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SoulHunter SoulHunter

~ anotha one
[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=blk][div class=title]Jin Byung-Soo [div class=line][/div] [div class=lil]the azure dragon[/div][/div] [div class=b][div class=lilimage][/div][/div] [div class=info] [div class=post][div class=scroll] The sky was a soft grey as little drops of rain slowly pelted the colorless city. Four young men walked together along the sidewalk. Their clothes looked expensive and new, and they were all remarkably handsome. Their very presence created an air of supremacy and effortlessness. One boy walked ahead of the others, as if leading them to their destination. He had short black hair that was tousled yet well-groomed. He wore a hoodie and jean jacket with fitted black pants and white vans. A backpack was slung over one shoulder.

As the boys made it up to the entrance of the prestigious Jeguk University, a group of students suddenly surged forward. Like a pack of wolves, they surrounded the boys, begging for recognition and excitedly whispering to each other.

"It's them!"

"They've changed so much since last year!"

"Oh my gosh, Byung-Soo Oppa's with them!"

"It's been so long!"

"He's been gone an entire year!"

"Awwww, poor Byung-Soo!"

"I hope he's feeling okay... Poor thing!" The boys' pace slowed significantly as they trudged through the wild group of fans. Byung-Soo sighed to himself.

"How are we going to get to class like this? They're way more intense this year."

Dong Min swiftly replied. "They have their reasons..."

Byung-Soo stared straight ahead, blank-faced, pretending not to hear him.

[/div][/div] [div class=pos][div class="round1 round"][/div] . [div class="round2 round"][/div] . [div class="round3 round"][/div] [div class=stats]mentions: SoulHunter SoulHunter | location: Jeguk University[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: undine[/div] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=container]height: 340px; max-width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; background: #DADADA [/class] [class=image]height: 100%; width: 33%; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/e9/61/1de96147d629e07c58d36fbb9b9c67be.jpg); background-size: 125%; background-position: 20% 10% [/class] [class=blk]height: 100%; width: 65%; left: 35%; position: relative; top: -200px [/class] [class=title]position: relative; top: -120px; left: 0px; max-width: 235px; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; color: #000000 [/class] [class=line]height: 1px; width: 100%; background: #000000 [/class] [class=lil]position: relative; width: 96%; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-size: 13px; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000000; [/class] [class=b]position: relative; left: 240px; top: -175px; height: 20%; width: 20%; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; border: 1px solid #000000 [/class] [class=lilimage]height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e7/83/3e/e7833ec8ec8b37799c9d8d2ff32ad49d.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-position: 50% 0% [/class] [class=info]position: relative; left: 0px; top: -165px; height: 245px; max-width: 310px [/class] [class=post]height: 190px; width: 101%; font-size: 10px; color: #000000; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; text-align: justify; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=pos]position: relative; top: 15px; height: 35px; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; color: transparent; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=round]position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #000000; transition: 0.7s; [/class] [class=round2]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #808080 [/class] [class=round3]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #BFB7AC [/class] [class=bla]background: #7A7A7A [/class] [class=ble]background: #CBCBCB [/class] [class=blo]background: #D3C9BB [/class] [class=stats]position: relative; top: 10px; width: 100%; margin: auto;font-weight: 800; font-size: 9px; color: white [/class] [script class=post on=mouseenter] addClass bla round1 addClass ble round2 addClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=post on=mouseleave] removeClass bla round1 removeClass ble round2 removeClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseenter] addClass up round addClass up stats removeClass down round removeClass down2 stats [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseleave] addClass down round addClass down2 stats addClass up round addClass up stats [/script] [class name=up] animation-name: {post_id}up; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=up] [keyframe=0]top: 0px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: -30px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down] animation-name: {post_id}down; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 0px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down2] animation-name: {post_id}down2; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down2] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 10px[/keyframe] [/animation]
coded by undine
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[class=background] position: relative; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 600px; height: 400px; background-color: #2C2C2C; [/class] [class=Pic_2] position: relative; width: 175px; height: 350px; left: 15px; top: 25px; background: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/322056290/original.jpg); background-size: 150%; background-position: 45%; [/class] [class=line] position: absolute; width: 390px; height: 1px; left: 200px; top: 110px; background-color: #A489D6; [/class] [class=Pic_1] position: absolute; width: 71px; height: 71px; left: 500px; top: 15px; background: url(https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdcBmm6ddJ0UFEW67jbXcOSHia1SIoUNV2cegOb56bQG9bYm8toA&s); background-size: 175%; background-position: 50%; border-radius: 200px; border: 2px solid #A489D6; [/class] [class=Title] position: absolute; left: 280px; top: 25px; width: 150px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 40px [/class] [class=subtitle] position: absolute; left: 245px; top: 85px; width: 250px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 12px; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; width: 400px; height: 230px; text-align: justify; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 5px; overflow: auto; [/class] [class=textcontainer] position: absolute; background-color: #2C2C2C; left: 198px; top: 125px; width: 391px; height: 250px; font-style: normal; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 10px; [/class]

