TV & Film Film Tropes and Cliches That Make You Cringe

I'm not trying to be that asshole who harps on twilight despite it not being even remotely relevant anymore, my gripes with this trope have nothing to do with that setting, but like modern au vampires and werewolves just... I don't understand why but I've never felt good about that trope of like "hiding society of monsters in plain clothes" trope when its vampires, werewolves, etc. Similarly Vampires vs Werewolves type tropes just make absolutely no sense to me. How did that even start? It just feels like such an arbitrary trope that gets strung out a lot for kinda creepy romance plots especially.

I understand. I have one vamp/lycan story that I love, but it's not like the usual material you see. At the height of the Twilight and Underworld franchises, my Rp friend Sunal had a similar bone to pick. He wanted to make a story that would serve as an example, within our community at that time, of how it can be done properly and without the romance and cheesiness. He recruited my help to make sure the plot was sound enough to justify the concept. I hadn't really entertained the meshing of the two prior to that. Over time I adapted my own version of it and it became one of my better stories on a conceptual level because it's about much more than vamps killing lycans.

I might be able to shed some light on the whole thing for you.

The reason they became so prominent is that both the vampire and lycan are not just monsters created for story telling.They are two of the only humanoid monsters that were feared as being real in ancient Europe. There were times when they both created paranoia and fear in a very real sense. Their mythology has become so thick and robust, that they are go-to concepts when telling stories about monsters and humans. The idea that they might actually exist in secret is birthed from trying to pin logic to it. If you want to tell a story about vampires, it's difficult to say they've always been here and everyone knows. They hunt us every night, and that's common knowledge. This would force the creator to create an alternate version of reality and society where it's man vs monster. This is generally not favorable. Instead people imagine that if vampries were real, they would be smart enough to protect their existence from mortals, because we tend to get pitchforky at times and destroy things we fear. With lycans the very same issues arise.

The usual material you see is just vampire and lycan, monster vs monster, skill set vs set, edgelord vs edgelord. But when done properly, these creatures can be so much more. They facilitate a story about human nature. The frailty of mortality, and the curse of immortality. There's actually a wealth of conceptual gold buried beneath these creatures, it's just rarely tapped into in Hollywood or RP. With A Legacy Written In Blood, the goal was to remind people that vampires and lycans can, and should be about far more than cheap thrills, sexual violence, and edgy conflict.
Archery-based classes having the lowest amount of physical strength. I trust that no noodly-armed elven femboy is making good use of a longbow, let alone being able to pull the string all the way back in the first place.

fat mood, as someone who does archery, people are always surprised it's really hard to pull back the string on my bow. Then I tell them it's only 30 pounds, and they're once again shocked about how differently it feels to pull something heavy in that manner vs just picking it up. (Then they insist they still want to fire it with a shaking arm and I basically have to hold it for them)
I hate when two good looking strangers meet in a film plot, initially seeming to hate one another, and over the course of several hours, or even a few days, fall madly, "give my life for him/her" in love.

I'm laughing as I'm writing this because it's so stupid. This is probably my biggest beef with screen writing.
Female characters physically attacking male characters for comedic effect and not suffering consequences. It makes my blood boil.
"She was not like other girls."

Also this. People who made these characters tried so hard to avoid gender stereotypes that they created another stereotype. Characters that have a mix of masculine and feminine traits without being ashamed of one or the other are so much better and more interesting.
'Nerdy, Geeky, Outcasts' Who are classified as 'ugly' and we are supposed to relate to but, are actually just good looking actors behind glasses or something like that.
'Nerdy, Geeky, Outcasts' Who are classified as 'ugly' and we are supposed to relate to but, are actually just good looking actors behind glasses or something like that.
I feel like everyone being conventionally attractive in live action tv/movies is a lot more justified than in cartoons, because if you apply for the role, you're sort of admitting that you're ugly.
Female characters physically attacking male characters for comedic effect and not suffering consequences. It makes my blood boil.

