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Closed Fonts, fonts, fonts ><


Is there no way to edit fonts using divs and classes? Having to do it with basic BBCode is extremely time-consuming and frustrating -.-
I've tried font-family: font name; and font-family: 'font name';, and so far nothing >[ What'm I doing wrong? TwT
I just tested it then with font-family and got it to work, what font are you trying to use and can we see the code?

[div class=page] [div class=fontTest] This is a test to see if we can change font with css instead of inline tags [/div] [/div] [class name=page] font-family: Shadows Into Light; [/class]
    [div class=page]
        [div class=fontTest]
            This is a test to see if we can change font with css instead of inline tags


    [class name=page]
        font-family: Shadows Into Light;

    Tags tried:

it's an odd issue, but something i find that works is inserting a comment with the basic tag system. this seems to familiarize the code with your font, so it works in all instances and you only to do it once instead of multiple times. for example: [comment][font=Abril Fatface]here[/font][/comment]
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Ahh I see what you mean, so you basically have to get the page to load up the font directly before being able to use it through style

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