Godfrey Zhi Hao Yang


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Faceclaim: Godfrey Gao






Zhi (志 - meaning intellectual and ambitious) Hao (豪 - meaning brave, chivalrous)



Yang (阳 - positive, bright, sun)






Dark Wizard, The New Hope









Yew. Dragon Heartstrings. Unbending. 12 and 3/4 inches.









Born into the Yang family, meaning positive, bright, and sun, the opposite of Yin, Godfrey believed at a young age he was born into the wrong family and he was not his father's son. Godfrey loved his mother as he was always seen asking about the Wizarding World when his mother told him he was a half wizard and half mundane, in secret. They lived in a community with both pure-bloods and half-bloods, and mundanes, though told Godfrey to never say those worlds out-loud and  to keep that magic is real a secret. Shanghai was the mid-city of China, where there were crowds of people from all walks of life. But even then, his fascination started when he grew older to understand the difference between blood status and his family's fortune. He grew up, finding out that his mother never told his father that she was a Witch, in fear of his opposition and to protect him from the World where there may be chaos and a World he wouldn't understand. However, because of his mother's insistence, Godfrey never told his father their secret, believing his father had no right to know about such an amazing World. They didn't need a worthless fool like him who only thought about money and greed. Although his father was a well-off, it seemed his company started going downhill due to the stocks lowering. The Yang family went into debt and because of the pressure and stress of a childhood Godfrey had, his powers showcased miraculously at a young age of 8 when he managed to take his mother's wand when she didn't notice and levitated his father in the air, wanting to throw him out the house and away from all of them. It was his so-called father's fault his mother was suffering. However, Godfrey, due to his anger, couldn't control the brewing power within  body and ended up dropping his father from the ceiling to the ground. Ever since that incident, his mother warned him of using his powers and her wand against squibs since she had a disciplinary notice from the Ministry of Magic for using magic against a mundane. Feeling guilt for causing his mother to be in trouble, Godfrey contained his anger by taking it out by different martial arts and boxing. However, the only reason why he was also pardoned was because he was also recruited to the Wizarding School: Mahoutokoro. 


As time passed, Godfrey noticed his father getting into bigger debt as he found his father coming home one night beat up. He yelled at his father to get stronger and to get their money back. Nevertheless, Godfrey only took care of his mother not caring about his father as he wished he would keel over and die already. But, when it was time to leave his home under pretense that his mother wanted him to go to boarding school in Japan, Godfrey was relieved to leave behind his family, though, he made sure to reach out to his mother every so often. During his time Mahoutokoro, Godfrey had an amazing time during his schooling years as he took in every bit of information about magic and its history. He heard China was one of the few countries that had their own magical ancestry and was curious to learn more about it. Even then, Godfrey found talent in different subjects, excelling in most of them except for Care for Magical Creatures, Herbology, and Divination. Godfrey was pleasant to all of his classmate, but avoidance towards the muggles of the school, and obviously showed more favor to those who were pure-blood. He made most people believe his was a pure-blood, as it seemed his mother was able to keep the secret of the incident when he was 8 years old out of arm's reach. But, at the age of 13, when he came home for a visit, he noticed strange happenings in his household. His father reeked of alcohol and his mother seemed more withdrawn than usual. During break, he was determined to find out what was going on as his mother seemed strange and rarely sent letters to him during his time at Wizarding school. At first he had thought he did something wrong until he followed his father one day, only to discover he was in deep debt with the underground crime organizations since he asked for loans from loan sharks. They, in return, used his mother'a safety as collateral damage. Godfrey never understand why his mother didn't just go and reported it to the police but it seemed the threat was too high of a risk for her to do anything.  Angered by his uselessness, he confronted his father one night after he came home drinking only for him foolishly not realize the situation that he was in. His father became enraged in guilt and the smell of his alcoholic breathe only told him what exactly happened in his household. Distraught and anger surfaced once again and Godfrey managed to beat his father from harming his mother during his depression and alcoholic state. His mother on the other hand, was quiet and didn't say anything as he grabbed her and took her away from the household. Godfrey sent her in hiding, finding her a house and casting a spell of insivibility, a small one that would keep her under the radar, as well as it wouldn't be traced back to the ministry. He was finally putting into good use the charms and spells he learned from school. Since that break, Godfrey took care of his mother and found a house elf through a friend to take care of his pure blood mother. He hated seeing her blank expression and was outraged that even though she was a witch she didn't just outright kick his father out the house.


