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Fantasy Hand of the All powerful

Annabell, or Bell as she went by, parked her bike at her new school and dismounted. She had just moved from California, and already missed the beach. She made her way in, with her backpack over both shoulders because she was not a freshman who needed to pretend to be cool and merrord sunglasses hiding her green eyes out of genuin nessesity. She was in her stranded comat boots, ripped jeans (light blue today), and her lether jacket over a t-shirt (a old surf one today). She made her way to the office and asked for her schedule befoer being detected to the cafeteria. She put in a headphone and started her book playing befoer making her way where detected and simply showing her ID then she took the slip 9ferd to her and studied it as she made her way to fisrt period Biology where she sat in the middle if the second row still listing to her book and ignoring everyone else around her. She would need to switch math classes as she had alredy passed the one she was put in and did not want to take it again. She had taken off the sunglasses once inside
Unbeknownst to Annabell, the typical teen had a proverbial 'dark cloud' over her head, and a malicious presence that sought out her company. From where this presence was could not be seen, but its intensity could be felt by Annabell and Annabell alone. Whatever it was, it wanted her, for some reason, and lingered around her as she proceeded in her normal everyday school day. For a first day, she would go through a hell of an experience, and it all started with that dark, foreboding feeling of something or someone watching her from beyond. If she was paying attention, she would be able to hear the very light giggling of what sounded to be a woman... Or a girl? It was definitely a female. But the laughter was like whispers and would go unnoticed if not paid any attention to.

Otherwise, Annabell could continue her normal school day is if nothing were happening at all...
Annabelle put the giggling down to the highschool Girls surrounding her. When class started she pulled out the headphones and payed attention, the sound of the teacher drowning out the giggling. Then when the bell rang the headphine came back in as she made her way to the next class, World History. Once again she ignored the giggling.
Eyes followed Annabelle everywhere she went, seeming to watch her from the darkness. In the corner of her eye sometimes she would be able to see the shadow of something that wasn't there, and if she tried to look at it, it would disappear. But the feeling of despair looming over her did not depart. It only thickened as the day went on, until she would be able to feel it and the presence staring at her. The drowned out giggling gradually became louder, until they were incomprehensible words whispered into her ear.

Still, nothing and no one was there.

By this time, Annabelle's own shadow should have felt like it was looking at her, and the eyes that were ever present on her would feel like the stares of her classmates watching her all throughout the day, like she stuck out or something. The incoherent whispering continued whether Annabelle could hear or not, but would stop every now and then when noise died down. It seemed like whatever was whispering at her wanted the whispering to be drowned out by noise, as well as the giggling that came with it every so often.

Even so, other than that feeling of being watched, the shadows in the corner of her eyes, and the whispering, nothing was out of place...
At the end of the Day bell was miserable, she got back on her bike and took off tworrs home only for the noise of the day to follow her, she understood the feeling of being watched at school but not here on the empty open road, she shook it off tho wanting to be home and continued her journey. At home she all but ran into the empty house locking the door behind her and making shure all the windows where closed, locked, and coverd. She couldn't shake the feeling however.
It didn't matter what Annabelle did. The on-and-off whispering persisted, now at different volumes and pitches, as if several people were talking over each other at once. The feeling of being watched when no one was around continued as well, drawing the girl into paranoia.

Suddenly, the whispers stopped.

There was a sound in the house. Something relatively far from her that sounded like heavy footsteps, as if someone were already in the house before she got home. In the corner of her eye, she could see the shadow of a person yet again, but if she tried to look, it would just end up disappearing.

