Fishy Business (COMPLETED)


Tree'O Champion

Fishy Business


On the outskirts of snow city of city-9 in the northern regions of the land situated upon an icy tundra is a village lost to the waves of time. History once knew this place as a haven for incredibly exotic and rare sea-life. So prosperous and booming with life. Until over 100 years ago, when a freak accident(?) left many of the residents of the town dead with the survivors scarred. From the official government report, judging by the damage, it was believed a tornado struck the town. But for unknown reasons this was never verified. The residents never spoke of the incident, but their eyes told an untold tale of fear. The village became shrouded in mystery and never quite recovered after the destruction of the attack. Today their descendants remain and the village has recovered though still a ruin of its prosperous self and even they look weary, as though aware of a tale no one else knew. There's a tale of a deep power beneath the sea, one responsible for rich sea life once found beneath the waters. Fact or fiction? Time would tell...


A group of helicopters with a model and design reminiscent of military transport 'copters hovered towards the distant ice-village, like a pack of ravens. All black and unidentifiable save for the unmistakable logo of the heroes association stamped on them. 

Inside the rear loading bay between two rows of benches where the heroes sat, Agent Shimada of the heroes association stood, looking on a hand-held tablet device. Clad in a black-suit, black tie and sunglasses; to the heroes he would appear as nothing more than a typical field-agent for the association. Even this icy weather, he maintained the typical uniform. He was simply there to oversee and assist in the investigation while the heroes did the exciting work. He took a moment to look around at the odd group assembled before him. But wasn't a gathering of heroes always rather odd? 

His eyes shifted back to the tablet in his hand. On it was tables and graphs of the scientific data collected. The graphs displayed a simply huge seismic reading recorded within the waters. First the egg-heads thought it to be debris but closer inspection revealed this thing to be moving in a sporadic pattern to the current. A living thing, moving.

Given the mystery which always surrounded the area and the old tales and murders, the heroes association wasted no time dispatching a team to investigate. Agent Shimada looked at the various heroes who no doubt had their own thoughts, having been recently debriefed. 

"ETA 2 minutes." The pilot said over the coms, alerting the heroes to prepare for whatever they may face. 
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Mr.Meteor sat on the bench with his cape folded over His lap. "wonder what they have us dealing with today?" He would say with a bored tone, in the back with him in the transport are two other heroes, one a large scaly man with the face of a crocodile, the other a man in a mechanical suit of some kind. 

"So where are are you two coming from?" He would try and say over the helicopters rotors. 

@Joonster @Naloth 

@ChimpMan (are any of your heroes in the chopper?) 
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"ETA 2 minutes," The pilot said over the intercoms, snatching Crash from his journey to dreamland. He groaned tiredly, wondering why it was taking so long for things to get started. He wanted to get the mission over with as soon as possible so he could go home. He'd do anything for a few minutes of shuteye at the moment he knew that if he took the chance, something would happen and his day would end up being a longer one. Why did he turn down the coffee when his sister was offering it to him? "Because she was being an impossible bitch, that's why," he mumbled to himself, his voice too quiet to hear over the sound of the spinning helicopters.

He mentally took note of everything that was wrong today. He had little to know sleep due to his late nights of trading his morality for money. He was jobless. He got into an argument with his sister because being frustrated with yourself while also lacking sleep does nothing for your patience when dealing with your siblings. And now he was worried that his lack of sleep would affect his performance. But considering his debts, he needed the money. Badly. Whatever came his way, he knew it probably wouldn't be easy, considering his luck. But he'd make sure he get the money. It would be at least enough to pay for the apartment.

"So where are you two coming from?" Mr. Meteor asked over the rotors of the helicopters.

"None of your business," Crash shouted just loud enough to be heard.
Earl sat as quiet as he can, trying to calm himself from being in a aircraft, his worst fear. He closed his eyes, trying to take his mind off being in a heli, but the loud rotor noises were disrupting his happy thoughts. Gosh, how long 'till they get off this plane? He turned his attention to Mr. Meteor as he asks where he came from."The swamps." He mutters loudly, not caring if the man heard him.
While the agent was with the heroes, he decided to go over what he knew about them in his mind.

