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Multiple Settings From A Great Height

Whoa, dang notifications made me miss a post. >:(

Anyways, I agree with pioca pioca . You dont know how far the next island will be. However, I would be cautious. Maybe do a fly by or conceal the ship in a location that you can access in case you need a quick getaway.
Whoa, dang notifications made me miss a post. >:(

Anyways, I agree with pioca pioca . You dont know how far the next island will be. However, I would be cautious. Maybe do a fly by or conceal the ship in a location that you can access in case you need a quick getaway.
Exactly. We've got a fuel situation here and the impulse is saying to take what's offered to us right now. Our best chances are on the island.
(Option 1 has been chosen with 3 votes!)

You descend to the surface of the island, which is ringed by a protective metal fence, and land just within the perimeter. Upon first glance, the surrounding region appears to be nothing more than one of many small towns present upon this isle. There’s plenty of land to build fresh houses, and more than enough grassland for animals to graze. It’s quite a pleasant atmosphere. Perhaps this island could be a suitable place for you to settle upon?

As you turn your vehicle off and step out onto dry land for the first time in a long time, you notice that the people here are staring at you. Much like the captain and her mercenaries, they are not the same species as you. They appear to be Tenurs, in fact – a bipedal species of people who have inhabited the sky islands for generations before you. They are hairless and bald, with three fingers upon each hand, and two separate mouths set into their faces.

Their appearance is a little strange to those who have not encountered a Tenur before, but your home island was visited by a few Tenurs some years back, and you have some firsthand experience of interacting with their kind. They are quite an intelligent race with a flair for mechanics and engineering. It’s always fascinated you how their skin colour changes with their temperament; they are people who literally carry their heart on their sleeve. Of course, the older Tenurs can control the rate of change in skin tone, but that's another story.

“You are not one of us,” says a male Tenur, watching you critically.

Usually, you can tell what a person is thinking from the way they look at you, or the type of facial expression they wear, or their general body language. With a Tenur, none of that is needed. The man’s skin is pulsating faintly between colours of blue and orange, suggesting that he is both suspicious and anxious about your presence here. It would not do to frighten him.

Still, you’re just glad that he speaks your language, unlike the captain’s entire crew on board the airship, who mouthed off in Common Tongue to no end.

“I mean you no harm,” you say to him. His skin tone does not change; your words have brought him no consolation. “I am a survivor from a nameless island. One that fell out of the sky. I only seek shelter and settlement within an island which will help me.”

His expression did not change, and you realize now that he staring at the sword in your hand. You’d forgotten that you were still holding it after all this time. Quickly, you lower it down to the ground.

“You carry weapons,” he says skeptically. “But I sense no harm from you. Not many nameless ones come to our island. We place importance upon names, so if you stay here, you may have to take one for yourself.”

You notice that his skin tone is changing to purple. That confuses you at first, until you recall that purple refers to sexual attraction. His eyes are still fixed on you. Well, this is just brilliant. Your first time on another island and the first native boy you meet is attracted to you.

“We have heard about the falling of the other islands,” he says quietly. “You have my sympathy. We Tenurs are fortunate that we have not been affected by the energy drain which has destroyed the lives of so many. You need not fear such dangers here. If you wish to settle here with us, then we can offer you some protection.”

“I would like that very much,” you say gratefully. “Thank you.”

His skin colour darkens to a deeper purple. “I...I have just one question for you before I admit you into town.” You do not miss how the tone of his voice has softened. “Are you here from Gahl’vuhr Sehn?”

