• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ▸firdaus◂ — [islanders]



F I R D A U S.
Nickname: (opt.)
Role: ('member' if not a specified role in the clan)
Faceclaim: (realistic only)

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Distinguishing Features:
Body Mods:

Vices: (5+ with brief descriptions or in paragraph form)
Virtues: (5+ with brief descriptions or in paragraph form)
Strengths: (3+)
Weaknesses: (3+)
Likes: (opt.)
Dislikes: (opt.)
Sentiments towards the other clan: (friendly, passive, or hostile to the other clan, with a brief description why)

Occupation/specialization in the clan:
Reason for fleeing to Firdaus:
How long they've been on Firdaus:

Weapon of Choice: (remember: no guns in Firdaus)
Residence: (a cabin in the woods, a tent in one of the town centers, etc.)
Theme Song: (opt.)
MBTI type: (opt.)
Enneagram type: (opt.)
Alignment: (opt.)
Other: (opt.)
Relationships: (opt.)


  • name. dayyaan atif bukhari

    nickname. day

    age. 36

    sexuality. bisexual ("but i mean, i'll try anything once.")

    gender. cis male

    clan. shati

    role. leader

    faceclaim. kunal thakur

    eyes. dark brown

    hair. dark brown

    height. 6' 2"

    weight. 194 lbs

    build. muscular and toned—not quite bulky, but not quite lean.

    body mods. Several ear piercings and tattoos (right ankle, right upper arm, left arm, left thigh covering scar)

    dist. features. A freckle on his neck and a scar on his left thigh from a bullet wound

    ailments. A perpetual nervous tick, due to his severe insomnia

    attire. x x x x x
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classified keep out classified keep out classified


The current leader of the Shajara tribe after challenging and killing the previous leader. A harsh but efficient leader, Akua inspires a healthy dose of fear and respect from many of her clan members. Born on the island of Firdaus 33 years ago, to the former lead warrior and a hunter.




160 lbs



hair color

light brown

skin tone

dark brown


Cynthia Addai-Robinson


Imposing, figure that takes up space wherever she may be. There is something that radiates from her, a type of intense energy that makes some uneasy. The same type of energy that comes with the anticipation, the feeling of something predator watching from the shadows. There is cruelty behind dark brown eyes, a promise of violence that shimmer beneath the surface. They are only made worse by a face that is often frowning, snarling, grinning in a way that animals bear their teeth. She knows that she is a sight to see, tall and with a physique that speaks of hard work and training. Muscles sculpted from years of training and being pushed to their limits. Her skin, shaded brown by the sun, is covered in markings of her victories and failures. Scars little the flesh and she wears them with pride.










It is said that when Akua was born, she was born fighting. Little limbs had jerked and swung while her war cries pierced the room, threatening to deafen those who had ripped her from comfortable darkness. The baby grew into a little terror, a fierce thing who bared teeth more than she smiled. No one was safe from her ambushes, her prowling as she hid in and behind trees for the perfect chance to strike. The child grew into a teen and then into a woman. Of course, she aged just as those around her but her mannerisms were largely the same. But with age came refinement, with practice came success. Akua is no longer that skinny child, all long limbs and knobby knees.

It is no secret that there is a darkness within her, something monstrous that rattles at the cages she keeps it in., it’s in the way her gaze is unwavering and piercing, in the way she grins at the whisper of violence. There is nothing comforting about her and she offers nothing to set people at ease when they look at her and see her dark eyes staring back. It’s hard to imagine such a being in a leadership position yet her people admire her for her honesty. Akua is known for her cruelty yet also known for her fairness, the juxtaposition is not lost on her.

Her clan is known for their brute-like ways and it is true, Akua violence does come to her easily. But she is by no means brainless. Though her brawn can blind her, there is a cunning streak within her. She does indeed prefer actions over words but Akua is just as capable at planning, plotting. It’s easy to surprise people using the cover of some violent, mindless thing. Her dark eyes are always watching, searching for a sign of weakness to latch onto with claws as sharp as any blade.

For all of her faults, Akua does care about her clan in her own way. She has no problem with discarding those who put them in danger or force her hand, but the community is like an extended family to her. She has their best interest in mind even if it doesn’t seem like it. Akua is there to make the hard choices, even if she’s not agreed with.

Fighting Prowess: Akua spent many of her days training with her warrior mother. Her mother would tell her daughter stories of battles that she’d fought. She did not hold back because Akua was young, she pushed her daughter to her breaking point many times in the past in hopes of her taking her position one day.
Jungle Navigation: Knows the jungle like the back of her hand, having spent much of her time within. Akua would get purposely lost in order to discover new things and find ways back home. The journeys would sometimes end in injuries, but she continued to do it .
Observant/Astute: Her dark eyes seem to pick up the smallest details, from a nervous tic to a shifting of the eyes. Akua is fully aware of her surroundings at all times and has a way of seeing through people. It is not easy to fool her, though she may play along. Akua is suspicious by nature and seems to be able to get a feeling when someone isn’t being truthful with her.

Brutality: It is no secret that Akua is as violent as many of those within her clan. This violence shimmers just below the surface, itching to be free. It can cause her to forget her humanity, it’s thirst for blood can blind her at the worst of times.
Conservative: Akua is a stubborn, stubborn woman who is against most change. Once her mind is made up it’s hard to get her to change it. This very trait of hers is why she tends to argue with her advisor (and likely give them a headache). She believes that she knows what is best for her clan and isn’t afraid to play the bad guy to achieve it.
Strength: While Akua is strong, she is by no means superhuman and is weaker than other members of her clan. Akua relies on speed and agility, striking fast and accurately to wear her enemies down.

