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Realistic or Modern Gangs of Birmingham - IC Thread [Open & Accepting]

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -

Caroline Walker

Caroline had turned back to look into the house from the garden when she noticed Richard smiling and waving her in. She pulled a confused expression at first, given he was standing alone and she hadn't heard any vehicles pulling into her driveway. Still, he couldn't be smiling for no reason, given the circumstances. She was quick to return inside, where he told her Robert and Rory were alive. "They are? How do you know?!" she asked, a smile quick to appear on her face despite her uncertainty. When told about Robert's call, a wave of relief overcame her, allowing her to finally breathe properly after a tense morning.

Caroline retrieved the phonebook for Richard before the man rushed around and out to his car. Whilst on her own, she took a moment to allow her tears to fall from her eyes, holding her hand to her chest as she tried to get her emotions under control. Upon hearing her brother-in-law re-enter the house, she quickly dried her tears before joining him in the dining room. Placing the phonebook on the corner of the table, she watched as he opened out the map on the surface. She was about to make a comment about this not being some war strategy. Instead, other words came out. "Wales?!" she repeated upon being told where her husband was. "I've never even heard of a place called Chepstow," she scoffed. She supposed it made a little sense, given Elwyn Jones had been Welsh. "What's so special about Chepstow?" she wondered aloud as she followed his finger to the location on the map.

"Do you need new glasses?" she sarcastically asked when Richard asked for the phonebook that was next to him. Despite the emotions of the morning, her trademark bluntness remained. When Richard explained about Robert being injured, the worry once again set in. She knew how her husband downplayed his own health issues, which made her wonder just had ill the man really was if he couldn't hide it from the phone call alone. It was likely Rory was hurt too, which only added to the worry. As Richard spoke about finding a nearby hospital, Caroline couldn't help but think of the Fletchers. "We'll have to let Dorothy know," she suggested. Even if the bitterness between them remained, she knew how the other woman was feeling at this time, with both having had a missing daughter caught up in this mess.

Caroline naturally smiled at Richard's enthusiasm about finding the hospital on the map. She nodded in agreement about Dean being trusted. "Of course. Felicity and Thomas will be safe here," she agreed. "Perhaps Dean could contact the Fletchers and gives them a heads up too," she suggested. It wasn't so much that she was avoiding speaking with Dorothy, but she was keen to get to Robert and she was sure the phone call would be a lot smoother if made by someone more... neutral.

Caroline retrieved her handbag, quickly rifling through it to make sure she had everything she needed. "Okay, let's..." She fell silent upon noticing Richard had turned serious again. She hooked the bag handle over her forearm as he started by apparently giving her a warning about Robert. "Richard. I've been married to him for decades..." she scoffed. But he seemed deadly serious as he said Robert wouldn't be the same. When he elaborated by telling her not to ask questions, but to instead let her husband speak on her own terms, she realised he was alluding to Casablanca and the fallout from that. She hadn't learned the truth about Robert's abduction and prolonged torture until a few years later, when Robert returned home from the war and finally told her about his ordeal. Softening, she nodded in understanding. "I get it. I'll always be there for him, and of course I can be strong. I'll make sure he gets what he needs and when he needs it," she reassured Richard.

Once they were on the road, with Richard driving, Caroline sat back in the passenger seat. Other than offer help navigating, she felt useless for the time-being. After a time, she gave in to the anxiety the stress of the day had brought on. Placing her handbag on her lap, she opened it up to retrieve a box of cigarettes and a lighter. It was rare she smoked and was dead against anyone doing it in her home. In fact, it wasn't something her family knew for her to do. Granted, she was sure Robert knew even if he didn't dare bring it up. Considering his many secrets of the past and the fact it was usually stress caused by him that led her to smoke, she figured he knew better than to judge her for it. "Do you want one?" she offered Richard. Whether he still smoked or not, she figured today would be a warranted time to have one now. Caroline wound down her window before taking a long drag of the cigarette and blowing the smoke out towards the outside air.

"I only smoke when shit has really his the fan. Funnily enough, it's usually Robert's doing," she sarcastically remarked. Granted, this time she wasn't angry with him, rather stressed by the emotional whirlwind he'd sent her way this time. "Did he ever tell you about the first time he proposed to me?" she asked. Other than saying she hadn't been ready, Robert hadn't gone into much detail, more inclined to tell the story of the second and successful attempt. "It was a beautiful and romantic gesture, all very well planned." She took another drag of the cigarette and flicked the ash out of the window. "He'd asked my father's permission, bought the most fabulous ring, and took me to London - where we first met - and to the most beautiful restaurant. My favourite, in fact." She smiled, remembering how perfect it all was, in theory. "I wanted to say yes, but I was very much rebellious when I was younger. Even as a child I didn't believe in the whole idea that it was my place to simply marry, have kids and be a housewife. So when he planned it all and sought my family's permission I was having none of it. The fact there were people in that restaurant watching the proposal didn't make me cave in either." Caroline lightly laughed. "You'd have thought he'd have escaped whilst he could. But he clearly didn't want a woman who would step into line. And soon enough he figured things out and tried again when the proposal was about only the two of us."

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard)
Mentioned: BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory, Thomas)
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Birmingham City Hospital
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Penny Fletcher
The truth hit Tony like a wave, and Penny’s heart cracked anew. She bit back the tears, determined to be the strong one now. She had cried enough. Now, her job was to hold it together for him and everyone else. As Tony’s questions came pouring out, Penny stroked his hand, her touch steady and comforting. Her gaze shifted to Julia, silently giving her the go-ahead. Julia’s small, grateful smile was all Penny needed to know she had made the right call. The world had shattered the night the girls were taken, and Penny had rushed to her family without hesitation. But now, they were facing the most difficult truth of all.

Penny's voice was firm but filled with sympathy. “I know this is hard to believe, but they took Felicity too. The Walkers were hit the same time we were. Robert has been working with our guys to track down the girls. Someone’s out there, Tony, but it’s not the Walkers this time. Whoever’s doing this is coming for both families.” Penny’s voice wavered, the words difficult to get out, but she forced herself to continue. “We need his help, whether we like it or not. We can’t lose anyone else.”

Penny moved closer to Tony, brushing his hair gently from his forehead as she adjusted his blanket and the medical tubing. The room was quiet except for the soft beeping of machines, but Penny could feel the tension radiating from him. She knew the frustration of being stuck in bed was eating at him, his body desperate to move but trapped by weakness. Keeping him calm enough to heal would be harder than ever, but she would make sure he stayed here, safe and strong.

Tony sat still, his mind racing as he processed what they had told him. The anger was there, but so was the helplessness. Penny saw it, and with a gentle squeeze of his hand, she whispered, “We’re going to get through this, Tony. Together.” It wasn’t a promise—it was a truth they both needed to hold onto.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Tony
neverbackdown neverbackdown - Julia
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The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -​
Dean Walters
Dean gave Felicity a warm smile when she agreed to do whatever it took to bring home the wayward souls. He took out a pen and a tattered leatherbound pocket book, poised and ready to start whenever she was. He looked up at Thomas and gave him a thankful nod for helping his sister - Dean was not a very comforting soul and even less so when he was in business mode. He had all the right practiced actions of course - polite, professional - just wasn't great at the emotions part. As Felicity started to tell them her story, Dean quickly scrawled bits of important information on the paper.