1. Tell him you are from the Gahl’vuhr Sehn

2. Deny that you have anything to do with the Gahl’vuhr Sehn
✧ 1. tell him you are from the gahl’vuhr sehn...


don't know what'll happen if we say the truth, but i wouldn't want the nice (but uh, easily-attracted. not that that's not nice, but it's not really marvelous either,,, or is it just me) tenur to learn of it from someone else or some other way.

wait, i am confused. are from the gahl'vuhr sehn, or would it be truthful to say that we don't really have much to do with them? maybe it's time to reread the previous updates,,,
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pioca pioca We are not a part of the Gahl’vuhr Sehn, we are a part of the nameless, but were rescued by a Gahl’vuhr Sehn ship. Since this person can sense things (could sense no harm from us), it is better to be truthful. Say we are not Gahl’vuhr Sehn, but include the fact you were helped by a Gahl’vuhr Sehn ship. This fact may be important later on. (Perhaps they were expecting something)
pioca pioca We are not a part of the Gahl’vuhr Sehn, we are a part of the nameless, but were rescued by a Gahl’vuhr Sehn ship. Since this person can sense things (could sense no harm from us), it is better to be truthful. Say we are not Gahl’vuhr Sehn, but include the fact you were helped by a Gahl’vuhr Sehn ship. This fact may be important later on. (Perhaps they were expecting something)

alrighty~ i go with this then.
(Option 2 has been chosen with 2 votes! Funny thing about this, is that halfway through writing this portion, I realized I was writing what would've been akin to an end to this, and then I realized... Wait, what the hell am I doing!?! We are only 2 pages in, and if I were to end this now this would've made for quite a shitty sappy ending, and it wouldn't have been a very good ending partly based on how short this whole thing was! (Although, I do have a quest log that I had a lot of fun doing that I wanna reboot at some point especially considering, quest logs have kinda grown in popularity a bit again, still a niche part of this site but a lot more popular than they used to be and it was probably my best quest log, in writing and choices so I might reboot it again at some point. But I digress) so I took some aspects from what I was writing and changed it to once again keep this story moving, no rest for the weary unfortunately.)

“I promise you that I have nothing to do with the Gahl'Vuhr Sehn,” you tell him in a sincere tone of voice. Even as you speak, you realise that the vehicle you took from the airship has the telltale emblem of the Gahl'Vuhr painted on its front, and hope that the Tenur does not think to look. You hold his gaze, mindful of his current temperament. “Can you offer me shelter today upon this island? It would be nice to have someone show me around.”

You play upon his insecurities and any remaining doubt vanishes from his face. He smiles with both mouths. “Of course,” he says, extending one hand towards you. “Come this way. I would be happy to be your guide for today.” You take his hand, and notice the color of his skin tone fluctuate ever so slightly. “Whilst we walk, perhaps I can tell you a little about the history of this island. Our ancestors first colonized this region of the skies over three hundred and fifty years ago...”

He clearly likes to talk and you spend some time getting acquainted with the Tenur male, who seems quite smitten with you. You're not sure that you find Tenurs particularly attractive in return – they do have two mouths in their head, after all – but you are keen to take advantage of his feelings. You decide not to risk going back to your vehicle and instead remain with your guide for the rest of the day.

One thing leads to another, and you start making inquiries about possible lodging and settlement upon the island. You soon learn that the Tenur man can put you in touch with various contacts in town. Money is no problem here; rather, Tenurs value work and resources to trade rather than currency, and you work to secure a steady job for yourself. The island is in need of miners, couriers and helpers for building work and you soon find an available position.

After that, the rest of the week passes quite quickly. You become close friends with the Tenur man and become acquainted with many people in his circle, as well as other Tenurs at your place of employment. A settlement has been reached. Before the end of the week, you even procure a name for yourself so as to fit into Tenurian society. Annabel. That's what you call yourself now. Annabel. It has a nice ring to it, and you refuse to answer to anything but that. Nobody can call you Unworthy anymore.

An entire month passes, and you find that you are enjoying life here with the Tenurs. However, as it seems all good things have to an end at some point, for reasons unknown, it seems that this island is succumbing to the same fate as your previous island, as well as many islands before...

Even amongst the chaos of everything in your life once again falling apart, literally down to Earth, you take a deep internal sigh of relief, that you hid that vehicle you arrived in somewhere where you remember, and didn't get rid of it. But you can't help but also feel a certain feeling of melancholy, it's like once again that you are losing yet another community, family and group of friends... Unfortunately, you have no time to say goodbye as houses, and Tenurs fall to their unfortunate death's. You have no idea, why fate has forsaken you yet again, you also can't help but tear up a bit as you rush to the vehicle...