[div class=background] [div class=Pic_2] [/div] [div class=Pic_1] [/div] [div class=Title]Lee Ji Woo [/div] [div class=subtitle]Location: Jeguk University | Mentions: Asuhra Asuhra [/div] [div class=line] [/div] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text]The soft thunk-thunk-thunk sound of a knife hitting a cutting board filled the space of the commercial kitchen. Ji Woo paused in her prep work for her grandmother's restaurant to look at the clock ticking on the wall. With practiced movements, she removed the apron she'd been wearing and pulled the ponytail our of her hair as she walked into the main portion of the restaurant. At one of the tables, her younger twin brothers sat eating breakfast while her grandmother watched over them with affection shining in her eyes.

"Time to go," she said to her brothers, grabbing their backpacks. The twins slid off their chairs, giving their grandmother a kiss on the cheek before running over to Ji Woo. She helped them with their backpacks before giving her grandmother a kiss on the cheek as well. "Goodbye Gomohalmeoni!" she called out to her great aunt who had taken over Ji Woo's cutting position in the kitchen. Grabbing her own backpack, she pulled it on over her teal hoodie as she led her brothers out the door.

Greeted by the gray clouds and drizzle of rain, Ji Woo grabbed her umbrella from the pouch on the side of her back pack. Together, the three sibling walked to the nearest bus station crowded underneath the small shelter. Reaching the bus stop, Ji Woo handed her brothers the umbrella and ruffled both of their hair, before pushing them off towards school. She watched them run off, a smile on her face as the umbrella did practically nothing for them in their antics. It was a small wait before the bus was there, and Ji Woo headed off to her own school.

Feelings of both nervousness and excitement filled Ji Woo as she rode the bus, the feelings growing the closer she got to the prestigious private university she'd managed to get into. It took hours of studying, but she'd gotten that full scholarship. Without it, there was no way she would have been able to attend Jeguk University.

Hopping off the bus, Ji Woo stared at the building of the university with awe. She pulled out her phone, trying to pull up a map of campus. She had her schedule memorized already, she just needed to figure out where her classes were now. Nearing the entrance, Ji Woo's pace slowed as she tried to make sense of the map. Distracted, she barely heard to squeals of the girls around her. She was brought out of her concentration when another girl collided with her shoulder. Ji Woo looked up, surprised as she almost dropped her phone. Her eyes were met with a sea of people, agitated much like the waves on the beach during a storm. Ji Woo took a couple of steps to side, making sure to stay away from the throng of people. Her attention went back to her phone, her hair falling into her face as her brow furrowed in concentration as she tried to figure out where her class was.
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[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=blk][div class=title]Jin Byung-Soo [div class=line][/div] [div class=lil]the azure dragon[/div][/div] [div class=b][div class=lilimage][/div][/div] [div class=info] [div class=post][div class=scroll] Miraculously, Byung-Soo somehow managed to slip past the shrieking school girls. The boys had parted ways earlier on to get to their respective classes. With his hoodie drawn over his head, Byung-Soo quietly moved down the lightly populated hallway. A group of students stood in a circle laughing and joking with each other. As Byung-Soo walked by, their voices suddenly lowered as they spoke more seriously. He stopped upon hearing his own name.

"Did you guys hear about Jin Byung-Soo coming back to school?"

"Yeah... Poor guy."

"I can't believe what happened to his parents..."

"I feel so bad for him."

"That's such a young age to be going through all that."

"I couldn't image."

"But hey, at least he gets to inherit millions."

"Ha! Right? I guess he doesn't have it that bad."

"Agh... I wish I was Jin Byung-Soo. He's so lucky."

A wave of emotions crashed into the chaebol as he listened. He was standing a few feet past the group, his back to them, pretending to lean against a wall and listen to his music. His hands were clenched in the pouch of his hoodie. Lucky, hunh? His normally cheerful and upbeat demeanor seemed to wilt away. The mix of emotions was too overwhelming. The assortment of anger, frustration and sadness, was unbearable. Suddenly, he couldn't breathe. I need to... get out of here.

