• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Fueled with love and hatred - CS

Links :

-This is a casual roleplay. One liners are forbidden !
-You can have a total of 3 active characters. However, you can have more if you contacted me with a good reason.
-Please contact me if you are busy. It's not fun when someone dropped out from your roleplay without saying any words.
-If your characters is too powerful i will probably tag you in order to see what is the cause of the problems.
-A likes mean accepted.
-I accept Drawn/Realistic pictures ^-^.

CS Format : (* It means that you have to fill it !)

Quote :

Appearance * (Picture or description or both)

Name * :

Nickname :

Age * :

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :

Fueling(s)* (Superpowers)(Please no time travelling or OP teleportation powers !) :

Alignment *(Good, neutral, bad) (True, neutral, chaotic) :

Are you a criminal or a hero ? * :

Backstory *(At least one paragraph) :

Personality * :

Theme song :

Others :
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Will you ever open up your eyes ? Both realism and illusion is marrying into a beautiful flower of lie. Take my hand and i will show you the truth.


Age : 25

Name :

Nickname : Blast

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :

Two swords
A contender

Fueling(s) :

His whole body was extremely receptive toward the "fueling". Because of that, three powers had awoken inside him which were extremely strong, but Blast haven't mastered them yet. His powers are so strong that multiple decoy will happen inside his organism if it's use with no good efficacy.

- Explosion blasting : When Blast concentrated his energy well enough around his hands, an explosion will appeared from the direction he pointed out with his fingers. Multiple explosion can be made at the same time but it will exhaust his whole body depending of the height of the explosions being made.
- Painful sword : When his daggers aren't enough, Blast can painfully summon a huge sword. This sword is extremely powerful and can produced a really short explosion when it strike something. It can be combined with Fired Up.

-Fired up : His whole body can turned on fire, not metaphorically.

Alignment : Chaotic evil

Are you a criminal or a hero ? : A criminal toward the normies eyes.

Backstory : Be aware that reading his backstory now will lead you to a huge spoil of the story. It's up to you if you want to know more about his past, but be aware that your character won't know anything from Nitro unless they were some sort of spy.

Imagine yourself being dragged away from your mother at a young age, crying as our tear fell down on your cheeks. Some people remembered all the happiest moments they had during their childhood with their parents. For this young kid, it was only one word being repeated all over again and again until he couldn’t handle his own voice anymore. “Mom… Mom… Mom… Mom !!!”

My nickname is Blast. My name was taken away a long time ago. It’s up to you to accepted my story. Soon, it will be crystal clear.

The first thing i could remembered was the day where i awoken inside a confined room with no memories at all, the light coming from a window placed on the top right. An investigator soon came and told me that i was chosen to become a sort of “hero”. They told that me that i had something special compared to the other child. I was so young and foolish, so they abused me.
After that, i was put in an intense training day after day with my investigator who soon became my mentor. I can’t even know why i wanted to become like him. Like Nathan. This bastard…

My everyday life soon became a whole propaganda with several members from Nitro praising me. Around my teenage years, they said that i was ready for the next round. However, i started to had suspicions when other teens started to came and they were dismissed soon after.

When i was in the twenty years, i had joined the Nitro special force, acting secretly against the terrorism. It last up 4 years. 4 years of freedom where i had saved a lot of lives. And 4 years of suspicions... When my service at this sort of army was over, i was send in the Nitro secret office where they told me that i had reached my fullest potential and that i was ready for “elevation”.

When i was left on a dedicate bedroom at night, i had made a plan who took me a whole month thanks to the books that i could get at the library. I got away from the cell and i soon explored the base. My worries soon became a reality. I had found multiples lifeless body, labelled with codes names such as “Failure - Number XY”, “Failure - Number XZ”...

Scared from this, i had tried to ran away. That day, i was captured and Nathan blamed me for this. Since i was an adult and i now knew too much, they had to “improved” the processus. They put on me strange substances on my body again and again, the pain rising up more and more. Surprisingly, my past memories were returning abruptly. I was an experiment for the future. I was a meat since the day i was there prepared for the future of the society. I was a rat for science. Nathan told me that i would have died one day and i did only just accelerated the process by my foolish act. But you know, playing with life form DNA ain’t good. The last substance they injected in me was their downfall and at the time time their success. I escaped from my chair by myself, fueled with rage. My only dream was to killed Nathan. I wanted to shattered his head, stroking him to death. The horrible feeling of being betrayed and lied, i just couldn't bear it anymore. And you know what is funny? Nitro blown up their own building since they didn’t need me anymore and i was too dangerous to be left alive. They had sacrificed some of their employed only for hiding proofs of their horrible acts... They rejected this fault on me. I was rejected by the media. They really see me as a criminal now ? Farewell. Be scared of Blast, fool. Be scared of the criminal who only goal is to killed his past mentor.

Personality :

Despise the fact that Blast is young, his personality is more looking like an adult.
If someone would insult him with the fact that he is a killer, he will probably laugh instead of being ashamed. He will stomped down everyone who are going against his own plans with no regrets. He is also unmerciful and cruel toward the opponent he hate the most, mostly the one who had abused him. However, escaping from a lost fight in advance doesn't change the fact that he is a courageous and trustworthy man.

Close people toward Blast knows that he went through a lot of things. It doesn't make his acts reasonable at all but if you know well his history you will maybe understand why he had done that.
He is careful toward the person he love the most even if he hate admitting it.
Impatient is also one of his trait as he act really fast instead of waiting patiently unless there is a great opportunity opening up for him.

Theme song : NF - Intro 2

Others : The theme song is good for one sentence : "I'm back, did you miss me?"
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Dismas, The Penitent Thief
Felix Kaleo
"Call me a criminal, if it suits you; as long as my family is safe, I don't mind."

basic data

Age: 20

Nickname: Dismas, The Penitent Thief

Alignment: Neutral Good

Are you a criminal or a hero?: A Criminal |More or less...|


It was evident Felix was a bit odd but a few weeks after his birth. The boy never cried, never smiled, never did anything except watch with that unnerving blue gaze of his. Despite this odd behavior, however, Felix was still a child. He had a mischievous spark within him, as the baby would pull many silly pranks. Having company over with Felix was a dread, and he received more than a few appalled glances due to his antics. Nevertheless, his parents loved their mischievous son.

When Felix was three years old, his younger sister was born. His parents were thrilled to have a normal child, one not plagued with fits of invisibility, and Grace quickly grew to be the family favorite. Felix didn't mind; he loved his new sister just as much as his parents did. Though disorganized and not financially well off, the small family was happy.

It would not last, however. On Felix's thirteenth birthday, his mother was killed in a work-related accident due to the folly of a fellow employee. The company had given the family few other details, assuring them that they would deal with the man responsible.

His mother's death had taken its toll on his father. Grief, like many a man before him, had driven his father to alcohol. He lost his job, and spent all of his time at home, mourning his lost love and cursing the man who killed her. Felix became the man of the house, so to speak. He began skipping school to perform odd jobs so that the family could get by. He did all the shopping, cleaning, and cooking his mother used to do, as well as provide in the way his father had. This worked for a time; his father seemed to be content as a drunk, and his sister had her friend Elena.

Once again, however, the family's shaky life would be disrupted when their father left. He had gone to a bar the night prior, and had never returned.

At a mere fifteen years old, Felix dropped out of school to work full time and provide for his sister. Getting a job without a diploma proved a challenge, howbeit, and Felix resorted to petty theft to keep them afloat. He felt guilty when he thought about the people he had robbed, but his sister's happy smile when she came home from school, and the way her eyes lit up when they had something decent for dinner, helped ease his conscience.