Dean looked up as she began giving him the bits and pieces he would need to put this mystery to rest. "Warehouse… pallet trucks… Property of… Logistics… " He sat back thinking, still listening. There were a few places around that he knew of within driving distance but nothing he could recall with Logistics in the name. Could be the truck wasn't associated with the building name. When she paused, he looked up, giving her an encouraging nod. "Go on. What did it sound like Felicity?" He asked softly, his voice firm and steady as he watched the events washing over her. This was always his least favorite part of this job - having to make them relive it. He nudged Thomas with a bend of his head to keep her steady, it would help keep her grounded and not lost in the memory.

As the nights as a prisoner began to play, Dean began to scribble again, watching and listening intently. "Train…River." As he finished scrawling, he looked up, closing the book for the moment. "This is very good Felicity. Now, tell me them. What do you remember about the people who took you? What was the routine like? Was there anything that stuck out to you? I know you drove yourself home, so were you awake when they drove you to the meeting spot? Do you remember how long a drive it was? Could you see anything?" ((Assume there's pauses for her to answer between the questions where you want :D)) Dean slowly went through question after question, peeling back those initial layers to find the jewels of clues underneath.

"Felicity, you're doing great. This is going to be a big help. I think I have enough information here to at least start narrowing down a possible location. Thomas, how well do you know the surrounding areas?" He asked him. It had been a while since Dean had been young and prone to long drives going nowhere, exploring outside his comfort zone. He hoped Thomas was still in that age where a long drive helped him learn the countryside.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Felicity
neverbackdown neverbackdown - Thomas
The Walker Residence
Misty Gray Misty Gray

Dr. Richard Finley


Before the duo headed out, Richard made sure to align all his pieces into place to ensure the residence would remain secure. Briefly, he popped his head into the study. He notified the trio of the news that Robert had rung the house to notify them he and Rory were together and safe. Though still unsure of the exact spot, he made sure to tell them that he and Caroline would be off to Wales to track down the lead Robert had given. Dean, once done with his investigation, was tasked with staying at the house for as long and to make a few phone calls. Once the news was quickly squared away, he met Caroline at his car, and the two were off.

It felt good to leave the house, let alone Birmingham, even with the poor circumstances. All of his compounding responsibilities, though for the greater good, didn’t come without sacrifice on his end. With the newfound drama with the families on top of simply holding the city together outside of the special interests, it was more draining than he expected. So now, the freedom of the open road and a bit of a break from what permeated back in Birmingham upon his return were welcomed with open arms. For now, in these few hours with Caroline, time could pause for a bit.

Though focused on the road, Richard sat fairly lazed. The lack of real brain power to drive on top of his poor sleep had numbed his mind. Thankfully, his Range Rover comfortably suited the pair and could carry Robert and Rory back if necessary. The only thing that snapped his trance was the sound of Caroline rustling through her purse. Curiously, he let his eyes occasionally dart to her rummaging. “At this point, why don’t you bloody turn it upside down all over my clean floors?” Richard teased. Though, despite his jest, she seemed to find what she was looking for. A cigarette carton.

For nearly a third of his life, Richard had been an avid smoker. It wasn’t farfetched or abnormal for anyone their age, nor was it for kids these days. He picked up the habit back in Ladywood, bumming a smoke off of his fellow shiftworkers. During the war, he burned through packs by the days. Though his brother tolerated it during their time living together, it was per Robert’s prodding and a promise that if he survived the war, he’d properly drop the habit. So after he properly got clean after his first degree, he kicked the habit. Minus the occasional cigar or offered smoke.

Pff, please. You know better, darling." Richard extended his non-driving hand to form a v-shape with his pointer and middle finger. His joke wasn’t targeted at her; he didn’t care one way or another what she did. Rather, he was poking at the fact she had to ask him, considering he’d say yes in a heartbeat. Once she passed him his smoke, he held it in his mouth for a moment, switching hands to roll down his window, before taking a proper drag. “No, he hasn’t. I’ve heard about your time together in London early on, but never the dastardly deed itself.

Richard listened to her story, enjoying the rolling hills along with his smoke. The nicotine loosened his head a bit, momentarily dissolving the stress he’d been pushing down. It was more enjoyable for him to see his sister-in-law lighten up a bit rather than the contents of the tale. “None of that surprises me. Not in the slightest.” He remarked. “Funny to hear that he failed his first go-through, proper job, Robert.” Richard chuckled to himself before taking another drag.
Undisclosed Warehouse
- Chepstow, Wales (Near the England Border) -

Victoria "Rory" Fletcher

Rory had never felt this completely and utterly drained—physically, emotionally, or otherwise. Her injuries throbbed with a relentless ache, her body begged for rest, and her mind yearned for the kind of deep, unbroken sleep that could transport her somewhere far away. Somewhere Sully was still alive and the last twelve days hadn't happened.

For twelve days, grief had consumed every corner of Rory’s mind, leaving no room for anything else. She hadn’t allowed herself to process the fear, the terror, or the trauma of what she had endured. She had pushed it all aside, burying it beneath the weight of her heartbreak, focusing solely on surviving the nightmare and mourning Tony. Rory hadn’t fully grasped the toll Aidan’s warehouse of horrors had taken on her until now. Every creak of the floorboards, every faint noise from outside sent a jolt of terror through her, her mind convinced that they were out there, waiting to burst in and finish what they started. She couldn’t shake the feeling of being hunted, as though Aidan’s shadow lingered in every corner, his twisted game far from over. The fear clung to her like a second skin, refusing to let go, a constant reminder of how close she had come to death.

Unwilling to confront the storm of her trauma or grief any longer, Rory latched onto the grounding presence of Robert's arm around her, the unexpected comfort it provided anchoring her in a way she desperately needed. She repeated the words in her mind like a lifeline: She was not alone. She was alive. She was safe. And Robert had come to save her. It was a fragile mantra, one she suspected she’d cling to for a long time, but for now, it was enough to keep her from falling apart.

She couldn't help the intrigued expression that crossed her face when he mentioned going through something similar but she knew that now was not the time to delve into trauma considering how much they had experienced today "maybe sometime we can talk about it all" she offered.

When he asked how she was holding up, Rory gave a small shrug. "I've been better," she admitted, though a faint smirk tugged at her lips. "I can't wait for an actual bed, some good food, and a shit ton of alcohol." Her attempt at humor was fleeting, the weight of the last twelve days too heavy to keep the moment light. The smirk faded as Robert spoke again, his words quiet and sincere.

As Robert spoke, his voice steady and deliberate, Rory’s mind drifted to the moment she had believed he was saying his final goodbye to her. The raw emotions she’d felt—desperation, helplessness, and something deeper, something terrifyingly profound—rushed back, threatening to undo her all over again. It was as if that moment had shattered a wall inside her, exposing feelings she could no longer ignore or bury.