Likes: sparring sessions, hunting games, hot springs, dragon fruit, getting her hair braided, feasts, celebrations
Dislikes: disrespect, disloyalty, outsiders, losing, mind games, beating around the bush
Fears: Akua is scared of change, what it would mean for her clan. Deep down she does care for them, she fears that with more outsiders being let in it may one day spell doom for the island. Yes they kill those who try to leave but who is to say that they don’t tell others before they arrive.
Sentiments towards the other clan: yihana scoffs at the way they beat around the bush, scheme and manipulate in underhanded ways like cowards. Though skilled at their craft, they are soft like the underbelly of a wild boar. She doesn’t trust the outsider that they call a leader, doesn’t believe that he has their best interest in mind. But she has her own clan to worry about.

shajara leader


weapon of choice
a machete that has been lengthen for a wider reach. Twin daggers hidden in her clothes.

chaotic neutral (?)


Akua lives within the Shajara Town Center, within a treehouse that overlooks it.



She remember running through the jungle on bare feet, chest heaving and legs burning as the being behind her closed in. Each time she got a little first, her stamina increased with each sprint through the dense brush. In the end, she was tackled and caughted. Little Akua squirmed as her mother squeezed her tight. She remembers her teasing voice clearly, telling her daughter that she needed to be quicker.

Her childhood on Firdaus centered a lot around the concept of pushing herself, of being better, being stronger. It was why she would willingly get lost within the forest, why she fought and trained until her body. She wanted to be strong, just like her parents were. Their words of wisdom were taken to heart. Akua would make them proud if it was the last thing she did.

Her days on Firdaus were not always filled with training. There were days where she sparred with other children, playing war and games of predator vs. prey with those her age. They would secretly listen in as the adults sent them away and spoke of adult matters, scrambling when someone made a sound. Yes, her days were also filled with fun and other childhood wonder.

Akua has always been a feral little thing, growing hardened and strong just like her parents wanted her to be. So when she lost her mother in war, she did not shed a tear. Of course she had mourned her but her eyes remained bone dry as she was buried. Her mother had always told her that it was a family tradition to celebrate the dead, that death was not something to be feared and so Akua celebrated.

It was never in her plans to become leader. She had been raised to follow in her mother’s footsteps after all, but something happened. The current leader, an outsider who had killed the previous leader as soon as they’d arrived, began making decisions that put her people at risk. Akua stepped up, killed them gleefully and took the throne for herself. And she has continued to rule, undefeated and not run against ever since.



coded by xayah.ღ
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  • Ivy
    Shajara Clan Healer/the slightly less rabid one






    • basics

      Shajara Clan Medic


      Lauren Babic and Jordan Radvansky

      full name

      Ivannah Anaphora Cousland


      Ivy, Doc




      Pansexual (Male Leaning)


      Cisgender Female

      date of birth

      May 4th

      clan role


      Reason for Fleeing

      Angry Mafioso Ex-Fiancé

      Time Spent Here

      10 years

    ♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡
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Lee Jae Rim
member - blacksmith

with hidden scroll

  • hair color: black
    eye color: dark brown
    height/weight: 6 ft | 143 lbs
    distinguishing features: messy hair and charming smile
    body mods: NA
    ailments: NA
    attire: he prefers comfortability over style ; simple shirt, jeans or khaki shorts, jogging pants | gloves and leather apron when he's working
    x x x

    faceclaim: Park Hyung Sik
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Name: Neniiyah Diwata Mañalo
Nickname: Nen, Neni
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Clan: Shati
Role: Adviser
Faceclaim: Chloe Blanchard

Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Coal
Height/Weight: 5'8" and 130lbs
Distinguishing Features: Freckles and moles. A scar under her bottom lip from a childhood incident.
Body Mods: Two piercings in her left ear only, usually occupied by a pair of small, simple gold hoops.
Ailments: None
Attire: Comfortable, simply designed cottons. Woven blankets as shawls on particularly gusty evenings on the beach.

Vices: Antisocial, blunt, inexpressive, boring, lonely.
1. Antisocial. Her professionalism and thick skin has led to social awkwardness in casual situations. She can talk her way out of a war but making small talk with peers? One would think she had never interacted with another person her age before.
2. Blunt. Nen does not sugar coat anything. Even if her voice is sweet, her words will surely be straight forward.
3. Inexpressive. Otherwise known as a serious case of RBF. Most of the time, she is either very focused or very serious, and while her thoughts wander she has this characteristic side-eye expression that surfaces. Contrary to popular belief, Neni can actually smile, though it is rare. Consider it a treat to see her teeth.
4. Boring. Lack of expression, "mundane" hobbies, and thick skin gives off the impression that there is little in the world she is actually passionate about. It can be difficult to find things in common with a person who very rarely talks about her personal life.
5. Lonely. After her father passed away, she completely devoted herself to helping her mother and her studies. Nen didn't make many friends through childhood, being such a serious kid, and once her mother remarried and had more children, she felt like she had begun to lose that close connection and be pushed more to the outside of her very small social circle. Making friends doesn't come easily, as much as she wants them.
Virtues: Loyal, level-headed, diverse perspective, reliable, intelligent.
1. Loyalty; first to family, then to her clan, then to her clan leader. In her position of Adviser, meeting the needs of the people is her number one priority. While she might not be so good at expressing it, she does really care that there is prosperity.
2. Level-headed. It takes a lot to shake her up. Even in the face of an argument she is able to maintain her composure. Logic and reason are ingrained in the way she thinks and acts; it would take an incredible threat to break that cool demeanor.
3. Perspective. Being raised by a hardworking fisherwoman and a scholar has blessed her with a unique and diverse understanding of the island's dynamics. She knows what it means to get her hands dirty, as well as how powerful words and knowledge can be.
4. Reliable. She leaves no project nor promise left unfulfilled. Regardless the endeavor, Neni can be trusted to completely see it through to the best of her ability. She may be more conservative about making promises because she values them so much, but those that she does are sure to be honored.
5. Intelligent. Her mother is wise with experience and her father was a dedicated scholar. She inherited his desire for knowledge and the discipline it took to use it properly.
Strengths: Diplomacy, handwriting, stronger than she looks
Weaknesses: Socializing, liquor, love, naivety
Likes: Constellations, fruits and veggies, wading, children, organization
Dislikes: Small talk, baseless arguments, chaos, birds
Fears: Drowning, seagulls
Aspirations: Maintaining peace between clans, and perhaps becoming a mother.
Sentiments towards the other clan: "The Shajaran people are skilled in many things beyond my comprehension. We depend on each others' uniqueness in the same way we depend on the earth beneath our feet. "

