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Fandom Gate: New World

While Joseph translated with what seemed to be amusement for some reason Cail didn't quite understand he idly scratched at his ear and caught another whiff of the strange smelling smoke. "Oh so Japanees from Japan is like how we'd say Imperial from the Empire? Interesting." He considered that maybe he should be writing this stuff down but he thought that might cause them to take him for an Imperial spy instead of just a curious soul. "And you're from this United States of somewhere called America? That is an alliance of nations other than Japan?" Joseph's warning came as no surprise, he had been slightly concerned about how these newcomers would behave but Imperial soldiers would have dispensed with the warning shots by now, the only problem he could see was that they all appeared to be humans with no sign of any other races among them. "I'd expected as much, that's why I chose to approach you instead of going to Alnus directly."

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow
Sugata was sitting in the front vehicle with his eyes on the man and his beast, and his ears in his headset. This man seemed like he was honest in his inquiries and curiosity. After the small conversation that Sgt. Joe was having with the man. The Lt. had gotten out of the vehicle, his firearm was at his side, it's safety was on and he didn't have a round in the chamber. He slowly crept up to both Joe and Doc. "Joe, Doc, lower your weapons. I think that if this man meant us harm. His mount would come for us, also I'm getting a feeling from that guy. Like he is going to be stronger than something we have seen before. Now lower your weapons." Sugata had ordered.

Sugata slowly walked up to the man. "Joe, translate this... Hello, My name is First Lieutenant Sugata Yagami with the Japanese Self Defense Force. We entered through the gate." He looked at the Griffin. "My men have lowered their weapons. We don't mean you any harm. We come in peace." He was sort of fangirling about being able to use that line. But his face was kept serious. "We are actually looking for a city that should be close by. Maybe you could give us a hand?" He asked.

IG42 IG42 HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Joe was about to respond, when his CO exited the lead humvee. Upon hearing the words "Joe, Translate this..." The sergeant automatically began speaking in the local tongue. "Hello, My name is First Lieutenant Sugata Yagami with the Japanese Self Defense Force. We entered through the Gate. My men have lowered their weapons. We don't mean you harm. we come in peace." Upon hearing that line, Joe couldn't help but roll his eyes. Did he just seriously say that? Joe thought before going back to translating. "We are actually Looking for a city that should be close by. Maybe you could give us a hand?" The sergeant finished, translating the Lt word for word.

Dak Dak IG42 IG42
As a new stranger came out into the open Cail watched him calmly as he approached but frowned a little as he spoke in their own language but Cail's expression returned to normal as they kept their presumed weapons at their sides and Joseph translated for the newcomer, he wasn't sure why the translator seemed exasperated by such simple statement as 'we come in peace' though. "Sugata...so you lead this merry band?" He said with his expression of poorly concealed excitement back in place. "If it's a city you're after you probably mean Italica and I'd be happy to engage in a trade of sorts." His smile abruptly turned a little sly. "I'll share my knowledge of this land with you and help guide you while you in exchange answer my questions about the world you hail from, sound fair?"

Dak Dak HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
"Great... The mage wants to barter..." Joe said with a huff in japanese before going back to translating. "He's also wondering if you are our leader. And that he's willing to share his knowledge of the land and guide us to the city called Italica, So long as we answers questions about our world." He finished, taking a long drag of his smoke before flicking the butt into the road, where the remnants smolder and die. Exhaling, Joe shook his head as if regretting he would suggest this. "Sir, The man could be an asset, and if you order it, I could answer his questions, within reason. No national secrets and the like." He explained standing at parade rest. "Not to mention sir, it would allow me to expand my vocabulary with the local language." The sergeant added as an after thought.