Rory understood with a certainty that unsettled her that this night had irrevocably changed everything between them. She had screamed for them to stop hurting him, begged and pleaded like her life depended on it. He had tried to take her place, to sacrifice himself without hesitation, fully prepared to die if it meant saving her. Those moments couldn’t be undone, and they couldn’t be ignored. Nothing could go back to how it was before. Rory didn’t know what the future held for them now, but she knew one thing: they had crossed a line together, and there was no returning to the people they’d been before this night.

"Thank you," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper, the exhaustion weaving through every syllable. A faint smile graced her lips as she glanced up at him. "It means a lot to hear it." She hesitated, a small frown creasing her brow as she carefully considered what to say next. She knew her words would shift everything they had ever known about each other.

"I really do appreciate everything—what you said, and showing up today. And... maybe you’re not as bad as I might’ve been led to believe," she admitted. Her gaze held his for a beat longer before her tone softened, and a faint laugh escaped her lips. "I’m not going to call you ‘dad,’" she teased lightly, though the weight of the word still hung in the air. "But maybe we could get to know each other better." It was as much of an olive branch as she could muster.

The sound started faintly at first, a distant hum, and Rory’s eyes darted toward the door, panic seizing her chest. For a moment, she froze, the fear gripping her soul like a vice. They’re back. The thought crashed over her, sending her heart into a frenzy. This was it. But then, as the sound grew clearer, the sirens became distinct, unmistakable. Ambulances. The realization washed over her, and she exhaled shakily, her body relaxing as she leaned into Robert again.

"We really did survive," she muttered, her voice barely audible, almost as though saying it out loud might tempt fate. But she made no move to pull away from him, clinging to the comfort of his presence like a lifeline, she didn't want to be alone or to feel alone again. For the first time in days, Rory allowed herself the tiniest flicker of hope

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Robert
Undisclosed Warehouse
- Chepstow, Wales -

Robert Walker

It was hard not to get choked up hearing Rory show gratitude for his words. He'd never imagined they'd be able to speak so calmly and personally with each other - certainly not so soon after she'd learned the truth about him. So to already be in a position where the walls had been broken down and she was able to see past her previous anger towards him felt like a miracle. Their shared survival felt like a miracle. He softly smiled when she said she appreciated him showing up. He was sure he'd have done the same even if they weren't related, but her being his daughter certainly amplified his motivation. No part of him had considered not showing up for her.

He lightly laughed when she admitted he wasn't as bad as she'd believed. "I must take some of the responsibility for you thinking I was all bad. Our families haven't exactly been kind to each other over the years," he admitted. When she said she wasn't calling him "Dad" he laughed again, this time the action causing him to clutch his ribs in pain. He couldn't argue with that. She'd spent her whole life giving Norman that title, and it wasn't his place to change or rewrite the history she'd known. "I would like that," he said when she suggested getting to know each other more. Whether Caroline approved or not, he wouldn't let his wife dictate on this. He wanted to know his daughter and now Rory was sharing that sentiment.

When the sound of the sirens could be heard, Robert felt a wave of relief. Perhaps soon he could finally let his guard down. Almost. "Rory..." he began. She'd grown up with full knowledge of the business the Fletchers ran, so he expected he didn't need to go into details about talking to the police. Even if it would be against Aidan. "The police are bound to get involved with this, but we can't give them names. Or faces. Everyone here was masked and we don't know their identities," he coached her. "They were trying to get money out of me. Lots of it. They'll likely see pararells to the gala attack, but let them. They never solved that one either..."

Robert fell silent as soon as the door opened. As the paramedics checked them over, Rory was led out to one of the ambulances first. Robert protested them being sent in separate vehicles, but was refused. Still, he demanded they were taken to the same hospital and kept together.

Royal Gwent Hospital
- Newport, Wales -

Robert and Caroline Walker

The bright light of the makeshift operating theatre shone in Robert's eyes, but it didn't make him any less aware of the looming shadowed figures of the men standing around him. They were all watching, as if revelling in his suffering. His arms had been tightly strapped to the dentist-like chair and a gag stuffed into his mouth. With no escape he was forced to listen to the German doctor as the man spoke of the experimental surgery. Without being given any anaesthesia, the intense pain tore through Robert's abdomen as the scalpel cut deep into the flesh on his right side. His pained screams muffled by the gag that was stuffed in his mouth...

In the treatment room, Robert had snapped back to full consciousness as the nurse tended to the deep cut on the side of his forehead. The poor woman flinched at his sudden gasp and jolt to reality. After an apology from him and her helping him to relax, the nurse finished her task of cleaning up his head wounds before he was to be taken down to the x-ray department.


It was a long drive, only made worse by the uncertainty whether they would be heading to the correct hospital the first time around. Thankfully, when they found their way to the accident and emergency department, and Caroline demanded the receptionist's attention, they received confirmation they were in the right place. Upon entering the room on the ward, they found it contained four beds and presently only one was occupied. "Where's Robert?" Caroline was quick to ask Rory, seeing her husband wasn't present as she was told he should be.

"Can I help you?" the young female nurse asked Caroline and Richard as she stepped into the room. Once Caroline asked about her husband, the nurse motioned for her to calm down and listen. "Mr. Walker will be back shortly. He's having some x-rays and scans, which the doctor will explain after. Your husband was being rather stubborn about not wanting to be brought back here in a wheelchair, demanding to walk back, but I suspect he's met his match," she lightly told them.

"Oh, he's stubborn, alright," Caroline remarked, sending Richard a knowing smirk. She figured this surely had to be a good sign. If he was kicking up a fuss about his pride, then perhaps he wasn't going to be as traumatised as Richard had warned her. Once the nurse had finished preparing the bed next to Rory for Robert's return, she left the room again.

After glancing at Richard, Caroline took the plunge and approached Rory's bed. "Your mother should be on her way," she informed her. Taking a deep breath, she kept her tone friendly. She was sure Richard's presence was comfortable enough, but she knew her own might not be quite so welcomed by Rory. "Are you badly hurt?" she asked. Of course, the bandages around Rory's forearm and the sling made it clear she'd injured her arm or hand. But it was clear they weren't the only injuries she'd sustained. If Felicity was anything to go by, Rory would be traumatised on top of her physical injuries. She sent Richard a look, expecting him to speak up too. As concerned as she was for the girl, she had a feeling Richard's presence was more welcomed that her own.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory)
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Royal Gwent Hospital
- Newport, Wales -
Misty Gray Misty Gray
neverbackdown neverbackdown

Dr. Richard Finley


The drive zapped Richard of all of his remaining energy. The day had certainly taken it’s toll on him, and now that it was just he and Caroline, he allowed his guard to drop a bit. There wasn’t a need to hide his worry or exhaustion. What if he was wrong? What if he drove them out to the middle of nowhere in Wales on a red herring? Those thoughts crossed his mind as he stood in the hospital lobby, allowing his more fearsome counterpart to badger the front desk.

Before he knew it, they were following a nurse back into the ward. In his own daze, it took him a moment to register the scene in front of him. Rory, though a grown woman, looked like a lost little girl in the hospital bed. Clearly, their presence and, more so, Caroline’s immediate blunder, caught her off guard from whatever peace and quiet she had before. “I’ll leave her with you,” Richard walked past the nurse and his sister-in-law. Frankly, he could care less about the details at this moment. If Robert was here and breathing, then the rest didn’t matter at this moment.

