
Location: Apartment/Warrington Avenue Station
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Fredrick Todd
Truth be told, once he got home Freddy didn't sleep much.

For some people who went into the world of heroics, they had their claim to fame handed to them, maybe a magic item chose them and only them to protect Earth, or maybe you gain abilities at a young age that allow you to stand toe to toe with gods, or maybe their legacy and wealth allowed them an easy way to gain the knowledge needed to protect people.

Freddy never had any of that.

When he and his brother were born, they were the bastards of the bastard of the Bat-Family. They had no sort of claim to a proud legacy, their mother worked a job that was just above minimum wage, and the only sort of fighting experience they would ever get was when some idiot at school tried to start a fist fight or if they had some afternoon Judo class. Freddy wasn't the smartest, wasn't the strongest and defiantly wasn't the most qualified, the only thing Freddy had over anybody was the he planned everything he did out to the smallest detail, so if someone who planned better than him were to come along, the only thing left that would make him even slightly worthy to call himself the Red Hood would be his name. It was a name that most people wouldn't be proud of, and a name that had seemed to give him nothing but trouble recently, but after the loss of his mother and his brother, that dammed name seemed like the only thing that he had left at this point, and that's why it was so hard for Freddy to come to terms with the fact that for him to continue to be effective in any way he'd have to drop the name!

It's also why he stayed up until eight in the morning thinking about his upcoming decision. The name was why he woke up late and had to skip a shower the name was why he had to stuff whatever notes he'd taken over the years into a bag before running out the door, and the name was why he showed up at Warrington thirty minutes late, looking like a disheveled mess with bags under his eyes, his black hair tossed every which way and his breathing heavy.

Freddy approached Drake once he saw him slowly, watching as the relatively few people in the station began to filter out, some heading to the street level, while others walked through the turnstiles and onto the platform. One Freddy was sure everyone had left, he turned to Drake and tossed his bag to him, "In that bag is a few of the notes I've taken over the years. After every outing I have, I record a summary of everything that happened on paper, go over what I did well and what I did poorly, then lastly take all of my notes and log them into a computer. It helps me learn from my mistakes and keep myself organized, I brought it with me because I think it's something you should start doing, I also figured we could use it to try to learn from my past mistakes..." Freddy then finally spoke to Drake slightly more casually, "Anyways Drake, how are you? And, more importantly, what do you have for me?"
Location: Warrington Avenue Station
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Drake Swift, NeoShade
Drake was looking at his new watch he got from Marcel's little easter egg hunt. Drake eventually leaned on wall as he waited. Then finally Freddy showed up. Drake barely caught the bag. "So these are pretty much your biography as a vigilante? I hope it's a good read" Drake joked looking into the bag of papers. "I'm doing pretty good, slept great. Thanks for asking" Drake said happily.

Then Drake walked over to an empty bench with no ones else nearby. "NoOne left me a list of things that I had to go fine in a little Easter egg hunt. Why the hell he couldn't just leave them in base only that paranoid bat hater knows" Drake commented rolling his eye. "Anyways my good man what I have here first is credit chips to help fund your actions or to buy bread as he left this note with them as well" Drake said pulling out Freddy's share of credit chips with a note saying "buy better bread" and handed it to Freddy.

"Next up we have is this beauty of tech and style." Drake said pulling out a nice looking hi tech watch that looked exactly the same as the one on his own wrist. "This baby is it at or at least seem to be on the edge of watch technology. It has commutators for us to stay in contact, GPS, WiFi, and more" Drake said handing it to Freddy. "Then finally, the most important object, the one you've been waiting for, the data drive with your information and the connectors and adapters to read it" Drake said handing the bag with the items in it to Freddy.
Location: Warrington Avenue Station
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Fredrick Todd

As soon as Drake handed Freddy the note about buying better bread, Freddy crumpled up the note and threw it behind him almost immediately, not even giving the slight jab a second thought; he did however, graciously accept the credit chips and stuffed them deep into his pockets.

Once Drake began to show off the watch however, a mixture of interest, confusion and caution came across Freddy's face as he snatched the watch out of Drake's hands,
"Hey, maybe don't go bragging about a high tech watch and expensive watch in a station where young dumb idiots with dreams of being the next master thief might reside..." Freddy shook his head and put on the watch before pulling on his long sleeves over the watch in some attempt to make the watch not as obvious. Freddy then nodded once he got the data drive and just stared at the object that held the information that had made his life so difficult in just a few short seconds before pocketing it as well.