The footsteps continued to approach, however.
Annabelle ran and hid in the bathroom locking the door behind her then sliding into the shower to hide. She was terrified but she syayed low and out if sight campafliging her self with the junk but leaving herself open enough to be able to easily make a run for it. She was nearly silent and used her phone to text her California frend "Call 911 send then to [curnet adress] hurry. Don't call back I'm hiding fir my life"
The sound of Annabelle's running inclined the footsteps to move faster, the noise giving away her general location, but not specifically where she was hidden. It sounded like the footsteps were hot on her trail, but suddenly just... Stopped. Just like with the whispers, the noise of the heavy stepping went away once she was hidden and silent, as if the one to whom they belonged did not know where she was hidden and was confused about where to search.

But that didn't stop them.

Now, the footsteps were slow, each one echoing in the hall toward the bathroom. Slowly, the footsteps became louder and louder, until finally they stopped with their sound as if they were right in front of the bathroom door. With Annabelle completely silent, she would be able to hear even this faint whisper; "I'm Going To Find You." That was when the lights began flickering some, and a dark shadow seemed to be inching its way under the bathroom door, closer and closer as the lights flickered more violently.

After a while, they stopped.

Then, the door handle began to rattle furiously, as if the one who was stalking Annabelle knew of her location. The rattling was so intense, one would think that the doorknob would fall off. There was banging on the door. Violent banging. Banging like it was trying to be broken down. After some time, the lights went out completely, leaving Annabelle in darkness... But, oddly enough, the banging and rattling stopped, too.

There was an eerie quiet... And a foreboding darkness...
Annabelle didn't dare move, she stayed right where she was and prayed the Cops wound be here soon. She didn't even dare check her phone to see if her deed had replied because she didn't want the light to give her away. She stated perfectly still and breathed almost silently.
The darkness did not let up.

Neither did the quiet.

It seemed like the aggressor had given up.

The lights came back on with a bit of a flicker and no movement was heard throughout the household.

It seemed like Annabelle was safe...
Annabelle still did not move from here sopt, she planed to wait for police to arrive. She did decide to check her phone however not that there was light again. She was hoping her friend had don't what she asked and called the cops.
All was silent.

Annabelle, who was still hidden, had evaded what was probably a dangerous situation for her... Or, so she thought.

???: "I'm Going To Get You."

The whisper was as clear as the sound of a bell in her ear, as if someone were right beside her... And if she looked on the reflection of the screen of her phone, she'd be able to see the distorted pale face of someone... A woman with sunken, dark eyes, long black hair, and a wide grin on her face from ear to ear.


The door burst open and darkness of the utmost blackness poured into the bathroom from all around, creeping along the walls, the ceiling, the floor, and over anything in the bathroom. The same shadow that Annabelle had been seeing, and the face that appeared in the reflection of her phone briefly, would emerge from the darkness headfirst, her long, straight hair spilling over her face like a waterfall and into the darkness that was now the floor. Beyond that pale-faced head with the long black hair, there was nothing but darkness; emptiness of the utmost intensity. The bathroom was being swallowed up whole by this darkness, and it all appeared to be spawning from the neck of this head that poked out from it.

???: "You're Mine...!"

Shadows stretched for Annabelle's limbs, trying to bind and restrain her, and even choke and gag her so that she couldn't scream or fight. The darkness was coming one way or another, and if she had no escape, she would be pulled down into it... Into the unknown of whatever this all-consuming darkness was.
Bell was paralyzed by fear and couldn't put up a fight due to that. She was terrified Nd trembling a little she felt herself be bound and gaged and just stared at the face in fear eyes wide then then dropped and closed as she lost counchousnes
The last thing that Annabelle would hear would be the sinister cackling of what sounded to be a little girl. "TEEHEEHEEHEE!!" After that, the darkness took her, and she was transported to a place unknown and unspecified for the time being. She would float through the void of darkness that didn't even allow her to dream whilst she was unconscious, gently falling through the emptiness entangled by its darkness.

After a while, from the ceiling of an unknown location, Annabelle was lowered gently to the ground and onto the dark carpet. The room looked like a completely gothic dollhouse room, fitted with a bed with black lace drapes. The walls of the room seemed to have the print of dark skulls upon them, and the ceiling was completely blackened. There were other things in the room; things that looked like toys. A black ball, some life-sized, very real looking dolls and puppets of variable proportions all against the walls... And a black rocking chair. There were no windows in this room.