'Crunch' the lumbering reptillian had made a name for himself quite recently. During Kyon's invasion he played an invaluable role in fighting the demon head on. Without him perhaps the whole city would've fell. No wonder he earned himself a huge leap in promotion from an unranked B straight to class A. He had also become a lot more popular with the fans online recently too. A rising star no doubt. Next was the suited savior, a standard class B hero. The agent couldn't recall much at all about the hero though reports placed him in city-5 during Kyon's invasion, fending off a large group of demons by himself. Not too much of a charmer either, apparently. Finally there was Mr. Meteor. This celebrity turned hero had a massive fan-following, given his career. An immediate overnight sensation saving City-1 from an oncoming meteor. The association wasted no time pushing him straight to A class, due to his immense power which was quite a rare thing. Many fans and more importantly,  the association, would keep an eye on Mr. North. They wanted to see more of his abilities (Hence why he's here). 

Well this should be fun, the agent thought. He was one of many field agents for the association whose job was simple; observe events that take place, monitor and record any significant findings or things of interest whatever they may be and report back to the higher-ups in the main HQ in City-1.

The helicopter came to an abrupt halt on a snowy field two minutes out from the village at walking distance. The doors opened and out the heroes would step, crunching the otherwise undisturbed snow and heading straight for the town. Other than snow and trees, the sight wasn't much. They were pretty much in the middle of nowhere after all. Shortly after, the trio made their way to the village which was very much the same as it had been for the last eighty years, lost in time. A few small, wooden cabins and stores. With only a community of around fifty people, it was a small place. Hence why knowledge of events was so limited. While seemingly isolated from the rest of the world, it seemed the village was self-sustainable.

Once the heroes arrived in the village, they would find little and less. There was silence, complete silence. The eerie silence of an area which certainly didn't want to be heard. No people about the village and no lights on within the houses. Two hands appeared from a house window and slammed the shutters closed, which indicated there were people in the cabins, though they may as well have been ghosts to the heroes. Certainly, the towns residents didn't want visitors, even if they were there to help it seemed.  An observant individual might notice the snow around the town hadn't been broken at all. A pure sheet of white with no footsteps, nothing, despite the fact it hadn't snowed for three days. 

The only sign of life in the whole town would be an old man rocking back in his chair, making a slight creek on the wooden boards beneath him as he did. He watched the heroes carefully but expressionless. Wearing an old fashioned winter coat over his entire body and a woolly hat. Most notable was the man had a big nose. A huge nose, like a banana sticking from his face with a boil on the end. So big it was quite awkward to look at. He was motionless, the wind seeming to move the chair of its own accord. He might've appeared dead if not for his hot breath touching the cold air every two seconds. His eyes icy, he took his smoke pipe out of his mouth and looked to the heroes.

"I suggest you boys turn back the way you came." 
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"Why would we want to do that sir?" Avery would ask as he floated just above the snow to keep his boots dry. All this snow and cold was a bit uncomfortable, but he could deal with it . like the away game he had in Norway last year, just ignore the cold and think about that hot coffee awaiting him. 

"What happened here sir?" He would ask calmly to the old man. briefly glancing at the other heroes beside him. 

@ChimpMan @Naloth @Joonster
A few days Crash had complained about how the suit lacked air conditioning. Sure the suit gave layers of clothing that protected the skin from the harsh cold of the snowy plains, but it was in fact so cold that Crash could still feel it. "That's right." He muttered under his breath. "Add development of a cold to the list of shit going wrong." He scowled under his mask as he grew irritated. Using some of the many techniques that he adopted from his anger management classes, he tried to think of other things. He scanned the environment as they came into the village, saw that it may as well have been a ghost of a town. Judging by the snow, the residents hadn't been outside for what looked like days. Were they even eating?

"I suggest you boys turn back the way you came." Said the old man with the abnormal nose. Crash found it humorous and moved to make fun of it, but then thought against it. Since Mr. Meteor got to the questions first, Crash let him handle it for now, and instead focused on how cold it was.
The man scratched his nose idly and made a point of ignoring the heroes. But closer observation would show he wasn't simply ignoring them, his mind was just lost in thought of something else. "Look. You kids wanna go play around? Do it somewhere where you ain't gon' bring any attention to us." The old man said pointing his smoking pipe at them pointedly as he did. The old man continued "We're quiet folk in there here town. Don't want any of the attention you and your lot are bringing". - He took a moment to eye the savior's guns and just looked at crunch and Mr Meteor. 