Without looking, Byung-Soo stepped forward and swung around the corner. Anywhere but here was better. He gasped a little as he found himself colliding with another student.

[/div][/div] [div class=pos][div class="round1 round"][/div] . [div class="round2 round"][/div] . [div class="round3 round"][/div] [div class=stats]mentions: SoulHunter SoulHunter | location: Jeguk University[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: undine[/div] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=container]height: 340px; max-width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; background: #DADADA [/class] [class=image]height: 100%; width: 33%; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/e9/61/1de96147d629e07c58d36fbb9b9c67be.jpg); background-size: 125%; background-position: 20% 10% [/class] [class=blk]height: 100%; width: 65%; left: 35%; position: relative; top: -200px [/class] [class=title]position: relative; top: -120px; left: 0px; max-width: 235px; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; color: #000000 [/class] [class=line]height: 1px; width: 100%; background: #000000 [/class] [class=lil]position: relative; width: 96%; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-size: 13px; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000000; [/class] [class=b]position: relative; left: 240px; top: -175px; height: 20%; width: 20%; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; border: 1px solid #000000 [/class] [class=lilimage]height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e7/83/3e/e7833ec8ec8b37799c9d8d2ff32ad49d.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-position: 50% 0% [/class] [class=info]position: relative; left: 0px; top: -165px; height: 245px; max-width: 310px [/class] [class=post]height: 190px; width: 101%; font-size: 10px; color: #000000; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; text-align: justify; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=pos]position: relative; top: 15px; height: 35px; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; color: transparent; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=round]position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #000000; transition: 0.7s; [/class] [class=round2]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #808080 [/class] [class=round3]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #BFB7AC [/class] [class=bla]background: #7A7A7A [/class] [class=ble]background: #CBCBCB [/class] [class=blo]background: #D3C9BB [/class] [class=stats]position: relative; top: 10px; width: 100%; margin: auto;font-weight: 800; font-size: 9px; color: white [/class] [script class=post on=mouseenter] addClass bla round1 addClass ble round2 addClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=post on=mouseleave] removeClass bla round1 removeClass ble round2 removeClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseenter] addClass up round addClass up stats removeClass down round removeClass down2 stats [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseleave] addClass down round addClass down2 stats addClass up round addClass up stats [/script] [class name=up] animation-name: {post_id}up; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=up] [keyframe=0]top: 0px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: -30px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down] animation-name: {post_id}down; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 0px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down2] animation-name: {post_id}down2; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down2] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 10px[/keyframe] [/animation]
coded by undine
[class=background] position: relative; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 600px; height: 400px; background-color: #2C2C2C; [/class] [class=Pic_2] position: relative; width: 175px; height: 350px; left: 15px; top: 25px; background: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/322056290/original.jpg); background-size: 150%; background-position: 45%; [/class] [class=line] position: absolute; width: 390px; height: 1px; left: 200px; top: 110px; background-color: #A489D6; [/class] [class=Pic_1] position: absolute; width: 71px; height: 71px; left: 500px; top: 15px; background: url(https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdcBmm6ddJ0UFEW67jbXcOSHia1SIoUNV2cegOb56bQG9bYm8toA&s); background-size: 175%; background-position: 50%; border-radius: 200px; border: 2px solid #A489D6; [/class] [class=Title] position: absolute; left: 280px; top: 25px; width: 150px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 40px [/class] [class=subtitle] position: absolute; left: 245px; top: 85px; width: 250px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 12px; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; width: 398px; height: 230px; text-align: justify; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 5px; overflow: auto; [/class] [class=textcontainer] position: absolute; background-color: #2C2C2C; left: 198px; top: 125px; width: 391px; height: 250px; font-style: normal; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 10px; [/class]

[div class=background] [div class=Pic_2] [/div] [div class=Pic_1] [/div] [div class=Title]Lee Ji Woo [/div] [div class=subtitle]Location: Jeguk University | Mentions: Asuhra Asuhra [/div] [div class=line] [/div] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text]Finally orientating the map in a way that made sense, Ji Woo skirted the edges of the crowd and made her way inside the building. As she bypassed the fringes of the mass, Ji Woo took a quick glance at the center to see what the fuss was all about. It was hard to see, but she could tell at the center stood four individuals. Seeing as they were just milling and talking to each other, Ji Woo's attention was lost. As soon as her eyes noticed them, they slid away. If the people had been congregating around a sign, Ji Woo might have cared more, but the popular students didn't concern her at all.

