Experiences God save the fantasy section.

I feel the frustration hard. I'm working on (and have been working on for a few months) a dark fantasy setting. All of the animals and such are made from scratch, most of the biomes in the setting are original, the religion is from scratch (although based heavily on Christianity). The setting has it's own calendar, with astral signs that come into prominence at certain times in the year and have significance in magick, I have lists of different kinds of armor and weapons, etc etc.

Odds are, I will end up writing books in this setting.
Apparently, people prefer cliché academy roleplays over a really fleshed out fantasy roleplay with a great plot, the same goes to superhero roleplays. I was in one and it died within the first pages.
Apparently, people prefer cliché academy roleplays over a really fleshed out fantasy roleplay with a great plot, the same goes to superhero roleplays. I was in one and it died within the first pages.
I like super hero roleplays but sometimes they get monotonous. I just hate school RP's because ive already served my fuckin time.
People simply want to experience "teenager drama", it's a crappy idea but they do it anyways.

I feel the frustration hard. I'm working on (and have been working on for a few months) a dark fantasy setting. All of the animals and such are made from scratch, most of the biomes in the setting are original, the religion is from scratch (although based heavily on Christianity). The setting has it's own calendar, with astral signs that come into prominence at certain times in the year and have significance in magick, I have lists of different kinds of armor and weapons, etc etc.

Odds are, I will end up writing books in this setting.

Well, its like reality tv..... the RP version of reality TV....Doing teenage drama and high school, its fairly basic and most of all doesn't require too much forethought or input.

If people haven't figured it out, low content effort > high content effort. Almost always this is the truth. ( just look at the top posters/ likes, etc)

That and well its popular and everyone wants their injection of Endorphins .

Brave New World...Aldous Huxley is spot on isn't he ? More so then George Orwell .
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Let me just say this:
If you're gonna do a school roleplay, do it during finals.
And if your character doesn't study much, instead going off to play hooky because "they're too good for skool," then they fail.
And in that school, failing a class means one limb off, two classes means two, three means three, four means four, and five means death.
Now they have to actually attend and focus on the schoolwork.
*Starts petition to give Dwiz about starting a separate "School/Academy" section since it's so popular and other people don't want to see it infiltrating the purer-blooded RP sections*

Because really, all academy and school RPs really have a central theme, it's intentionally always set in a school or at least an organized setting with students and teachers. Other RPs have some variety in their setting, locations or plots tend to be more varied, and while I have seen a few creative school stories, like something "science+myth=magic" or "highschool rock band drama", they really have only a few alterations from one to the other. Grouping them all together would de-clutter them from the rest of the forums and give people who are interested in that kind of story a place to go specifically to find what they want and keep them out of the hair of real RPs XD
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Well I've been thinking about an rp from which I use the rpers to recreate a universe I ended.

Do my bidding, peasants, roleplay, roleplay, you fools!
*Starts petition to give Dwiz about starting a separate "School/Academy" section since it's so popular and other people don't want to see it infiltrating the purer-blooded RP sections*

Because really, all academy and school RPs really have a central theme, it's intentionally always set in a school or at least an organized setting with students and teachers. Other RPs have some variety in their setting, locations or plots tend to be more varied, and while I have seen a few creative school stories, like something "science+myth=magic" or "highschool rock band drama", they really have only a few alterations from one to the other. Grouping them all together would de-clutter them from the rest of the forums and give people who are interested in that kind of story a place to go specifically to find what they want and keep them out of the hair of real RPs XD

You, I like you.
You, I like you.
Thank you, I try to be as likable as possible XD

To divert minorly from the "problem" of too many fantasy academy RPs by creating a "solution" of non-academy RPs, I am currently working on a personal setting that I hope to have turned into a Hosted Project very shortly. The real issue with fantasy RPs lately is the creators don't want to put the effort into maintaining a detailed world and risking getting "post one-liner replies and spam the OOC" players, while players have to be interested enough to devote themselves to a little bit of reading and trying to enhance the creators vision of the world they created, becomeing part of it, not next to it. Having a bit more regimented character application and finding devoted players may be more strenuous at first, but is highly more rewarding in the end. Creators, don't be afraid to deny a player a character if they don't fit into the setting, every player has a favorite character they try to fit in all their RPs, but some just flat-out don't fit like a square peg in a round hole, and trying to "make it work" just puts a load of effort on both sides that drags down the rest of the participants. If the players commited to being active and participating, and the creator put in effort of coming up with plot and new content, the world not only survives, but it grows and flourishes with each post, as all parties are making additions on top of each other.

Take, for instance, my own project I'm working on recently. My upcoming work is essentially a science fantasy universe and the setting is an entire planet. The lore is a bit difficult to explain in the in-universe phrasing without supplementing it with modern terminology, since it involves concepts like black holes and planetary orbits, topics which the inhabitants of this world have an entirely different understanding of compared to realistic modern science. I'll be throwing up an interest check/teaser thread for the work in progress concepts, so lemme know if you're interested in hearing more, I love commentary and feedback on my works.