Dak Dak IG42 IG42 Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow
Sugata looked at the mage for a minute. Taking this man with him would be interesting, but he could be useful. He looked at Joe, then to Doc. "He can join us. But he's gonna be in the lead car with me." He said. He then looked at his pet. "What about your ride? Is he going to go with us, or is he going to be set free? " He asked. If it was going to be set free then they wouldn't have a problem. If it was going to be going with them, then would it fly above or would it ride on one of the vehicles. "Joe, Doc. Mount up. We're moving out. We're moving out. I got a bad feeling about this." He said moving towards the lead car. "Joe tell him to follow me." He said as he walked around to the back of the vehicle. "Get in. We're going for a ride."

IG42 IG42 HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Pina looked at the women. "I made it through in the dead of night from the south gate. There didn't seem to be anything around there other then the men on the castle." She said before sighing. "If you as me that might be there next target. It's what I would do. Try and catch my opponent off guard by attacking a different gate." She said. She walked over to the women and put his hand on her shoulder. "As for a relief army, that will come in a few days. My personal order is coming if the city can hold off for a few days then we can push them back."

Pina took a seat and put her head back. She had rode through the night and day to get to Italica. No stops for sleep, barely any time to eat. "I am sorry, I rode through the night to get here. If there is any thing that needs my attention then please wake me, but for now I must adjourn to a bed for some rest." She said standing up.
Petroshka Petroshka
Having watched the two men talk it out Cail met Sugata's gaze levelly increasingly certain that this man was the leader of the group, once the First Lieutenant approved his proposal he smiled brightly. "Excellent! This should be fun." Following Sugata's look at Aspiro his merry expression dropped for a moment at the idea of leaving her behind and riding in the strange vehicles. "She stays with me, she'll be alright to follow along from above though if you have the space it would be helpful if I could untack her before that." Looking fondly at his mount he watched her stalk over to the discarded object and smell it curiously though she kept a close eye on them seemingly aware that she was being talked about.

Taking a look at their vehicles he turned back to the two men. "As the first part of our deal I would like to have at least some idea of how these...carriages work before jumping in, obviously they aren't drawn by any kind of beast of burden."

Dak Dak
As the Lt and mage made their way to the lead vehicle, Joe breathed a short sigh of relief glad that that was over. At least for now that is. Looking over to the second lieutenant, the staff sergeant gave her a smirk before saying "Thoughts on our newest addition to our merry band of misfits?" As they made their way back into their own Humvee. Once seated, he quickly removed his brain bucket, and replaced it with a beret that he pulled out of his ammo pouch before placing it on his cranium. Upon further inspection the group would notice that said beret was not same as the ones that were issued to the rest of the JSDF forces, but one that was Jungle Green with a gold flashing emblazoned with two crossed arrows and a knife with the words De Opresso Liber. "To free the oppressed". The emblem of the 1st US Special Forces group.

With his new head gear secure, Joe lounged back in his seat and stretched letting out a contented sigh. It felt good, no it felt right to wear the beret once again. "So Lt, what made you want to join the military?" He asked, generally interested in the normally scowling medic and the rest of the squad he would be fighting beside. If there was one thing he learned in all his year of service, it was to get to know your brothers and sisters in arms. Know their story, motivations, strengths, weaknesses as to become a more cohesive unit.

Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow Dak Dak IG42 IG42 Commissar Darman Commissar Darman
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2Lt Hasegawa Junko
"Yes Sir..." Junko muttered as she flicked the safety back on her rifle. She didn't like the order to stand down just like that and especially coming from one so interested on entering the Gate to visit their world. A gate leading to her own country at that but she decided to trust her superior officer. At least to keep up her end of the deal of making sure she follows his orders to a T. Besides, she has a new source of irritation now. The American just idly flicked his own finished cigarette onto the ground.

"....... Tch." Junko clicked her tongue in irritation as she noticed the griffon move close to it. Taking a deep breath, she slowly moved towards it, making sure not to make any sudden movements or to look at the griffon in the eye as she got closer to the cigarette butt. Once she was close enough, she slowly bent down and picked up the cigarette butt before backing off towards her companions. She looked at the now dead butt with narrowed eyes as she pulled out what seems to be a lighter. With a flick of her finger, the top part slid off and she placed the cigarette butt into it before stowing it away next to her own pack of cigarettes.