Having to constantly move quickly hoping that the ground didn't collapse around it, you make a burst for speed as you see it unharmed, you get in, you remember which button started it up, and press it, bringing the old thing back to life once again.

You silently give a goodbye to yet another life, however you have a new sense of self since your experience there, you now have a name and are going to embrace it. With that Annabel takes off in search of a new place to hopefully settle down or just to survive...

You continue travelling for a few hours while you continue to feel sad for your loss, you continue to look forward to the future, you know looking too far to the past won't help you and will lead to a self-destructive cycle of suffering and misery. Now on the lookout for any landmarks or signs of life on various islands. After some time, however, you began to realize that something is wrong with your vehicle. Although you still have sufficient fuel to take you a fair distance…you are starting to lose altitude. You are falling lower and lower in the sky, moving down in a broad spiral which takes you closer and closer to the surface of the planet itself…

Determinedly, you try fiddling with the controls on the craft to try and fly back up to where you were. Nothing works. You are starting to fall through the clouds by now, but all is not lost. It just means it’s more important than ever to find a decent place to land. For some reason, one of the components of your vessel appears to be malfunctioning.

There are numerous lightning storms in this part of the sky, and you are quick to veer away from them. Many an airship has fallen victim to the fierce and unpredictable weather conditions escalated by the deadly situation on the surface far below. As it is, you can barely control your vehicle at all. You need to stay airborne at all costs. You saw what the surface is like now: nobody can survive there anymore, and the people who remain there now have no future.

You accelerate in another downward spiral and cross through the clouds into a graveyard of broken and damaged airships, long-abandoned by their previous owners or simply left to rot. Many of these are ghost ships, whereupon the crew have run out of fuel and starved to death in their limited patch of open sky. The wind doesn’t blow all the time, after all.

One of the airships, strangely enough, shows faint signs of life. It is also severely damaged and has a faint plume of smoke coming from the hull.

1. Approach the airship

2. Ignore it and keep going
>2. Ignore it and keep going. I'm apprehensive of not being able to get back up again...
(Actually I think I might have to stop this one, I really don't know where I am going with this and I cannot come up with a good end point for this ik that it would be a while more longer into the future, but I am not sure I can figure out a good way to end this, I may simply go back to that one quest log I did a while back and brought up briefly and redo it, I had a clear end goal in mind and it was meant to be long so it could last a fun long time, and it was clear to me now that I had no idea when and how I would end this. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but the one I did a while back was much more detailed and had a lot more options to choose from more often. And I still remember the end goal of that one, and the other stuff, so I will make sure to link you all to that one again, besides without a doubt in my mind with how cliched the last RP could have been I made something good out of it. I will make sure to link everyone taking part in this one to that one, to make up for the inconvenience, once again I truly apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you all for your continued support of my quest logs. It will be up shortly. I hope you all continue to have fun with my future quest logs and any others you may partake in!)
(Actually I think I might have to stop this one, I really don't know where I am going with this and I cannot come up with a good end point for this ik that it would be a while more longer into the future, but I am not sure I can figure out a good way to end this, I may simply go back to that one quest log I did a while back and brought up briefly and redo it, I had a clear end goal in mind and it was meant to be long so it could last a fun long time, and it was clear to me now that I had no idea when and how I would end this. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but the one I did a while back was much more detailed and had a lot more options to choose from more often. And I still remember the end goal of that one, and the other stuff, so I will make sure to link you all to that one again, besides without a doubt in my mind with how cliched the last RP could have been I made something good out of it. I will make sure to link everyone taking part in this one to that one, to make up for the inconvenience, once again I truly apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you all for your continued support of my quest logs. It will be up shortly. I hope you all continue to have fun with my future quest logs and any others you may partake in!)
It was fun while it lasted! I will for sure see you at your new quest log!

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