Annabelle was left to rest in the middle of the floor on the dark carpet for as long as she would remain unconscious, but when she would awaken, it would be to all of these strange things in the rather dreary room as the only living and breathing thing within it.
Annabell woke up and looked around here fear coming racing back she quickly got up and started to look around. She slowly got up and looked closer the room she saw the ball and thought nothing of it then she examined the dolls and papers not fairing to tuch any of them befoer finaly taking off her boot and jacket, pitinf both at the foot of the bed befer crawling into it and hiding her knees to her chest and just sitting there.
When Annabelle examined the dolls, they were, upon closer inspection, made of flesh. They were dead people that were made to look like dolls; some of them maimed and still bloody. As for the puppets, they had screws in their hands and feet with strings attached and laid limply on the ground. Even the walls, which seemed to have had a dark skull print on it, was found to have a texture that resembled actual skulls protruding from the walls and not wallpaper. It was even worse that these skulls started to shift about the wall, groaning in upset as they did so.

"Those Are The Souls I Have Eaten In My Lifetime," a girlish woman's voice proclaimed, her voice now not a whisper, but her body not visible to the naked eye as of yet. "Those People Are My Dollies That I Played With Until I Got Bored With Them," she went on to say, giggling at the last little bit. "Now, It's Your Turn..."

There was a light tugging at the edge of the bed, which Annabelle should have been able to feel if she were under the covers. The tugging did not stop until she would look at what was pulling at the blanket at its edges.
Bell's body stiffens at the voice and she feels cold dread wash over her at anoucemt she was to be a plaything. She felt the tugging under her but didn't look at first two scared, but then curiosity overwhelmed her and she looked.
Peering out from under the bed was a pale, ghastly face with long, black hair. Only the eyes could be seen, which were almost pitch black, save for the very bright piercing red pupils that were glowing within the darkness of the eye sockets. A horrible noise released from the mouth of this head underneath the bed that would cause a mild headache for a few seconds, and blackened blood would seep out from underneath the bed.

Soon enough, the entire underside of the bed was sinking slowly into the pool of black blood, easing its way down gradually as if it were within quicksand.

When Annabelle looked up from the soul-piercing gaze of the head under the bed, there would be a doll standing straight up in front of her, blood streaming down the face and stained upon the clothes. It was a man in a business suit, whose jaw was hanging agape and pouring out normal colored blood. There was a particularly thick red stain near the stomach of this doll-man, which was gurgling and bubbling a bit. The buttons on the business suit came undone the more the stomach rumbled, and, without warning, the innards exploded out toward Annabelle and all over the still sinking bed. The bloody mess got all over everything in front of it, and even on the walls behind it... But the walls reacted strangely to the occurrence. The skull faces shifted as they wailed and ended up drawing in the blood and guts into the wall itself, eating the flesh and drinking the blood as if they were ravenous monsters. It was likely that to the touch, Annabelle would suffer the same fate, so getting too close to the walls was hazardous.

Even after losing its innards and its entrails were dripping from the stomach, the doll-man did not fall, but his head just hung there with his mouth open, and he stood before Annabelle, motionless.
Annabelle was horrified by all if it, she let out a silent scream then after the explosion if blood and guts she put her hed betwn her knees and closed her eyes tight so not not witnes any more. She strangly knew this was not just a nightmare.
The doll-man stood there for a bit longer before he began to shake. It was mild at first, but then became violent after a short time. He made a strained noise like he was trying to speak, but at the same time, was unable to make any coherent sentences. He reached out his hand to the sinking Annabelle and tried to touch her, seeking to grab her and do God knows what with her.