All of the towns folk would be at their windows and doors peering through the cracks of their shutters to witness the old man speaking to the heroes on their behalf, but wouldn't dare intervene. 

"Now I suggest-" The old man went to say more but his voice was drowned out over the deafening noise which followed. The ground began to shake violently a nearby tree falling down almost straight on top of the heroes. Cries of panic could be heard from the denizens in the town as their houses shook upon the cold, booming earth which sounded as if something was splitting it apart by sheer force. The old man just closed his eyes rocking so violently in his chair due to the force, one might think he was about to fly out of it. Then silence once more. The suddeness of it would leave nothing but an ear-ringing sound by everyone who was present to hear the thunderous booming. 

Meanwhile in the helicopter the agent's data screen began to flare up on a fancy looking graph which plotted the land. Colours of red, orange and yellow which often were the colours to signify danger and destruction. "Another seismic event." He reflected, looking at the staggering data which caused this. "Sir you're going to want to see this." The pilot said. Agent Shimada made to a nearby window to see what he meant. There, 400 yards out from the town was an ice-lake, long since entirely frozen over. That wasn't entirely peculiar. What was, was the now massive, circular hole right in the middle of it. A huge hole 100 yards radius in itself. The helicopter moved to get a look down the hole which seemed bottomless. Nothing but a view into the abyss. The ice around the whole and the shattered ice everywhere suggested the hole was made from an external force- something broke it. "But for something to be able to smash open a hole that big.." The agent pondered, left to his imagination. Then he pressed a finger to his ear.

The heroes phones began to call, the symbol of the heroes association appearing on their screens. "Regroup on my coordinates and take care to not fall through the ice lake. You will freeze to death in seconds should you fall in."

Then a huge *ROAR!* shook the icy-land once more through its sheer intensity. The voice of something big. The voice of a monster coming from the bottom of the hole.
Mr.Meteor was floating so the shaking ground didn't cause him to much trouble, but it caught his attention nonetheless. More so he was focused on the loud earsplitting booming that was ringing through the air. 

"What was that?" Mr.Meteor would ask as he picked up the uprooted tree and shoved it back into the ground where it fell from. 

Then his hero phone would begin vibrating, and he would answer it on the earpiece he had. After listening to the orders he would simply nod, and float at a casual pace towards the lake so the other heroes could keep up.  

Once the roar echos through the air however he would speed up arriving at the lakeside in moments. 

@ChimpMan @Naloth @Joonster
The tree exploded in a splintering mess as it was split apart by Crash's kick, leaving only the root for Mr. Meteor to put into place. Although he was used to hearing the loud screams of monsters during the times when he played gory, monster-slaying, run-and-gun video games, this particular roar hit a little too close to home. His mask did not reveal his frightened face, which the few who have seen it would say looked hilarious. And then the silence was just as eerie.

"What was that?" Mr. Meteor asked.

"Something I hope isn't as big as it sounds."

"Regroup on my coordinates and take care to not fall through the ice lake. You will freeze to death in seconds should you fall in."  Came the orders from the Hero Association agents. Just as he got the coordinates he heard the roar again and was nearly frozen in place by fear. "Just remember Silent Hill." He reminded himself, following Mr. Meteor.
Great, their werr somewhere cold, he was a reptile, cold blooded. He would've died seconds ago if he didn't put on his winterwear. He looked at the old man, he reminded him of old man jenkings, always telling stories. 

The ground shook as a deafening roar sounded somewhere near, now it seemed they would have to fight soon, which Earl didn't mind. The faster they finish it off, the faster they could get off this cold place. He soon followed the others as another deafening roar sounded, sending shivers through his body.

@Joonster @Jefferson @ChimpMan
Together, the three heroes converge across the lake, which had long since been frozen into what was now essentially a huge lake-sized ice cube. In the center was the hole which was recently created. But so the question remained, what created it and where did it come from? The helicopter was still in the sky overhead the heroes. Inside the agent began searching for any related history of the area regarding the seismic activity but all that came up was the documented history of the mysterious attack on the town. Otherwise nothing. They were in the dark out here. 

