of it. What happened to that secure, admittedly sometimes cocky, guy that got girls to make funny little TikTok edits of him to sexy music?

“Thanks. I think I might have Rhysand shaking in his boots.”
He laughed, straightening the lapels of his jacket. Although between him and the fence posts, he was more of a Tamlin fan.

♡coded by uxie♡

Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

Artic Monkeys

Wanna Be Yours

For the first time Carmen felt seen by him. You know, really seen. As their gazes locked Carmen felt exposed in ways she had never been before, if eyes were the window to the soul then the eighteen-year-old’s was on full display for him, like a picture hanging in the Louvre.

Time seemed to stand still as she remembered something she'd learned in science class, about how dilated pupils meant the release of oxytocin: the love hormone and Wes’s well, they were obsidian swimming pools. She was finally getting it right, giving her affection away to someone who wanted it.

Someone who thought she was special.

Wes had said it himself.

‘If he’s leavin’ you all on your lonesome so easy, sounds to me like he don’t know what he’s got in front of him.’

The side of the two teens knees knocked together, there was no more gap to close anymore.

‘I think you deserve someone who knows exactly what they have before they let it slip.’

Was that an invitation? Her heart beat right against its cage.

Guess she'd just have to find out.

She leaned in, slowly like one might approach a frightened animal, closed her eyes and pressed her eager lips to his.
“Sorry I- don't wanna let it slip.”
Carmen's breathy voice echoed, cheeks beet red still mere inches from his face.

♡coded by uxie♡







parking lot



Before Wes even knew what was happening, Carmen’s lips were against his. Time went into slow motion as they remained in intimate contact. Instinctively he cradled her delicate jaw with his hand, pressing his fingertips against the nap of her neck to pull her deeper into his reciprocation of the kiss.

Wes had always been a pretty good kisser, according to the few dates and one or two girlfriends at least. That was one thing the drugs couldn’t take away from him. Even as portions of the boy he was before his parents trusted a doctor to ‘fix’ him with painkillers died away, the fire that burned in his belly, that passion that he’d never really learned how to use constructively, that never really went away.

Even if he was a little rusty. It had been a while since he’d actually used his lips on someone else’s. Kissing isn’t exactly the kind of thing that gets you much of anything in return, unless the other person actually wants to kiss you and the thing you’re trying to get back is actually a kiss. Particularly when you’re considering the kind of circles that Wes typically ran in. There was no room, or reason, for romance there.

The few seconds that had passed caught up to them. No longer lingering in the fleeting moments they were spending in each other's close company as he withdrew from her. Still close enough to be breathing her in as his hand pulled away from her neck and rested in his lap.

He searched for a reply but nothing quite felt like the right thing to fill the space. Even with his inner flame lapping at the inside of his throat something like “Thanks for giving a shit about the fact that I exist.” was far too syrupy even for him and the ‘soft’ emotions he couldn’t control and his father was always getting on him for having.

“You’re really something, Calico.”
He said in the quiet, standing air of the backseat.

♡coded by uxie♡


He'd blinked at her.

"A surprise?" he echoed, as he obeyed and closed his eyes. "I didn't get you anything." he warned. Drake hadn't realized that ya know... Homecoming was a time for surprises.

What would he have gotten her, anyway? A lizard?

Surely girls loved lizards.

The surprise he got was not what he'd expected, as he felt her hand brush against his chest and then his arm, before her lips pressed against his.

Sure, he'd kissed a handful of girls before, mainly at middle school parties with spin the bottle, but... there was-- it almost felt like there was something different, about this. Maybe because Ines was doing it because she wanted to, and not 'cause a bottle was telling her to.

However, he was real surprised. Did friends normally kiss each other at these Homecoming things like this?

A moment or so passed before Drake pulled away, blinking at Ines a few times, before he kind of just chuckled.

"Wild surprise there," he said, grinning, while also not moving to put distance between them.

interactions: Ines

tags: thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28

º º code by ditto º º

Harvey Milk







  • home (filler tab)


Tongue Tied

Blushing, was Jace blushing? Harvey always thought it was pretty lies that did that for girls, not objective truths, though it did seem to be that a flush of the face never quite translated through the screen. Not in any sort of realistic way, some things Harvey supposed, were reserved for real life.

But she was smiling so clearly he'd done something right again. He perked up when Jacinta went on to start listing tropes. Dance movies, not his favorite genre, but he was impressed by Jace’s knowledge of tropes and the giggle that followed? Pretty darn cute.

“Ecclesiastes assures us, 'There is a time for each purpose under heaven. There's a time to weep. There's a time to mourn. And there is a time to dance.' And this is our time!”

Harvey passionately quoted the famous Footloose line as he stood, before offering his hand to his best friend.

“That's a fancy way of saying, I don't dance but- I’d love to try.”

His own face was red now.
“I mean, if you want.”

♡coded by uxie♡


Olivia Price

song name





Olivia heard her name, and as soon as she heard his voice she already knew who it was. She was still not exactly sure where they stood after the night they had spent, they only argued, and then after that neither of them really spoke to the other, she thought the last he’d want was to see her. So her mind drifted to the only reason he'd be showing up to her at homecoming…business. “Date? I’ve never shown up to a party with a date you know that” She said with a playful shrug, her eyes glancing up to meet his own, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't surprised that he wanted to avoid business…and just talk.


That was their last argument she remembered, when she brought up Leo-well not exactly Leo just this other guy she was speaking to that Atlas wasn't aware about who was Leo- Anyways. She remembered talking about how they did not click in the same way, that she instead would rather just talk then get high and spend the night acting like fools.

He listened.

Her eyes fluttered up to him, “talk? Atlas Park wants to just talk” she said, raising an eyebrow as if trying to find or look for what he was trying to hide from all this. Of course she could tell he wanted to make a move, wanted her to feel the same, and even though she knew she wasn't going to…she couldn't help but smile.