"Yes Sir. Moving out, hope he behaves in your ride, Sir. And if possible, mind keeping him away from the civilian translator? It'll give me some peace of mind, Sir." Junko advised, shooting a suspicious glance at the mage before walking back to her assigned vehicle. Climbing back into the front passenger seat, she slumped back into it with a sigh. She considered un-clipping her helmet strap but she kept it on out of caution. The roads are bumpy and she wouldn't want to give her already busy mind any physical damage. She was just about to say something when Joe asked her a direct question.

"Hm? Why did I join the military?" Junko repeated her question, turning around to see the man had replaced his helmet with a beret. A glance at the emblem confirmed one of her suspicions. He was former spec ops and it was nice to confirm which one too. The 1st Special Forces group had a base in Okinawa after all.

"Simple really. My father wanted me to. Part of the family tradition he said. That and I wanted to give my little sisters a chance of having a proper life instead of one set in stone. Still, I did bend his wishes a little by going to the National Defense Medical College instead of the NDA so I'll be happy with what I got." Junko calmly answered.

"Oh and one more thing, Staff Sergeant. Please don't litter your cigarette butts anywhere you like. It'll make us look bad to the locals. Not to mention the fact that I don't want to our litter to dirty this place."

Dak Dak IG42 IG42 HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Commissar Darman Commissar Darman
"Yes ma'am." Joe replied, lounging back in his seat, after listening to her reason for joining. Of course he knew there was more to her story that she wasn't telling, but he wouldn't press her on it. For now at least. "So, how much combat have you seen? I'm asking so i know whether or not you will do what must be done and not freeze at the first chance some savage tries to gut you." He asked next, probing for more information. While crude and possibly bloodthirsty, the Sergeant needed to know these things. If he's going to fight beside her, he needed to know if he could count on her and the others. Sure he could have worded it better, but he felt being blunt was the best way to go about it, experience proving it time and time again.

"You too bomb boy. What drove ya to service? I mean, we have a long drive ahead, might as well kill time and get to know one another better. As Drill Sergeant Ambrose once said; For a squad to work together efficiently, they must first know each other like family. A dysfunctional family, but a family all the same. Know each others strengths, weaknesses, triumphs and follies." Joe explained, quoting his old drill instructor, as memories of his time in basic and Ranger training returned to the forefront of his mind, the faces of his brothers and sister and in arms flashing through. I wonder how Omi is doing. Is he still back in anchorage, or did he decide to move to Okinawa? He thought, wondering about his best friend and brother.

Knowing fair was fair, Joe took a deep breath, before letting out a long sigh. "I was seventeen when I decided to follow in my father's foot steps and join the army. My Best friend Urushima Omi, Joined with me as soon as we graduated high school. We were lucky to be both put in the same unit, when we shipped off to basic. And even luckier when we both scored high enough marks to go to Ranger School together. It was hell for the both of us. shit, it was hell for my whole squad, as we stalked through the jungles of Panama, sleep deprived and hungry. Sergeant Ambrose was such a bastard to us during that time. Especially to Lilly. He was the hardest on her. But in the end it made us strong. When we graduated, only 8 of the 24 hopefuls were left. The rest of them having been injured in training, or washed out. When we were sent out on our first mission, the details i will not go over as they are classified, we were like a swarm of locusts, leaving nothing but destruction in the wake of our enemies." The sergeant sighed once more, as the memories of it flashed through his mind. He could still hear the screams of the dead and dying. The sound of automatic fire, and the deafening detonations of M-67s. The smell of blood, shit, piss, carbonized bone and the sickly sweet smoke from corpses. Shaking his head, he continued.