Four years later, the villain Blast blinded his sister. In a fit of frenzied worry only an older brother could understand, Felix rushed Grace to as many doctors as were willing to take them, looking for any chance he could find to help his dear sister's failing eyesight. The cost didn't matter to Felix; no price was too high if there was even a chance he could help her, could see the twinkle in her eyes once more.

Alas, it was not to be. No doctor could explain the phenomena, and the only purpose the visits served was to drive them further into debt. Felix grew bitter, frustrated, and distant, struggling to drag them out of financial ruin.


Felix is, naturally, a family-oriented person. He looks out for his sister and himself, and anyone else is collateral. It's a fairly selfish mindset, but that hardly matters to Felix.

Felix is very distrusting, taking any act of charity directed towards him with a grain of salt. He makes it a point to stay away from others. Between the hungry loan sharks and apathetic employers, Felix has a very low opinion of the general public. To put it bluntly, he really hates people.

Behind his overly suspicious and pessimistic attitude, however, lies some of that good humor he possessed as a kid. Felix enjoys having fun and joking around, yet he rarely does because such behavior doesn't pay bills.

Weapons & Powers




|Enhanced Perception|

Weapon(s): Two fairly worn daggers.



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Please, don't associate me with those caped morons.
Ashimar Windfallow


(Without clothing)
kaine guy person.jpg

Name: Ashimar Windfallow

Age: 22

Nickname: The Plague Doctor, The Sorrowmaker

-Syringes filled with an extremely potent neurotoxin
-A modified Colt Army Model 1860 Revolver
-Several scalpels
-A modified AWP Sniper Rifle that can be loaded with his syringes
-A Katana made of reinforced steel

-Enhanced agility- Ashimar has enhanced speed and agility. He can jump around rooftops with ease.
-Enhanced Focus- Ever played video games where you can slow-mo your guy down? Well basically that.
-Shifting- He can teleport himself anywhere within a 75 meter range. However, it's not spammable, as this ability has a 20 minute 'cooldown'

His abilities aren't very powerful compared to others, but they are enough to allow him to dodge a few bullets. But he rarely needs to go into a hand-to-hand. Most the time, his target is dead before they can even notice anything.
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Are you a criminal or a hero: He's somewhere between both. He's clashed several times with other Nitro members (who all ended up dead). But he has intentionally helped other people before. Anti-hero, I guess?

Backstory: During high-school, Ashimar was more of the quiet type. Always looking suspicious, but never actually doing anything worth noting. However, he was doing much more than loafing about on a chair. Bullies at school would find bleach inside their drinks, and a teacher who bullied students even ended up dead due to cyanide inside her coffee. Obviously, nobody suspected little Ashimar idling abouts in the corner. After the he obtained this 'fueling,' he got himself a job as an assassin. He doesn't really give a sh*t about his target. He shoots them with his syringe, and he's gone in an instant. He has intentionally helped people before, but that doesn't really make him a 'good guy.' He's clashed several times with other Nitro members, who all ended up either dead or with an injury of sorts. He's had several requests from Nitro to join them, all which have been turned down with the comment 'I don't associate with you caped morons.'

Personality: He's more the quiet type, unlikely to start a conversation himself. He is hardly ever serious, even during fights. If you do manage to befriend him, he is sarcastic, and likes to poke fun at everything you do. But if you're gonna get really hurt, he WILL save your @$$ if you can't.

Theme song: NOPE


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I'm not a christian but an atheist that want to believe in something. I wish i could had believed in the irrational. And now, i can only let myself progress into the greatest world i could ever imagine !
Nathan Holmes


Name : Nathan Homes

Nickname : Grave

Age : 40

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :

Nathan usually wear this helmet when he is on a mission. His face his covered almost all the time with this.


This rifle with a futuristic look is extremely powerful and contain bullets that can pierce through the strongest armors.

This lightning sword is an improved version of a normal sword.


Fueling :

-Electrical prowess : His whole body can produce and stocked electricity up to 450 volt. It was the first power that had awoken inside Nathan and was considered extremely dangerous when he used it the first time. As the time goes on, Nathan did mastered it and now he can filled with electricity everything he wears, like clothes or a weapon such as a sword, a riffle...

-Tainted hands : In critical crisis, Nathan can transform anything he touched into a weapon. He rarely used this power because he is always equipped with stronger weapons than this simple power.
However, if he stroke someone with both of his hand, the target will received a poison that will severely hurt the inside of his body. The poison is not deadly but last for a whole day.
Coupled with "Electrical Prowess" his close punch should be avoid at all cost.

Alignment : True neutral

Are you a criminal or a hero ? : I considered myself as a hero.

Backstory : Not a lot of information could be found about Nathan. His childhood was especially classified in a sort of secret section and no one really knows much about his past apart from the fact that he used to study at a really high level on the science subject with a dedicated teacher. However, it may be highly possible that some researched done by himself were turned toward the religions has several burned pages from the bible were found on one of his past home.
During his teenage years, Nathan had joined and served the army for several years until he left. However, Nathan had played a great part against terrorism rising and had saved plenty of life, acting secretly in the shadows.

He had done several research such as {CLASSIFIED} and {CLASSIFIED}. Over the time, the group Nitro was borned and Nathan was and he is still one of the leader of this mysterious organisation.

Personality :

Nathan at a first glance looks like an emotionless man. It's just the fact that hiding his emotion is one of his strongest ability. Satisfying or surprising him will be extremely hard.
Impatient is one of his strongest trait, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike when he need it. He is also fully devoted toward his own path which is mostly centered about the perfectionism of Nitro. However, he lied a lot for the greater good toward some enemies. His greediness could had killed him during the past but he did survived.

Theme song : Interstellar - No Time For Caution

Others : Why was he nicknamed Grave ? It's simple. Seeing him when you are a criminal will probably mean he will put you six feet under.

His main theme was chosen because he is a leader from Nitro which will be centered around the technology evolution and other plots twists.
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WIP !!!!

"W...What are you looking at ! I'm just investigating !"
Elena Bright


Name : Elena Bright

Nickname : The cheerful spy ; Unexpected investigator

Age : 20

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :
Detective stuff

A retractable spear


Fueling(s) :

Enhanced vision : Elena is capable to see behind any obstacles in front of her.

Enhanced strength : Elena strength is better than a normal human. However, it isn't really an enormous boost.

Her fueling power is not really strong compared to the other but she is still thankful to be one of the rarest who received them.

Alignment : True good

Are you a criminal or a hero ? : I'm a hero, i think !

Backstory : During her childhood, Elena used to be a sort of cute child who already liked to draw some fantasy she imagined and dreamed about. As she grown up, she did not go at a high skills requirement high school despise the fact she had good result. She wanted to became a great writer.
During high school, she met a girl from her age named "Grace". A boy was bullying her and so, Elena approached and definitely protected her with words. The boy soon sighed before leaving with some insults directed toward the two. After this moment, the two young girl became close friends. With time, Elena really liked her for the fact that for the first time of her life, someone was admiring her.

As the time passed on, Grace was scared by the fueling powers and she became blinded from Blast attack. Elena cursed that guy and she really hope that he was killed that day. Fortunately, the fact that Elena developed a fueled power for the greater good relaxed greatly Grace.
She became really interested in this new power and she had made several researched about it by herself. However, as more clues is rising, the scarier it get...

