Fredrick Todd


Lost and Confused...I think

Red Hood 

Name: Fredrick 'Freddy' Todd

Age: 21

Parents: Jason Todd

Sexuality: Demisexual

Alignment: Lawful Evil


He's not what you would call laid back by any means, in fact he's often irritable when not doing something to fill his time. He is however, easy to talk to if you're alright with somebody who's plain blunt. He'll tell it to you like it is, even if you don't like it. He has this dark, dry and sarcastic sort of humor, and while he doesn't make light of situations, he isn't afraid to joke about even the most terrible of things; he is not however very talkative if he's in the middle of a mission. He is constantly looking to learn from those who will teach him, and isn't one to judge you even if your opinions don't match with his.

He's known to have his snarkier moments, though they are very rare when in costume. If he does something, he'll do it with his all, as work ethic has been drilled into his head at this point... Recently, he's also grown incredibly unhinged. He's gotten more brutal, although not to thee point of playing with corpses, he does go much harder on thugs to a brutal level.


Childhood and The Video...

What if you were told that before criminals were being manipulated and killed by a new Red Hood, there was just a child...two children even. Before there was a new hood, before there was a new League, there was just Michael and Fredrick Todd, playing in their mother's small studio apartment in Gotham.

They didn't know their future, they didn't know just how terrible things would get for them, they didn't even know who their father was until they were seven and five respectively...

They would open fire hydrants and dance in the water together, they would work together to get into the bag of cookies on the top shelf, they would fight and argue over the tiniest things, and throw actual mud at each other if given the chance.

Once upon a time, the Red Hood and his dead brother were just regular boys. Fighting and playing together, getting their regular flu and cootie shots, messing up the house while playing Cowboys and Indians, and occasionally going on the internet. Hell, even once they learned who their dad was they were fine. So what if their dad dressed up and shot people? That was cool! The kind of thing they would've told their friends if they believed them.

At age eight, their mom even began to enroll them in various martial art classes, insisting that they needed some sort of outlet.

Everything was fine...until Fredrick turned ten.

A few months after his birthday, a few months since his mom had started seeming a bit sadder, a few months since some people in the city seemed kinda relieved...

Then, one day when their mom had left for work in a hurry and left a browser open, Freddy and Michael saw something that for the rest of his young life, Freddy would say was some kind of turning point...

They watched a video of their father dying...

Purpose in a Hood...

Once a month, for the next five years, Freddy would watch that video.

He wasn't sure why, but there was just something about it that spoke to him, he jsut couldn't tell you what it was. His mother worried for the first few months, but after being fired for her lack of recent work ethic (Freddy would later find that his mother had been holding out on hope that one day her kids would know their dad, the knowledge of this not being able to happen broke her a little bit...) and then being threatened with evection time and time again, it eventually began to matter less to her, as she became more focused with just staying afloat.

Seeing his mother work so hard inspired Fredrick to do so as well, and at thirteen, he managed to convince a local diner to hire him despite his age and only decent grades. He urged his brother to get a job when he was able to as well, wanting his mother to live the easy life as quickly as possible.

The people at the diner were nice to him, and the people were good to him as well. In fact, Fredrick was sure they would be flourishing in Gotham if they weren't constantly being stolen from every night. Even then, they payed him what they could, and in return he washed every dish in their sink.

It was a tiring life for sure, he would wake up at six, go to school until two, then go to whatever martial art he had to do that day until six, then work until ten; this was 24/7, constant work, yet he tried his best to keep pace. He would have been fine living like this, until one night his mom was shot in the streets. No reason, no logic, just dead because some psycho felt like it.

Those next few weeks were hard, he moved in with an aunt who was barely there, and the only person he had was Michael. He often stayed up long nights with his brother then, holding each other tight as they bawled their eyes out, afraid to let go for fear that the other would fade...

A few weeks later, while working at the diner, somebody stuck up the joint near the end of his shift. The owner came out and tried to convince the guy to leave, but when a cop came in the guy panicked and let off a bullet, killing the owner. The rest of that night was a daze for Freddy, he remembered an arrest, then some questions, then he stumbled home in a stunned daze.

