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Fantasy Four Suits- Kings & Jokers Lore.



"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"

The Four kingdoms began 1200 years ago when a man named James Stryker left the oppressive religious order of the Argossian Empire and took with him those who wished to practice magic. He and the first four aces established a glorious kingdom where magic was practiced freely and everyone was considered equal. A true utopia.

When James Stryker Died his four greatest pupils took on their own students. The four houses were created initially as seperate houses teaching the elements. Eventually rivalry was sparked between the houses. The numbers system was implemented in an effort to help regulate the vastly growing number of magic users. Social Imbalance began to set in and the first blemishes were cast upon the glorious kingdom.

900 years ago the great magic war began. Spurred by a duel between a 10 and a 4 in which the 4 was killed, and was the son of the spades ace, while the 10 was the son of the diamonds ace. The war split the houses, diamonds and hearts attempted to stay out of it but were eventually dragged in as well. The four kingdoms were nearly destroyed until A child prodigy named Miko Anati found a book from James Stryker and Defeated The four aces. She then left the four kindoms. After that Aces were removed from leadership and the system involving the equal royals was put into place.

when the four kingdoms finished the great magic wars they were weakened and in a state of disarray. This was 700 years ago the argossian empire had just discovered gunpowder and natural gases. Feeling emboldened by their new technology the Argossian empire launched a holy crusade to reclaim the four kingdoms which were once a part of the empire. Though there have been many high and low points this crusade still continues to this day.

the Kings, Queens, and Jacks, mighty mages who run the four kingdoms. These are the royals. Becoming a royal in this world is not something that can be gained via birthright or usurping. First one must attain the Rank of 10 and maintain it for at least five years. In addition they must attain a 5 year degree in either Military, Economics, Or Justice. Only by accomplishing these can they qualify for one of the three Royal tournaments. The Kings tournament is in spring, The Queens tournament in Autumn, and the Jacks tournament starts in the middle of winter. Each tournament has 16 challengers and only the winner can challenge the respective Royal to a NONLETHAL duel for the position.

The Aces, the mightiest in all the four kingdoms. Becoming an ace takes more power than most can even imagine. It is also very dangerous. However it requires no prerequisites only two battles...Impossible battles. First They must Be able to best all three royals of their respective nation simultaneously. They must do so without killing or Maiming the Royals, yet the royals are free to kill and maim as they see fit. Only by accomplishing this feat will the rank duel be valid. Afterwards the Ace May set a venue and they challenger must defeat them in a one on one duel to the death. The winner takes or maintains the rank of ace. Due to the insane nature of the requirements however few are able to even make a challenge. When the battle happens only other aces are permitted to witness it. They act as referees, preventing others from witnessing or intervening and creating barriers to prevent widespread destruction.

Severance - A Day of mourning every first of the year commemorating those who stayed behind giving their lives to ensure that the founders of the four kingdoms could escape the Argossian army. 52 candles are lit in the Central four Suits Palace and all citizens of the four kingdoms wear red and black to mourn the 52 brave men and women who made the 4 kingdoms possible.

Freed- the Day following Severance. A massive kingdom wide party takes place after sundown. Bars, Taverns, Restaurants, Even some brothels open their doors and offer their services free of charge. The Aces and Royals must not be permitted to join the festivities as they use this day to catch up on work they have fallen behind on and protecting the kingdom alone.

The Kings Royal tournament- on the third month of the year the candidates for the Kings tournament are prepared for the 3 day ceremony. On the first day preliminary battle royals drop the numbers to 16 if need be if not then it is a day where the contestents address the public and state their "political policy" much like a presidential election. Day two the Tournament begins and all fighters have their bracket style tournament. Afterwards the winner spends the night healing and recovering. Day three is the Main event so to speak. Current King vs Challenger Mono e mono.

Quartet- on this day in the dead center of the year at month 6 the four aces entertain the people by sparring publicly. Their power is very heavily restricted, but only the royals would notice the difference. Most of the spells used are more for show than damage.

Devils Due- A day dedicated to demons in the 7th . Meant to terrify them so that they will not dare battle the four kingdoms. Mages wear costumes and have duels free of knowledge about rank. 3's may come up against 10's. While killing is not permitted any collateral damage is not held against the mage responsible. Royals and Aces are not permitted to participate. But they have a costume party of their own.

Queens Royal tournament- held in the same arena during the 9th months. As the kings Tournament this event plays out much the same way.

Day of Rest- this is a day held in the 10th month of the year. This day commemorating the peaceful death of James Stryker. A parade is held and all aces and royals participate. No one works, no huge celebration besides the early morning parade. Afterwards everyone just relaxes for the day.

