• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Haven Falls

Lacey Marie Kavanagh
the chill girl
Being alone at the diner with Jonah felt nice. Even if they still had to clean the entire place, the solitude and quietness almost made it seem as if it was meant for them to share that moment without anyone interrupting them. Lacey felt giddy at the thought of that. It was almost as if anything that happened there would be their secret, and she felt special about sharing that time with him.

Lacey gave him a faint smile when he agreed they should stick together while cleaning.
“I guess you are right. We might be done faster with it that way,“
she said, but she let out a small laugh when he started mimicking a sword fight.
“You are so dumb,“
she added. But when Jonah was on board with putting on some music, Lacey rushed to the jukebox and started searching for the perfect song. Something that, for Lacey, was a bit too important and even if it sounded a bit foolish, it was also intimate. After all, music was her passion and her dream, even if it didn’t seem that way. So her showing this facet to Jonah was a bit nerve-wracking.

Once it was settled, the place was filled with the melodies of Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, even if it was a song that Lacey had already heard a million times. She didn’t want to seem too excited about showing Jonah one of her favorite songs from one of her favorite bands, and yet she was feeling anxious that he might dislike it. Trying to read him was almost as if she was solving a puzzle blindfolded, so every time she felt confused and didn’t know where they stood.
“You can always tell me if you don’t like it and I can change the song.”
She said with a small shrug.

But somehow she had the feeling that Jonah wouldn’t mind listening to the music that she liked, so instead she focused on mopping the floor. Probably it was that she became so absorbed in her task that she unconsciously started singing along with the lyrics of the song. Something that she didn’t notice until a few moments later when she realized that Jonah was there too.
“Oh... Sorry, I did that without thinking... But I’ll shut up now. I mean, I am sure you don’t want to hear me sing.”
She said, embarrassed.
“Why don’t you choose a song now? I guess it’s only fair.”
She added awkwardly.
mood: relaxed
outfit: here
location: sheryl's
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Fleetwood Mac - Dreams

coded by Stardust Galaxy





Taking the edge off


henley and jeans + work uniform over top





“I guess there’s no sense in trying to sell you on the name printed on my fake if you already took it away.”
Wes mused with a nod. It wasn’t like Ryan Bateson was much of an identity that he was all that attached to, it was more the faux birthday falling in the year 1999 that he enjoyed. Now that it was gone, and he was already resigned to being stuck in Haven Falls for the foreseeable future, his name was bound to start being thrown around. Especially when he was rooming with his loud mouth cousin.

He pulled up one of his knees to allow his left arm to rest over it and stretch out briefly as he felt it stiffening up from the repetitive act of smoking, momentarily distracted from her words by the ache in his bones. Maybe he hadn’t taken enough oxy before he left.

“Weston, but I don’t answer to anything other than Wes.”
He replied, trying to shake out his wrist the best he could with the limited mobility he had had. She’d given him the courtesy of telling him her entire first name so he might as well return the favor.

The question of his age was another point not worth lying about, she already knew well enough that he was younger than he claimed, or appeared, to be
“I ‘spose that’s alright.”
He muttered, although the alarm bells were ringing in his head that he was getting dangerously close to allowing someone to get to know him. Against his better judgement, like usual, he proceeded anyways
“Turned nineteen this summer.”
He said, taking another drag from the cigarette he had transferred from his left hand to his right
“How’s about you?”
He was betting her sweet sixteen wasn’t far off, either behind her or upcoming. Which direction was anyone’s guess with how she seemed wiser than her years, or maybe exhausted beyond them.

♡coded by uxie♡





Hype Mode Activated


Crystal Lake Mall




‘Thrifting’ was basically a magic word as far as Ines was concerned. Like legitimately magical and possibly supernatural. Walking into a place with rows and rows of clothes and possibly walking out with unique finds that might be one of a kind? It’s more sustainable, usually cheaper, and way more fun. What’s better than that?

And she knew exactly the spot that Kat was talking about
“Oh yeah totally.”
She said, trotting alongside her sister as they entered the cool air of the mall. A mixture of perfume samples being sprayed from the dying department anchor store and fry oil from the food court wafting together in a strange but somehow not repulsive way.

She held out the corner of the button up shirt she had on over her plain black tee
“That’s where I found this!”
She said excitedly showing off her find
“Only like four bucks too.”

Ines continued keeping pace with Kat, eyeing the outfit she had on and trying to rectify that ensemble with what she usually saw at the thrifty spot. It didn’t at all seem like her sister’s usual style, so she had an entire collection of clothes that she didn’t wear around her, or maybe Ines didn’t know her sister quite as well as she thought that she did.

“The searching is half the fun if you ask me.”
She said, her eyes scanning the various sights they passed at the mall trying not to get distracted as she dodged someone at a kiosk trying to sell her hairspray
“If I’m not tired and sweaty from digging through clothes after a good thrift day, I don’t consider it a successful day.”
Ines laughed, her eyes drifting towards a mother and child fighting about back to school clothes in a shop front they passed by which made her laugh a little harder. It’s a little late into the school year for be feuding over clothes.

Hopefully her own family shopping day would go a little bit better. Or at the very least end with a pretzel that she was certain that nasty little child would not be getting.



"Mom," he groaned, as he leaned his head back and stared up at the ceiling in annoyance. "This is f-- this is stupid, can we go yet?" he asked, as his gaze returned to his mom.

"Yeah, yeah, of course, just one more picture," his mom ordered, as she waved a hand towards Damien, gesturing for him to move closer to his friends -- and he obliged, although he did so begrudgingly. "Smile," she ordered, and Damien forced a smile to his face. She tapped on her phone, snapping a few more photos, before she brought down the phone with a smile on her face. "Oh, your first dance." she gushed, and soon, Miranda had tugged her son into a -- very embarrassing -- hug.

"He tried to go to a middle school dance once," she started, "or maybe it was freshman year? I'm sure he told you about it -- a couple of the boys there started pushing him around, and he--"

"We have to go," Damien cut his mom off as he pulled away from her. "I'll be home-- midnight. Got it. Go... take stupid pictures of Elliot." He said, although he didn't mean it.

Elliot had his dad to take pictures of him and embarrass the hell out of him.

(Damien's dad was still in prison, you see.)

He was quick to shoo his friends out of the house, closing the door behind him before he headed down towards his car -- the only bit of freedom that he'd managed to hold onto during the brief time he was grounded. And really, the only thing that was keeping him sane during these trying times of living with Elliot in this stupid, boring town.


The drive to the dance was about what you would expect -- quick with the time cut in half, because Damien liked to go fast, and he'd learned absolutely nothing following that whole wrecking Jace's dad's car situation.