On a related note regarding double standards, Stalkers! Female characters that stalk male characters being portrayed as either harmless or romantic, while male stalkers are always portrayed as dangerous lunatics really gets on my nerves. The perfect exception to this of course is when the man and the woman are stalking eachother, which is kinda cute.
Characters referencing fiction in a way like "this isn't like in the movies!" "You read too many horror novels." Or anything similar in any media. I find that it completely breaks my immersion. By referencing that it's not a movie/book/comic it just make it super obvious to the viewer that it is one. I just don't get why this is so common, it's annoying af. Even worse if the whole premise of the movie is "unlike the comic books this is REAL" cough cough Unbreakable cough cough.
People touching things with their bare hands that they obviously shouldn't. CSI shows, and Sci-FI flicks (particularly ones with aliens) are the among the worst offenders too. Like bruh...

Any time the protagonist is outnumbered, and the enemies just stand there and attack one at a time. It makes me groan, without fail.
"All members of this species are female but they can reproduce with other members of their species" No, they're hermaphrodites. You just don't want to include male characters.

When the main character is about to push the button to stop the Big Bad and they don't do it as fast as possible. Just seeing them reach for it slowly or hesitate for a second sets me on edge. But if they stop to celebrate or give a speech? Fuck you, you deserved it when you got ambushed at the last second. I'm rooting for the evil team now because they don't waste time.
Male Lead: Hi! I got friend zoned in highschool/a week ago/whatever the fuck. I learned girls don’t like a softie. Now I’m gonna be a total asshole and get rich quick and have all the babes. But wait, female lead likes the old me? HANG ON. I’m going to redeem myself in the last 15 minutes of the movie after being a douche bag for 89% of the movie and having no redeeming features.

Female Lead: I’ll always love you, male lead. My entire purpose as a character is to prop you up. teeheee

fuck off
Male Lead: Hi! I got friend zoned in highschool/a week ago/whatever the fuck. I learned girls don’t like a softie. Now I’m gonna be a total asshole and get rich quick and have all the babes. But wait, female lead likes the old me? HANG ON. I’m going to redeem myself in the last 15 minutes of the movie after being a douche bag for 89% of the movie and having no redeeming features.

Female Lead: I’ll always love you, male lead. My entire purpose as a character is to prop you up. teeheee

fuck off
Okay but when Female Lead rips into Male Lead over his asshole persona instead of waiting for him to realize he's not being True to Himself? Good shit.
I believe they're talking about the fact that actors in teenage dramas are often several years older than the characters they portray. Happens in other genres as well, but teen dramas are especially egregious about it.
I believe they're talking about the fact that actors in teenage dramas are often several years older than the characters they portray. Happens in other genres as well, but teen dramas are especially egregious about it.
It is the character not the actor. You can have a 80 year old playing a teenager suffering from Progeria and I would still hate that character because it is a teenager.
It is the character not the actor. You can have a 80 year old playing a teenager suffering from Progeria and I would still hate that character because it is a teenager.
I... What? Are you not a fan of how teen characters are portrayed, or do you just not like kids in general?
The waterfall scene. It's in every goddamned children's movie. I swear every time I see it I want to find the screenwriter and give them a lecture about how it's physically impossible to survive going over a cliff (essentially) and coming out with no injuries to speak of.

People dodging bullets. Like, how? You'd have to see it coming from roughly to football fields away to do that.

Lack of schoolwork in high school shows. I know they're obviously not going to show the boring bits of life, but there's literally no mention or influence of schoolwork on the plot whatsoever yet the creators decided it should be centered around high school to appeal to teen audiences. It would be perfectly fine if you set it in a more appropriate, adult setting. [Yes, Riverdale].

People waking up with full, extremely evident, makeup. What. Yeah, it's the media, but nobody has perfectly curled eyebrows and straight hair when they wake up. :>
Speaking of which,
Starting an episode with the protagonist waking up for the day, having a perfect day, then waking up to find themselves in the middle of a crisis the next.
Not sure if you're just trolling, but "not liking child/young adult actors or characters" isn't really a trope or cliche lol. That's just a random preference of yours.

I agree with this one:
Kaztastrophe Kaztastrophe
Yeah, sure, but you didn't list any of those specifically. You only said:
Children they should not be allowed to exist on tv.
By children I mean anyone under 25.
If you're now picking a specific trope then we can def have an interesting discussion (because I think a lot of tropes associated with children in film are ridiculous) but you should clarify that then.

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