Keeping part of her attention on her phone map and part of her attention on the classrooms, Ji Woo strode down the halls. Despite her diligence however, she still managed to get turned around. Frustrated and alone in a quiet, more deserted hallway Ji Woo tried to find her way back to the main thoroughfare. The steady din of students chatting grew stronger as Ji Woo righted herself in the maze of hallways. As she was about to round the corner back to the main hall, another student collided with her. Again.

Already frustrated from her lousy sense of direction, Ji Woo's eyes snapped to the person. "Excuse y-" she started before she took in the person in front of her. The hoodie drawn over his head. His hands stuffed into his front pouch. The slight panic in his eyes. Shit. Seeing the signs of a panic attack in from the boy in front of her, Ji Woo grabbed his sleeve, glanced out into the hallway to see if anyone noticed him, and calmly, but quickly, pulled him farther down the recesses of the abandoned hallway. If she were to have a panic attack, she wouldn't want it to be in front of a large portion of her school. She doubted he would either, so her first course of action was to get him out of sight.

As she led him away, she said to him quietly, "You've got this. Concentrate on your breathing. Stay in the present." Unsure of what triggered his attack as well as what kind of comforts he preferred, Ji Woo was a bit lost as to how exactly she could help him. Feeling like the area they were at was properly empty of others, Ji Woo stopped. She let go of his sleeve, but grabbed both of his hands in hers, thinking physical touch might comfort him. She peered up into his hoodie, her eyes full of concern. "You're safe," she said, her voice still soft and calm. "Tell me what you need."
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[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=blk][div class=title]Jin Byung-Soo [div class=line][/div] [div class=lil]the azure dragon[/div][/div] [div class=b][div class=lilimage][/div][/div] [div class=info] [div class=post][div class=scroll] The chaebol sucked in his breath as his body struck hers. An all-too-familiar ache pulsed in his right leg. Whether it was the violent pain or the tumultuous panic, he couldn't tell. The chaos of emotions made him dizzy. For a moment, he barely registered the student before him. All her words failed to reach his ears. He just stared at the ground, trying to get a hold of himself.

It was only when she took his hands in hers that he really seemed to awaken from his dazed state. Byung-Soo finally looked up at the girl and took her in. She had medium-length, dark hair, and vivid, brown eyes. She softly whispered the kindest words and Byung-Soo was touched by her compassion. The smoldering agony he felt earlier seemed to fade. He pulled his hands away upon realizing he'd been staring at the girl for an awkward amount of time. He was quiet for a few seconds.

"I, uh-" Byung-Soo ran his hands through his hair, pushing the hoodie off his head. "I'm okay." He saw the skepticism in her eyes. "Thank you... I really am okay though... Um..." Slightly embarrassed, he tried his best to seem normal and okay. He gradually forced a convincing smile. "My name is Jin Byung-Soo. I'm a fourth year here... What about you?"

