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Fandom Gundam Build Fighters:NEXT

“Well,I'm sure both of you will get it eventually. Sooner or later.”

Kotori casually strode off,leaving Jing,Illya and Archer even more confused.
“I do.”

He looked at 00 QAN[T].

“....QAN[T]'s only reserved for Setsuna. Not me. Destiny's a reason Setsuna and I found ourselves back in Gunpla Battles. And....I've been meaning to tell you this earlier,but...I should be the one thanking you for getting us (Setsuna and Jing) back into Gunpla Battle.”

Archer and Illya were confused at the last part for a brief moment.
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Illya somehow understood what he meant. She smiled and would say, "So you and he..... Are one in the same." She then looked at Jing, who the later had been surprised. "That's something we newtypes and Innovators can do right? Sense feelings and such?"
"When we are at the tournament Saturday, don't lose until we make it to the final round. There, we should fight using our Destiny Gundams and show them just how strong a friendship we have."

Jing smiled as he kept 00 QAN[T] in his Gunpla sack.

“Destiny and I won't be taken down until our duel. We'll make sure of it.”
“I feel that someone else who heard this will get the wrong idea somehow...”

Jing responded,sweatdropping nervously upon hearing what Illya had said.
Somewhere else, Barthes noticed his associate was shuddering. He himself was applying healing ointment on his scalp. "Something a matter?" He asked her.

For some reason I feel like punching that idiot (not Barthes) across the room...

Both Jing and Illya were the last to enter,where they would find that the lights were off.

“It has gotten pretty late after all...I should apologise to Elizabeth for having to get the girls to sleep tomorrow.”

He sat on the couch,taking 00 QAN[T] out and putting it beside Destiny.
Illya would rub her right eye with her right hand. "It is getting late." She brought her hand down and would just lay down where she was standing at. "Have a nice rest." She said, before falling asleep.
Stunned at the fact that she choose to sleep there,Jing shook his head in disapproval as he stood up.

The next morning
Illya found herself in the master bedroom,no longer was she resting on the floor,instead she was gently tucked into bed. It didn't look like the room had been touched before,if one willingly excludes the room being clean and all.

Everyone else (except Hibiki,who was still sleeping to recover from her lack of sleep) was eating cheese omelettes for breakfast.
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Illya got out of bed and rubbed her eyes. "Did I get teleported or something?" She asked herself. Archer was waiting at the door and replied, "No, someone carried you in here." "Really? Who?" "Spoilers." Illya looked at Archer shocked. "When did you learn to be smart?!" "Who do you think?" She asked, grinning smugly. "You idiot! You know acting like that can get you on my bad side, right?!" "I don't really care." Illya fell.

Elizabeth would say, "Sounds like she's up. Quite funny how Kagu-Tori was the one who taught her those manners and not you however." She said, looking at Kotori.
“Not that I mind. I really should thank Illya for this~”

Kotori smirked mischievously while Jing was checking the Destiny.

Nothing's wrong with Destiny so far. Especially after the time he and I went ballistic against the Chaos Berserker. Still....

He raised his right arm to look at his cast.

I never wore an "Ultrasound Cast" before....to see it make my injury less effective and boost my arm's recovery is a little...chilling. I should go get my arm checked on and let Illya put this on for her arm. Seems it can be adjusted to fit onto her arm after all.
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Archer dashed down the hall, carrying something, as was Illya chasing after her.

"Damn it Archer! I told you to stop, and you retaliate by stealing my cutting tool?!" "You need to take a chill pill!" Archer countered, before leaping on to the table and turning around. She then stuck her tongue out, and pulled a lid down, like yesterday to Barthes.

Illya stood, shaking as a aura of red flame surrounded her.
“It sure is lively today....”

“So is it a good thing or a bad thing for you?”

“I don't even know the difference anymore.”

Archer went to take cover behind Jing.
"Setsu, can you please be a shield? I'm not capable of using one outside the battle table."

Illya would step forward several places, but then a nock at the door distracted her. "Who was that?"
When Jing opened the door, Hiro was there, with a couple of strange spy looking guys knocked out and held by their collars, one thug for each hand. "Jing, Illya, you have to hide."
“Why? Who are-”

He noticed a particularly familiar initials on the men's coats. Jing widened his eyes in horror as he realises who they are.

“Gunpla Mafia!?”
"They sure aren't pizza boys." Hiro said, somewhat joking.

Illya noticed Hiro had no shirt on. "Did any of them-" "No, I actually got a jump on them. I have no shirt on because I was doing some excersie and body/mind training. Sekai actually recommended that to me the other day." He then shook his head. "Regardless, you two need to hide for a bit. I'll try holding them off, but I will need help." Hibiki would walk into the room at that time to see Hiro, with no shirt on. Illya heard a gasp, like someone was taken aback by something, and turned around to see Hibiki, who's face was red and blushing.

Hiro would ask, "Is something wrong?"

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