Richard made his way to Rory before Caroline could interfere. Unapologetically and without a word, he engulfed what remained of Rory Fletcher in a loving hug, From his standing position, her head rested momentarily on his shoulder, where many a head had landed before, and he placed a gentle hand on her head. He wasn’t her father, her mother, or even Norman. But he knew the feeling that encapsulated her thoughts and being. That feeling of infinite unease. If he could just be a flicker of hope for her, if only for a moment, he wouldn’t hesitate to show that kindness.

Releasing her, Richard slumped back in one of the stiff hospital chairs between the beds. His head rolled back, eyes closed for a moment, as he took a deep breath. When his eyes opened, they landed on Caroline across the room. She looked timid, like a nervous dog ready to bite, afraid to come closer to Rory’s vicinity. Silently, he tilted his head, waving her to come closer. Caroline, though all bark, usually cowered to her fear and insecurity in moments such as these. So, the kindness she expressed to Rory was both endearing and amusing to watch. He hadn’t noticed the amused grin on his face, and by the time Caroline glanced over to him, her signature “don’t make me hit you” glare, he couldn’t help but giggle.

The exhaustion mixed with the irony just couldn't be ignored, and the light giggling continued. Though wildly inappropriate, he couldn’t help himself. “I’m sorry, there’s nothing funny about this. I’m just bloody tired.” Richard said, wiping his sleepy eyes. “Carol’s telling the truth; we’ve notified your family you’re safe. I’m sure they’re en route as we speak. We only got the leg-up because Robert rung me first hoping I’d put this puzzle together.” He explained. There wasn’t any reason to leave details out, especially since he knew each one helped ground Rory in her state. “If you want to share that IV you’re on, I wouldn’t say no, dear. Sure, it’ll get my leg feeling brand new.” He teased, not in an overtly serious mood now that everything was safe. Probably to Caroline’s dismay. But he hoped it eased Rory, if not his own mind. "If not, I'll bum some off your lousy father."
Birmingham City Hospital
- City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Tony Fletcher

Tony listened as he was told what had happened to Sully. Hearing how his brother had been stabbed and left dead, alone, broke his heart. If only he hadn't arranged for Sully to come to the house then maybe he'd still be alive. Granted, Tony would likely be dead himself but that would have been the better outcome, as far as he was concerned. "I need to see the letter," he commented. He wasn't sure what relevance it had, but for it to have had a mention made him wonder how significant it was to the attack.

The following news didn't get any better. Rory was still missing and it didn't sound like anyone knew where she was. The mention of his mother and Sammy drew his mind back to the hazy memories of when he'd woken a few days ago and she'd been there, delivering the news with Julia the first time around. He hoped she would come by again soon. He felt he'd not been too kind to her in light of the recent revelations about the affair, and now he needed her more than she knew. He was surprised at the certainty to which Julia held when assuring him the Walkers weren't behind the attack or the abduction. "Helping us? There has to be a catch..." he suspiciously commented.

Tony was shocked to learn from Penny that Felicity had also been taken at the same time as Rory, with both families now working together to track them down. It was clear someone was targeting both families and in the absence on additional knowledge, there was only one name in common that came to mind. "Has anyone looked into Russo? He's been crossing both our families," he pointed out.

Tony wanted to argue against the statement that they needed Robert's help, but how could he? The Walkers had more power and resources available than the Fletchers did, so he couldn't exactly refuse their help simply in the name of pride. "I'm tired of fighting," he admitted to Julia and Penny. "Everything is a constant battle, or a war, and we can't ever escape it. The Walkers. These mystery pricks. Everyone else out for our family. And even Dad himself. They won't ever let us rest," he admitted. "But we've still gotta fight and bring Rory home," he tearfully assured them.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Julia) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Penny)
Royal Gwent Hospital
- Newport, Wales -

Victoria "Rory" Fletcher

Despite being surrounded by nurses, security, and the steady hum of a hospital bustling around her, Rory still couldn’t let herself relax. Her body refused to believe she was safe, that she had survived. Maybe it was because she had already accepted her own death, and now the reality of being alive felt impossible to grasp. Or maybe it was because she was still breathing while Sully wasn’t.

Whatever the reason, her body remained coiled with tension, her senses on high alert, as if waiting for something—someone—to rip her from this fragile moment of stillness. Her gaze flickered to the empty bed beside her, the sight of it doing little to ease the gnawing sense of isolation. Maybe when Robert got back, she’d feel some kind of security again, but for now, the weight of being alone pressed heavily against her chest.

She had never felt like this before—scared, vulnerable, small. The girl she had once been, the fierce and reckless version of herself, felt like a distant memory, scratched away until all that remained was this hollow, shattered thing. The old Rory would have already been asleep by now, unbothered, untouched by fear. But this Rory—the broken, raw, and exposed version—couldn’t even bring herself to close her eyes and she hated it.

The sound of footsteps jolted Rory from her thoughts, her head snapping toward the doorway as instinct took over. Her good hand curled into a fist, her body tensing—but as her eyes landed on Caroline and Richard, the fight drained from her just as quickly. Confusion flickered across her face, her brows knitting together as she processed their presence. Caroline’s voice cut through the silence, asking where Robert was. Rory hesitated, momentarily thrown. Of course, they would be here for him—there was no reason for her to be surprised by that. And yet, for some reason, seeing Caroline standing there, in her hospital room, unsettled her more than she could ever admit.

Rory opened her mouth to respond, but no words came. It was as if her voice had abandoned her, leaving her trapped in a silent daze as she stared at the blonde woman in front of her. She wasn’t sure why she couldn’t speak—whether it was exhaustion, shock, or something deeper she wasn’t ready to confront. Thankfully, the nurse arrived, answering in her place and breaking the momentary stillness. Rory barely had time to process before Richard strode past both the nurse and Caroline, crossing the room without hesitation. Before she could react, his arms were around her, pulling her into a firm embrace.

She flinched at first—her body still conditioned to expect pain—but the warmth of his hold, the steady presence of him, slowly coaxed her into relaxing. Her head rested against his shoulder as she blinked rapidly, fighting the sting of tears. A lump rose in her throat, thick and suffocating, but the moment he pulled away, it loosened. She let out a quiet breath, her body unwinding just a little. She wasn’t alone.

Rory watched as Caroline and Richard exchanged a look, something unspoken passing between them before Caroline stepped forward. She remained silent, listening as they explained that her family had been notified and that her mother should be on the way

Relief crashed over her like a tidal wave, momentarily washing away the tension in her body. She was going to see her Mam, be surrounded by the people who loved her, who had been searching for her, desperate to bring her home. But the relief was short-lived. Because one person wouldn’t be there. The realization hit like a knife to the gut, the weight of Sully’s absence pressing down on her chest with suffocating force. The darkness of grief threatened to consume her again, clawing at the edges of her fragile control. But she fought against it, swallowing the lump in her throat, forcing herself to keep her expression steady.

She wouldn’t cry. Not here. Not in front of them.