"I was my squad's CQC and combat specialist. I'm trained in use of most fire arms, Systema, Knife fighting and most other forms of melee combat. I was also called Macgyver, due to my ability to make useful things out of random bits and bobs. I also have 423 confirmed kills, and more unconfirmed. You won't get any more info from my file as it had been marked out. My hobbies include Metallurgy, cooking, playing the bagpipes and inventing things."

Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow Commissar Darman Commissar Darman
Having untacked Aspiro and stowed the gear along with his weapon in the back of vehicle Cail gently rubbed her forehead. "Alright girl, don't stray too far and no eating the livestock outside the city this time! I nearly ended up in indentured servitude after that time with the sheep." The griffon simply leaned into his touch and made a trilling noise before taking off to circle overhead. "Alright then! Time to hit the trail!"

Clambering into the vehicle with Sugata he looked around the interior curiously unable to make heads or tails of what anything except for the door handle was for, glancing at the other two people he spoke. "So since Joseph isn't here I assume at least one of you can understand me right? How does this thing move and how do you control it?" There was some sort of apparatus before one of the front seats that included a wheel which vaguely reminded him of the sort used to steer ships but everything else was a mystery.

Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff Dante Verren Dante Verren Dak Dak (just to keep him in the loop)
Nobuko Yamada
Things had been going smoothly, at least it seemed so. With Joe having stepped out earlier to speak with the mage, Nobuko hadn't moved from her spot. It seemed like they had it under control, and she wasn't going to screw it up for a little chat. Honestly, she was somewhat shocked by the relative friendliness of the man and his mount. Sure, the reason she was free was due to the kindness of the native people, but she never anticipated this to end without bloodshed. Perhaps she was too negative...

But she hadn't expected him to actually be riding with them... At least not in the vehicle with her. He seemed to be curious about the inner workings of motor vehicles, which wasn't exactly her field of expertise. Still, she had the basic knowledge acquired over her years in school. Looking to their new 'guest', Nobuko briefly went over how she wanted to explain it, before beginning to speak in the native tongue.

"We- No, I understand you." She accidentally slipped up with the pronouns, but corrected herself to hopefully avoid causing a misunderstanding. "These are called motor vehicles, at least generally. I'm unfamiliar with what this one's called, but it is simply more rugged than the usual type. I'm not an expert on how these work, but I have a little info... This vehicle runs on what we call an engine, which is powered by a process called internal combustion. Think of it like tiny explosions. Those explosions move these specialized rods called pistons, which turn a crank system and create the spinning force we need to move the wheels. The process is repeated in rapid succession to create constant power. There's a lot more to how these work than what I know, and I can't even guarantee I got all of it right... It's kinda confusing, I'll admit." She sighed, before continuing on.

"I'm trying to remember back from about 2-4 years ago, on a subject I didn't really have any interest in myself. If you want to know more, I guess I could ask around to see if anyone else can explain it better. I'm sure our driver knows... Oh! Almost forgot, that steering wheel controls which direction we go, and there's some devices near the feet called pedals. They're used to control acceleration and deceleration. There might be something else, I'm not familiar with driving either." That was the last thing she expected to be explaining to some native... Why did she get the hard question and not Joe? She shrugged in unison with the many souls in her head, contemplating whether or not it was truly a bad time to let someone else take the wheel. 'Great, now I'm thinking about cars.'
IG42 IG42
Listening to the young lady who he noted didn't appear to be adorned with anywhere near as much equipment as the others while she explained how the 'motor' vehicles worked Cail would be lying if he said he really understood it all. "It...uses explosions to move? By burning materials?" He looked around doubtfully, while there was a fair amount of noise coming from the front of the vehicle and he had seen alchemists make small explosions using various materials. "That sounds a little dangerous, are these vehicles common in your land?"

Looking her over he felt there was something off about her that he couldn't quite put his finger on, he also realised something else. "I forgot to ask what was your name?" While he spoke he leaned forward and looked over the driver's shoulder for a minute to try and spot the pedals she had mentioned, pulling back he shuffled over to where his saddlebags sat in the rear of the vehicle and rooted around inside before pulling out a well worn roll of paper. "Here's my map of the area around Italica if anyone wants to have a look at it."

Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff Dante Verren Dante Verren
Sugata smiled as he heard Yamada talking to the mage. He looked back for a second to look at them. "Alright, driver. Let's continue on to our destination." He said pointing toward Italica. He knew that they would reach their destination soon, as to how long was unknown. "Yamada, be careful in what you tell him. He might be nice to us now, but we don't know what he is planning. I know you don't have certain training, so please watch what you say." He said as he looked forward. He went over the radio. "Doc, when you get a chance I'd like it f you could give this guy a medical evaluation. I wanna know if they have any type of differences between us and them." He said before putting the mic down. His eyes were slowly starting to lower. He was tired. He didn't sleep that much the day before and was starting to feel it. The seat, even though it was truly uncomfortable from the start, started to feel comfy.

Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff IG42 IG42 Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow
Watching the interaction with the Native from the drivers seat of the Vic. Haruo let out an sigh as he leaned against the wheel. as time progressed. He realized that nothing was gonna happen. so to keep himself entertained. Haruo started to play with the windshield wipers. By the time the other two returned to the Vehicle. Haruo found the users guide to his ride and learned all the cool little things. Like the loudspeaker system integrated into this variant is also linked to the music system. Watching the lead Vic pull away. Haruo eased his back onto the road and followed the leader. As the drive wore on. Haruo listened to the conversation going on in his ride. But didn't say anything until the Yank brought him into it. When Joe finally stopped talking. giving what felt like the mans life story. Haruo finally spoke up. "Well to answer your fist question. I joined because of my Father. He was a Contractor and when we'ed go on trips. He would take me around the world to all these World War sites and I was hooked. I loved the ingenuity of some of the buildings and machines and wanted to do the same. thats really about it." Pausing for a moment. "as for the killing anyone. Yea, one. blew him up."
2Lt Hasegawa Junko
"Hm. That's a rather interesting tale, American." Junko admitted, feeling a varied mix of emotions to Joe's little story telling session. This Drill Sergeant he mentioned rather reminded her of her own drill instructor. A rather fiery woman NCO named Kirigiri Kanade. An even more uptight and ferocious woman who regularly drove one of her former bunkmates to tears until she almost dropped out of officer cadet school. Then once they all passed, she ended up becoming a cool elder sister or drinking buddy whenever they happened to be in Yokosuka. The memory of which brought a small smile onto Junko's face before she went back to thinking about the American's second question.

"So, how much combat have you seen?" Such a simple question and already Junko hated it. Combat? She's only seen the results of it. Broken bones, cuts, dead bodies. Okay maybe not so much of the last one but she did walk through the battlefield after the Battle of Alnus Field in search of any wounded. Bodies, as far as the eye can see, lying in craters made by JSDF explosives. Bullet riddled bodies of men, some who don't even look a day over 18. It made her sick and would have vomited on the spot had she not been used to seeing cadavers but there was a new stench she learned of on that day. The sickly sweet smell of burnt flesh. She remembered a surgeon she spoke with during her days in Medical School. He said that burnt flesh smelt like a mix of burning plastic and burnt yakiniku. She remembered muttering about him being a liar that day. Even with the surgical mask on, the smell would bleed through the filters and it stuck for the whole day. A truly indescribable smell it was.

"I've seen... My fair share of combat. Not the actual combat of course, I was stuck in the medical tent praying that none of our men would get injured. Although..." Junko paused to glance at their driver, mentally apologizing for her sigh of relief about finally having something to do after he almost blew himself up.

"I guess I should have prayed harder. Don't take it too seriously, Dieker-kun." Junko halfheartedly joked. Her gaze now fixed on her rifle. It was so easy to chamber the round, to flick the safety off, to zero in the sights and then to pull the trigger. So easy to dole out death in neat 7.62mm packages. So why.... Why didn't she hesitate at the idea of shooting the mage earlier? Why did she feel.... excited at the idea of shooting him? Junko shook the thought out of her head as she mentally noted to schedule a session with the base shrink. And just in time too, seems that their CO wanted her to check on their new 'ally' later.