“You know, I guess you really are full of surprises, the Atlas I know is pretty well at ignoring me…especially after our arguments” she said as she leaned against the gym wall, she always hung around near the edges parties were alright, she just didn't need to be in a crowd of touchy couples and people so being on the side was nice. Especially when one needed a drink. “But yeah…I guess we can talk, as long as this isn't some weird plan of yours” She said, still a bit skeptical but she'd go along with it. “So, what have you been up to? Any special girl in mind?” she asked a part of her hoping he did have someone, then maybe…maybe then she could rely on him more like a friend she'd wanted.

After all, before this whole sleeping together, and before he really…went after her, they were somewhat close. Of course she never told him much about her family situation or opened up to anything like that [for some reason those moments for her were saved for leo] but she was able to go to him on a bad day, and they'd spend the day joking, or sometimes they'd even go out and get milkshakes. She thought of him as a brother she'd never had, but things spiraled away…and she's lost that, maybe today though…she’d regain her brother.

Adrian Carter Brown
the hockey guy
On the day of the homecoming dance, Adrian had been more excited than usual. Sure, he still followed his everyday routine, one that was engraved in his brain, and wouldn’t make it any other way, even if the world was falling apart. However, still that day, his mind had drifted away a bit, and the reason behind it was none other than Claudia Jean.

Every minute passed. His goofy smile grew bigger just at the thought of taking her to the dance. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by his father, who made it clear he was messing up everything at his workshop. He sent him back to their house. Adrian knew his father would not stop teasing him about it, but at least the good side it’s that he wouldn’t be rushing to pick up Claudia Jean.

And a couple of hours later, Adrian was more than ready. With the navy suit, he told Claudia Jean he would wear a suit that he already owned and had already worn at least once; but he just decided to omit that part. He didn’t see the reason for buying a new one when he had one that fit him perfectly fine.

So when the time finally came, Adrian drove to the house of Claudia Jean, unfortunately, his Ford F150 stayed back at his home despite being his pride for being a car that he had been restoring for a while and he could call his own, but he wasn’t sure if it was the right choice to taking your date to homecoming, especially when they were wearing a dress instead the family car had been the one he took instead.

Once he made it to her house, he walked towards the door with a bouquet of zinnias, flowers that he recently found out it was her favorite and that he was sure he hadn’t asked that subtlety, but at least he tried to surprise, he started knocking at the door as he waited for someone to open it so he could spend the evening with the girl of his dreams.
mood: happy
outfit: here
location: CJ's house
interactions: thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28
BØRNS - Electric Love

coded by Stardust Galaxy

  • filler

xx - Outfit

Ms. Williams had complained endlessly when Mei announced she was buying her own homecoming dress. But Mei had stood her ground. If she was going to endure a whole night being jostled by strangers and shouting over ear-shattering pop music without her noise-canceling headphones, the very least she could do was feel comfortable in her own skin.

She had searched high and low for the perfect dress—fitted enough that she wouldn’t feel childish, but loose enough to avoid feeling constricted. It had to pass the Williams' approval, of course, but more importantly, it had to pass her own. When she finally found the one, she felt a rare spark of pride. It was soft lavender, with a flowing skirt that didn’t cling to her legs and a neckline that was understated but elegant. It wasn’t flashy, but it was hers, and that was what mattered.

Mei had been on edge about tonight ever since meeting Elliot outside the diner weeks ago. He had been sitting on the curb, slouched and forlorn, his hands white and trembling from the freezing night air. She’d hesitated before approaching him, unsure if he wanted company, but something in his tired eyes reminded her of herself. Lonely, misunderstood, and aching for connection.

He was different from her, for sure. Sensitive in a way that sometimes made their interactions exhausting, often mistaking her kindness for sarcasm or pity. But she’d persevered. His warmth and vulnerability were a kind of mirror for her own buried feelings, and over time, she found herself enjoying his company.

Maybe—just maybe—he was her chance at something she thought impossible. A normal teenage experience. The kind you saw in movies. Was it so wrong to want to be seen for once? Not as Connor’s awkward little sister. Not as the lonely girl feeding pigeons by the park. But as someone fun. Someone worth loving.

The Williams home felt stifling tonight. Connor was quiet as always, barely acknowledging her as he passed through the living room. Byron was worse, his temper boiling just beneath the surface. Lately, he reminded her of the scrappy pre-teen he’d been, always fighting in the school yard. He wasn’t cruel to her anymore, but his kindness felt half-hearted, as if he were saving his energy for something more important.

When he finally came downstairs, late as usual, Mei barely noticed. She was too caught up in her own head, running through the motions. Snap after snap of photos, standing stiffly with Ms. and Mr. Williams, then with Connor, then Byron. Each photo felt like another act in a play she didn’t want to be in. When the pictures were done, her parents drifted to separate rooms, the tension between them unspoken but heavy in the air. Her brothers left soon after to pick up their girlfriends, squabbling as they walked out the door.

And then Mei was alone. Standing in the sitting room, still in her dress, feeling as distant from her family as ever.

Her phone buzzed, startling her out of her thoughts. It was a message from Elliot. She smiled, a small, hopeful curve of her lips, and before she could overthink it, she typed out a suggestion.

Hey so, my brothers are going to pick up their girlfriends... if you did want to pick me up, now would be your best shot x

She pressed send before her nerves could talk her out of it. She kind of hoped he’d say yes. It would be easier to leave with him, to escape the cold, echoing silence of this house before her brothers returned to fill it with noise again.

And if he couldn’t? That was fine, too. She’d leave in her car and meet him there. Either way, tonight was hers to claim.

Mei Williams


♡coded by uxie♡
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