There were still some residual nerves in his system following... what? Memories of the past? Which was really dumb, 'cause there was no point in living in the past -- although that was probably easier said than done. 'Cause for some reason, Damien seemed to permanently live there.

One hand slipped into the pocket of his jeans (he'd adamantly insisted that was good enough), while his other hand clenched his keys tightly.

"They do the king and queen shit here?" he asked, glancing in Harvey and Jace's direction. "Ah, nevermind. 'Course they do. Right? Right. Right?"

He tapped his key against the side of his leg as they headed into the decked out gym. He paused by the door, glancing around, before he finally slipped his keys into his pockets.

His eyes skipped across the people -- no, no, no, oh-- his gaze paused briefly on a girl with a very lowcut dress, before he started searching once again. And then ya know, his eyes landed on the girl that he'd had in mind.

"Dude, dude, dudes," Damien said, smacking at his friends, before he slipped between them so he could oh so not discreetly point in Luci's direction. "See her? Yeah, see, that's Luci. The leading lady for our movie," -- he elbowed Harvey at this -- "and the girl that I went on a date with the other day. Remember? You guys didn't answer your phones when I was all like... 'hey, that bitch shoved me in a bush.'

He couldn't stop smiling.

"She's so into me, guys."

interactions: Milkman, Jace

tags: matchaa matchaa sailormewn sailormewn

º º code by ditto º º







animal shelter


Carmen (Mentioned)

School dances were a load of bullshit, that was what Wes thought. Once upon a time when he was a sophomore he’d gone with the girl who had surprisingly entertained dating him for that year and let himself do the whole routine. Bought her a corsage, got her dinner, took photos with all her friends, he even agreed to meet with her friends in the girl’s bathrooms where they passed around a flash of cheap gin someone had snuck in. He took a pull when it came to him, it was hardly his first drink but it was the first drink he had that made him cough like an asthmatic and gave him heartburn all night long.

Nowadays he could knock back turpentine and probably not flinch. There was a lot that changed since that night in the bathroom at Gatlinburg-Pittman High School. For worse or for better, that was up for debate. As he clocked out of his shift at the animal shelter with sweat running down his back that was from a little more than hard work, he had a feeling it was probably the former.

Wes had finished off one of his under-the-counter bottles of oxy on his fifteen minute break, but that small reprieve from getting jumped on by animals or cleaning up their messes was hours ago by now. Much to his distress he realized that the second bottle in his backpack was also empty, fuck. As if the day couldn’t get any more frustrating. After peeling his uniform shirt off he stuffed it in his bag beside the empty bottle almost out of spite so he didn't have to look at it and its lack of product to be offered.

He was coming down harder and harder by the minute. The ache in his muscles was just beginning to growl at him but soon enough they would be screaming soon enough. Even with withdrawals just barely settling in he was already nearing the point where he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to take it anymore.

The shakes hadn’t set in just yet so he was still able to shoot off a message with relative ease to the first person he could think of who might be able to help him stave off the inevitable, Carmen. She was supposed to be at the homecoming dance herself with her little fake boyfriend, but Wes had an inkling that she might be willing to leave him idling on the dance floor long enough to hook him up with a little something. He didn’t need a full restock or nothing, just enough to keep him from getting dopesick. Worst case scenario she didn’t have anything, but at the very least she could maybe point him in the right direction once again, and spending some time with her was never a bad thing in his book.

♡coded by uxie♡

Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

Arctic Monkeys


Carmen knew if she could just get herself to like Everest Park, he just might be the perfect partner. Ha was fun to talk to, honest, loyal, and his eggs? They really were the world's most okayest. Despite her best efforts though the teen couldn't force a fire, no matter how many matches she spent. So she'd give him one last night. Dress, makeup, hair, all courtesy of her roomate Luci, she was the perfect little arm ornament.

One more night and then she'd left him down gently.

At least that was the plan.

But not even twenty minutes into the event Carmen was posted dutifully at a table Ever had promised to return to, painfully alone at her very first school dance and being a senior, one of the last. Manicured nails ballet slipper in color, tapped against the table, her annoyance with the situation bubbling toward the surface. Carmen was drawn out of it by the vibration of her phone in her lap.

She pulled it out of her little clutch and saw a text from her favorite cowboy waiting for a response.

hey, any chance you could help me score tonight? i know you're busy with that whole dance thing but i'm desperate’

Carmen quickly fired off a response, afraid that if she took too long the moment might pass.

‘Well Byron is also...here. I've still got some in my car. My date ditched me so, I'm sure I could sneak away for a few.’

It was the truth, Carmen hadn't even touched the bottle she had gotten from Byron those weeks ago now. As she waited for a response Carmen held her breath.

‘yeah but maybe i don't wanna see byron, maybe i wanna see you’

An exhale of relief- there was more to the message but it didn't matter. Wes Greene could've asked her for just about anything after a message like that.

They agreed to meet in the parking lot and so with a last peek around and still no sight of Everest Carmen made quick her escape. Heels tap tap tapping through the tile floors of the school but the teen felt as though she was floating above it.

Wes wanted to see her.

She pushed open the steel doors, stepping out into the chill of the parking lot. It was early October after all and while it wasn't freezing out Carmen was certainly starting to regret the spaghetti strap dress and no coat combo.

But she forgot all about the coolness of the air as she set her sights on Wes, already leaned up against her car and waiting.
“Hey Cowboy.”
She greeted
“Chilly tonight.”
The girl pulled her keys out and promptly fumbled them, sending them clinking against the pavement.

Shit. Her cheeks grew hot with embarrassment. How did she always manage to look like a clumsy idiot in front of him?

“Do you mind? I can't really reach down there in this dress. Cute but uh- restricting.”

When he obliged her fingers brushed lightly against his as she took them back.
She stared for a moment trapped in his gaze like a deer in headlights.
Carmen snapped herself out of the moment with a shake of her head and stuck the keys in the back door lock.
“You're here for a reason right? Not to just stand out in the cold.”
She slipped in the backseat and then slid back over to the open door to take hold of his right wrist, too nervous to go for his hand, and pull him in.
“Okay so...the stuff.”

Carmen kneeled on the center console so she could rummage through the glove box producing the bottle from Byron.
“Heads up!”
the brunette called out a warning before tossing the plastic thing back to Wes.

She settled back into her spot next to him in the backseat, smoothing out the creases in her dress.
“Is that okay? It's all I've got but it's yours if you want it.”

♡coded by uxie♡
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“Nan” Jacinta whined as her grandma spritzed her floral perfume “It’s not prom, it’s just homecoming. This is enough” Jace’s grandmother gave her a look and- in Korean- something she rarely spoke unless she was serious- she said, “Hold still Jacinta or you’ll get burnt.” Jacinta struggled to mentally translated the words in her head while her grandmother carefully ran a straightener over her fringe. “There. You look beautiful, my granddaughter” She said with a rare approving smile. "Gamsahaeyo" Jacinta mumbled back the Korean word for 'Thank-you', hoping to appease her so she could leave.

