Ghosts of Saltmarsh

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Corian stays at the back of the group during the fight. He shoots out a bolt of fire, blasting it right into one of the bandits' chest. After that, the fight is quickly ended by the rest of the group. Removing some rope from his bag, Corian walks up to the wizard and starts to tie him up. He remains quiet while the discussion about Ned happens, as he had no stake in the argument either way. Corian was just lucky that they weren't treating him the same way. Instead, he searches the wizard for anything of value, but doesn't find anything as magical as he was hoping. He pockets the coins and stands back up with the map in hand. "There's a location marked on this map, as well as some writing I'm afraid I can't understand." He holds the map out for anyone to take and look through.
With no space to move up and stab the bandits, Dagger pulled his bow and an arrow, fired, and totally missed. A space opened up so he dropped the useless bow and pulls his daggers and thrusts them into a bandit, dropping them dead. Then he passed out. Waking to Tobi he pops up quickly, scanning the room for more. Dagger relaxes once he sees it's clear
With the threat around the corner, Dagger proceeded to sneak forward for a peek.

He came back confused. Scratching his head with the hilt of a dagger he looked to the others. "Weird...we seem to be..." he thinks a moment before finding the last word he needed "alone" he whispered.
Checking again he scratched the back of his head again and turned them again "a boat...a one." he mimed water being 3 feet from the ground then down to the ground with soft wave sounds.
Teshyn and Amythest stood to the side as everyone scurried around, waiting for Dagger to return. Leaning against the wall, the Triton shrugged at his report, "Eithere we've missed themme, or they are elsewhere." She turned to the sleeping Ned, "We shoulde wake himme alreadie."
Corian keeps the map and paces slowly around the room as he things. "We caught this wizard at the very least. He should be able to provide some information as to what his group is doing. This map should also help as well, once it gets translated." He stops his pacing right at the passage where they came from. "Our work might be done here for now, you guys might need to report back to whoever it is that gave you this job." He briefly wondered what he was going to do once they left, since he wasn't officially part of the group, but he was going to cross that bridge once he got to it.
"That's probably not a bad idea at all. Maybe we borrow that boat down in the cave? I'm sure it's probably stolen and someone wants it back... as well as the rest of this" Tobi waved his hand at the small treasure trove in front of them. Whistling while he worked, the younger man began collecting the rooms contents and loading them into the skiff. Sil kept close watch on the prisoner, as well as Ned who seemed to be coming around. Tobi offered to give Corian a lift back to Saltmarsh and promising to attempt to secure her a wage as well for their efforts.

With the smugglers goods loaded aboard, the party cast off the moorings; heading back to Saltmarsh. The winds favourable and it didn't take long. On the dock once again they saw the old priest, his face seemed calm now, but he was forever watching as Sil brought them to the militia slip to hand Sanbalet over to the authorities. Pleasantly their was actually a bounty of 200 gp that deck officer was more then happy to reward you with. An inspection of the ship reveals that it didn't belong to anyone and according to salvage rights, now belongs to the party. The goods are inspected by the port authorities are revealed to be stolen. A few tense moments later, as well as some quick wordplay manages to convince them that indeed you brought them back for the rightful owners. The gratful merchants of Saltmarsh pay you an additional reward of 140 gp.
You are also met there by Skerrin Wavechaser, it would seem noise travels fast in Saltmarsh. After giving your report, it would seem Anders is busy with the council, you are rewarded as promised. The party once again finds itself on the docks of Saltmarsh. Tobi make a polite excuse, needing to check in with his family and heads off. The rest of you find yourselves facing the sunset, free to do as you please.
Week 2
The individual members of the group had seen to a productive week. Saltmarsh had become a pot ready to boil over. The week started with a group of fishers accosts dwarves and other outsiders, demanding they leave town or else. It wasn't an uncommon sight to see as tensions had always been high in the town between the "Traditionalists" as they liked to be called and the "Loyalists". However things seemed to be building toward a breaking point, the open aggression was quickly dealt with by the town guard. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife, the right spark and this situation could become a full blown riot.
Armed militia have started to walk the street, rumours of marauders striking out from the Hool Marshes ransacking land based trade route and murdering travellers abound. Eliander's orders have somehow added even more tension to the already volatile situation...