"Take me back to the village. We're getting answers." Said the agent.


"Talk." The agent demanded from the man, showing him his heroes association ID. It was all the old timer needed to know. Officially the agent couldn't touch a single hair on the man, but he needed answers. "Let us help you."

"Help?" The old man let out a little laugh as though he heard a joke. "There's no helping us. Hasn't been for eighty years." Then he looked bitterly at the sky, taking a puff from his pipe and finally letting out a sigh. "I was just a boy. The town was still a thing of beauty back then. The elders, they were digging through the ice. Supposedly the waters beneath the ice held fish the likes of which humanity had seen before. Countless rare species which couldn't be found anywhere else. That meant money. A little time after we began digging, that's when the quakes, the... warnings began." - he took another puff on the pipe to calm his nerves and trembling hands as he looked around nervously like he thought someone, or thing, was listening to him. "But they didn't stop. Riches lay at the bottom of the lake why would they? Oh but they did. Yes they did. Once they found it." The man said it gravely. 

"What was it? What did they find?" Inquired the agent, flicking on the recording device of his association tablet. Now smiling, but not a smile of happiness, the elderly man looked straight into the association agent's eyes. 

"The devil."

Just then, right on queue, the tablet in the agent's tablet lit up. On the screen was a simple reading. Three blue dots, indicating the heroes and the floor slightly yellow, indicating the previous seismic activity. But the yellow began to glow brighter along with the beeping warning of the tablet. Then the area went orange and then red. Right beneath the heroes' feet. Something big was right beneath them. "Oh my god." 

The ground shook once more where the heroes were upon the fragile and broken ice floor. But this time when it did, it was more immediate. More explosive. Without warning the entire lake just exploded open, the entire bed collapsing upon itself with the heroes, leading to a deadly plummet to the abyss below. Ice shards shot eveywhere and the chaos was so immediate, there was no warning. Just chaos and destruction. 

The agent thought about the heroes for a moment. Mr Meteor would be safe, he could fly. But the suited savior and crunch? 


At the bottom of the abyss hidden under the shadows of history, a place long since forgotten was a cavern. New light shined into it with the ice above now shattering. Various nonsensical patterns and glyphs were carved in the cavern along the walls in an alien language. Within the cavern, the roof was impossibly big even a giant could walk through it and shadows lurked various corners where the light, from the now revealed sky above, could not reach. Within those shadows, if one looked carefully, were dozens of watchful eyes. Red, inhuman eyes.
Mr. Meteor would drop his jaw in surprise as the ground beneath him burst open. 

Making a split second decision he swooped into the hole and grabbed ahold of crunch's hand. Floating there with the massive croc in tote , He watched As the armored hero plummeted into the depths hoping his armor would protect him from the fall. "Are you ok?" He would ask crunch as he descended into the pit only slightly slower than a persons Falling. 

"Heeeey are you alive?" He would call into the pit as he descended. 

@ChimpMan @Naloth @Joonster
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The sudden collapsing of the floor was all Crash needed to fully awaken from his groggy stupor. As soon as he began to fall he activated the thrusters that allowed him to temporarily hover in the air. They never did have enough power to achieve flight. He slowly descended. "Fuck my life." He said before falling into the depths of pit. For all he knew about how deep the pit was, he was dead. Sure the suit was capable of withstanding vast amounts of force at one time, but even it had its limits.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," he cursed constantly as his descent quickened. His thrusters began to activate in bursts in a desperate attempt to slow the fall. It worked, but he still ended up hitting the bottom hard. Seconds later he was shaking his head to remove the effects of his daze. His eyes found patterns and glyphs that made no sense to him, which was surprising to be able to see in such a deep pit in the first place. But for all the light the pit had, shadows were also abound. There was one light that Crash wasn't happy to see. Several red ones. He blinked and they were gone. He could have sworn he saw something. A cold shiver ran down his spine and it wasn't because of the temperature. He cringed.

"Heeeey are you alive?" someone called down to him. But Crash didn't answer. He knew something was down here with him, and the last thing he wanted to do was set it off with loud noises. He sat still and waited for the worse to come.
The Suited Savior was alive alright. The question was, would he remain so? 