Her mother’s side of the family had been here for generations now but Nan was very insistent on keeping the language and culture going in their family. Maybe it was her strict adherence to this that drove her mother crazy in the first place. That and the religious stuff- of course. If she’d had her way Jace probably would be named Ae-cha or Sook or something. But truly, she felt absolutely no connection to her distant culture, as much as her nan tried to shove it down her throat. It felt like a relic, something she was so far removed from. I mean, she'd never even BEEN to Korea! Still, she didn't want an argument. Quickly rolling the sentence over in her head to make sure she pronounced it properly, she said “Na ije gado dwae?” Meaning 'Can I go now'. That earned her a approving smile and her ticket out the door.

o o o

The wind whipped through her hair and her floral black dress floated behind her like a flag as her skateboard zipped over the pavement. She laughed, the sound stolen by the rush of cool night air. Jace must have looked ridiculous-- facy cocktail dress, dirty old sneakers and her old navy shoulder satchel, taring through town like she didn't have a care in the world- and maybe she didn't... at least for the moment. Her skateboard felt like an extension of herself- as natural as breathing. The freedom, the adrenaline- it was her escape, her calm, her silent rebellion.

She skidded to a stop outside Damien's place and hopped off, tucking the board under one arm. His mom greeted her with a beaming smile.

"You look beautiful Jace!" Jacinta awkwardly acknowledged her comment with a polite 'Thank-you'. Jacinta left the scuffed white sneakers at the door and replaced them with a pair of shiny black flats, wincing as the pointed tip pinced her toes. Why did formal shoes always feel like a torture device? Once inside she excused herself to the bathroom to fix her windswept hair and re-apply her lipstick. Standing back, she barely recognised herself in the mirror. Her black dress with it's delicate pink flowers and a cinched waist, billowed gracefully when she walked, transforming her boney knees and thin legs into something almost elegant. Her eyes sparkled with carefully blended eyeshaddow- Her lips shone in a bright cherry red.

Her grandmother had outdone herself.

Back in the living room Jace posed for pictures with Damien and Harvey. She teased Damien mercilessly but found herself stealing glances at Harvey. She wanted desperately to take one photo with Harvey- something to keep, but she had no idea how to ask without making her crush painfully obvious. The last thing she needed was Damien to catch on and start running his mouth.

Speaking of witch, Damien's mom was in full storytelling mode- recounting one of Damien's disastrous middle school dances. Having experienced trouble at them in the past herself, she offered her friend an exaggerated eyeroll behind her back as he ushered them out the door.

Jacinta wasted no time buckling up- and good thing because no sooner had she closed her door and he was already speeding off down the road. Jacinta didn’t say anything- however she did find herself gripping the handle on the door like her life depended on it. Luckily he didn’t seem to notice her discomfort. They arrived at the school in record time and Jacinta didn't even attempt to hide her relieved sigh.

As they entered the throng of dressed up teens and pulsing corny music, Jace walked beside Harvey, Damien a few steps ahead, his eyes searching for someone in the crowd. She stole a glance at Harvey, doing her best not too look too much at him. If he caught her looking, she’d just smile. Cool, casual, totally nothing else. “Been to many of these kinda things?” She asked tilting her head towards him “This is certainly my first school dance with any sort of good company” She chuckled, making light of what was actually quite a dark time in her young life. Her attention shifted to Damien who was looking back at them now ‘They do king and queen shit here?’ Jace shrugged “Yeah, think so.” She said but he was already back to his mad search.

Amused, she watched the moment he found who he was looking for. His eyes lit up and he turned to them excitedly- a smile that nearly rivaled the one he'd worn earlier speeding down the road with reckless glee.

"See her? Yeah, see, that's Luci. The leading lady for our movie," he said as he slipped inbetween them and elbowed Harvey lightly in the ribs "and the girl that I went on a date with the other day. Remember? You guys didn't answer your phones when I was all like... 'hey, that bitch shoved me in a bush.'

Uh oh

Jace had almost forgotten about their little camping trip and the… miscommunication that had resulted in Damien not being invited by either of them. She could already feel the incoming storm brewing. He was going to be so pissed at them for that. Trying to mask her worry for now, she smirked in the direction her friend was pointing. “That’s stalker girl? The one who lives in your walls?” She joked quickly regaining her composure “Well… well… well. Well done Slater! She exists! Lets go meet your dream girl before she shoves you in another bush” Jace suggested with a laugh, shooting her own elbow towards his ribs. She took a confident stride forward and looked back at Damien, beckoning “Come on! Introduce us then”

Jace Choi


Harvey, Damien

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:







parking lot



Picking Carmen’s car out of the entire lot wasn’t too hard, Wes had ridden in it at least once so he’d had that memory of it to rely upon even in spite of the cravings that were quickly starting to cloud his head. By this point, he could have a wild stallion running at him full charge and the only thing he could care about would still be just where his next hit would come from. Thank god for Carmen Tate coming through even on what was supposed to be a busy night.

He watched her appear from out of the building from across the way and approach her at the vehicle
“Evening, Cali.”
He said, still trying to see as pulled together as he could manage. While she already knew full well that he wasn’t okay, there was a difference between buying drugs with a girl and fully tweaking out in front of her.

As her car keys clattered to the pavement he stared down at them waiting to see just how they would be getting where they needed to in the side of the door. Every second that passed was another one towards the ticking time bomb that was his own body preparing to turn against him.

His eyes flickered up to Carmen’s as she made a humble request for him to pick them up for the sake of her modesty. Wes didn’t speak a word, but acted upon her request. A stifled groan rattled out of his throat as he was bending down to retrieve the key ring, an embarrassing result of the soreness in his legs suddenly retaking the burden of his weight and crouching to the ground in such short succession.

Trying to move past the discomfort he passed her keys off, staying quiet as she shimmied into the backseat of her own car. Her warm fingers clasped around his wrist, gently tugging him inside leaving him momentarily caught between the subtle sting of a touch he was not prepared for and the heat of feeling a small portion of her body against his.

He closed the door to keep the windchill off their bodies, particularly Carmen and her lack of clothes. Speaking of, he kept his gaze towards the window on his side of the backseat while she was climbing over the center console. He wasn’t sure if anything was potentially exposed, but he wasn’t trying to find out either.

“Oh, fuck, yes. More than okay, this is great.”
Wes quickly set to prying the bottle open as quickly as his unsteady hands could manage almost as soon as the bottle landed in his grasp
“Thank you, I owe you one.”
Between the withdrawal, the anticipation, and the usual tremors it wasn’t exactly a smooth motion, but within seconds he was shaking several small, chalky objects into his palm.