Personality : Elena is a kind person who like to help any people who needed help. Her curiosity make her wanting to know more about the "fueling power" and is also one of the greatest reasons of why she had decided to put her powers mostly for arresting criminals and becoming a sort of private detective. She is ambitious as she is actually writing a book with the hope to be know as a famous writer later on.
Optimistic is also one of her strongest strait as she he always cheering up the other around her and definitely hate tension climate.
She is cooperative with nice people and like to receive some joke from her friend. Her carefulness is also making her taking a lot of time when she is doing something. She never give up a job once she started it.

However, she doesn't really likes mean people and will be merciful against them, mostly with words.
When she cannot understand something, her grumpiness will rise up for quite some time until Elena will cool down.

Others : It sounds like a Layton ost, right ?!
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Sirris Elizabeth________________________________________________
Age : 18 || Nickname : Frost || Alignment : Neutral Good || Affiliation : Hero


Sirris is a soft girl who speaks as such and is apparently so. Everything she does and is can be described as "soft". The tone of her voice. The look in her gaze. The way she handles the world around her as if it would shatter to pieces before her very eyes or that she might break it. Her feelings towards others. Her appearance. Her stature. And, when it comes to fighting, her physical being. It is rare to Sirris as anything else and if it ever were to come to that, that Sirris is a different Sirris than anyone has ever known.

Sirris' feelings bleed out even if she tries desperately to hide them. Though her expression might not always change, her crystal blue eyes are a literal looking glass into her soul. It reflects exactly as she feels even if she doesn't even know how she feels herself. While most say the eyes are the window to the soul, Sirris' eyes tend to be the window to her heart.

Sirris, although gentle and soft, is very positive and lively, especially through the care and company of others. She usually has a warm smile, contrary to her physical coldness, when she's around people and cares greatly for her friends and loved ones. She's kind of a worry wart when it comes to their safety and will chew someone's ear off if they do something reckless that could possibly endanger them self or someone else. She'd do anything for those she loves even if it means giving up other things she cares about, her happiness, or even her life.

Sirris has always been relatively simple and lived a simple life. She was the kind of girl who was made up of all the colors commonly used in the backgrounds of lively paintings. Dull. Dim. Never enough to take the attention off the foreground. Although she always dreamed of being something more.

For most of her life she lived with her mother and father, a conservative couple whose jobs fit them snugly in middle class. She had a young sister who mirrored her mother perfectly. She was timid and shy and often picked on because she made a good target. Sirris was always there to protect her little sister for as long as she could remember.

When it came time to go to college, Sirris did just that. She moved to a new city, prepared to start a new life and even managed to get a nice job due to the good word of her parents. Life was as normal as it had ever been. Until the fuelings. Ironically, Sirris discovered her powers not by using them but from a side effect of them. She almost drowned one day, swept away from the shore of a small beach by a rip current. She'd never been a strong swimmer and nobody noticed she was gone until it was too late. She was found, unconscious a few miles down the shore, near a cropping of rocks. Although she should have drowned she did not and while she never told anyone, she remembered when she couldn't hold her breath anymore, opened her mouth, and breathed in the water as if it were air.

Now, Sirris continues to follow suit with pursuing a degree in college, works at her job normally, and lives almost as if she wasn't blessed with strange gifts. Occasionally, she'll use her powers for the greater good, apparently because she believes in it although, she might secretly enjoy living the exciting life of a hero in a story book.

Sirris has a tight grasp on matter, its properties, the controlled changing of its phase and, rather more specifically, a control over the temperature. In a matter of seconds, the gas in the atmosphere, the water vapor, can be chilled to water and that water to ice. In the next second, the ice will melt and the water will evaporate. It doesn't sound very cool when it's put like that but it has many good uses. For whatever reason, it as if Sirris represents shift change in itself and can now take oxygen from solid, liquid, and gas-like H2O. Drowning or suffocation by water is out of the question.
Ice Sculptures - Sirris' favorite thing to do with her power is to change H2O into its most condensed form: Ice. Ice can be used to make just about anything from projectiles, to platforms, to weapons, and even armor. Ice is usually pretty fragile and the more condensed Sirris wants to make it, the longer it will take.
Water Blasting - It's just as it sounds. Blasting someone with water is at the very least a distraction and with enough force and enough mass, it might even hurt a bit. It can be used to suffocate if used strategically too, although Sirris is mostly against ending the life of another living creature if possible.
Quick Shift - Water Vapor is all around us, in the air and even in our lungs as we breathe in. This technique needs a bit more concentration but it involves using the space and vapor around and enemy and turning it to water or ice around them. She might even be able to crystallize the air in someone's lungs or the water in somebody's body. Still, this would involve intense concentration and time, it is cruel to whoever she uses it against, and most likely wouldn't work because the other variables during the particular instance would outweigh any progress in the change of temperature she would have.



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Appearance * (Picture or description or both) Curly shoulder length brown hair often thrown into pigtails because it took too long to brush. She is short for her age at 5'2".

Name * : Maxine Green

Nickname : Max

Age * : 19

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :

Fueling(s)* (Superpowers)(Please no time travelling or OP teleportation powers !) : none

Alignment *(Good, neutral, bad) (True, neutral, chaotic) : neutral but can change

Are you a criminal or a hero ? * : neither

Backstory *(At least one paragraph) : Her story isn't a secret but she doesn't think it's interesting enough to tell. She grew up relatively poor, but that never bothered her. She always had enough to get by. She lost her mother and brother during the big superpower battle. So now it's just her and her dad trying to get by.

Personality * : she used to be more outgoing and carefree but in the last year tends to be cautious and keeps to herself. Superpowers still tend to make her uncomfortable.
Quote :
We have this hatred towards death because of what it takes from us but we never realize that death gives sense to our lives

rp naruto.jpg

Name : James McAbre

Nickname : N/A

Age: 17

Weapons : A Black spear with a small moon on the bottom

Fueling* (Superpowers)

Shadow Manipulation: He is able to control and generate shadows, he is able to materialize them and create constructs (similar to what green lanterns do), he is also able to blend in shadows for a certain amount of time but if he surpasses this time limit he will be rendered unconcious and dropped out of the shadow.

Levitation: He is able to levitate but can't move as fast as someone that is flying.

Telepathy: He adquired this power recently, thus, being the one he has less practice with and less contro of. Sometimes he is bombed by the thoughts of everybody and gets extremely stressed or sometimes he accidentaly enters someone's thoughts.
Alignment: Good

Are you a criminal or a hero ? : Hero

Backstory: James never knew his real parents as he was adopted by a man named Roxas McAbre. He had a rough childhood because, even though he was rich, he had no friends and his only family was a guy that payed no attention to him and punished hin harshly when he did something wrong. A couple years later he realized that the man only adopted James because the family of Roxas demanded him to have a heir. After listening to that, all his hope to ever be loved fot destroyed and caught himself in an inmense grief. That day he was crying in the corner of his room when suddenly he found himself inside an odd dark place where he could see the world as if he was below the earth. Suddenly he lost conciousness and woke up a couple hour later knowing what had happedned, he had adquired some kind of power. Afraid of his adopted father James packed his things and at the age of 14 he ran away from home and went to one of his father's apartment in which he still lives in secret.

Personality : James can be seen as a cold and distant person, and you'll usually find his face inside a book. He is a silent person and is usually annoyed by everything. He gets mad extremely easily eapecially when someone manges to end his pacience. He is sarcastic and when mad will take this trait to God-like levels. When he is with people he cares about he is a bit different, he keeps his cold personality and his social awkwardness but he'll be seen as a more approachable person with a good humor and a thing for making pnicle feel nice. He is extrmemly intelligent and thanks to his telepathy extememly empathic as well.

