• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern || FRIENDS|| - cs.



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life was

gonna be this way."
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]basics[/div] [div class=tag]name!: [/div] here.
[div class=tag]nicknames!:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]sexuality:[/div]here.
[div class=tag]gender:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]age!:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]birthday:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]zodiac:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]ethnicity:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]occupation:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]role:[/div] here.

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/60s1EAwfw9223J3B5Y/giphy.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/1wPACbts9IoY1m9OFN/giphy.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=title]appearance/persona on next tab[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]appearance/persona[/div]
[div class=tag] height:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]eyes:[/div] here.
[div class=tag] hair:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]faceclaim:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]likes:[/div]
  • here.

[div class=tag]dislikes:[/div]
  • here.

[div class=tag]vices:[/div]
  • +3

[div class=tag]virtues:[/div]
  • +3

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/7c61e06a2c43a162ddcb53c300036465/tumblr_o1lf90BsVh1trric7o3_250.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/58863001/original.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]questions on next tab[/div]
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]questions[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/Y2IsGLTYmTzRS/giphy.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/252556581/original.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]answer the following in character![/div]
[div class=tag]question one.[/div] Glass half empty or half full?
[div class=tag]question two.[/div] Why did you decide to move in?
[div class=tag]question three.[/div] Favorite part of the city?
[div class=tag]question four.[/div] Do you believe in soulmates?
[div class=tag]question five.[/div] Celeb crush?

[div class=tag]biography on next tab.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]biography[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/bf/c0/95bfc0bbc095478a4c9add96fc9fe639.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ElegantCompassionateAngwantibo-size_restricted.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]history:[/div]here.

[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=tabs] [div class="tab tab01"][/div] [div class="tab tab02"][/div] [div class="tab tab03"][/div] [div class="tab tab04"][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
coded by shady.
[div class=cont] [div class=hold] [div class=image][div class=page][div class=top][div class=thing][/div] [div class=pos][div class=d1]verizon [/div]...........................[div class=d2]78% [/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=num]7:49[/div]
friday, july 26, 2019
[/div] [div class=rhold][div class=fakr][/div] [div class=sop] [div class=back][div class=img][/div][/div][div class=arrow]serena renée evers[/div][div class=rel][/div] [div class=stats][div class=overflow][div class=o][div class=scroll] [div class=firstword]the basics:[/div]
[div class=firstword]full name[/div] Serena Renée Evers
[div class=firstword]nicknames[/div] Rina, Serene, Renée
[div class=firstword]sexuality[/div] bisexual
[div class=firstword]gender[/div] Female
[div class=firstword]age[/div] 25
[div class=firstword]birthday[/div] September 15
[div class=firstword]zodiac[/div] Virgo
[div class=firstword]ethnicity[/div] unknown.
[div class=firstword]occupation[/div] doctor
[div class=firstword]role[/div] the comic relief[/div][/div]
[div class=o][div class=scroll][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div] [div class=film][/div][/div] [div class=2hold] [div class=cont2][div class=bg][div class=border][div class=pic][/div][/div] [div class=user]more about her: [/div][/div] [div class=pers][div class=overflow] [div class=photo][/div]___[div class=photo style="background-image: url(https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/be511183b2ef0e2ed9deb10efcaf21ba/5DD1CBB3/t51.2885-15/e35/s240x240/66177157_2294369707343586_2685438837994546226_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com); background-size: 110%"][/div]

[div class=box] [div class=v]more basics[/div]

eye color: Gray

hair color:Mocha, often dyed with lighter streaks at the end and dark at the top.

height: 5'4

build: petite / mesomorph

distinguishing features: Dimples when she smiles, a scar across her palm.

likes: chocolate, people who laugh at her jokes, wine, rain, dogs

dislikes: spiders, people who are arrogant or too uptight, nails grating on chalkboards.

  • Alcohol.
  • Too Relaxed.
  • Lacks Seriousness.

  • A breath of fresh air
  • A steady shoulder to lean on
  • A constructivist: quite rational.

theme: Stay Lost (Cabu Remix) - Joe Hertz

faceclaim: Chloe Bennet

[div class=v]questions[/div]

question one.
  • Ah, yes. My first thought would be to judge the level of water, not to drink it.

question two.
  • My boss got mad at me for sleeping too much in on-call rooms. I mean, I need a place closer to the hospital.

question three.
  • Honestly? The view. If you look closely, you can see the neighbors growing weed.

question four.
  • Love who? Could you ask her to call me, please?

question five.
  • Eddie Redmayne--he's a fantastic beast.

[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=cont3][div class=title]history ![/div] [div class=rop][div class=line][/div]...[div class=line][/div]............................[div class=line][/div]...[div class=line][/div][/div] [div class=box2][div class=overflow]Bounced around from foster home to foster home, Serena hasn't had the best experiences with "family". She was left on the doorstep of an orphanage as a newborn, and it was there that she grew up. She was always deemed as a "bad fit" or a "problematic" child, so at a certain point, around the tenth foster home, the nuns decided to give up on her. She soon developed her sense of humor as a defense mechanism: if she joked around and put on a smile, then the reality of her situation wouldn't cut so deep. Don't ask her about her foster homes, it's one of the things that she refuses to discuss.

Serena quickly realized that there was no way she was going to get out of her miserable situation unless she studied. She can't say that she put in a 100% of her effort, because she didn't, but she worked to get enough of a scholarship, and took out a loan to cover the rest of the tuition. While studying, Serena worked throughout her university days. It must be said that although the woman has accomplished much, she has a relaxed view and doesn't have much of a drive for anything. Don't take her relaxedness for laziness--appearances can be deceiving. She's very, very intelligent, she just chooses not to outwardly display it.

She quickly sped through med school through a program that her university offered, a condensed version of both undergrad and medical school. Now's she's an intern, and she knows that she's supposed to be living the dream, but she can't help feel void and empty. Serena doesn't have much friends--she's a bit wary about who she allows close into her circle, and upon recommendation (okay, he forced her) from her boss, Serena had to move out of her hospital's on-call rooms for a more suitable place of living: an apartment. Was she psyched to live with other people? Not really.