There was no warning, no grandiose entrance to what would ensue next. A sudden, glass-shattering shriek echoed throughout the cavern, the high pitched noise bouncing off of the icy-walls to a deafening degree, enough to make ones ears pop and slightly stun. The prelude to chaos. Abruptly, the shrieking halted. But no sooner would the attack commence. A burly seven-foot monster shooting out of a nearby shadow. Green, wide-eyed with an open mouth full of nasty razor sharp teeth revealing immediate danger... and non-existent dental care. It covered ground rapidly, making rapid steps with frog-legs with its large fists clenched. More importantly, it was fast. Roughly three times faster and stronger than your average human which made a dangerous combination with coupled with its big frame. 

It was an ugly, smelly, slimey, human-amphibian. And it was not alone. From various other corners and crevices, more of its bretheren came, all gurgling some non-intelligible war cry. They were all similar but varied in skin colors from green to red to purple and with their hulking hands and razor teeth they were not lacking for methods to kill. Apparently, with The Suited Savior, they weren't lacking for a target to kill either as a dozen had appeared, with a continuous stream of even more of the monsters coming in fast.

@Jefferson @Naloth @Joonster
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Hearing the shriek and finally seeing the bottom of the pit Mr meteor would let go of crunch lessening gravity around his to soften his landing "Be ready!!!" Mr. meteor shouted before plummeting to the bottom of the hole with the speed of a bullet. Smashing into the ground like...well a meteor, right between The suited savior and the monsters. 

Upon seeing the monsters Avery would Waste no time increasing his fists to a ten ton weight While simultainiously den sifting his bodies molecular structure. 

"If your planning on eating may have bit off more than you can chew." He would say with a slight smirk at his witty retort as he flew towards the monsters with One fist forward and the other cocked back in a striking position. 

@Naloth @Joonster @ChimpMan
And there it was. The shrill cry of the monster prior to the entrance that Crash had heard so many times in video games. And then they'd come rushing out as if they were people running out of a building after someone yelled, "Fire!" Thanks to Mr. Meteor's entrance, Crash wasn't totally blindsided, and was able to gather his bearings before the battle had truly began. Steam exited the suit as a compartment opened, revealing the hilt of the suit's signature weapons. He pulled the hilt from the sheath, revealing the slender shaft of the blue blade. A blade that Crash had guessed could have been made out of highly refined steel. But his temper tantrum adventures had proven that the sword had to be made out of an even more advanced material than just steel. He thought of several fictional materials from video games that may have fit the bill, but he was then proven wrong every time the weapon did something new.

"Survivor Steel," He eventually called it. The blade would not rust. It would not chip. While it couldn't cut everything, it wouldn't be cut by anything. Doubt absent from the mind, he let the blade cut through air and cleave through the neck of the amphibian-like monster that tried approaching by jumping off a wall. Stomping, he watched as the head of said monster became more intimate with the ground than Crash ever was with his pillow on his lonely nights. He sighed at such a thought, yet smiling at the speed of his performance. The monster was introduced to the sword in no more than a flash.

The Suited Savior still said nothing.
Eventually the endless waves of the monsters appearing began to halt. In the cavern, the fifty monsters completely encircled the heroes. After the initial confrontation which left two monsters punched into the wall from Mr Meteor and one being made into sushi by the Savior, action momentarily ceased. The monsters went quiet and just watched the heroes, observing carefully as they surrounded them. If one were to watch the monsters carefully, they would see while it would appear they were doing nothing, it was very much the opposite and perhaps the worst thing for the heroes. They were thinking. Evaluating their prey. Initially these frog-men would appear as unintelligible abominations but while that was true for most cases, they knew how to attack with strategy. After all, these were predators. Then they attacked again, from all sides, the frog-men would attack in waves, one after the other at various different angles and timings to throw the heroes off. 

@Joonster @Jefferson (Don't be afraid to plow through these guys, show off your abilities) 
As the monsters surround Mr.Meteor he would inch closer to the suited savior and Crunch. 

Working with other heroes is hard...

he would think with a whine as he thought of the environmental attacks he couldn't use at the moment. 

