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Realistic or Modern GRIT

The harsh wastelands glares before him. Tarlac's eyes set deadlock on what's ahead. Wherever he's going. He can feel there is a place on where he can take a break for a short while. An old man like him shouldn't be walking around aimlessly. He might be tired physically but his feet are taking him to a place where he can see population.
And so right across the fields of the wasteland. There stood a slim figure that he couldn't figure out much. Tarlac's eyes were trying their hardest to visualize this unexpected person. It seems like they want to talk. Tarlac stayed in his spot with a firm stance. "May i help you son?" He said with his low manly voice. The tone of the stranger was slightly rude but that's something he can forgive for now. Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
Reaching out as far as he could Jonsi took hold of the reins. Then carefully as could be slipped off of Morgan's horse and walked up to his own. Receiving a disapproving snort from the beast. "Now now. You're not the one to throw a tantrum. He wouldn't have had to help if you didn't go and run off now." He gave her a light swat on the butt. "Let's get back into town. I don't much like being out here in the open. Gods know what filth is runnin about." Sticking his foot in the stirrup and getting a firm grip on the horn of the saddle he attempted to haul himself up into it. He tried several times but sadly could barely get himself halfway up. Defeated sigh heaving through his chest he gave a few special clicks with his tongue and Pepita moved to help. Turning her head back towards him, putting her head under his bum and giving a push as he tried again. Keeping it there until he was fully mounted on the saddle.
"Good...girl...F-fi....nal...ly..." He huffed and puffed. Trying hard to keep his cool expression. "Come on...Morgan...let's not...ugh...dillydally."
Welwordion Welwordion
Morgan was not one to make fun of an ill man in fact it would rather illicit a certain melancholy from him, as to many memories of his memories were tinged with looking at an ill person. So Morgan simple nodded and said“ The general store should be closest from here.”
The ran the horses at a slight gallop to not waste time and arrived undisturbed at the store.

When they entered a loud male voice resounded from the store:”You trying to mess with me old hag?!?” “Mister I just said the thing you are trying to buy was already preordered by …AHHH”
The sentence was never finished as a hefty muscular guy with a bull neck was holding a grey haired serious looking lady in a long dark dress up by the collar screaming at her, while driblets of spit flew from his mouth. Jonsi who had entered first did his best trying to ignore the situation
walking up to the counter which was manned by a frightened looking young lad, however because the old lady struggled too much, the man had to take a step back and collided with Jonsi. Throwing the coughing woman to the ground he turned around focusing on Jonsi:” You wanna meddle in my affairs beanstalk, a little twerp like you should have better stayed out of other people's business! Now you gonna have to get a lesson from me” the big man spouted while cracking his knuckles.
Axeykins Axeykins
"Sounds good. I need some supplies, I'm damn near run dry on em." He responded with a tired sigh. Hoping this would be smooth sailing afterwards. Supplies, rest and eventually leaving this podunk town.

Sadly. That was not so, as they entered upon the scene of some brute harassing the shopkeeper. He simply bumped into this Neanderthal on accident and was wrapped up in it. "I don't think you wanna do that bud. You bumped into me y'know? And I ain't here to start nothin that you can't finish. You're best takin what ya want and hoppin' right on out of here or else. An consider yourself lucky you got a warning too" Jonsi's hand slipped down to rest on the butt of a long barreled pistol at his side.
"Is that right?" The man looked him up and down with a devilish smile. As if this twig could ever do anything to him. Grabbing Jonsi tightly by the collar he easily lifted the featherweight off of the ground. "I'll snap you like a twig before you get the chance." He hissed. Tightening his grip.
Quick as a flash Jonsi whipped out the pistol. Aiming at the man's shoulder and firing. The gun made an awful clanking noise as the bullet jammed. "Dammit." He growled under breath. Wriggling and writhing around.
"I thought so. You can't do shit to me little man." With a loud chortle he yanked at the long end of Jonsi's scarf. Which was, to say the least. His last mistake.
The young man's eyes widened. He grabbed a long jagged knife crafted from a beast's fang strapped to the back of his belt and went at the man like a cornered animal. Jabbing it repeatedly into his shoulder until he finally roared in pain and dropped him.
"Next time. You won't get any warning..." He spat a harsh warning as he sat up rubbing his back. If the young man hadn't hit the ground so hard there was no doubt he would have done far more to the brute for daring to touch something so valuable to him.
Welwordion Welwordion