[/div][/div] [div class=pos][div class="round1 round"][/div] . [div class="round2 round"][/div] . [div class="round3 round"][/div] [div class=stats]mentions: SoulHunter SoulHunter | location: Jeguk University[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: undine[/div] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=container]height: 340px; max-width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; background: #DADADA [/class] [class=image]height: 100%; width: 33%; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/e9/61/1de96147d629e07c58d36fbb9b9c67be.jpg); background-size: 125%; background-position: 20% 10% [/class] [class=blk]height: 100%; width: 65%; left: 35%; position: relative; top: -200px [/class] [class=title]position: relative; top: -120px; left: 0px; max-width: 235px; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; color: #000000 [/class] [class=line]height: 1px; width: 100%; background: #000000 [/class] [class=lil]position: relative; width: 96%; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-size: 13px; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000000; [/class] [class=b]position: relative; left: 240px; top: -175px; height: 20%; width: 20%; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; border: 1px solid #000000 [/class] [class=lilimage]height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e7/83/3e/e7833ec8ec8b37799c9d8d2ff32ad49d.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-position: 50% 0% [/class] [class=info]position: relative; left: 0px; top: -165px; height: 245px; max-width: 310px [/class] [class=post]height: 190px; width: 101%; font-size: 10px; color: #000000; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; text-align: justify; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=pos]position: relative; top: 15px; height: 35px; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; color: transparent; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=round]position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #000000; transition: 0.7s; [/class] [class=round2]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #808080 [/class] [class=round3]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #BFB7AC [/class] [class=bla]background: #7A7A7A [/class] [class=ble]background: #CBCBCB [/class] [class=blo]background: #D3C9BB [/class] [class=stats]position: relative; top: 10px; width: 100%; margin: auto;font-weight: 800; font-size: 9px; color: white [/class] [script class=post on=mouseenter] addClass bla round1 addClass ble round2 addClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=post on=mouseleave] removeClass bla round1 removeClass ble round2 removeClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseenter] addClass up round addClass up stats removeClass down round removeClass down2 stats [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseleave] addClass down round addClass down2 stats addClass up round addClass up stats [/script] [class name=up] animation-name: {post_id}up; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=up] [keyframe=0]top: 0px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: -30px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down] animation-name: {post_id}down; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 0px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down2] animation-name: {post_id}down2; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down2] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 10px[/keyframe] [/animation]
coded by undine
[class=background] position: relative; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 600px; height: 400px; background-color: #2C2C2C; [/class] [class=Pic_2] position: relative; width: 175px; height: 350px; left: 15px; top: 25px; background: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/322056290/original.jpg); background-size: 150%; background-position: 45%; [/class] [class=line] position: absolute; width: 390px; height: 1px; left: 200px; top: 110px; background-color: #A489D6; [/class] [class=Pic_1] position: absolute; width: 71px; height: 71px; left: 500px; top: 15px; background: url(https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdcBmm6ddJ0UFEW67jbXcOSHia1SIoUNV2cegOb56bQG9bYm8toA&s); background-size: 175%; background-position: 50%; border-radius: 200px; border: 2px solid #A489D6; [/class] [class=Title] position: absolute; left: 280px; top: 25px; width: 150px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 40px [/class] [class=subtitle] position: absolute; left: 245px; top: 85px; width: 250px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 12px; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; width: 400px; height: 230px; text-align: justify; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 5px; overflow: auto; [/class] [class=textcontainer] position: absolute; background-color: #2C2C2C; left: 198px; top: 125px; width: 391px; height: 250px; font-style: normal; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 10px; [/class]

[div class=background] [div class=Pic_2] [/div] [div class=Pic_1] [/div] [div class=Title]Lee Ji Woo [/div] [div class=subtitle]Location: Jeguk University | Mentions: Asuhra Asuhra [/div] [div class=line] [/div] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text]Seeing the boy she'd dragged through the hallways focus on her sent waves of relief washing through Ji Woo. Either her tactics worked, or she got lucky that the panic attack didn't last too long. Even as the boy's staring continued for what would normally be an uncomfortable and awkward amount of time, the earnest look in Ji Woo's eyes never changed. She hardly noticed the prolonged staring with how concerned she was for him.

When he pulled his hands from hers, she let her arms fall naturally by her sides, though her watchful gaze never withered. She waited as he stuttered for a moment, before removing his hood to fully reveal his face. His artfully tousled hair fell across his forehead, extra tousled from his hood. Meeting his eyes again and seeing them in full force, she was surprised by the velvety sweetness they contained, though they still contained remnants of his anxiety. The passing thought of oh, he's kinda cute appeared in her mind before she brushed away. His attractiveness was not the main concern right now. And when he said he was okay, she couldn't help but be unconvinced. Her brows furrowed, a minor purse formed on her lips, and her eyes squinted ever so slightly in doubt.

After his reiteration of him being okay, Ji Woo decided to let him off the hook. Her skeptic face relaxed and went back to her natural, more neutral look. Hearing his introduction, her eyes went wide, and a blush rose to her cheeks. Oh, how she must look right now.

"Ah, sunbaenim!" she exclaimed, bowing to him. She was so embarrassed. How it must have looked for an underclassmen to drag her senior through the hallway like that. Not to forget that while she wasn't speaking rudely before, it hadn't been the proper way to address her sunbaenim. "I'm sorry for my rash behavior earlier. My name is Lee Ji Woo and this is my first year at Jeguk." At this point, her eyes had lost their earlier intensity, now filled with nervousness. She'd heard stories from her older friends about how serious and particular some upperclassmen are about their hoobae's being respectful. From what she could tell, Byung Soo sunbaenim didn't seem the type to get offended by that, but she still wanted to be properly respectful to him nonetheless.
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[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=blk][div class=title]Jin Byung-Soo [div class=line][/div] [div class=lil]the azure dragon[/div][/div] [div class=b][div class=lilimage][/div][/div] [div class=info] [div class=post][div class=scroll] Byung-Soo half smiled as realization lit up in her eyes and she quickly bowed. He shook his head.