Theme song : Rather Be by Clean Bandit feat. Jess Glynne

Others : He tends to dye his black hair white or dark blue
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Nothing is true, everything is permitted

Name * : ?????

Nickname : PM

Age * : 19

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) : Dark Gloves


Fueling(s) :

  • Portal Master : PM can create dimensional portal (One per hand) that can teleport all small things but not him. Moreover, he can create portals until he can't see them anymore, which are about a few miles away.
  • Infallible Concentration (10min/use) : When PM is transcending, he can do more action per seconds than a normal person. But this power can be use only one time per day.
  • Wire King: PM can create wires which are as sharp as a sword. But those wires can't go over 8 meters. Also, PM doesn't control well his wire as it has one chance out of two that his wires break.

Alignment : Chaotic

He is a criminal

Backstory :

PM is a teenager who doesn't knew his parents and he was educated by a bad hosting family that threaten him like a dog. One day he was fed up and he transcended for the first time. In just 10 minutes, he kills all the person of his little town. After that, he lost his memory of his act and started a new life in Elderon. At his 18 years, he discovered that he could created wire because he wanted to catch a water bottle which was too high for him and some wires came out of his hands and that overthrown the shelf of the shop. At this moment PM was scared because a lot of bottles fell on him and he closed his eyes and when he opened them, there wasn't any bottle left, but a dimensional portal.

Personality : PM is an extravagant guy who likes luxurious things. Despise his psycopath tendency, PM is actually really smart and use his powers with caution. He is also curious, and liked to stay alone, unless he can have some fun with people...

Theme song : Scary Music

Others : He his a terrible psychopath
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It is sad how there exists such a thing that can bring light, yet also eternal darkness
Name : Grace Ione Kaleo
Nickname : n/a
Weapons : None
Fueling : None
Alignment: Lawful Good
Are you a criminal or a hero? : None
Backstory : Grace was born into the open arms of a loving family and was brought her up as their favorite child of two. Her older brother was always seen as a rather odd one but she loved him nevertheless. Their parents were always working so from a young age, she had always stuck close to Felix. He was always there for her, like when he helped her remember her times tables and sew up her beloved teddybear. In turn, Grace always tried to be there for him and help him... but she tended to be rather clumsy as a child... so things didn't always turn out well. Over the years, the siblings developed a very close and strong relationship and one she cherished dearly.
At the age of ten, life took a turn for the worst. Her mother was killed in a work-related accident and everything started to snowball down hill with her death. Their father delved into alcohol in order to soothe his pains and disappeared one night, leaving two very young orphans. Though it was back breaking and required many sacrifices, Felix took on the roles of father, mother and brother all at once in order to look after Grace, giving up his education and potentially future for her sake.
Life in school without her big brother's protective presence around the premises meant that the young girl was subject to bullying as were other children from broken families. Fortunately, Grace had Elena who became a dear friend to her through standing up for her when she needed help and protecting her when she couldn't herself. To her, her best friend was a pillar of strength and certainty much like Felix and she treasured them both for it.
Their temporarily peaceful life was shattered when, at the age of 16, Blast set fire to the city. Along with others, Grace was badly injured but she also received a wound that would most likely last for the rest of her life. Her eyes had been badly damaged during the explosion and she was going blind. Despite Felix's efforts, there was no way for them to fix her sight and by the end of countless visits to doctors, they'd completely given up any hope. The incident felt like it had wedged a pane of glass between the two siblings. Grace was racked with depression and anxiety while Felix became bitter and distant. Life was falling apart but they had pulled through it all once, they could do it all again.
Personality : Grace is the epitome of fortitude.
As a young child, she was always a sweet and innocent girl who absolutely adored her family and her friends, but tended to be very shy and passive, having always been the protected one and never really knew how to look after herself though she never really needed to. Life was always good and Grace was always happy in her little world. It was only as she grew that people came to notice how she was weak in many aspects : physically, emotionally and spiritually. Unable to stand up or fight for herself and breaking down easily.

After her mother's death, the breaking down of their family and the worsening of her eyesight, Grace ran farther away from her problems and thus they only got worse, become more vulnerable as time passed. Not long after entering highschool and the disappearance of her father, bullies began picking on her, making school life incredibly miserable and causing her to become even more insecure. With Felix dropped out of school and always busy, she pret much had no one ... that is until she met Elena who was strong and stood up for her. Her new friend would be the reason for her change.

Inspired to become more like her friend and moved by the sacrifices her brother Felix made, Grace vowed to become stronger. She couldn't do much as she was and so hoped only to become less of a burden for those she loved around her and more of a pillar of strength, a single constant in their ever changing lives. She wanted to become someone who could be there for those who needed comfort, warmth and love. From then on, she began living up to her name. Graceful, forever calm and gentle, she only blossomed stronger as she got older, not letting her disability hinder her or her past haunt her. She would strive to become strong, not for herself but for those she loved.

Theme song

Others : Grace has deteriorating eyesight and will soon be completely blind in both eyes.

As a child, they tell you to stay away from fire, that it will harm you and hurt you. But no matter what, I always did find a kind of beauty in those flickering flames.
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Name: Aribelle Ganon

Preferred Name: Ganon


Ganon has a pair of technological, motorized rollerblades. These allow her to move at speeds of 60 miles per hour.

Fueling* (Superpowers):

  • Personal Gravitational Field - The field negates Earth's gravitational pull and allows Ganon to control which direction the field pulls her. In essence, this allows Ganon to walk on walls or ceilings as easily as most people walk on the ground. For whatever reason, Ganon's subconscious has amazing control over this ability which means that when Ganon attempts to jump a gap, her subconscious will affect her gravitational field to pull her forward prolonging her jumps and allowing her to make incredibly long jumps. Her subconscious even uses the field to slow her falls allowing Ganon to fall from higher distances and land a little more softly than normal.
  • Heightened Perception State - Referred to Ganon as "the Zone", whenever Ganon enters this state, she is able to perceive the world around her at a faster rate than normal. In a manner of speaking, the world appears to move more slowly. This allows Ganon to notice more minute details as well as allowing her to perceive obstacles or attacks earlier than otherwise possible. This state can be entered purposely or exited purposely, but overuse can mentally tire her out, making it hard to concentrate or focus.
  • Barrier Creation - Ganon's least refined fueling, Barrier Creation allows Ganon to create walls of semi-transparent light. These walls are generally rectangular in nature and defy gravity completely; however, the barriers can only be created within a foot of Ganon's body. This makes the barriers useful for defensive means, though that's not to say she can't come up with others means of use.

Chaotic neutral

Criminal or Hero:
Neither, for now?


Ganon is a self-centered individual. She doesn't purposely ignore the feelings of people around her, instead she is just more focused on her own feelings. If she's bored, she'll get up and find something to entertain her no matter if she's at a funeral or wedding. If she finds something she enjoys, she'll do it until the sun goes down, regardless of what others say including the police. Her stubbornness towards the advice of others often makes

She is by no means hateful of people, quite the opposite really. She likes people, their idiosyncrasies and their history. She likes talking to people and listening to them, but if at any point she decides that she doesn't like the person or something they stand for, she'll end the conversation rather abruptly and take off. While Ganon is known for holding grudges, she is also extremely loyal to people who've proven themselves to her.

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"I'm not really good with quote, eheh... *take a deeper voice* I shall put and end at Nitro malevolence ! *look around* Was it good ?!"


Name : John Qamar

Age : 19

Role : Leader of "Awakening" (Awakening : A group which was founded a year ago. This secret group was made in order to find clues about the Nitro organisation.)