But she isn't too worried. After all, no one ever stays long in her life for her to make an attachment. [/div][/div]
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ꜰʀᴇᴅᴇʀɪᴄᴋ ʜᴇʀɴᴀɴᴅᴇᴢ
Frederick Fabian Hernandez

Fred or Freddy is all he'll accept





Aries ♈

50% Hispanic; 25% African-American; 25% Caucasian

Currently an intern receptionist at Vogue Magazine

The Achiever

ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ__
Reece King

ɪɴ-ᴅᴇᴘᴛʜ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ__
Fred's appearance is very unique towards anyone that is meeting him for the first time. But if you've known him for a little while then whatever he decides to do to his body and wear upon his body shouldn't be to any shock to you. Fred likes to keep his frame very slender as he has an athletic, toned out body. He stands about six foot two inches tall with a weight of one hundred and fifty-nine pounds. Yes, he has a little bit of muscle but he is also a little bit scrawny, as well. Fred's hair takes on a deep black tone but has dyed it deep brown once. So, there might be some traces of brown still in there. He likes to keep his hair curled up like a little Afro, as well. Since he is mixed with African American, Caucasian and Hispanic, his skin complexion takes up a light-skinned approach and his eyes are a pure hazelnut color. Fred has an array of tattoos, one giant tattoo that is located on his right arm and it's nothing more than a bunch of roses. He also has a tattoo behind his left ear that is of a four-leaf clover. Fred only has three piercings and one of those is through his nose, which is a septum, while the other two and within his earlobes. Fred has a very casual style of dress, as well. He likes to wear t-shirts and baggy pants or cargo shorts along with a pair of Chuck Taylor's, which is about the only pairs of shoes he owns. Fred also has an assortment of hats and bandanas that he’ll sometimes wear, too. He does have elegant evening wear but those suits and shoes are reserved for work and special occasions.

The Outdoors
Comic Books
Telling Jokes, Pulling Pranks
Fashion Magazines

Body Odor
Negative Environments
His emotions
Severe Thunderstorms
Onions or Tomatoes(he's allergic)

Being Betrayed
Losing those close to him

➖ Sarcastic | Tempermental | Straightforward

➕ Genuine | Ambitious | Observant

ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏɴᴇ__
ɢʟᴀss ʜᴀʟꜰ ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ ᴏʀ ʜᴀʟꜰ ꜰᴜʟʟ?
❝Let's go with half full. I believe that if you do good deeds, good things will happen to you. I always try my best to do the right thing but lucks out, sometimes. Although, I have tried to the best in my life and that counts for something, right?❞

ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴡᴏ__
ᴡʜʏ ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ ɪɴ?
❝Because it's New York. Who wouldn't want to live in the city of dreams? But no, I got an internship at one of the hottest fashion magazines in America and the apartments are really, really close. So, it makes for an easier commute, which means that I can literally walk there.❞

ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ__
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄɪᴛʏ?
❝Besides work, I'd have to say Broadway Avenue. I might the lights will capture you and put you in a trance that you'll be buying a ticket before you even know it. Plus, there are some really cool fashion shops along that strip, too.❞

ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ ꜰᴏᴜʀ__
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ɪɴ sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇs?
❝Of course, I do. I also believe in love at first sight. Yes, it may weird some people out but love is love and many people know it instantly.❞

ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ ꜰɪᴠᴇ__
ᴄᴇʟᴇʙ ᴄʀᴜsʜ?
❝If I list them all then we'll be here all night. But to start Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, The Hemsworth Brothers and Jennifer Aniston. That's just to name a few of them. Shall I go on?❞



❝Catch your dreams before they slip away.❞​

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[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]basics[/div] [div class=tag]name: [/div] wilimina de la cruz
[div class=tag]nicknames:[/div] will generally only answer to wil or mina
[div class=tag]sexuality:[/div] biromantic bisexual
[div class=tag]gender:[/div] cisgender female
[div class=tag]age:[/div] twenty-three
[div class=tag]birthday:[/div] sept. 30th
[div class=tag]zodiac:[/div] virgo
[div class=tag]ethnicity:[/div] dominican & cuban
[div class=tag]occupation:[/div] photographer and personal assistant.
[div class=tag]role:[/div] the wild child.

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/bQWK8EE.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/OYPrM4C.jpg');"][/div] [/div] [div class=title]----------[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]appearance/persona[/div]
[div class=tag] height:[/div] five foot six.
[div class=tag] weight:[/div] one hundred and thirty-six pounds.
[div class=tag]eyes:[/div] dark brown.
[div class=tag] hair:[/div] brunette, curly, styled short.
[div class=tag] dist. features:[/div] freckles.
[div class=tag]faceclaim:[/div] aiyana lewis.
[div class=title]----------[/div]
[div class=tag]likes:[/div]
  • tostones, forest aromas, winter, over the top fashion, creative photoshoots, sloths

[div class=tag]dislikes:[/div]
  • formalities, 9-5 jobs, elitest, pork, creative blocks, any type of bug

[div class=tag]vices:[/div]
  • chauvinism, idleness, short-sightedness

[div class=tag]virtues:[/div]
  • fortitude, loyalty, affability

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/5t4C3l0.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/MZ0rXcP.jpg');"][/div] [/div] [div class=title]----------[/div]
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]questions[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/DD9aOsS.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/Id19bC2.jpg');"][/div] [/div]
[div class=tag]question one.[/div] Glass half empty or half full?
  • “First of all no one leaves a glass half anything, drink that shit up.”

[div class=tag]question two.[/div] Why did you decide to move in?
  • “Have you tried to pay rent in this city on your own? In this economy? Me thinks not.”

[div class=tag]question three.[/div] Favorite part of the city?
  • “There's always something to do here, even if it's a small festival or a night market.”

[div class=tag]question four.[/div] Do you believe in soulmates?
  • “Yeah, both platonic and romantic. There are people that come into your life that were molded especially for you and vice versa.”

[div class=tag]question five.[/div] Celeb crush?
  • “Definitely Ezra Miller, he's just the complete opposite of toxic masculinity.”

[div class=title]----------[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]biography[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/RpEuZBz.png');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/pE0dQRs.jpg');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]history:[/div] A second generation immigrant and the youngest of three, Wilimina grew up in a tightknit community. One in which everyone knew everyone's name as well as their personal business. Her parents owned a deli shop, her father was famous for his delicious Cuban sandwiches; which at the time weren't an easily acquired meal. Her mother was a dental assistant.
Despite being the youngest, Wilimina was not treated as such, her older siblings would often be the center of attention. Not that this bothered her, it gave her creative freedom. Out of the trio Wilimina was the child who was always willing (pun intended) to test her parents limits. She was eccentric in the best ways possible. Her parents recieved several calls throughout the years during Wilimina's grade school career.
By the end of her senior year she had been romanced and manipulated by an older woman who fed her false promises. Wilimina moved in with the woman after she graduated much to her parents displeasure. Their relationship was toxic, abusive and short lived. Wilimina was on the streets within eight months. She was far too ashamed to run back to her parents; the image of them chastising her was etched in her brain and had no intention of being erased.
Wilimina stayed at various shelters and hopped from job to job for about a year and a half. She applied for a job as a personal assistant for a high-end lawyer, and has been working for him for about a year.

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Junwoo Choi
The Basics

NAME: Junwoo Choi

NICKNAMES: Woo, June, Junie

SEXUALITY: Homosexual

GENDER: Cis Male

AGE: 27-years-old

BIRTHDAY: 11 May 1992

ZODIAC: Taurus


OCCUPATION: Art Professor

ROLE: The Achiever



EYES: Brown

HAIR: Dark brown but he dyes it often

FACECLAIM: Kim Seokjin


STYLE: Junwoo sticks to oversized silhouettes for comfort, often wearing tartan trousers and turtleneck sweaters. He does appreciate fashion, but he prefers to take risks with his accessories instead of his wardrobe. It’s not odd to see Junwoo in eccentric jewelry or socks and he almost always has a full set of rings on his fingers. He rarely wears contacts, after having glasses for nearly twenty years, he just feels empty without them!