"There's no need to apologize. 괜찮아... Are you alright? I ran into you pretty hard." Remembering their collision, he hoped he hadn't caused her any pain. He knew the only reason he was hurt had been due to other reasons, regardless he was still concerned. "You said you're a new student? Do you need help finding any classes?"

As they spoke, Byung-Soo began to pay more attention to the girl who had rescued him from that turbulent moment. She was smaller than him and her clothes were slightly worn compared to his high-end attire. He didn't think much of it. Something about her flustered reaction made him smile wider without knowing it.
[/div][/div] [div class=pos][div class="round1 round"][/div] . [div class="round2 round"][/div] . [div class="round3 round"][/div] [div class=stats]mentions: SoulHunter SoulHunter | location: Jeguk University[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: undine[/div] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=container]height: 340px; max-width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; background: #DADADA [/class] [class=image]height: 100%; width: 33%; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/e9/61/1de96147d629e07c58d36fbb9b9c67be.jpg); background-size: 125%; background-position: 20% 10% [/class] [class=blk]height: 100%; width: 65%; left: 35%; position: relative; top: -200px [/class] [class=title]position: relative; top: -120px; left: 0px; max-width: 235px; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; color: #000000 [/class] [class=line]height: 1px; width: 100%; background: #000000 [/class] [class=lil]position: relative; width: 96%; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-size: 13px; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000000; [/class] [class=b]position: relative; left: 240px; top: -175px; height: 20%; width: 20%; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; border: 1px solid #000000 [/class] [class=lilimage]height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e7/83/3e/e7833ec8ec8b37799c9d8d2ff32ad49d.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-position: 50% 0% [/class] [class=info]position: relative; left: 0px; top: -165px; height: 245px; max-width: 310px [/class] [class=post]height: 190px; width: 101%; font-size: 10px; color: #000000; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; text-align: justify; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=pos]position: relative; top: 15px; height: 35px; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; color: transparent; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=round]position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #000000; transition: 0.7s; [/class] [class=round2]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #808080 [/class] [class=round3]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #BFB7AC [/class] [class=bla]background: #7A7A7A [/class] [class=ble]background: #CBCBCB [/class] [class=blo]background: #D3C9BB [/class] [class=stats]position: relative; top: 10px; width: 100%; margin: auto;font-weight: 800; font-size: 9px; color: white [/class] [script class=post on=mouseenter] addClass bla round1 addClass ble round2 addClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=post on=mouseleave] removeClass bla round1 removeClass ble round2 removeClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseenter] addClass up round addClass up stats removeClass down round removeClass down2 stats [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseleave] addClass down round addClass down2 stats addClass up round addClass up stats [/script] [class name=up] animation-name: {post_id}up; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=up] [keyframe=0]top: 0px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: -30px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down] animation-name: {post_id}down; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 0px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down2] animation-name: {post_id}down2; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down2] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 10px[/keyframe] [/animation]
coded by undine
[class=background] position: relative; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 600px; height: 400px; background-color: #2C2C2C; [/class] [class=Pic_2] position: relative; width: 175px; height: 350px; left: 15px; top: 25px; background: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/322056290/original.jpg); background-size: 150%; background-position: 45%; [/class] [class=line] position: absolute; width: 390px; height: 1px; left: 200px; top: 110px; background-color: #A489D6; [/class] [class=Pic_1] position: absolute; width: 71px; height: 71px; left: 500px; top: 15px; background: url(https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdcBmm6ddJ0UFEW67jbXcOSHia1SIoUNV2cegOb56bQG9bYm8toA&s); background-size: 175%; background-position: 50%; border-radius: 200px; border: 2px solid #A489D6; [/class] [class=Title] position: absolute; left: 280px; top: 25px; width: 150px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 40px [/class] [class=subtitle] position: absolute; left: 245px; top: 85px; width: 250px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 12px; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; width: 400px; height: 230px; text-align: justify; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 5px; overflow: auto; [/class] [class=textcontainer] position: absolute; background-color: #2C2C2C; left: 198px; top: 125px; width: 391px; height: 250px; font-style: normal; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 10px; [/class]

[div class=background] [div class=Pic_2] [/div] [div class=Pic_1] [/div] [div class=Title]Lee Ji Woo [/div] [div class=subtitle]Location: Jeguk University | Mentions: Asuhra Asuhra [/div] [div class=line] [/div] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text]Seeing his smile in addition to his reassurance, the tension within Ji Woo, that she didn't even realize she was holding, released. Her should caved in a little as she released a breath, grateful her intuition was right. At his question, she cocked her head, confusion flicker across her face. Am I okay?...Ah! Realization hit her once more when she gathered what he meant.