Caroline’s question pulled Rory from the depths of her grief, giving her something else to focus on. She welcomed the distraction, latching onto it as she turned her attention toward the blonde woman. She gave a small shrug out of habit—only to immediately regret it as pain shot through her collarbone. Rory winced, cursing herself for the thoughtless movement. The doctor had assured her it wasn’t broken, but the bruising was severe, and it would be a while before the pain truly faded. Her mind ran through the list of injuries, the doctor’s words replaying in her head. Broken left wrist. Badly bruised collarbone. Cracked rib on her right side. Concussion. A cut on her temple. Dozens of smaller cuts and bruises, souvenirs from her time in that hell. "I’m okay, I suppose. Could be worse," she murmured, her voice quiet, almost fragile, clearly lacking the fire that normally defined her.

At Richard's request for some of her iv a small, amused smile tugged at Rory’s lips, and for the first time in weeks, a laugh escaped her—light and fleeting, but real. The moment of joy was short-lived as pain shot through her ribs, forcing her to flinch, but she held onto the amusement, unwilling to let it slip away so easily. It was the first genuine happiness she had felt in what felt like an eternity, and she wasn’t about to let the pain rob her of it. "Maybe after it’s fully kicked in?" she teased, her voice still tinged with weakness, but this time, amusement broke through the monotone that had settled over her since she woke up.

At Richard’s use of the word father, Rory’s gaze instinctively flickered toward the empty bed beside her. But no tension, no visible reaction followed. She didn’t mind it—not anymore. With everything that had happened, she had already made peace with the fact that Robert was her biological father. It would take time, a lot of work, but she wanted to try. She wanted to know him. Still, she found herself looking toward Caroline, watching her carefully, fully expecting the blonde woman to have something to say about it.

"I won’t tell him if you steal some of his," Rory joked, a playful glint in her tired eyes. "We can cause a distraction," she added, her smirk widening just slightly. It felt good to joke, to feel even the smallest sliver of normalcy after everything. Even if her body ached and exhaustion clung to her like a second skin, she wasn’t ready to let go of this moment just yet.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Caroline
ReverseTex ReverseTex - Richard
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Around the City
- Birmingham- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -
BasDorcha BasDorcha

Bonnie Moody


Until Alfie nestled a blanket around her, Bonnie hadn’t realized she was quite cold. The scenery captivated her, taking in the moment rather than her physical discomfort. But the touch of the blanket, soft and heavy, brought her back down to Earth. “This is fantastic…” Bonnie trailed, letting her eyes wander the coast once more. Satisfied with her view, she focused her attention on Alfie. “Rightfully so. I wouldn’t want anyone stompin’ about this place.” She remarked in regard to his secret hideaway. “Thanks for letting me see it; I don’t take that privilege lightly,” she said with a warm smile, her hand running a stray piece of his hair back in place. Her hand danced slowly, as if sculpting the young man from marble, akin to some Renaissance artist. He had every quality needed to be her muse.

I have a place like this back in Texas.” Bonnie trailed, letting her hand run down the side of his neck. “It’s not as grand as this, but it’s mine alone… In the springtime I have this field that is filled with wildflowers as far as the eyes can see. Indian paintbrushes, bluebonnets, yellow roses… All of it. You’ll get a bit of a sniffly nose if you linger a little long, but to watch a sunset there… Its gorgeous.” As she told her story, her hand continued to pet his neck, completely engulfed in his gaze.

Bonnie tilted her head a bit, matching Alfie’s angle. “Why don’t we quit fucking around, Alfie Walker?” She teased. “We’ve got something here; we both feel it!” Teasingly, she planted a kiss on his cheek. Just enough to entice and leave him wanting more. “I’m tired of dancing around each other at work. I’m tired of letting you run off to your family without telling me why. I want you to let me in.” Bonnie tapped his forehead lightly with her index finger before following with a kiss in the same spot. “Show me. Show me more things like this beautiful place. Show me who you are.” She was near a whisper; the dream she wanted seemed so fragile that any decibel louder threatened to scare it away.
Around the City - Birmingham
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Alfred Walker
To say he was entranced with Bonnie was an understatement. Every movement, every soft spoken word, every look was sending fire through him. Something he had never felt before was growing inside of him bigger and bigger, taking over his very control. As her hand began to dance over him, he watched her carefully, holding back as he let each touch run through him from tip to toe. She touched him like a sacred object yet with a warmth he hadn't expected in this cool wind. A gentle smile crested his lips as he listened to her, imagining the world she painted about her home. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to picture a field as far as the eye could see filled with wild flowers. He wasn't sure what Indian paintbrushes or bluebonnets were, but he just pictured a variety of colors. He imagined seeing it with her and a grin broke over his face as he opened his eyes back up to catch hers.

Her hand at his neck would catch the rapidly beating pulse beneath the skin, his heart racing like a prize winning horse, thundering through his chest. When her next words left her lips, he couldn't help it, a groan escaped into almost a whimper as she said everything he wanted to hear. He had been so cautious in his life about letting people close, he had never had anyone he trusted enough to keep near. He didn't have any friends that knew the depth of him. His family was…. Complicated. And he certainly never let any women close enough to get hurt. Sure he'd broken a few hearts, but not because he wanted to - he had always been honest about his intentions and what he wasn't going to give. "I want you to let me in." Her fingers tapped his forehead before a kiss was placed there. His hands shot up, gripping her face between them with a satin touch.

Slowly be brought her lips down to hover just before his, not quite touching. When he spoke, his voice was rough, deep, like gravel. It rumbled in his chest and every bit of boyishness melted away. "Are you sure you want that, Bonnie? There's a good reason I don't let people close…" He leaned in just a bit, brushing his lips lightly over hers, his thumbs stroking her cheeks. "Haven't you heard, the Walkers' are dangerous." With that he kissed her, a full intense kiss, pulling her closer to him.

ReverseTex ReverseTex - Future Mrs Walker
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Royal Gwent Hospital
- Newport, Wales -

Robert and Caroline Walker

Caroline saw Rory wince as the shrugging action tugged at the girls injured collarbone. "Hey, take it easy," she suggested. Family feuds aside, the girl had been through a traumatic time and was currently in the company of people who had been deemed the enemy for a long time. She didn't want to make her feel any worse than she already did. She could see the suffering in Rory's eyes. Similar to the look Felicity had displayed that morning. No matter what had happened, she didn't deserve to go through what she had. "We're here if you need anything," she delicately told her.

Caroline's head quickly turned to look in Richard's direction when he expressed his amusement. "How about I give you a slap to wake you up?" she warned, but there was clear amusement in her tone. Despite the stress and worry, she was relieved Robert, Felicity, and Rory had all made it out of their ordeals alive. So when Richard reassured Rory that Dorothy was on her way, it didn't bother Caroline. They were both mothers and had endured two weeks of hell. There wasn't room for animosity today.

She observed as Richard and Rory interacted. It was typical of her brother-in-law to get along with practically anyone and make them feel comfortable, so she was grateful he was there to do exactly that for Rory. Caroline allowed a smile to crack onto her features as the two joked about stealing Robert's IV. Richard referring to her husband as Rory's father hadn't gone unnoticed by Caroline, but she knew she couldn't do anything about that other than to try accept things would change now. Not simply because the truth was already out, but she suspected Robert risking his life to help Rory was going to dramatically change the course of things. After her heart-to-heart with Richard and recent conversations with Robert, Caroline knew she couldn't fight the truth anymore. Robert was Rory's father and it was up to them how they dealt with that. She simply had to try support her husband now.