Likewise, the other doll people and puppets in the area came to life just as the businessman did, each one differently grotesque than the last. One was wearing a hat, but as it moved, the hat fell off to reveal an exposed brain that looked like it was decaying, maggots shifting through it and eating away at it gradually. The hat fell to the ground and the doll person struggled to hobble closer and closer to Annabelle, just as the rest of them did.

A childlike doll had no lower jaw, and the arms attached to its body fell to the ground, hanging by thin strings of tissue and muscle that kept them from disconnecting, but being dragged across the ground as the child-doll walked. It still seemed like it was able to move its barely attached arms, and even to lift them up, despite how little flesh was connecting them. It, too, reached for Annabelle just the same as the rest of the dolls and puppets that surrounded the bed, some of them moaning like zombies.
Bell stayed as she was terrified, she hurd everything around her and she junked away any time someone tries to tuch her. "Please! Please make it stop" she finally got out "Please, please, please...." she kept saying over and over still shaking and trying to protect herself.
The girl's pleas did not go unheard, but they did go unattended... For the moment. The dead dolls would grasp her by her arms and legs, some of them fondling her simultaneously, and throw her back to the ground. The bed continued to sink into the dark, shadowy, bloody floor until it was no more, and all that was left in the room were the dead dolls, Annabelle, some toys, and the rocking chair... But, there was a door in that room, despite there being no windows in the room, and the door seemed to lead out of the room.

"... Run..." a voice whispered to Bell again, the dolls and puppets lurching toward her, seeming to be pulled by thin black threads something like spiderwebs from the ceiling. If she looked up, she'd see the face of the woman from before, smiling at her with her pale face and blackened eyes. She was the one pulling the strings... Literally.

The danger of the situation increased swiftly once it was known that some of the dolls had weapons -- mostly knives -- and were ready to use them. There was no way that Annabelle was going to stay in the room and live. The woman laughed like a manic child at Annabelle, waiting to see what she would do now that the doll-people and puppet-people were equipped with knives and ready to kill her.
Annabelle looked up at the voice then arond again until she fount the door then she scrabled to grab her jacket and boots yanking both on and closed befoer she took the knives from several dolls call not to get cut and ran for the door, of it was koked she intended to kick it down which his what she took the time to put on her shoes. Once through she kept running
The laughter continued. "TEEHEEHEEHEE!!" the woman cackled, watching blissfully all the while as the young Annabelle scurried and scrambled about. Some of the dolls and puppets took swings at her as she got her things, but for the most part, she was successful in obtaining her possessions without getting injured. The dolls continued to chase after Annabelle when she ran out of the room, but they cluttered the doorway and did not pass through.

There was a long corridor right outside of the door that led deep into what looked like a manor, walls still lined with dark skulls the same way as in the doll room. There were many doors that were down this corridor and what looked like stairs leading down, however they were far away.

"How Do You Like My House?" the woman asked as the dolls came through finally, shuffling like zombies toward Annabelle's direction. The doors in the manor swung open with great force, revealing numerous other rooms that Annabelle could not peer into because the darkness was too thick. In front of Annabelle, where some doors were open, strange and deformed creatures with multiple arms or legs came out, their flesh barely on their skin and their faces blank with soullessness. They tried to block off the path to the stairway, and many of the open doors began sucking in air with great force, trying to pull Annabelle in... Or at least knock her off of her feet so the dolls could get her.

On the walls, the faces of the lost souls that looked like skulls shifted around, moaning painfully and stretching out into the midst of the corridor, trying to create a wall. "Careful Now..." the woman said, "If You Are Reckless, You'll Lose Your Soul... Those Walls Are Looking For Some Extra Fodder." Again she cackled, watching as the house's features and the creatures tried to close in around Annabelle whilst she ran for dear life.
Annabelle ran until she tried then she rolled over and got back up taking a defensive stance insed and helped two if the knives she had stooled, one in each hand, and slashed anything that git with in arms reach if her.

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