"아닙니다 괜찮아요. No, I'm fine. You didn't hit me that hard at all! It was just surprising to be run into again is all," she said waving her hands in front of her to further confirm her okay status. His next question prompted her peer down at her own hoodie pouch where her phone currently resided. "Actually, I am having trouble finding one of my classes." She held up one finger in front of her face. She looked apologetic to even bring up needing help, like she was bothering him to request his assistance even though he'd offered it to her. "I have Korean History with Park gyosunim," she said, her hair flying to cover her face as she looked down and reached into the large pocket to grab her phone. With a smooth motion she unlocked the screen and pulled up her schedule she'd taken a screenshot of the night before. During her searching, she failed to notice Byung Soo's second assessment of her.

Ji Woo looked up in time to catch his smile widening. Without thinking too much about her, her own smile appeared on her face as an instinctual response. She held her phone up to him in both hands, so he could look at it. She looked at him expectantly, quickly saying, "감사합니다. Thank you, Byung Soo sunbaenim."
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[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=blk][div class=title]Jin Byung-Soo [div class=line][/div] [div class=lil]the azure dragon[/div][/div] [div class=b][div class=lilimage][/div][/div] [div class=info] [div class=post][div class=scroll] The chaebol was surprised when he heard her answer. Park gyosunim? Ji Woo lifted a finger up to her face as she paused to pull up something on her phone. He softened at her adorable gestures. Why is she so cute? She showed him her schedule and Byung-Soo's face lit up.

"Oh! I have that class too. I'm actually heading there next." He looked over at Ji Woo and smiled his playful, boyish smile. He seemed to have regained his confidence once more. "We can walk there together if you want?"

Ever since the car accident last year, Byung-Soo had been forced to postpone his schooling. Consequently, he was behind in his classes and no longer on track to graduate with his friends. He'd spent the majority of his time in the hospital, enduring a handful of surgeries and hours of physical therapy. He now walked with a slight limp that was barely noticeable unless you were paying attention. It only became more pronounced the more insecure he got.

As Byung-Soo led Ji Woo to her first class, the students scattered along the hallways who noticed them, shot an assortment of curious looks and jealous glares at the couple.