Occupation/specialization in the clan: Adviser to the Clan Leader, otherwise fishing.
Hometown: Firdau
Family: Mother - Fernanda Antiwa
Father (deceased) - Abrillo Luoska Mañalo
Step-father - Kyros Ciapriani
Step-siblings - Gianni Ciapriani (9) and Nina Norella Ciapriani (7)
Reason for fleeing to Firdaus: Her maternal grandmother fled the Philippines after she was discovered participating in espionage, leading to a warrant for her arrest under multiple counts of treason. Not much else of her history is known because she was a very serious and secretive woman, even to those closest to her.
How long they've been on Firdaus: Neniiyah is third generation Shati, with her grandmother having come to the island. On her father's side, his family had been present on the island for many years. Neither grandparent is alive, but she does have an aunt, uncle, and a single cousin in Shati who is a few years younger.
History: Neniiyah Diwata Mañalo had always been a serious child - a tomboy - largely uninterested in playing mindless games or eating worms. Uninterested even in learning weaponry and battle skills like some others. For Nen, it was the worlds she could explore in tidal pools and on hillsides at sunset, and the adventures her father invited her on through stories. She liked the quiet of the stars and how the waves echoed at night. Other kids would say she was boring and leave her alone, but she was having a fine time anyway just on her own. That being said, the girl knew how to fight. She didn’t inherit her mother’s strength, despite her size, for nothing. When it came down to defending herself or her family she was, as a concerned onlooker had once put it, “certainly capable”. These days, Neniiyah would be hard pressed to raise a fist against another. A learned pacifist and exceptional scholar, her strength remains reserved for hauling in fishing nets or rowing dinghies around for her mother.

Choosing books over brawn is a lingering effect from the hours spent in her father’s study. He was a scholar, educator, and advisor throughout her childhood and being by his side held a wealth of knowledge - knowledge that a somewhat scrawny, slight, friendless child could dive into with reckless abandon when she didn’t have nor care for the company of others.

Nen idolized her father. She loved her mother dearly, of course, and learned more about the physical world and environment through her, but she was wholeheartedly her father’s daughter. It was devastating when he passed. A hidden, chronic illness took him when Nen was only 11 and for a while she despised the world. She became even more withdrawn, speaking sparingly, and burying herself for hours - days on end in the library he left behind. It was as though she might find some answer there about why he had to leave her if she just looked a little harder. His death was difficult on her mother as well, although she was able to find the same comfort in community as Neniiyah did in her books.

Gradually, she opened up again. Still unsociable, but significantly more eager and willing to contribute. She spent most of her time either working with her mother in the sea and shorelines, or reading, learning, roaming. Her heart had softened in the loneliness from his death so, while she rarely smiled, it was obvious she appreciated the lives of others more deeply.

When Neniiyah was 17 her mother remarried. Kyros Ciapriani is a nice man. She doesn’t call him father, even now, but they get along well. She can admire the life he brought back to her mother’s eyes, and allowed her to expand the family she hadn’t gotten a chance to. At 18, and again at 20, Nen became an older sister. It was difficult to adjust to this new, fresh life at first, especially when she was so far along in her own, but she soon cherished them more than anything else. She adores them - Gianni and Nina - and is extremely protective over them, sharing her knowledge when they’ll listen, but there is always this lingering feeling that she has to work especially hard now to keep her place in her family. It is a bit lonely at time, she has found.

It would be lovely to participate in a family of her own someday. Her parents deserve to be grandparents. As of present, however, there is no particular romantic prospect in mind. Her work is her life, as cliché as that sounds. How could someone trouble their minds with romance and children when there was tension and potentially trouble on the horizon anyhow? Certainly, she could not… definitely not. The way she wistfully gazes out at the sea is no indication whatsoever that she is stressed by aging, still alone.

Weapon of Choice: Fists/Grappling
Residence: A cabana toward the outskirts of the Shati town center on its coastal side. Her mother's home on the coast is nearby. A full quarter of her home is inhabited by books and papers, neatly packed onto shelves as well as in piles throughout.
Theme Song: Crab rave (for legal reasons this is a joke)
Enneagram type: 1
Alignment: Lawful neutral
1. The incident she had as a child resulting in the scar on her chin was due to slipping on coastal rocks when she was exploring tide pools. It wasn't a serious accident, but it left its mark permanently. She worries that it makes her look more intimidating than she is, although nobody actually thinks that. Despite not being very social she is well-liked and respected.
2. Nen is multilingual. Her mother maintained the language of her mother's home country - Filipino, as well as English, Spanish, and a little bit of Japanese.
Relationships: TBD

If you've made it this far, have a treat! Believe it or not, Nen does actually know how to smile.
Rare as desert rain but just as delightful.

Neniiyuh Tawan Mañalo
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Every moment passes like a wave to the beach

touch the surf



full name

kiki petera.


just kiki.




april seventh.





lonely for you

georgia greene




six foot two.


175 lbs.

hair c.

dark brown with golden highlights from working in the sun. reaches six inches past his shoulders.

eye c.

piercing, chocolate brown.

distinguishing features

he's got a tiny bald spot above his right temple, but you can't see it unless he ties his hair tightly back.

body mods

crude tattoo of a fishhook on top of his right foot; pierced ears.


none current.


x x x x


ruanui dalton.