It is under these circumstance Dagger has been requested to deliver missives to each of you from the town council. In the fine pressed enveloped bearing wax seals, is a request for your presence to meet with the council on an urgent matter. It would seem your work for Anders Solmor has opened a door into the local political scene. And so those of you who have chosen to attend the meeting find yourselves sitting in an anti-chamber outside the main council room. Raised angry voices of an argument can be heard through the thick wooden doors. It seems now would be an appropriate time to catch up with your friends, and discuss whats happened the past week while the council is indisposed.
Sil watched the doors waiting for the call to enter, his back against a wall. He had been quietly researching the Scarlet Brotherhood that Tobi had mentioned while searching in the house. Apparently, it was a very secretive order, only vaguely known. Every rumor or hint led further down a weird conspiracy trail of wilder and wilder speculation. His searches were hampered by the feuding and growing tensions between the dwarves of the mines and the fishermen. He and the other marines had been called out three times this week alone helping the guards. Several people in town were sporting black eyes and bruises due to the escalating nature of the violence. Hopefully, it wouldn't get much worse...'Please don't let it get worse....'

Adding to his worries, were the missing fishing boats that had started to grow in number. As he stroked the scar that ran across his face, it reminded him of the attack on the Marine ship three months earlier. The scar was still an angry red weal from his forehead and down the side of his face. He had gotten more used to it and stopped wearing a protective upper half of his face. In his 'free time' he thought mockingly, he had been visiting the priest of Procan, father Wellgar about other shipwrecks in the recent past. Unfortunately, the boy that they had rescued over a week and half ago, was still mostly catatonic, and not able to provide any information about the attack on the family boat. Lastly, since they had come back to town, Tobi had disappeared. Sil wasn't sure if it was on purpose, or something much more nefarious...
Finding herself with a new set of armor that easily worked with her in the water, Teshyn spent some of her time working to help figure out where the map that was found led to, then the rest of her week working on damaged ships, trying to listen in for any rumours of sunken ships.

Sitting awkwardly in the antichamber, she kept glancing at the doorway each time another argument started. Looking at the rest of the group gathered by Dagger, the Triton attempted a smile, "So ... howe have you alle beene?"
Corian busied himself in his poison work throughout most of the week, and he did his best to avoid the growing tensions around town as much as he could. During his time alone he managed to collect some good poison from a blowfish, as well as refine his snake venom to be more toxic. He contemplated selling what he had gathered, but the when he had caught wind that he was going to have to do more work, he decided to hold onto them for Selena. She would probably have more of a use for them soon, it was more worth it for her to have access to it instead of the money he could have gotten from them. During the week Corian also made a brief stop into town to pick up some clothes for the other people he shared a body with. If they were going to be interacting with a few people now they needed to look different, as to not draw suspicion. Selena wouldn't want for much, as she didn't like to be in the presence of people anyways, but Arissa would like something more fancy looking. The purchases themselves were easy enough, especially with the reward money he got from helping the group with the house.

Corian was surprised to receive a letter detailing more work, as he thought he would have been one of the last people to be requested. He nodded to Dagger as he took the letter into his hands though, and bid the kenku a good day. After some thought he decided that Arissa would be better for some council meeting, she was far more social than him after all. Plus people would probably have more fun around her than they would with himself, and he had been active for a long time now. It was time to give Arissa a turn.

A pale girl with equally white hair had showed up to the anti-chamber for the meeting, wearing a simple but expensive looking black dress to contrast against her otherwise ghostly appearance. She smiled and introduced herself as Arissa, an associate and friend of Corian. She presented the letter to show that she was telling the truth, and nobody seemed to question her much after that. She told everyone else in the room that she had been briefed on the small adventure Corian went on with everyone, and that they should treat her as they treated him. Once her explanation was taken care of, she sat in the comfiest looking chair she could find and looked towards Teshyn. "I have been doing good, just doing small tasks for Corian while he's busy with his small business. Hopefully I'll be seeing more of everyone, now that we're working together." She smiled softly and spoke in a refined but friendly voice. "How have you been since Corian last saw you?"
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