Jacks royal tournament- held in the 12th month of the year, same arena and premise as the other two. The wealthy seem to find this one the most interesting.

In this Universe magic is not some mystical force. It is a cosmic power that everything living, dead, animate or inanimate possess. The rare exceptions are the Celestial beings responsible for the creation of magic. What they use is beyond comprehension. There are several classes of mage but only three kinds of raw magic. Mana the magic of the living, Dysidia the magic of the dead and afterlife which creates Mana, and Magicite the Radioactive byproduct of magic use.

Mana is the most known. It is the raw force of magic which is channeled into spells. All beings can sense the level of mana that a being possess and can usually accurately gauge their power with this. However Mana has a Lifespan of 120 years before it becomes Magicite. Unfortunately it is the lifeforce of all beings so when it finishes its Half-Life the being who owns the mana will perish.

Dysidia is barely known of at all. It is the power which fuels necromancers, Zombies, vampires and various other forms of Un-life it also has a halflife of 120 years but when it finishes it turns back into mana usually recycling into a new living being.

Magicite is an unknown energy which happens when large amounts of mana are used. Howeved for whatever unknown reason is floats upwards into space with no time to effect the world.

Magic used for a purpose is a spell. Most spells are combat applicable due to a long history of violence however it is just as often crafted into items. A spell in the open air disappates quickly but if put into an item it is preserved forever unless broken which can only be done by either stronger magic or A entity in possession of Celestial power.

Many legendary magic items exist from before even the Argossian empire. They are immensely powerful but nearly impossible to find. They are called "Precursor artifacts" and are worth a fortune. They can make a 2 into a 10.

The money system is run off of 5 different kinds of coin. 1 copper is the base coin and can buy a meal.
1 silver is worth 100 coppers and can buy a good sword.
1 gold is worth 100 Silvers and can buy a horse.
1 Paladium is worth 100 gold and can buy a large house or ship.
1 Stratium is worth 100 Paladiums it is more money than most will ever earn at 100,000,000 coppers! You could buy an army, or a fleet with just one.

The Jacks primary purpose is to keep the economy balanced.

The four kingdoms operate on a very complex but basic legal system. There are three solutions to a legal dispute. Repayment, Duel, or Definitive selection.

Repayment simply means the plaintiff is satisfied with the defendant simply paying the fee.

A duel is a more primitive solution in which the Defendant and plaintiff must agree to a duel. The Jack must approve the duel. Last one standing wins the case.

Definitive selection is when the Jack decides to dispense justice. Often times it is due to an unfair rank gap or obvious cases such a definitively proven murder. Only an Ace my overturn the decision.
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Recent events

The legends tell of the dragons defeat outside of the four kingdoms. Though many emphasize the might of the aces, none tell how close a match it was. Darigaas nearly wiped out the four kingdoms several times, each ace had a near death experience and the ace of spades lost an arm. The ace of hearts lost half his power permanently and over a million Argossians lost their lives. The after effects of this battle are still felt to this day. Ash and debris kicked up combined with the planet being tilted by the battle have caused winters to become colder and longer. Food shortages and acid rain occasionally wreak havoc across the planet while powerful electrical storms continue to churn across the battle field generated by the remnant plasma and magical energy.

As The young man approached the Fortress That Raquesh had chosen as a venue he could keep his hands from shaking. He Didn't know why he had even agreed to this. He was only a 4 before his brother set these events in motion. He was nervous enough in the battle with the royals...if you could call it that. It more like a game of destructive tag. He would dodge around and occasionally swat aside something particularly hazardous. After about a half hour they had expended most if their energy and it was simply a light tap to sit them down. Yet he felt this would be different.

Stepping inside he found a well lit and heavily reinforced great hall hastily altered to serve as a proper arena. The Ace of Hearts Sat on the heels of his feet, blade across his lap, waiting with incense burning. The other three aces stood in the far corners of the room, their eyes fell upon him causing his trembling to worsen. He wasnt ready for this. Almost as if reading his mind Raquesh spoke. "i can smell your fear from here boy...are you sure you are ready for this?" dakki looked at his feet sheepishly before a fire began to burn in his chest. Instead of speaking he entered his fighting stance. Weight shifted to his back foot, front foot bouncing off of the ground, both hands hovering at chin and chest level.

The Other Aces prepared the barriers as Raquesh stood slowly. "It is To early in the day for killing children. But if you insist..." he leapt across the room at an alarming rate spiraling through the air and landing with a wide slash. Only to hit open air, Dakki's eyes traced Raquesh the entire time and a simple step backwards put him out of reach of the blade. Raquesh stepped forward with a thrust but this time Dakki Swatted the blade to the left and pushed a casual palm into Raquesh's abdomen sending him skidding backwards. The ace maintained his footing but was clearly surprised. "Excellent, this may actually be enjoyable, enough warming up wouldn't you agree?"

