Glo'cer "C-Virus" Maltune


Day Dreamer Deluxe

Glo'cer (C-Virus)

Name: Glo'cer Maltune

Alias: C-Virus

Age: 32

Race: Solidus 

Gender: Male

occupation: illegal shipping and distribution 

Home world: In the star-system, Iszap, a cold dark plant spins on the outer area of the suns gravitation. A barren wasteland of dust and water on the surface, at first glance it would seem no life is present. Underneath the crust of the world, Pulluok, Many systems of caves are hollowed out by the Solidus. Pulluok is known for its vast rich mineral deposits, a favored food to at Solidus. Though the world is dark on the outside, underground it is hard not to be in some light source. Whether it be glowing rock or the Solidus liquid sacks, its like stars underground. Just be careful where you tread. The breeding ground is full of nutrient rich slime for the young. It stains bad. 

Appearance: Though Glo'cer has a fairly normal physic to other Solidus, his liquid sacks are actually a dying off gene in the pool. Most have a deep green or red due to the dominant color gene, yet, Glo'cer was swirled just right for the rare chance at it. Naturally, it comes with perks and hinders. 

Personality: Glo'cer can be a bit of an analytical person. His reasoning are based off his current knowledge and his want of not dying for a stupid reason. This can make him come off as cold to many. Should he need to let someone die just to bump his chances of survival, he would do it in a heart beat. He rarely becomes irrational. Usually it is when something is unknown to him and he cant quite process a clear, reasonable path. 

He can come off as dull sometimes. If someone tries to joke with him, he will respond with logic rather than play the joke up. He understands it is a joke.... he just finds messing with them funny. It is his own little inside joke. If people knew that, he would clearly be out of touch with his kin. They straight up don't understand humor like he does. Due to his species, he has a hard time showing emotion. Partly due to him not having a detailed face, partly due to his species casting emotions away for many generations. Should something make emotions rise in him, he becomes irrational at the confusion going on inside of him. 


In his pack he has a few syringe, a portable data sorter, a light energy gun (just in case) 

He wont really tell anyone but he does carry a towel in there too.  

Special skills: 

Weponized: Glo'cer can attune himself to nearly any weapon (Avalon tech not included) 

Hacks: Using the fluids in his blue sacks, he can play around with codes and electronic items. More advance take longer but one way or another, he will crack it. 

(The liquid or "blood" is an electromagnetic substance. When placed in specific parts of tech, it can yield different results. Mess up the electricity/power of things and cause it to function not like it is suppose to. It takes longer for more advanced equipment since more steps are needed to be done in order to yield the specific function he wants. Opening a locked powered door? Easy. Getting past a high security alarm system swarming with codes and firewalls is harder.



Basically he short circuits the item for a moment and thus overrides the security placed there.)

Racial Trait: Once a Solidus gets wet, they will start to melt. It takes a few minutes and constant water, but it is very painful. Should one be submerged for more than 2 minutes, they are just gas particles. 

Solidus give off small light from there sacks. 

Bio: Right from the moment his slime swirl became sentient, The solidus separated him from the populous. Having a dying gene was important and rare, so they could take no chances on him perishing in the world. Though he wasn't considered royalty by any means, he sure was treated that way. Anything he desired really was brought to him. What is desired by such creatures other than to learn though? For most of his life, he was but a subject of tests and the like. Anything his genes could reveal about pros and cons were being observed. For the longest time, he had no clue. They simply dodged his questions. After he came of age, for a Solidus, he began to understand he was a glorified prisoner. His craving for knowledge was analytically given to him. His knowledge was not true in its purest form. For this.... He began to anger. He knew he was being irrational. From an intellectual standpoint it made sense to him. He was a subject that needed to be understood and so getting rid of unneeded variables was logical. Still, he found it infuriating that he could not seek out knowledge on his own behalf. Years went by as this inner rage continued to grow. 

As if fate would have it, they were testing known substances to have a sleeping effect on solidus kind. To a blue liquid, however, he was more awake than ever. He could hardly close his ocular slits due to the energy. He simply stared out into a window. There he saw a new neighbor. A blue liquid like him. He knew the type of experiments that were being placed on her. Another prisoner in a logical cell. That ticked him off more. Having multiple  subjects to test for variants in effects made sense... yet he couldn't handle it. That test, he took advantage of his hyper awareness. He analyzed every possible electronic weapon, body suit, door frame. Everything needed for his escape. Once the Solidus in charge of giving him the next substance came in, he sprung into action. The sudden act of violence took everyone by surprise. Never had there been a recording of such actions taking place. The Solidus didn't stand a chance at the hands of Glo'cer. He took the syringe and extracted his own fluid. He extracted a mini-energy pistol from the body and attuned it to himself in the blink of an eye. running out, he did something irrational with no thought behind it. He sprung the other blue liquid out of her cell and they sprinted away. He had no rhyme or reason for doing it. It was just in the heat of the moment. 

They crashed around the lab they were kept in. The force governing there was obviously not ready for such an act. As they got to the heart of the base, they found signs and maps of the layout. In the far reaches, there was a shuttle outpost for incoming trade from other solar systems. They had their method of escape. The force was becoming more present now. Some guards ready for them, some doors locked and needed to be hacked. Somehow... they managed to slip past them mildly hurt. The corridor felt like it stretched forever but they finally managed to see space ships in sight. That little sparkle of hope made them sprint just a little faster. Glo'cer tossed the female blue liquid the pistol. He needed to put his undivided attention into hacking the spaceships mainframe and get past the security lock only the owner knew in order to turn the darn thing on. Moments go by and he can here the footsteps of guards getting closer. Some sound blasts from the female were sent but no screams of pain were yelled. Finally, he hacked the security. The pulse engine whirred to life and he turned around to yell for the female. She was surrounded, and he was to be soon. There were too many for them to take on. He found himself stepping closer to her though she were many feet away. He stopped and looked at the ship. It was... only logical. He pressed the door button and heard the airlock set. Finally he was free, but no passenger beside him. As he exited the atmosphere, he knew not were to go... but a dream to learn about everything he could. What better way to do that other than transport illegal and important cargo. No one would mind if he Snooped around with what he was hauling right? 
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