[/div][/div] [div class=pos][div class="round1 round"][/div] . [div class="round2 round"][/div] . [div class="round3 round"][/div] [div class=stats]mentions: SoulHunter SoulHunter | location: Jeguk University[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: undine[/div] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=container]height: 340px; max-width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; background: #DADADA [/class] [class=image]height: 100%; width: 33%; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/e9/61/1de96147d629e07c58d36fbb9b9c67be.jpg); background-size: 125%; background-position: 20% 10% [/class] [class=blk]height: 100%; width: 65%; left: 35%; position: relative; top: -200px [/class] [class=title]position: relative; top: -120px; left: 0px; max-width: 235px; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; color: #000000 [/class] [class=line]height: 1px; width: 100%; background: #000000 [/class] [class=lil]position: relative; width: 96%; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-size: 13px; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000000; [/class] [class=b]position: relative; left: 240px; top: -175px; height: 20%; width: 20%; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; border: 1px solid #000000 [/class] [class=lilimage]height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e7/83/3e/e7833ec8ec8b37799c9d8d2ff32ad49d.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-position: 50% 0% [/class] [class=info]position: relative; left: 0px; top: -165px; height: 245px; max-width: 310px [/class] [class=post]height: 190px; width: 101%; font-size: 10px; color: #000000; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; text-align: justify; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=pos]position: relative; top: 15px; height: 35px; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; color: transparent; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=round]position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #000000; transition: 0.7s; [/class] [class=round2]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #808080 [/class] [class=round3]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #BFB7AC [/class] [class=bla]background: #7A7A7A [/class] [class=ble]background: #CBCBCB [/class] [class=blo]background: #D3C9BB [/class] [class=stats]position: relative; top: 10px; width: 100%; margin: auto;font-weight: 800; font-size: 9px; color: white [/class] [script class=post on=mouseenter] addClass bla round1 addClass ble round2 addClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=post on=mouseleave] removeClass bla round1 removeClass ble round2 removeClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseenter] addClass up round addClass up stats removeClass down round removeClass down2 stats [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseleave] addClass down round addClass down2 stats addClass up round addClass up stats [/script] [class name=up] animation-name: {post_id}up; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=up] [keyframe=0]top: 0px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: -30px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down] animation-name: {post_id}down; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 0px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down2] animation-name: {post_id}down2; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down2] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 10px[/keyframe] [/animation]
coded by undine
[class=background] position: relative; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 600px; height: 400px; background-color: #2C2C2C; [/class] [class=Pic_2] position: relative; width: 175px; height: 350px; left: 15px; top: 25px; background: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/322056290/original.jpg); background-size: 150%; background-position: 45%; [/class] [class=line] position: absolute; width: 390px; height: 1px; left: 200px; top: 110px; background-color: #A489D6; [/class] [class=Pic_1] position: absolute; width: 71px; height: 71px; left: 500px; top: 15px; background: url(https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdcBmm6ddJ0UFEW67jbXcOSHia1SIoUNV2cegOb56bQG9bYm8toA&s); background-size: 175%; background-position: 50%; border-radius: 200px; border: 2px solid #A489D6; [/class] [class=Title] position: absolute; left: 280px; top: 25px; width: 150px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 40px [/class] [class=subtitle] position: absolute; left: 245px; top: 85px; width: 250px; height: 40px; text-align: center; color: #A489D6; font-size: 12px; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; width: 400px; height: 230px; text-align: justify; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 5px; overflow: auto; [/class] [class=textcontainer] position: absolute; background-color: #2C2C2C; left: 198px; top: 125px; width: 391px; height: 250px; font-style: normal; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 10px; [/class]

[div class=background] [div class=Pic_2] [/div] [div class=Pic_1] [/div] [div class=Title]Lee Ji Woo [/div] [div class=subtitle]Location: Jeguk University | Mentions: Asuhra Asuhra [/div] [div class=line] [/div] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text]While Byung Soo studied her schedule, Ji Woo took the opportunity to scrutinize Byung Soo a little more closely. She wasn't paying attention to his higher-end clothing choices, that was to be expected since she was at a prestigious private university. Ji Woo took in the lines on his face, looked a little closer at his mannerisms. Byung Soo might have said he was okay, but someone who goes through a panic attack isn't likely to be that okay so quickly. Overall, his face was relaxed, showing ease that definitely wasn't there when he first bumped into her. Even though her phone screen was reflecting in in the deep recesses of his pupils, the surrounding iris sparkled like it's own molten galaxy. He definitely seemed better, and her scrutiny allowed Ji Woo to leave most of her concerns for him behind.

Seeing his face light up, Ji Woo tried to look like she hadn't just been staring into his soul. Byung Soo's smile was infectious, so as his charming grin spread across his face, Ji Woo couldn't help her own excited smile. Today was going pretty great, despite two people body slamming her today. She fully expected the school to be full of stuck up, rich people that had nothing better to than flaunt their own money. She was expecting dirty looks and sneers at her cheap, older clothing. It was quite the pleasant surprise that the first person she met didn't meet those expectations.

"Really?" she asked. "Lead the way, sunbaenim."

Ji Woo followed Byung Soo's lead, staring at his backpack as he weaved his way through a couple of people. One of the girls they passed stared at Byung Soo, her jaw agape. In her moment of marveling, the girl dropped the book she was holding. The sound snapped her back to reality and Ji Woo watched as she immediately went to retrieve the fallen object. Ji Woo's eyes shifted from the girls book, to Byung Soo's feet, and was headed back to his backpack when something brought her gaze back downwards. Ji Woo's head cocked to the side as she noticed the slight hitch in Byung Soo's step. The limp was so slight that she never would have noticed if that girl hadn't dropped her book in the first place.

This new information stuck to the back of her mind but Ji Woo kept the fact that she knew to herself since it really wasn't any of her business. She quickened her pace so that she was walking alongside Byung Soo instead of behind. "So, how does a fourth-year get stuck in a first-year course?" she asked, glancing over at him. "Did you save all the easy stuff for an easier last year?" Ji Woo hardly gave any attention to the people around her other than Byung Soo, waiting for his answer as well as noting the path they took to the classroom so she'd remember for next time.
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