  • watercolor paint, the outdoors, masala chai, fuzzy sweaters, autumn, the moment when you see your food coming to the table at a restaurant, vintage jewelry, rainy days


  • being the center of attention, alcohol, having his picture taken, when an art piece looks so good as an outline but is ruined once colored in, having to wake up too early


  • emotionally closed off, workaholic, stays up way too late, paranoid


  • creative, determined, open minded, a good listener

The Important Stuff

QUESTION ONE. Glass half empty or half full?

“Hm, how about half empty, but there’s a water pitcher right beside the glass? I guess I’m naturally a pessimist, but I do believe that bad instances aren’t forever. You never know when something good might happen, so it’s best to stay hopeful, just in case.”

QUESTION TWO. Why did you decide to move in?

“For one, this building is right by the university I work for. But I also thought roommates could be...healthy for me. I get nervous trying to sleep in an empty home, I hope living with others will offer me some peace of mind.”

QUESTION THREE. Favorite part of the city?

“Definitely the art exhibits and galleries.”

QUESTION FOUR. Do you believe in soulmates?

“I do, yes. Perhaps it’s all the chick flicks I’ve watched, but there’s something so sweet about the idea of a soulmate. I’d love to believe there’s someone out there who’s destined to be my other half.”

QUESTION FIVE. Celeb crush?

“Henry Golding is quite beautiful, as is Rami Malek.”


HISTORY: Having spent most of his young adulthood homeless, Junwoo developed an obsessive desire for success. Driven by fears of reliving the past, he’s worked hard to assure he’ll never be on the streets again. But burying himself in his work isn’t just for securing a comfortable future, it’s also become a mask, a way to hide the things that still haunt him.

Just a week after his eighteenth birthday, Junwoo was forced out of the closet by an ex-boyfriend, who shared an intimate video of them online without his consent. As soon as word got around to his parents, he was kicked out of his home and lost all contact with his family. His parents weren’t the only ones who disapproved of this, though. Any prior friends that Junwoo had left him as soon as rumors began to spread and tarnish his reputation. Alone and ostracized, he had nowhere else to turn but the streets. From eighteen to twenty, Junwoo did whatever was needed to get by, even if that meant stealing or doing other regrettable things.

After hitting rock bottom, Junwoo stumbled upon an education program for the homeless. Eager to make a better life for himself, he joined the class and put his everything into passing. He spent all his time studying, working through the night on many occasions to succeed. He knew this was his only option at ever breaking away from his current situation, so he fought hard, and obtained his GED. Junwoo went on to attend college on a scholarship, with the help of a motivating and caring teacher that guided him in the right direction. This teacher’s assistance inspired Junwoo to major in education himself. And his love of painting lead him to graduate as an art professor.

Now, at twenty-seven, Junwoo is beginning his first year of teaching. He’s excited to transition from a dorm to a real apartment, but most of all, he’s just thankful he has a roof over his head. Sometimes this gratefulness can become too much, though. Junwoo is consumed by worry that if he slows down, he’ll end up homeless again. He’s notorious for staying in his office into the night and he struggles to create a work / life balance. Work is his life. He doesn’t know how to live any other way, especially with the trust and commitment issues he carries from his past.

Junwoo just wants to be happy, but he’s not sure he’ll be able to do that without pushing himself to his limit in the process.


"The Achiever"

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Jiao-Long Zhào

  • NAME: Jiao-Long Zhào
    AMERICAN NAME: Jimmy Zhao
    SEXUALITY: closeted homosexual
    GENDER: male
    AGE: 26
    BIRTHDAY: 8 May
    ZODIAC: Taurus
    ETHNICITY: Malaysian / Chinese
    OCCUPATION: Exchange Student Political Sciences
    ROLE: Recluse


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[class=tabs] background-color: transparent; border-radius: 5px; border: 0px black solid; color: black; font-size: 18px; font-family: Handlee; font-style: italic; line-height: 1; text-align: center; width: 150px; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 85%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] text-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #ffff; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Basic) (show tabsContent01) if (eq ${currentTab} BasicPt2) (show tabsContentII) if (eq ${currentTab} Personality) (show tabsContentIII) if (eq ${currentTab} Bio) (show tabsContentIV) [/script]
[div class=tabs][div class=tab style="margin: auto;"]Basic

[div class=tab]BasicPt2[/div]
[div class=tab]Personality[/div]
[div class=tab style="margin: auto;"]Bio[/div][/div]



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[/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentII" style="display: none;"]

- Full Name: Amelia Marie Zabielski
- Nicknames: Mia
- Gender: Female
- Sexuality: Heterosexual
- Age: 21
- Birthday: August 27
- Zodiac: Virgo
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Occupation: none atm
- Role: The Spoiled

- Height: 5'3

- Eyes: Blue

- Hair: Blonde

- Face Claim: Dove Cameron

- Likes: modeling | her personal space and time | shopping | fashion statements (good ones) | heels

- Dislikes: being too busy for herself | lies/liars | hot tea | most gold jewelry | non fiction

- Vices: impatient | impulsive | proud

- Virtues: passionate | trusting | loyal

- Appearance: Amelia stands at about 5'3, which is super short for a model, especially in a place like New York. Considered a petite model, she's automatically excluded from certain things due to her height, but she makes up for it with the jobs she does get. Her hair is normally a golden blonde and down to mid-back or so, though she has gone platinum a few times. With hazel eyes and a face that has luckily never needed a nose job, she's overall a pretty girl. Rarely is she seen without full face on, and dressed to impress. She can rock a pair of heels, and won't even go to the corner store unless her makeup is perfect.

- Extras: She's actually self conscious about her height, though modeling has taught her how to hide this.
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1) Glass half empty or half full?
"Half full, preferably of an iced vanilla latte, please."

2) Why did you decide to move in?
"Well, I didn't know where else to go, really. With everything falling apart, I knew I needed to grab everything and pull it back together."

3) Favorite part of the city?
"Definitely any of the shopping malls or streets!"

4) Do you believe in soulmates?
"I guess so. I mean I'm sure it's out there for some people. Me specifically? Well, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm high maintenance. Alot of guys can't handle that. Maybe someone out there could... I don't know. Who knows the future, right?"

5) Celeb crush?
"Definitely Johnny Depp. He's so manly... I love it."
[/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentIV" style="display: none;"]

- Amelia was practically born into modeling. Her mother modeled throughout Mia's entire childhood, whereas her father chose to remain a little more behind the scenes as a music producer. She's lived in New York her entire life, but she only knows the rich, upscale side of NY. Her career in modeling began when she was just an infant, and delved into some light acting when she was a toddler/child.

Throughout her awkward preteen years, she took a break from modeling and just acted some while she worked her way through school. Private school, of course, filled with other models and actors/actresses and the like. It was hard to fit in, even with her background and money.