( FireMaiden FireMaiden @Eternal_Cookie Safety Hammer Safety Hammer )
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What was he expecting from the guy? His life story? So when the old man didn't answer his question and instead asked one of his own, Connor was not to bothered by it. He was only slightly annoyed, and expressed that annoyance through grunting quietly. "Yeah, I could use some help patching m'self up." He said, raising his wounded hand, blood already showing through the makeshift wrapping. He could've just shot the old man and taken what he had and tried to patch himself up. But, again, it was his main hand that had the knife wound in it, and he probably wouldn't be able to draw fast enough with his off hand to get an accurate shot off at the old man.
The muscular man was holding his shoulder with his other arm while his face distorted by pain, providing a constant muttering of curses from his mouth.
However even a person like that had enough sense of self preservation to not try to attack jonsi again, especially when Morgan finally arrived at jonsi’s side making it clear with his posture the guy would have to fight two against one if he tried anything else. With hate filled stares and gnashing teeth the muscle man retreated to the door and disappeared to the street.

The old lady meanwhile raised herself from the ground and put her appearance in order, with a stern face she walked up to Jonsi and suddenly grabbed his hand in both of hers.” Thank you young man, if not for your courageous help who knows what else that brute would have done.”
A gentle smile appeared on this formerly stern face. “Let me invite you and mister Grou to dinner at our family home, its the least I can do for my saviour.” “That really not necessary…” Jonsi began. “ No wrong modesty mister.. ah how impolite of me, I am erika maxwell may I inquire your name?” he was interrupted by the energetic old lady. “ Well my name is Jonsi Hallæri, but...” this time it was Morgan who interrupted Jonsi. ”Ah of course we accept your invitation miss maxwell, after all it would terrible impolite to refuse your showing of gratitude.” “ Splendid, Martin run to your mother and inform her we will have two guests at dinner.” “Yes, grandma.” the boy behind the counter said and left through a door in the back. “You know where our home is Mister Grou so I count on you to successfully deliver this young man there.” “Of course Miss Maxwell.” “ Now you probably came to buy something.” While Miss Maxwells back was turned Jonsi angrily looked at Morgan , who just raised an eyebrow and silently mouthed ‘won’t kill you ’.
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"You don't know that." He responded curtly. Wishing to elaborate, but hesitating. This guy didn't need to know the extent of his paranoia around strangers. Hauling himself off of the floor with a strained grunt he shot Morgan another displeased glare. Not breaking it much as he picked up various items he needed. Dried and salted foods, new blankets, sugar cubes and many more odds 'n ends. Tying it firmly to his horse and promptly covering everything with ratty old blankets. Ready to go to dinner finally. He shuddered at the thought of 'agreeing' to this.

"Alright." He pat Pepita on the hindquarters after tying her up and turned to Morgan. The house loomed behind them, just....staring at him. "s'pose I'm as ready as I'm going to be." He shivered, wrapping his long scarf tighter around himself. Hiding the bone decorations and haphazardly stitched on patches of his old general's uniform as best he could. "I ah, um....this is awfully kind Morgan but I dunno. You sure this alright? I'm not, exactly the person ya just invite to dinner and look like somethin the Scrappers chewed up and spat out again. Probably smell like it too." He grimaced.
Welwordion Welwordion

FireMaiden FireMaiden @Eternal_Cookie Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom JR McCormick JR McCormick
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Heavy steel toed boots stomped their way across the wooden floor of the saloon. Causing the planks underneath to creak and groan dangerously. A mountain of a man shoved his way directly into the center of the establishment. Getting nervous glances from every patron there as the musty light glinted off of a gilded badge pinned to his chest. His garments may have been old and tattered but he was by far no ordinary official. That was more than apparent.

“LISTEN UP!” His voice boomed deeply. Sending a shock through everyone around and forcing their attention to him. “There’s about to be some changes round these parts. Now, as y’all know. The summer months are comin up real fast. Which means those damned bandits and all ilk like em are gonna be at their worst. Don’t know bout you, but I’m sick of it and so are the Big Dogs sittin up in the big cities are as well.” He crossed his arms over his massive chest as he began to pace. His gaze colder than the blizzards up in the Spine. “And their finally going to show these filth just how hard they can bite. Boys and Girls, we present to you the Clean Slate initiative. What is it you may ask, welp.” He motioned for several curriers to pass out the flyers. Poor fellows look exhausted, certainly busy spreading the word of whatever this was today.