Caroline had seen the look Rory sent her, no doubt expecting a reaction out of the usually blunt older woman, but she decided to let the matter slip by. Instead, she followed the pair's jokes about stealing Robert's IV. "I'll distract him whilst you two swipe the IV," she joined in, managing a smirk to reflect Rory's. There was a lot of work to do where her husband and Rory were concerned, but this felt like a good start.

It wasn't long before Robert was brought into the room, sitting in the wheelchair as the porter pushed him along with the female nurse following. His face was visibly bruised and a plaster on his forehead suggested there was a cut there. Though he still wore his own trousers, his top had been replaced with the hospital gown as his ribs and abdomen had been x-rayed and checked over by the doctor. Robert was relieved to see Rory still there as well as glad Caroline and Richard had managed to find them.

Before he reached his bed, Robert held his hand up for the porter to stop pushing the wheelchair. "I can walk," he asserted as he struggled up onto his feet. "Thank you for the ride. Much appreciated," he was quick to add. As expected, Caroline gave him little time to get his bearings before she pulled him into an embrace, quick to be gentle as he warn her about his broken rib. "You'll have to try harder to get rid of me, love," he told her, placing a kiss on her head.

"I love you," Caroline told him, her eyes filling with tears. Carefully, she lifted her hands to his face and leaned in to kiss his lips. "Even if you do cause me so much stress," she lightly added, nudging his arm as she let him go.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise," he assured her. He then focused his attention on his brother and sent the man a knowing nod, the kind that acknowledged he'd had another close call and got out of hell alive. "Rich. Do your tracking skills work on finding anyone or is it just for me?" he asked, given the man had managed to get to the right place, just as he'd managed to find him in Casablanca all of those years ago. "Bloody good to see you once again," he genuinely told him, having only hours ago practically given his last goodbye.

Robert turned to look at Rory, aware none of her family were present yet. He glanced to Richard, curious as to whether Dorothy and the Fletchers had been told where to find her yet. Looking back to his daughter he sent her a warm smile. "How are you holding up? What did the doctors say?" he asked her, genuinely concerned about her injuries. Regardless, he knew none would be as bad as the psychological pain she'd endured. He was feeling that himself, with mental fresh wounds now accompanying the existing trauma that had been dragged up all over again.

"Okay, Mr. Walker. That's enough," the nurse finally had to interject. "I need you in that bad!" she asserted, pointing to the empty bed next to Rory's. Begrudgingly Robert did as he was told and set about getting into the bed. He beckoned Richard closer to give him a hand as he knew the action would cause more pain attempting it alone. Once finally laid in bed, Robert took a moment to catch his breath back, drawing Richard's and Caroline's attention to the strained breaths and wheezing. The nurse set about connecting the IV to the canula that was already attached to the vein in the back of Robert's hand. She then poured him a cup of water before deciding to give the family some time alone before the doctor returned.

"Robert?" Caroline asked, the concern evident in her voice. "What happened? What did those bastards do to you?" she asked, momentarily forgetting the warning Richard had given her back at the house against asking her husband too many questions about his ordeal.

"Not now," he abruptly told her. He briefly turned to look at Rory, checking she was comfortable with the three of them around. Of course, if she wanted to speak up about her ordeal, he wouldn't stop her. He then addressed all three family members in the room. "They're keeping me in here, potentially for a bloody week," he complained. "I have a broken rib and internal bleeding. They don't believe it needs operating on, but they need to keep me in to monitor it before deciding. I have concussion too, but again, they want to keep me under observation for that," he explained, clearly not happy with the idea of staying in the hospital.

"Then I'll stay here for as long as you have to," Caroline assured him, wiping her tears away before slumping down in the chair at the side of his bed and taking hold of his hand, to which he gently squeezed hers in return.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory)
Royal Gwent Hospital
- Newport, Wales -
Misty Gray Misty Gray
neverbackdown neverbackdown

Dr. Richard Finley


Don’t make me laugh,” Richard mused at Caroline’s empty threat. Though he’d been on the receiving end of her fierce hand many a time, she wouldn’t dare under these circumstances. He was free to tease at will. Considering it got a genuine laugh from Rory, he knew he was doing right. “Good, we’ll need a third in this scheme. Glad to see you’re willing to fight for the cause.” He continued to joke. Just as he was about to make a comment regarding Caroline’s newfound disposition, the side doors to the room flopped open, revealing Robert Walker. Richard was in no rush to get up; Caroline would be smothering his poor brother before he got the chance to breathe. But he did straighten his back knowing he’d have to rise soon. As the couple reunited, he turned his attention briefly to Rory. “He never gives me one of those when I drag him out of these damn holes he gets himself in.” He whispered, not wanting to ruin his friend’s moment, but also alleviating the tension for Rory. "I don't think I'm getting that IV."

Robert’s gaze to him snapped him from his quippy mindset. The heaviness of what had unfolded returned, despite his best efforts to ignore it. The silent nod they shared was truly all that needed saying; this had been too close of a call, and luck had been on their side. “Well, I found Rory here, didn’t I?” He lightly nudged his niece with his elbow, careful to not inflict any discomfort. “I reckon its a universal skill. Though you just happen to be the one who’s always in need of it.” The nurses’ request to get Robert back in bed prompted him to get himself in motion. Finally, he rose, though stiff and labored, to assist his brother. When he reached Robert, he patted his chest lovingly, careful not to hug his injured wingman to stress the rest of his injuries. “You bastard. Gave me quite a scare.” Richard said endearingly, walking his brother to the hospital bed.

Once Robert was settled, Richard remained standing, arms crossed between both beds. As soon as Caroline began her firebomb of questions, he silently rolled his eyes from behind. Out of eyeshot from either of his friends, his niece could certainly see the displeasure. He warned her not to do that. Robert’s curt retort came as no surprise, though he paid close attention to what was shared. It took no time to realize the laundry list of injuries would certainly be reminiscent of what unfolded in Casablanca all those years ago. Though less severe, he knew the mental battle ahead would be more than he anticipated.

“Best look into booking a hotel then.” Richard mumbled, watching Caroline slump into the chair he previously occupied. His sister-in-law would have to be dragged tooth and nail to go back to Birmingham without her husband. With the current state of affairs, he didn’t feel comfortable leaving Robert and Rory alone in Wales. Plus, with the Fletcher’s vested interest, it would make sense to establish a space for everyone to regroup. Richard’s gears were already spinning again with how he’d work the logistics. “Dorothy’s been notified. They’re on their way.” He finally answered now that his brother had been settled.

Felicity made it back in one piece. She’s with Thomas and being looked after by Dean as we speak. Aflie’s God knows where, but I wanted him away from all of this for the time being. Safer that way.” He explained. “The fort’s been held down.” Richard sighed, his exhaustion from the task clearly visible. The thought of having to return to work tomorrow also made him sink inside. How was he supposed to juggle city bureaucracy bullshit when his brother lay in a hospital bed? Perhaps he could push off some responsibility to his staff. Write this trip off as some sort of personal excuse.