At seventeen, she picked modeling back up almost like she'd never stopped. She graduated from her prestigious high school and traveled to Europe, where she met Antonio. A Spanish singer/actor, he was practically from the same world as she was. It was natural that their chemistry would align and take off.

At twenty, she and Antonio were engaged. Their story swept through Hollywood, and he chose to return with her to the US as her stay in Europe came to an end. Not five months after returning to New York, a month before their wedding, their scandal rocked Hollywood. Antonio cheated and left Mia, leaving drugs in their upper class apartment. Somebody anonymously tipped off the police, and Mia was charged.

Antonio disappeared, leaving Mia to face the backlash alone. It was eventually proven, once Antonio was found, that the drugs weren't hers. He came clean, but by that time it was too late. No modeling agency would hire her, and she was forced to leave her fancy apartment and life of luxury behind.
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Full Name: Mark Anthony Gordon
Age: 25
Nicknames: Tony
Role: The Achiever
Birthday: September
Zodiac: Virgo
Gender: Male
Sex: Heterosexual

1568217040628.png 1568217080624.png
Height: 6'5
Weight: 190
Build: Tall, Lean, Muscular
Hair: Black
Eyes: Piercing Blue
Style: Mark is a mix between artsy and casual style


(Right Forearm)
View attachment 512525
(On left forearm)


-Playing Music (Guitar, Piano, Cello, Violin)
-Creating Art (Drawing, Painting, Sculpting)
-Loving People
-Being Praised
-People that understand him

-Rude People
-Horror movies

-Plays with hair
-Cracks joints
-Rubs his neck when nervous
-Talks to himself
-Always is concerned about his

-Unnaturally large things
-Being alone
-Not being excepted

Fist and foremost, Mark is a musician and an artist. When he is bored, he always likes to sit down and write a song, draw a detailed picture, or sculpt a masterpiece. he did this so much that his parents even bought him a studio. and you can bet that if hes not at school or hanging out with friends, he was in his studio. Mark is also a fashion geek, always making himself look hip, sharp, and stylish. but above all this, he is a lover. he treats everyone he meets with the highest respect and has the manors of a gentlemen. he puts other peoples needs above his own and will sacrifice almost anything for his friends and family.

Ever since Birth, Mark has shown the immense gift to create. even when he was a baby, he would draw and paint with the art supplies that his parents bought for him. And as he grew up, his skills got better and better. so good in fact, that his parents sent him to an art school. there he skills got even better, always getting top of of his classes, but there was a problem. he never really socialized with anyone in or outside of school and his parents saw this as an issue. so they pulled him out and had him privately tutored instead. this was for the better, since when they put him back into regular school he mad friends.

When he finally made his way to high school, thats when the social stuff really started. discovering that he had an ear for music in his junior year, his parents had him privately tutored in Guitar, piano, Cello, Violin, on top of his art lessons. sure it was alot of money for them, but Mark was an only child and they wanted him to be the best he could be. He became the star of all the talent shows and even joined a band. things were going his way

This life continued all throughout high school, him being the star of musical talent and being the top student in all of his art classes, not to mention making it to the honors list every year. He eventually received a scholarship to Colombia University for a double major in Architecture and Music. After graduating at the top of his class, Mark started working for some of the best firms in New York city. However during this time, he did not have enough time to focus on his music. After much thought, Mark decided to take a break from architecture and become a professional musician. he also wanted meet more people in the city, as he had been too busy with school and work to actually meet anyone.

1) Glass half empty or half full?
"Depends on how you market the empty space"

2) Why did you decide to move in?
"After years of being distracted with work, I think I finally need to meet some people"

3) Favorite part of the city?
"Probably the Flatrion Building. The architecture is simply stunning"

4) Do you believe in soulmates?
"Attraction is not a choice, but love is. A soulmate checks off both boxes"

5) Celeb crush?
"Tori Kelly. Has the best vocals of any female singer I have ever heard (Plus she is gorgeous)"





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font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif; position: relative; left: -11px; top: 7px [/class] [class=quote]height: 15px; border-left: 4px solid #d8d8d8; padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px; position: relative; top: 5px [/class] [class=uppersquare]height: 25px; width: 25px; border-top: 1px solid #b1b4b5; border-left: 1px solid #b1b4b5; position: relative; top: -40px; left: -10px [/class] [class=lowersquare]height: 25px; width: 25px; border-bottom: 1px solid #b1b4b5; border-right: 1px solid #b1b4b5; position: relative; top: 279px; left: 248px [/class] [class=image]height: 96.5%; width: 150px; background-image: url(https://www.dailypedia.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Rhian-Ramos-after.png); background-size: 200%; background-position: 70% 0%; border: 5px solid #d8d8d8; position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; transition: 1s [/class] [class name=image state=hover]filter: saturate(180%) brightness(110%) [/class] [class=smalldiv]height: 90.5%; width: 225px; padding: 5px; position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 170px [/class] [class=wordscontainer]height: 25px; width: 100%; padding: 5px 0px 10px 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid white; font-weight: 400; font-size: 11px; line-height:17px; font-family:'Comfortaa', display; [/class] [class=nameword]display: inline-block; font-size:12px; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=text]height: 195px; width: 230px; padding: 5px; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: 48px; left: 0px [/class] [class=overfloow]height: 100%; width: 105%; padding-right: 40px; overflow: auto [/class] [class=box]height:15px;padding:1px 5px 2px 5px;display:inline-block;color:black;background: #eaeaea;font-weight: 700 [/class] [div class=tcontain] [div class=timagecontain] [div class=timage][div class=timage2]
[/div][/div] [div class=miniwords]all the luxury in the world just for me [div class=miniwords2]fabulous isn't it?[/div][/div][/div] [div class=tabcontainer][div class=tabs][div class="first" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordi]posts[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="second" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordii]requisite[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="third" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiii]self\face[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="fourth" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiiii]biography[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"] [div class=div style="overflow:hidden"][div class=overflow] [div class=posttitle][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=date]feb 28th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://images.gmanews.tv/webpics/2019/05/thumb_2019_05_22_08_18_18.jpg);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=quote]a compilation of my best photos this week ~ verona.xx, 2015[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:280px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=date]mar 15th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://celebsline.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Rhian-Ramos.jpg);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=quote]four days until my birthday and I am very excited ~ verona.xx, 2015 [/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:560px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=date]apr 6th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://images.gmanews.tv/webpics/2019/05/rhian-thumb_2019_05_19_17_49_56.jpg);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=quote]nature, food, and commute. what's not to like? ~ verona.xx, 2015[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:840px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=date]may 3rd[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/HQjQuxMQUZ5nqVhBuQPGrw--~A/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAw/http://media.zenfs.com/en-SG/homerun/the_hive_asia_947/900e122d0c679d59ecde594ce7a7f1f3);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=quote]Off to travel once again. Be safe everyone! ~verona.xx, 2015[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:1120px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=date]aug 30th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(http://images.summitmedia-digital.com/female/images/2018/07/10/FNrhianramos.jpg);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=quote]it has been a blast but sadly all things come to an end. I'll miss you. ~ verona.xx, 2015[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:1400px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=date]oct 6[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://oi1077.photobucket.com/albums/w466/Minene_U/Copy%20Untitled.png);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]verona.xx[/div] [div class=quote]life has been a whirl, and I am not in the best place right now. ~ verona.xx, 2015[/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Veronica Lynn Corona[/div]
the spoiled[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]name[/div] Veronica Lynn Corona