As the first wave came he increased the weight of his fists to about a 70 tons and clapped them together sending a blast of concussive force down the tunnel scattering them like leaves. He would then create a horizontal gravity well causing the scattered monsters to fall towards him. Though not very gracefully Avery zips back and forth delivering 10 ton punches at each or the beasts. Though punching might be a strong word it's more like random body flailing as he underestimated how many he pulled towards him.
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Crash used the time of silence and stillness to devise a plan to deal with the soon-to-be-attacking monsters. He and Mr. Meteor's actions may have been the reason for their sudden hesitation. Although their appearance was far from normal, they still acted like wild animals. Ready to kill their prey but as soon as they saw something extraordinarily frightening, they cowered like children before a lion. The grin behind Crash's mask was a promise to have their blood fall like rain. When they finally resumed their assault, the hissing of steam introduced another weapon. He pulled it out and aimed it at a monster that got a little too close for comfort in such a short amount of time.

"Clack Clack," Crash said, mimicking the sound of the weapon at the same speed it gave. "Boom!" The monster's head exploded in a pile of guts, blood, and other substances that he could not identify. So was the process of the battle from then on, as his Survivor's Steel cleaved through flesh and his shotgun produced empty shells without waste. Crash was still thinking of a name for the shotgun, as the symbols it was decorated with were unrecognizable. Probably buried in history. He wanted to give it a fitting name. Most of the things that came with the suit were a mystery to him, and his theory was that if he was able to shed some light on at least one or two things they he would be closer to unlocking its true potential. Whatever that was.

The efficiency of the weapons began to fail. The monsters had shown a sudden sign of intelligence by adapting to Crash's attack pattern. The shocking surprise sent him into a state of improvised thinking the slowed his actions long enough for the monsters to get the better of him. One latched onto his back, refusing to let go no matter how much shaking he did. Another latched on to his leg, then his arm. He swung his sword, missed, and had one latch onto that arm as well. The numbers increased and they began to rip away at his suit. "Gah!" He shouted with an irritated scowl before being pulled by some mysterious force.

He tumbled with the monsters until he began to use his thrusters to try and fight the force. He looked over his shoulder, monsters hanging on and being burned by the thrusters. Mr. Meteor's doing, he thought. Considering the power of Mr. Meteor's punches and the already afflicted damage of Crash's suit, there was no way in the highway to hell that he was going to survive if he was pulled into the flailing of said punches. Then Crash thought about using it so his advantage. Surely the monsters weren't fluent in the English language, right?

"Cover your eyes," he said with an amplified voice loud enough to hear for a city block. He fired a flash grenade towards the force of the pull. Closing his own eyes and running while using the thrusters to increase the power of his steps, Crash avoided certain death as the grenade exploded in a storm of brilliant light that would blind anyone or anything that did not take precautions. The monsters hanging onto Crash were either stunned by the flash of light, or burned by the heat of his thrusters. He disposed of them swiftly with a few swings of his Survivor Steel. Then he turned towards the main course: Several remaining monsters who wouldn't be able to see how many fingers they held up even if their hand was right in front of their face. He grinned again. A repeat of his promise.
Between the flash grenades, sliced limbs, shotgun blasts, gravity manipulation and earth-shattering punches, the monsters had no idea what had hit them. The cavern's ice-floor was now decorated with a slick coat of crimson with an added bonus of guts, spilled organs and missing limbs dotted here and there. With the sudden overwhelming defeat one of the remaining monster's, notable for its missing leg [courtesy of Suited Savior] made an shrieking scream. At first this might seem like random babble to the two heroes but suddenly the rest of the monster pack began to hastily retreat, "retreat" putting it kindly because they were sent screaming and running for their life's. Even the blind ones made a break for it, or at least tried to anyway. One of the poor, blinded, beasts just ran face-first into the wall finishing himself off. The few remaining frog-men-things which did make it to safety slid under the crevices in the ice wall, hiding in the ice beyond. 