Ask his grandmother; she'll tell you that Kiki is the most polite, intelligent person she's ever met. Despite her bias, she isn't wrong. Kiki was raised from infancy to respect those around him despite their differences and no matter the circumstances, and with a naturally empathetic personality, he seeks to meet people where they are and imagine himself in their shoes. He can be rather quiet, but it isn't very difficult to draw him out of his shell when the right people are around, and he's got a quick sense of humor that strangers can be surprised by. However, Kiki is also a bit of a pushover. He strives to serve others, even if it means putting himself at a disadvantage, and he has trouble saying "no." He's been convinced to make some bad decisions in the past because it was what his friends were doing.
But there's a secret about himself that Kiki strives to hide from his grandmother: he is insufferably lazy and will do whatever it takes to avoid work whenever he can. They say that lazy people work smarter, but that isn't really the case with Kiki. He's clumsy and untidy, and when others try to push him, he easily gets frustrated, and since he hates confrontation, he'd rather walk away than try to fix things.


fast reflexes; high fishing skill; good with animals


low pain threshold; always seems to have an unrequited crush


mist on the beach; anything pineapple flavored; gets along well with horses; freckles; casual touches


fishing duty, but it seems like that's all he's good at; reading; people who talk about "duty" or "responsibility; reptiles, especially snakes


gets nervous around children; strong storms


to get off fishing duty; find true love

sentiments toward shajara

Kiki claims disinterest in clan politics, but the death of his parents is the source of general distrust toward anyone non-Shati strangers.



Kiki is a fourth generation shati clanmember. his great grandparents came to firdaus as refugees seeking a better, simpler life. The petera's have always belonged to shati, claiming that saltwater runs in their veins, and that only cowards hide in the jungle.
Kiki's childhood was generally unremarkable. He was an energetic child that always came home with a new bruise or scrape, and his father passed on his knowlede of fishing to him. When he was fifteen, both of his parents were by Shajaran warriors in a border dispute, and while he claims the event doesn't affect who he is now, he still bears deep-seated distrust of Shajarans. His maternal grandmother took guardianship over him and his younger brother,Nnapo, and Kiki continues to live with her, now offering care to her in her old age.
Kiki and Napo's relationship deteriorated after their parents' death. While neither brother truly healed, Napo, who had had a very strong bond with his mother, quickly turned bitter and violent, refusing to let either his older brother or his grandmother have any say in how he chose to live his life. Napo has been in and out of solitary confinement, which have not improved his mental health, and is currently in the communal Firdaus prison.
Kiki does not talk about Napo unless asked about him, and feels only sorrow at his brother's condition. He feels as though he ought to do something to help him, but Napo wants nothing to do with him.


shati fisherman




erepu petera—father, deceased.
ie petera—mother, deceased.
napo petera—younger brother, alive.
ivana beck—maternal grandmother, alive.





napo petera

FC: Paing Takhon
There isn't much of a relationship to speak of. Napo grew solitary and embittered after his parents' death, immediately lashing out at those who were closest to him, namely Kiki. Not only does he hate Shajara, he blames Shati for not being strong enough to protect his parents, and thus as he grew more violent, it was toward the members of his own tribe, especially toward the lead warrior at the time. Kiki just wants a normal family again and is willing to forgive his brother, but every visit to the tribe prisons ends the same: Napo refuses to speak with him.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



weapon of choice

trident, although if he's being honest, he's better at spearing fish than people.


in a palm-roof shack within the town center.

mbti type



- can't whistle
- would rather be cold than hot
- wants more tattoos but his grandmama would kick him out if he did
- usually gets crushes on people who hate him, which is currently the case
- can't tell the difference between indigo and violet
- love language is physical touch
- play with his hair
- he needs a hug
- seriously

♡coded by uxie♡
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Shati Medic

full name

Saphielle Naevys


Saph, Gem, or Vys


20 years old

gender + sexuality

Female + Bisexual


Cairns, Australia


September 21



  • hair

    Ebony black with a blue inky sheen when sun hits it just right, wavy and silky to the touch. Her hair reaches her knees and she often wears it in a braid or loose pony.


    Almond-shaped, color is a mercury-dipped silver blue

    height + weight

    five feet even, 100 lbs.

    body mods. ,ailments, and attire

    N/A - but has a limp on her left ankle from an old injury she ended up getting. When it comes to clothes she likes to wear skirts with slits up to her knees which allow her to go into the water to hunt, tank tops/crop tops, and very simple sandals or tennis shoes for shoes though she prefers barefoot.


    Jessica Green

♡coded by uxie♡

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Ryu Sun-Min
  • i
    full name
    Ryu Sun-Min
    Sunny, Min
    date of birth
    November 12
    what's gender
    Japanese-American and Korean-American
coded by natasha.
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  • sahil 'rihaan'




    sept 18th

    cis. male

    gujarati indian



    6' 2
    185 lbs

    blood type

    dev patel


    inky curls are often combed away from his head—sahil tries his best to keep it from falling in his face, but with high temperatures and humidity on the island, tendrils of his hair fall tickling his forehead. since arriving to the island, his hair has continued to grow far longer than what he was used to inthe americas, but he usually tries to keep the length above his shoulders.


    he carries the abyss of the night sky within his eyes—midnight black and void, sahil’s eyes are always analyzing, looking, searching for the things everyone else can’t seem to see.


    the top segment of his pinky on his left hand is missing, not that quite noticeable unless you’re looking for it. sahil mostly tells people it was a childhood accident but truthfully he received it on his first ever assignment on the job.

    body mods

    modifications of the body make you stand out therefore sahil has none.


    pay close attention to the gait of sahil, and there you may find a slight limp in his step. it doesn’t interfere with his daily activities, and responsibilities but the limp puts a tire on stamina when overexerting himself.


    with little interest in clothes, or his appearance much less, sahil wears nothing remarkable. to him, a simple pair of shirt, pants and the same shoes he’s wore for years works just as fine as any other outfit. yet, he’s begun to branch out of a closet filled with dark clothes due to attracting unnecessary heat and has started to wear more ‘’colorful,’ things.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
© weldherwings.
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  • anurak chaiyasing







    lead warrior



    blood type
    star sign



    sleek, dark brown/black and very long. he often wears it tied back with a few pieces escaping and framing his face.


    dark brown

    dist. features

    a few light freckles scattered across his face and neck.

    body mods

    pierced ears, arrow tattoo on his tricep and a tiger sak yant tattoo on his back


    bad knees and ankles


    mostly ripped jeans, board shorts and muscle tees. shirts and jeans are usually dark colors while board shorts are light.

    face claim

    jeff satur

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
© weldherwings.
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Lead Warrior

anathema se
Yiannis Kotsiras

I am but an extension of those in power, a weapon they may use to strike down their foes.