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :

-A bandana covering his eyes
-A lot of technology



Alignment : Neutral good

Are you a criminal or a hero ? : A criminal toward Nitro. But i'm in a reality a hero, i really believe it.

Backstory : John used to live in Syria with his father on a village. His life was miserable, and all he had left from his family was his father. As the year passed on, they had lived in the terror of the terrorism for a long time. But one day, multiple peoples claiming they were coming from Nitro had helped them. Blast was one of them and he became really appreciated from the local village. The terrorism was soon repressed by the secret organisation. John was saved from Blast and they had some closed conversation together. Blast had told him his doubt about Nitro by showing him some close files. Blast had gave some technology and money toward John as a gift. Once Blast had left the village, he decided that he will joined him later on.

However, when he did came at Elderon, Blast was nowhere to be seen. Frustrated, he decided to searched some clues about Nitro. After searching for day and day, more and more darker clues started appearing about the "fueling" who was spreading around Elderon. He decided to fund with some fueled persons he had met the "Awakening" organisation, which was to exposed the horrible act from Nitro. Once Blast was everywhere on the news, tears started appearing on John face. It was impossible that his old friend had killed that much people. For now on, his organisation is still growing, and his only hope is to save Blast from the terrible fake news that he believed in.

Personality :

John is an extremely kind person willing to help the poor. He is also really smart and act like a great commander for his organisation despise his young age. He is extremely open minded and also imaginative.

However, he is sometime clumsy, and he is still have a lot of things to learn from life.

Others :

This character was mostly made in order to expose Nitro plans and give more hope to Blast.
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"There's always a way to do anything and everything, you just have to find it."

(Stands 5ft 11in and weighs 155lbs)
Name * : Jango Mortimer

Nickname : The Artificer

Age * : 26

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :
mcintyreswisslady.jpg Jango has a vast array of pocket watches which he often modifies to do a vast variety of different things. At any given time he has 12 of them on him.
Fueling(s)* (Superpowers)(Please no time travelling or OP teleportation powers !) :
Dismantle- Jango has the ability to take apart anything that has multiple parts, such as a car or a phone. This power works up to a distance of 100m from him however if dealing with an object larger than 5m such as an airplane he must be touching the object. This doesn't work on any organic matter.

Reconstruct- once an object has been dismantled, or if an object is broken Jango can rebuild the parts as he sees fit often repurposing the device to serve a purpose he needs at the time. He can also mix and match parts to create entirely new machines.

Mechanical mastery- Jango is capable of taking control of any machines within his vacinity treating them as an extension of his mind. He can use them as they function naturally, such as watching through a camera, or Changing stoplights.
(A rough exploration of his power is that he can dismantle any machine and rebuild it into another machine, or control any existing machines)
Alignment * :Chaotic Good

Are you a criminal or a hero ? * :He is viewed as a hero by most, though some remember his days as a villain and find it hard to trust him.

Backstory : Jango Mortimer was born in London England. He was never a very well behaved child. He would always take apart the remote or the toaster to figure out how they worked, yet he was never very good at putting the things back together. In addition to that he was always in some kind of trouble, his natural curiosity leading him to do things that he was told not to.

This was until the Fueling. When his abilities were awakened he immediately began going down a path of no return. Breaking into ATM's, stealing cars, hacking peoples devices. He quickly became known as the techno bandit. Fortunately he never showed his face and was never caught. Because a few years later his mother passed away, and on her death bed she told him that she was aware of his ability and how he had been using it...a mother always knows right?

Deciding that his mother would be the last person who died disappointed in him he began his life as a hero. Helping to find lost people or items at first. Now that he has mastered his abilities and he hopes to make a difference on a larger scale. The Techno Bandit died with his mother, Now he is The Artificer.

Personality * : Jango is almost always relaxed and calm. This is accomplished by his knack for planning, he seems to always have some plan for any situation, and if that fails he has backup plans upon backup plan. He has no problem working with others and will often encourage allies to push their limits. That being said he can get a bit enraged if his mother or past is brought up.

Theme song :

Others: Jango vows over his mother's grave that he will make this world better...no matter who he has to bring down.​

"If you can...kill me...if you cant...Run."

Stands 6ft 4in and weights 195lbs
Name * : Hector Kriess

Nickname : Hellion

Age * : 23

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :
No weapons
Fueling(s)* (Superpowers)(Please no time travelling or OP teleportation powers !) :
Heightened Strength- Hector is naturally stronger and more athletic than a normal human, his muscles have enough strength for him to lift up to a ton with relative ease. However this increases to around 100 tons in his beast form and keeps climbing from there.
Healing factor- Hector can heal from nearly any wound so long as he remains conscious, if knocked unconscious his healing factor shuts down until he wakes up again. While in beast form his healing factor is much faster.
Beast mode- Hector is capable of becoming a terrible beast during times when his adrenaline surges. This beast amplifies his physical abilities to extreme proportions, while simultaneously slashing his intelligence down to almost nothing. The transformation can be reverted by him either calming down or being in the presence of someone that his human form values. After transforming Hector is exhausted to no end and will always pass out without fail.

Alignment *(Good, neutral, bad) (True, neutral, chaotic) : True neutral(Hector) Chaotic evil (The beast)

Are you a criminal or a hero ? * : He is regarded as a criminal about as much as a rampaging bull would be.

Backstory *(At least one paragraph) : Hector lived the normal life of a high school athlete, moving on to be one of few playing college ball with hopes of going pro. That was until The fueling happened. Afterwards he quickly found his life turned upside down. At first it seemed great, he became much better at football, able to effortlessly handle the other team. Then in the championship game his heart started pumping fast and the beast was let out of it's cage.

When Hector came to, he learned that the beast had killed many people in the stadium and caused large amounts of damage. He decided that he would do everything in his power to keep the beast under control. Over the course of the next year however the Beast has been chipping away at his mental state, hoping to make him see eye to eye with it. The scary part is that it seems to be working, Hector is now much more aggressive and Angry than he used to be...

Personality * : Hector used to be kind and sweet, he was generally a good guy to be around if you could get past his competitive nature. But that Hector is gone. The competitiveness is still there, but now it's blended with aggression and rage. He tends to be harsh when he doesn't need to be and his wrath is easily triggered.

Theme song :

"A face not even a mother could love."
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“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”


Name: Dyuini Farron

Nickname: Shade

Age: 21


-Conflagration: The liquid that comes from her eyes is normally room temperature until she "activates" it, causing the temperature to rise until it is that of lava. It doesn't seem to affect her and she can generate a handful of the liquid from her eyes in a single setting with ease that can melt most substances.
-Dissipate: She can melt into shadows easily as long as there is the smallest bit of shade near her. She loses her physical form while doing this so can't harm anyone and after exiting the shadows it takes a few moments for her to recollect herself.
-Cleave: She can focus darkness to cut objects and such, but it's something she rarely uses since it hurt those she cares for.