In the dim light he poked between them briefly, trying to decipher what he was working with here. There were a few he recognized to be his preferred poison, opioids. The specific name or brand or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. The important things were it would get him high, and it would make the pain go away.

Relief was close, but he wanted it now.

Wes dropped the pills into the well of the bottle’s lid and placed the bottom of the bottle over it, sandwiching the medications between the two pieces of plastic and applying pressure from both sides until the body of the pill gave way into a powder with an audible crunch.

He shook out a small amount of the product onto the back of his hand, balancing the capful of the remaining amount on his lap. Even in the face of an aching body and shaking hands the routine he took part in was as rehearsed as a ballet production. From how he lifted his hand towards his face to just how effortlessly he snorted it shortly thereafter.

His head leaned back against the headrest with a sigh, both content with knowing he’d be feeling much better soon and mentally considering when he ought to be prepping his next line to ensure the good times would be continuing to roll.

♡coded by uxie♡





Excited and nervous all at once


homecoming dance




After a solid evening getting ready listening to a little classic rock and roll while tussling their hair and applying their makeup, Ines and Lacey had put the finishing touches on their respective homecoming outfits. Despite their enrollment in separate high schools, distance could not drive a wedge between two girls who had been friends since preschool.

Mr. Kavanagh had been nice enough to not only offer his home for the girls to get ready for the dance as well as ferry them to it as well. They could’ve had a perfectly good night together, although each girl had already set their sights on spending a little time with each of their respective someones who had been mentioned repeatedly in Ines and Lacey’s text conversations.

After a promise to keep each other posted on any potential updates Ines made her way into the crowds of the students gathered at the dance in search of the boy who had asked her there. Even in the days leading up to the dance she could hardly believe that Drake Martin, the sometimes-dorky-sometimes-stoned running back of the Haven Falls football team, had asked her to homecoming. A little casually, over text to be specific, but still he had put the offer out and she quickly accepted. The benefit of it being over the phone, he had no idea of just how flattered and excited she had felt because of his ask.

She smoothed over the lilac fabric of her dress, a good deal more feminine that she was usually dressed but still within her style enough. Hopefully it wasn’t too much of a shift for Drake to see her in a dress instead of Levi jeans that smell like weed.

Finally she laid eyes on him, lingering somewhere on the outskirts of the dance but with his usual buddies nowhere to be seen on account of the whole Carmen thing. He was wide open to be approached and Ines fully intended to take advantage of that before she lost her nerve. God, how stupid would it be to chicken out on talking to your DATE.






Curious and excited


homecoming dance


Jules (Mentioned)

Mickey was still a little uncertain of where he stood with Jules. They’d had one ‘non-date’ date to the bookstore, had plenty of fun conversations over text, oh yeah, and they’d shared a margarita too. He’d agreed when she asked him to the dance, but he happened to have said yes so quickly that he hadn’t thought to ask if it was as friends, or something more.

Regardless, he had plans to give her a good evening.

So to the mirror it was to freshen up his shag and make sure his shirt and jacket were laying properly. He briefly debated whether or not the flower was too dressy but settled on leaving it where it was.

His phone was fully charged and in his pocket, his hair was… well, as good as it was going to get. Before long it was off to the races, the metaphorical ones of course, he was really heading to the homecoming dance to see Jules.

She had sent him a picture of her dress not too long ago, a nice blue that should play nicely with the orange which not only was a complimentary shade, but also conveniently his favorite. Who doesn’t love a nice bright orange? Not traffic cone orange though, more like a sunset.

Mickey fiddled with the extra flower he had grabbed to gift to Jules, pondering if the gesture was too romantic or just a simple pledge to coordinate their ensembles. There wouldn’t be much more time to think as he was soon inside the building and gazing upon the somewhat cheap looking, but still fun, decorations and lights. Music was booming, not what he would’ve picked but some solid choices all in all.

Idly he made his way over towards the snack table to procure a cup of water or something, can’t dance the night away if you’re dehydrated.

♡coded by uxie♡


A thing to note was that when Drake had invited Ines to the dance, he'd meant it in a we should hang as friend dates type of thing. It was the same kind of way he'd have asked Tucker and Ever to hangout, if they'd all been on speaking terms -- although he would've asked them in a much more romantic-ish way, but trust him, it was all still real platonic.

He'd already arrived at the dance, wearing a little-bit-too-big white dress shirt that he'd borrowed from his older brother, and a simple pair of jeans, 'cause Mason's fancy pants didn't fit him. And it wasn't like he was about to go out and buy real fancy pants for what, a one night stand type a thing? Nah.

(One night stand as in, Homecoming was only for a single night, ya know?)

(It made sense in his head.)

As he'd floated around, wasting away his night, he hadn't noticed Ines come in at first -- but then he did. Maybe she'd escaped his line of sight at first, 'cause she was wearing a freaking dress, and was all done up all real pretty like. So he excused himself from his friends and headed towards her, his hands resting in the front pockets of his jeans.

"Wow," he said with a little, dramatic whistle as he examined her. "You look freakin' gorgeous, ya know that?" Drake asked, his lips pressing up into that lopsided smile.

"Ya know, I've been waitin' for you all night."

Well, it wasn't a total lie.

And this time? He didn't even pull out a joint right away.

interactions: Ines

tags: thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28

º º code by ditto º º
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homecoming dance




As the playful whistle from Drake’s lips hit Ines’ ears she felt a blush creep into her cheeks that she secretly hoped that there was enough artificial blush applied to disguise it a little. There was already a chink in her ‘cool girl’ armor, but it was still too soon to let it come all the way down to the ground just yet.

The shot (Or two but who’s counting?) of Pink Whitney she’d had back at Lacey’s was swirling around in her stomach alongside the wings of butterflies. She gave a little twirl, thoroughly showing off her outfit to Drake. His own apparel wasn’t quite the same level of prestige, but he still looked plenty good in it and the two of them would look just fine together on the dance floor.

“Thank you.”
She said through a small giggle
“I clean up pretty good, huh?”
Picking up the edge of her skirt she did a mock curtsey, one that any real member of royalty would cringe at but Mia Thermopolis would probably give her at least a C+.

Her own teeth settled into her bottom lip as she remained fixated on his own grin appearing with that lopsided smile that made her act like a fucking idiot.

Maybe it was too soon, but maybe it was just the right time… This was a date after all. He’d asked her to this dance, what else could anyone expect in a time and place like this? Maybe she was overthinking it. Maybe she was underthinking it. Maybe she needed to stop thinking at all for a minute.
Don’t think, just do.