NAME: Idris Adamos
NICKNAMES: iddy [reserved], fish head [casual]
AGE: 31 years old
GENDER: Cis-male
CLAN: Shajara
ROLE: Lead Warrior

: A host of deeply shaded browns it often can be seen passing the shoulder length, ties and small decorations of gold woven into the locks during particularly lengthy periods.
EYE COLOR: A brown that attracts and warns, a warrior's smile that reaches not into its depths.
HEIGHT: 6'4" [195 cm]
WEIGHT: 210 lbs
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: an old scar runs from his right temple back to the nape of his neck, typically hidden by lengths of hair but occasionally visible with shorter cuts.
BODY MODS: Three golden loops adorn both ears, a delicate chain connecting the top loop to the bottom, missing out on the middle. A single tattoo of his last name spelled out in Greek rests on the lines of his left ribcage, an inking in a dark cerulean.
AILMENTS: With a growing age and the length of time spent as a warrior he finds his lower back to convulse more often, an issue most prevalent within the privacy of the early mornings but a painful one when it occurs.
ATTIRE: A warrior in both heart and mind he can often be seen wearing what seems to be a convincing replication of armor stylized by the Greco-Roman period of time. Extensive hours poured into the armor with the historical knowledge allows him to wear such gear with pride, ignoring the claims that it could only ever be 'too hot'.

When not within a sphere of labour he is commonly dressed in a loose pale shirt, a material native to the island that also makes up the more bohemian-like pants. His shoes are handmade of leather in the style of paxeia, a comfort forgone on the rare escapes he makes to the sandy beaches of Firdaus.

Imagine sunshine meeting an immovable wall. The smile on his face radiates warmly, a distinct contrast to the willingness of allowing vermillion to splatter across his visage. He moves with the grace of a lion prowling protectively about his pride, a consistently firm grip on his weapon being more than a show of power as the pulling at his lips flashes that smile once more.

His demeanor is warm and his teachings firm, the styles of an ancient civilization taught in his quick movements and thrusting arms. Years of study have honed his abilities, a knowledge that he willingly passes onto the able-bodied members of the Sharjara, an encouragement to stay fit and prepared for 'the unknown'.

Idris' life has finally become the adventure story he always craved for and it shows in his enthusiasm for the jungle life. Whether given the tasks of hunting or attending a social gathering in between he takes what is given seriously, the air of playfulness only secondary to the swelling sense of responsibility.

There is no issue that pauses the man in his way within the view of the public eye. As the sun sets and the moon rises however, he is quiet, a smile that fades into a look of reflection. His home is quiet and stilled, the sounds of the jungle and the life outside the only breathing outside of his own. A hand drags along the ground once more, the patterns he draws wiped away with time. It is quiet, it is cold, and the smile that warms is faint.

He is quiet, he is cold.

STRENGTHS: His  devotion to those around him peak as one of his strengths. The endless desire to protect and nurture seen in the fearless demeanor of the lead warrior for the Shajara. His sense of adventure is never far behind, either. Rushing through his veins he never balks at the challenges presented to him and rushed forward to face what arises, laughing mockingly at the sun. It is his  strength, however, that defines his role within the clan and the found purpose within his life. A dominating foe to the forces of nature and man he is quick to learn techniques and even quicker to execute them. Ruthless all with a smile on his face he excels at the job he has been elected to and craves nothing more than to prove his worth for a lengthy period of time.
WEAKNESSES: Despite the movements and the thrusting of spears, Idris, like all of mankind, is subject to the strains of age. He can feel each year as the trainings begin to get tougher with the younger warriors moving just as quickly if not faster. Still in his prime he fights tooth and nail to keep a sense of respect but his fear of age holds him back with each passing day. As admirable as it can be, his sense for adventure can come as a crutch with a lacking sense of boundaries. His inability to not rashly dive headfirst into conversations and confrontations have caused trouble for the Greek man since stepping foot onto the island. Lastly it is his inability to admit to his own emotions that cause pain to the man. Unable to sort through relationships and friendships he often finds himself giving the short end of the stick into his own hands by the end of day.
LIKES: The scent of the sea, petrichor, sunlight streaming through leaves, honey on bread, the sweat after a day of work, chances to show his battle skills.
DISLIKES: Returning home, the thought of those he left behind, stick in the mud types, crabs, the aftermath of a fight.
FEARS: A lifetime of fulfillment that ends in loneliness, losing the feeling of capability in his ability to fight well, the past life he left behind finding him again, normalcy, being anything but admirable to others
ASPIRATIONS: What Idris desires most of all is obtaining the longest standing servitude as lead warrior, a lengthy time spent living out the glory of adventure. This is only rivaled by a hidden desire to have someone to share that achievement with, a distance put between himself and others on an intimate emotion level that has caused damage over the years.
RIVAL CLAN SENTIMENT: A member of Shajara for over a decade now he has grown fond of those he calls his brethren, a protective stance only doubled with the appointment to lead warrior in the tribe. A responsible man now he distrusts that intentions of the Shati, a sentiment only seen behind closed doors and the tightened grip on weapons in their presence.

weapon of choice
any weapons of the sea, easily exchangeable for a spear [more common]

: Lead Warrior of the Shajara Clan
HOMETOWN: The Americas.
FAMILY: Father [unknown status], Mother [unknown status], Grandfather [unknown status]
Adventure had pulled at Idris like the wind on his sails, inflating a curious mind with each guest further away from the shore. So stretching were his arms, so long the ambition that it was only a matter of time before the winds of fate swept him too far to return. A tempest dragged him from the shore of his home, from the life he had already been so eager to leave behind for the sake of breathing something new.