Richard’s head turned to Rory, who seemed decently interested in the conversation at hand but had nothing to bring to the table. Logistics were boring, and he wasn’t in the mood to deal with the outside world. It had to be odd to be in her shoes, surrounded by older people who she’d been conditioned to be wary of her entire life. One of whom happened to be her blood father. So, he did one of the only things he was good at: telling a story. “You get your stubbornness and your crazy senses from him.” He started, glancing between the two of them. “You know he pulled me from a burning airplane during the war?” Caroline’s sigh brought a wry smile to his face, having heard the story an exhaustive amount by now. “What? I’m telling it regardless of if you want to listen or not. It’s my duty as the only other member of this family who doesn’t have the last name to inform her of our history. Tough it out, darling.” He teased. Though he secretly knew she enjoyed his way of speaking.

To make the boring part of this story short for my dear sister-in-law, the base Robert and I were stationed at was under heavy aerial bombardment. It was situated right on the eastern coast and an easy target for the Germans once they first started their assault on Britain.” Richard began to set the scene. “It was an early and disorienting morning to wake up to that. In my stupor, I somehow managed to get myself one of the last aircraft. Robert, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky.” That part of the story was well-rehearsed at this point, and with each retelling, it felt less of a lie. Robert had been off-base that night, sleeping with a nurse they’d encountered a few times at the pub. “One thing led to another up in the air, and I got shot down. My ejection device had been broken in the crossfire, and I was stuck in the plane.” He knew better than to bore Rory with aviation jargon. “My training kicked in, and I was able to manage the plane in a controlled descent rather than an all-out nosedive. But regardless, I knew it would still likely end in my death.

While I’m sitting in this glorified tin can, contemplating my own death, your father here somehow managed to spot my plane. From where he was, I reckon he was easily a few kilometers away. Not just a leisurely jog away… Somehow, he ran to where I crashed down. He says the plane was smoking and nearly ready to blow, but I think he’s just embellishing a bit.” Richard teased, though he knew it was true. “After the marathon to get to me, pull me out; he dragged me on his back to the nearest road to hitchhike our way to a hospital.” Richard tugged upward on his pant, exposing the front part of his leg. His dress sock covered up to his ankle, but the scarring was throughout the leg. Rory could see the damage, if only a small portion of it. It was mangled, as if chewed up by a dog. The shrapnel from the plane had torn the skin and muscles beyond the tibia and fibula fractures. Now decades old, the skin was even more leathery and distressed. “The best piece of advice I can give you about life, looking back on the fact I was practically your age when I was faced with a situation like yours, is relatively simple.” He tied the story up. “C'est la vie, Rory. Shit gets bad, we deal with it, and we move on. All in our own time and way, of course, but that’s just life.” Richard explained. “I’ve been stuck with this bum leg for nearly thirty years now, getting worse and worse by the day. Robert’s been stuck with his demons for the same amount of time, and he’s still here. Caroline isn’t short of her own battles either, though that’s not my place to speak to those.” He commented, referring to her struggles with Robert’s extramarital affairs, proving his point. “We all have bad things happen to us. None of us have let our bad days win out in the end. Some days they’ll win, but not every day. Its how you walk away from the crash that matters, not how it happened.” Richard dropped his pant, finished with his story.

See, that was a little different this time. I weaved some of my doctoral magic in there.” Richard coyly raised a brow at Caroline.
Birmingham City Hospital
- City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Julia Fletcher

Julia stayed quiet as Penny told Tony about Felicity and how the two families had set aside their differences to bring the girls home. Her grip on his hand tightened as she watched him process it all—everything that had happened since he was shot, the way their world had been torn apart, flipped upside down, and then set ablaze.

She had hoped that Tony waking up would somehow mend the gaping hole inside her, that hearing his voice and knowing he would survive would bring her the comfort she so desperately craved. And while it did ease some of her fears, it didn't quiet reach the storm of grief, anger, and exhaustion that still raged within her.

Now, she saw that same storm settle into Tony. It was written in the way his expression hardened, in the way his body tensed under the weight of it all. He was finally awake, finally aware—and now, he too was burdened with the crushing grief and fear that was consuming the entire Fletcher clan.

At the mention of Russo, a thoughtful expression crossed Julia’s face as she searched for the right response. “I’m pretty sure that turned out to be a dead end,” she admitted, exhaustion evident in her voice. She shifted slightly, glancing at Tony before continuing. “Sammy’s been handling everything since he got back,” she confirmed.

Sammy had been doing an amazing job in stepping up for the family, putting his own grief and suffering to the side to mind Dorothy, Penny and Julia, deal with regular Fletcher business and run the charge on trying to bring Rory home. He had kept everyone informed, ensuring they knew every move that was being made, but Julia had to admit—since the last time Tony had woken up, her ability to process and retain information had started slipping. Stress, exhaustion, and grief had taken their toll on her.

A soft smile touched Julia’s lips as Tony admitted he was sick of fighting. “I know, love,” she murmured, her voice gentle as she brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “But we’re all in this together, and we won’t rest until we bring Rory home.” She infused as much confidence into her words as she could, looking between Tony and Penny with unwavering determination. “We will find her.” The conviction in her voice was so strong that, for a fleeting moment, she almost believed it herself. Almost. But deep down, the doubt gnawed at her. She wanted to believe Rory was okay—that they would find her alive and bring her home. Yet twelve days was a long time. And Julia knew all too well that the longer someone was missing, the slimmer the chances of their safe return.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Tony
BasDorcha BasDorcha - Penny
Royal Gwent Hospital
- Newport, Wales -

Victoria "Rory" Fletcher

To say Rory was surprised when Caroline not only failed to react to Robert being referred to as her father but actually joined in on the joking would be an understatement. It completely threw her off. Between offering to help if she needed anything, being uncharacteristically kind, and now engaging in lighthearted banter, Rory’s mind was spinning, her world shifting beneath her feet faster than she could keep up with.

She had barely begun to process the fact that she had accepted Robert as her biological father, that Sully was dead—not Tony—and now Caroline was being nice to her? It was almost too much. Felicity had told her over and over in that godforsaken warehouse that Caroline wasn’t a bad person, just hurt. Rory had believed her, understood it even, but she had never expected to see that softer side for herself. Then again, she hadn’t expected to be breathing by the end of the night either. Today was nothing but one life changing surprise after another, and she wasn’t sure how much more her already fragile psyche could take.

An unmistakable sense of relief washed over Rory as Robert was wheeled into the room. It was as if a breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding was finally released, leaving her feeling just a little lighter, a little less on edge. She wasn’t sure if it was the growing comfort she found in his presence or the fear that he might not have made it through his injuries—but either way, seeing him alive, demanding to walk despite his injuries, sparked amusement within her as she seemed to allow herself to relax.

Rory’s smirk only widened at Richard’s words. “That’s disgraceful, you should demand proper affection from him,” she teased, a flicker of amusement dancing in her tired eyes. It was fleeting, but she welcomed the distraction as she turned her attention back to Robert and Caroline. Watching them break apart, she caught the moment Robert addressed Richard, and when Richard confirmed that he had found her, a small smile graced her lips.
Then Robert’s gaze shifted to her, and for a brief moment, the weight of everything felt a little lighter.