“Welp, we’re gonna tear these varmints apart from both outside and inside. Bounties from here on out will be increased by a substantial amount. Bigger the target the more the bounty is increased. Higher for if ya bring em in alive.” He stopped in the center of the room again. “And for those that are on our top most wanted lists? Well, doubled bounties for dead. Triple if ya bring em in alive plus….if you happen to be one of the scum listed or hunted or have any sort of seedy past, all past crimes will be wiped clean. You will be free from bein charged for em no matter how atrocious they may have been. Doesn’t excuse you from anything you commit after that but hey, least they can’t book ya anymore for the past. Not to mention a bounty wiped back down to zero. You’ll be a free man from all of it. Now, any questions? We got a lot more places to hit up in this town so hurry it up.”

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer FireMaiden FireMaiden JR McCormick JR McCormick Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Welwordion Welwordion Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre rubycats rubycats @Eternal_Cookie
What was he expecting from the guy? His life story? So when the old man didn't answer his question and instead asked one of his own, Connor was not to bothered by it. He was only slightly annoyed, and expressed that annoyance through grunting quietly. "Yeah, I could use some help patching m'self up." He said, raising his wounded hand, blood already showing through the makeshift wrapping. He could've just shot the old man and taken what he had and tried to patch himself up. But, again, it was his main hand that had the knife wound in it, and he probably wouldn't be able to draw fast enough with his off hand to get an accurate shot off at the old man.
"Perhaps, i could help you." Tarlac told the man with a strict tone. His mechanical arm puffed a small puff of steam from between it joints. This comes off from time to time. The man was a complete stranger to him but who knows, gotta do what he does best. He took a few steps closer to the stranger.
Bailey would immediately glance at Tyr, well aware if his past. It's how they met after her, her hand instinctively going to her stomach. "Tyr, this is your chance! Your name could be cleared!" She said with a smile. With her help of course, cause you know, her brothel pretty much ran itself, and the girls were more than capable of handling themselves for whenever she could help him. "Doesn't seem like a good idea?" Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Looking Jonsi up and down Morgan decided he might indeed be in need of a cleanup. “Let us get you a bath first we have enough time left and maybe we can even do something about your clothes.

After a short trip to the back of the saloon, they were led in through the back door by enrico’s wife, jonsi received two buckets of hot water from the kitchen, a bar of soap and some private time in the family's bathtub, while morgan after dusting himself of proceeded to the attic, where ,his room and most of his old stuff resided. After digging through his leftover clothes for quite a while, he found a suit he had been forced to wear as a young lad for more serious occasions and which he never gifted away for sentimental reasons.

A hour later both of them stood before the home of Miss Maxwell, missing the announcement in the saloon through unfortunate timing. Jonsi seemed particularly uncomfortable in his new outfit, which looked one or two numbers to large on his skeletal frame despite it originally being worn by a half grown lanky lad. Despite that both of them smiled politely when miss Maxwell warmly welcomed them, though calling Jonsis smile stiff would have been an understatement.
Bailey would immediately glance at Tyr, well aware if his past. It's how they met after her, her hand instinctively going to her stomach. "Tyr, this is your chance! Your name could be cleared!" She said with a smile. With her help of course, cause you know, her brothel pretty much ran itself, and the girls were more than capable of handling themselves for whenever she could help him. "Doesn't seem like a good idea?" Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
The old outlaw rubbed his head. This.. this was a lot to take in. On one hand he could get his name and record cleared. But on the other, these lawmen might decide to delve into his past and find an old bounty or two. Scratching his growing stubble, and finishing his drink, he looked back over at Bailey. "Hun, I can't guarantee that I'll come back safe from this. For all I know this could be my last ride." The farm hand said, before holding his beau's hand.
"But if you want this, you know that I will do anything for you."
FireMaiden FireMaiden
The old outlaw rubbed his head. This.. this was a lot to take in. On one hand he could get his name and record cleared. But on the other, these lawmen might decide to delve into his past and find an old bounty or two. Scratching his growing stubble, and finishing his drink, he looked back over at Bailey. "Hun, I can't guarantee that I'll come back safe from this. For all I know this could be my last ride." The farm hand said, before holding his beau's hand.
"But if you want this, you know that I will do anything for you."
FireMaiden FireMaiden
"You wouldn't be doing it alone," Bailey said with a smile, "I'd be coming along. Besides, you're gonna be a daddy, and I can't let you have all these bounty hunters be gunning for your ass. Makes life difficult for everyone now doesn't it?" She asked, just casually dropping a hint she was pregnant. Well, more like dropping the bomb that she is.
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The young man cleaned up nice. Under all of the grime and with his scruffy hair slicked back neatly he was actually a good looking man. Very light dusty blond hair and soft pale blue-ish grey eyes set on a lightly tanned face with few scars to it, despite all the years in his profession. Only thing off putting was the sunken in flesh of his cheeks and under his eyes. Making his features sharp.