Once he was sure that everything Drake had given him was safely hidden on his person and that he was ready to head out, Freddy gestured to the door with his head,
"So then, are you ready to head out, or are we waiting for something else?"
Location: Warrington Avenue Station
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Drake Swift, NeoShade
"Point taken... I just wanted to act a little like those tech guys in those spy movies. You know the ones that show off the fancy gadgets." Drake commented when Freddy snatched the watch out of his hand. Then after Freddy finished hiding his new items gestured to the door and asked if Drake was ready to go. "I got nothing else to do, so lead the way." Drake said shrugging before heading out the door. "Hey, why does NoOne care about you buying bread?" Drake asked curiously.
Location: Warrington Avenue Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Fredrick Todd
Freddy stood up and began to walk towards the door, gesturing towards Drake to talk as they walked, sighing in annoyance as Drake asked why exactly NoOne even cared about what kind of bread he had, "It's...It's a whole thing. He got into contact with me by breaking into my house and treating himself to some toast and apparently I buy bad bread and yada yada yada. It's not something that matters at all, just so happens that I bought store brand bread the one time I should've been trying to impress one arguably one of the most impressive vigilantes of our time..."
Location: Warrington Avenue
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Drake raised his eyebrow at Freddy's story. "So NoOne broke into your house, stole your food, and complained about. Huh I thought he had more manners then that" Drake said following Freddy. "So where are going? A petrol of the city, a hideout, a good place to pickup girls, or what ever else there is to do in this part of town?". Drake asked.
Location: Warrington Avenue
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Fredrick Todd

"We..." Freddy said as he continued walking briskly down the street, "...are going to check on my stashes, and then we're going to meet up with NoOne. I'm just making a few stops downtown on places I keep my weapons in and I'm also sending out messages not to shoot you or NoOne to my guys, after all, it'd suck if this partnership ended before it even began all because I didn't have the oversight to send out a few texts..."

Freddy then held up a finger, "And before you ask, yes it's a bit far away, my nearest stash is about three miles away, I would take the train, but I forgot to do my routine last night, so this is just how I'm getting in my fitness crap for the day..."
Location: Warrington Avenue
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Drake Swift, NeoShade
"Stashes? What kind of weapons are you packing in them? Anything special or just pistols and ammo?" Drake asked as they walked after Freddy explained what they were going to do. Then Freddy added the part were they were going to walk over three miles, all because he needed to do his regular fitness routine.

"Your kidding me... How many stash are we going to exactly here? one, two, three, ten, twenty, etc etc." Drake asked as they kept walking. Drake didn't mine walking a mile or two but but three miles for just the first place was pocking at Drake lazy side.
Location: Warrington Avenue
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost

"We'll check as many stashes as we need to...and no, you can't come inside, there's way to much inside that you especially shouldn't be allowed to see in those stashes." Freddy began to walk forward a few steps before turning around to face Drake one last time, this time sighing in annoyances at the 'gentleman' thief , "And also, for the love of god, don't hit on any of my female employees, they don't exist for you to oogle and stare at, and god forbid any one of them had bad enough tastes to actually not turn down your advances, they'd get distracted and put the entire operation at risk..." And with that said, Freddy gestured for Drake to follow him....
Location: The Last Stash
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Red Hood
Freddy led Drake throughout the city for the next few hours, traveling to what felt like every corner of Gotham's lower level, visiting everything from old and dilapidated supermarkets, to abandoned train stations and even small corner bodegas that were seemingly legit and functioning businesses before Freddy would go inside and it seemed to almost instantly become more akin to a small rebellion base the moment he stepped in.

No matter what place they visited however, the same things seemed to generally happen: Freddy would walk with Drake most of the way there before stopping around the corner or a few blocks away and Drake would wait for a few minutes before Freddy would walk out a few minutes later in what was most certainly an incredibly boring process for both men...

...And it seemed it was going to be the same this time as Freddy and Drake stood across the empty street from an old, broken down warehouse on the docks, simply watching as the structure seemed to omly barely support it's own weight, with rust and broken down windows very apparent on both the building and the multiple old metal storage containers around the bulding. The air was salty due to the nearby water and the sun was just begging to set, creating a beautiful sight as the sun reflected off the water, but the view wasn't what they were there to see...

"Alright Drake, this is the last stash we'll check on tonight, but this one might take a bit longer to check up on than the others, as such, we need to take a few more precautions than we did before..." Freddy slung his backpack off his shoulder and took a knee before unzipping the hoodie he'd been wearing to reveal the chest piece of the Red Hood costume, he then unzipped the bag and took out the helmet to the costume and secured the straps to his head before finally standing up once more and taking off the pair of sweatpants he'd been wearing to reveal the costume's bottoms. He then picked up the sweat suit and bag and handed them over to Drake, "I want you to put this stuff on and then take the cans of spray paint at the bottom of the bag and start to graffiti the building alright? I don't want you to bring attention to the stash by just standing around it, and I also don't want any cops snooping around the place, so if any of them come nearby, I want you to play the part of some punk kid desecrating this old building. If they spot you, make them give chase, run around for a few blocks before you lose them and make them get to upset and embarrassed to want to stick around the area...also, don't let them see your face, last thing we need is for your face to be fresh in the minds of some random cops before we even start doing anything with NoOne..." Freddy began to walk away from Drake, calling out to him as he did so, "By the way, when you see me walk out, wait seven minutes before you meet me around the corner just in case."
Location: The last stash
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
"Fine I won't enter your stashes..." Drake shaking his head with a sigh listening to Freddy. "You have employee?... Also how can I hit on them if I can't go inside... You didn't think that through did you?" Drake asked following Freddy to first of many stops...

Drake of course was getting border and border with each stop and him having to wait a few blocks away. During this time Drake stood against a wall playing some games on his phone, watching YouTube, or just looking at funny pictures...