The first thing he did when he got home was log onto his aunt's computer and look at the video where Jason died. It was weird, it wasn't anything special, just some guy filming the Red Hood in action from his phone, but when the crook tried to escape by rooftop, he pushed Jason in a panic, and well...I'm sure you get the rest.

He looked the video over and over again, determined to finally figure out what he felt when looking over the clips! It led him to a long night of research, looking up newspaper articles, more videos, anything he could find on his father! It was his obssesion for the next two months, leaving open pages on various computers and stringing up newspaper articles on his walls. One night though, when watching a video of Jason in action when it hit him.

He wasn't afraid to take control.

Other heroes only locked people up, only for them to be out in three weeks with a slap on the wrist to rape or kill again. But the Red Hood? He took care of the problem, for good. Gotham needed that, wether it knew it or not, but it had been missing it. So it was that night he swore that nobody else would get hurt without some major consequence...

That night, the Red Hood was reborn.



Things quickly went to hell after Alcatraz, especially in Gotham.

In his entire six years as the new Red Hood, Freddy had never been in more stress than after Alcatraz. Freddy found himself in costume nearly 24/7 suddenly, as criminals only got louder and worse due to the League being mostly out of action. He even formed a small group of twenty crooks he thought might deserve a little mercy; guys who would gather info and fight for him if necessary. But it didn't help much, and Fred grew sloppier because of the constant fighting. As such, it was due to this constant sloppiness that he lost his brother one day.

He was kidnapped one day, and Fred looked for him for weeks. He and his men searched all throughout Gotham, looking high and low for him, until he eventually he could have sworn he saw him die. It was hazy for him, so much stress at so much time, so much noise, trying to focus... he lost him that day. After days of spending time inside, refusing to go out and interact, even refusing to put on his costume. He spent weeks inside his room, until one day he snapped, and started going even more wild on thugs.

He would be calm one moment, but with just one small trigger he'd go nuts. If anybody wanted to see how bad it was, they need only check the autopsy reports. The public hates him, but they did before anyways, the only difference between then and now for him is that there's a few more people to shoot....


Although he lacks any powers, Freddy is on near top human condition. Although not as known for his acrobatics (Nowhere near on a Dick Grayson level) he is still damn good. He can scale tall buildings in the matter of a few minutes without any weapons or such. Where his real power lies is in his strength however, he punches with as much force as you'd expect from a two hundred and twenty-five guy who works out regularly: so very hard.

By no means is he a detective, instead he relies on intimidation tactics and threats to get information he needs. He knows how to drive well, has experience operating planes (Though should never be a first choice), knows English, Spanish and Chinese, and is very good at marksmanship. He also has knowledge on various forms of martial arts, including: Judo, Karate, Aikido, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, Traditional Boxing, Wrestling, Krav Maga, Muay Thai and Kendo.

Has experience leading, but only through fear. Although he won't inspire anybody, he'll make sure they get the job done. He often kills an informant if they try to leave before they'd redeemed themselves, drops people off buildings after getting info, and is generally being a scary figure. Most criminals will never be able to tell if or when they'll die when he finds them, as it's so sudden and seemingly unfeeling that most can't help but be scared...

He also has a third identity, an assassin named Vance. He works for whatever aspiring mafia leader hires him, and takes out whatever dirty politician, dirty rat or rival gang leader that comes up (Nothing else so he keeps his conscious clean...) so he can get whatever he needs (Money, weapons, info, ect.) he then leaves his employer and waits a random number of months before killing them as Red Hood (This way nobody connects any dots...).


Being a regular human, physical weaknesses don't need much explaining, but he does suffer many mental problems as well. He can go into a psychotic rage when something he doesn't like comes up. He's also rather stubborn, often refusing to budge when it comes to his ideals, and lastly he has a bit of a soft spot for family.


Wields a high powered sniper rifle, dual handguns, two combat knives and five Bowie knifes on him at all times. His armor is bulletproof and might deflect a knife if lucky. He also has a truck stashed away in Gotham that holds his spare ammo and weapons, if he ever needs anything from it, he'll either run to it, or call someone to have the truck come to his position...

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