“Hey. I have a surprise for you, shut your eyes.”
She said over the hum of life and music that surrounded them. Ines took a metaphorical step towards a metaphorical cliff, as well as a realer one towards the realer Drake as she watched him, somewhat shockingly, comply with her request and shut his lids over the warm brown irises she had been fixated on.

Their two pairs of sneakers almost touched as she inched a bit closer to him. Ok, she was in it now, she was doing this. Her hand grazed his chest as she prepared to steady herself before it landed on his shoulder where she gently gripped the slender yet muscled portion of his upper arm, draped lightly in the fabric of a shirt that was just too big enough to drape but close enough to still seem handsome.

Ines didn’t even need to get on her tiptoes to press her lips against his. Passing off a smidge of the tinted lip balm she’d applied off to him but not in a particularly visible way as she caressed his bottom lip with her own. Evidence of their physical intimacy that only she could see as she pulled away.

Much to her relief, it was as enjoyable to be pressed against those lips as it had been to simply fantasize about it.


Harvey Milk







  • home (filler tab)


Tongue Tied

Harvey Milk would have rather been at home, working on editing the raw footage he'd gotten on one recent camping trip, than at a Homecoming dance. And in the back of his mind that's exactly what he was doing, combing through footage and splicing it together. But no instead of posting up in front of his computer for hours and working until his eyes were too dry or his fingers too cramped, Harvey was at the Homecoming dance. On account of his two best friends, Damien and Jacinta. He'd even given up precious movie time to take pictures with them at the former’s house.

At the school the trio made their way through the gym, decked out in streamers and balloons for the occasion. As they walked Harvey started making a list of Homecoming dance movies in his head- well a list of his favorites at least.

There was of course the obvious Spider-Man: Homecoming. Pretty good for one of those Marvel movies (an unfortunate plague on movie-making society in his opinion.) Carrie, Never Been kissed, 10 Thing I Hate About You, She's All That, The DUFF, Grease, Footloose, Mean Girls (you go Glen Coco) and of course Pretty in Pink.

That last one was one of his Mom's favorites, though Harvey had always thought the original ending of Andy ending up with her best friend Ducky made much more sense than her relationship with stupid Blane. His pathological list making was interrupted when Jacinta asked him a question.

‘Been to many of these kinda things?’

He admitted.

When Jace said her line about it being the first time with good company Harvey grinned a toothy grin.
“Well, we're happy to be of service.”

Damien who had been searching for something or rather someone lit up when he'd finally found it-er her, and elbowed Harvey square in the ribs to grab his attention.

Sure it was a bit of an overreaction but the playful nudge really had caught him off guard and Harvey well he was soft as a bowl of soggy cereal.

Milk listened as Damien recounted their exchange The other day or rather lack thereof.

‘The girl that I went on a date with the other day. Remember? You guys didn't answer your
“I too, would like to meet the leading lady of our film. I wanna make sure she's got you know- it.”
Harvey felt the need to clarify his statement.
“Star quality, it-factor, uhhh...”
He dug through his brain looking for yet another synonym, snapping his fingers once he'd got it.
Visual magnetism!”

♡coded by uxie♡
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Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

Arctic Monkeys


If Carmen had known a single thing about addicts she might've noticed the signs of the impending withdrawals; the groaning, the shaking, that desperate for relief look deep in Wes’ hard-to-pin-down color wise eyes. But she didn't know the first thing about them so all of these things went wholly unnoticed.

She observed in silence as her curly haired cowboy got his fix, crushing and snorting the chalky powder up his nose like he'd done it a thousand times before and it was that moment she realized- he had.

Head cocked the girl watched as Wes leaned his head up against the headrest and when the sigh of relief came a small smile tugged at her painted lips. It was all clicking into place now, he really had been in pain but now he was fine or well he would be. Soon as those pretty little pills did their job.

Wes made it all look so effortless, so simple and clean, hell he'd even managed to keep the mess to a minimum. Carmen wondered how bad something that brought so much relief could really be. No, she didn't know the first thing about addicts, but at this point she knew a thing or two about Wes. So when she finally spoke up to ask him a question Carmen was already pretty sure of the answer.

“Wes do you think you could- that I could...”
When she'd gotten visual confirmation of the ex-rodeo star's attention Carmen's dark eyes glanced slowly at the bottle then back at him.

“Would you show me how to do it?”
Sure, It meant admitting just how inexperienced she was with the young man's favorite pastime but it was a risk Carmen was willing to take, if it paid off she'd understand him in a whole new way.

♡coded by uxie♡
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♡coded by uxie♡

Byron came downstairs in his expensive, tailored button-up and dress pants. He looked like a million bucks but felt like a zero. His parents didn’t even glance his way as he stepped into the living room. His mom was busy fixing Connor’s collar, cooing over how perfect he looked, while their dad fiddled with the camera settings, making a show of getting everything just right. Mei stood awkwardly off to the side, looking about as thrilled as Byron felt.

The pang of bitterness hit Byron harder than he expected. He should’ve been used to this by now. He lingered for a moment, waiting for someone to notice him. When no one did, he grabbed Connor’s car keys off the counter and headed for the door without a word.

“Byron, where are you going?”

He froze at the hand on his shoulder, shivering involuntarily as he reached the door.

“To wait for Connor in the car,” he muttered, turning warily to face his father.

“Aren’t you going to take a picture with your brother and sister?” his dad asked, the words clipped and casual, as though Byron’s presence was an obligation rather than something they actually wanted.

Byron scoffed, muttering under his breath, “An afterthought. I guess.”

His father’s grip on his shoulder tightened, sharp and deliberate. The threat wasn’t in his words—it was in the silence.

Byron’s jaw clenched as he forced himself to nod. “Fine. Yeah. Okay.”

Shrugging off his father’s hand, he walked over to Connor and his mother.

“Come on, Byron, you always take so long to get ready,” his mom said. Her tone was a far cry from the peppy chirp she’d been using with Connor.

Byron begrudgingly stood next to his brother, forcing his face into something resembling a smile. ”Oh, Byron, did you even brush your hair?” she added, exasperated, swatting at his head to flatten his unruly curls. His smile dropped instantly.

“Mom, for god’s sake—it’s fine!” he whined, pulling away.

With a click of her tongue, she sighed. “It’ll just have to do. Just the two boys first,” she said, and then, softening, turned to Connor with a smile. “Connor, sweetheart, just move left a little. That’s it!”

Snap. Snap.

Finally, after what felt like hours—but was only minutes—they were released. Heading for the door, Byron stole a glance at his brother.

“Can’t believe I feel relieved to be getting in a car with you right now,” he muttered dryly. Then, tossing Connor his car keys, he added, “Here. After you, sweetheart.” His voice dripped with sarcasm as he opened the front door, holding it ajar dramatically.