Alignment: True Neutral

Are you a criminal or a hero: Criminal
Backstory: Dyuini's life was far from perfect before the fueling, but there were instances where she missed being normal. She grew up in a poor neighborhood in an apartment complex with her parents and two younger siblings-two twin brothers that were four years younger than her. The strain of the family's debt and such was evidently too much and her mother packed her bag and hailed a taxi when Dyuini was 9. Her mother didn't even look back.
Her father was never one to express his emotions, especially sadness, and he soon started nursing beer cans in front of their small T.V. It was no surprise that he became more belligerent to his children as the days passed.
Dyuini made it her responsibility to keep her brothers out of harm's way which was a lot to ask from the small girl,
but she did it anyway. It wasn't too bad - yelling here and there - maybe a slap or two if things got really bad.
Her brothers succumbed to anxiety attacks a lot and Dyuini was always there to comfort them. They were just kids, what could they do except live with the burden?
The fueling was a blessing but a curse in disguise. It took away her problems, but it hurt her in the process.
It turned her into a monster.
She remembered waking up with ashen skin. Her blond hair looked gray too, and Dyuini used all the hot water up as she scrubbed at her skin. She left for school but knew she couldn't actually go looking like the dead so she returned to the house after her dad left for work.
Her skin kept getting darker and darker until it looked like volcanic ash, and her hair color mimicked onyx. She stayed in her room all day, refusing to come out. Her father banged on the door, asking where dinner was later that evening. He was met with silence. She heard him yelling at her brothers and was spurred to action.
As soon as her father laid eyes on her, he called her demon and grabbed a kitchen knife. Something swept over the girl, like some outside force, and she saw her hands moved like they were controlled by something else.
The darkness from the hallway seemed to stretch as Dyuini moved her hands, watching in slow motion as it pierced her father, slicing clean through him. She heard multiple bodies drop.
She left the apartment in a rush, never turning back. She understood why her mother hadn't looked back those many years ago. Guilt squeezed her heart like a choker. Her new powers had saved her from her father but had killed her brothers in the process. She was a demon after all.
Dyuini turned to committing crimes to support herself, but she felt like her morals were in the right place. She stole to survive, nothing more. She doesn' use her powers a lot since she feels like another accident will happen.

Personality: Dyuini was never an outspoken person and continues not to be. She's shy and soft-spoken and ironically keeps to the shadows. It's hard for her to trust people since she feels like she'll be shunned for her past and how she looks.
She has a love for the arts and reading and doing or experiencing either of the two brings out a better side of her.
She is benevolent mostly and isn't quick to anger. She doesn't respect people who use their powers to bully others. She's an odd criminal, that's for certain.

Others: She is fluent in English and Chinese.

Chachalotte Chachalotte
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Humans are wild at heart. Take away everything they have and love, and you'll see the animal take over.

Nitro Uniform: (obviously without white hair)

Name : Katarina Rayen

Nickname : Mistress of Blades

Age : 25

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :
One Hand gun with 24 shots (though she rarely uses firearms.)

Fuelings :
Weapon Mastery : Passive - Katarina is naturally proficient with any blade weapon. Active - Katarina can call her weapons back to her. E.g. If she'd thrown her fan or dagger, regardless of where they are, once called they become spirit form and immediately shoot in a straight line back to her hands, changing back to their physical form upon contact. Any enemy the weapons hit on the way back is stunned temporarily but take no damage. There is no limit or range to her recall. Skill applies to any weapon so long as she has wielded it before.
Will of the Hunter : Passive - When she is undetected or in a quiet area, her perception is slightly heightened. Passive - Katarina has abnormally fast reflexes and can not be surprised. To put her reflexes into perspective, she can swipe a bullet out of thin air with the ribs of her war fans if she is expecting it.
Cutting Edge (war fans only) : Active - 30 second passive charge up. One use per fan every 3 hours. Melee or ranged. Once activated, her next 3 strikes in the next 5 minutes can slice through any material up to steel as if it were flesh; weaponry, armor and equipment included. She can only slice as deep as the fan's protruding blades. If this does not cut through anything but flesh, it leaves a bleed effect.

Alignment : Chaotic Good

Are you a criminal or a hero : Hero

Backstory : Katarina doesn't delve much into her past, mostly because her memory doesn't go back incredibly far. She remembers herself as a child of eight years, sitting at the seat of the window. It was the only one in her dormitory and the one with the best view in the whole of the orphanage. The little institution was comfortable enough but there was no hiding it. There was only one reason for the government to worry about lost children like her and that was to keep them from littering the streets like vagrants for the sake of saving the city's image. The children all knew but they didn't care. It's what growing up in a cage does to you.

She was given the name Aderyn. It meant "bird" and she really liked it; how soft sounds tickled her lips. It was something she could be proud of; one of the few things she ever truly had. It was only later that she truly understood the meaning. She was a little bird in her little cage and they expected her to sit quietly and peacefully, singing sweetly when they told her to.

She'd asked about her family before when the social worker did her usual checkup on the orphans, looking for the nicest ones to dump in a foster family. They had taken Katarina from kindergarten where she was left to play daily under the protection of the teachers and caretakers, but the one day, she was never fetched. Apparently her parents died in a terrorist attack when she was 3, and her older sister who was a 7 years old then, was never found. It wasn't much information but it was enough. She was satisfied.

Every kid had the same fate. Wait until they were of working age and were completely independent before they would be let out of the orphanage. For most of the children, their time came around 17-19 years of age and Katarina was prepared to wait. That was until her 15th birthday. Birthday celebrations weren't all that grand but because it was a special day, a social worker took her out to buy something nice like ice cream or a doll. She was already preparing for the day she left and wanted a knife. Obviously, her request was denied so they settled for lunch instead. It was in the middle of eating when a terrorist attacked.

The group consisting of 3 terrorists locked down the restaurant, holding everyone inside hostage in the hopes of attracting the attention of Nitro and striking up a deal of sorts by putting the lives of civilians on the line. When Nitro did arrive, the group demanded to see one person and one person only : Nathan. He was the only known leader and an important figure who could give them what they wanted and he agreed to meet with them alone. Of course the men couldn't take their chances with him for he was known to be incredibly powerful so they had to make sure that there was someone at the gun point and that so happened to be Katarina. She was a kid and a female at that, hence extra pity points. And that was how they met, with her trapped in place with the barrel of a gun pressed to her head, the little hostage.

She'd heard about him. Despite being pretty much a shut-in for most of her life, she'd heard about Nitro and Nathan and everything they did for the city. They were their heroes. She was just a kid and she knew she wouldn't understand adult things, but Katarina couldn't stand letting herself get used for the downfall of her heroes. So she fought back and did the last thing they'd expect a kid to do. The men hadn't noticed her slip the butter knife into the long sleeve of her shirt when they first barged in, guns blazing. They didn't see the slight raise of the flat blade cold against the skin of her wrist. The man who held her captive didn't catch the sheen of metal as it slid into her hand behind her back, that is until she sunk the knife into his flesh.

It was enough of a distraction and the second his grip loosened from shock, she made a break for it. In agony and raged, he pointed the gun at her at pulled the trigger. The sound of the shot rang out, but it was not from him. Nathan had drawn his weapon as the opportunity arose and was ready. His subordinates, having heard the shot, came to join the fight in a matter of seconds. It was over faster than it had began.

After wards, as Nitro members slowly escorted the civilians out. Katarina sat watching her caretaker hurry about and conversing with one of the soldiers and that was when she was approached by Nathan. He merely wanted to know why. "I've always admired Nitro... and you... doing work for the good of the people. I'm just a kid with nothing to my name, so I couldn't let them use me to get to you. Simply, I wasn't dead. I had the option and I chose to fight. " Though he didn't show it, he seemed happy like she'd given the answer he'd wanted to hear.

An envelope arrived a few days later, addressed to her specifically. With shaking hands, she read the enclosed letter. They wanted her. Nitro wanted her to be one of them. Without much of a care, she readied to leave despite the letter advising her to take time to decide and that it was best for her to make the choice later on when she knew she was ready. But she didn't care or think too much. There was nothing to think about because she knew deep down where she belonged and it was with them. With Nitro. Thankfully the orphanage didn't pose much of an opposition to her leaving so early because she would have her future cut out for her.