"Copy that. I'll do the preliminary medical examinations on our new hitchhiker once we've reached our destination. Over." Junko responded over the radio, plopping the mic down with a sigh.A small chuckle escaped her lips as a funny thought entered her mind.

"You think they care about the Geneva Convention here?"

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Commissar Darman Commissar Darman Dak Dak
"It is not the same Lieutenant..." Joe seemed to growl, his eyes becoming hard and dark as he looked into her still innocent ones. "Seeing corpses, and making them is a completely different experience. One you best pray you never have to experience it. To see the light fade from their eyes as you end their short miserable lives... It kills you a bit on the inside..." The sergeant continued, looking away, as if uncomfortable with the subject but pressing on because it is important. Taking a deep breath, he pressed on. "Despite this, if it comes down to you or them, you better fucking end them first, because they won't hesitate to kill or worse."

Feeling he had made his point, Joe decided that it would be best to leave them to think on his words and jumped on the .50. Getting comfortable, the sergeant could see for miles in all directions. This of course put him on alert, as he kept his head on a swivel for any potential hostiles. They would not be surprised again like with the mage. Looking around once more, Joe quickly spotted the griffon, and made sure to keep the Martyr Machine pointed away from their winged companion.

Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow Commissar Darman Commissar Darman Dak Dak
Hours pass, as the drive from Alnus had little to no surprises after picking up the Wind Mage Cail, and his feathered companion Aspiro; night had soon fallen upon the foreign land. Figuring it would be better to stop for the night, and reach their target in the morning, Team Six found a small copse of trees to set up camp and shield them from any other aerial creatures that would get the bright idea to raid the strange travelers. Setting up camp was a short affair, as the discipline instilled in the team had it up in a matter of minutes. Soon the motley group had a small fire going, as Joe remained on the .50 taking first watch, his pipes once again in his hands as he played a low mellow tune after swapping out the read of the chanter pipe to one tuned to C Minor. Despite the poor reception he and his unusual instrument had earlier, with the pitch lowered, it shouldn't be much an issue. At least he hoped.

Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow IG42 IG42 Commissar Darman Commissar Darman Dak Dak Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff Dante Verren Dante Verren
Scrambling out of the 'automobile' Cail stretched his limbs and rubbed his sore tail. "I get the feeling those seats weren't designed with demi-humans in mind." He'd been a little disappointed but not surprised that they were all human, the only use the Empire had for his kind was grunt work and cannon fodder though these people had only seemed curious about his animal traits.

Straightening up he pulled out a roughly carved whistle and blew on it sending out a high pitched note, after a couple of minutes Aspiro dropped out of the sky with a doe clutched in her talons which she dumped at his feet like a proud housecat. "That's my girl." He said with a grin while leaning over to pet her forehead. "She usually brings something back when I let her off to hunt, likes to show off. Took months to get her to stop carrying off livestock though, got run out of a few places before then. Anyway any volunteers to find some firewood?" While he spoke Aspiro wandered over to where Joe had sat down with his mysterious instrument and started playing again, tilting her head towards the sound she lay down before him and listened silently.

Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow Commissar Darman Commissar Darman Dak Dak Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff Dante Verren Dante Verren HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Nobuko Yamada
"Ah, I did forget to introduce myself... Nobuko Yamada. It is commonplace to be referred to by our surnames in Japan though, so you'll more than likely hear people refer to me as Yamada. I think surname usage might also extend to most militaries, but don't quote me on that..." Nobuko continued in the special region's language, before switching over to Japanese when Sugata spoke up. "Ah, very well then." After giving it some thought, she understood where he was coming from... But that line had long been crossed by her existence in the first place. Still, she'd respect his wishes as best she could.