He remembers the warmth of the sun trickling through verdant leaves, the scent of grapes wafting through the air like the caress of a lost love begging for reprieve. The dirt beneath his feet smoothened with each step as he ran across the cobblestone pathways and through the air of his ancestral home. Arms were spread wide to welcome the wind that carried him forward and then ... it stopped.

A suburbia home with eggshell curtains and an AstroTurf lawn was all that awaited him each time he returned from the whitewashed home of his grandparents. It was the endless seconds, a ticking pull that dragged him spiraling downwards that grew the burning need for a change of scenery. The vacations simply weren't enough, a lessening amount of them through his teenage years only feeding into the fire that grew into his heart. He took to the waves as a means of escape, rigging his own boat by the age of thirteen and sailing out onto the freedom of the waves.

That was why when the waves seemed to drag him out further at the age of twenty he could only kiss the shoreline behind him goodbye before taking advantage of the change that was offered out to him. Lost at sea but found within his heart he drifted for weeks following the strengths of his youth before coming upon the white sands of his new home and facing the sharpened spears of his new family. The adventure he had longed for had finally come within grasping reach, the lust for a lifelong dream only peaking with the exploration of the lands around him.

SENIORITY: 11 Years Within Shajara

RESIDENCE: Within the town center as close to the training grounds as he could get.


idris adamos.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ
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shajara's menacing advisor, azat has taught himself the balance between bloodlust and harmony. though don’t be fooled by his almost to relaxed demeanor, azat is a shajara champion and his broken skulls tell of his victories.

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© weldherwings.

wip wap

eva gonzalez

eve, evie





fall out boy

compassionate - good listener - organized - loyal - trust-worthy - responsible

second-guesses herself - emotional - overwhelmed - distracted - defensive

eva is good at finding creative solutions that others might never think about - intelligent both in her ability to plan and her ability to craft new inventions for the clan

can get tunnel-vision and laser focus on something, forgetting to eat, sleep, etc - stubborn and refuses to admit when she is wrong

failure - hurting those she cares about - going back to civilization

to find a way to sell her inventions to the main land to bring prosperity to shajara - to one day become clan leader

sentiment towards shati
she thinks they're stupid and smelly.
you have the kind of heart that makes others strong.


135 lbs


espresso brown

mahogany brown

dist feat.
her wide smile

body mods
a few small tattoos

insomnia - PTSD - occasional carpel tunnel from working with her hands too long

breathable fabrics in neutral colors, like beige and army green. cargo pants.

lindsey morgan
background basics

Occupation/specialization in the clan: Craftsman / inventor / hunter.

Hometown: Juarez, Mexico.

Family: Alejandra Gonzalez (mother, disowned). Luis Gonzalez (father, deceased). Mario Gonzalez (stepfather, deceased).

Reason for fleeing to Firdaus: Wanted for several counts of murder, arms dealing, bank robbery.

Time on Firdaus: Five years.

TW: abuse, attempted sexual assault

When Eva was six her father died, leaving her mother a widow with no money to support their small family. Alejandra soon re-married a man named Mario, a selfish bastard, but his involvement in a local cartel meant he could protect and provide for them. Mario was an alcoholic, often physically and verbally abusing Alejandra, and especially Eva. Eva was exposed to a world of crime at a young age, but despite this tried to follow a straight path. She began working at a local repair shop to provide extra income for her family. The only good thing to come out of her childhood was a neighbor boy, Manuel. The two were close, Manuel's family often feeding the young girl when her own family could not, or simply would not, to punish her.

After years of mistreatment and several trips to the clinic with broken bones, Eva finally reached a tipping point when Mario tried to sexually assault her one night. When Eva was 17 she blew up the house with Mario inside it, knowing that her mother could collect insurance money and hoping that they could start a new life free from his terror. Instead, her mother panicked and called the local police to turn in her own daughter, which in turn alerted the cartel that Mario had been a apart of. With no choice but to flee, Eva ran off with help from Manuel.

Eva began a new career working for an arms dealer, La Grenouille, smuggling product off the coast for the highest bidder. It wasn't what she'd imagined herself growing up to do as a child, but she didn't have much of a choice. It was a dangerous profession, but Eva was both smart and ruthless enough to succeed in the arms dealing business. Under Grenouille's mentoring she excelled, learning the ins and outs of the trade and earning his trust and respect. She learned how to create explosives and tinker most machines.

When Alejandra developed cancer two years after she'd left, Eva returned to visit her hospital room with Manuel by her side. Her mother defended Mario and screamed for security, forcing Eva and Manuel to flee. The subsequent police chase killed Maniel with a bullet to the head, and Eva continued alone on foot. Her mother had turned her in not once, but twice, and the only person she trusted was now dead because of her.

Though still a fugitive, Eva tried to assume a new life by relocating to Italy under an alias. Since she had no real papers and couldn't work, Eva conspired with a gang to rob a bank. She posed as a hostage, and her new boyfriend Antoni led the robbery. Things took a turn for the worse when Antoni tried shooting the bank manager, resulting in Eva shooting him and the rest of the gang to save the hostages. The young woman once again managed to escape the law and fled to Firdaus, an island La Grenouille had once told her about.
swords - molotovs - traps
a treehouse in towards the edge of the town center where she can work into the late hours without disturbing anyone
here • here • keep going
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first msg
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December 4, 2092
Sun 0:00 PM
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coded by reveriee.
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Nolan Borden.