Then finally they made it to the last stash. This time however Freddy was being more carefully then with the other. "Most have some fun stuff in there..." Drake said looking at the sweat suit. "You know this is not my style... But if mean this done I'll put it on..." Drake said starting to put the clothes on. "Next time though I'm bringing my own change of clothes. and not wearing your handy downs" Drake added finishing putting on his clothes. "Okay I'll go make some art so go and get this over with okay" Darke said turning and dragging the bag behind him as he went off to start spray painting.

"Now what to do.... what to do" Drake said thinking as he looked at the wall. "Maybe a dragon... turtles are cool too... Maybe a fake gang sigh... really ones are fun to... I'll start first see were it goes from there" Drake said finally starting to spray paint after a few minutes of deciding.
Location: The Last Stash
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Notes: I hate this post allot, but I needed it done
Freddy waited by the door of the warehouse for a few minutes to make sure Drake was getting into posision, nodding once he heard his associate begin to wonder aloud what he should paint. Freddy began to move quickly through the warehouse, trying his best to ignore thoguhts about his impending talk with NoOne, 'No, I can't slip into that thought process right now, because when I'm talking to NoOne I have to be Fredrick Todd. But right now?' Freddy paused once he reached the back of the warehouse and put his hand against the right wall and slowly began to walk forward before eventually his hand slipped into a small, hardly visible crack in the wall. Freddy then put his other hand in the crack in the wall and began to push against it, a terrible screeching sound echoing throughout the warehouse as metal was dragged across concrete, eventually the crack was opened up enough to lead into a dark hallway that led to an old looking elevator shaft, 'Right now I gotta be the Red Hood.'

Freddy turned around and pushed the panel of metal he'd just opened closed before he turned around and walked forward towards the large elevator shaft and stepped into the elevator on his left and hammered the down button on the panel. The elevator creaked and groaned as it slowly descended downwards slowly. Freddy could still remember when he'd first found the warehouse, he'd stumbled inside it on one of his firsts nights out while being chased by the police and had decided he'd use it as a base of operations for awhile. Apparently the place had once been owned by the Falcones, but truth be told he didn't look into the building much. It was useful, and as far as we was concerned that was all the info he needed on the place.

Freddy looked to his right and saw a second, even older looking elevator stutter upwards to take the place of the elevator he was currently taking down, that and the increasingly hot air told him that he'd be halfway down soon. Freddy let out one final breath as he readied himself for the next half an hour or so...

That was when he began to hear voices coming from downstairs, " come on people we're already an hour behind schedule by now and Hood said he'd stop by in about ten minutes from now!"

The cold concrete that Freddy had been staring at for the majority of his trip downwards slowly gave way to a large well lit room with ugly white walls that had chips of paint falling off them. The room was fairly large but was also very barren, with a wall of computuers near the back wall being the only real thing of note. There were about fifteen people total in the room despite it's size, with all of them wearing what seemed to be a very simplified version of Freddy's minus the helmet. In the middle of the room was an older looking man with a cockney accent and a buzz cut yelling orders to people on the right side of the room who were going through various bullets and magazines and stuffing as many of them that could fit into shipping boxes of various sizes and stamping them with an address before moving the boxes next to other groups of boxes that were placed together by size.

This was Stash #1, and although the name of the location was boring, it was the most important location in his entire operation, so important in fact, that only his most trusted people were allowed to operate here. Of course, such an important operation had to be run by someone he could trust, enter the previously mentioned man with the buzz cut and cockney speech who was currently staring at Freddy with eyes as wide as dinner plates; this was Thatcher, the only one involved in this whole operation with the attention to detail, experience and dedication to the cause necessary to qualify for the position. Freddy trusted the guy allot, which is why it was terrible that he needed to embarrass him in the way he was about to.

Thatcher cleared his throat, catching the attention of everyone working besides him as the all watched as Freddy slowly walked off the elevator, "Red Hood! Hey, um...we didn't except you for another ten minutes or so..."

"Well I expected
you to be done packing bullets by now, so I suppose we're both unpleasantly surprised aren't we?"

Thatcher winced at that, "Well, we would've been done sooner, but we had a bit of trouble securing a UPS truck because-"

Freddy held up a hand and the room went silent,
"We'll talk about this later Thatcher. For now, head to the backroom with Calem and Fiora, we have things we need to discuss..."

Nearly everyone peered at two people who had froze in place where they had been packaging bullets. One of them was a younger guy with black hair that fell over his eyes and a bit of acne still on his face, while the other was a woman who appeared to be in her early thirties and had her brown hair tied up into a bun. They both glanced at each other for a moment before Thatcher acted, "Alright fine, you heard the man! Everyone else get back to work, Calem, Fiora, you're with me on death row..."

Freddy watched as the three others in front of him began to walk forward and did his best to hold back a chuckle at Thatcher's jab at him, he'd take it for now. It really was a shame he had to embarrass Thatcher like that however, Freddy knew there was no way Calem would just be able to waltz out with a UPS truck like it was that simple, and honestly with the amount of resupplying they had to do it was also going to take awhile to make the sure boxes both looked convincing and were able to hold so much ammo. But still, he needed to have one of these moments every now and again just to keep everyone at Stash #1 on their toes.

