Flare aka Phoenix

Flame Demon

Autistic Ace Vampire
Roleplay Type(s)
Name: Flare
Age: 17
Alias: Phoenix
Birthday: October 31th
Race: Phoenix child
Crush: Damien Wayne(from her time own time who's a year older then her)

Hero outfit:
Casual outfit: Mostly wears red or black dresses, the length depends on the weather


Due to everything Flare has been put through, losing her home planet and then having to watch as the Earth get destroyed by the Light has left her somewhat cold and quiet, only really opening up to Saber and her pet phoenix, which she can communicate with. It takes a lot of effort to get her to open up to you and even then she tends to stay quiet anyway. But because she isn't human, but a phoenix child she tends to act differently to bad situations, she learns from it and thus is a lot wiser then most people in the League, though she tends to keep that fact a secret, she doesn't panic easily and instead analyzes what's going on, thus able to think of an effective plan easier then humans.


Flare is a Phoenix child, born from a phoenix egg, though raised by humans until she was 6 and she started training her powers, the planet she lived on was protected by the phoenix herself, but upon each time it would need to be reborn the barrier would weaken, she told Flare and her adoptive parents to flee to the Earth, they did, but because the planet was already doomed they took the phoenix with them, knowing that it was partly the source of Flare’s power, upon arriving on Earth they were taken to the Justice League, who gave them a small apartment to stay in in Gotham city and of course Batman would send them money each month until both adults found a job, which they did shortly after a month of staying there, Bruce awarded Flare with a scholarship to Gotham Academy.

However things didn’t go so well, the Justice League split up and never saw each other again, the Young Justice team was disbanded before Flare could join and the Light destroyed the Earth, leaving very few survivors, Blaze has used up her strength to protect Flare and her new friend Saber, but most people were dead, so Flare made a, rather sloppy, design of a time machine which she have to Saber, who made it, so they can change the fate of the Earth, prevent the League from ever falling apart, but the time machine broke upon arrival, meaning they have no way home.

  • Fire force field: A force field that can protect her against most blows and gravity, it allows her to breath underwater for a short time before the fire goes out, but she can maintain is as long as she wants in space, and thus fly into space, she can also fly
  • Fire control: She can control fire, but it’s not like normal fire, it’s Phoenix fire, so it doesn’t bother Martians or Athlanteans
  • Fire shield: she can make a shield to protect her and her allies, but the bigger the shield the more energy it costs to keep it up
  • Immunity & Healing: Flare can’t get sick or be affected by poison etc. and she has a fast healing factor
  • Fire creations: she can make creatures or weapons out of fire, but the more creatures the harder it becomes to keep them there and the bigger the weapon the shorter she can maintain it
  • Water: Water is her biggest weakness, while she is harder to drown, if there’s enough water around her for a long enough time she won’t be able to protect herself anymore, she’ll also have to fight at one fourth of her strength under water
  • Rain: It doesn’t really affect her that badly, but she only has three fourth of her powers when she fights in the rain
  • Her pet phoenix: If you attack her pet phoenix and hurt it, it will cut her down to half her powers, though killing the phoenix is impossible

Has two ways of recharging her powers, one is through her phoenix and the other one is using sunlight
Has a pet phoenix named Blaze(which is a she)

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