[div class=box]nickname[/div] Vivi or Vee

[div class=box]sexuality[/div] Pansexual

[div class=box]gender[/div] Female

[div class=box]age[/div] Twenty-four

[div class=box]birthday[/div] 19th of March

[div class=box]zodiac[/div] Pisces

[div class=box]ethnicity[/div] Filipino, Chinese, American

[div class=box]occupation[/div] Call Center Agent[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(https://www.starstyle.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/sweater-weather-rhian-ramos-1.jpg); background-position: 50% 0%;background-size:235%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Veronica Lynn Corona[/div]
the face and the self[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]appearance !![/div]

height: five feet and four inches.

eyes: a mesmerizing dark brown color.

hair: umber colored straight hair chopped just above the shoulders.

faceclaim: Rhian Ramos.

[div class=box]personality !![/div]

  • designer items
  • traveling
  • limited edition books
  • vip treatment
  • albums

  • gaudy clothes
  • bad publicity
  • big ass jerks
  • any kind of insects
  • messy neighborhood

  • smoking addiction
  • pretentious
  • uncompromising
  • unapologetic of her behavior

  • does not hesitate to help despite any hard feelings she may have
  • very hard working
  • she knows what she wants and will get it once the time comes
  • sentimental

[div class=box]questions !![/div]

Glass half empty or half full?

Either way you're still gonna use it so does it matter if the term used is half full or empty? People like to waste their time in the most trivial of things.

Why did you decide to move in?

Because I need to and i didn't have much of a choice. In all honesty I'd rather have a condo , alone, than be with... others.

Favorite part of the city?

Why, any part that has all the best clothes and accessories. Simply divine, but it's not like I can afford those now can I?

Do you believe in soulmates?

Pft. Oh please, there is no such things as soulmates. My parents were wed for business, and are pretty much soulmate-less and so is my bastard of a brother.

Celeb crush?

Katie McGrath, I'd marry her in a heartbeat. She is a goddess turned human. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(http://www.learnmorefacts.com/Img/Uploads/Blog/9gT0Plf6LDLZXnmv.jpeg);background-size:255%;background-position:50% 0%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Veronica Lynn Corona[/div]
the story[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]history !![/div] Veronica was born with a silver spoon on her mouth. Both of her parents were child's of corporate moguls, both were known since they were born and so was she. She grew up quite distant with her parents due to their workaholic tendencies as other people took care of them. She grew to love the people who took care of her and her brother more than she did with her parents and saw them as her parental figure, they were the best and it was the most horrible time of her life when the couple died of an accident one day.

Veronica was very close with her older brother and while people flocked around her, from elementary to college to work, they just wanted her money. Her brother was the only and real constant thing in her life at the time. Finishing a degree in business and working in the company has given her a sense of accomplishment as her parents did give time to congratulate her for her every win and success.

Things were going well, the business, her position and with her "love life" if that is what you can call it. If anything, the man her parents set her up for is nice and likes Veronica a lot but the feeling just isn't mutual. She keeps her site updated, uploading monthly photos of what she is up to for most of the time. By the time her birthday rolled around she realized she didn't want to be married to her fiance and broke off the engagement after two weeks. After that he was interviewed by press which caused chaos in the company.

Vee couldn't believe what she had read in the article, but it was true. Her father and brother were selling illegal weaponry to crime organizations. The police raided the company, my father and brother were arrested as Veronica and her mother were questioned. A year later, with their house repossessed, and staying in the old house where her great-grandparents stayed had been a huge change in her life and it still is. Some time later news of her brother's suicide came and it devastated her, her mother lost all hope and left without ever coming back.

She was left alone, and it has been harsh for her. It was luck that she found a job as a call center agent, the pay was okay but it was far. So she had to move and so she did. Finding an apartment where she shared with two more people, it was better than nothing and she could afford it so she didn't really have any choice to begin with. In any case, she wanted her life back... or at least a part of it. Being the boss, the things that she could buy. She want it back and she isn't gonna let just anything stop her.
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [class=credit]height: 25px; width:500px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 10px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div]
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[class=variables] --color: #b7cfda; cursor: url('http://i.imgur.com/ZOrzC.png'), auto !important [/class] [class=container] width: 460px; height: 300px; display: flex; margin: auto; [/class] [class=left] background-color: var(--color); height: 300px; width: 220px; padding: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class name=left maxWidth=450px] width: 135px; padding: 5px; height: 290px; [/class] [class=img] height: 280px; width: 200px; background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/4c237395dd9d6906970c5ca4a31a84e2/tumblr_ndvixcwZdg1sdlu9mo2_250.gif'); filter: saturate(0%); background-size: cover; padding: 20px; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 50% 50%; [/class] [class name=img maxWidth=450px] width: 125px; [/class] [class=brackets] height: 100%; width: 100%; background: linear-gradient(to right, white 2px, transparent 2px) 0 100%, linear-gradient(to left, white 2px, transparent 2px) 100% 0, linear-gradient(to bottom, white 2px, transparent 2px) 100% 0, linear-gradient(to top, white 2px, transparent 2px) 0 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 20px 20px; [/class] [class name=brackets maxWidth=450px] opacity: 0; [/class] [class=right] width: 240px; height: 300px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; [/class] [class=contentContainer] position: relative; width: 240px; height: 270px; [/class] [class name=contentContainer maxWidth=450px] left: -5px; [/class] [class=content] position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: 0.5s; width: 240px; height: 270px; font-size: 12px; padding-left: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=scroll] width: 100%; padding-right: 150px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; [/class] [class=name] font-weight: 900; text-align: center; border-bottom: 4px solid var(--color); width: 120px; display: block; margin: 10% auto; font-size: 18px; position: relative; [/class] [class=textHome] font-size: 12px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 200px; margin: 0 6.5%; [/class] [class=title] text-align: center; font-size: 16px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 900; [/class] [class=tag] display: inline-block; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color); height: 15px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class=imgSmallContainer] width: 80%; height: 70px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin: 10px auto; [/class] [class=imgSmall] width: 70px; height: 70px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 50%; filter: saturate(70%); [/class] [class=tabs] display: flex; width: 150px; margin: 0 23%; justify-content: space-between; [/class] [class name=tabs maxWidth=450px] position: relative; left: -10px; [/class] [class=tab] border-radius: 50%; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] cursor: url('https://i.imgur.com/8akxkMH.png'), auto !important; border: 1px solid var(--color); [/class] [class=show] z-index: 1; opacity: 1; [/class] [class=click] border: 1px solid var(--color); background-color: var(--color); [/class] [script class=tab01 on=click] addClass click tab01 removeClass click tab02 removeClass click tab03 removeClass click tab04 addClass show content01 removeClass show content02 removeClass show content03 removeClass show content04 removeClass show contentHome [/script] [script class=tab02 on=click] addClass click tab02 removeClass click tab01 removeClass click tab03 removeClass click tab04 addClass show content02 removeClass show content01 removeClass show content03 removeClass show content04 removeClass show contentHome [/script] [script class=tab03 on=click] addClass click tab03 removeClass click tab01 removeClass click tab02 removeClass click tab04 addClass show content03 removeClass show content01 removeClass show content02 removeClass show content04 removeClass show contentHome [/script] [script class=tab04 on=click] addClass click tab04 removeClass click tab01 removeClass click tab02 removeClass click tab03 addClass show content04 removeClass show content01 removeClass show content02 removeClass show content03 removeClass show contentHome [/script] [div class=variables] [div class=container] [div class=left] [div class=img] [div class=brackets][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=right] [div class=contentContainer] [div class="show content contentHome"] [div class=name]Daniel Roberts[/div] [div class=textHome]and so it was time