The break passed on and it was time for him to go back to school. Godfrey found himself reluctant to go but needed to learn more and to get more powerful to protect his mother from the monster that did harm to his mother. During his third-fourth year, he learned about the different curses, memory charm, and other spells that allowed him a wide variety of spells that could perhaps help him in his quest of helping his father. But he became more interested in the different lessons at the school that he actually wanted to find the Half Blood prince's book and the other items that belonged to the deceased Dark Lord. He became engrossed in the Dark Arts as he found them intriguing and curiosity suited him. But out of the curses, the only spell he wanted to use most was the Killing Curse and the Memory charm. He practiced the charm to erase memories and to changed memories. Soon enough, during that year, he gradually became able to use the memory charm, perfecting it during his fifth year. 


Between the year he found out about his abusive father and withdrawn mother, he investigated the crime organization that was harming his family and found leaks and trails that led to not just any crime organization but the Triads. During his sixth year of schooling he took it upon himself to repay the debts of his father and eventually wanted to make the organization pay for their deeds to his family. He became more manipulative and started helping the organization with dealings as another payment for the debt his father put them in. Between his sixth year and to when he graduated, Godfrey specialized in the Memory Charm and Invisibility. He was able to repay of his father's debt and finally his mother started coming out of her shell. However when he finished Wizarding school, the first thing he decided to do was kill his father with both the Killing curse and a man made weapons such as a knife. He managed to easily torture and kill his father but erased his mother's memories of his father. Godfrey left his mother knowing the Ministry would know he had killed a mundane but fled the scene allowing his mother another cloaking spell to close any traces of them. 


Years passed and the scene was soon forgotten as they didn't investigate futher to what had happened. However, not taking any chances, Godfrey managed to infiltrate the Ministry using a Polyjuice potion to get to the book of records to clear records of his father off the books and to obliviate those who knew of him. It took him years to finish his mission as he had to hunt down the people involved in his case and involved in him. During those times Godfrey ended up moving up the ladder of the underground crime organizations, becoming one of the top tier leaders of the Triad. However he never revealed his identity and used a puppet to take his place whenever his presence was needed. Godfrey made sure to never leave any traces of him in Shanghai. Years passed and he found a New Hope airising as there were talks of a new dark power on the rise. He found Morningstar and joined in the Dark Alliance and became faithful to him ever since.




- Obliviator 

- Charismatic / Charming

- Gentlemen-like

- Clever

- Mysterious 

- Adamant

- Determined

- Easy-going

- Neutral

- Loyal

- Daring and Bold

- Intelligent

- Resourceful

- Meticulous

- Skillful

- Agile

- Stealthy

- Mature

- Perspective



- Hygenic

- Calculating

- Shallow

- Manipulative

- Divination

- Magical Creatures

- Whiskey 

- Dishonest

- Reckless

- Obedient

- Passive

- Selfish

- Prejudiced

- Resentful




  • godfrey-gao-garage04.jpg
     Godfrey has a Tiger patronus, which he rarely uses, unless he needs it for tracking or during dark times.
  • He is an Obliviator, being able to erase some or all memories of a person and altering the memories of the person. He is an exceptional Obliviator as there's only a few of his kind, since it is a rare Art. On a smaller scale, Godfrey had used this charm to erase his mother's memories of his squib father after using the Killing Curse. He detested the man for not only his blood status but his unworthiness of living. On a larger scale, after his graduation from his Wizarding school, he paid a visit to the staff who knew of his blood status and erased their memories,  changing them to remember that he was a Pure-blood, and not one who was pretending to be one. He skillfully executed his plan to get the trust of his classmates and professors. 
  • Not only is he skilled in the memory charm, but he specializes in Invisibility. He uses different objects able to render the object invisible or the person using the object invisible for a certain amount of time, depending on the magical object. 
  • Godfrey uses a puppeteer when it comes to the Triad and the crime organizations. He never shows his real face when he moved up the ladder in the organization as time went on. Godfrey uses muggle means of transportation when he isn't with the New Hope. He'd never admit it, but his guilty pleasure comes from riding a motorcycle as well as fancy cars. If he earned his pay, he would be able to show off what he's made of, right? Nevertheless, if he does make an appearance to the Triads, he normally erases the people's memories and only leaves his puppeteer's image in remembering that he was the one that showed up and not Godfrey's own face and body.
  • He's good at stealth and tracking, as he leaves no prints of himself at a scene of a crime, in both worlds. Godfrey likes physical combat more , however, will duel with a wand if necessary.
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