The boys made their way to Connor’s car—boring, not red, and slower than Byron’s by a long shot. Byron slid into the passenger seat, reclining and sinking heavily into the chair.

He stared blankly out the window, feeling the tension grow heavier with each passing second. Even for them, this felt like a particularly strained silence. Byron shifted uncomfortably, trying to calm himself. He’d forgotten to take his medication earlier, and there was no way he could pull it out now, not in front of Mr. Perfect.

He huffed, tapping his fingers against the door handle as the car crawled down the street. It felt like they were moving at a snail’s pace.

Byron glanced at Connor, raising a brow. “Are you really going to drive like an old bitty again?”








♡coded by uxie♡

Jonah M.







  • home (filler tab)


I Want You To

Jonah was in a blue suit, white shirt, sans tie (it was only homecoming after all). He'd gone to pick up his friend and tutor Kat like a perfect gentleman. He posed for pictures, opened doors, anything she wanted. Jonah liked Kat who seemed to be unlucky in love, which was something he understood, and so the future baseball star wanted desperately to give her a nice night. Even if it was just as friends.

He made sure to take care of all the official Homecoming date duties; offering to get her a drink, introducing himself to all her friends, complimenting her pretty dress. Joey was feeling like he'd done a pretty damn good job so far so when Kat got engrossed in a conversation with her good friend Liana he decided to excuse himself the official reason was to go get them both some more punch, but the unofficial? Why to look for Lacey of course.

It didn't take long for him to pick her out of the crowd; she was alone; the best friend Ines seemed to be off galavanting with her own date. Jonah went and tapped her on the shoulder to draw her attention up from the phone she was buried in.
“Mind if I take a seat?”
The question was really a formality more than anything as he was already nestling into the seat beside her before she had the chance to answer.
“Lacey Kavanaugh, fancy seeing you here. You look-”

He paused a moment to look her over.

The first thing he noticed was that she had more makeup on than usual- but not an overpowering amount, it was just enough to enhance her natural features. Lacey's hair was in a gentle curl, less frizz than it had on the average day (something he'd always found cute in a way he couldn't explain), and her dress well it draped over her perfectly like the cloth of a Greek statue. As if she'd been carved out of marble, like the thing was made for her and on her.

He pulled at his suit jacket with a playful smirk.
“Feel free to return the compliment.”

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He waved a hand dismissively. "No, not the-- do you even listen? She's not the one in my walls, that's Jules. Luci is too classy to pretend to be in my walls." He explained, although he was clearly distracted as he took a step away from his friends, turning his back towards the rest of Homecoming, to look at them.

His head tilted to the side, a little half-hearted smile on his lips.

"Whoa, whoa," Damien interjected, and his eyes locked right onto Harvey. " You guys went camping? To get shots for the movie?" He asked.

Technically, he was still smiling, although his lips wavered a bit as he struggled to maintain his composure.

He definitely hadn't gotten an invitation -- and it wasn't like he was hurt by that fact. Damien was fine. He understood it, he wasn't really an outdoorsy, woodsy boy, anyway. Not that he'd ever-- well, his dad-- and then his mom-- you see, he'd never tried camping, but surely they knew that he wouldn't have liked it.

Yeah, maybe that's what had happened.

He let out a soft laugh. "I didn't-- I mean, not that I--" he cut himself off, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "Maybe you guys can... meet her some... other time. I'm gonna just..." he pointed a hand over his back, in the vague direction of Luci. "I'm gonna... go. I'll... I'll see you guys after the dance."

No, he wasn't hurt, so stop thinking that. It was fine.

He wouldn't have wanted to go, anyway.

Hanging out in the woods with his best friends, shooting a movie, with no adult supervision? Pfft, please, did that sound like Damien's kind of entertainment? Nah, he was... not that kind of guy.

Right? Right.

"If you guys still need a ride after the dance. Or maybe you could ask ahh... what was it? Vinny and Mei? Yeah, maybe you could ask them. I'l probably be out late with umm... with Luci, so..."

Eager to end this, he quickly turned on his heel, and started walking in the direction of Luci.

He was fine. It was fine. They didn't want him, but that was alright, because he still had Luci.

interactions: Milkman, Jace

tags: matchaa matchaa sailormewn sailormewn

º º code by ditto º º



Claudia Jean.


Excited to dance the night away



Home sweet home


Alexa, Dahlia, Adrian (Mentioned)

“Lexa, can I please put this glitter on your brow bone? It would look so, so pretty and bring out the depth of your eyes.”
Claudia Jean sat cross legged on the floor in front of one of the many caboodles of makeup she had pulled from her shelf and opened up for herself and her two best friends to sort through.

Wes had gone to work hours ago so his makeshift inflatable bed was tipped up vertically against the back wall of the room so the girls had the full run of the space to get ready for the dance. Though if you were close enough to it you could still smell the nicotine clinging to the sheets of the air mattress that had soaked up the scent from his skin and clothes. Good thing Claudia Jean had sprayed the rest of the room with rosewater when she was doing her hair.

The compact of glitter in hand she pivoted back towards Alexa, blue eyes pleading to see if she had worn down her friend to submit to a ‘yes’ just yet. Honestly, she had finished getting ready herself a solid twenty minutes ago, now she was just touching up her inner corner highlight and tousling her curls to keep them bouncy until Adrian would arrive.

The very kind, very tall, hockey player who had asked her to the dance. She still couldn’t believe her luck, a cute date AND a chance to wear her best high heels for almost the first time since arriving in Haven Falls. Even still she would probably barely come to his chin, which was kind of an exciting thought if she was honest with herself.

Claudia Jean pivoted towards Dahlia
“Did you need a blush? Or brow pencil? I forget.”
She said digging through a second container of products
“Wait, did you ask for something at all? I forget.”
Her mama did always say that she was so focused on so many things all at once she would’ve lost her own damn hands if the good Lord didn’t have the ingenuity to connect them to her wrists.

“If Adrian comes soon you guys can stick around and mess with this shit for a while.”
She added, sliding the box off her lap and standing to go to the full length mirror hanging on the back of her door to check her look.

A lot of girls picked shorter dresses for homecoming, and that was fine. Claudia Jean would never judge a girl for going with a shorter hem, not on the outside anyways. She herself enjoyed a little bit of toeing the line from time to time. However, today she had chosen a longer gown in a fabulous coral color with a slit up the side. Pink may have been her favorite, but something about the juicer color just made her look stunning. It went just swell with her white shoes too.