Freddy walked into the backroom and looked around at the small room, hell to be perfectly honest it was closer in size to a closet than to a full blown room. In the middle of the room, there was a small wooden table with four chairs surrounding it with a dim lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, on the wall to the left, there was a window installed so that it was possible to look at everyone on the main floor.

Freddy watched the room for a few seconds before closing the door behind him and sitting down at the head of the table facing the window, watching across from him as Calem slowly shrank into his chair, unable to tell where Freddy's eyes were because of the helmet. Finally, it was Fiora who broke the silence, "So, well then, why did you call us back here?" Fiora sat to his left and had her hands folded on the table, clearly attempting to remain calm despite whatever nerves she had to have at the moment.

"I just wanted to go over the plans for the shipments tomorrow, that's all."

There was a slight relief from the tension that had been building in the room for the past few minutes. Thatcher straightened himself up once more, "Well, despite the complications we experienced tonight, we should be on schedule to deliver all the required bullets to the stashes that need them-"

"We need to double the amount we're sending out tomorrow."

The tension was completely replaced once Freddy said this, in it's place there was a building feeling of shock and anger, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN WE NEED TO DOUBLE THE AMOUNT OF AMMO WE'RE SENDING OUT!" Calem finally spoke out at this point as Fiora reached a hand out, probably in attempts to calm the young man, but he still had more to say, "I MEAN REALLY, WE'RE ALREADY AN HOUR BEHIND SCHEDULE, WE HAVE THREE HOURS UNTIL ALL THE TRUCKS NEED TO HEAD OUT, AND THE TRUCK WE HAVE IS BARLEY GOING TO FIT ALL THE SHIT WE HAVE NOW ON TOP OF THE OTHER STUFF IT HAS TO DELIVER, AND YOU WANT US TO SOMEHOW DOUBLE EVERYTHING UP, ARE YOU INSANE?!"

A few moments of no sound but Calem's heavy breathing passed before the young man before Freddy shrunk suddenly, remembering where he was and who he was talking to. Freddy however, continued to simply wait, and as soon as Calem opened his mouth to mutter some kind of apology, Freddy then began to speak,
"Look, it's no secret that right now, we're not in the best place. My image has been damaged, and unless we're willing to go out for a big show of force, which we aren't, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a few thugs thinking there was blood in the water and trying to go on the offensive on us. I do not care if you think you can double up on ammo, and frankly I don't care how you get your hands on more ammo, I just want to make sure that when we ship this stuff to the other stashes, that they're ready for any idiots who try to run up on them. Now then, if you have nothing else to say, you're dismissed Calem."

With not another word, Calem slowly stood up from his seat and nodded, heading back outside. Fiora opened up top speak, but Freddy quickly spoke over her, "In fact, Fiora, go with him, I don't want to discuss this topic anymore." Fiora paused, "B-but sir, there's still allot of legitimate concern about tomorrows shipments, I mean, how are we supposed to pack up and send the truck back to the shipping hous-" Freddy turned his head towards her general direction and she stopped speaking, visibly stiffening and beginning to grind her teeth, "Fine then, I suppose we'll talk later then..." With that, Fiora stood up and turned on her heel, exiting the room as well.

A few more moments passed before Thatcher chuckled slightly and stretched out in his chair, "Well shit, usually you handle these kinds of situations with just a bit more class than that. Something on your mind?"

Freddy groaned and finally stopped sitting up straight, allowing his shoulders to fall as he held the side of his head,
"You have no idea. This past week has been trying for sure..."

Thatcher chuckled and stood up, standing from his chair and walking past Freddy and towards the door, patting the vigilante's shoulder as he did so, "Well then, go on and get some rest, we'll try and get all this shite done tonight."

As Thatcher walked past him, Freddy exhaled once more, preparing himself for what he was about to do,
"Actually Thatcher, I have one last thing I need to talk to you about, take a seat again please."

Thatcher groaned from where he was at the door, "Is this about the delay? Because like I was trying to say before, there wasn't much we could do about the-"

"We both know that I don't care about the delays, this is something more important than that I assure you."

Thatcher lingered at the door for a few more seconds before sighing and walking across the room and sitting as Freddy's right again, "Alright then...what do you want to talk about?"

Freddy sighed, standing up from the chair and walking towards the window and staring out at the men finishing up packing the first set of bullets, none of them aware yet that they would need to repeat the process,
" many times have I offered you a way out of all of this?"

Thatcher let out an agitated sigh as he began to rest his cheek on his palm, "About four..."

"And how many times have you denied it?"

"Can we just skip past all the vague bullshit and get to the point of this private meeting? We still have allot of shit to do tonight in case you forgot."

Freddy sighed, truth be told he had really just been stalling with all these questions, what he was about to do wasn't something he was sure about, but he knew he had to do it tonight.

So, abiding by Thatcher's request, Freddy walked out of sight from the window and undid the straps that kept his helmet on the suit and slammed it onto the table before Thatcher, revealing his face to the man before him,
"I might need to leave for awhile and I need you to be the Red Hood while I'm gone."

Thatcher looked at Freddy with wide eyes for a few moments, looking from him towards the helmet and back again, "On second thought...can we go back to the vague bullshit for a second?"