full name : nolan borden.
age : twenty-three.
gender : male.
sexuality : heterosexual.
clan : shajara.
role : member.
faceclaim : froy gutierrez.
hair : brown.
eyes : blue.
height : 5'10".
weight : 154 Ibs.
distinguishing features : freckles.
body mods : n/a.
ailments : n/a.
attire : worn-out basic tees, shorts, sweaters, and joggers.
- virtues :
: nolan is very good at picking up even the smallest of details. one of his personal belongings is a journal that is filled with all of his findings, including details of his fellow inhabitants that he finds to be interesting.
serious : he likes to put forth careful consideration into everything he gets himself into.
knowledgable : because of his journal and observant behavior, he knows more than meets the eye. he considers himself to be intelligent and well-informed.
loyal : there have been very few occasions in which he declared his loyalty to someone or something, but it is absolutely unbreakable when he gives it away.
independent : while he can work and cooperate with others, he is just as well off by himself.
- vices :
: once nolan sets his mind to something, he will do absolutely anything to ensure that he gets his way and become absolutely consumed by it.
hot-headed : his obsessive behavior tends to make him easily irritable and angry if something or someone gets in his way.
blunt : he typically likes to dance around the truth at times for his own amusement, but will give you a direct answer when asked—that is unless it involves anything personal.
mysterious : while he insists on knowing the life stories of others, he tends to keep his business to himself.
perfectionist : he likes to call it 'organized', but the behavior is slightly too obsessive to be considered that.
- strengths :
: it typically gives nolan an advantage to have information that others don't.
lean figure : his figure allows him to move faster and quieter.
articulate : he is a much better writer than speaker.
- weaknesses :
: nolan may lose his filter and say things that are offensive or bizarre.
obsessive : he lets his obsessions and desires control him at times, which can also lead to impulsive behaviors.
clumsy : his lean figure does not prevent him from stumbling, slipping, and falling from time to time.
- likes : reading, writing, fruit, rain, cloudy days, nighttime.
- dislikes : bitter foods, loud noises, humidity, blazing sun, fighting.
- fears : getting caught, people finding out about his crimes.
- sentiments towards other clan: passive, nolan doesn't see much to gain in acting either friendly or hostile towards them.
archive & misc.
occupation : collector & builder.
hometown : dallas, tx.
reason for fleeing to firdaus : wanted for murder.
how long they've been on firdaus : six months.
history :
There's nothing in Nolan's past that strikes out as unusual. In fact, he has the most basic and easy childhood story possible. He comes from a suburban family with happily married parents, two sisters, and a family dog. His grades were maintained well, and he was set for a good future. There was nothing in the world that made him happier than his long-term girlfriend, who he had been with since their sophomore year of high school. He did everything he possibly could to please her, including attending the same university. Many of their mutual friends saw their relationship as perfect and beautiful; however, it was far more toxic than anything else.

Nolan was completely obsessed with the girl he believed he was going to marry someday. Without her knowledge, he had often followed her around and invaded her privacy. This included hacking into her phone, sitting on the opposite end of a restaurant to see who she was eating with, and more. Things began to spiral out of control when he noticed she was getting closer to a classmate of hers. He would often create arguments over it, throw random tantrums, and even try to force her to feel guilty about it, but he still wanted to make her happy. In the end, he caught her in bed with her classmate. A few months were spent trying to work it out between the two, but he couldn't get over the feeling of betrayal.

He denies it every time it's brought up, but Nolan has plenty of evidence against him. In those few months he tried to maintain his relationship, the classmate he caught in bed with his girlfriend simply vanished. Nobody questioned Nolan, considering nobody believed he was capable of anything bad. It wasn't until the police discovered his body, burnt to a crisp and tied to a chair for display, that people began to worry. When they went to question Nolan, he was nowhere to be found. Instead, they found the body of his girlfriend with a slashed throat. The two had gotten into an argument after he confessed his sins to her, and he lost control.
weapon of choice : axe & daggers.
residence : a small, makeshift cabin that he built within the jungle.
other : nolan frequently runs his hands through his hair, plays with lighters and matches, insists on sitting in corners, chews on pencils and pens when concentrated, bounces his leg when nervous, has his own mini garden that he let's his clan members use.
relationships : tba.

coded by incandescent

Cis Male
PRIVACY: Kano prefers his own company above others and rarely divulges anything beneath the surface. From internal clan affairs to personal hobbies, He tells others very little beyond what is necessary
SYMPATHY: Kano rarely shares the feelings of other's distress. While allowing him to remain levelheaded, he finds himself involuntarily walled off from matching people's emotions
ALCOHOL: Kano finds comfort in the bottle, often turning to drink to drown negativity rather than truly processing it. A fact he desperately tries to hide from others.
WRATH: Kano's anger is a thing to behold, despite rarely surfacing. On the off chance he is pushed beyond frustration (a feat in and of itself) nothing will stop him from unleashing every bit of pent-up rage he has stored
HYPERFIXATION: Kano can easily get caught up in his pet projects, both material and relational.

DILLIGENCE: Once Kano begins something, he is set in finishing it. From brewing a new drink, village improvements, or diplomatic relations, he leaves nothing unfinished.
LOYALTY: When someone, or something, has entered Kano's inner circle, it becomes quite precious. His loyalty is unwavering to his clan, his friends, and unfortunately his drink.
VIGILLANCE: Nothing escapes Kano's sight or attention. Every plank and crop are accounted for, as well as every interaction and gesture.
CHARISMATIC: Though few know the nooks and crannies of Kano's person, many like him. His mystery is his charm, and his smile inviting.
PATIENCE: So lang as a plan is in motion, Kano can wait it out longer than most.

STRENGTHS: Innovation, strategy and diplomacy lie among the greatest skills Kano has. He tinkers with improvements across the village and carefully plans every action. And should he be unable to plan for it, best bet is he can talk his way out of it.

WEAKNESSES: While Kano can brawl with the best of them, he is not trained in any specific kind of martial art, but rather employs a combination of techniques he learned on the island. With that Kano is reluctant to make the final strike, if there is another option, he will likely vie for that. Kano also finds himself disassociating, a problem plaguing him since childhood, often found staring in the midst of work.

Fears: The underground has always scared Kano, which led him to the open waves of the sea. His other enemy lies in the sky, deathly afraid of heights, like airplanes. He prefers his feet at ground level, the air around him, and sea-breeze in his hair.