Speaking of white, a small tuft of the color trotted in through the crack in the door. Princess Sugar Muffin the Second A.K.A. Muffy, strolled over the hem of Claudia Jean’s dress like she paid for the damn thing on her way to prod Alexa’s foot with her little black nose before she went to say her own hello to Dahlia with a lick of her oddly dry tongue.

“Oh, baby girl.”
Claudia Jean said, scooping up the nine year old toy poodle into her arms
“Mind your manners in front of the girls, we’ve got work to do.”
She tipped the seven pound creature over in her arms until she was on her back like a newborn baby, tiny paws poking up in total submission while a kiss was pressed to the tuft on the top of her furry head. A pink lip print left behind on her stark white fur.

Claudia Jean laughed softly as she licked her thumb and began to wipe it away as she did every time this happened
“Sorry, Miss Muff.”
A little bit of rubbing later and it was mostly gone except for the very tips of the curly furs. Good enough, pink was her color anyways. Just like her mom.

She returned the little dog back to the floor and let her continue to sniff around as the girls continued to get ready for what was shaping up to be a great night. In Claudia Jean’s book anyways. She’d have to make sure to try and snag a piece of the decorations before they tossed them all out to stick in her journal. Ideally something blue or purple, those were the colors of the new stickers she was dying to use.

♡coded by uxie♡


homecoming dance.

juliette clark.


happy (and nervous).


the dance.



Jules Clark did not consider herself a girlie girl. That was her older sister's vibe. But tonight was homecoming and Scottie had begged to do Jules' hair and makeup. Secretly, Jules loved getting dolled up, but she would never let anyone know that. She had enjoyed going dress shopping with her older sister.

Now that she had a steady supply of Xanax, she felt like her normal self again. Not having panic attacks constantly and being able to enjoy things. That was part of the reason she had gotten the gusto to ask Mickey to homecoming. She had bought him a book, the next in the series they were reading, and homemade a bookmark that said 'homecoming with me?'. She was starting to like Mickey which scared the shit out of her and they hadn't even kissed yet.

The pair was meeting at the dance as neither of them had a car. She had almost asked if he wanted to be picked up because Scottie was taking her but that felt like too much of a commitment. Because then, her mother would have insisted on meeting Mickey and that was the last thing Jules wanted. As soon as Scottie had pulled up to the dance, Jules had thrown herself out of her sister's jeep and practically ran inside.

When she walked in, she suddenly felt very insecure in her tight blue dress. She scanned the crowd, looking for Mickey. When she spotted him by the drink table, she smiled lightly and walked over to him, trying to play it cool.

She gently nudged him with her shoulder,
"Is the punch spiked yet?"

♡coded by uxie♡





On his way to buzzed


parking lot



The drowsy, dreamy feeling of the high slowly wrapped Wes up like a blanket draped around his shoulders. His powdered savior sinking into his bloodstream thanks to the shortcut through his lungs. He hadn’t realized that his eyelids had fluttered shut until he was dragging them open to look towards the sound of Carmen’s voice.

He saw the subtle hunger in her eyes, not like the kind he had seen in his own pupils or in that of fellow addicts of that desperate starvation like a wild animal beginning to size up its own young. No, this was more of a curious hunger, thirsty for the first drink from a poisoned goblet that Wes only briefly hesitated to provide her with.

They’d established it plain and simple, Carmen was a big girl and it wasn’t his job to police what she could do with her own body. Who was he to hypocritically tell her what substances she could or couldn’t enjoy. Besides, there was no way of knowing what she had already experimented with other than what he had seen her purchase with Byron. Snorting pills was a slightly different activity than snorting blow, maybe she just needed a little help graduating from one to the other.

Wes nodded, less stiff now that his muscles were loosening up
He said, brushing off the slight tinge of powder that had clung to the edge of his skin with his fingers. Almost reminiscent of the way a child might impolitely wipe their nose on the sleeve of their sweater while running around the playground.

“It’s not so hard.”
He said, placing the bottle of pills he left untouched off to the side to focus on the capful of powder. With the same precision as the first time he tapped out a small amount onto the back of his hand
“You just get a little here, like that.”
He gestured with his free hand to the bump he had set up
“Always the back if you don’t got a flat surface to use, doing it off your palm is too hard because of the creases and shit.”

Breaking it down step by step wasn’t exactly easy, he was too used to thinking of it all in one simple motion rather than a bunch of little boxes to check off. As he continued his explanation he realized just how scientifically he had the process boiled down to. A rush of shame and pride briefly disturbing his high before fading to the back of his mind as he focused on the student beside him.

“You don’t have to breathe all the way out first or nothing, but make sure you can get a good, sharp, inhale goin’ before you get up close.”
He modeled the action as he brought his hand back up to his face, though stopped short before taking it in again
“If you spook here you’ll blow it everywhere and that’s a bitch to clean up. So, just commit to it.”
He lifted his eyes off the bump and locked them in on Carmen’s own soulful eyes
“Don’t think about it, if you think about it you won’t do it.”
What a simple way to sum up the way that Wes had been living his life as of late.

Still looking up at her he pressed the middle finger of his right hand against the nostril that he was not about to be sending powder up into
“Press it shut, just go for it.”
His head of dark curls dipped back down over his hand and the second pile of powder disappeared just like the first had.

He let an exhale out through his mouth, not quite a sigh but much more relaxed than what he would have done if he was smoking. He looked back towards Carmen to see if she was preparing to ditch him and go back to the safe choice of her ‘boyfriend’ wherever he was inside the school rather than sitting in the parking lot getting high with Wes.

Dedication, stupidity, naivete, whatever it was, Carmen was still seated beside him.

He reached over and took her hand, gently guiding it towards him. Still mildly amused by the contrast of the warmth of her skin against his as he shook out a bit of the powder onto her skin
“Lemme get you set up here.”
A much smaller bump than he had set up for himself, not trying to push either of their luck tonight.

Softly he released her hand so she could move it freely to dive right in, reject it, or inspect it. Whatever she wanted, the choice was hers now. Not like he could snort it for her.

He raised his dark brows at her, leaning into the seat behind him. If it weren’t so cold maybe he could just doze off for a couple hours
“Any questions?”

♡coded by uxie♡

Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

Arctic Monkeys


As Wes released her hand from his, Carmen didn't even have the capacity disappointed, transfixed on the powder, white and clean like a little pile of the season's first snow settled neatly on the back of her hand. Carmen ran through the previous ten minutes in her head, or had it only been five? Thinking her way through the step by step instructions he'd provided. Then his words of warning echoed through the cavern of her mind splitting through everything offering a brief moment of 'clarity' of silence.

‘Don’t think about it, if you think about it you won’t do it.’

And right he was.