Freddy growled slightly,
"I'm not kidding here Thatcher! I'm being serious here, and I'd appreciate if you didn't undermine me for a second here!"

Thatcher began to actually laugh at that, throwing his head back as he full on belly laughed, "I know, I get it I really do! It's just...holy shit, who would've thought that the Red Hood, the one who's supposed to save or destroy Gotham was just a fucking kid. Holy fuck, I mean, you've got guys well over twice your age shaking in their boots at the sight of you and you're what? Eighteen? Nineteen?"

Freddy grumbled,
"I'm twenty-one..."

"Twenty-one...holy shit. I mean fuck Hood-"

"Freddy." Freddy quickly cut off Thatcher at this point, crossing his arms and looking at his feet, "My name is Freddy..."

Thatcher, paused, nodding at the young man before him, "Alright, 'Freddy', you gotta understand that this is allot of shit to drop on a guy all at once. I mean, why the hell do you got to leave, are you studying abroad or some shit?"

"...No it's uh...let's just say I've found other ways to help accomplish what we're doing here, and I think it'll be better for us if we did both at the same time."

Thatcher nodded slowly, looking down at the helmet on the table before chuckling again, "Okay...fuck. I mean, this all feels like a stress dream I'm not going to, okay. First off I'm not sure how to do the shit you do, I mean, you've got this scary aura about you-" Thatcher began to grumble the next part, "Even though it's not Really there without the helmet, but still I'm not going to be the guy who can do any of that shit so..."

Freddy pinched the bridge of his nose,
"Look Thatcher- I didn't start out as a big scary fuck either, hell you probably remember when I wore that stupid red ski mask, but the point is I learned through the job. I can teach you how to do what I do, and I'll help guide you, hell you don't even have to do much, just act as a presence to get the guys out there to do their job right!"

Freddy walked closer to the table, being careful to not get in full view of the window. He got eye level with Thatcher, "I know this is weird and sudden, but I don't have anyone else I can ask to do this, and I can't split my attention between this operation and the other one, so I'm telling you here that I NEED you to do this. I can help you through it, give you advice when you need it, but it is IMPERATIVE that nobody knows I'm gone...please Thatcher, help me out here..."

Thatcher looked down and furrowed his brow, muttering to himself for a few moments before sighing in defeat, "...Alright fine. But the first fucking lesson better be on how to cover up my goddamn accent, got it?"

Freddy smiled slightly at this and nodded,
"Of course that'll be the first lesson, dear god this whole operation would fall apart if Red Hood suddenly became a Brit."

Both men chuckled slightly and after a moment, Thatcher stuck out his hand and Freddy shook it. For the first time in a week, the young man felt as if something was going his way, and that maybe, just maybe he could salvage something from the mess he'd made and come out better for it. Maybe this whole week was a sign that the Red Hood had needed to evolve, and this was the evolution it needed. Either way, Freddy was excited, and he felt relived.

And that was when a loud ringing sound filled his ears as he felt Thatcher go limp as a bullet splattered the brit's brains all over the wall.

Location: The last stash
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
"I always hated that f**kin birtish trash" Calem said from the other side of the window holding a hand gun.

"Calem I thought I told you to wait for after the hood leaves?!" Fiora Said annoyed as quickly grabbed shotgun nearby.

"The hood drew the last straw and I am going to send him to straight hell before make our pay day. WHOSE WITH ME!?" Calem shouted as the other began grabbing guns or blunt object near them. With a big smirk Calem as looked at his fellow turncoats before turning back to the window. "Okay Redhood come on out and I'll make this quick" Calem lied because he was far from thinking of giving Freddy a quick death.

"Why didn't you just shoot him first and then we could of shot the british bastard?" Fiora questioned as he aimed the shotgun at the small room.

"Look when you start a revolt of your own then you can make the big choices." Calem yelled back to Fiora.

Meanwhile Drake was expressing himself though graffiti or badly doing so seeing as he was a terrible artist. Just as he looking at his work and slightly sadden that his art lessons as a kid didn't go well. But before he could think of it anymore he heard gun shot from the building. "Should I check this out or let him take care of it... Well it will be at least give me a excuse to look around the building." Drake said to himself before going into the building. As he enter the building he took off the clothes Freddy gave him. Then he went around the building trying to find his way to were ever Freddy went.

It wasn't to long before he found a strange crack in the wall. After inspecting for a moment he found the switch and covered his ears as the elevator came up. He went over to it and smirked. "Well this is pretty cool. It needs some grease but this seems to be a cool secret base... so far." Drake said as pushed the button to go back down.
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Location: Stash #1
Notes: Holy fuck it only took one day for me to post instead of one week! It's a miracle!
The first rule, the first FUCKING RULE Freddy had put into place when he made Stash #1 the center of his operation was trust, if someone was to even SEE this place they'd need to be trustworthy! So the fact that so many people were outside a room he was trapped in armed with guns and calling for his head wasn't just appalling, it was something that made him almost want to just hand himself over to them due to his own fucking stupidity!