to start

a new life
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]basics[/div] [div class=tag]name!:[/div] Daniel Roberts
[div class=tag]nicknames!:[/div] Dan, Danny
[div class=tag]sexuality:[/div] Heterosexual
[div class=tag]gender:[/div] Male
[div class=tag]age!:[/div] 23
[div class=tag]birthday:[/div] November 14th
[div class=tag]zodiac:[/div] Scorpio
[div class=tag]ethnicity:[/div] Caucasian
[div class=tag]occupation:[/div] Waiter
[div class=tag]role:[/div] The Spoiled

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/11/48/76/114876f2b86213f01b4b1555c3538303.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/11wMzxjt4p90ek/giphy.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=title]appearance/persona on next tab[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]appearance/persona[/div]
[div class=tag] height:[/div] 185cm (6'1")
[div class=tag]eyes:[/div] Blue
[div class=tag] hair:[/div] Brown
[div class=tag]faceclaim:[/div] Daniel Di Tomasso
[div class=tag]likes:[/div]
  • Flirting
  • Deep conversations
  • Running

[div class=tag]dislikes:[/div]
  • Lies
  • Attitude
  • Noisy places

[div class=tag]vices:[/div]
  • Sleeping in
  • Guzzling coffee
  • Excessive pride

[div class=tag]virtues:[/div]
  • Perseverant
  • Good counselor
  • Tolerant

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/5cbfb1b9fd69dde5948922680e0c0e5e/tumblr_inline_p8vudm2Ria1ro4fjb_250.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/c9c613fa376f3175a2b039e51d87f17e/tumblr_inline_p8vudkScMF1ro4fjb_250.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]questions on next tab[/div]
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]questions[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/37600000/Freya-and-Killian-Fan-Art-freya-beauchamp-37613373-245-245.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/00/a3/05/00a30514ce4bb6082ae05ed8bc0a7339.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]answer the following in character![/div]
[div class=tag]question one.[/div] Glass half empty or half full? - Both, as long as there is coffee in it.
[div class=tag]question two.[/div] Why did you decide to move in? - Mostly because it is really close to my new workplace.
[div class=tag]question three.[/div] Favorite part of the city? - The park, there is nothing better than running there to release all the adrenaline.
[div class=tag]question four.[/div] Do you believe in soul mates? - Not yet but I am waiting to be proven wrong.
[div class=tag]question five.[/div] Celeb crush? - Never looked up to anyone but myself.

[div class=tag]biography on next tab.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]biography[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/eb060014c705bf9553eda2335c1c24cb/tumblr_inline_p8vueoBQZv1ro4fjb_250.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/0524ae6ed2d25b0d1a2d5a4edadf5383/tumblr_mzb7pm8z4z1tnrpi5o5_250.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]history:[/div] Daniel, the spoiled one, always had his family plotting his life for him. Through the last few years he worked in a luxury store owned by a really close friend of his father, until he got fired because of him messing up badly on the line of work. Dan is the kind of person who can be an excellent counselor to his friends, leading people into making all the right chooses, yet unable to help himself. Today he is working as a waiter in a local pizzeria and looks forward to the future, motivated to succeed.

[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=tabs] [div class="tab tab01"][/div] [div class="tab tab02"][/div] [div class="tab tab03"][/div] [div class="tab tab04"][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
coded by shady.
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Nathan Swanson
Name: Nathan Swanson
Nickname: Nate/ Swannie
Sexuality: Homosexual
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Birthday: February 22
Zodiac: Pisces
Ethnicity: Canadian-Spanish
Occupation: Private Massage Therapist with aspirations to be an Interior Decorator/Designer
Role: Helicopter Parent (Dad)

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Nathan Swanson
Height: 5'10
Weight: 161 lbs
Build: Relatively Fit
Eyes: Mint Green
Hair: His dark brunette hair is kept relatively short with faded sides and a textured quiff on top.
Fashion: Nate tends to wear fitted clothing with some style. He feels like taking an extra effort to look good makes him more approachable to others and he feels comfortable when he puts in the effort to be put together. Not that it takes a lot of effort, since he's worked it into his daily routine, but he will wear a variety of clothing as long as he doesn't look like a bum. Normally he will wear a button down shirt with dress pants or skinny jeans and dress shoes. He will almost always wear a white v neck shirt at the times he is most comfortable at home, sometimes accessorizing appropriately for the weather with a zip up hoodie if need be. Nate does have glasses and contacts. When he is home he will normally have his glasses on but when out and about he makes sure to use put in his contacts.
Face claim: Maxi Iglesias

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Nathan Swanson

Intimacy | Kindness | Cuddling | Organization | Milkshakes | All Animals | Deep Conversations |Laundry | Cleaning | Showering | Helping People| Giving Advice| Bringing Happiness

Dislikes: Country Music | Tension | Conflict | Insults | Being alone | Leaving an Issue Unresolved | Being Out of the Loop | Animal Cruelty | Wastefulness |

Vices (3+): Jealous | Overbearing | Fearful | Fussy | Short Sighted

Virtues (3+): Considerate | Compassionate | Sympathetic/Empathetic | Generous | Patient

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Nathan Swanson

1) Glass half empty or half full?

"Half full, always! You can easily add to the glass to fill it up and be happy with its contents! Even if it does get empty, you just fill it up with what you want and need again!"

2) Why did you decide to move in?

"Well honestly I came to the Big Apple years ago to finally to chase my dream of being an interior decorator. I haven't had much luck getting my name out there so I've gotten settled and used to life as a private masseuse. I really enjoy it but I can't afford to live on my own in this city. Besides, I like having people to support and who can support me if I need it."

3) Favorite part of the city?