Carmen heard everyone's voices of protest all at once, overlapping each other. Ash, Luci, even Jules seemed to think the doe-eyed brunette was in over her head. With this- with him. She wanted to prove them wrong; but mostly she wanted all the voices to just shut up. Without a second more of hesitation Carmen dipped her nose to her hand and inhaled.

What her Teacher had failed to communicate was that it fucking burned, forcing things up the out. Tears welled up in her eyes betraying her ‘cool girl’ image and Carmen quickly and awkwardly tried to wipe them away with her clean hand before Wes had the chance to notice.

“So now I just...wait?”
It was rhetorical of course Carmen had made her decision and was bracing for the consequences, hands gripping the car seat til her knuckles turned white. She was nervous with anticipation, her heart practically in her throat.

Holy. shit.

Holy fucking shit.

And then gradually- she wasn't so nervous anymore. Her body and subsequently her grip relaxed.

Carmen leaned back into the seat for the first time that night, breathing her own sigh of relief. The stinging in her nostril had subsided and all that was left was a feeling that had until now been completely foreign to her. In fact she was still trying and failing to wrap her head around it. The girl reached out and grabbed for his jacket sleeve holding onto it, subconsciously looking for an anchor.

“Feeling better?”
She somehow managed the question fragment.
"I think I am."

♡coded by uxie♡
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Olivia Price

song name






“Well there they go again” Olivia mumbled under her breath. She was just putting on her shoes for homecoming, she was wearing a rose dress that had flowed down around her like a petal, the dress rolling off her shoulders, her shoes circling around her legs as she clicked them into place. The light pink danced against her skin and hugged her curves in all the right places. She made her way to the bathroom to finish up with her hair.

(Dress: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1...ecoming-dress-pg182-pgmdress.jpg?v=1683022864)

In all honesty she didn't know what she was doing with her life. Going out with Caleb for the night she thought it would be an escape, an escape for a little while. An escape from this place she was supposed to call home, an escape from ... .Leo. God why wouldn't he just leave her alone, why wasn't she able to just remove herself from him. Why couldn't she just pull away like she always did? Why couldn't he just leave her damn head! It seemed no matter what she didn't he would escape.

Every touch reminded her of his touch

…god she craved it.

Every look into anyone else’s eyes made her think of his own

…god those brown eyes.

Every smile she'd seen made her think of his own.

Oh those dimples…she craved to see him smile again.

Every time she heard her name she could hear his nickname for her rolling off her tongue.

“gosh leo what are you doing to me” she shook her head as she looked up at the mirror, she wasn't going to ruin her mascara tonight, not when she was planning to have the best night of her life. She would forget about Leo today. Hell she would forget about any guys she'd met and find someone new, she'd escape forever. Now you might think this was her running from her problems.

Olivia? Running from her problems?

Never! Don't be so silly she was simple solving her problems the long way~

She finished straightening her hair and made her way out, she grabbed her cellphone and made her way back over to the window. She opened the window and remembered when she used to open it for Leo, when he'd sneak in, or even sneak her out to just…talk.

No! Gosh get a grip of yourself Olivia! She yelled at herself mentally as she got out the window and slammed it behind her. “What an idiot I am, he's nothing but trouble, Olivia, forget it, would you?!” she said as she made her way out and down the street, she was walking to homecoming, her home after all wasn't all that far from the school, and even though she probably could take her mothers car without her noticing…Olivia wasn't exactly a great driver, and driving always had made her nervous. She barely got her licenses as is. Olivia made her way into homecoming, the crowd and bright dresses were the first things that hit her, and in all honesty it made her smile and her own confidence rise. She already forgot about Leo, forgot about all the stupid guys she'd been around, she'd already lost herself in her own excitement.

Until her eyes met the devil.

What a fool she was for thinking it would be a smooth night.

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homecoming dance.

scottie jean clark.




the dance.



Scottie Jean Clark lived for the opportunity to dress up. So homecoming was one of her favorite parts of the school year. She went all out. And Jules had even let her curl her hair. It had lit a fire inside Scottie. Plus, she had a date. A date she was meeting at the dance, but a date nonetheless. She had posted herself on her story which her ex viewed almost immediately, almost as if he had her post notifications on. The notion made her sad. She missed Anthony. She felt slightly guilty about going with a date but it wasn't like they were still together.

But she and Tucker were going as friends. So it didn't count, did it? Scottie had driven herself and Jules to the dance. Jules had been vague about having a date and had practically run out of the car before Scottie could even park. She worried about her sister sometimes.

Scottie walked inside the gym, with her head held high. She was in a pink dress with spaghetti straps. The complete opposite as her sister, per usual. She scanned the gym, not seeing anyone that she knew, or Tucker, so she decided to just wait.

♡coded by uxie♡
Lacey Marie Kavanagh
the chill girl
Getting ready for homecoming with Ines had been one of the most fun things Lacey had done in a bit. Jamming to their favorite songs, doing each other’s hair and makeup, coming up with fake scenarios about how their night would go, and taking photos together was definitely the definition of girlhood, and Lacey wouldn’t change a thing. Even her father offered to take them and she was thankful he wasn’t asked to check on the students; because what was more embarrassing than having your father attending the same school dance as you?

Even if Lacey knew she would never become homecoming queen, she was still excited about that night despite her lack of a date to it, which was okay, because she was an independent woman and didn’t need a guy to take her to the dance and of course it wasn’t because the guy she wanted to go with had already a date. But eventually not having a date ended up becoming boring; as Ines went to be with Drake and the rest of the friends, she had been busy with their dates, and Lacey wasn’t going to become a third wheel. Even if that meant staying all night scrolling on her phone.

Or at least that’s what she thought until she felt a light tapping on her shoulder and even before she could say something Jonah was already sitting next to her when she took a glance at him the first thing she noticed was how handsome Jonah looked in a suit; which she should really stop thinking about it because they were just friends. But how could she do that when the color of his suit enhanced his green-blue eyes? Not when she was resisting the urge to say out loud how much she liked his eyes.

Would he think that she looked pretty? She hoped so, not because she put all of this just for him because otherwise all those hours getting ready would be in vain and then he spoke “You look amazing.” Those three words were enough to send a shiver down her spine and make the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. How a guy who was a stranger a couple of weeks ago became someone who made her feel so many emotions.

She let out a small chuckle when he said she was free to return the compliment.
“Okay, I’ll do it. But I’ll only say it once, so pay attention. Jonah Montgomery, you look really handsome tonight.”
She said playfully.
“So, how is homecoming treating you? Are you having fun or the ones in Seattle are more interesting? Also, shouldn’t you be with Kat since you are her date? But know that I don’t mind your company. I like that you are here... with me.”

mood: giddy
outfit: here
location: homecoming
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Taylor Swift - Enchanted (Taylor's Version)

coded by Stardust Galaxy

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