It seemed the group would be taking a break for the night. That made sense, nobody could stay up forever... Another trip in the morning should be enough to get them to Italica anyway. She heard Cail pipe up about an issue with the seating, unsurprisingly. It was true that it wasn't made with tailed beings in mind, since they didn't exist on Earth outside of animals.

"Well, Demi-Humans don't exist in our world, at least not as far as we've discovered." She replied to him, watching as he called back his griffon from earlier. She figured she'd translate, it was one of her purposes after all. She listened to his next few statements, before swapping back to Japanese.
"He was just talking about the seats. We think he squished his tail too much. Oh, and his griffon is a giant house cat, she brings back animals after hunting. He also wants to know if anyone is willing to help him find more firewood."

IG42 IG42 HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow Commissar Darman Commissar Darman Dante Verren Dante Verren Dak Dak
The lieutenant had actually passed out. He had turned the heat and fell asleep looking out the window. He wasn't all that tired, but just had happened to be in the perfect position to pass out. After a while it had seemed that the convoy had stopped. Sugata had taken a second to compose himself to find out that they had stopped. He looked about the camp. A couple of tents, and of course there was the Humvee which housed Joe. Joe was going to be standing first watch. Sugata sighed as he started to play the blasted bagpipes. But he was intrigued to see the griffon had actually liked it. "Would you look at that. Looks like someone likes your horrible playing." He said.

Sugata had walked over to the doc. "What's your thoughts doc on our traveler?" He asked. This wizard was interesting. He stopped them on their way to italica . If he was going to be joining them then The doc and Sugata were going to have to watch over him. "Yamada... If you can try and get some info about the empire. I wanna know why they were trying to take the gate, and why they were trying to kill all of us." He asked.
"Keep it up lieutenant an i'll kick your ass...." Joe replied in english over the reed, still keeping the bag well inflated. At least the others don't mind. Even the doc isn't trying to stop me. Phillips: one, Sugata: Zero... he thought with a small smirk, drawing out the final note. Spotting the doe carcass by the fire pit, Joe carefully stowed his pipes before switching back to japanese. "Sir, Permission to dress and season that venison?" He called out, hoping to introduce his team to proper american camp fire barbecue. Plus it had been years since he had good venison. Without waiting for a response, the former us army ranger, ducked back inside the vehicle to his pack. digging through the left pouch, Joe began pulling out a number of spice jars and what looked like a bottle of olive oil. A mement later, he put back a number of the jars leaving him with Salt, Sage, Rosemary, Savory, Black and White Pepper, Onion and garlic powder, a bottle of olive oil, and a small tub of beef tallow.

Stowing his pack, he quickly grabbed his brain bucket, and stuffed the ingredients inside before making his way back out of the vehicle. Wasting no time, he snatched up an unused tarp, and spread it out on the ground beside the to be meal. "Hey Doc, Mind helping me skin and dress the deer?" He called out, unsheathing a rather large and well made deer antler handle bowie knife, going straight to skinning the doe. Switching to the local tongue, Joe called out to their newest addition. "Hey Mage, mind getting a cooking spit set up while we take care of this?"


Dak Dak Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow IG42 IG42
Tilting his head at Nobuko or apparently Yamada's reply to his complaint Cail stared at her curiously. "None at all? So it's just humans, elves and the like there? That's pretty strange." He could think of quite a few humans in the Empire that wouldn't mind a world like that, even a few of his mage 'colleagues' would have rejoiced at the absence of his kind despite their supposed value of rationalism.

When Joe put his pipes away Aspiro made a short keening noise of disappointment and nudged his shoulder. "Leave him alone girl. You can't just poke people like that, they always think you're about to rip something off." Snorting in displeasure she backed off and laid down again giving Cail the stink eye. "Sorry Joseph she has a thing for music." Grabbing up an armload of stones he laid them out in a circle and began pitching up the spit over it. "Not a problem still going to need some wood though."

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff

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