Geography, Economy, and Technology


Connoisseur of Romance

Switzerland Mountains.jpg
Schloss Sterne was constructed between 1744 and 1781 literally into the side of a mountain in The Alps. It was purposefully inaccessible to anyone incapable of teleportation or levitation and many construction techniques employed utilized psionics. Homes were constructed around the the castle as Celes and Ceres brought more people to Schloss Sterne over the years. When Psydrium was formally founded in 1925, a veritable city had sprouted up around the palace. Some homes are on nearby cliff ledges, others are carved into a face of the mountain range, and yet others have been constructed by drilling into rock and utilizing caverns. Some stairs and bridges have been created to assist travel within Psydrium proper, but there remains no means of transport between Psydrium and the ground for non-psions to use.

Officially in the borders of Switzerland, most citizens are given passports, visas, and the like by the Swiss government. Switzerland respects their independence (as do most international countries), right to privacy, and most importantly the wealth of their society. Psydrium is self-sustaining and as such their residents do not pay taxes to Switzerland, but they also are not provided services by Switzerland. Psydrium maintains its own school, government, and utilities that it pays for.

Tourists who are ignorant of psions are not welcome in Psydrium. They often find themselves with replaced memories in the event they trespass (intentionally or not).

Psydrium has offices across Europe, Asia, and a few in Africa that reach out to psions, offering schooling in psionic abilities and transportation to the city of Psydrium. These are viewed as embassies for those psions who chose to live in their native countries.
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Economy & Technology

While at first there was some concern how Psydrium could remain financially independent, the answer was quickly found: in their powers. Residents quickly banded together and were able to construct very successful enterprises which gained them both recognition and support from the Swiss government (who was eager to have their banking business). Travelers discreetly offered services transporting both people and shipments across the world, Dreamers helped provide reliable advice for investment opportunities, and Authors became business consultants as well as motivational speakers. With the cooperation between the different schools, many difficulties in simple construction jobs were inconsequential: they could reach any object in sight and conduct repairs and with the help of a Dreamer, even some things that were not! While working with the world at large requires discretion, psions have discovered their powers can be profitable with the right protections.

Because many psions do feel discriminated against one way or another (either by religious zealots accusing them of devil’s magic, scientists eager to dissect them, or simply fearful commoners) they tend to be generous helping out one another and their society. Many families have chosen to stay in Psydrium their entire lives and help support the ‘cause’ financially.

On that note, because it is relatively easy to achieve financial success and stability in the wider world, psions place less value on money than the typical person. Money is still used for daily transactions but it is rare to find a psion that is destitute or even remotely close to such. In Psydrium proper and, to a lesser extent smaller psion communities in other nations, it is common for there to be a currency of 'favors.' For example, a psion may teleport a colleague a great distance in return for them telepathically transmitting a sensitive message to a family member. These exchanges are transcribed in journals or cell phones and may even be traded between psions.
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