Jonsi kept a few things from his other attire, stuffing the rest in a large saddle bag on Pepita to be washed later. Mainly the belts so the clothes Morgan have him wouldn't just fall right off in the middle of dinner and his usual scarf. The only thing that was always kept clean as could be on him.
"You're too kind. Really. " He spoke politely to the old woman through clenched teeth. His stomach churned from the nerves. These people were strangers to him, but so kind already. He had to wrack his brain for polite things to say at a dinner. Stuff he had locked away for years. Not to mention remembering not to say too much either.
"It's ah...been a long time since I been invited to anything this generous. Sorry if my manners are a lil, lacking?"
Welwordion Welwordion
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“Don’t worry young man, I know that man on their own are always a little rough around the edges and besides you two guest it is just the family around.

They followed the old lady through a short corridor, decorated by several photographs, to a wide dining room. A dark elegantly carved rectangular wooden table dominated the space, covered with a white tablecloth and surrounded by chairs of the same dark wood with embroidered upholstery. On the tablecloth beautiful chinaware could be seen and on two of the chairs people were already seated, one was the young boy from the counter of the general store, while the other was a man looking slightly older than Morgan, which had an obvious similarity of features to the boy.

After some polite greetings, finding out that the man was indeed the father of the boy and married to Miss Maxwell's first born daughter. Two woman arrived from the kitchen with a serving cart full of steaming food. Both women looked similar to each other and in turn to miss Maxwell though their hair was a dark shade of maroon, while miss Maxwell Hair had already faded to grey. The younger woman was still in her twenties and had a charming face slightly marred by a frown on her face, she threw a short disapproving look at her mother when they made eye contact, conveying the message the were still going to talk about this later, before changing her expression to a smile that was just a hint to tight and such managed to induce an inkling of fear in those unprepared and observant enough to notice . When the whole delicious looking food finally found a place on the table the young lady mustered jonsi curiously before finally seating herself beside him.
Axeykins Axeykins
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Mahala had only recently gotten into town and set her caravan up right near the general store and visible from the saloon hoping to catch the eyes of folks already looking to spend some money. After having gotten mostly situated, paid some grooms to tend the horses and arranged a watch to be put on her livelihood, she made her way to the saloon itself, intending to unwind a bit and mingle with what few faces she may recognize before getting to work the following day.
Her casual approach was turned more heedful as a booming voice inside became more and more audible to her. "City 'dogs' and outlaws, at war? Sounds like serious business. Good business..." She eavesdropped for a bit before walking into the back end of the the announcement, pronounced gait clearly noticeable to those with an ear for it. She'd briefly thought to point out that giving criminals pardon for bringing in criminals would do less for safety and more to insure that only the most vicious sorts would endure. This was no doubt either a harebrained ploy or a trap designed to persuade the strong devour the weak only turn on them too. Mahala did well to not be inflammatory towards lawmen and decided instead to practice silence as she went past. The attention of most patrons was on the lawman and his couriers, so she did her best to not draw any unnecessary attention to herself, least not presently. This was to no avail, no doubt. To say her bare feet, flowing clothes and bright jewelry stuck out like a sore thumb would be an understatement.
There were a few faces she recognized, most focused on something else. Mahala elected to wait until she got a better feel for the room to be her usual outgoing self.

@whoever is in the saloon and wanting to interact
"Um..ah...I swear I'll try ta be on my best behavior Ma'am." He laughed nervously. It was all so, fancy. Or at least fancy to him. Silverware, fine china, table cloth, an actual table and chairs. And some quite kind and attractive looking company and more company than he had previously expected to begin with. Something straight out of a dream.