Freddy breathed heavily and looked at Thatcher's body from the wall he had pressed himself against. Dear god...he'd just watched a close ally get fucking murdered, he'd just watched his ONLY HOPE GET HIS BRAINS SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE WALL BECAUSE OF COURSE HE WASNT ALLOWED EVEN A GLIMER OF HOPE-

'FOCUS TODD!' Freddy took a deep breath. He couldn't think about any of that right now, dear god he wanted to figure all this out but he couldn't right now, he needed to get out of this damn place alive first. He looked down at his armor in a panic, looking for weapons he hadn't brought because he had thought they weren't needed, 'Alright, calm down, you can pull this off! Just gotta...just gotta... gotta figure this out."

Freddy looked around the room and saw nothing of value or use, hope runnimg out moment after moment! He was going to die in a damn coup in a dusty back room while the sound of that DAMN ELEVATOR FILLED HIS EARS AND-

Wait....the elevator...Drake! Drake was outside, he was probably getting bored by now anyways! With any luck that was him coming down in the elevator! But...if everyone outside had guns, he'd be dead in seconds, he needed to buy time and keep everyone outside distracted...

He looked towards Thatcher's body and winced,
'I'm so fucking sorry for this...'

Freddy rolled forward and back onto his feet before leaping for the light and turning it off, from there he worked quickly, taking the helmet off the table and putting it on Thatcher's head, making sure to secure the straps and cover up the blood as best he could! He then flipped the table and propped Thatcher's body against it as if he was using it for cover, he then yelled out as loud as he could, "I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU ALL! I GAVE YOU A CHOICE VERY FEW GET, I COULD'VE PUT A BULLET THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEADS AND BEEN DONE WITH IT, BUT I THOUGHT YOU COULD'VE BEEN SOMETHING MORE THAN YOU WERE! I WON'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN!"

...okay that turned into more of a vent for his rage rather than a taunt very quickly, but still, hopefully it'd get the job done. Freddy took one last deep breath before crawling back to the wall he had been leaning against a few moments before and hiding behind the door, trying to be as silent as possible...
Location: The last stash
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
"A chance?! All you did was make us switch from working for criminal or doing crimes on our own to just working under some costumed jackass!" Calem yelled back to Freddy as everyone behind him cheered. "It's only a matter of time before the police or some random heroes comes and..." Calem continued yelling until he final notice the nose coming from the elevator. "Jack, Olive go check the elevator and kill anyone coming out of it." Calem ordered a tall skinny man, Olive, and a bigger chubbier man, Jack.

As the two headed to the elevator the rest who had guns aimed at the backroom at the body Freddy put behind the table and opened fire. The body and table was quickly loaded with bullets, just as the elevator reached the to bottom. Jack and Olive aimed machine guns at the elevator when it landed but to their surprise it was completely empty. "I guess it moved on it own..." Olive said nervous and unsure.

Jack nodded as a shadow moved from the dark part of the elevator and moved passed the two turn coats. The shadow moved to crate near and Drake came out on the side were only the two goons sent to elevator could see him but the rest couldn't. Drake then quickly sent his shadow over to Jack and made into a small spike that went though Jacks foot. In a scream of pain he dropped his gun as he went to grab his foot. Olive was about to ask what happened when the same thing happened to him.

The two then noticed Drake just standing next to the crate. "Hey who the hell are..." Jack said before Drake threw his shadow in a small ball form at him. It was the size of a golf ball at first but became the size of beach ball when it hit Jack and knocked him onto his back and as well as out cold. Olive looked nervous as looked at Drake and then to the gun on the ground. Drake shook his head no and sighed as Olive went for the gun. A shadow spike went through his hand when he nearly reached the gun.

The gun fire stopped as the men shooting the room stopped and turned to see Olive holding his bleeding hand next to the now blood covered gun. "What the hell is going over there!?" Calem yelled looking at scene. He reloaded his gun before yelling "Okay buddy who ever you come on out" Calem said guessing some one else cause the damage to Olive. Meanwhile one of the turncoats, armed with a machine gun, made his way to backroom to make sure Freddy was dead. He then began to try to open the door...
Location: The Last Stash
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Freddy waited a few moments, listening as things outside the room continued to escalate. He did his best the entire time to attempt to keep himself as calm and focused as he possibly could, but he was still very on edge and tense, combine that with all the thoughts going through his head and he was finding it VERY hard to be still and silent at the moment.

But still, if he jumped the gun, there was no doubt he'd be killed easily. So, with no other option available, Freddy gritted his teeth and continued to lean against the wall.

'Okay, they're looking for someone out there right now, so that has to be Drake right? Oh god please be Drake, I never thought I'd say this, but I NEED Drake to be the one outside there right now-' That was when Freddy heard the door slowly begin to open, and he took one last sharp breath. The following seconds were agonizing as time seemed to slow down, making mere seconds feel as if they were taking weeks to pass. Freddy watched as the door opened, bit by bit by bit...he then watched as a foot slowly stepped just into view, a sight that made Freddy flinch, nearly moving to quickly. It was then however, that a face finally came into the doorframe, and for a split second, their eyes met before Freddy slammed into the door and knocked the man in the doorframe's head into the other side!

