Groth-Lakkar, The Dark


We're only getting older, let's enjoy ourselves.
It would be a lie if any mortal being claimed to know where this dimension came from. It might even be a lie if a God claimed such, as this place, commonly known as The Dark, is not one to give up it's secrets easily. Not even to the damned few that try to use it's power to fuel their own ambitions, to aid their magic, and of course, sacrifice to the Groth-Lakkar.

There are many theories to how Groth-Lakkar even formed. The leading theory is that residue from Gods clashing created this long ago. All magic has residue or waste, be it sprays of energy or ash. When Gods cast magic, residue is much more prominent. So a clash of Gods results in an extreme buildup of magical energy, which can't just stay in the world. It is said the Gods created a dimension to put all this energy, and upon condensing all this, sentient beings formed. Of course, this could be completely false, but is the lead theory because of so little actual evidence.

The only thing confirmed about the dimension, is the horrible creatures that live within, and the black corrupting power that emanates from it. People seek these beings for forbidden knowledge and secrets. Many things can be achieved from such a place, dark powers that sap life and soul, that give you secrets of your enemies, that give you strange rituals to give nightmares to your enemies. The Groth-Lakkar promises great power, but at a terrible price.

If one is brave, or foolish, enough to accept the Groth-Lakkar, they are sentenced to a cursed existence, one where they need to feed on life, one where they need to sacrifice and feed The Dark. The Ancient Gods that dwell in the Groth-Lakkar demand sacrifice, they demand life. They give secrets that is not theirs to give, and knowledge forbidden by the Gods. Still, despite the punishments of following such horrible beings, they still manage to hold followers and cultist.

During the chaos of the clashes of empires, cults were able to form worshiping these Ancient Beings. These cultists thrived for a long while, causing terror and harm wherever they were set up. Luckily for the world, it seemed everyone and almost every God were against these creatures, and swarmed to destroy them. Even with the chaos in the world, it seemed they were a common threat, enough to unite against them, and destroy them.

While many of the died with their clans, the more powerful survived, and came together to attempt to retake the world. While they never succeeded in such, they were able to recreate the most powerful of the Cults-the C'Ferox (Ca Feros). These Cultists dwell deep underground, waiting for the day they can rise up and take the surface world.

Common Deities and Gods that they worship are Talahkas, Enivri, Alagash, Re'lar, and Gora'lac. Some say Groth-Lakkar IS a being itself, but nobody knows if that's true, or if someone does, they haven't told anyone.
Here would be some Gods and pictures of Groth-Lakkar:

Talahkas-Spawn of the Forgotten

Enivri- The Corrupter

Alagash- He who comes in the Dark

Re'Lar-The Ancient One

Gora'Lac- The Silent Shouter

N'Zaro-The Consumer

Sarrowlok-The Outsider

Xagyg-Keeper of Secrets

Yig-Xavoth-The Thing that should not be


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