At a young age, she was brought into Nitro as a trainee and was one of the youngest people receptive to fuelings to be recruited after Blast. There she was brought up and there she would stay because Katarina had found where she belonged.

Personality : Katarina had a fire in her that few people had and bore inside a fighting spirit that never died.
She has grown up to become a clever and calculative woman and is well liked and respected among her comrades and quite favored among as a person due to her kind and tolerant nature accompanied by patience and wit. Though quick to take action at times, she has learned to tie down her brashness and keep a calm and collected mindset with a poised expression. Loyal and faithful, she takes her position incredibly seriously but retains a light-hearted and friendly air about her. but underneath the surface lies a well-trained killer who is feared among the ranks for her skill and ruthless nature when it comes to the good of Nitro.

Theme song :

Others : Upon joining Nitro, she was renamed Katarina to leave her past behind her. Her original name was Aderyn meaning Bird. She'd received her official rank in Nitro when she reached 25 years of age, working directly under her mentor Nathan.
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  1. Quote : "playing a bad guy is always more fun then a good guy."

    Appearance * c46f33e05faf143aad6e1cdd1fb7a471.jpg
    Name * : James Nugent

    Nickname : "ace of spades" (also known as spades

    Age * : 19

    Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) : electrical gauntlets
  2. Glock 41
  1. Fueling(s)* (Superpowers)(Please no time travelling or OP teleportation powers !) :
  2. Summoning- he can summon creatures of various powers nd strengths, the more powerful ones need a ritual. (He mostly sticks to just his familiar Christine)
  3. Electrical control- his body is able to control electricity to an extreme amount, he cant store it in his body through leading to the batteries he has on him.

    Alignment *(Good, neutral, bad) (True, neutral, chaotic) : chaotic neutral

    Are you a criminal or a hero ? * : criminal

    Backstory *(At least one paragraph) : James is one of those people who is smart enough to realize how to use his powers effectively as soon as he figured them out, crafty enough to avoid being tracked down, and most of all loyal to a fault. James when he first found out his summoning ability summoned a creature a werewolf (named Christine.) She quickly bonded with James as his partner. They quickly tried their hands at being hero's only to fail and end up broke, in desperation they robbed a bank... And not only got away with it but got addicted to the adrenaline rush of committing illegal acts leading them to be known as ace of spades and Hound

    Personality * : (out of costume) loyal, friendly, outgoing,
  4. (In costume) authoritative, demanding, pyro,
  5. Theme song : (will post later)
She tends to be in a hoodie and sweat pants in human form and wears a dog collar that transfers over when she in in wolf form

    1. Name * : Cristine Nugent

      Nickname : "Hound"

    2. Age * : ???

      Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) : claws
    3. AK-47
    1. Fueling(s)* (Superpowers)(Please no time travelling or OP teleportation powers !) :
    2. She is a werewolf capable of turning into a Alaskan wolf hound or a half wolf half human hybrid, as well as her human form.
    3. Alignment *(Good, neutral, bad) (True, neutral, chaotic) : neutral

      Are you a criminal or a hero ? * : criminal

      Backstory *(At least one paragraph) : Christine is a werewolf who was James first attempt at summoning, She quickly bonded with James as his partner meaning their souls are tied together to the point she can know his thoughts and feelings. They quickly tried their hands at being hero's only to fail and end up broke, in desperation they robbed a bank... And not only got away with it but got addicted to the adrenaline rush of committing illegal acts leading them to be known as ace of spades and Hound

      Personality * : (out of wolf form) loyal, friendly, outgoing, and loveing to james
    4. (In wolf form) loyal to a fault, barks a lot,
    5. Theme song : (will post later)
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  • tumblr_o434t5qzYD1v15j6oo1_500.gif code by pasta

    "Evil doers beware! You're about to get a fucking beating!"

    View attachment 322659

    Name :



    Sugar Pop
    Princess Nutcracker
    Sam (by Friends]




    Fueling(s)* (Superpowers):

    Light Manipulation:
    She can create, shape and use light as a weapon.
    Shadow walk:
    She can travel through shadows. She only does this when she is in a really bad situation. Otherwise, the more she uses this power, the weaker her light powers are. She will then need to stop using both until the next day.



    Are you a criminal or a hero ?:

    Backstory *(At least one paragraph):

    At a young age, Samantha was taught not to trust anyone but yourself.
    She has been an orphan all her life, living in the crappy orphanage just outside the grand city. She and the other kids were tortured almost every day. By the time Samantha was 13 she had already been sexually assaulted by the man in charge of the orphanage. She vowed to get rid of the man, that way she would be free from his grasp at night. But she did not have to get her hands dirty. The Man was out for a stroll around the city on the day Blast attacked. The only thing they found of him was his left arm.
    The orphanage was quickly taken down. Children were sent out into the streets.
    Samantha got a job in the city and raised enough money to buy a small apartment.
    She goes out mostly at night. She knows that that is when most of the perverts slither out.

    Samantha puts on an act for people who don't really know her.

    That act being a sweet, kind, innocent young lady who hasn't had a thing go wrong for her.
    The real Samantha is shown when she goes out to fight crime. She is rude, violent, and sometimes downright murderous. That isn't to say that she isn't actually kind to others. She just knows that if you act a certain way, you can go far.

    Theme song:

    She has been in various self-defence classes. And is a pretty good kickboxer.
    She isn't just some small little girl. She can hold her own.



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Quote :

"These villains deserve mercy, not all want to be the way they are.... but I will not give it to them. They have dishonored there powers and must die"


Name * :


Nickname :
White death

Age * :
Years since activation number 2

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :
Two katana sword, one strapped to his hip, the other strapped to his back
Enhanced motors for more torque and power to legs arms and body
Thrusters In feet, back of the thys
And middle back allow limited flight capabilities
Enhanced sensors and targeting HUB
new age experimental metal body gives practically unbreakable armor
Experimental "fueling" cells designed to be tested on villains in hopes that they can contain absorbed powers

Fueling(s)* (Superpowers)(Please no time travelling or OP teleportation powers !) :

Alignment *(Good, neutral, bad) (True, neutral, chaotic) :

Are you a criminal or a hero ? * :

Backstory *(At least one paragraph) :

Personality * :
Calloway is seen as the silent killer. Though he can speak he just doesn't do it much. His programming making him a pure and utter gentleman when he does speak, his actions reflect it strongly as well. Though when it comes to the fueled that act out he becomes stone cold and ruthless not stopping till his target is dead or captured by him or others he truly becomes nothing more than a war machine in times of action.

Theme song :

Others :


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I only believe in I and not in YOU !
Corrin Wright

Nickname : Turbo

Age: 20


5"2 and weight 100lbs (really short almost tall as a kid)

Weapons/Equipments :

-A katana on his back.

Alignement : Neutral good

Personality :

Honest with everyone, Corrin won't hesitated to told someone what his thought on him are. Despite hiding it, he got an optimistic point of view about the future of the changeling lifestyle.
It is certainly sure that when Corrin decided to follow a goal, he will be extremely determined and it will be hard to influence him because of his hothead attitude. Furthermore, he is impatient and likes when things go really quick. However, he never underestimated or judge someone he had just met or know almost not a single clue about. He also never encourage or praise anybody, apart himself.

But that's not all ! In extreme situations, Corrin can make some sarcastic jokes. In reality, people will need time to... "Appreciate" him. However, you will understand that having Corrin near you when you are the good guy will make you feel safier.
Also, please don't say he is little. It will triggered him. Really badly.