Dakki shrugged still seeming to show no aggression. The Red sash Began to charge mana into his blade before spinning like a top and firing an automatic flurry of energy arcs towards dakki. The young man seemed to have no trouble at all slipping between the gaps and moving towards Raquesh. Yet he slipped up and one steel slicing energy blade collided with his chest...but to no effect. After which Dakki stopped Dodging and walked through the bombardment cutting the attack short by Catching Raquesh's sword between his thumb and his fingers. "If you Dont stop playing around you are going to die, you do know that right?" dakki said calmly as he tightened his grip to prove the point, by the look on Raquesh's face when he found himself unable to move his blade, he had made his point. Raquesh leapt backwards, taking his blade with him as dakki had loosened his grip on it, and began to gather a truly ace worthy amount of mana. "Fine Boy...Brace yourself then, i will strike you down with the same spell that felled that Cur who Sired y-"

He never finished his Sentence...Dakki had wrapped his vice like grip around his mouth. "Thats enough talk outta you. A poor choice in last words if you ask me." his voice was different, overlapping it was another voice, one that only one of the aces here would recognize...it was Darigaas.

Dakki Forced Raquesh into the stone floor by the face. The impact rattled the Fortress. He then dragged Raquesh through the stone floor yanking him out just before the wall. The following blow struck Raquesh in the chest so hard that the shockwave cracked the stone walls on the other side of the fortress. The wall behind Raquesh gave way sending the Ace flying out into the barrier erected by the other aces.

impossible if i dont turn this around soon then i might lo- . his thoughts were interrupted by dakki slamming him into the Barrier again this with a solid punch. He bounced off of the barrier right into an uppercut which sent him skyward until he collided with the barrier again. As he fell Dakki Caught him by the throat, clearly the fight was won. Raquesh could barely move let alone continue to battle, however an ace battle was to the death. As angry as he was, as powerful as the dragons hatred was. Dakki still couldnt bear to look as he tightened his grip. The sickening crack of The Previous Aces Neck causing him to flinch.

There was no fanfare, no Happy proclamation of victory. Instead Dakki fell to his knees and vomited between Sobs. After only a few seconds and a few deep breaths however he rose to his feet and bowed to his new allies. "Forgive me, but i would like to be alone for a while." he said in his normal voice grabbing Raquesh's body in one hand and his sword in the other. One last snivel was left with the aces as Dakki sprinted away faster than lightning.

Coming soon

Coming Soon

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The Four Suits Kingdoms

Ace-x1- SentinelSevn SentinelSevn
King-x1- Agent23 Agent23
Queen-x1- Anaxileah Anaxileah
Jack-x1- SentinelSevn SentinelSevn
10-x1- Open
9-x2- Open
8-x3- Open
7-x4- Agent23 Agent23
6-Unlimited- Open
5-Unlimited- Open
4-Unlimited- Open
3-Unlimited- Open
2-Unlimited- Open

Ace-x1- Agent23 Agent23
King-x1- Revna Eris Revna Eris
Queen-x1- Chiryoshi Chiryoshi
Jack-x1- Open
10-x1- Open
9-x2- Open
8-x3- Open
7-x4- Open
6-Unlimited- Open
5-Unlimited- Open
4-Unlimited- Open
3-Unlimited- Open
2-Unlimited- Agent23 Agent23

Ace-x1- YungJazz YungJazz
King-x1- Karmessi Karmessi
Queen-x1- Karmessi Karmessi
Jack-x1- Open
10-x1- Open
9-x2- Open
8-x3- Open
7-x4- Open
6-Unlimited- Open
5-Unlimited- Open
4-Unlimited- Open
3-Unlimited- Open
2-Unlimited- Open

Ace-x1- Kloudy Kloudy
King-x1- Anaxileah Anaxileah
Queen-x1- TPBx TPBx
Jack-x1- Dante Verren Dante Verren
10- x1- Open
9-x2- Open
8-x3- Open
7-x4- Open
6-Unlimited- Dante Verren Dante Verren
5-Unlimited- Open
4-Unlimited- Open
3-Unlimited- Open
2-Unlimited- Open


The Argossian Empire
Strictly NPC for now.


The Jokers
Leader-x1- santialessio santialessio
Commanders-x2- Plutoni Plutoni shadowz1995 shadowz1995
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Arcs & volumes

Vol. 1

Arc 1. Training for battle-

Arc 2. The War engine-

Arc 3. Techa knights go!!!-

Arc 4. Turning the tables-

Arc 5. The End of the World.

The Forces.


Armored Transport-

Seige tank

Long range mobile artillery-


Sky Steed-

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