Freddy backed up and took a deep breath, and just as the man in the doorway was reeling, Freddy stepped back and rammed into the door again before dragging him into the room by the arm and throwing him to the ground and getting atop him, throwing punches and elbows wildly until he felt the body underneath him go limp. Freddy took a few more moments to catch his breath before picking up the machine gun. He held it tightly as he once again wormed his way into the corner behind the door, waiting for another opening.
Location: The last stash
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
...Freddy needs to get better employees... I mean so far there unwelcoming and they are dumb as bricks... Drake thought to himself as he heard Calem yelling. what to do next... They have guns and are getting close... I think I saw a room in the back... Maybe that were Freddy went off to... Drake thought to himself before going back into his shadow and quickly traveling to the back room Freddy was in.

A second after Calem checked behind the box Drake hiding at. "Were they hell is this guy!?"

"He went into his shadow" Olive said in pain still holding his hand.

"What do you mean he went into his shadow? That's not possible... is it?" Calem questioned to himself.

"Ohh there you are" Drake said queitly as popped out of his shadow in the back room. "So what with the bodies?" Drake asked looking at the body behind the table and the turn coat Freddy just took care of.

"...Okay so let me get this straight you said a guy..." "A DEMON!" "...A demon appeared out of no were when the elevator opened and spiked you though the foot and hand... Where the hell did the Red Hood meet a guy like that?" Calem said getting what was going on straight. "Okay boys search for the "demon" and shoot it until stops moving" Calem ordered. The turn coats then began look around for Drake and shooting unlikely mice that they thought were him.
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Location: The Last Stash
Freddy quickly pointed the gun at the noise he heard only to see Drake standing in front of him. Despite everything else going on at the moment, for a brief second Freddy felt relief knowing that Drake was finally in front of him, though once he processed his question that relief was snuffed out as Freddy once again struggled to keep all the thoughts he had about the situation locked away until after everything here was taken care of. So instead, Freddy ignored Drake's question, "Drake, thank god you're here, it's just...this is just..."

Freddy took a deep breath, calming himself down before he spoke again,
"If you didn't notice everything here is extra fucked at the moment. We're stuck in this tiny back room with about fourteen people in the building who all want me dead. Oh, and not to mention that if they get out of this damn building, there's no telling how much shit they can do, so's all just FUCKED! GOD!"

Freddy rested his forehead on his palm and bit back a few tears, forgetting where he was for a second before taking another deep breath and looking back and Drake, "No, no no! It's not fucked, we can- okay we just gotta do this right..." Freddy paced for a few seconds before snapping his fingers, "Shadows! You move in the shadows and take out people near the edges on the group, stay silent and start with smaller targets and move up to bigger ones while I provide a distraction! That's it, that's gotta work and...fuck let this work."
Location: The last stash
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Drake watched and listen to Freddy who seemed to be breaking down emotionally and mentally. "Calm down a man, calm down." Drake said as Freddy stated how everything was fucked. Once Freddy got a hold of himself again and came up with a plan Drake nodded. "What kind of distraction do you have in mind?" Drake asked.

The turn coats continued to search around for Drake, around the crates and such. One of the turncoats bandaged up the two men Drake stabbed with his shadow. "Don't worry, I've seen worse wounds... but these are pretty big" The man said rapping the wounds up.

"Maybe we shouldn't of done this..." Oliver said getting very scared.

Calem slapped Oliver and said "Get a hold of yourself, we can take care of one super and beside it's to late to back out now."




"I see why the boss called us for this,"

"Yeah, the Shadowman there is dangerous."​

"Well, the Hood has no real power. Even before Gypsy shamed him"

"Not really a fair comparison, is it?"​

"The Boss said not to underestimate him, regardless. I say we make them play a game."

Location: The Last Stash
Characters: Tick, Tock, Calem, Olive
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin ChazGhost ChazGhost
A blinding light leaked from beneath the doors the two hid behind. A light strong enough to kill any shadows that Drake might have summoned, at least for a second. The light was there, then gone--just like that. What resounded after it were the screams of a half dozen men. Not of pain. Of panic. Another moment followed before at least one of the armed men from earlier began banging on the door.

"Y-You have to pick!" the voice screamed, hitting the door as if it was for dear life. It was an odd, chaotic request. "No guns, no bullshit, but we're all fucked if you don't pick!" the voice screamed again. It was a familiar tone, more for Freddy than anything. It was the tone of a defeated man. A scared man. The type of man that would talk when dangled off a building.
Location: The last stash
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Before Freddy could respond to Drake a blind light came from under the door, enough to stop his powers. Drake of course he didn't like this. Luckily the light only lasted a few seconds. Then he heard people screaming in panic. Then one man started banging on there door and telling them to pick. Drake looked at the door very confused and slightly worried. The man wasn't making sense who was banging on the door and who ever was making him act likes this was worrying. Sense apparently the men knew that Drake and Freddy were hiding in this room Drake decide to try and figure what he had to choice on. "What are my choices?" Drake asked as he made his shadow into a wall in front of him and Freddy.
Location: The Last Stash
Tags: Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul ChazGhost ChazGhost
Notes: Fully willing to admit I may have used the wall wrong Chaz, just wanted to stop holding everyone else up so I may have sorta misused it
Freddy took steady breaths, cursing himself over and over again in his head. He was making rookie mistakes right now, mistakes he hadn't made for years! He needed to breath and take control of the situation, he COULD NOT let the situation control him, no matter what was happening right now.