Are you a criminal or a hero ? : "A hero, idiot ! Can't you see it ?!"

Bio :

As a kid, Corrin was the normie among the other. But unlike the other peaceful kids on his school, he was already a hot head. It seems like that the Wright family was like this. Despite this, it was in no time that his intelligence was proven to be more superior compare to the others.

However, lazy as he was, he didn't used his maximum potential and was blame by the teachers. After all, he just wanted to be an adventurer, not taking part in a boring and lazy job of the society.

But things haven't gone well. Growing up, his brown hair had became blue along his eyes taking the same color. After a while, Corrin brother made fun of him because of that, such as calling him a "blue shrimp". But to be true, they were liking each other. His brother had the same treatment happening, they both had became fueled. In the end, it result as Corrin's brother and him battling with words at each other, a comic scenes for the other.

Fueling :

Corrin was given the power of manipulating the air around him, capable of using it in order to enhanced his body with it and many other usefullity. This go as :

-The air can surrounded his whole body, increasing his overall strength and movement speed. For example, he can pack up a really great punch despite his non sportive body thanks to his power. Using this power for too long may reduce his overall stamina and exhausted him.

-The air can formed a shield made of winds. However, the shield can only reduce the impact of the attack being received. For example, a bullet can be deviated from his trajectory.

Others :

Came from another RP.
RIP me, trying to look fancy with BBCode on a phone.

"So you're "just trying to make it through to the next day," huh? How's that been working out for you?"

Appearance : Around 6' tall, 150 lb. dark scraggly hair starting to turn white, almost costant poker face. Black button-down shirt and dressy pants while in the public, black hooded jacket and black jeans while undercover.

Name : Sperat Relicum

Nickname : Shooting Star

Age : 54

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) : Throwing Knives

Fueling(s) (Superpowers) : Ability to throw/kick things faster than normally possible, limited, wears off, needs short recharge time (1m).

Alignment : Neutral, but leaning towards good.

Are you a criminal or a hero? : Criminal

Backstory *(At least one paragraph) :
Back then people knew him as Rob. He was just the normal vigilante; he used to be in the military but wore soft after being released. He continued to further his passion of throwing things, the hobby going back to his military days, and although he stayed in good shape for a 54-year-old, he probably wouldn't be allowed back into the military in the shape he was in. When he saw the news, he ignored it until going back to throwing things, when he realized the he shouldn't be able to thow so quickly. Knowing it was risky, he bought into the story and proceeded to tell noone. One day, though, a burglar broke into his house in the early afternoon while Rob was home. When the burglar turned the corner, gun up, Rob threw what he was holding, and next thing you know, the man was dead on the floor. He called the police, but before saying anything realized that saying anything could make him a suspect, grabbed somg things and ran. He ended up faking his own death, abandoning his former name to preserve the relative innocence he used to have.
Now on the run, he had to fend for himself. He realized after a few years of his routine that he had turned into a bit of a greedy Robin Hood, stealing only from rich people that could spare money or food and giving some to poorer people, even if only to keep them quiet. As if it helped his self-image.
He started going specifically going after people that he confirmed had bad intentions. Not like he was one of those superheroes, he just wanted to survive while not looking like a criminal.
(When he does go out in the open, he disguises as the same old man every time, concealing his weapons under his long black shirt on the black belt of his black pants

Personality : Stubborn. He'll usually just keep out of attention, less in a shy way and more in a "I don't want to be here" kind of vibe.

Theme song : "Renard & Darius - Flutter and Perch"
sue me


// ☢️ I FE L L O U T ☢️ //

    • Name: Rylie Elipi

    • December, 13th

    • Female

    • 5'1

    • Nickname: Darah from the Indonesian word blood

    • Caucasian

// O F T O U C H //

Are you a criminal or a hero ?: Neutral

Alignment : Chaotic Neutral

Personality : She is casually laid back for the most part, her reactions depending mostly on her mood and environment. Still she does have a moral compass that is dictated by observational reinforcement, much like a sociopath as she never did quite seem human with her lack of emotional intelligence. Despite all that she is easily excitable, given if someone manages to strike a cord she just might light up with excitement.

Theme song : Zombie
// W I T H R E A L I T Y //

Backstory : Rylie grew up in what one would call average situation, her family neither anywhere near rich nor excessively poor, more like a situation where you live paycheck to paycheck and get over the fact that you never go anywhere because, hey you have a house and food. Growing up in an overly neutral family where "you give to get", "trade one joy for another", and "nothing comes for free", Rylie turned out pretty emotionless. Not to say it was her families fault- But..

Having been that way from the start, when shit hit the fan lets say its easy to understand why she was able to burn bridges so quickly. One night she was out for a walk because who wants to deal with people, Rylie was caught in a mugging. So much for not dealing with people. When she made attempts of leaving them her belongings and making the trek home, the gun in the guys hand won the shady shoving. One moment she was staring at her blood covered hand too in shock to cry out in her agony, the next both guys involved were choking on gargled screams as spikes of the iron substance had impaled themselves within them.

Rylie's panic finally setting in her ability took over her brain, clotting her wounds and such, and in that hasty moment she decided it was time to move out of her humble town of assholes and made way for the city, perhaps she could blend in with the masses and not get killed?

// A N D N E V E R C A M E B A C K //

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :
Various objects that can draw blood, make manipulation simpler.

Fueling(s) :

Blood Manipulation: Ability to manipulate blood (duh). Simple things like clotting blood or creating excessive blood flow/loss is a piece of cake used on herself, as well as up to three or four people outside herself. More costly acts include creating a weapon of blood or shooting blood like a gun. She can use others blood but it is a rather tricky task coming with several stipulations like blood type, health, and such. Use of this power causes intense anemia and can lead to the lack of even the most simple of cognitive tasks. Overuse is well.. It has its obvious costs.

Since she can use the blood she can sense blood from life forms a few meters away, but lacks any control upon them until they are at least two meters close. Overall a powerful but overly limited ability.
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"Tell me, what do you fear most in this world?"

Name * : Waylon Willson

Nickname : "Master of Fear"

Age * : 21

Weapon(s)/Equipment(s) :
Two large gloves which have a sharp point on each claw which, if it stabs its target, injects it with whatever is in his glove at the time


Pretty much what it says, he can lift stuff with his mind

Mind Reading:
Again, as it says however, the person must be at ease to be able to read their mind, so no mind reading during a fight

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Are you a criminal or a hero ? * : Criminal

Backstory *(At least one paragraph) :
Waylon grew up with a fasnation with the human mind. Early along in his school days, he would play all of the cliques inside the school against each other, always pulling their strings and having them at each others throats. He found this fasanating and began to develop different formulas he would introduce to different people. He might put a dab of a love potion into a girls food to fall in love with a boy to cause drama, or put in a rage toxin on a pencil a guy who chews his his pencils to think everyone in his class is his worst fears and would attack them

However, there was one pesky little school journelist who had figured out that over his years in school, he had caused almost all the clique wars and the couple of muders in their school. She threatened that she would go public with this information and in this moment of stress, his powers activated. He soon knocked her out with a pipe that hit her head nearby and began to expirment with her. He soon turned her into a Minion, someone who had their will destroyed by constant strain using his fear toxin and conventional toture. He now continues to kidnap people to preform his expirments on those pour souls

Personality: Waylon is a cold, heartless man. He takes pride in his research and is very determined man. He is cunning and isn't afraid to tell lies to get what he wants. However, if he is in a situation he can't figure out how to get out of, he will have a nervous breakdown

Theme song:


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