“I’m okay,” she assured him, though the words felt somewhat hollow. “Broken wrist, which we already knew, cracked rib, but other than that, just bruising. They want me to stay for two or three days to monitor the concussion.” She listed her injuries as if reciting a grocery list—factual, detached, as though keeping it clinical might somehow make it all feel less real. Her physical wounds were the easy part. The emotional ones, the ones clawing at the edges of her mind, threatening to drag her under—those were another matter entirely. Ones she wasn’t ready to face. Not yet.

As Robert divulged his own injuries Rory bit her lip as she listened intently, she frowned as he confirmed that he would have to stay for potentially a week but before she could even think of a response Caroline and Richard jumped in with their suggestions to stay with him. She continued to listen quietly as Richard gave an update on Felicity a smile tugging at her lips at the confirmation that she was alive and safe at home and for a moment breathing felt a little easier as the fear she had held for her step sister seemed to dissipate giving her one less thing to now worry about.

She turned to Richard with a raised eyebrow as he mentioned a burning plane, her expression silently pleading for more of the story as she gave him her full attention. She listened intently, her mind envisaging the scene through Richards use of expressive and descriptive words, her eyes widened involuntarily at the story and the danger he was in. It was nice to hear some of the history of her biological father and uncle and it reminded her of Robert's words of understanding back in the warehouse, she could understand some of the trauma he had gone through and if anything if made her want to know more . However, it wasn't until the end that Rory realized the point of the story and why Richard was telling it to her in that moment. A soft smile played on her expression as she nodded in response to show her understanding of his message, if they survived then so could she.

"Thank you" her voice came out as barely more than a whisper as it threatened to give way to the turmoil beneath the surface. His story making her look at her own trauma and what she had endured the last twelve days and how she needed to be strong and come back from this. It was all about how she walked away and she needed to choose how to do that, even though the idea of recovery almost seemed impossible to her right now. It gave her hope that she could recover, could come out strong and could eventually find her way back to herself .

"Your a really good story teller" she added honestly as she tried to break her thoughts away from her own turmoil "but I'm guessing by Caroline's reaction you have practice" she teased

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Robert & Caroline
ReverseTex ReverseTex - Richard
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The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -

Felicity Walker

Felicity sank further into Thomas' hold as he reassured her. It wasn't just the turmoil she'd experienced herself that made everything so difficult. The thought that their dad's life was now in danger, with people she understood would not take things lightly, was killing her. They might never see him again. Not only that, but she'd had to leave Rory behind with those monsters. For all she knew, they would stick to the threats and kill her now they'd let one of their hostages go.

Dean asked further questions, prompting Felicity to focus on the matter at hand. "Well, I know they've got a vendetta against our family and the Fletchers. The man in charge said my family killed his father and ran his family out of Birmingham. As for a routine, I wouldn't say there was one. There was always someone standing guard, and armed. The one in charge, he wasn't always around. He tended to show up to taunt us and check we were still suffering, no doubt." Felicity tried to work out the journey to the meeting spot that morning so she could give Dean a reasonable answer about the drive itself. "I was awake, but blindfolded the whole time. I don't know how long it took. Maybe an hour? It was dark when we left but the sun was rising when we got to my dad."

Before anything more could be said, Richard and Caroline entered the room without haste, informing them of Robert's call. The relief almost set Felicity off crying again, though more through relief this time. When they explained they were going to the hospitals in the Chepstow area, Felicity wanted to go with them, but it was soon clear that wouldn't work logistics-wise. It was best she and Thomas stayed at home. With her mother and uncle leaving, Dean was in charge of the house. Caroline had handed the atlas to them, opened up on the best page covering the area of Wales in question. If they could figure out whereabouts Felicity and Rory had been held for the last two weeks, it could help track down one of Aidan's bases in the area. At the least, the place would no doubt be ransacked for clues before being destroyed, Caroline figured.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Thomas) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)
(We don't need to continue with this scene. I wasn't intending on actually following up on the warehouse IC.)
Royal Gwent Hospital
- Newport, Wales -

Robert and Caroline Walker

As Rory updated him on her injuries, Robert couldn't help but acknowledge the similarities with them both having cracked or broken ribs along with concussions. When she pointed out that she was being kept in for at least a couple of days, he was aware of how awkward that could be for others, even if he was glad he'd be able to make sure she was recovering well enough in the coming days. It was the likelihood of Caroline and Dorothy having to spend significant time in the same room where the expected awkwardness arose. Right now, he didn't much care to dwell on it. They would both have to get along for Rory's sake, if nobody else's. Granted, he could do without the frosty atmosphere himself. Hopefully, Caroline could maintain the open-minded and accepting behaviour she seemed to be carrying about her at present. She hadn't yet made him feel like she resented Rory's presence.

Robert was relieved to hear things were all in order back at home. Felicity had made it there safe, with Thomas there and Dean looking after them. Richard also explained he'd encouraged Alfie to get away somewhere safer for now. "Thank you for sorting that out," he told his brother. Addressing both him and Caroline, he then went on. "Felicity is to stay at our house until I'm back home and in charge. As intended, she and the others will all be assigned security now. No arguments," he asserted. "Same goes for Diana. I want eyes on her in London, if she can't be encouraged to return home."

The moment Richard mentioned to Rory about being pulled out of the burning plane, Robert immediately knew his brother was about to retell the story he'd heard told multiple times before. He didn't mind so much as it gave him time to rest his head back on the pillow for a moment without the focus being on him. Caroline had also heard the story told before, prompting her to let out an exaggerated sigh as he was about to hear it again. "No, don't mind me. I'm sure there's some parts I've forgotten already," she teased.

When the story finished, Caroline smiled at Richard and nodded along with his words. "That might be one of your best retellings yet. I think we all appreciated the magic you added to it," she lightly enthused. Rory expressed her own appreciation too, also pointing out the man's knack for telling a good story. Caroline smirked at the girl's comment. "You've got that right," she confirmed.

Although clearly still awake and listening, Robert opted to stay quiet and allow himself some time to gather his own thoughts. He was the first to notice the familiar woman walk into view from the corridor. Instinctively, he squeezed Caroline's hand, prompting her to look at him as he silently urged her to remain civil. She turned to see Dorothy and Sammy enter the room. Given everything that had gone on and that the other woman had suffered even more than her this time, on account of Sully's death, all she could do was send her a sympathetic nod of acknowledgement. "We're glad you made it here," Robert told Dorothy. After sending Richard a glance to assure him she was remaining peaceful, Caroline turned directly to Robert, wanting to give Rory, Dorothy and Sammy some kind of privacy.

"Rory, sweetheart. I'm so glad you're okay," Dorothy said, giving her daughter the best embrace she could without hurting her injuries. After softly kissing her daughter's cheek a couple of times, she kept hold of her good hand in both of her own and sat on the seat at the open side of the girl's bed, with Sammy joining them. She took one look in her daughter's eyes and could tell she knew the truth about Sully without needing to say it. It was the same grief she'd been carrying in her own eyes since two weeks ago. The only good news she could give her youngest child was that Tony was properly awake now.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory)

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