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New Member
Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone (First year)


A boy name Harry Potter thinks he is nothing special until one day he received a letter addressed ‘cupboard under the stairs’ ... His destiny set in stone as a saver of the wizarding world. Along with his friends can he stop the darkness seeping through the castle, will his foes stand in his way or see their petty fights are nothing compared to he who must not be name. Will the teachers be able to detect the enemy under their noses or maybe just one who lives in the shadows Of the school instilling fear into the students and seems to hear everything... his nickname ’the dungeon bat‘ and how true is it?

Will the golden trio and others undercover the true and save the school?

Our story starts in a small cookie cutter neighbourhood called Little Whinging on a hot summers day with a family called the Dursleys, don’t let their trimmed grass, perfect roses and white picket fence make you believe they are the perfect family far from it ... the secrets they hide from their neighbours and the world.
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