Even if the only people he trusted just betrayed him-

He just needed to find something to focus on, something to focus on, something to take his mind off everything. If he could do that he could be effective and finally be useful again...

That's when he heard it.

"Y-You have to pick!" Panic in the voice, the guy behind the door was desperate"No guns, no bullshit, but we're all fucked if you don't pick!" He wasn't explaining himself properly, he was to scared to do so.

Freddy licked his lips, years of notes on the art of interrogation coming to him in a moment, he only barely recognized Drake putting up the wall, he was to focused on what he was going to do to break the man behind the door...

'When interrogating someone, it's important to make yourself appear as inhuman as possible.' Freddy walked towards Thatcher's corpse once more and pulled the helmet off his dead friend's corpse before putting it on, 'Humans connect with faces, we use them to make sense of a situation and the ability to read emotion off someone's face acts as a way of bringing a sense of understanding to a situation, and having the person you're interrogating understand the situation is the last thing you want.'

Freddy walked around the wall, but first put a finger to where his lips would be at Drake, telling him to allow him to work his magic. Then Freddy stood in front the door, 'You want to disorient the person you're interrogating, every moment somebody doesn't understand what's going on is another moment you're in control.' Freddy waited for another moment before exhaling and opening the door, immediately taking the man by the head and slamming it against Drake's wall three times! 'Lastly, when speaking it's important to be direct and to the point, by speaking quickly and forwardly, it gives off a sense that the person doesn't matter to you, and if somebody doesn't matter to you, who knows what you'd be willing to do to them?' Freddy leaned in towards the man's ear just enough so that he could see the helmet out of the corner of his eye, "What decisions do we have to make?" Freddy tightened his grip on the man's head, "Speak quickly before I decide that you're more trouble than you're worth."
Location: The Last Stash
Characters: Tick, Tock, Calem, Olive
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin ChazGhost ChazGhost
The door opened.​

What the two saw was not a myriad of armed thugs. At least, not anymore. No, what the two saw was... horror. Both in the eyes of the men they encountered and in what they saw in front of them. Seven men with their faces locked inside large, metal cages, each of different design and structure. The smell of blood--that iron odor--was already in the air. In the far corner, two men were uncaged. Their skulls torn asunder by the contraptions on their heads, or so it appeared. Whatever did this, as well, did it virtually instantly. Just moments ago, the two were caught in a firefight. But, now? Now, they were in some demented game.


Another one went off. Blood splattered against the wall behind him. His head literally exploded. A piece of his skull, still caped in his scalp with hair of some dark, blood-stained color hanging out of the wall, embedded in the wooden structure. The smell of blood only became stronger.

Most of the men panicked. A larger one in a ripped denim jacket remained relatively calm. His voice confirmed him as the one speaking. "Listen man, it was freaky. These voices. They held us still and put these on our heads and said they'd blow up if we tried to leave. And, every two minutes, another one of them will... yeah. They said we had to get you to choose, uh, well... well two punks we're paid to answer to. Calem and Oliver. We don't actually know much about'm, just know they're smart with numbers and our real boss says to answer'm. You pick which one dies, and these come off our heads, then we let you go... those are the rules," he explained, albeit in a quick tone. He stumbled a few times. Partly out of fear, partly because he didn't want to explain why a bunch of badass men like them answered to what were effectively two kids. It was a mesh of fear and pride--all consumed by the fact any one of them could die at any moment.
Location: The last stash
Tags: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Drake's eyes widened as he had look. While Drake seen and know about some very messed up things in his day, this was definitely something that made to almost the top of his list of messed up things he seen. "Well... this is not what I was excepting to see today... or any time in future either really." Drake said blinking watching with a look of disturbns. Then a man's head exploding set it to the most messed up thing. It was like a car crash, Drake just couldn't look away.

Drake then listened to the the scared man's explanation of what was happening and the choose the paper of "hero" would need to make. After taking a few second to get a hold of himself Drake looked at Freddy and said "Well they were your men. Which one do you rather have die?". Drake didn't himself care which one die when it came down to it. If Freddy didn't answer, Drake would just choose one randomly.
Tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
Location: The Last Stash
Notes: I posted this early I'm so embarrassed
Truth be told, even though the sight was surprising, Freddy wasn't scared by the sight, hell he didn't flinch much. The smell of iron, the sight of a man dying a gruesome death, they were all things Freddy had caused before. The game that was being played here was most certainly fucked, but between the focus required to keep himself together and the repeating to himself of every action he needed to preform to be the Red Hood, all he really understood was that if he choose who between Calem and Oliver died, he'd be free. After he processed this, he was silent for a few moments before he began to laugh.

It started out as a throaty laugh that had him hunching forward, but Freddy corrected himself quickly, 'If you laugh, do it with your back straight and do it from the stomach, make yourself seem bigger than everyone in the room.' Freddy made sure to laugh for longer than comfortable, even when he no longer found the situation funny he continued laughing, until he abruptly stopped just as quickly as he started, "I could care less for either of them, tell whoever is in charge of this thing I want both of them dead."

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