Then the earth began to shake once more. Only this time, the heroes were in the eye of the storm. Large booming noises deafening at this distance could be heard and felt, making several cracks in the ice wall which make several shards rain down dangerously on the heroes. In the wall, two large doors - which wouldn't of been recognized as such beforehand - would shoot open, inwards. The doors themselves were absolutely gigantic, made for a titan and added to the tremendous quaking of the Earth as the swung open. In massive, looming, corridor beyond the doorway was nothing but darkness. Nothing could be seen from it, only heard as the large booms which came from the darkness beyond became louder and louder with every second. Footsteps. Titan footsteps. The emergence of a dark and ancient evil. The fight had just begun.

The monster arrived: 300ft of pure nasty. First came the tentacles. Monstrous things, followed by the rest of its body. A verticle column shrouded in a watery aura. Its arms the size of small buildings each with hands big enough to reach the distance hole all the way at the top of the cavern. To top it off came the big ugly head. Wide, luminous yellow eyes and razor sharp, jagged teeth. It was ugly. It was looking straight at the heroes as it began to punch its fists down above them while screaming it's deafening, earth-breaking roar as it did so.
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Between the flash grenades, sliced limbs, shotgun blasts, gravity manipulation and earth-shattering punches, the monsters had no idea what had hit them. The cavern's ice-floor was now decorated with a slick coat of crimson with an added bonus of guts, spilled organs and missing limbs dotted here and there. With the sudden overwhelming defeat one of the remaining monster's, notable for its missing leg [courtesy of Suited Savior] made an shrieking scream. At first this might seem like random babble to the two heroes but suddenly the rest of the monster pack began to hastily retreat, "retreat" putting it kindly because they were sent screaming and running for their life's. Even the blind ones made a break for it, or at least tried to anyway. One of the poor, blinded, beasts just ran face-first into the wall finishing himself off. The few remaining frog-men-things which did make it to safety slid under the crevices in the ice wall, hiding in the ice beyond. 

Then the earth began to shake once more. Only this time, the heroes were in the eye of the storm. Large booming noises deafening at this distance could be heard and felt, making several cracks in the ice wall which make several shards rain down dangerously on the heroes. In the wall, two large doors - which wouldn't of been recognized as such beforehand - would shoot open, inwards. The doors themselves were absolutely gigantic, made for a titan and added to the tremendous quaking of the Earth as the swung open. In massive, looming, corridor beyond the doorway was nothing but darkness. Nothing could be seen from it, only heard as the large booms which came from the darkness beyond became louder and louder with every second. Footsteps. Titan footsteps. The emergence of a dark and ancient evil. The fight had just begun.

The monster arrived: 300ft of pure nasty. First came the tentacles. Monstrous things, followed by the rest of its body. A verticle column shrouded in a watery aura. Its arms the size of small buildings each with hands big enough to reach the distance hole all the way at the top of the cavern. To top it off came the big ugly head. Wide, luminous yellow eyes and razor sharp, jagged teeth. It was ugly. It was looking straight at the heroes as it began to punch its fists down above them while screaming it's deafening, earth-breaking roar as it did so.

As the cave began to shift Mr.Meteor floated into the air to avoid the rumbling. Fortunately he had nervously looked up in fear of a cave in, seeing the shards of frozen lake falling down he created a field of strong reverse gravity above the heroes stoping the ice and causing it to fall back into place with enough force to seal them back into the ice above. 

Then the doors slammed open and the source of the roar came crawling out of the doorway. "Holy crap your ugly!!!" Avery would exclaim. Seeing the monsters fist coming for the heroes, Mr. Meteor would densify his body to its highest possible level and fly to meet the Giants blow... A huge mistake, the beasts fist was harder than he had thought, the vibrations rippled through him and he was launched like a meteor into the cave floor sinking about a dozen feet into the stone. 

"Ow." He would gasp from his hole as he tried to catch his breath. His ears were ringing and he was a bit dizzy. As he put his hand to his head to alleviate the ringing he would notice a wetness, feeling his face he would locate a split in his eyebrow that was bleeding quite a bit. Anger would wash over him pushing the dizziness aside. He busted out from his crater looking at the monster with green glowing eyes. "Guys you alright?" He would ask hoping to hear from them but not taking an eye off the monster. 

That hurt...a lot. That's no good, the other wouldn't survive a direct blow like that...

He would think to himself as he plotted.

bracing himself to dodge the next blow. 

@Joonster @Naloth

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