Aspirations: While many find control of the mainland to be the path to dominance and or peace, Kano's attention drifts east to Mahjul. He theorizes that the island's colonization would bring extra resources and more importantly, strategic dominance to the Shati.

Sentiments towards the other clan: Kano is less preoccupied with subjugating the Shajara rather than warding them off, seeing them as an unfortunate reality of life on Firdaus

Occupation/specialization in the clan: As Advisor Kano is typically neck deep in day to day operations of the clan, settling disputes and addressing various concerns considered too petty to bother the leader. Beyond his duties, Kano can be found on the southern coast near the harbor designing and repairing ships as well as acting as an amateur Brew master.

Hometown: Ketchikan, Alaska

Family: Father (Elliot Livingston), deceased
Mother (Ila Livingston), Alive
Sister (Nini Livingston), Alive

Reason for fleeing to Firdaus: As far as the clan is concerned Kano is a fleeing boat thief who wound up on firdaus by chance. The leadership of both clans, however, know the truth. Kano murdered his crew and pursuers in a blind dissociative rage. Rather than face the law and return to the mainland, he followed vague maps to the rumored Firdaus.

How long they've been on Firdaus: Ten years

Amongst the icy glaciers and frozen waters, hidden under grey skies and towering spruces, lies a neat little town called Ketchikan along Alaska's inside passage. Half of the year is spent placating the bustling tourist industry, whilst the other sees many men go out into the waters to fish. This is the cycle, day in, day out. The town works, it sleeps, it repeats. This never satisfied Kano. Born to an English father, Elliot, and an Inuit mother, Ila, Kanosak Livingston was not born out of any import. His family was not wealthy nor of great standing, and His parents often worried more about keeping the lights on rather than seek out any other kind of living. Kano always felt he was out of place, as if he were a small speck of unintentional paint on an otherwise dreary canvas. For the first 16 years of his life Kano did what was expected of him, going to school and cleaning the house each and every day. He simply filled a role his parents and neighbors expected him too, just like any other child in Ketchikan. 16 years of this droning, zombie like march towards nothing hollowed out Kano's mind, disconnecting it from reality. Years of disassociation and inconsequential living corrupted his memories and left them to the void.

Kano's life didn't truly begin until his father's ended. A heavy dose of harsh reality seemingly woke him up to the world around him, his eyes open to the suffering of his mother, desperately trying to keep food on the table after his father's passing. Suddenly the march became insufferable, and the suffering unacceptable. And so Kano took the fishing boat his father had left him and set out to do what the vast majority of Ketchikan couldn't, he was going to actually live. The first few months on the water yielded little return. He tried his hand at fishing, touring, hell he even considered piracy. But none of it compared to the success he found in smuggling goods across the Bering straits from Russia. It began with small trade goods, electronics and the like. However, it wasn't long before the stakes were raised, and his hull was filled with narcotics. At age 18 Kano was making more smuggling in Russian snow than nearly anyone in Ketchikan, maybe even the entire passage.

For the first time in his life, Kano was truly alive. His mother and sister could eat without the looming threat of bankruptcy. He could finally be more than that speck on the canvas, he could be the whole portrait made in his image. Kano was good at what he did, constantly creating new methods and routes to get from Russia to Alaska, so good in fact he began smuggling more than drugs. Kano soon elected to smuggle people. Many have heard of the wolves across the Mexican border, but very few knew about the shipping of whole families across the Bering Sea, at least not until Kanosak Livingston.

It didn't take long for both Russian and American enforcement to catch on to what he was doing. Drugs were easy. Simple. But people? People were much more complicated. By 22 Kano was moving upwards of 100 Russian citizens a week into US territory, a fact not lost to either government. As the heat rose, so did Kano's ambition and defiance, refusing to again be subjugated by any force beyond his own will. Unfortunately, this rage did little to save him when the DEA raided one of his shipments, he was personally escorting. As the agency closed in, he could feel his mind being suffocated again, his consciousness being reduced to an eye in the grey skies above, little more than an observer as Kano's body defended him.

When he returned to reality Kano was covered in blood, and by the state of the ship he couldn't tell if it was the passenger's, the agents, or his own. He heard nothing but the crashing of waves as he gazed upon the strewn bodies and scattered bullet casings. He threw over 20 bodies overboard the day he sailed for Firdaus; the tiny island he had heard rumored about at sea. He can still see each of their faces as he sleeps, feel the slippery blood between his fingers as he tossed them into the frozen water. When he finally arrived after days of hunger and thirst, the Shati took him into their harbor, and there he stayed. He built a house on the coast and worked on the boats and booze, establishing himself as a reliable ally to those on the island with an interest in either. Soon enough he was the Harbormaster of the Shati, overseeing every coastal operation they launched. When time came to elect the clan's newest advisor, his name was thrown in the ring by a dear friend and despite his own expectations, he won. Now he settles into his new role, slowly taking his eyes off the water to the rest of Firdaus.

Build: Toned and triangular, broad shoulders despite light musculature.

Hair: Long, wild and black

Eyes: Hazel.

Height: 5'10".

Weight: 178 lbs.

Distinguishing Features: A surgery scar along the left side of his neck

Attire: Typically, some heavily worn jeans with an equally worn linen or woven shirt, complete with and old pair of leather boots.

Face Claim: Luke Arnold

Weapons: As a man of practicality he keeps two large bowie knives on his person and is adept with a spear against both fish and men.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Residence: Kano lives in a small shack south of the Shati village center, devoid of any kind of luxury or special accouterment. In this shack he brews a kind of moonshine and tinkers with various ship and weapon designs.

© pasta
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  • name. Timéo Michel

    nickname. tim

    age. 30

    sexuality. asexual

    gender. cis male

    clan. shajara

    role. member

    faceclaim. Jamie Campbell Bower

    eyes. Blue

    hair. dirty blonde

    height. 6' 0"

    weight. 165 lbs

    build. lean

    body mods. no body mods

    dist. features. as vanilla and bland as they come

    ailments. physically? no, mentally, there's a lot to unpack

    attire. x x x x x
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