"There are so many good parts of the city! Everyone is in Manhattan but there's great food in Hell's Kitchen. I also enjoy hanging out in Central Park to talk to groups of people and hang out with people's pets on a nice sunny day. But I would have to say my favorite part of this city is all of the museums. There are so many things to see and learn about and it's just so nice to calmly take it all in."

4) Do you believe in soulmates?

"Funny you ask because I do. I have always felt that my perfect match will find me when I least expect it. That's why I don't go out searching! We will just click in a way that I can't imagine and I'll just be thankful to have them in my life."

5) Celeb crush?

"Well if I *had* to pick, I would very easily say Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Have you seen that man? I could look at him forever. He's an incredible person and actor and he only gets better over the years. I feel like I grew up with him. He's been an influence to me every step of the way."

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Nathan Swanson

Nate was born in Ottawa Canada to a loving multicultural family who was always involved with his life. Being the first grandchild on both sides made it so he always had support whether he needed it or not, especially with the Spanish culture influence from his mother's side. When he was young, it was perfect! He was always around family and surrounded by love. As he grew up it was incredibly appreciated and he loved the bonds he had grown. When he was 9 years old his younger sister was born and only a month later his baby cousin was also born. The two girls started getting all of the love and attention since Nate was old enough to fend for his needs on his own and the sinking feeling was tearing at him every day. He still loved his sister and cousin and realized that being able to bring a smile to others, mainly his sister at this point in time, was more important than his needs. If he could help make someone else happy then his family would also be happy, which was good enough for him. So at a young age Nate started putting himself second and others first.

In school this tendency became a problem. Nate was a wonderful child, according to all of his teachers and coaches. He was respectful, listened, and always got his work done. But because he was so concerned with how other kids and people felt, he would go out of his way to bring a smile to their faces. His actions would range between just letting kids talk to him about who was being mean to them that day to him bringing toys from his house to give to people he thought needed them to smile. He was quickly taken advantage of but he never realized until he got older. Even when it did dawn on him, he didn't mind. If those people were able to be happy because of something he did then he was convinced that he did a good job as long as no one was upset or hurt. If he needed to give his lunch away he wouldn't think twice about it. Toward the end of high school and the beginning of his college life he decided that he enjoyed being the person people confided in. With aspirations to become a therapist, he started taking courses while debating whether he wanted to be a psychiatrist or a psychologist. After learning more about both professions, he felt that he could do more when people feel like they aren't forced to speak to him. People speak when they're relaxed and comfortable. After two years of general college education Nate took his minor in business and changed career goals to massage therapy.

There was a lot more to massage therapy than he ever would have imagined and the sad truths he would face when he earned his license made him worry. He learned how people had preferences of their masseuse and were quick to judge based on gender or sexuality. As an openly gay man, Nate struggled at the start to find clients who would accept him and understand that he was there to help them medically and to relax, with no lingering thoughts. Through the nerves and struggles of being new to the profession he was eventually able to form great relationships with his clients and they would always express their gratitude for his service and for him being so receptive to their life complaints and concerns. His work life was exactly how he expected it to be, giving him a chance to meet people from a wide rage of life and getting to know and help them in multiple ways.

When he turned 26 he felt like his life was at a standstill. His client base was stagnant, starting to dwindle, and he started to have a change of heart with his career choice. Watching an abundance of house renovation television shows made him feel like his true calling was interior design. On top of that mindset, he wanted to experience a more exciting and busy life. What busier place is there than New York City? There were so many opportunities and people from all walks of life there was no way he would get bored. He decided that he would set off to the city to try to make a name for himself as an interior designer in hopes that he could help people design their perfect home.

Life in the city was more difficult than he expected but had some perks. His wage as a massage therapist wasn't enough to keep him afloat alone. He decided that sharing an apartment with roommates would not only be fun but he would always be around people he would hopefully get along with all while saving money and being able to live more comfortably. There's not really a better thought than being surrounded with support. Thankfully, though, people were much more accepting and open so his client base quickly grew once he set up his small one person business. In true Canadian nature, Nathan was overly kind and considerate so as expected he found roommates that he thought he clicked well with fairly easily. He still can't help being overly concerned with how his roommates are doing in every way because he feels it is his responsibility to do whatever is within his power to help the people he cares about. He has been in this specific apartment for a number of years, being 31 now, and as a result has been through a few roommate changes. Currently he pays a majority of the rent but has valued each person he has come into contact with. He just hopes he has made an impact on them that they will also appreciate, even for just a short while.

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[/div][/div] [div class=miniwords]imagination creates reality [div class=miniwords2]don't just fly. soar.[/div][/div][/div] [div class=tabcontainer][div class=tabs][div class="first" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordi]posts[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="second" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordii]requisite[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="third" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiii]self\face[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="fourth" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiiii]biography[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"] [div class=div style="overflow:hidden"][div class=overflow] [div class=posttitle][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]hailart.xx[/div] [div class=date]feb 28th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/285/410/large/aeonix-_-screen-shot-2019-01-20-at-9-14-21-pm.jpg?1551613164);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]hailart.xx[/div] [div class=quote]meet my new ocs, Mena and Red ~ hailart.xx, 2017[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:280px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]hailart.xx[/div] [div class=date]mar 15th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/285/478/large/aeonix-_-aa.jpg?1551613441);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]hailart.xx[/div] [div class=quote]excited to share their story soon! ~ hailart.xx, 2017[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:560px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]hailart.xx[/div] [div class=date]apr 6th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/285/539/large/aeonix-_-screen-shot-2019-03-03-at-7-48-31-pm.jpg?1551613734);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]hailart.xx[/div] [div class=quote]is he going to meet her? ~ hailart.xx, 2017[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:840px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]hailart.xx[/div] [div class=date]may 3rd[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/025/021/large/aeonix-_-qc.jpg?1566031142);background-size:110%;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]hailart.xx[/div] [div class=quote]hot weather but still, a date is a date! ~hailart.xx, 2017[/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Hailey Gallagher[/div]
the achiever[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]name[/div] Hailey Gallagher

[div class=box]nickname[/div] Hail or Hals

[div class=box]sexuality[/div] Pansexual

[div class=box]gender[/div] Female

[div class=box]age[/div] Twenty-three

[div class=box]birthday[/div] 19th of March

[div class=box]zodiac[/div] Pisces

[div class=box]ethnicity[/div] Filipino, Irish, American

[div class=box]occupation[/div] Unemployed, does commission[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(http://media.zenfs.com/en-SG/homerun/the_hive_asia_947/558d4fa36de153ad29d2eb6969a5d461); background-position: 50% 0%;background-size:235%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Hailey Gallagher[/div]
the face and the self[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]appearance !![/div]

height: five feet and sixinches.

eyes: a light shade of brown, a sweet mocha color.

hair: medium brown colored straight hair with purple ends.

faceclaim: Jasmine Curtis Smith.