/end shameless self-advertising
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Perhaps if the plots to the highschool ones were more original with a driving force to keep the plot moving it would be more interesting. However they are all so generic it really sucks. xD

Stickdom Stickdom I'd really like to be a part of that.
I mean, y'know a genre is screwed when you go to the most frequented roleplay of said topic and this is the first thing you see;
Fricka's blush was now exposed, as Nai cupped her chin and turned her head.

I mean, dang, I get what's so popular about romantic stuff but do we seriously need 200+ threads about the same thing? I think it can be said about unoriginal zombie apocalypses as well (which I hypocritically have been thinking of starting up recently... but with a twist, I swear!)
People love shortcuts and usually the Fantasy genre requires a LOT of world building and a lot of coordination to make that world feel alive, so it usually requires more than just the person making the plot/world. Having said that people will usually go for the easier option in most cases. I'm sure a lot of you genuinely enjoy the school ideas though!
It's just kind of unfair to me sometimes. I spent weeks planning out the world building and writing out the plot for my dystopian fantasy rp, only to have it get about two characters.
It's just kind of unfair to me sometimes. I spent weeks planning out the world building and writing out the plot for my dystopian fantasy rp, only to have it get about two characters.
Did the idea that there are other reason people didn't join your rp never cross your mind?
It's just kind of unfair to me sometimes. I spent weeks planning out the world building and writing out the plot for my dystopian fantasy rp, only to have it get about two characters.
It's frightening.
We've all been to school, so we know how to act there.
But to RP a dystopian fantasy...
It's hard, yo!
And aside from that, if the person making it is already respected like ye, it makes the RPers feel inadequate to even try.
On the other hand, there are enough high school RPs that you don't have to feel qualified to RP in those.
Did the idea that there are other reason people didn't join your rp never cross your mind?
My point was that school rps are easy and attract a lot of attention.
That's not to say that there aren't any well fleshed out school rps, it's just that a majority of them aren't.
You shouldn't be focusing on anything actually having to relate to school classes in an rp like this.

A game that I think really pulls off the "set in a school, but only uses it as a setting and nothing more" is The Fruit of Grisaia. It ends up having a very comedy-oriented, "slice-of-life" style of plot for the Common Route and moves onto more serious plots revolving around the heroine of choice once the Common Route is done. 95% of the time, I completely forgot the chracters were actually attending classes.

I feel like fantasy in general has been lazy. At least in modern media. I dunno, call me weird but whenever I look at something like Dragon Age (Which I love to death don't get me wrong) it kinda feels like I'm holding and reading off the script sometimes. Also, is anyone else just a little bit tired of the fantasy stereotypes of 'Crafty Dwarves' and 'Big bad orcs'? I feel like there's a whole bunch of unexplored territory with the genre as a whole that nobody really seems to be exploring. For example (not to toot my own horn here, but kinda will anyway), in this fantasy roleplay that I've been writing with a close friend, instead of having the orcs or 'Hideskin' be big bad orcs, their more dogmatic, nomadic (heh, rhymes) and much more originized then most of the standing goverments in that world.
I feel like fantasy in general has been lazy. At least in modern media. I dunno, call me weird but whenever I look at something like Dragon Age (Which I love to death don't get me wrong) it kinda feels like I'm holding and reading off the script sometimes. Also, is anyone else just a little bit tired of the fantasy stereotypes of 'Crafty Dwarves' and 'Big bad orcs'? I feel like there's a whole bunch of unexplored territory with the genre as a whole that nobody really seems to be exploring. For example (not to toot my own horn here, but kinda will anyway), in this fantasy roleplay that I've been writing with a close friend, instead of having the orcs or 'Hideskin' be big bad orcs, their more dogmatic, nomadic (heh, rhymes) and much more originized then most of the standing goverments in that world.

I totally agree, I'm actually writing a fantasy world right now for one of my settings, a character is keeping a sort of "journal" of their travels that serves both as a first-person view into the world I'm creating, and as a creative tool to see any flaws in the setting from a character's perspective so I can make a more solid setting for the story. In particular, this character is exploring the world's races and their varying cultures, and one of the most interesting ones I've written so far is the orcs. I'm doing just about everything I can to subvert the stereotypes, like yours, they're nomadic and have an established culture, they're not mindless bloodthirsty barbarians (well, actually, they are, but for a reason XD). I've got this entire culture written up just for these orcs, like they're warring nomadic tribes living in the desert, established as a matriarchy ruled by a queen, and the females control the family units. But my favorite part is that the roles are still the same as you might expect, but they hold a different meaning, like I didn't just make the men housekeepers and the women warriors like so many other fantasy tropes I've seen. The men are warriors, yes, but it's because they are larger than the women, bred for strength and size, but the women hold the power because, especially in a nomadic tribe, handling resources is just as important as collecting them. And there's a whole bunch of other traits I thought made for an interesting culture, like the fact that they are ritualistic cannibals that practice a form of blood magic no other race can duplicate or that the men grow tusks the same way Nordic cultures grew beards, as symbols of seniority and power, earning them a greater chance of a higher-ranking female choosing them as a mate. So, it's interesting to see what goes into making a setting, especially a race that is so often pigeonholed into a stereotype when they have so many other options to explore that are far more interesting than "Grok want smash rock with face" XD

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