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Fantasy Forevermore Lore




"So you've dropped into our little fairyland, huh? Ha, yeah... we don't actually have fairies in Aedis. But we do have some fine witches who could pass as 'em, if I do say so myself. My name's Gaz. Pleasure to meet ya! I'm an Alchemist 'ere in the capital city, Opus, and I work directly with Her Majesty's High Court. Oh, don't worry about all the terminology just yet, ya melt! We're gettin' there, so stop giving me that squinty look. It's creepin' me out.

Let's start out with the basics. We citizens of Aedis all wield one o' six main forms of magic: elemental magic, dark magic, spell casting, necromancy, alchemy, and mysticism. Well, technically, there are other forms, but due to the recessive quality o' their alleles, they're pretty much obsolete. They've become legend, you see, and that's the thing: people begin to doubt things even existed at all when they're just legend.

But back to the tour! No time for tangents when Her Majesty is waitin' on ya! Here's a breakdown o' the seven major cities in our kingdom, for your readin' pleasure:

Natura is the city of elemental magic, located southeast of 'ere on the coast. Mages who specialize in a certain material can be found fine-tunin' their skills there, since it's in a prime location to channel all four o' the base elements. Elemental magic isn't the most common, to be honest with ya, but there's definitely no shortage. Every now and then, the Lava Lady who lives in the Tower of Fiery Ruin visits the capital and ruins all o' the carpets, but aside from that they're a lovely bunch, those Elementals.

Nox is the city o' dark magic, wielded only by the few whose mental capacities can handle it. The town lies southwest of 'ere on the peninsula, and you can find all sorts o' specializations there. They've got blood mages, voodoo artists, chaos vessels, curse inducers; you name it, they've got it. Just because it's got 'dark' in the name and requires a sacrifice here and there, doesn't mean it's evil! My own sister uses her amalgamation skills to help maintain the infrastructure down there. A hell of a ride, that place is! Just keep an out for the Dark One. He's not good company, no, not at all.

We _can't_ look over Cantio! Please laugh at my jokes. I'm funny and ya know it. The city o' Spell Casters, and probably the largest o' them all, is home to the widest variety o' magical talents in all of Aedis! It's tucked away in the north east corner, right next to the perpetually busy Port Aras, but don't let the isolation fool ya; those damn Spell Casters never sleep. Always up to somethin', they are, whether it's researchin' applications o' new spells, trainin' new mages in enchanted weaponry, or perfectin' the art o' medicinal wizardry. Just north o' Cantio, you'll find Nubladesh, the famed city of illusions. No one really knows if it even exists, to be honest with ya. Once you step foot in there, nothin' is quite as it seems!

Decessus is the city o' necromancy, located on the island up north called Vetus. Mages who travel out there possess the gift o' channelin' the souls o' the dead. Creepy, no? They're an interestin' bunch, to say the least. Not always fully... there, if ya catch my drift. Necromancers draw power from cemeteries, ruins, and other similarly abandoned areas to specialize in things like rot manipulation, resurrection magic, and summonin' souls. Unsurprisin' enough, Necromancers are rare these days. There's only one that stays 'ere in Opus, while the rest roam around the different ruins on Vetus. I'd stay away from there, if ya wanna stay sane!

Alchimia, my home town! The science-oriented hub of academia is the city of Alchemists, mages who focus on elemental transmutation and life-force manipulation. In simpler terms, we take one material and turn it into a better, shinier material via sigils. Alchemists also spearhead the production o' magical weaponry, which gets sent to Castio for the enchantment process once it's been forged. Visit sometime, if ya can! The weather down there is nice and toasty.

Mysticis is the city o' mysticism, the opposite o' dark magic. These mages practice dream magic, astral manipulation, and the white arts (to name a few) out on the west coast, right by Port Einon. Now, Mystics are the rarest of all the main magic forms, since it takes a certain type o' brain and sleight o' hand to channel things the way they do, but don't underestimate 'em! They're a bit of a wacky bunch, in my humble opinion, but they can be incredibly powerful once they've trained in a specialization. If you're going up against a Necromancer or Dark Mage, ya better have a Mystic on your side!

And that leaves us with the capital city, Opus! This 'ere town hosts the Queen herself, in Wyton Castle, as well as the Underground Archives. Both o' those hot spots will come in handy for ya, so don't forget their names! Just in case ya do, though, take this map and get your head around it. If Her Majesty is callin' ya to the castle, no doubt you're gonna be doin' a lot of runnin' around! Now go, ya melt, and I'll meet ya at the armory in Sirione Himor. All the luck to ya!"


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