[div class=box]personality !![/div]

  • digital art
  • traditional art
  • animation
  • films
  • reading fiction
  • any kind of games
  • soccer

  • peanut
  • massive heights
  • people who bring others down
  • anything that has to do with the term late

  • workaholic
  • one track mind
  • sloppy

  • knows her self worth
  • insightful
  • trustful

[div class=box]questions !![/div]

Glass half empty or half full?

Hmmm... You're still going to drink it, right? I don't really care which is it called and we shouldn't worry about such things.

Why did you decide to move in?

Well, apartments ain't really cheap and it lessens the expenses when you share it with others.

Favorite part of the city?

There is always something beautiful to see in the city. The night lights, the children playing in the park, the wall art on the street, but if I have to choose it would be public art studios where people come together and study art or make art in general.

Do you believe in soulmates?

I do believe there is one out there but I'm not interested in meeting who that is yet.

Celeb crush?

Katie McGrath, her eyes are the loveliest green I've ever seen and her voice... I'm gonna stop now.
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(https://contents.pep.ph/images2/guide/2018-09-27_17:37:22_PEP-Jasmine-ABS-CBN-GMA.jpg);background-size:300%;background-position: center;background-repeat: no-repeat;"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Hailey Gallagher[/div]
the story[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]history !![/div]

Hailey as a young child has always been a creative one. Her grandparents raised her and marveled at her ability to make out of just a piece of paper and limited art tools. They weren't really related by blood, her adoptive father and mother were both mariner. Off to the boats every year and stays for a few months. Hals, for a child, was very understanding of the situation. She said that it didn't matter how long they are apart so long as they love each other.

While there have been ups and downs, cheating boyfriend, manipulative girlfriend, college fees, art supplies and her parents almost getting a divorce, life has been okay. She wasn't pressured to take on a program she didn't want and her parents have been supportive of what she wanted to do but what she wanted to be, not so much. Her parents were furious when she introduced her girlfriend, one she is still in love with. Only her grandmother was open to the fact that she was dating a woman and it took a while before the three became, at the very least, tolerant of it. But it took a toll on their relationship.

She got fed up with the way her parents and grandfather had been acting, because tolerance of who she is isn't what she needed and moved out of the house. She kept in contact with her grandmother and waited for the three to open their minds and deal with it. Despite the hardships, Hailey was determined to become an animator who works for the big companies like Disney or Cartoon Network. Or work for gaming companies and be an illustrator. Whichever way, she wanted to make it big in the art industry. Currently, she has an online shop filled with both original works and fanart while she sends her portfolio to various kinds of companies in need of creative talent like hers and she isn't gonna let anything stop her. She had worked hard with her art and has worked art in getting money for supplies, she isn't gonna let that effort go to waste. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [class=credit]height: 25px; width:500px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 10px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div]
art is not mine. credit goes to the respective artist, aeon-ix.
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life was

gonna be this way."
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]basics[/div] [div class=tag]name!: [/div] Alexander "insert foster siblings last name here"
[div class=tag]nicknames!: [/div] Alex, Moody, Lexi (he hates that), Chandler Bong.
[div class=tag]sexuality:[/div] Heterosexual
[div class=tag]gender: [/div] Male.
[div class=tag]age!:[/div] 29.
[div class=tag]birthday: [/div] 29 October
[div class=tag]zodiac:[/div] Scorpio.
[div class=tag]ethnicity:[/div] here.
[div class=tag]occupation:[/div] Chef.
[div class=tag]role:[/div] Helicopter Parent.

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/60s1EAwfw9223J3B5Y/giphy.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/1wPACbts9IoY1m9OFN/giphy.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=title]appearance/persona on next tab[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]appearance/persona[/div]
[div class=tag] height:[/div] 6ft 1in.
[div class=tag]eyes:[/div] Blue.
[div class=tag] hair:[/div] Black.
[div class=tag]faceclaim:[/div] Alex Meraz.
[div class=tag]likes:[/div]
  • Cooking
  • Guitar music
  • Making sure everyone is well
  • Video games

[div class=tag]dislikes:[/div]
  • Drama
  • Fast food
  • Arguments
  • Liars

[div class=tag]vices:[/div]
  • Taciturn
  • Sarcastic
  • Blunt
  • Rough
  • Slight ocd

[div class=tag]virtues:[/div]
  • Caring
  • Loyal
  • Strong
  • Observant
  • Good listener

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/7c61e06a2c43a162ddcb53c300036465/tumblr_o1lf90BsVh1trric7o3_250.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/58863001/original.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]questions on next tab[/div]
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]questions[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/Y2IsGLTYmTzRS/giphy.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/252556581/original.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]answer the following in character![/div]
[div class=tag]question one.[/div] Glass half empty or half full? That the same thing. Yeah I know what you mean, I am a realist what you idiot optimist call a pessimist.
[div class=tag]question two.[/div] Why did you decide to move in? I didnt want to but those babies wont last two seconds without me.
[div class=tag]question three.[/div] Favorite part of the city? My restaurant, freaking greatest place in the world because I run it.
[div class=tag]question four.[/div] Do you believe in soulmates? Pfft as if.
[div class=tag]question five.[/div] Celeb crush? Nonsense, they all thing they are better than everyone why should I confirm that.

[div class=tag]biography on next tab.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]biography[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/bf/c0/95bfc0bbc095478a4c9add96fc9fe639.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ElegantCompassionateAngwantibo-size_restricted.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]history:[/div] Alex had a difficult childhood growing up. He came from a troubled home with an abusive single mother until it was discovered and he was send to live with his maternal grandparents. He found some stability with them for a couple of years, it was his grandmother who introduced him to cooking and interest he retained ever since. However his grandparents were at advanced age even when they had Alex's mother and therefore it was not long until they couldnt take care of him and sent him into foster care. He never forgave them for it and the experience seemed to effect him deeply. He was passed on from foster him to foster him and he was found to be a troubled and bitter child. At school be was antisocial with few friends if any which lead to a vicious cycle of depression and reclusion. It was his current family that decided to do something about it making him see a psychologist who diagnosed him with an antisocial personality disorder. Few things were attempted but nothing worked until he came into the aid of his foster sibling, the two who were previously not close but since grew closer. The sibling so a caring and nurturing despite the snarky and sardonic Alex and tried to push him to be more social introducing Alex to his own group of friends much to Alex outward reluctance. Even to Alex is own surprise he was accepted to the group of friends and even secretly enjoyed it. Not wanting to lose his friendship he "reluctantly" got himself involved in their troubles and tried to solve them. One crucial factor to his acceptance from other friends, was his skill in cooking. He liked experimenting and always cooked a spread for friends when they came over despite complaining about back to do it. He cooking was always well received and he was encouraged to persue cooking as a career. He agreed getting into culinary school and went across the globe to gain experience. Just recently he returned and decided to open a restaurant in New York. With most of his money going to his restaurant he needed cheap accommodation and to be close to his foster family and friends. Therefore he agreed to live with his foster siblings and friend.

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coded by shady.

Obviously if I am accepted I would like one of the other roles apart from the recluse to be a his foster sibling.

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