"I really can't thank you enough. This is all so. Nice." He looked around the table, giving them all a genuine soft smile. Petering out to a more sheepish one as his eye caught the young woman beside him. She was beautiful, reminded him of...no no no. There was only one for him, unrequited as the love may be he couldn't forsake his dearest Death. Face flushing a slight rosy shade, his stomach churned dangerously. A combination of the smell of food and company surrounding him bringing a slew of nervousness to the surface. Aside from Morgan, whom he barely knew anyways, everyone here was a complete stranger. Gulping hard he glanced around the table "Ah-haha. So, I guess we dig in now?" He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Politely waiting for a few moments in case they were the whole prayers type before each meal before diving in. Figuring the more his gullet was stuffed with food and drink the less he would have to talk to the company around him and the far less of a chance to make a stuttering fool of himself around them either. It was going to happen sooner or later but best put it off as much as humanly possible now. He gulped again and tugged at the edge of his scarf as his face flushed more. Hoo boy, he really shoulda slowed down on that liquor a bit. It was a bit more potent than expected, either that or he wasn't as tolerant as he used to be.
Welwordion Welwordion

( Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Safety Hammer Safety Hammer @Eternal_Cookie )
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"Good, good." Connor said as he kicked Stepper closer to the man. "Just need it wrapped real tight, and I can't really do that with one hand." As he got closer to the old man, he offered his bloody hand. With his other one, he casually put it on his revolver. He wasn't grabbing at it, he was just making sure the other guy didn't try any funny business. Even if the guy broke his arm, he was certain he wouldn't miss this close. Not to mention he's gone through worse.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
“Well, what brought you to Fort Drake Mister Hallæri?” Lianas , the elder daughter’s, husband asked curiously. Jonsi tongue was already loosened by the alcohol and such he just spurted put “Just passing through, running from my past and the mistakes I made.” This caused a slight shift of attention as everyone curiosity to this mysterious past was sparked and the fantasy of some people on the table already began to exert itself. “Mister Hallæri in my experience everyone that runs had to stop at some point.” Ines the younger sister said. “Also have you considered that maybe you have run far enough, this is not the worst place to start over.” Miss Maxwell added. “ I fear my past is a little more tenacious than that Ma'am, though this town really has been a nice place so far” “Well for now let us give some rest to Mister Hallæri and enjoy this wonderful dinner and company”,Morgan interjected trying to give some leeway to Jonsi, starting a discussion about local trade and what the ongoing of the town.
Axeykins Axeykins
"It's alright Morgan I don't mind. Gotta slow it down anyway or I'll ruin it by getting sick all over, doubt the Missus here would like that." He covered his mouth as he tried hiding a small heave, before going for another drink to wash it down. "Besides, best enjoy the company and nice conversation while I can. Before that tenacious past finally catches up and finishes the job it started. Or that reaaal charmer of a man you got to meet at the bar eh Morgan?" Without much thought he rubbed his tender gut. Feeling the scars through the fabric. "Course you may be right though lil Miss, real tough to run anymore...*hic*...S'pose I could try and find my mother, gypsy caravans should be bringin spring trades in and hangin round the towns during the summer months right? R' maybe see if my old man will give me some honest work to do again in his musty ol' bank....do y'know of Monsieur Thomas? Real nice man. I been such a hellion but he always welcomes me back.ha." He leaned forward and rest his forearms on the table. Cold sweat beading up on his forehead as he was beginning to feel his body screaming at him for inhaling his food and drink. "....Aaah, probably just nothin but a fever dream. I done things that'd make the Devil look like a saint! Raiding camps, burnin things, robbing some poor S.O.Bs. Know what I mean?" He let out a rather light hearted laugh.
Welwordion Welwordion
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Quincy Lane Jain
Dust-covered with a cigar hanging out between her lips, the woman rode into town and found a post out of the way to dismount and tie her horse to. Taking a deep breath, the woman briefly tilted down the front of her hat, peering through her spectacles at her unusually disheveled self. The saloon ahead, she took a moment to straighten herself up- adjusted her belt, fixed the collar of her shirt, then her coat, tugged at the cuffs of her sleeves. For a brief moment she dug into the pocket of her shirt and pulled out the signature sheriff star pin, though hers is beaten and her name has been scratched off its back. Jain sighs and hides it back away, not yet knowing how well the local folk like the good old stars. Better appear as a passing traveler than be mistaken as an officer. Her thoughts on the matter subsiding, the woman stepped forward and into the salon, taking a moment to look around at its occupants before going to find a spot at the bar.

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